Godspell ACT ONE Matt P-Jesus My name is known: God and King. I am most in majesty, In whom no beginning may be and no end. Highest in potency I am, And have been ever. I have made stars and planets in their courses to go. I have made a moon for the night and a sun to light the day also. I have made earth where trees and grasses spring, Beasts and fowl, both great and small, all thrive and have my liking. I have made all of nothing for man's sustenation And of this pleasant garden that I have mostly goodly planted I will make him gardener for his own recreation. TONY – Socrates (spoken) I honour and love you; but I shall obey God rather than you, and while I have life I shall never cease from the practice and teaching of philosophy. For know that this is the command of God; and I believe that no greater good has ever happened in the state than my service to the God. For I do nothing but go about persuading you all, young and old alike, not to take thought for your persons or properties, but first and chiefly to take care about the greatest improvement of the soul. This is my teaching and if this is the doctrine which corrupts the youth, then I am a mischievous person. But if anyone says that this is not my teaching, he is speaking an untruth. Song 01 – TOWER OF BABBLE TONY – Socrates Wherefore, O men of Athens, I say to you Therefore, acquit me or not But whichever you do I shall never alter my ways Never adjust my approach to this maze Never reform til the end of my days Even if I have to die many times BEN F - Thomas Aquinas God is apprehended by imagination, intuition, reason, touch, opinion, sense, and name (And so on) While on quite the other hand, we find we can't begin to Understand him, so to some it seems a shame To go on But he is all things in all And he is nothing in any He is often found in one thing small Conversely, he is often missed in many. ADAM F - Martin Luther God almighty has made our rulers mad God almighty has turned our people bad For the German nobility, with typical agility, Have so applied their skill at egregious laws That the people are lead astray; they feel beholden to obey I may be just the German way, but God, it gives one pause. DAN H - DaVinci The rise of man... Was natural... JAMES H - Gibbon The decline of Rome Was natural And inevitable Man is so levitable! Instead of inquiring why Rome was destroyed Instead of admiring Man's filling of the void. Page 2 of 31 Godspell We should rather be surprised tyrannized We should rather be surprised That God had man so That Rome remained so strong Man will be strong So long. So long NATHAN O - Frederic Nietzsche What... Is noble Nowadays? CALLUM - Jean Paul Sartre Atheistic existentialIsm which I represent is More coherent - I do believe it... MATT T - Buckminster Fuller Man is a complex of patterns, of processes... CALLUM - Jean Paul Sartre There is no such thing as human Nature, not in all or few men, Since there is no God to conceive it... MATT T - Buckminster Fuller Man is a complex of patterns, of processes... (spoken) I live on Earth at present, and I don't know what I am. I know that I am not a category I am not a thing - a noun I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary processAn integral function of the universe. All 8 So high In my Lovely Ivory Tower of Babel babble, babble, babble, Babble, babble, babble, babble) high above the Rabble (Rabble, rabble, rabble, Babble, Rabble, babble, babble, rabble, babble) Greatest mind of history Solving life's sweet mystery So listen to me (so listen to me) Know how life should be (know how life should be) Oh, what does it matter if they don't agree? EACH THEN REPEAT ALTOGHETHER THE LINES THEY HAVE JUST SUNG) ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh. Song 02 – PREPARE YE Dario Prepare ye the way of the Lord! Prepare ye the way of the Lord! Prepare ye the way of the Lord! Prepare ye the way of the Lord! Page 3 of 31 Godspell Dario You vipers' brood! Who warned you to escape from the coming retribution? Then prove your repentance by the fruit it bears; and do not presume to say to yourselves, "We have Abraham for our father." I tell you that God can make children for Abraham out of these stones here. Already the axe is laid to the fruit of the trees; and any tree which fails to produce good fruit is cut down thrown on the fire. I baptize you with water, for repentance; but He who comes after me is mightier than I. I am not fit to take off his shoes. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Do you come to me? Matt P Yeah, I wanna get washed up. Dario I need rather to be baptized by you. Matt P No, no. Look, let it be so for the present; we do well now to conform with all that God requires. Song 03 – SAVE THE PEOPLE Matt P When wilt thou save the people? O God of mercy when? The people, Lord, the people; Not thrones and crowns, but men! Flowers of thy heart, O God are they; Let them not pass, like weeds, away, Their heritage a sunless day: God save the people! Shall crime breed crime forever, Strength aiding still the strong? Is it thy will, O Father, That men shall toil for wrong? "No," say thy mountains; "No," say thy skies; Man's clouded sun shall brightly rise, And songs be heard instead of sighs: God save the people! When wilt thou save the people? O God of mercy when? The people, Lord, the people; Not thrones and crowns, but men! God save the people; for thine they are, Thy children as thy angels fair: O save the people, from despair, God save the people! (Oh God save the people) When wilt thou save the people? O God of mercy when? The people, Lord, the people; Not thrones and crowns, but men! God save the people, save us, for thine they are Thy children as thy angels fair Save the people (God save the people) From despair (God save the people!) God save the people (Oh God save the people) God save the people (Oh God save the people) God save the people God save the people God save the people Page 4 of 31 Godspell Matt P Now, do not suppose that I have come to abolish the Law and the Prophets: I did not come to abolish, but to complete. I tell you this: so long as heaven and earth endure not a letter, not a stroke, will disappear from the Law until all that must happen has happened. If any man, therefore, sets aside even the least of the Law's demands he will have the lowest place in the kingdom of heaven. But he who keeps the law and teaches others so, he will have the highest place in the kingdom of Heaven. I tell you this, unless you show yourselves far better men than the Pharisees and the doctors of the Law Callum Tadaaa!! Matt P (admonishing him) ... you shall never enter the kingdom of Heaven. All Ta ta taratara ta ta tara (circus music) Matt P There once was a judge. (Tony acts the role of the judge and Ruth is widow) Who cared nothing for God nor man And in the same town there was a widow Who constantly came before him demanding justice against her rival. Ruth I am constantly demanding justice against my rival Matt P For a long time he refused. Tony No Ruth What do I want? Justice! When do I want it? Now Tony No! Ruth Justice! Tony No! Ruth Justice! Tony No! Ruth Justice! Tony No! Matt P But in the end he said to himself True, I care nothing for God nor man, but this widow is so great a nuisance, that I will see her righted before she wears me out with her persistence. You hear what the unjust judge says: and will not God vindicate his chosen who cry out to him day and night while he sits listening patiently to them? All Will he, Jesus? Will he, will he? Matt P Well, I tell you, he will vindicate them, soon enough. All Yay! (etc.) Matt P But, when the son of man comes, will he find faith on earth? Page 5 of 31 Godspell Dan H Oh, I'm glad you brought that up... Karla Shhh! Gather round, brothers and sisters, because two men, I said two, went off to the temple to pray. One, a Pharisee, All Boo! (General derision) Karla and the other a tax gatherer. All Ahhh! Karla The Pharisee, why he just stood right on up, and praaaaayed thus: Emily I thank thee, O God, that I am not like other men, greedy, dishonest, adulterous, or, for that matter, like that tax gatherer. I pray twice a week - get that, twice a week - and pay taxes on all that I get." Karla But the other kept his distance and would not even raise his eyes to the good Lord in Heaven. I said the good Lord in Heaven, chile. All Amen, sister! Sonia & Karla But beat upon his breast, saying, Jess F Oh, God, have mercy on me, sinner that I am! All Hallelujah! Amen! (etc.) Matt P And it was this man, I tell you... Emily Oh, you've got to be kidding! Matt P ... and not the other who went off and quitted of his sins for - Every man who exalts himself shall be humbled, but Every man who humbles himself, shall be exalted. Shall be exalted. You have learned that they were told, "Do not commit murder, anyone who commits murder must be brought to judgment." But what I tell you is this: "Anyone who nurses anger against his