Social Return on Investment Analysis. Organisation Name: Daisyhouse Housing Association Timescale for Anaylsis: Jan 2009 - Dec 2011 Project Area of Analysis: Transitional Service Evaluative (Retrospective) or Forecast (Future): Evaluative Report Author (Associate): Client Contact Names (SROI Champion): Gráinne Madden Paul Duignan Chair Funder(s): Date: May-13 Daisyhouse and GMJ Associates Transitional housing and client support service Social Return on Investment - Impact Map Organisation Objectives Scope Daisyhouse Housing Association Name Date Transitional housing and client support service Daisyhouse and GMJ Associates Activity Contract/Funding/Part of organisation Stage 2 Intended/unintended changes Description Who do we have an effect on? What do you think will change What do they Who has an effect on for them? invest? us? Residents of DH Stage 1 Stakeholders Objective of activity Purpose of analysis Gráinne Madden May-13 Time period Forecast or Evaluation Jan 2009 - Dec 2011 Evaluative Stage 3 Inputs Value € Outputs The outcomes Description What do they invest? Summary of activity (quantify) How would you describe the change? Indicator Source How would you measure it? Where did you get How much the information change is from? there? Quantity Duration The outcomes (what changes) Financial proxy How long does it What proxy would you use to last? (years) value the change? Value € Source What is the value of Where did you get the information from? the change? Number of people who experienced the service (limiting to those who initated DH data licences would be incorrect as gov funding was for all in residence) 34 1.25 Monthly rental value of studio accommodation in D8 area plus 56 for utilities as there is a utilities charge included in the DH rent €9,315.00 €621 per month X 15 months Residents have somewhere to entertain friends and family Number reporting being able to host friends and family as Interviews a benefit 30 1.25 The cost of going out for a sandwich and a coffee in a city centre café twice a week €1,300.00 €0.00 Private living units Residents are able to shut the door and have a quiet space to themselves Number reporting privacy and a quiet space for themselves as a benefit 34 1.25 The cost of going on a basic week long retreat twice per year, accommodation and travel €825.00 Improved mental and physical Trust in support workers health Support offered to 34 residents in line with €0.00 their personal programme Residents report better health both physical and mental including those coming from Number reporting an Rehab programmes who report remaining improvement substance free Interviews 29 5 Annual cost of YMCA fitness membership YMCA Dublin website €420.00 €35 per month, €420 per year Avoid death through suicide or Trust in support workers drug overdose €0.00 Some residents reported that they thought % reporting this they might now be dead without DH Interviews 5 5 Economic cost of suicide human costs Time and energy Improved confidence and self and trust in esteem support workers €0.00 29 5 Cost of a 1 hr CBT session dealing with self-esteem and confidence twice a month for 6 months 439 1.25 Average cost of a visit to a Dublin GP €50.00 €360.00 Safe secure place to live Rent (social welfare rent allowance plus some additional payment) A place of their own to host friends and family Rent €0.00 Private living units Privacy Rent Time and energy Easier access to benefits and and trust in support services support workers Provision of 14 good Residents get a safe affordable place to €168,621.00 quality affordable living live with a secure tenancy once rules are units kept Support offered to 34 residents in line with their personal programme Interviews Support workers assist residents in developing their confidence Residents report feeling more confident evidenced by them looking after Number reporting an Interviews themselves better, avoiding damaging improvement behaviour and engaging in social activities By having a place to live and support Support workers assist workers to help them, residents were able Number of access incidents €0.00 residents in accessing to access services such as GP, counselling, arranged through support DH data other services mental health specialists and occupational workers therapy more easily Bewley's Grafton St menu 10 euro per visit X 65 weeks costs X 2 multiplied by 1.25 Kennelly, B. The Economic Cost of Suicide in Ireland and National Suicide Research €983,000.00 Foundation. Johnson, Neil 2011 Assessing the Economic and Social Cost of Suicide and Attempted Suicide €780.00 €65 per session X 12 Reports of the National Consumer Agency and the Competition Authority Introduction to cookery course €325 ategoryID=56 Cert in Business Financecourse €395 Average cost used. Time and energy and trust in support workers Support workers assist Residents get a long term tenancy which €0.00 residents in they can sustain due to acquiring lifeskills developing life skills such as budgeting, cooking, cleaning Number of long term tenancies sustained DH data 23 5 Cost of courses in cooking, budgeting and hygiene Time and energy, Increased access to education Effort to apply for or work course or find job Support workers assist residents in applying Residents get onto education programme €0.00 for education or get a job programmes or for jobs Number of residents known to have accessed education DH data or got a job 15 5 Difference between single person's weekly jobseeker allowance and minimum rate job for 39 hrs per week €7,766.20 Support workers assist €0.00 residents in securing a Residents get a long term home long term home Number of residents known to have accessed a stable long term home 23 5 Current monthly rental value of a 1 bed apartment in Dublin 8 area €800 per month for one