Research Report 2010: Ethics & Funding at Prince Charles Hospital

Research Report 2010
Human Research Ethics Committee [EC 00168]
From left to right: P. Lee, J. Shaw, R. Denman, J. Cameron,
J. Fischer, D. Chambers, S. Ayre, P. Fulbrook,
T. Symons and P. Rumballe
The Prince Charles Hospital Human Research
Ethics Committee, Metro North Health
Service District is established at the Metro
North Health Service District, Queensland
Health (QH). It is constituted and functions
in accordance with the NHMRC ‘National
Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human
Research’ (2007) – the National Statement
(NS); complies with the ‘Australian Code for
Responsible Conduct of Research (The Code;
2007; QH Research Management Policy and
Framework (QHRMP; 2010) and the ICH-GCP
The key objectives of the ethics committee are
to protect the mental and physical welfare,
rights, dignity and safety of participants of
research; facilitate ethical research through
efficient and effective review processes;
promote ethical standards of human
research and ensure that all clinical and
health research is conducted ethically and
responsibly. The Committee is responsible in
providing independent, competent and timely
review of research projects in respect of their
scientific merits and ethical acceptability;
monitoring approved research studies; and
provides advice at any time to the Executive
Director TPCH (ED TPCH), through the relevant
Research Governance officer (RGO) and
coordinating principal investigator.
The HREC committee is Chaired by Dr Russell
Denman – Electrophysiology Cardiologist;
Deputy Chair, Dr Daniel Chambers –
Thoracic and Lung Transplant Physician;
Philip Rumballe – Director of Pharmacy;
Trevor Symonds – Layman; Rev Burt Johns
– Religious Representative; Dr Jean Avery
– Senior Anaesthesiologist; Julie Cameron –
Solicitor; Janet Shaw – Research Scientist;
Joann Minshall – Laywoman; Dr Shuan
Pandy - Geriatrician; Professor Paul Fulbrook
– Nursing Director Research and Practice
Development; Jane Fischer – Psychologist,
Alcohol and Drug Services; Dr Pankaj Relan
– Psychiatrist; Ex-officio – Dr Stephen
Ayre – Executive Director Medical Services
and Sponsor; Philip Lee, Executive Officer Research, Ethics and Governance.
Anne Carle, Research Governance Officer
(RGO) assesses the Site Specific (SSA)
requirement and makes recommendation for
authorisation for approval of research projects
for TPCH; performs randomised compliance
monitoring of projects approved by this
Committee. Philip Lee, Executive Officer
Research; Anne Carle, Research Governance
Officer; Jacqui Hayward – Coordinator of
Support Services; and Jennifer Lincoln –
Administration Officer, together provide all
the managerial and secretarial support; and
resources to the efficient operation of the
ethics and governance activities at TPCH.
A national Lead Committee certification for the
single ethical review of multi-centred research
projects (i.e. research to be conducted at more
than one site) was initiated by NHMRC in 2010.
The Prince Charles Hospital Human Research
Ethics Committee, Metro North Health Service
District applied for accreditation in April 2010;
and after a rigorous assessment process
became one of the first HRECs in Australia to
receive certification as a Lead Committee in
May 2010.
Members of HREC are appointed for a period
of three years by the Executive Director – The
Prince Charles Hospital, Metro North HSD in
consultation with the Executive Sponsor of
HREC. Newly appointed members are provided
with orientation and mentoring. Members
attend continuing education and training in
research ethics review processes every two
Meetings are held monthly except for January
and meeting dates are published on the
Research Ethics and Governance Unit website.
Notice of meetings is given to members for
the current year and at least two (2) weeks
before any date change to a meeting. The
HREC requires the Principal Investigator
(or Coordinating Principal Investigator for
multicentred studies) to keep adequate
research records and provide access when
requested to the HREC. Provide progress
reports at intervals specified by the HREC and
at completion of any research but not less
then annually.
As per the Australian Code for the Responsible
Conduct of Research 2007 the institution
has nominated a ‘designated person’ for
handling research complaints, including
research misconduct. The ‘designated person’
for the TPCHMNHSD HREC is Philip Lee,
Executive Officer. Any concern, allegations
or complaints about the conduct of a project
must be reported, in the first instance, to the
‘designated person’ of the institution where
the approving HREC sits, to the secretariat
of the approving HREC who will enter the
complaint details on AU RED and to the local
site RGO Processing of research complaints,
including research misconduct and fraud, will
be as per the QH HREC SOP.
Research Report 2010
The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation
The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation is the
charity which supports research at The Prince
Charles Hospital.
The Foundation had a busy 2010. We
refreshed our grants framework to enable
us to continue supporting world class
established researchers while fostering the
next generation of research excellence at The
Prince Charles Hospital.
Kate Ashton
Chief Executive Officer
The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation
In total, we awarded over $1.2 million across
42 grants during the year. This included
funding for 21 novice researchers with
a variety of projects including nutrition,
arthritis, lung disease, perfusion, heart
disease, mental illness, nursing, injury
prevention, and sleep disorders. These grants
totalled $187,825.
We also provided funding for research
equipment and awarded $910,677 to 11
project grants for established researchers
across the hospital.
With the support of the hospital, the Breeze
Café kitchen was expanded to improve our
service and allow for more external catering.
The café front of house has also been
revamped, with new floorings, furniture and
paint. An additional outside dining area was
built to provide more undercover tables for
our customers.
The Foundation also renewed our own brand,
introducing a new blue ribbon heart logo
reflecting the excellence of care and research
here at The Prince Charles Hospital. We ran
two awareness campaigns, sharing the “I
lived” stories of patients who have been given
a second chance and spreading the word
about our wonderful hospital.
You can support research at The Prince
Charles Hospital by donating online at or by calling
3139 4636.
Through the Foundation’s payroll donor
scheme, 283 hospital staff donated $30,412
to directly support research happening at The
Prince Charles Hospital.
The Foundation also formalised multiyear research funding agreements with
three corporate partners. Engineering and
construction company Baulderstone, financial
advisors Q Invest, and entertainment venue
Kedron Wavell Services Club have come on
board to support research projects and care at
the hospital. Through these partnerships, we
attracted an additional $320,000 of support
for research.
Over the year, we signed three high profile
Ambassadors to help promote the excellence
of our hospital and researchers. The Hon
Wayne Swan MP, Sharif Deen and Rachael
Bermingham have all committed to helping
The Prince Charles Hospital and its Foundation
find cures and save lives.
More than 1400 volunteers worked at our
three stalls at the Ekka, making and selling
160,000 strawberry sundaes. Despite the
weather, this was one of our best fundraising
years at the Ekka and thanks to the hard work
of our wonderful volunteers we raised over
$147,000 to fund research.
Research Report 2010
Allied Health
Allied Health Research Collaborative
Name of Program
Current Research Projects
Allied Health
Allied Health Research Collaborative
Level 1, Main Acute Building
The Prince Charles Hospital
Rode Road
Chermside Q 4032
Name of Research Unit
Allied Health Research Collaborative
T: 3139 4418 (General Inquieres)
Research Personnel
Dr Suzanne Kuys/Principal Research Fellow
T: 3139 6319
Dr Petrea Cornwell/Senior Research Fellow
(Chronic Disease)
T: 3139 6612
Peter Lazzarini/Senior Research Fellow
T: 3139 6172
Dr Michael Radel/A/Principal Research Fellow
(Mental Health)
T: 3139 4418
Donna Ward/A/Principal Research Fellow
(Mental Health)
T: 3139 4330
Dr Lyn Vromans/Research Officer (Mental
T: 3139 4418
Administrative Staff
Julia Geraghty/Office Administrator
T: 3139 4418
The Allied Health Research Collaborative
commenced in July 2010 with the appointment
of four Research Fellow Positions. Three
have been filled, Dr Petrea Cornwell (Chronic
Disease), Dr Suzanne Kuys (Cardiothoracic)
and Peter Lazzarini (Podiatry).
2. Treadmill training at high intensity to
improve walking and cardiorespiratory
fitness following stroke: a randomised
controlled trial
3. Functional outcomes, exercise capacity
and recovery for patients after cardiac
4. Prevalence of falls and musculoskeletal
conditions in people with chronic heart
failure: an observational study
• 39 Existing Research Groups at TPCH and
Associated Community Services
• Allied Health Workforce Advice and
Coordination Unit (AHWACU)
• Griffith University
• RBWH Centre for Allied Health Research
• PAH Centre for Function, Disability and
• Clinical Education and Training Queensland
• TPCH Research Foundation
• Griffith Health Institute (GHI)
• Institute of Health and Biomedical
Innovation, Queensland (QUT)
• International Centre for Allied Health
Evidence (iCAHE)
• University of Queensland
PhD supervision or other items of notable
academic merit.
Currently provide supervision of five PhD
students, two M Phil and several honours
Functional outcomes following stroke: a
multicentre trial.
Mobilisation of hospital patients
admitted with acute exacerbation of heart
failure (MOBILE-HF Study)
6. Determinants for attainment and
maintenance of paid employment after
Lung Transplant.
Facilitating successful transition of adults
with traumatic brain injury (TBI) to the
home, community and workplace via
communication training
8. Efficacy of tai chi as a biopsychosocial
intervention for pulmonary hypertension
Major Research Highlights
A Grant Writing workshop have been
completed in August 2010 and a two-day
Research Education and Development (RED)
Program completed by 20 participants in
October 2010.
Research Report 2010
Allied Health
Allied Health Research Collaborative
Financial Details
Project Title
Funding Body
Jack Bell, Suzanne
Identification of best methods of nutrition
screening and assessment in fractured neck of
femur patients.
The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation
Novice Researcher Project Grant.
P Polner, O Tronstad,
A Clarke, B Pearse,
Suzanne Kuys
Functional outcomes, exercise capacity and
recovery for patients after cardiac surgery.
$13, 496
The Australasian Society of Cardiac and
Thoracic Surgeons Research Foundation
J Gesch, J Griffin, J
Fleming, Suzanne Kuys
Investigating the effect of Nintendo Wii Fit on
endurance, gait speed and balance in people with a
traumatic brain injury.
QH HP Research Grant
U Dolecka, C Prescott, J
Fleming, Suzanne Kuys
The use of spaced retrieval, errorless learning and
vanishing cues in retraining sit to stand in patients
with dementia during hospitalisation.
QH HP Research Grant
Hopper, J.D., Cornwell,
Determinants for attainment and maintenance of
paid employment after Lung Transplant.
The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation
Novice Researcher Project Grant.
Cornwell, P.L., Fleming, Facilitating successful transition of adults with
traumatic brain injury (TBI) to the home, community
and workplace via communication training.
Fleming, J.M, Worrall,
L.E., Cornwell, P.L.
Haines, T.P., et al
Determinants of successful community transition
for individuals with acquired brain injury and their
2008-11 Australian Research Council – Linkage
Fleming, J.M.,
Cornwell, P.L., Haines,
T.P. & Kendall, M.
The transition home from acute care following
acquired brain injury: a study of sentinel events.
MAIC Rehabilitation Research Grant.
QHealth – Health Practitioners Research
Research Report 2010
Allied Health
Allied Health Research Collaborative
Kuys SS, Brauer SG, Ada L, Test-retest reliability
of the GAITRite system in people with stroke
undergoing rehabilitation. Accepted Disability and
Rehabilitation, December 2010.
Kuys SS, Dolecka UE, Morrison CA. Appropriate
seating for medical patients: an audit. Accepted
Australian Health Review 28 October 2010.
Simmons NC, Kuys SS. Trial of an Allied Health
Workload Allocation Model. Australian Health
Review Accepted 7 October 2010.
Kuys S.S., Brauer SG, Ada L. High intensity treadmill
does not harm the pattern or quality of walking
following stroke: feasibility of a randomised trial. In
Press Clinical Rehabilitation. August 2010.
Morrison G, Lee H, Kuys SS, Clarke J, Bew P, Haines
TP. Changes in Falls Risk Factors for Geriatric
Diagnostic Groups across Inpatient, Outpatient
& Domiciliary Rehabilitation Settings. Accepted
Disability and Rehabilitation August 2010.
Haines TP, Kuys SS, Bew P, Clarke J, Morrison G.
Dose-response relationship between physiotherapy
resource provision with function and balance
improvements in patients following stroke: A
multi-centre observational study. In Press Journal
of Evaluation in Clinical Practice September 2009
ISSN 1356-1294
Kuys SS, Morrison G, Bew P, Clarke J, Haines TP.
Further validation of the Balance Outcome Measure
for Elder Rehabilitation. Archives of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation 2011; 92: 101-5.
Lazzarini PA, Clark D, Mann R, Perry V, Thomas
C, Kuys SS. Does the use of store-and-forward
telehealth systems improve outcomes for clinicians
managing diabetic foot ulcers? A pilot study.
