GREATER VANCOUVER REGIONAL DISTRICT ELECTORAL AREA COMMITTEE Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) Electoral Area Committee held at 9:06 a.m. on Friday, March 19, 2010 in the 2nd Floor Boardroom, 4330 Kingsway, Burnaby, British Columbia. PRESENT: Chair, Director Maria Harris, Electoral Area A Councillor Suzanne Anton, Vancouver Director Tim Stevenson, Vancouver (arrived at 9:38 a.m.) Director Richard Walton, North Vancouver District ABSENT: Director Andrea Reimer, Vancouver STAFF: Delia Laglagaron, Deputy Commissioner/Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Administrative Officer’s Dept Christina DeMarco, Regional Development Division Manager, Policy and Planning Department Priya Rai, Assistant to Regional Committees, Corporate Secretary's Department 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA 1.1 March 19, 2010 Regular Meeting Agenda It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Electoral Area Committee; a) amend the agenda for the Electoral Area Committee regular meeting scheduled for March 19, 2010 by considering Item 5.9: Managers Report after Item 3.3: Judy Williams, Chair, UBC-MV Liaison Land Use Committee and Brian Woodcock, Chair, Pacific Spirit Park Society; and b) adopt the agenda as amended. CARRIED 2. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES 2.1 November 20, 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Electoral Area Committee adopt the minutes of its regular meeting held November 20, 2009 as circulated. CARRIED Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the GVRD Electoral Area Committee held on Friday, March 19, 2010 Page 1 of 9 3. DELEGATIONS 3.1 Roger W. Gale, Chair, Passage Island Homeowners’ Association Roger W. Gale, Chair, Passage Island Homeowners’ Association, was present to update Committee members on Passage Island’s breakwater project and appeal for potential funding by Metro Vancouver. Members were informed that the area allocated for the breakwater is provincial property. Passage Island has 61 lots, of which 26 are built on. Discussion ensued on the allocation of Passage Island’s taxes and the amount paid to the Islands Trust. It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Electoral Area Committee direct staff to report back on Metro Vancouver financing and ownership of the electoral area local infrastructure. CARRIED Presentation material dated March 19, 2010, titled “Passage Island Breakwater Project: Request” from Roger W. Gale, Passage Island Home Owners’ Association is retained with the March 19, 2010 Electoral Area Committee agenda. 3.2 Sharon Kennedy and Bill Grenier Sharon Kennedy and Bill Grenier provided a presentation titled “Request to Proceed with Bylaw Enforcement at 15 Strachan Point” to request Metro Vancouver action and enforcement of Zoning Bylaws to remove nonconforming structure at 15 Strachan Point. Discussion ensued on the use of public land, including the boat ramp and the need for Metro Vancouver’s timely involvement. 9:38 a.m. Director Stevenson arrived at the meeting. Request of Staff Staff was requested to provide a report to the Electoral Area Committee outlining the details of the dispute regarding 15 Strachan Point. Presentation material dated March 19, 2010, titled “Request to Proceed with Bylaw Enforcement at 15 Strachan Point Road” from Sharon Kennedy is retained with the March 19, 2010 Electoral Area Committee agenda. 3.3 Judy Williams, Chair, UBC-Metro Vancouver Liaison Land Use Committee and Brian Woodcock, Chair, Pacific Spirit Park Society Judy Williams, Chair, UBC-Metro Vancouver Liaison Land Use Committee and Brian Woodcock, Chair, Pacific Spirit Park Society were present to discuss governance over development on the UBC campus. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the GVRD Electoral Area Committee held on Friday, March 19, 2010 Page 2 of 9 The delegation was encouraged to forward questions regarding UBC governance and development oversight options to Metro Vancouver staff for review. Presentation material titled “Pacific Spirit Park Society” is retained with the March 19, 2010 Electoral Area Committee agenda. The Chair advised receipt of a late delegation request. It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Electoral Area Committee hear the following late delegation pertaining to agenda Item 6.4 “Governance Review at UBC”: 3.4 David Lance, CUPE (Canadian Union of Public Employees). CARRIED 3.4 Late Delegation: David Lance, General Vice President, CUPE Local 116 David Lance, General Vice President, CUPE Local 116, spoke to the Committee on CUPE’s support for a working group to study and recommend better ways of governing land development and use at UBC. In support of Item 6.4, members were informed of CUPE’s wish to be involved in the consultation process and CUPE’s view that an amalgamation with the City of Vancouver will be the most viable option. Agenda Varied The order of the agenda was varied to consider Item 5.9 Managers Report at this point. 5.9 Manager’s Report Report dated March 11, 2010 from Christina DeMarco, Division Manager, Policy and Planning Department, reporting on UBC Governance and land use controls. • • • Members were informed of the results of the GVRD/UBC joint Committee on November 25, 2009 o UBC Joint Committee members said that they would seek guidance from their Board of Governors on the next steps o Members were informed that alternate government mechanisms are being investigated by the Province the City of Vancouver is unlikely to take action to amalgamate unless UBC or its residents express an interest a representative from the Ministry of Community and Rural Development should been invited to attend a meeting on April 16, 2010 Request of Staff Staff was requested to invite a representative from the Ministry of Community and Rural Development to the April 16, 2010 Electoral Area Committee meeting. Agenda Order Resumed The order of the agenda resumed. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the GVRD Electoral Area Committee held on Friday, March 19, 2010 Page 3 of 9 4. INVITED PRESENTATIONS No items presented. 5. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEE OR STAFF 5.1 2010 Electoral Area Committee Priorities Report dated February 22, 2010 from Christina DeMarco, Division Manager, Policy and Planning Department, providing the Electoral Area Committee with information on its key priorities and work program for year 2010. Concerns were raised regarding the value added to the Metro Vancouver Island Trust properties by residents paying property tax to the Island Trust. It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Electoral Area Committee: a) amend the report dated February 22, 2010, titled “2010 Electoral Area Committee Priorities” as follows: i. on page 1, in Section 2. Context, paragraph 2, by adding after the phrase ”governance issues at UBC”, the phrase “in particular to land use planning” ii. on page 3, attachment 1, in “2nd Quarter” and “3rd Quarter”, by adding after the phrase ”governance issues at UBC”, the phrase “in particular to land use planning” iii. on page 3, attachment 1, in “2nd Quarter”, by adding “consideration of the relationship of the Islands Trust to the Metro Vancouver jurisdiction”; and b) endorse the priorities, activities and workplan set out in the report as amended, dated February 22, 2010, titled “2010 Electoral Area Committee Priorities“ CARRIED 5.2 GVRD Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 1118, 2010 Report dated February 16, 2010 from Jeff Gogol, Environmental Regulatory Planner and David Boote, Electoral Area A Planner, Policy and Planning Department, seeking authorization of amendments to the “Greater Vancouver Regional District Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 1050, 2006”, the amendments of which include offences and fines for the Electoral Area regulatory bylaws. It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Board: a) introduce and give first, second and third reading to “Greater Vancouver Regional District Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 1118, 2010”; b) reconsider, pass and finally adopt “Greater Vancouver Regional District Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 1118, 2010”. CARRIED Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the GVRD Electoral Area Committee held on Friday, March 19, 2010 Page 4 of 9 5.3 Electoral Area A Election Process Report dated January 8, 2010 from Chris Plagnol, Deputy Corporate Secretary, Corporate Secretary’s Department, reporting on the feasibility of contracting out the Electoral Area A election process to adjacent municipalities; and providing a recommendation on inviting public comment on the election process. Discussion ensued on the following: • liaison with the City of Vancouver regarding better awareness of school board elections • additional representative groups, such as Indian Arm Rate Payers, Pitt Lake Group and UBC Housing It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Board direct staff to: a) Obtain and use Elections BC voter data for registered electors in Electoral Area A for the purposes of election outreach, and b) Seek written submissions about the Electoral Area A election process by inviting comment through advertisements in local newspapers and the Metro Vancouver website, and mailing directly to representative organizations in the Electoral Area. CARRIED 5.4 Proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1125, 2010 for Properties on Indian Arm Report dated February 25, 2010 from Jason Smith, Regional Planner, Policy and Planning Department, providing information relative to a proposal to rezone a series of properties on Indian Arm and initiating the rezoning process. It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Board: a) Give first and second reading to Greater Vancouver Regional District Electoral Area A Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1125, 2010. b) Refer Greater Vancouver Regional District Electoral Area A Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1125, 2010 to public hearing. c) Pursuant to Section 891 of the Local Government Act, delegate the holding of the public hearing to the Electoral Area Committee. CARRIED Director Stevenson absent at the vote. 5.5 Bowyer Island - Relationship with Metro Vancouver and Islands Trust Report dated March 2, 2010 from David Boote, Electoral Area Planner and Eric Aderneck, Regional Planner, Policy and Planning Department, reporting back on a) Bowyer Island membership issues raised relative to the Advisory Planning Commission (APC), b) governance issues relating to Bowyer Island, and c) the process Metro Vancouver follows for making decisions. Discussion ensued on the following: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the GVRD Electoral Area Committee held on Friday, March 19, 2010 Page 5 of 9 • resident/property owner and corporation eligibility to be a member of the APC; shareholders of the corporations are not considered property owners and therefore cannot vote in municipal elections It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Board send a letter to the Local Government Task Force to request that the Bowyer Island cabin owners who are members of corporations be allowed to vote in local municipal elections. CARRIED Request of Staff Staff was requested to review the definitions of “seasonal” and “permanent” residents and report on which constituents are entitled to vote and their eligibility to be appointed as a member of the Advisory Planning Commission. It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Electoral Area Committee receive for information the report dated March 2, 2010, titled “Bowyer Island - Relationship with Metro Vancouver and Islands Trust”. CARRIED 5.6 Investigation of Possible Debris Collection Service at Indian Arm Report dated February 22, 2010 from David Boote, Electoral Area Planner and Eric Aderneck, Regional Planner, Policy and Planning Department, outlining the options, including