bedroom €4,656.00 apartment minus the weekly affordable rent of €95 charged by DH for long term. Increased ability to live independently Get a long term home Time and energy and some effort to engage with system to obtain a long term tenancy DH data - difference is €149.35 per week X 52 to get annual rate Stage 1 Stakeholders Stage 2 Intended/unintended changes Description Who do we have an effect on? What do you think will change What do they Who has an effect on for them? invest? us? Referral agencies (inward) Staff Sense of achievement and pride Stage 3 Inputs Value € Time, energy and effort (support worker and manager roles are paid positions, house manager is a volunteer with free live in accomodation) What do they invest? €52,626.00 €0.00 Willingness to engage in further training or education €0.00 Time, energy and effort Support given to residents through key worker support, running the service, keeping buildings clean and well maintained 13 people worked as CE workers in DH in admin, housekeeping and maintanence Formal training paid for by DH 5347 over 3 yrs plus on the job training and free seminars €0.00 People are housed in the 14 units of accommodation The DH service should help cement the value of their input e.g. drug user moving from rehab may be more successful in remaining drug free if able to have time in transitional service or mental health patient less likely to require long hospital admissions €0.00 People are supported and brought through the Personal Programme Plan in DH People are housed and supported leading to increased likelihood of being able to sustain a long term tenancy Grant aid to fund DH in providing transitional accommodation €1,595.00 €268,145.74 People will sustain a long term Grant aid to fund tenancy DH in providing transitional accommodation €490,988 Source How would you describe the change? How would you measure it? Where did you get How much the information change is from? there? How long does it What proxy would you use to last? (years) value the change? All staff reported feeling a keen sense of achievement, enjoyed the sense of autonomy in their work and reported greater confidence in tackling even challenging tasks Number reporting this feeling Interviews with staff 16 3 Cost of 2 day communications training course aiming to build confidence and assertiveness Some CE workers went on to permanent employment or further education or both Numbers getting permanent employment or going into Fas data further education 4 5 Difference between single person's weekly jobseeker allowance and minimum rate job for 39 hrs per week People took up additional courses and enrolled in education while in DH employment improving their skills Number reporting this 9.5 3 Cost of a 3 month applied learning course Cost of a senior case Moving the client to Daisyhouse gives worker's time with a client + Interviews with referral agency the space and time to focus availability of emergency referrers and DH 34 on their core expertise and help new clients accommodation place in data referral agency 1 Cost of senior case worker's time per client + cost of emergency accommodation for client Interviews with people making inward referrals + 13 DH data on services that clients come from 5 90% of the cost of rehabilitation as estimates for relapse considered to be that high without a DH type service Clients are well supported in a small client centric environment which reinforces the work of the referral agency and leads to better outcomes Avoidance of a wasted investment in the client by the inward referral agency Interviews with staff Quantity Duration The outcomes (what changes) Financial proxy Indicator Residents have better access to medical Earlier and more frequent medical cards and to medical intervention will reduce likelihood of more services due to expensive acute care in the future support and advocacy Avoidance of hospital admission for two weeks by DH data those who accessed medical services through DH 28 5 Cost of public hospital bed for 14 nights People are housed and supported leading Reduced likelihood of a return to to increased likelihood homelessness and the need to be of being able to processed through system again sustain a long term tenancy Number of residents from time under analysis with positive outcomes DH data 29 5 The cost to government of reprocessing a person who presents as homeless People are supported leading to increased likelihood of being Residents get a long term tenancy which able to sustain a long they can sustain term tenancy and are helped to access a long term home Number of residents known to have accessed a stable long term home DH data 23 5 Annual cost of emergency accomodation minus cost of long term accommodation 5 5 Economic cost of suicide Direct and indirect costs Support offered to 34 residents in line with their personal programme Grant aid to fund DH in providing transitional accommodation Total& Summary of activity (quantify) Time as part of their job to make Move people on from their service and follow up referral to get client into DH Time as part of their job to make and follow up referral to get client into DH The outcomes Description Improve their situation through getting better job (particularly Time, energy and effort for CE workers) May pay capitation fee for some HSE may have increased residents who did costs initally but there should not have medical be long term savings. card entitlement previously HSE and government funders Outputs Some people who might otherwise be dead % of residents reporting this Interviews survive Value € Source What is the value of Where did you get the information from? the change? €895.00 €7,766.20 cations-course - difference is €149.35 per week X 52 to get annual rate €745.00 g-at-the-otc/courses-2/ €15,150.00 