Wound Practice & Research 2010, 18 (4): 164-172.
Nitz JC, Kuys SS, Isles R, Fu, S. Is the Wii Fit™ a new
generation tool for improving balance, health and
well-being? A pilot study. Climacteric 2010; 13 (5):
487-491 ISSN 1473-0804
Kuys SS, Brauer SG, Bew PG, Lynch MR, Morrison
G. Measures of activity limitation at rehabilitation
admission following stroke have moderate ability
to predict gait speed required for community
ambulation: an observational study. Australian
Journal of Physiotherapy 2009; 55: 265-268. IF 1.981
Haines TP, Kuys SS, Bew P, Clarke J, Morrison G
Cost-effectiveness analysis of screening for risk
of in-hospital falls using physiotherapist clinical
judgement. Medical Care 2009; 47(4): 448-56.
need for further research. International Journal of
Language and Communication Disorders, 2010;
45(1), 31-46.
Turner B, Fleming J, Ownsworth T, Cornwell P.
Perceived service and support needs during
transition from hospital to home following acquired
brain injury. Accepted Disability & Rehabilitation
November 2010.
Turner B, Fleming J, Parry J, Vromans M, Cornwell
P, Ownsworth T. Caregivers of adults with acquired
brain injury: the emotional impact of transition from
hospital to home. Brain Impairment, 2010; 11(3),
Doig EJ, Fleming J, Cornwell P, Kuipers P. Comparing
the experience of outpatient therapy in home and
day hospital settings after TBI: patient, significant
other and therapist perspectives. Accepted
Disability & Rehabilitation November 2010.
Cornwell PL, Fleming J, Fisher A, Kendall M,
Ownsworth T, Turner B. Supporting the needs
of young adult with acquired brain injury during
transition from hospital to home: the Queensland
service provider perspective. Brain Injury, 2009; 10,
Rumbach AF, Ward EC, Cornwell PL, Bassett
LV, Spermon ML, Plaza AL, et al. Dysphagia
management and rehabilitation: a multidisciplinary
collaborative. Accepted Journal of Medical SpeechLanguage Pathology October 2010.
Cornwell PL, Cahill LM. Acquired childhood
dysarthria in a school-aged child. In S. Chabon & E.
Cohn (Eds.), Communication disorders: A casebased approach, stories from the frontline 2010,
Allyn & Bacon.
Doig E, Fleming J, Kuipers P, Cornwell PL. Clinical
utility of the combined use of the canadian
occupational performance measure and
goal attainment scaling. American Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 2010; 64(6), 904-904.
Doig E, Fleming J, Kuipers P, Cornwell PL.
Comparison of rehabilitation outcomes in day
hospital and home settings for people with acquired
brain injury - a systematic review. Disability &
Rehabilitation, 2010; 32(25), 2061-2077.
Haines TP, Foster MM, Cornwell P, Fleming J, Tweedy
S, Hart A, et al. Impact of Enhanced Primary Care
on equitable access to and economic efficiency of
allied health services: a qualitative investigation.
Australian Health Review, 2010; 34(1), 30-35.
Leach E, Cornwell P, Fleming J, Haines T. Patient
centered goal-setting in a subacute rehabilitation
setting. Disability and Rehabilitation, 2010; 32(2),
Wenke R., Cornwell P, Theodoros DG. Changes
to articulation following LSVT and traditional
dysarthria therapy in non-progressive dysarthria.
International Journal of Speech-Language
Pathology, 2010; 12(3), 203-220.
Wenke RJ, Theodoros D, Cornwell P. Effectiveness
of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT)® on
hypernasality in non-progressive dysarthria: the
Doig E, Fleming J, Cornwell PL, Kuipers P. Qualitative
exploration of a client-centered, goal-directed
approach to community-based occupational therapy
for adults with traumatic brain injury. American
Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2009; 63(5), 559568.
Foster MM, Cornwell PL, Fleming JM, Mitchell GK,
Tweedy SM, Hart AL, et al. Better than nothing?
Restrictions and realities of Enhanced Primary Care
for allied health practitioners. Australian Journal of
Primary Health, 2009; 15, 326-334.
Rumbach AF, Ward EC, Cornwell PL, Bassett
LV, Muller MJ. The challenges of dysphagia
management and rehabilitation after extensive
thermal burn injury: a complex case. Journal of Burn
Care and Research, 2009; 30(5), 901-905.
Turner B, Fleming J, Cornwell P, Haines T,
Ownsworth T. Profiling early outcomes during the
transition from hospital to home after brain injury.
Brain Injury, 2009; 23(1), 51-60.
Turner B, Ownsworth T, Cornwell P, Fleming J.
Reengagement in meaningful occupations during
the transition from hospital to home for people with
acquired brain injury and their family caregivers.
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2009;
63(5), 609-620.
Wadsworth BM, Haines TP, Cornwell PL, Paratz JD.
Abdominal binder use in people with spinal cord
injuries: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Spinal Cord, 2009; 47(4), 274-285.
Phillpotts W, Cornwell P, Haines T. (2009).
Examining compliance, barriers and facilitators
to ongoing aquatic exercise post discharge from
hospital outpatient aquatic therapy. Journal of
Aquatic Physical Therapy, 17(1), 1-7.
Research Report 2010
Allied Health
Mental Health Research Program
The Research Unit operates within
The Allied Health Research Collaborative
Name of Research Unit
Mental Health Research Program
Executive Director, Allied Health
Services, Metro North (Northern
Mark Butterworth
T: 3139 4137
F: 3139 4867
Acting Principal Research Fellow
(Mental Health)
Donna Ward
T: 3139 4418
F: 3139 6228
Senior Research Officer
Mike Radel
T: 3139 4418
F: 3139 6228
Research Officer
Lyn Vromans
T: 3139 4418
F: 3139 6228
Administrative Staff
Julia Geraghty
T: 3139 4418
F: 3139 6228
The Allied Health Research Collaborative
Level 1, Main Acute Building
The Prince Charles Hospital
Rode Road
Chermside Q 4032
The Mental Health Research Program is a new
initiative, commencing in July 2010 with the
appointment of an Acting Principal Research
Fellow (Donna Ward). Operating within the
newly formed Metro North (Northern) Allied
Health Research Collaborative, the mission is
to build research capacity in the area’s Mental
Health workforce. While the team looks
forward to the recruitment of the permanent
Principal Research Fellow, currently underway,
the initial development of the Mental
Health Research Program has successfully
The preliminary research agenda for the
Mental Health Research Development Program
has evolved to include three research streams
within areas that align with National, State
and District Mental Health Service priorities:
(a) Translating Evidence into Program
Delivery; (b) Improving Carer Support and
Engagement, and; (c) Mental Health across
the Health Care Continuum. Review of the
research streams and priorities, however,
continues and may involve the conduct of a
service level and multi-disciplinary research
planning forum that will link the National
and State priorities with the unique needs
and interests of the local District’s Mental
Health research plan. The need for a clear
research program that can attract funding and
become self-sustaining will be balanced with
a mission of the AHRC: to encourage clinician
led research initiatives that directly build
research capacity and innovation.
Currently, four clinician-led research projects
have received ethical approval and are at
varying stages of completion. A further three
are in conceptualisation and planning phases.
The position of Acting Principal Research
Fellow (Mental Health) underpins the Mental
Health Research Program. The position
functions in the newly formed Health
Practitioner Resource Unit, within the Metro
North Health Service district in partnership
with the Queensland University of Technology
(QUT) Institute of Health and Biomedical
Innovation (IHBI), through a multidisciplinary
adjunct appointment with the School of
Psychology and Counselling, Faculty of Health
at the Kelvin Grove Campus. The position,
currently shared by Donna Ward and Dr
Michael Radel, is a three-year position with
possibility of extension until June 2014.
M. Radel
PhD supervision or other items of notable
academic merit:
The Mental Health Research Program currently
1. One PhD project in collaboration with
QUT: Does Cognitive Functioning Assist in
Distinguishing Subjects with Dissociative
Identity Disorder from those with
Amy Wong (PI), a clinical psychologist working
as the Multicultural Mental Health Coordinator
with Clinical Support Services for Metro
North Mental Health Services, leads this PhD
research under the supervision of Professor
Robert King (QUT), Professor Warwick
Middleton and Dr James Scott (Queensland
Aim: To explore the difference in cognitive
functioning between schizophrenia and DID.
Rationale: People with dissociative identity
disorder (DID) receive treatment in mental
health services for six to seven years on
average before receiving diagnosis of DID.
During that lengthy treatment period, a
number of diagnoses are often made. Due
to the presentation of positive psychotic
symptoms, common to both DID and
Schizophrenia, previous diagnoses of
Schizophrenia is most common. Although
Research Report 2010
Allied Health
Mental Health Research Program
experts in the field have posited that
differences in cognitive function may
distinguish the two disorders, there has been
a lack of supportive research.
Method: Following formal diagnostic
assessment, the researcher will assess and
compare the cognitive functioning of 40
participants with DID, 40 with schizophrenia,
and a community sample, also exploring
potential effects of co-morbidity on cognition.
Expected Outcomes: Determining whether the
presence of cognitive deficits distinguishes
DID from schizophrenia; have the potential
to inform diagnostic decisions, subsequently
improving treatment outcomes.
these meanings may influence the recovery
trajectory of these individuals can contribute
to the development of early interventions for
this population.
Method: The research will utilize a mixed
methodology to identify themes associated
with positive and negative recovery
trajectories. Qualitative methods will be
used to identify the main themes around
participant’s subjective experiences of
psychosis. Quantitative method will employ
a repeated–measures design to compare
participants who have made the most and
least improvements in recovery, six months
after initial FEP.
Expected Outcomes: This research will
contribute to early interventions for FEP.
Providing a richer understanding of how
people with positive and negative recovery
trajectories make meaning of their illness
will inform clinicians in fostering constructive
interpretations of illness and instilling a
recovery orientation.
Research Projects
From left to right: D. Ward, P. Stacey, R. Kaiser, L. Vromans
and M. Butterworth
2. One Clinical Doctoral student project
in collaboration with QUT: Recovery from
Psychosis: Learning from Lived Experience.
Melissa Connell (PI), a Clinical Doctoral
student at the QUT, leads this research,
supervised by Associate Professor Robert
Schweitzer (QUT), Professor Robert King (QUT)
and Donna Ward (Queensland Health).
Aim: To investigate the ways in which
individuals make meaning from their
experience of psychosis and how this may
facilitate or inhibit recovery.
Rationale: Understanding the factors which
shape the ways that individuals with First
Episode Psychosis (FEP) make meaning
from their experience of illness and how
1. Impact of Cognitive Remediation Therapy for
Psychosis on Core Cognitive Processes among
People with Early and Chronic Stage Illness.
Olaf Handrick (PI), Advanced Clinical
Psychologist working with the Medium Secure
Unit, leads this research with the support of a
multidisciplinary team.
Aim: To measure cognitive and functional
impact of a computerised Cognitive
Remediation Treatment (CogPac) in distinct
clinical populations with different levels of
chronicity and different treatment settings.
Rationale: Previous international studies
focused on the whole group of severe mental
illness and were not conducted within the
social economic context of Qld.
The current research was designed to gather
locally grounded evidence within three clinical
subpopulations aligned to different services,
i.e. community and inpatient.
Method: This research utilizes quantitative
repeated measures methodology. Following
recruitment of 50 participants with enduring
psychotic symptoms from four clinical
locations – Medium Secure Unit, Early
Psychosis Service, Mobile Intensive Support
Team, Community Care, participants will be
assessed using neuro-psych test battery and
inventories, then administered 40 one-hour
sessions of computer based CRT.
Expected Outcomes: Should CRT be shown
as effective, implementation of CRT as
standard practice in the local service
setting will improve outcomes of mental
health consumers with severe and enduring
psychotic symptoms by remediating the
impact of cognitive decline associated with
2. Promoting Recovery for Early Psychosis
Clients by Effectively Assisting and Supporting
Caregivers in their Roles.
Roslyn Kaiser (PI), Senior Social Worker with
the Medium Secure Unit, leads this project,
with support from Dr Mark Brough, Director
of Research, QUT Social Work and Human
Aim: To explore the experience of carers of
loved ones with early psychosis, specifically
to determine: (a) carers’ unmet needs; (b) the
barriers or problems in attending supportive
programs, specifically the Strengthening
Families Program, and; (c) how TPCH might
further support caregivers.
Rationale: Previous research indicates
the important contribution of carers to the
wellbeing of individuals with early psychosis.
Current intervention programs may not be
meeting the needs of carers.
Participant group: Approximately 20 adult
family members or carers of individuals with
early psychosis.