possible partnerships with stakeholders, to provide debris collection service for water access only properties on Indian Arm. Discussion ensued on the following: • communication with residents of Indian Arm to ascertain what services are required from Metro Vancouver • facilitation of debris collection or an advertised drop-off point • possibility of a Tsleil-Waututh Nation business opportunity Request of Staff Staff was requested to contact the Staff at the District of North Vancouver to discuss waste management options at Indian Arm. It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Electoral Area Committee direct staff to look into various options to facilitate debris collection and disposal on a user-pay basis for Indian Arm residents and property owners with water access only and report back to the Committee with recommendations for such service. CARRIED Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the GVRD Electoral Area Committee held on Friday, March 19, 2010 Page 6 of 9 5.7 Review of Gambier Associated Islands Official Community Plan Report dated February 17, 2010 from David Boote, Electoral Area Planner, Policy and Planning Department, providing comment, as requested, on the Gambier Associated Islands Official Community Plan as the local government authority for Passage Island and Bowyer Island; and providing an overview of the proposed Gambier Associated Islands Official Community Plan (which includes Bowyer Island and Passage Island) and identifying the key considerations and implications of this Plan for Metro Vancouver. Concerns were raised regarding page two of the report and clarification was requested from staff regarding Metro Vancouver’s Regional Growth Strategy jurisdiction in land use policy for Passage Island and Bowyer Island. It was highlighted that there should be communications with the Local Island Committees regarding 4.1 “Objectives and Policies for Passage Island” on item 4.1.16: “The LTC (Local Trust Committee) should request the District of West Vancouver to recognise the challenges associated with providing access to Passage Island, including supporting the provision of long-term parking, waste disposal and passenger ferry and water taxi services” and item 4.1.18: “The LTC requests that the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure provide for and maintain safe access to the foreshore on dedicated highways”. It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Board forward to the Islands Trust the report dated February 17, 2010, titled “Review of Gambier Associated Islands Official Community Plan” as revised at the March 19, 2010 Electoral Area Committee meeting. CARRIED 5.8 2010 Electoral Area Committee Meeting Dates Report dated February 4, 2010 from Paulette Vetleson, Corporate Secretary, Corporate Secretary’s Department establishing the day, hour and place of committee meetings. It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Electoral Area Committee establish the day, hour and place for its 2010 regular meetings as follows: Day and Hour Friday, March 19 Friday, April 16 Tuesday 11 May Friday, June 18 9:00 am 10.00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am Friday, July 23 Friday, September 17 Friday, October 15 Friday, November 19 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am Place Meetings will be held in the 2nd floor boardroom, 4330 Kingsway, Burnaby, British Columbia unless otherwise specified on the Metro Vancouver public notice board, Metro Vancouver website, and the respective agenda. CARRIED Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the GVRD Electoral Area Committee held on Friday, March 19, 2010 Page 7 of 9 5.9 Manager’s Report Report dated March 11, 2010 from Christina DeMarco, Division Manager, Policy and Planning Department, reporting on UBC Governance, Liquor Licence application for Thunderbird Arena, and Electoral Area A Board of Variance. It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Electoral Area Committee receive for information the report dated March 11, 2010, titled “Manager’s Report”. CARRIED 6. INFORMATION ITEMS 6.1 Electoral District A (University Endowment Lands) Metro Planning Correspondence related to the Additional Land Use Development Mechanisms at UBC – Email dated November 20, 2009 from James Power. 6.2 UBC Development – Pacific Spirit Park Society Board Motion Correspondence dated February 26, 2010 from Brian Woodcock, Chair, Pacific Spirit Park Society (PSPS). 6.3 Montizambert Wynd Correspondence dated February 24, 2010 from District of West Vancouver in response to the letter dated January 23, 2010 submitted by Catharine Johnston. Request of Staff Due to the letter’s relation to tax and service items, staff was requested to follow up on the correspondence dated February 24, 2010 from the District of West Vancouver and January, 23, 2010 from Catharine Johnston and report to the May 11, 2010 Electoral Area Committee regular meeting. 6.4 Governance Review at UBC Correspondence dated December 14, 2009 addressed to Lois Jackson, Board Chair, Metro Vancouver and correspondence dated November 26, 2009 addressed to Andrea Reimer, Councillor, City of Vancouver from Colleen Garbe, President, CUPE Local 116. 6.5 Montizambert Wynd On-table correspondence dated March 16, 2010, from Catharine Johnston regarding the road access and maintenance to Montizambert Wynd. 7. OTHER BUSINESS No items presented. 8. RESOLUTION TO CLOSE MEETING No items presented. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the GVRD Electoral Area Committee held on Friday, March 19, 2010 Page 8 of 9 9. ADJOURNMENT It was MOVED and SECONDED That the Electoral Area Committee conclude its regular meeting of March 19, 2010. CARRIED (Time: 11:24 a.m.) ____________________________ Priya Rai Assistant to Regional Committees ____________________________ Maria Harris, Chair FINAL 3884512 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the GVRD Electoral Area Committee held on Friday, March 19, 2010 Page 9 of 9