y_MUH.php for social work salaries and Research by Threshold Housing Charity for cost of emergency accommodation Finance Dept in Coolmine Therapeutic Community €27,000.00 Treatment and Rehabilitation,€12,726.00 hospital-bed-rises-to-f331k-a-year27973268.html average Dublin Region Homeless Executive via e-mail suggested approximately 1 hour would be taken €29.00 up in processing a re-presentation. One hour of the median salary of a team lead social worker's salary as shown above €18,000.00 Research by Threshold Housing Charity €18,000 X 1 year Kennelly, B. The Economic Cost of Suicide in Ireland and National Suicide Research €697,000.00 Foundation. Johnson, Neil 2011 Assessing the Economic and Social Cost of Suicide and Attempted Suicide Social Return on Investment - Impact Map (continued from previous page) Stage 1 duplicate Stakeholders Who do we have an effect on? Who has an effect on us? 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Residents of DH 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.1 Staff 2.1 2.2 HSE & Gov Funders Referral agencies (inward) 2.3 3.1 Stage 4 Deadweight % How would you describe the change? What would have happened without the activity? Residents get a safe affordable place to live with a secure tenancy once rules are kept Residents have somewhere to entertain friends and family Residents are able to shut the door and have a quiet space to themselves Residents report better health both physical and mental including those coming from Rehab programmes who report remaining substance free Some residents reported that they thought they might now be dead without DH Residents report feeling more confident evidenced by them looking after themselves better, avoiding damaging behaviour and engaging in social activities By having a place to live and support workers to help them, residents were able to access services such as GP, counselling, mental health specialists and occupational therapy more easily Residents get a long term tenancy which they can sustain due to acquiring lifeskills such as budgeting, cooking, cleaning Residents get onto education programme or get a job Residents get a long term home Value Attribution Drop Off % % What activity did you displace? Who else Does the outcome contributed to the drop off in future change? years? Impact Calculating Social Return Discount rate (%) Year 1 (after Year 2 activity) % Quantity times financial proxy, less deadweight, displacement and attribution €316,710.00 20% 0% 0% 100% €253,368.00 €39,000.00 10% 0% 0% 100% €35,100.00 €28,050.00 10% 0% 0% 100% €25,245.00 €12,180.00 10% 0% 50% 20% €4,872.00 10.34% 1.43% 1.03% 4.00% Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 €253,368.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €35,100.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €25,245.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €4,872.00 €3,897.60 €3,118.08 €2,494.46 €1,995.57 €491,500.00 €393,200.00 €314,560.00 €251,648.00 €201,318.40 €15,834.00 €11,083.80 €7,758.66 €5,431.06 €3,801.74 €15,365.00 €3,073.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €4,968.00 €4,471.20 €4,024.08 €3,621.67 €3,259.50 €81,545.10 €57,081.57 €39,957.10 €27,969.97 €19,578.98 €53,544.00 €37,480.80 €26,236.56 €18,365.59 €12,855.91 €11,456.00 €8,019.20 €5,613.44 €0.00 €0.00 €18,638.88 €13,047.22 €9,133.05 €6,393.14 €4,475.20 €5,662.00 €3,963.40 €2,774.38 €0.00 €0.00 €412,080.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €0.00 €210,600.00 €168,480.00 €134,784.00 €107,827.20 €86,261.76 €213,796.80 €171,037.44 €136,829.95 €109,463.96 €87,571.17 €504.60 €403.68 €322.94 €258.36 €206.68 0.20% €4,915,000.00 50% 0% 40% 20% €491,500.00 €22,620.00 10% 0% 20% 30% €15,834.00 20.05% 0.65% €21,950.00 10% 20% 0% €15,365.00 80% 0.63% €8,280.00 20% 0% 20% €4,968.00 10% 0.20% €116,493.00 10% 0% 20% 30% €81,545.10 €107,088.00 20% 0% 30% 30% €53,544.00 20% 0% 0% 30% €11,456.00 All staff reported feeling a keen sense of achievement, enjoyed the sense of autonomy in €14,320.00 their work and reported greater confidence in tackling even challenging tasks Some CE workers went on to permanent €31,064.80 employment or further education or both People took up additional courses and enrolled in education while in DH employment improving their €7,077.50 skills Moving the client to Daisyhouse gives referral agency the space and time to focus on their core expertise and help new clients Stage 5 Displacement €515,100.00 3.33% 2.18% 0.47% 20% 0% 20% 30% €18,638.88 10% 0% 10% 30% €5,662.00 20% 0% 0% 0.76% 0.23% €412,080.00 50% 16.81% 3.2 Clients are well supported in a small client centric environment which reinforces the work of the €351,000.00 referral agency and leads to better outcomes 20% 0% 20% €210,600.00 20% 8.59% 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Total Stage 2 duplicate The outcomes Description Earlier and more frequent medical intervention will reduce likelihood of more expensive acute care in €356,328.00 the future Reduced likelihood of a return to homelessness and the need to be processed through system €841.00 again Residents get a long term tenancy which they can €414,000.00 sustain Some people who might otherwise be dead survive €3,485,000.00 €10,762,102.30 20% 0% 20% 20% €213,796.80 20% 0% 20% 20% €504.60 66.90% 20% 0% 20% 10% €248,400.00 €248,400.00 €223,560.00 €201,204.00 €181,083.60 €162,975.24 50% 0% 40% 20% €348,500.00 €348,500.00 €278,800.00 €223,040.00 €178,432.00 €142,745.60 €2,450,979.38 €1,377,598.91 €1,109,356.25 €892,989.01 €727,045.76 €2,450,979.38 €1,377,598.91 €1,109,356.25 €892,989.01 €727,045.76 €5,977,501.60 €5,486,513.86 9.983872021 5.611540956 €2,450,979.38 % after discounting 23% Present Value Total Present Value Net Present Value Social Return € per € Per annum €12.17 per €1 11.17 NPV