Method: The researcher will engage
participants in an interview which will include:
(a) a questionnaire into the demographic and
caring experiences of carers, and;
(b) a qualitative interview will explore the
experiences of carers in accessing supportive
services, specifically the Strengthening
Families Program, with emphasis on
associated unmet needs, barriers and
Expected outcomes: Research findings will
provide a richer understanding of carers’
experience than currently exists to inform
future programs to more effectively assist the
well being of carers and of consumers with
early psychosis.
3. Recovery from Psychosis: Learning from
Lived Experience. Melissa Connell (PI). See
above for a short description of the study.
Research Report 2010
Allied Health
Mental Health Research Program
From left to right: P. Lazzarini, M. Butterworth, P. Cornwell, S. Kuys, J. Geraghty and D. Ward
4. Does Cognitive Functioning Assist in
Distinguishing Subjects with Dissociative
Identity Disorder from those with
Schizophrenia? Amy Wong (PI). See above for
a short description of the study.
Major Research Highlights
Two current projects accepted for presentation
in The Allied Health Research Showcase on
the 15th November 2010:
Financial Details
Promoting Recovery for Early Psychosis
Clients by Effectively Assisting and Supporting
Caregivers in their Roles: Received $590 from
The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation
The Mental Health Research Program has
received considerable financial and in-kind
support through the contributions of Mental
Health Services, Allied Health Directorate and
the Queensland University of Technology.
1. Impact of Cognitive Remediation Therapy
for Psychosis on Core Cognitive Processes
among People with Early and Chronic Stage
2.Promoting Recovery for Early Psychosis
Clients by Effectively Assisting and Supporting
Caregivers in their Roles
S. Wong
Research Report 2010
Allied Health
Nutrition and Dietetics
Name of Program
Allied Health
Name of Unit
Nutrition and Dietetics
Department Director
Karen Atkinson
T: 3139 5012
F: 3139 6147
E: Department Research Portfolio
Jack Bell
T: 3139 5589
F: 3139 6147
Nutrition and Dietetic Services
The Prince Charles Hospital
Rode Road
Chermside Q 4032
The Prince Charles Hospital Department of
Nutrition and Dietetics has an increasing
participation in local inter-disciplinary
research programs as well as discipline
specific local and international research
Although the research capacity of the
department is still developing, 2009 and
2010 have seen an expansion of the research
program. Local interdisciplinary research
activities are being progressed, several
successful grants for research and equipment
have been received, and 2010 represented the
highest ever participation by the department
in national and international conference
presentations. The research capacity of the
department has been expanded through staff
participation in grant writing workshops,
active research programs and the Research,
Education and Development (RED) program.
Exciting prospects for 2011 include
participation in the QUT Nutrition and
Dietetics vacation and honours research
programs and ongoing participation in current
and new areas of research.
K. Atkinson
Adult Cystic Fibrosis Unit
Advanced Heart Failure & Cardiac Transplant
Allied Health Research Collaborative
Allied Health Research Group
Cancer Care Services
Critical Care Research Group
Internal Medicine Services
NOFEAR - Neck of Femur Education,
Administration and Research Collaborative
Queensland Centre for Pulmonary
Transplantation and Vascular Disease
Queensland Heart Failure and Transplant Unit
Tissue Viability Committee
The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation
Australia, New Zealand Intensive Care
Research Centre
Australian Society of Enteral and Parenteral
Cancer Council Australia
Dietitians Association of Australia
Griffith University Faculty of Health
Integrated Nutrition Working Group
Queensland Dietitian and Nutritionist
Strategic Coalition Research Group
Queensland University of Technology School
of Pubic Health and Institute of Health and
Biomedical Innovation
Queensland Wound Care Association,
Australian Wound Management Association
The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne
University of Queensland School of Human
Movement Studies
Research Projects
An evaluation of the nutritional status of heart
failure patients at The Prince Charles Hospital
This is a non randomised, non blinded, non
placebo observational study of TPCH heart
failure patients with the aim to provide
data on the current level of nutrient intake,
nutrition status and biochemical indices.
Australia and New Zealand Nutrition Care
The Australasian Nutrition Care Day Survey
was being conducted in 58 acute care
hospitals across Australia and New Zealand in
June 2010.
This pioneering survey collected information
regarding patients’ nutritional status and
24-hour dietary intake and will evaluate
the associations with length of stay, one
month in-hospital mortality, and number of
New Projects (ethics pending)
Audit of perioperative and postoperative
management of patients with fractured neck
of femur (ethics approval pending)
This project aims to collect data on current
practices by multidisciplinary teams in caring
for in hospital patients who undergo surgery
for fractured neck of femur and compare them
with established standards published by
other working parties.
Improving the Practice of Nutrition Therapy in
the Critically Ill: International Nutrition Survey
Research Report 2010
Allied Health
Nutrition and Dietetics
The Prince Charles Hospital is registered to
participate in this multi site, international
research project in May 2011. This quality
improvement project is an observational,
period-prevalence survey of nutrition
therapies in critically ill patients in intensive
care units across the world.
Observational study of nutrition therapy
in adult patients requiring Extracorporeal
Membrane Oxygenation in Australia and New
This research project is still in draft format,
with TPCH critical care dietitian being one
of the principal investigators. ANZIC-RC is
likely to be co-ordinating the multi-centre
international study and data collection aims to
commence in the former part of 2011 for a 12
month period.
The study aims to answer the following
questions: What are the current practices in
the provision of nutrition therapy to adult
patients on Veno-Venous (VV) or Veno-arterial
(VA ) Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation
(ECMO) in Australia & what are the patient
and system factors that impact on successful
Major Research Highlights
The receipt of two new researcher grants was
a major research highlight for the department.
Other highlights include establishment of
local research groups such as the Allied
Health Research Collaborative (AHRC) and the
NOFEAR collaborative, in addition to improved
collaborations with existing research groups
and tertiary institutions.
Angela Matson is currently an external
supervisor for a Griffith University PhD
Student who is commencing studies on BMI
profiles in patients with Cystic Fibrosis.
The Cystic Fibrosis Dietetic Service is also
currently collaborating on another project with
Dr Shawn Somerset and Griffith University
on “nutritional outcomes for patients with
cystic fibrosis during admission for infective
Queensland University of Technology is being
engaged through a number of participants
in the QUT Nutrition and Dietetics vacation
research program, for example on “The use
of continuous glucose monitoring systems in
patients with cystic fibrosis”.
Ellick J. Food Solutions: after hours access to
food and fluids at The Prince Charles Hospital.
Nutrition & Dietetics 2010; 67 (Suppl. 1):
The dietetics department was also asked
to present research proposals at a recent
ECMO Special Interest Group forum which
attracted both interstate and international
attendees (mainly Intensivists) interested
in collaborative research. This resulted
in the aforementioned development of a
multi-site, international observational study
of nutritional practises in ECMO, with The
Prince Charles Hospital to be one of the coinvestigators.
Forbes L, Ellick J. Hospital made supplements:
the better option? Nutrition & Dietetics 2010;
67 (Suppl. 1): 22–68.
Another highlight was a new benchmark
for the department with local research
initiatives showcased via more than twenty
conference presentations across national and
international venues in 2010 alone.
Financial Details
TPCH Foundation New Researcher Grants:
Wong, S. An evaluation of the nutritional
status of heart failure patients at The Prince
Charles Hospital: $9,768.
Bell, J. Identification of best methods of
nutrition screening and assessment in
fractured neck of femur patients: 9829.25.
TPCH Foundation Small Equipment Grant:
Robins, E. Quark RMR Indirect Calorimeter:
$29, 005.
Private Practise Funding:
Robins, E. Quark RMR Indirect Calorimeter:
$29, 005.
Chang W, Smith R. Shared Bed Bays - Do they
affect the level of feeding assistance received
at mealtimes? DAA Annual Conference
Melbourne 2009. Nutrition & Dietetics 2010;
67 (Suppl. 1): 22–68.
Ellick J, Smith R. The role of Nutrition
Assistants in a stretched workforce. Nutrition
& Dietetics 2010; 67 (Suppl. 1): 22–68.
Herd K, Wagenaar M, Matson A, McMillan
J. Post transplant diabetes (PTDM) in lung
transplant recipients with cystic fibrosis.
Nutrition & Dietetics 2010; 67 (Suppl. 1):
Matson A, Herd K, Bell, S. 10 years on - has
the nutritional status in adults attending
a large cystic fibrosis centre changed?8th
Australasian Cystic Fibrosis Conference book
of abstracts p113. 2009 Journal of Cystic
Fibrosis 2010; Vol. 9, Supplement 1, page
Matson A, Herd K, Wagenaar M, Bell S.
Prevalence of cystic fibrosis related diabetes
(CFRD) in an Australian adult cystic fibrosis
centre. 8th Australasian Cystic Fibrosis
Conference book of abstracts p115. 2009
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2010; Vol. 9,
Supplement 1, page S93.2010.
McMillan J, Hopkins P, Yerkovich S, Herd K,
Chambers D. First year BMI trajectory predicts
subsequent survival in LT recipients. Nutrition
& Dietetics 2010; 67 (Suppl. 1): 22–68.
O’Hanlon J, Chu B, Ellick J, Barnes J.
Evaluating new ways to offer patient meals:
electronic v’s paper menus. Nutrition &
Dietetics 2010; 67 (Suppl. 1): 22–68.
Robins E. Jumping the queue: Reducing
waiting lists for dietetic outpatients. Nutrition
& Dietetics 2010; 67 (Suppl. 1): 22–68.
Robins E. Starving for attention: a review
of fasting times in general surgical patients
at The Prince Charles Hospital. Nutrition &
Dietetics 2010; 67 (Suppl. 1): 22–68.
Smith R, Huntley-Forde J, Graham N. Mealtime
practices on two acute medical wards.
Nutrition & Dietetics 2009; 66 (Suppl. 1):
Research Report 2010
Allied Health
Occupational Therapy
Name of Program
Name of Research Unit
Research has been continuing within the
department since the late 1990s.
Allied Health
Occupational Therapy
Program Medical Director
Dr Peter Hopkins
T: 3139 4000 (pager 0071)
F: 3139 5696
Director of Research Unit
Suzanne Cochrane
T: 3139 4580
F: 3139 6683
Research Personnel/Chief
Department staff, Stella Snape-Jenkinson,
(now working in Community Health) and
Maureen Godfrey were the second and
third authors of a 2005 publication titled
“Effectiveness of hospital-based smoking
cessation”, which was published in Chest.
The research leading to this publication was
conducted within the Department of Thoracic
Medicine, The Prince Charles Hospital.
PhD completed by Dr Louise Gustafsson (now
lecturing and conducting research at the
University of Queensland).
Several department staff have been coinvestigators / participants in a range of
research activity directed by University of
Queensland (Occupational Therapy and
Psychology projects).
Jessica Hopper
Kerryn Moules was awarded a Health
Practitioner Research Scheme Grant in 2008.
The research supported by this grant was
presented at the Smart Strokes Conference.
Two papers resulting from this research are
currently being finalised prior to submission
for publication.
Occupational Therapy Department
The Prince Charles Hospital
Rode Road
Chermside Q 4032
Dr Louise Gustafsson
Associate Lecturer – Occupational Therapy
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
The University of Queensland
J. Hopper
Dr Petrea Cornwell
Senior Research Fellow (Chronic Disease)
Allied Health Research Collaborative
Metro North (Northern Cluster)
PhD supervision or other items of notable
academic merit
Jessica Hopper is being mentored by Dr
Petrea Cornwell who is a Senior Research
Fellow within the Allied Heath Research
Collaborative, Metro North (Northern Cluster).
S. Cochrane
Research Projects
Current Research Projects
The “Determinants for attainment and
maintenance of paid employment after Lung
Transplant” project has been facilitated by Dr
Peter Hopkins.
Financial Details
Jessica Hopper, the chief investigator was
awarded a Novice Researcher grant of
$5861.51 from The Prince Charles Hospital
Foundation in December 2010.
From the current research project, a journal
article is proposed and will be submitted to a
scientific journal and the Australian Journal of
Occupational Therapy.
Conference Presentations
Oral presentation at the Thoracic Society of
Australia and New Zealand Meeting (TSANZ) in
Perth on April 2, 2011.
Poster presentation at the International Heart
and Lung Transplantation Society (ISHLT)
Annual meeting and scientific session in San
Diego on April 15, 2011.
Research Report 2010
Allied Health
Name of Program
Allied Health
Name of Research Unit
Physiotherapy Research Unit
Department Director
Nicole Bellet
T: 3139 4445
F: 3139 4626
Physiotherapy Department
The Prince Charles Hospital
Rode Road
Chermside Q 4032
• Critical Care Research Group
The Physiotherapy Department has had a
long interest in research since the mid 1980s
however, resources and skills in this area
have been limited to candidates in higher
research degrees and to involvement in
research projects of medical teams. Few
projects other than higher degrees were
physiotherapy lead.
