Sophomore Research Paper- bullying

The Research Paper
The research paper is the staple of the academic world. Most of you will have to produce one before your
first collegiate holiday break. Many schools even require some type of research thesis as the end point of the
undergraduate major- a kind of initiation into the work of a given field. Many careers require research projects as a
part of the every-day work experience. Therefore, it is essential that you become comfortable with the research
The Assignment
You will be writing a research paper about school bullying. You will explain what causes school
bullying, the overall effects of school bullying, and the possible ways to prevent/discourage school bullying.
Your personal opinion must not be overtly expressed in your essay, but your choice of source material will make
your position fairly obvious. You must inform your audience of the pertinent elements of the bullying topic by using
reliable, current, relatively objective research. You will explore a topic as thoroughly as possible and use your
research to gain a comprehensive, acute understanding of that topic, which you will filter down into a 3-5 page
essay, complete with citations and proper documentation, in addition to a works cited page and a title page. Your
works cited page and title page do not count as a part of that 3-page minimum.
You may not directly copy someone else’s words or relay another author’s ideas unless you properly
attribute those words to their originator. You must gather information from a variety of sources and compile that
information into a well-written essay. The essay must be original and written in your own words. While you may
use properly cited direct quotations, these direct quotes should not compose the bulk of your essay. Any essays
containing portions written by others (parents, other students, siblings, web sites, pulp essay generators, etc.) will
not receive any credit. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden and may result in a total loss of credit.
Type your paper or write it on a computer and print it out on standard-sized paper (8.5 X 11 inches).
Double-space your paper.
Set the margins of your document to 1 inch on all sides.
Create a header that numbers all pages consecutively in the lower right-hand corner, one-half inch from
the top and flush with the right margin. Do not include your name in your header.
Your title page should have your title centered in the middle of the page, and should list your name, your
instructor's name (Ms. Pomerantz), the course, and the date (the due date). This page is the only area in
which you will be permitted to print your name and topic.
The maximum font size is 12. You may use any font you wish other than black, bold, or decorative
Your final paper must contain a minimum of two forms of secondary research (one print source and one
electronic source).
You may not use any direct quotes that exceed five words.
You are required to use the following main points: the causes of school bullying, the overall impact of
school bullying, and the ways to prevent/discourage school bullying.
Procedures and Schedule
Each deadline is firm, and failure to meet any deadline will result in a severe point penalty. Forfeiting a
grade on this particular assignment will most likely result in a failing grade for the semester. The steps that follow
are being required in order to help you organize your time, resources, and procedures, as well as to help you master
each area of the research process. You may not skip any step!
Annotated bibliography of at least two sources
in at least two different formats (see description)
Due __________________________
Note cards (5+) (see description)
Due __________________________
Typewritten outline (see sample)
Due __________________________
Peer critique draft of final paper, including full
citations and properly formatted works cited page
Due __________________________
Final paper, with complete documentation
Due __________________________
Your rough and final drafts of this research paper must be typewritten. Be sure to refer to the handouts
distributed in class while writing your paper. These handouts will prove to be invaluable guidelines! Remember:
plagiarism is not only a breach of school and moral conduct, it could result in course failure!
Note cards
Information of some kind
Direct quotes you’d like to use
Interesting, applicable facts
Information gathered from one source to direct you to another
Study results
The front of your card is going to have the information you’ve gathered written on it (in ink). These cards
will help you organize your paper and/or order your information, statistics, and quotes.
Complete, accurate source information
Dickinson, Barry. “Where Do Schools Come
From?” Academic Research Journal 29
(1978): 234-35.
It is crucial that you complete the source information on the back of your cards. This will save you lots of
time as you write your paper. As you pull information from your cards, you will need only to flip them over and
gather the information off of the back to transfer onto your Works Cited page.
Annotated Bibliography
This is a Works Cited list with a brief summary or description of each source listed after the citation. This
is not the format you will use for your actual research paper. Your paper will include a standard MLA style Works
Cited page. The annotated bibliography is merely a way for me to check your progress.
Sample Blank Outline:
I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter
B. Thesis Statement
II. Main Point #1
A. Support
1. support for A
2. support for A
B. Support
1. support for B
2. support for B
III. Main Point #2
A. Support
1. support for A
2. support for A
B. Support
1. support for B
2. support for B
IV. Main Point #3
A. Support
1. support for A
2. support for A
B. Support
1. support for B
2. support for B
V. Conclusion
A. Rephrased Thesis Statement
B. Something To Think About
Sample Outline:
I. Introduction
A. How many deaths will be attributed to school bullying by the end of this school year?
B. While the causes and effects of school bullying have been exhaustively studied, methods of discouraging bullying continue
to evolve.
II. Causes of school bullying
A. Peer pressure
1. Popularity
2. Victimization
B. Lack of parental guidance
1. No community spirit
2. Lack of deterrents
III. Overall impact of school bullying
A. Lack of confidence
1. Physical deterioration
2. Intellectual deterioration
B. Depression
1. Fear
2. Suicide
IV. Ways to prevent/discourage school bullying
A. School-based intervention
1. Education
2. Counseling
B. Home-based intervention
1. Parental involvement
2. Community involvement
V. Conclusion
A. The causes of school bullying, the grievous effects of bullying, and the possible means to prevent school bullying continue
to be explored in an effort to reduce its tragic outcomes.
B. If we can all play a part in eradicating school bullying, what role will you play?