• Adult Cystic Fibrosis Unit
Well established links with the universities
already exist through clinical education of preentry physiotherapists at all current university
programs and with involvement in the
steering committee and course development
committee of the new Physiotherapy course at
Australian Catholic University, Banyo.
The Allied Health Service at TPCH was
successful in attracting funding for four of the
15 centrally funded Allied Health post-doctoral
research positions. The Physiotherapy
Department was instrumental in developing
the proposal for two of these positions and
will develop strong collaborations with
these: Management of Chronic Disease;
and Cardiothoracic: best practice guidelines
for exercise based therapy. Both of these
positions are jointly funded by Griffith
University Gold Coast. It has been very
exciting for staff to begin working closely with
the respective appointees to these posts:
Petrea Cornwell (Speech Pathologist) and
Suzanne Kuys (Physiotherapist) with some
promising impact thus far.
• University of Queensland Physiotherapy
• University of Queensland Occupational
Therapy Department
• Griffith University Gold Coast Campus
Physiotherapy Department
• Australian Catholic University Banyo
Campus - Physiotherapy Department
• Sydney University
• Queensland Physiotherapy Clinical
• QLD Centre for Pulmonary Transplantation
and Vascular Disease
• QLD Heart Failure and Transplant Unit
• Heart Failure Collaborative
• Northside Primary and Community Health
Services (Cardiac Rehabilitation)
• Orthopaedic Program
• Internal Medicine Program
Future Plans
The Physiotherapy Department remains
committed to increasing research across all
core areas of the department – specifically,
Thoracic Medicine, Cardiac Medicine and
Surgery, Critical Care, Orthopaedics and
Internal Medicine & Rehabilitation.
In late 2010 the Prince Charles Hospital
Physiotherapy Department and the Australian
Catholic University were successful in our
application for an Academic Fellowship grant
through the office of Health and Medical
Research for a professor in Physiotherapy
Rehabilitation and Neurology. This is a grant
of $75,00pa for five years to establish this
role. Australian Catholic University. This is
a great opportunity to partner with ACU and
to develop a strong evidence based to our
practice across TPCH and associated services.
Current Research Areas
• ‘Fast-track versus traditional cardiac
rehabilitation: clinical outcomes and the
use of the 6-minute walk and timed up
and go tests’. N Bellet, R Francis, J Jacob, K
Healy, N Morris a combined community /
acute Physiotherapy and Griffith University
• An exercise programme following
hospitalisation for Heart Failure: Does
it add to disease management? Alison
Mudge, Charles Denaro, George Javorsky,
Adam Scott et al.
• The Australian Lung Foundation
• Cystic Fibrosis Association QLD
Research Report 2010
Allied Health
• Inpatient mobilisation and its outcomes on
patients admitted with acute heart failure.
Lisa Moore, Amy Bullen, Dr Suzanne Kuys,
Trent Jaques, Oystein Tronstad, Dr George
Javorsky and Dr Martin Brown. HREC/10/
• Prevalence of Falls in Elderly Individuals
with Chronic Heart Failure: An
Observational Study. Julie Adsett, Rita
Hwang and Amy Bullen.
• Repeated Six Minute Walk Tests in
Patients with Chronic Heart Failure: Are
they Clinically Relevant? Julie Adsett, Amy
Hogden, Rita Hwang, Ellen Gibson, Kylie
Houlihan, Robert Mullins and Dr Alison
Cardiothoracic Surgery:
• A retrospective chart audit to test the
validity of an outcome tool in predicting the
outcomes of open heart surgery. L.Caruana,
N. Bellet, D. Mullany, H. Bartlett, C. Carter,
S. Spencer, N. Paxman, J. Rash and E. Mair.
• Functional outcomes, exercise capacity and
recovery for patients after cardiac surgery.
Oystein Tronstad, Bronwyn Pearse, Dr Peter
Pohlner, Dr Andrew Clarke and Dr Suzanne
Kuys. HREC/10/QPCH/130
Critical Care:
• Quality of Life and activity following cardiac
surgery and intensive care admission. A.
Chang, C. Foot, D. Mullany, P. Tesar, L.
Caruana, J. Paratz, L. Gooch, R. Fewster, N.
Trotter, B. Millers, O. Tronstad and J. Jacob
• An investigation into the effect of positional
changes on the regional distribution
of ventilation in healthy subjects using
Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT). L
Caruana, J. Fraser, J. Paratz, A. Chang, O.
Tronstad and J. Jacob
• Determination of the effect of patient
positioning and suctioning using EIT.
Amanda Corley, J. Fraser, L. Caruana, O.
Tronstad and J. Jacob.
• Assessment of the generation of positive
end expiratory pressure by high flow
nasal prongs (Optiflow™) using electrical
impedance tomography. Amanda Corley, L.
Caruana, O. Tronstad, J. Jacob, E. Ventz and
J. Fraser.
Major Research Highlights
• Three posters at ANZICS 2009
Major Research Highlights
• One oral presentation at the QRPN
conference 2010.
Orthopaedic Surgery:
• MARKER Study – Maximum Recovery After
Knee Replacement – The University of
Sydney Marlene Fransen (Professor Ross
Crawford Coord TPCH/ HSN). Aaron Lamont
Physiotherapy coordinator
• One poster ANZICS 2008
• Four oral presentations at APA conference
week 2009
Thoracic Medicine:
• One poster ATS conference at New Orleans
• Effects of Donor History on Lung Transplant
Recipient Outcome. Rebecca Davis, Peter
Hopkins, Trish Leisfield, Cherie Beck, Helen
Seale, James Walsh, Fiona Kermeen and
Dan Chambers.
• One poster at Anzics 2010
• One oral presentation Anzics 2010
• Publication in special edition of Physical
Therapy Reviews accepted to be published
Internal Medicine & Rehabilitation:
• The efficacy of physiotherapy workstations
compared to “one on one” physiotherapy
in improving balance and mobility of frail
elderly inpatients. Paul Bew, Nancy Low
Choy, Dr Jennifer Nitz and Dr Terrence
• A pilot study examining the efficacy of
the Falls Intervention and Risk Screening
Tool (FIRST) in a General Medical Ward. A
Economidis, P Bew, S. Gilbert and T Haines.
• Functional outcomes following stroke:
a multicentre trial Dr Suzanne Kuys,
Associate Professor Sandra Brauer, Greg
Morrison and Paul Bew.
• The effect of the Nintendo Wii™ on
participation levels in therapeutic
interventions in a geriatric evaluation and
management (GEM) unit (low intensity
rehabilitation). Sharyn Furze, Rachael
Jarrett and Dr. Suzanne Kuys. HREC/10/
• The effects of Nintendo Wii exercise
training in adults with cystic fibrosis.
Kathleen Hall, Suzanne Kuys, Michelle
Wood and Robyn Cobb.
• Identifying responders to pulmonary
rehabilitation: A Retrospective Review.
James Walsh, Jenny Paratz, Angela Chang,
Zoe McKeough and Norm Morris.
• Investigation of criteria used in participant
selection of pulmonary rehabilitation
programs in Australia. James Walsh, Jenny
Paratz, Zoe McKeough and Norm Morris.
• Exercise Intolerance in Adult Survivors of
Extreme Preterm Birth, James Walsh, Norm
Morris, Peter Grey and Daniel Chambers.
• Stretching in Cystic Fibrosis: Does it
improve quality of life? Michelle Wood, Dr
Angela Chang, Kathleen Hall, Robyn Cobb,
Helen Seale, Dr Jenny Paratz and Dr Scott
• Evaluation of haemodynamic responses
during incremental exercise in trained and
untrained pulmonary arterial hypertension
(PAH) in different subclasses of PAH
disease Helen Seale, Dr Dan Chambers,
Kathleen Hall, Julie Harris, Dr Fiona
Kermeen, Associate Professor Norm Morris.
Dr Peter Hopkins, Dr George Javorsky, Dr
David Platts, Dr Richard Slaughter, Rebecca
Davis, Wendy Stugwell and Cherie Franks.
Research Report 2010
Allied Health
• The relationship between the physical
activity level and six minute walk distance
in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
patients. N. Morris, H. Seale, N. Stroud, J.
Walsh, L. Adams and P. Zimmerman.
• One oral and poster presentation European
respiratory Society Conference Barcelona
• Severe Hypoxia in Eisenmenger Syndrome
Does Not Preclude Safe Performance of the
Six Minute Walk Test. R.J. Davis, K. Hall, J.R.
Walsh, H.E. Seale, J.E. Harris, D.J. Radford
and F.D. Kermeen.
• Physiotherapy Department as site for
multi-centre trial:
• No change in the six day physical activity
level following pulmonary rehabilitation in
COPD. H. Seale, N. Morris, J. Walsh and N.
• One poster presentation European CF
conference Valencia 2010
• Innovations in Clinical Education for
Physiotherapy Students: multi site trial:
Professor G. Jull, University of Queensland
(N. Bellet TPCH contact person)
• Clinical educators’ perception of allied
health students’ preparation and study
approaches to clinical placements: P.
Buttrum, A. Mandrusiak (N. Bellet TPCH
contact person)
• PhD Supervision – Ongoing:
• Identifying responders to pulmonary
rehabilitation. James Walsh, Jennifer
Paratz, Norm Norris and Zoe McKeough.
Through the University of Queensland.
• Outcome measurements in Cardiac
Rehabilitation. Nicole Bellet, Norm Morris,
Lewis Adams. Through Griffith University,
Gold Coast
• Masters Supervision – Ongoing:
• An investigation into the effect of
positional changes on the regional
distribution of ventilation in healthy
subjects using Electrical Impedance
Tomography. L Caruana, J. Fraser, J. Paratz
and A. Chang.
Major Research Highlights
• One oral and one poster ISHLT 2010
• One oral and three workshops ‘thinking
outside the Box ‘ Conference Brisbane
• Functional outcomes, exercise capacity and
recovery for patients after cardiac surgery.
Oystein Tronstad, Bronwyn Pearse, Dr
Peter Pohlner, Dr Andrew Clarke and Dr
Suzanne Kuys. HREC/10/QPCH/130 –
$13,496 from ASCTS research foundation.
• One oral presentation Cardiac Society of
Australia and New Zealand Annual Meeting
• One poster presentation International
Conference on Pulmonary Circulation 2010
Research Report 2010
Cardiac Surgery
Cardiac Surgery Clinical Information Service
Name of Program
Cardiothoracic Surgery Program
Name of Unit
Cardiac Surgical Clinical Information Service
Head of Service
Dr Peter Pohlner
T: 3139 5692
Program Nursing Director
Mary Wheeldon
T: 3139 5215
Program Medical Director
Susan Smith
T: 3139 4662
Cardiac Surgical Clinical Information Service
Level 5, Clinical Sciences Building
The Prince Charles Hospital
Rode Rd
Chermside Q 4032
The Cardiac Surgery Research Program has
supported a Clinical Information System/
Service in various forms since 1969, which
focused principally on clinical audit and
monitoring; and clinical research; primarily
related to clinical effectiveness. The Cardiac
Surgery Clinical Information Service (CSCIS)
was formalised around 2000 and the unit
has since been continuing to support Clinical
Audit, Service Management and Research
Activities. While other information intensive
research has been supported by the unit in
providing assistance as required by the now
established Cardiac Surgery Research Unit;
the primary interest of the unit itself; is in
Health Services Research and Informatics that
help promote improved clinical and health
service decision-making.
The CSCIS collaborates in data integration
research swith the Computer Science
Discipline, Faculty of Science and Technology
at QUT; and is currently co-supervising
one Masters Research student. Outcomes
Monitoring research also has links with the
QUT Faculty of Science and Technology,
(Math, Info and Physical Sciences),
Mathematical Sciences department.
Research Projects
Current Research Projects
Impact Of A Data Warehouse Model For
Improved Decision Making In Healthcare –
QUT Master of Information Technology project.
Continuation of Outcomes Monitoring
Clinical Informatics: a workforce priority for
21st century healthcare. Susan E. Smith,
Lesley E. Drake, Julie-Gai Harris, Kay Watson
and Peter G. Pohlner. Accepted by Australian
Health Review.
An Application of Outcomes Monitoring for
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery 2005-2008
at TPCH. Anthony P. Morton, Susan E. Smith,
Daniel V. Mullany, Andrew J.B. Clarke, Douglas
Wall and Peter G. Pohlner. Accepted by Heart,
Lung and Circulation.
Research Report 2010
Cardiac Surgery
Cardiac Surgery Research Unit
Name of Program
Cardiothoracic Surgeons
Cardiothoracic Registrars
• Dr A Clarke
• Dr R Mejia
• Dr T Fayers
• Dr C Cole
• Dr G Hart
• Dr S Fukushima
• Dr H Jalali
• Dr R Naidoo
Dr Peter Pohlner
T. 3139 5365
F. 3139 4651
• Dr P Tesar
• Dr A Saraswat
• Dr B Thomson
• Dr B Shrestha
• Dr D Wall
• Dr J Choudhary
• Dr K Matar
• Dr P Joshi
Program Nursing Director
• Dr M Windsor
• Dr P Ratnayake
Cardiac Surgery Program
Name of Research Unit
Cardiac Surgery Research Unit
Program Medical Director
Mary Wheeldon
T. 3139 5365
F. 3139 4651
Research Staff
Bronwyn Pearse, RN, MClinPrac (Acute
Cardiac Nursing)
T: 3139 5413
F: 3139 6140
Cardiac Surgery Research Unit
Room 8, Level 5, Clinical Sciences Building
The Prince Charles Hospital
Rode Rd
Chermside Q 4032
The Prince Charles Hospital Cardiothoracic
Research Unit was originally developed by
the pre-eminent Cardiac Surgeon, Dr Mark
O’Brien in the 1990s. The research unit
was developed as a means to bridge the
gap between what is known and what is
unknown, and to positively influence the
clinicians’ knowledge base and therefore
clinical decision making ability, as a means
of improving patient care. The research team
also provides a robust foundation to support
the training of Cardiothoracic Registrars and
Cardiac Surgeons, while underpinning the
progressive health care provided at The Prince
Charles Hospital.
Fu Wai Hospital, Beijing
Jinan Medical University Hospital Shandong
Dong An Hospital, Mudanjiang, Heilonjiang
An Hui University Medical Hospital
Southern Railway Hospital, Perambur,
Apollo Hospital, Vishakapatnam, Andra
Pradesh, India
• Dr B Adlei
Research Projects
Current Research Projects
Comparison of Sizing, Implant Techniques
and Haemodynamic Performance between the
Mitroflow and the Carpentier-Edwards Magna
Ease Tissue Valve in the Aortic Position
Comparison of valve types are often made
according to labelled valve sizes. However,
there is growing evidence that in the majority
of cases the actual size and valve dimensions
vary considerably from the labelled
diameters, which may not be related to any
haemodynamically meaningful dimension.
The disagreement between the true valve
dimensions and the labelled valve size may
render comparisons based on labelled size
This multicentre study aims to compare
sizing and implant techniques used with
two pericardial aortic prostheses and the
hemodynamic performance by annulus
Long-term outcomes following aortic valve
replacement using the cryopreserved
The Allograft aortic valve has several clinical
advantages over artificial prostheses,
including excellent haemodynamics, less
thrombogenicity and resistance to infection;
however use of the homograft is constrained
due to development of artificial prosthesis,
limited availability, slightly complex insertion
technique and limited durability. Among
these issues, durability of homograft is the
most important issue which needs to be
Research Report 2010
Cardiac Surgery
Cardiac Surgery Research Unit
addressed. This study aims to investigate
long-term outcomes following aortic valve
replacement (AVR) using the allograft and
to identify survival and factors affecting
durability. More than 900 patients who
underwent AVR using cryopreserved allograft
at The Prince Charles Hospital in the last 35
years are being reviewed and statistically
analysed in this study.
Impacts of metabolic syndrome on early
outcomes of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
An increasing number of patients in developed
countries have metabolic syndrome and are
undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
(CABG). Metabolic syndrome is reported to be
an independent risk factor of early mortality
after CABG, although the mechanisms
responsible for this increased early mortality
are not fully understood.
The aim of this prospective observational
study is to identify causes of impaired surgical
outcomes following CABG in patients with
metabolic syndrome. More specifically there
will be assessment of the clinical outcomes
of those patients with and without metabolic
syndrome undergoing CABG and investigation
of the fluctuations in hormone like protein
(cytokine) production at four points in time
of those patients with and without metabolic
syndrome undergoing multiple primary
Role of high morbidity group box-1 in the
pathogenesis of calcified aortic valve stenosis
Atherosclerotic calcified aortic valve stenosis
(CAVS) is the leading cause of valvular
heart disease in the developed countries.
Although aortic valve replacement (AVR)
using prosthetic valve is the standard
primary treatment for atherosclerotic CAVS,
surgery-related mortality and morbidity is
not negligible. Moreover, use of statins to
prevent progression of CAVS has failed to
show consistent efficacy. Exploration of
further surgical and medical treatment for
CAVS requires investigation of molecular and
cellular mechanisms regulating initiation and
progression of CAVS.
It has been suggested that a sustained,
chronic inflammatory state in the aortic valve
leaflet leads to fibrosis and calcification,
consequently developing atherosclerotic
CAVS. Upregulation of pro-inflammatory
cytokines, in the aortic valve leaflets induces
recruitment of inflammatory cells from the
systemic circulation and proliferation/
activation of valvular interstitial cells.
High morbidity group box (HMGB)-1 may
play a critical role in the pathogenesis of
calcific atherosclerotic aortic valve stenosis,
by promoting inflammation in the valve
leaflets, extracellular matrix modulation and
differentiation of valvular interstitial cells into
osteoblast-like phenotype.
The specific aim of this study is to
comprehensively investigate role of HMGB1related pathways in the pathogenesis of
calcific aortic valve stenosis in vitro.
A Retrospective Study of the ATS Medical®
Aortic Valved Graft (AVG)
Cardio-thoracic surgeons have implanted
the ATS Medical® Aortic Valved Graft (AVG)
in the aortic position; since 1999. The
Prince Charles Hospital Cardiac Surgeons
see anecdotal evidence that the device is
performing well. No large single centre
study has been conducted to confirm the
performance of this prosthesis.
This study aims to report on the 10 year
experience of Cardio-thoracic Surgeons at
The Prince Charles Hospital implanting the
ATS Medical® AVG in the aortic position; by
determining the performance of the implanted
prosthesis according to the “Guidelines
for Reporting Morbidity and Mortality after
Cardiac Valvular Operations”; and identifying
associations between patient health
outcomes and device performance.
Is fluid gain following Cardiac Surgery
an independent risk factor for prolonged
ventilation, length of stay and adverse
Cardiac surgery is most often performed with
the assistance of cardiopulmonary bypass
and involves mandatory fluid loading of the
patient. The tubing that makes up the pump
circuit requires 1.5 litres of fluid to be primed,
and the doses of cardioplegia used to stop
the heart for surgery are between 500mls and
1 litre per dose. These doses of cardioplegia
are repeated several times throughout a
single operation. Therefore, it is common for
a patient to receive, on average, 3 to 4 litres of
fluid in a routine cardiac surgical operation.
There is evidence in literature that the degree
of fluid administration in the surgical and
intensive care arena, correlates with mortality
and morbidity. The aim of this prospective
observational study is to measure the volume
of fluid gain after cardiac surgery using weight
as a surrogate marker, and to correlate the
degree of fluid gain with several outcomes of
morbidity and resource use. Results from this
study may provide important information to
help guide fluid management and therefore
improve clinical outcomes post cardiac
Is Tranexamic Acid associated with seizures
after use in cardiac surgery?
Since the withdrawal of aprotinin from
the market, several antifibrinolytic agents
have entered widespread use, in particular,
tranexamic acid. With this extensive use,
adverse events not related to postoperative
bleeding are being reported. However,
a retrospective review at Prince Charles
Hospital, of over 1200 patients who
underwent cardiac surgery, did not find
a significant increase in seizure rate in
patients who had received tranexamic acid
but the data that was reviewed had several
limitations. The first limitation was the
retrospective nature of the data, and the
second was that the depth of data collected
about neurologic complications.
Consequently, a prospective study is being
undertaken to examine the incidence of
seizures and/or seizure like activity in
patients undergoing cardiac surgery who have
received Tranexamic Acid, compared with a
control group of patients who have not.
Research Report 2010
Cardiac Surgery
Cardiac Surgery Research Unit
Functional Outcomes Following Cardiac
Cardiovascular disease CHD is a major cause
of disability in Australia. In the 2003 Survey
of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC),
1.5% of respondents reported one or more
disabling conditions associated with CHD,
corresponding to about 303,500 Australians.
Of these, almost half (49%) needed help or
had difficulties with self-care, mobility or
Cardiac surgery is a known, accepted
treatment for patients with severe cardiac
disease with approximately 15,000 cardiac
surgical procedures completed each year in
Australia. The cohort of patients are getting
older and have more co-morbidities, resulting
in poorer recovery and functional outcomes
and with a significantly increased cost to the
individual and the economy.
The aim of this study is to investigate the
recovery of function, exercise tolerance,
activity and quality of life following cardiac
This study is being run collaboratively by the
physiotherapy department with assistance
from the cardiac surgery program and aims
to a determine functional ability, exercise
tolerance and activity in people undergoing
cardiac surgery preoperatively and
postoperatively including differences between
patients in the elective, urgent and emergency
patients cohorts. Follow up investigations
will also determine differences in functional
ability of those patients who attend cardiac
rehabilitation verses a phone based follow up,
verses no follow up.
Shrestha, B, Jalali, H, Sparkes, L, Vrtik, M,
Pohlner, P & Fukishima, S 2010, Partial
Replacement of tricuspid valve using
cyropreserved homograft, The Annals of
Thoracic Surgery, Vol 89, No. 4, pp. 1194-1194.
Fukushima, S, Tesar, P, Jalali, H, Clarke,
A, Sharma, H, Choudhary, J, Bartlett, H
& Pohlner, P, 2010, “Determinants of inhospital and long-term surgical outcomes
following repair of post-infarction ventricular
septal rupture”, Journal of Thoracic and
Cardiovascular Surgery, Vol. 140, pp. 59-65.
Fukushima F, Peter Tesar P, Clarke A, Sharma
H, Choudhary J & Pohlner P, 2010, “Surgical
Management of Post-Infarction Ventricular
Septal Rupture”, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 501-502.
Rohde S, Matebele M, Pohlner P, Radford
D, Wall D, Fraser J F 2009, Excellent Cardiac
Surgical Outcomes in Paediatric Indigenous
Patients, but Follow-up Difficulties, Heart,
Lung and Circulation, Vol. 19, No. 9, pp. 517522.
Shrestha M, S, S, Hamilton-Craig C, Platts
D & Clarke A 2009, Spontaneous coronary
artery rupture in a young patient: a rare
diagnosis for cardiac tamponade’, Interactice
Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, vol. 9,
B. Pearse
Implanting the ATS Medical Aortic Valved Graft
– A ten-year, single institution experience
Naidoo R, Fayers T, Tesar P, Barnett A,
Pohlner P, Pearse B, Fukushima S and Yap S.
Presented at the ASCTS Annual Scientific
Meetings, Hamilton Island, November, 2010.
An evaluation of cryopreserved aortic allograft
implantation: A single 35 year institution
Fukushima S, Tesar P, Pearse B, Sparks L,
Jalali H, Pohlner P and Naidoo R.
Presented at the ASCTS Annual Scientific
Meetings, Hamilton Island, November, 2010.
Identifying the causes of aortic allograft
durability following valve/root replacement.
Fukushima S, Tesar P, Pearse B, Naidoo R,
Sparks L, Fraser J, Jalali H and Pohlner P.
Presented at the American Heart Association
Scientific Sessions, Chigaco, November, 2010.
Fluid Administration after Cardiac Surgery and
Morbidity (Presentation)
Cole C, Fraser J, Pearse B, Pohlner P and
Barnett A.
Presented at the ASCTS Annual Scientific
Meetings, Hamilton Island, November, 2010.
A dramatic decline in the use of Tranexamic
Acid (Poster)
Cole C, Fraser J, Barnett A, Pohlner P, Clarke A
and Pearse B.
Presented at the ASCTS Annual Scientific
Meetings, Hamilton Island, November, 2010.
Research Report 2010
Adult Congenital Heart Unit
Name of Program
Cardiology Department
Name of Research Unit
Adult Congenital Heart Unit (ACHU)
Program Medical Director and
Director of Research Unit
Associate Professor Dorothy Radford
T: 07 3139 4000
F: 07 3139 4715
Coordinator of Adult Congenital Heart
Theresa Malpas
T: 07 31 39 5581
F: 07 31 39 4715
Adult Congenital Heart Unit
Cardiology Department
The Prince Charles Hospital
Rode Rd
Chermside Q 4032
Increasing numbers of children with
congenital heart disease have surgical
correction of their lesions and survive into
adult life. They require ongoing careful
medical supervision as well as guidance
through psychological stresses, reproduction
and genetic considerations. The Adult
Congenital Heart Unit was established to
cater these adults following their surgical
1. Pulmonary Hypertension Unit, The Prince
Charles Hospital: Dr Fiona Kermeen, currently
follows about 75 of our congenital heart
patients, who have concurrent pulmonary
hypertension. They are treated with
endothelin receptor antagonist therapy and
monitored closely.
2. Interventional Cardiology; percutaneous
interventions are playing a bigger part in the
management of ACHU patients. Associate
Professor Darren Walters, together with Dr
Murgur Nicolae provide this service; and has
current clinical research projects for inserting
percutaneous pulmonary and aortic valves.
3. Genetics Research
(A) Work with Dr Kim Summers, The Roslin
Institute, University of Edinburgh, (previously
University of Queensland) on genetic studies
in inherited long QT syndrome.
(B) Studies with Dr Gregor Andelfinger,
Cardiovascular Genetics Research Centre,
Sainte Justine Hospital, Montreal, on
mapping familial ventricular septal defects to
chromosome 10.
4. Psychology Research
Professor Ross Young, Executive Director,
Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation,
Queensland University of Technology and
Dr Esben Strodl of QUT continue to liase and
supervise PhD students.
PhD supervision
Dr Liam Connor - D Clin Psych; QUT was
awarded his degree in 2009 after completing
his study on “Adolescents with congenital
heart disease: An exploration of psychosocial
development, intra-hospital and familial
Dr Ashleigh Trinder – D Clin Psych; QUT was
awarded her degree in 2010 for her thesis
“Adolescent, parental and family experiences
of congenital heart disease”.
Dr Qi Feng Wang – PhD; Monash University;
completed “An assessment of the medical and
psychosocial outcomes of adolescents with
heart disease.” Dr Dorothy Radford was an
examiner. The degree was awarded in 2010.
Jillian Kaisar, clinical psychologist appointed
to the Adult Congenital Heart Unit continues
her PhD study has a book chapter scheduled
for publication in 2011.
Major research highlights
This unit produced eight publications this
year. They are listed below:
Three abstracts from the unit were presented
at the Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society
of Australia and New Zealand in 2010. They
are published in Heart Lung and Circulation
vol 19, supplement 2, 2010.
No 328. Long term follow-up of percutaneous
balloon pulmonary valvotomies. H. Samardhi,
A. Sharma, C. Harley, M. Hudaverdi, C. Raffel,
D. Walters and D. Radford.
No 525. Long term results of palliative atrial
switch surgery for transposition of the great
arteries with ventricular septal defect and
pulmonary hypertension.
D. Radford, F. Kermeen and P. Pohlner.
No 632. Severe hypoxia in Eisenmenger
syndrome does not preclude safe performance
of the six minute walk test. R. Davis, K. Hall, J.
Walsh, H. Searle, J. Harris, D. Radford and F.
Research Report 2010
Adult Congenital Heart Unit
Summers K.M., Bokil N.J., Lu F.T., Low J.T.,
Baisden J.M., Duffy D. and Radford D.J.
Mutations at KCNQ1 and an unknown locus
cause Long QT syndrome in a large Australian
family. Am. J. Med. Genet. 2010 part A, 152A:
Bokil N.J., Baisden J.M., Radford D.J., Summers
K.M. Molecular genetics of long QT syndrome.
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 2010
Himabindu S., Radford D.J. and Fong K.
Leeuwenhoek’s Disease: Diaphragmatic flutter
in a cardiac patient. Cardiol. Young 2010 ; 20:
Konstantinov I.E., Fricke T.A., d’Udekem Y. and
Radford D.J. Translocation of a single coronary
artery from the nonfacing sinus in the arterial
switch operation: Long-term patency of
the interposition graft. J Thorac Cardiovasc
Surgery 2010 140: 1193-4.
Kaisar J., Strodl E., Schweitzer R. and Radford
D. Book Chapter: How do patients with
congenital heart disease survive and thrive?
In Trauma: Recovering from deep wounds and
exploring the potential for renewal. Editors:
Gow KM and Celinski MJ, Nova Science, New
York 2011.
Temblay N., Wei Y.S., Hitz M.P., Asselin G.,
Ginns J., Riopel K., Gendron R., Montpetit
A., Duhig E., Dube M.P., Radford D.J. and
Andelfinger G. Familial ventricular aneurysms
and septal defects map to chromosome.
10p15. (Eur Heart J – in press)
From left to right: J. Kaiser, D. Radford and T. Malpas
Rohde S.I., Matebele M., Pohlner P., Radford
D., Wall D. and Fraser J.F.. Excellent cardiac
surgical outcomes in paediatric indigenous
patients, but follow-up Difficulties. Heart,
Lung Circ. 2010; 19: 517-522.
Kermeen F.K., Franks C., O’Brien K., Searle H.,
Hall K., Mc Neil K. and Radford D.J. Endothelin
receptor antagonists are an effective long
term treatment option in pulmonary arterial
hypertension associated with congenital heart
disease with or without trisomy 21. Heart,
Lung, Circ 2010 ;19:595-600.
Research Report 2010
Advanced Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplant Unit
Name of Program
Advanced Heart Failure and Cardiac
Transplant Unit
Clinical Medical Director
Dr George Javorsky
T: 3139 5029
F: 3139 4426
Head of Research Team
Dr Martin Brown
T: 3139 5389
F: 3139 4426
Senior Research Clinicians and
Dr Martin Brown
Dr George Javorsky
Dr David Platts
Dr Scott McKenzie
Ms Sara Gray
Ms Jo Maddicks-Law
Ms Margaret Lucas
Ms Maria Podger
Ms Nikki Batty
Ms Paula Ferris
Jayne Bancroft
Maureen Rogers
Marsha Francke
Heather Gee
Amy Bullen
Lisa Moore
Andrew Munns
Jaclyn Gan
Sue Wong
The Advanced Heart Failure and Cardiac
Transplant Unit
Level 1, Administration Building
The Prince Charles Hospital
Rode Rd
Chermside Q 4032
The Unit has been involved in many research
studies over the last 10 years in three main
areas including heart transplant, heart failure
and ventricular assist devices.
In the transplant trials, these were
national or international drug trials in new
immunosuppressive agents in the prevention
of rejection of the transplanted organ.
The Ventrassist was an Australian Ventricular
Assist Device that was used for patients
with heart failure whose own heart had
deteriorated and who were awaiting a heart
transplant. This trial lead to further U.S trials.
More recently, Dr Martin Brown became chair
of the research team which has grown to
involve medical, nursing and allied health
research within the unit.
We have professional linkages with The
Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, The
Heart Failure Collaborative, The PROOF
Centre Vancouver, The University of NSW
Cancer Research Centre, TPCH Sleep Unit,
TPCH Critical Care Research Group, TPCH
Echocardiography Department, Physiotherapy
Department, The Queensland Centre for
Pulmonary Transplantation and Vascular
Disease, Dietetics Department, and the Social
Work Department.
Research Projects
Current Research Projects
There are a number of studies currently
being undertaken in heart failure. As heart
failure is a chronic disease, the impact can
be wide ranging and management involves
a multidisciplinary approach. The following
studies demonstrate research being
undertaken by the whole team:
Comparison of Right Heart catheter data with
echocardiographic data of cardiopulmonary
haemodynamics, exploring utility of non
invasive techniques in obtaining this data.
The Ejection Heart Failure study which is
further examining the impact of a disease
management program including a supervised
From left to right: G. Javorsky, M. Brown and S. McKenzie
exercise programme versus disease
management alone on death, readmissions,
depression and functional status in patients
with a recent hospitalisation for heart failure
Sleep disorder breathing in chronic heart
failure, is a study done in collaboration with
TPCH’s Sleep Unit. This study examines
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in the heart failure
population. Heart failure and sleep apnoea
each in their own right confer morbidity to
the population and thus need to be further
assessed and managed.
The LEphT is an international study looking
at a novel new drug in the management of
pulmonary hypertension secondary to left
heart failure.
The physiotherapy team has two projects
involving inpatient heart failure patients:
Falls in Heart Failure Patients as many of the
patients can be elderly and have poor cardiac
reserve. The second study is Intensive versus
Standard Inpatient physiotherapy in Heart
Failure Patients-Mobilise HF.
Cachexia occurs in patients with heart
failure and a study is being undertaken to
assess the nutritional deficiencies in a range
of heart failure patients to facilitate more
research in targeted dietetic care as part of
the multidisciplinary management of these
The role of Omega 3 fatty acids in
Cardiovascular disease is becoming clearer
and a study is underway into the Uptake and
continuance with Fish Oil in heart failure
Research Report 2010
Advanced Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplant Unit
From left to right: M. Lucas, J. Bancroft, J. Maddicks-Law, M. Rogers, M. Franke and N. Batty
In conjunction with the Social Work team,
Psychosocial impact on patients with chronic
heart failure in age group 40 to 67 years is
being investigated.
Financial Details
Published abstracts include the following:
Sue Wong, New Researcher Funding for
Nutrition in Heart Failure study.
In Cardiac Transplantation, one of the
known complications is the development of
malignancy. The Cancer After Transplantation
is a National collaborative study through
the UNSW Cancer Research Centre looking
at further assessing the problem and the
contributing factors.
Induction Immunosuppression with AntiCD25 Monoclonal Antibody (Basiliximab)
Allows Delayed Initiation and Uptitration of
Calcineurin Inhibitor Post Cardiac Transplant.
G. Grima, J. Gan, G. Javorsky, M. Brown Heart,
Lung and Circulation 2010. Vol. 19; Suppl 2,
Page S74.
Major Research Highlights
During the past 18 months, research in the
Unit has been presented at National and
International meetings including The Cardiac
Society of Australia and New Zealand,
The International Society of Heart Lung
Transplantation National Meeting as well as
the European Society of Cardiology Scientific
M. Brown, R. Denman, D. Platts. Analgesic
patches and defibrillators: a cautionary tale.
Europace, November 2009.
D. Platts, M. Brown, G. Javorsky, C.
West, N. Kelly, D.Burstow. Comparison
of fluoroscopy versus real-time three
dimensional echocardiographic guidance of
endomyocardial biopsies. European Journal of
Echocardiography, 24 March 2010.
M. Brown, G. Javorsky, D. Platts. Accuracy
of 3-Dimensional Transoesophageal
Echocardiography in Assessment of Prosthetic
Mitral Valve Dehiscence with Comparison to
Anatomical Specimens. Cardiology Research
and Practice. September 2010.
Do Donor Recipient Physical Factors Predict a
Significant Pericardial Effusion Post Cardiac
Transplant? V. Wijesekera, G. Javorsky, D.
Platts, M. Brown. Heart, Lung and Circulation
2010. Vol. 19; Suppl 2, Page S68.
Predicting Success of Prednisolone Weaning
in Heart Transplant Recipients. S. McKenzie,
M. Brown, D. Platts, J. Maddicks-Laws, G.
Javorsky. Heart, Lung and Circulation 2010.
Vol. 19; Suppl 2, Page S78.
Use of a Long Sheath for Endomyocardial
Biopsy Post Heart Transplantation Reduces
the Incidence and Severity of Tricuspid
Regurgitation. S. McKenzie, M. Brown, D.
Platts, J. Maddicks-Laws, G. Javorsky. Heart,
Lung and Circulation 2010. Vol. 19; Suppl 2,
Page S83.
Research Report 2010
Advanced Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplant Unit
Heart transplantation for previously
undiagnosed cardiac sarcoidosis. D.
Arumugam, M. Brown, D. Platts, G. Javorsky.
Eur J Heart Fail 2010. 9 (suppl 1): S25.
Cardiac MRI in the Assessment and
Management of Heart Failure. D. Arumugam,
R. Slaughter, M. Brown, G. Javorsky, D. Platts.
The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation,
Volume 29, Issue 2, Supplement 1, February
2010: S162. Presented at ISHLT conference,
Chicago, USA. April 2010.
Real Time Three-Dimensional
Echocardiographic Guidance of During Right
Ventricular Endomyocardial Biopsy. D. Platts,
M. Brown, G. Javorsky, C. West, N. Kelly and D.
Burstow. Eur J Echocardiography Supple; Dec
2009; 311 doi:10.1093/ejechocard/jep130
Presented at Euroecho conference, Madrid,
Spain December 2009.
Comparison of Simultaneous Transthoracic
Echocardiographic (TTE) and Right
Heart Catheter Evaluation of Right Heart
Haemodynamics. M. Brown, D. Platts, F.
Kermeen, G. Javorsky, D. Sathianathan,
C. Hamilton-Craig, C. West, N. Kelly and
D. Burstow. Heart Lung and Circulation
2009;18;Supp 3:S27. Presented at Cardiac
Society of Australia and New Zealand
conference, Sydney, Australia August 2009.
Real Time 3 Dimensional Echocardiographic
(RT3DE) Guidance during Right Ventricular
Endomyocardial Biopsy. D. Platts, M. Brown,
G. Javorsky, C. West, N. Kelly, D. Burstow.
Heart, Lung and Circulation 2009; Vol 18,
Supp 3; S48. Presented at Cardiac Society
of Australia and New Zealand conference,
Sydney, Australia August 2009. The Incidence
of Undiagnosed Cardiac Sarcoidosis
in Explanted Hearts Following Heart
Transplantation. D. Arumugam, M. Brown, A.
Galbraith, G. Javorsky and D. Platts. Heart,
Lung and Circulation 2009; Vol 18; Supp3:
Presented at Cardiac Society of Australia and
New Zealand conference, Sydney, Australia
August 2009.
Impact of MRI Results on Management of
Patients Referred to an Advanced Heart Failure
Unit. D. Arumugam, R. Slaughter, A. Galbraith,
M. Brown, G. Javorsky, J. Harker, M. Francke
and D. Platts. Heart, Lung and Circulation
2009; Vol 18; Supp 3: S178.
Presented at Cardiac Society of Australia and
New Zealand conference, Sydney, Australia.
August 2009
Acetazolamide: Obsolete or overlooked as
a diuretic in Heart Failure? Margaret Lucas.
Heart, Lung and Circulation 2009 (Vol. 18
Supplement 3, Page S168).
Presented at Cardiac Society of Australia and
New Zealand conference, Sydney, Australia
August 2009.
Research Report 2010
Cardiology Clinical Research Centre
Name of Program
pharmacy. Pathology services are available
on site. Our department has access to a
monitored -80 freezer to store research
Name of Research Unit
Cardiology Clinical Research Centre
The study co-ordinators in CCRC comprises
of mainly registered nurses who have
backgrounds in cardiology, cardiac surgery,
critical care and experienced in clinical trials.
Program Medical Director
Associate Professor Darren Walters
T: 07 3139 4165
Program Nursing Director
David Tibby
T: 07 3139 5884
Nurse Unit Manager
Clement Lee
T: 07 3139 5298
F: 07 3139 6140
D. Walters
Senior Clinical Trials Coordinator
Maricel Roxas
Clinical Trials Coordinators
Steve Graves
Michelle Grant
Administrative Staff
Reannan Rhodes
T: 07 3139 4711
F: 07 3139 6140
Cardiology Clinical Research Centre
Level 5, Clinical Sciences Building
The Prince Charles Hospital
Rode Road
Chermside Q 4032
The Prince Charles Hospital Cardiology
Clinical Research Centre (CCRC) is a very
active research centre for the conduct and
maintenance of numerous medication and
medical device clinical trials. In addition, the
Centre participates in many registry studies
that review current clinical practices in the
real world.
Many of these studies are international and
national multi-centred clinical trials that
investigate the treatment, management and
follow up care of patients with a range of
acute and chronic cardiac conditions and
diseases. The clinical trials undertaken at this
centre, range from randomised controlled
unblinded; and double blinded studies.
The centre is also involved in comparative
medication/device studies.
The department has access to many state of
the art cardiac support services; including,
cardiac MRI; echocardiography, angiography,
IVUS, CT, Holter monitoring, exercise stress
testing and ambulatory blood pressure
A dedicated research pharmacist is allocated
to the clinical trials from the hospitals main
Associate Professor Darren Walters has an
avid interest in research and was the recipient
of the TPCH Award for Clinical Research
Excellence in 2009. He has particular interests
and expertise in novel devices for intervention
cardiology; treatment for platelet aggregation
and anti-thrombotic drugs. He is the Research
Director of the CCRC; Medical Director of
Cardiology Programme and the Clinical
Director of the Cardiac Investigation Unit. He
meets with the research team fortnightly to
oversee the progress of all trials running in
the department.
Research Projects
Current Research Projects
Medtronic Adaptive CRT Clinical Study
Principal Investigator: Dr Russell Denman
Sponsor Company: Medtronic
A Randomized, Double-Blind, PlaceboControlled, Event-Driven Multicenter Study
to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of
Rivaroxaban in Subjects With a Recent Acute
Coronary Syndrome.
The ATLAS ACS 2 TIMI 51 Trial (The
Second Trial of Anti-Xa Therapy to Lower
cardiovascular events in Addition to standard
therapy in Subjects with Acute Coronary
Principal Investigator: Dr Darren Walters
Sponsor Company: Janssen-Cilag Pty Ltd
Cooperative National Registry of Acute
Coronary Care Guideline Adherence and
Clinical Events (CONCORDANCE)
Research Report 2010
Cardiology Clinical Research Centre
From left to right: D. Walters, M. Grant, M. Roxas, S. Graves K. Poon and R. Rodes
An Investigator Initiated Clinical Trial using
Percutaneous Aortic Valve Replacement
(PAVR) with the CoreValve ReValving™
ReValving™ REGISTRY.
Principal Investigator: Dr Darren Walters
Sponsor Company: Medtronic
First valve replacement performed on 22
August 2008.
A randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled study to evaluate the safety of
12 weeks of dosing with GW856553 and its
effects on inflammatory markers and infarct
size in subjects with myocardial infarction
without ST-segment elevation. (SOLSTICE)
Principal Investigator: Dr Darren Walters
Sponsor Company: GlaxoSmithKline
Edwards SAPIENTM Transcatheter Heart Valve
Source ANZ
Transapical Ascendra Introducer System
Principal Investigator: Dr Darren Walters
Sponsor Company: Edwards Lifesciences Pty
Principal Investigator: Dr Russell Denman
Sponsor Company: Medtronic
TAEH: A Comparison of Platelet Inhibition
Following a Prasugrel 60mg or Prasugrel
30mg Loading Dose With or Without Pretreatment with a Clopidogrel Loading Dose in
Acute Coronary Syndrome Subjects who are to
Undergo Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Principal Investigator: Dr Darren Walters
Sponsor Company: Eli Lilly Australia Pty Ltd
Research Report 2010
Echocardiography Research Unit
Name of Program
PhD supervision or other items of notable
academic merit
Queensland International Fellowship, 2009.
Dr Christian Hamilton-Craig
‘New techniques in Cardiac Imaging —
Collaborative Research in Cardiac MRI and
Contrast Echocardiography’. -
Name of Research Unit
Echocardiography Research Unit
Program Medical Director
Associate Professor Darren Walters
F: 07 3139 4715
2009 Postgraduate Scholarship, Heart
Foundation, The Prince Charles Hospital and
the University of Queensland. Dr Christian
‘Comprehensive quantitative assessment of
patients presenting with clinical syndromes
of Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction with
Invasive and Non-Invasive Imaging and
Biomarkers clinically driven project’ The
Prince Charles Hospital and the University of
Program Nursing Director
David Tibby
Director of Research Unit
Dr Darryl Burstow
T: 07 3139 5808
F: 07 3139 4715
Research Personnel
Dr David Platts (Head of Contrast Program)
D. Burstow
The Echocardiography Laboratory commenced
operation at TPCH in 1979 under the guidance
of Dr Dorothy Radford. It is now the largest
single unit lab of its type in Australasia
performing 15,000 examinations annually.
Dr John Sedgwick (Echo Fellow)
Clinical research has been conducted since
its commencement with valvular heart
Dr Christian Hamilton-Craig (Heart Foundation disease and diastolic function assessment
being the major areas of research interest.
and QI Fellow 2009)
E: More recently, there has been extensive
research on the use of LV contrast agents,
clinical utility of 3D echocardiography in
Dr Jonathan Chan (Cardiologist)
structural cardiac disease and the role of
echo in the assessment of ventricular assist
devices. Additionally, with the development
Natalie Kelly (Cardiac Scientist – Research)
of the BiVACOR artificial heart program,
echocardiography plays a key role in acute
and chronic animal (sheep) models for heart
Cathy West (Senior Cardiac Scientist - Echo)
Dr Greg Scalia (Senior Visiting Cardiologist)
Dr Daniel Sathianathan (Echo Fellow 2009)
Dr Julie Humphries (Cardiologist)
Cardiac Investigations Unit
The Prince Charles Hospital
Rode Road
Chermside Q 4032
Research Projects
Current Research Projects
Echo Assessment of Right Heart Pressures –
Direct Comparison with Invasive Right Heart
Catheter HREC (EC00168). Study active with
on-going patient enrolment.
A comparison of CT coronary angiography
and stress echocardiography in the diagnosis
of obstructive coronary artery disease HREC
(EC27101). Study complete and in writing up
Echocardiography in non-arrythmogenic
cardiac arrest HREC/09/QPCH/178. Study
active with on-going patient enrolment.
Philips iE33 System and Investigational X5-1
Transducer Product Evaluation for consumer
preference HREC/10/QPCH/105. Study
The Mayo Clinic, Rochester and Scottsdale,
The Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA
Kings College Hospital, London, UK.
Institute of Cardiology, University of the
Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy.
Research Report 2010
Echocardiography Research Unit
“MVR Index” – a breakthrough for mitral
prosthetic dysfunction
DJ Burstow, CA West, J Harker, MW Ischenko,
DG Platts, GM Scalia
Best Poster Abstract, Echo Singapore, October
Abstracts Presented
The Utility of Three-dimensional
Transoesophageal Echocardiography in
the Assessment of Prosthetic Para-valvular
Regurgitation Heart, Lung and Circulation,
Volume 19, Supplement 2, 2010, Page S199.
J. Sedgwick, D. Sathianathan, D. Burstow, D.
Platts, D. Walters, J. Chan.
D. Platts
Major Research Highlights
The Echo Laboratory Research Unit has
completed important research in the areas
of 3D echocardiography, structural cardiac
disease and contrast echocardiography.
Research into the utility of echo assessment
for ventricular assist devices, ECMO and the
artificial heart is ongoing. There is growing
interest in the assessment of myocardial
function with Doppler myocardial imaging of
various types.
Financial Details
$56,000 – Private Practice Research &
Education Trust Fund. Dr David Platts, Dr
Fiona Kermeen. “Hand Carried Ultrasound
Device (HCUD) Evaluation of the Right Heart
and Pulmonary Artery Systolic Pressure in the
Outpatient Clinic Situation” – ongoing.
Feasibility of Evaluating Pulmonary Valve
Leaflet Morphology Using Three-dimensional
Transthoracic Echocardiography Heart, Lung
and Circulation, Volume 19, Supplement 2,
2010, Pages S180-S181 N. Kelly, D. Platts, G.
Scalia, D. Burstow.
Do Donor Recipient Physical Factors Predict a
Significant Pericardial Effusion Post Cardiac
Transplant? Heart, Lung and Circulation,
Volume 19, Supplement 2, 2010, Page S68
V. Wijesekera, G. Javorsky, D. Platts, M.
The Spectrum of Cardiac Masses and their
Clinical Characteristics—A Single Centre
Experience . Heart, Lung and Circulation,
Volume 19, Supplement 2, 2010, Page S228
A. Sharma, H. Samardhi, M. Hudaverdi, N.
Brett, C. Maskiell, R. Slaughter, W. Strugnell,
D. Burstow, D. Walters, O. Raffel
Transthoracic Three-dimensional
Echocardiographic Assessment of Right
Ventricular Volume and Function in Patient’s
with Congenital Heart Disease is the Closest
Correlate to Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
Imaging. Heart, Lung and Circulation, Volume
19, Supplement 2, 2010, Pages S5-S6 K.
Stedman, N. Kelly, D. Burstow
Indexed Left Atrial Volume Improves Following
Percutaneous Aortic Valve Replacement with
the CoreValve Bioprosthesis. Heart, Lung and
Circulation, Volume 19, Supplement 2, 2010,
Pages S183-S184. N. Kelly, D. Walters, G.
Scalia, C. Aroney, D. Burstow.
Mitral Stenosis Valve Area by Pressure Half
Time Technique Works Even with Severe Aortic
Regurgitation . Heart, Lung and Circulation,
Volume 19, Supplement 2, 2010, Page S189 M.
Hudaverdi, M. Ischenko, G. Scalia, D. Burstow
CMRI as a Complementary Imaging Modality
to TTE in the Diagnosis of Cardiac Masses
Heart, Lung and Circulation, Volume 19,
Supplement 2, 2010, Page S170.
A. Sharma, H. Samardhi, M. Hudaverdi, N.
Brett, C. Maskiell, W. Strugnell, O. Raffel, D.
Burstow, R. Slaughter.
Research Report 2010
Echocardiography Research Unit
Kelly NF, Platts DG, Burstow DJ. Feasibility
of pulmonary valve imaging using threedimensional transthoracic echocardiography.
J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2010 Oct;23(10):107680. Epub 2010 Aug 11.
Platts D, Fraser JF, Mullany D, Burstow
D. Left ventricular endocardial definition
enhancement using perflutren microsphere
contrast echocardiography during peripheral
venoarterial extracorporeal membranous
oxygenation. Echocardiography. 2010
A, Jalali H, Burstow DJ. Early and late cardiac
perforation by Amplatzer atrial septal defect
and patent foramen ovale devices. J Am Soc
Echocardiogr. 2009 Sep;22(9):1067-70. Epub
2009 Jul 31.
Platts D, West C, Boga T, Hamilton-Craig
C, Burstow D. Direct visualization of septal
perforator coronary arterial blood flow
during perflutren microsphere contrast
echocardiography. Eur J Echocardiogr. 2009
Aug;10(6):808-10. Epub 2009 Jun 11.
Hamilton-Craig C, Boga T, West C, Kelly N,
Anscombe R, Burstow D, Platts D.
Contrast echocardiography in Australian
clinical practice. Heart Lung Circ. 2010
Platts D, Brown M, Javorsky G, West C, Kelly
N, Burstow D. Comparison of fluoroscopic
versus real-time three-dimensional
transthoracic echocardiographic guidance of
endomyocardial biopsies. Eur J Echocardiogr.
2010 Aug;11(7):637-43. Epub 2010 Mar 24.
Kelly NF, Walters DL, Hourigan LA, Burstow
DJ, Scalia GM. The relative atrial index
(RAI)--a novel, simple, reliable, and robust
transthoracic echocardiographic indicator of
atrial defects. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2010
Mar;23(3):275-81. Epub 2010 Jan 25.
Hudaverdi M, Hamilton-Craig C, Platts D,
Chan J, Burstow DJ. Echocardiography for
the clinician: a practical update. Intern Med
J. 2010 Jul;40(7):476-85. Epub 2010 Jan 1.
Platts D, Burstow D, Craig CH, Wright G,
Thomson B. Systemic air embolization
originating from a pleural air leak via a left
ventricular assist device cannula anastomosis
site. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2010
Mar;23(3):341.e1-2. Epub 2009 Oct 14.
Ivens E, Hamilton-Craig C, Aroney C, Clarke
Research Report 2010
University of Queensland Cardiovascular Research Unit
Name of Program
Equine Genetics Research Centre, University
of Queensland, Brisbane
4.Professor J Simes, NHMRC Clinical Trials
Centre, University of Sydney, Sydney
5. Professor S Harrap, Department of
Physiology, University of Melbourne,
6.Associate Professor K Summers, The Roslin
Institute, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,
7. Associate Professor G Gobe, Discipline of
medicine, School of Medicine, University of
Queensland, Brisbane
8.Professor A Tonkin, Monash University,
9.Professor P Thompson, University of
Western Australia, Perth
10. Professor J Golledge, Department of
Surgery, James Cook University, Townsville
11. Professor J Whitfield and N Martin,
Queensland Institute of Medical Research
Name of Research Unit
University of Queensland (UQ) Cardiovascular
Research Unit
Program Medical Director
Dr Darren Walters
Director of Research Unit
Professor Malcolm West
T: 07 3139 4381
F: 07 3359 2173
Research Personnel
A Carle
Associate Professor M Cullinan Dr H-L Do Dr P Ford K Gillette Dr C Hamilton-Craig
S Leishman Dr R Middleberg Dr P Molenaar Dr M Nataatmadja Dr J Palmer R Phillips Professor G Seymour
Professor K Summers
J West
Professor M West Administrative Staff
D Steenberg
T: 3139 4381
F: 3359 2173
Cardiovascular Research Unit
Discipline of Medicine, University of
Room 1, Level 1, Clinical Sciences Building
The Prince Charles Hospital
Rode Road
Chermside Qld 4032
M. West
PhD Supervision
Dr D Xu PhD completed, Feb 2010
Ms S Leishman PhD Candidate UQ
Ms K Gillette PhD Candidate QUT
Mr R Phillips PhD student UQ
Dr C Hamilton-Craig PhD student UQ
Research Projects
1. Clinical studies in aortic aneurysm disease
and Marfan syndrome
2.Cell biology of aortic aneurysm disease
3.Molecular genetics of Marfan syndrome
4.Biomarkers of cardiovascular disease and
the LIPID Study
5. Periodontal disease and cardiovascular
6.Genetic risk factors for hypertension: the
ANBP2 study
7. Studies human heart function – the in vitro
human heart laboratory
8.The role of erythropoietin therapy in
ischemic heart and renal disease
9.Studies in cardiac imaging
The research program was established in July
1989 on the appointment of Professor M West
as Professor of Cardiovascular Research at the
University of Queensland. The appointment
and program was initially funded by and
Australian Government Bicentennial Grant
through the National Heart Foundation and
by a grant from The Prince Charles Hospital
Foundation. Funding subsequently has
been as a result of competitive grants from
the NHMRC, National Heart Foundation,
Ramaciotti Foundation and the Prince Charles
Hospital Research Foundation.
Professor West has an appointment at Prince
Charles Hospital as a Visiting Cardiologist
1. Associate Professor P Walker, Department
of Vascular Surgery, Royal Brisbane and
Women’s Hospital and Department of Surgery,
University of Queensland, Brisbane
2.Professor G Seymour and Associate
professor M Cullinan, Faculty of Dentistry,
University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
3.Associate Professor A Trezise, Australian
Funding (2010)
National Heart Foundation
West M, Walker, Dilley P, Nataatmadja
M, Semmler A. The role of TGF-beta
signalling abnormalities in aortic aneurysm
development. NHF ID FRC0207-06. 2008-9
(Research Project 2).
Research Report 2010
University of Queensland Cardiovascular Research Unit
Tonkin A, Thompson P, West M, Blankenberg
S, Kirby A, Hague W. The LIPID study: 16 year
outcomes and predictors of risk and their
interactions in CHD patients. NHMRC ID
490968. 2009-2011 (Research Project 4).
Johnson D, Gobe G, West M, Brown L.
Enhancing erythropoietin therapy in ischaemia
re-perfusion injury of heart and kidney.
NHMRC ID 631576. 2010-2012 (Research
Project 7).
Thompson P, Tonkin A, Kirby A, White H, Beilby
J, West M, Palmer L, Blankenberg S. Examining
GWAS-identified loci of interest in predicting
coronary events in subjects with known
coronary heart disease: the LIPID Genetic
Study. NHMRC 1010279. 2011-2013 (Research
Project 4).
Molenaar P. Molecular attributes and
physiological significance of β1L-adrenoceptors
2008-2010 (Research Project 7).
Middelberg R. Discovering genes and
polymorphisms that influence cardiovascular
risk and outcome. NHMRC Training Fellowship
NHMRC ID 611512. 2010-2014 (Research
Project 4).
The Prince Charles Hospital Research
Molenaar P. Effect of chronic administration of
-blockers on phosphodiesterase 3 enzymes.
2010-2011 (Research Project 7).
Nataatmadja M. Aortic aneurysm and
atherosclerosis is associated with
the presence of abnormal renin−angiotensin
regulation. MS2010−19 2010-11 (Research
Project 2).
West M. Large Equipment grant: Image Quant
LAS 4000- digital imaging system. 2010
(Research Projects 2 and 3).
Seymour G, Cullinan M, Westerman B. The
progression of periodontal disease in a
cardiovascular population. Colgate Palmolive
2005-2010 (Research Project 5).
Seymour G, Cullinan M. The effect of nonsurgical periodontal treatment and the use of
a triclosan containing dentifrice on glycaemic
control in type 2 diabetics. Colgate Palmolive
2005-2009 (Research Project 5).
Armitage GC, Cullinan MP, Seymour GJ.
Comparative biology of chronic and aggressive
periodontitis: introduction. Periodontol 2000
2010; 53:7-11.
Armitage GC, Cullinan MP. Comparison of the
clinical features of chronic and aggressive
periodontitis. Periodontol 2000 2010; 53:12-27
Arroll B, Divya D, Cullinan MP. Relationship
of root canal treatment to C-reactive protein
as an inflammatory marker for cardiovascular
disease. J Prim Health Care 2010; 2:11-15.
Cui J, Forbes A, Kirby A, Marschner I, Simes J,
Hunt D, West M, Tonkin A. Semi-parametric
risk prediction models for recurrent
cardiovascular events in the LIPID study
BMC Med Res Method. 2010; 10:DOI 27
Cullinan MP, Ford PJ, Seymour GJ. Periodontal
disease and systemic disease: Current status.
Aust Dent J 2009; 54: (Suppl 1):S62–S69.
Fairhall TJ, Thomson WM, Kieser JA, Broughton
JR, Cullinan MP, Seymour GJ. Home or away?
Differences between home- and clinicbased dental examinations for older people.
Gerodont 2009; 26:179-186.
Atieh MA, Payne AGT, Duncan WJ, Cullinan MP.
Immediate restoration/loading of immediately
placed single implants: is it an effective
bimodal approach? Clin Oral Implants Res
2009; 20:645-659.
Atieh M, Payne AGT, Duncan WJ, de Silva,
Cullinan MP. Immediate Placement or
Immediate Restoration/Loading of Single
Implants for Molar Tooth Replacement: A
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Int J
Oral & Maxillofac Implants 2010; 25:401-415.
Blinkhorn A, Bartold PM, Cullinan MP,
Madden TE, Marshall RI, Raphael SL, Seymour
GJ. Is there a role for triclosan/copolymer
toothpaste in the management of periodontal
disease? Brit Dent J 2009; 207:117-125.
Bohnstedt S, Cullinan MP, Ford PJ, Palmer
JE, Leishman SJ, Westerman B, Marshall RI,
West MJ, Seymour GJ. High antibody levels to
P.gingivalis in cardiovascular disease. J Dent
Res 2010; 89:938-942.
Chandler NJ, Greener ID, Tellez JO, Inada S,
Musa H, Molenaar P et al. Expression of ion
channels in the human sinus node and novel
transitional area – prediction for electrical
activity. Circulation 2009; 119:1562-1575.
Costello J, Livett M, Stride P, West M,
Premaratne M, Thacker D. The seamless
transition from student to intern: from theory
to practice. Int Med J 2010: 40:728-31.
M. Nataatmadja
Ford PJ, Raphael SL, Cullinan MP, Jenkins AJ,
West MJ, Seymour GJ. Why should a doctor
be interested in oral disease? Expert Rev
Cardiovasc Ther 2010; 8:1483-93.
Friedlander L, Cullinan MP, Love R. Dental
stem cells and their potential role in
apexogenesis and apexification. Int Endod J
2009; 42:955-962.
Gregory J, Thomson WM, Broughton
JR, Cullinan MP, Seymour GJ, Kieser JA,
Donaghy M-A, Shearer DM. Experiences and
perceptions of oral health and oral health care
among a sample of older New Zealanders.
Gerodont 2010; doi: 10.1111/j.17412358.2010.00402.x
Mussa H Tellez JO, Chandler NJ, Greener ID,
Maczewski M, Mackiewicz U, BeresewicZ
A, Molenaar P, Boyett MR, Dobryzinski H
Research Report 2010
University of Queensland Cardiovascular Research Unit
(2009) Tissue and species differences in
expression of P2 purinergic receptors in the
heart, including the sinoatrial node. NaunynSchmiedeberg’s Arch Pharmacol 2009;
Ohlrich E, Cullinan MP, Seymour GJ. The
immunopathogenesis of periodontal disease.
Aust Dent J 2009; 54:(Suppl 1):S2-10.
Phillips R, Lichtenthal P, Sloniger J, Burstow
D, West M, Copeland J Noninvasive cardiac
output measurement in heart failure subjects
on circulatory support. Anesth Analg
;108:881–6, 2009.
Schätzle M, Faddy MJ, Cullinan MP,
Seymour GJ, Lang NP, Bürgin W, Ånerud
Å, Boysen H, Löe H. The clinical course of
chronic periodontitis V. Predictive factors in
periodontal disease. J Clin Periodont 2009;
Seymour GJ, Ford PJ, Cullinan MP, Leishman
S, West MJ, Yamazaki K. Infection or
inflammation: the link between periodontal
and cardiovascular diseases. Editorial Future
Cardiol 2009; 5:5-9.
Smith M, Seymour GJ, Cullinan MP.
Histopathologic features of chronic and
aggressive periodontitis. Periodontol 2000
2010; 53:45-54.
Summers KM, Bokil NJ, Baisden JM, West MJ,
Sweet MJ, Raggatt LJ, Hume DA. Experimental
and bioinformatic characterisation of the
promoter region of the Marfan syndrome
gene, FBN1. Genomics; 94:233-40, 2009.
Books and Book Chapters
Oral Biology. Molecular Techniques and
Applications. Eds GJ Seymour, MP Cullinan,
NCK Heng 2010 Springer New York, USA.
Lang NP, Cullinan MP, Holborow DW,
Heitz-Mayfield LJA. Examiner training:
standardization and calibration in periodontal
studies. In: Clinical Research in Oral Health.
2010;159-175. Eds Giannobile WV, Burt BA
and Genco RJ. Wiley-Blackwell, Iowa, USA.