brother must be brought to judgment." So, anyone who abuses.... ... his brother must answer for it in the court. But, he who sneers at his brother must answer for it in the fires of Hell. Now, what if you are bringing a gift to the altar, and... ... you suddenly remember your brother has a grievance against you. All Tada!!! (as Kande enters to present the gift with an acrobatic trick) Matt P No, leave your gift where it is, before the altar. Leave it! First, go and make peace with your brother. Now go and offer your gift. All Wooohoo !! Matt P But, what if your brother sues you... You'd better settle with him quickly. Otherwise, he'll hand you over to the judge and the judge to the constables…. Page 6 of 31 Godspell (Matthew W takes position to play the role of the judge and Harry and George F the roles of the constables) ….and you'll land in jail. (Nathan Hubble forms pyramid with others) And I tell you, you'll not get out of there until you've paid the last penny. Nathan There once was a king... All Yeah, yeah! Matt T Who decided to settle accounts with the men who served him All Yea, yeah, yeah! Dan Well, at the outset there appeared, before the master Ben a man whose debt ran into the millions. All What! All four I said the millions. All Whoa! Nathan Since the man had no means of paying the money, Matt T the master ordered him to be sold to meet the debt with his wife... All No! Dan And his child... All Whoa! Ben And everything he had. Nathan Well the man, Matt T threw himself down Dan H at the master's feet Ben F and went All Unh! Charlotte S Oh, be patient with me... All 4 he said, Charlotte S and I will pay you in full... Nathan And so moved with pity was the master Matt T that he decided to free the man Dan and remit the debt Page 7 of 31 Godspell Ben and let's hear it for the master! All Yay! Dario Wait a minute! But, no sooner had the man gone out than he met a fellow servant who owed him a few dollars. He gripped him by the throat and said: Charlotte S Pay me what you owe me! Dario The man threw himself at his fellow servant's feet and begged him saying: Amie B-b-b-b-b-b-be patient with me and I shall pay you. Dario But he refused and had him jailed until he should pay the debt. James H The other servants were deeply distressed when they saw what had happened. They ran and they told their master the whole story! Accordingly he sent for... THE MAN! Deb You scoundrel! James He said to him. Deb I remitted the whole of your debt when you appealed to me. Were you not bound to show your fellow servant the same pity I showed you? Adam And so fricken was the skrickpocket that he clickened the storz, and frockened the stickpocket! All WHAT???? Adam F And so angry was the master that he condemned the man to torture until he could pay the debt in full. Unh-unh-unh. Matt P And that is how my Heavenly Father will deal with you, unless you each forgive your brothers from your hearts. Song 04 – DAY BY DAY Deb Day by day Day by day Oh, dear Lord three things I pray. To see thee more clearly, Love thee more dearly Follow thee more nearly Day by day. Day by day Matt P Now, if your right eye offends you, tear it out and fling it away. Callum that’s the most ridiculous thing I ever heard Matt P It's better for you to lose one part of your body than for the whole of it to be thrown into hell. Callum Yeah, but she's so.... fit. Page 8 of 31 Godspell Tony Since when? (deb slaps) Dario Master, let me chastise the vixen. Matt P Get back there. (almost sparring with Dario) Now if you right hand offends you I want you to cut it off and fling it away. (Matt’s hand trick) Deb Aw, c'mon! Matt P Now look, it's better for you to lose one part of your body than for the whole of it to be thrown into hell. Matt P and Deb (in a Vicar of Dibley style) Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes , yes, yes… no – no, no, no, no, no, no, …yes. Matt P You've heard that they were told; An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But what I tell you is this: Never set yourself against a man who wrongs you. So if someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn and offer him your left. Dario Oh, Jeeesus Ch... (Someone slaps her hand over Dario's mouth.) Matt P Now, if a man sues you for your shirt All Charades! GIVE HIM YOUR COAT AS WELL! Yay! (Handclapping, cheers, bravos, etc.) Matt P Now, if a man in authority asks you to go one mile with him... Dario Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Let's hear it from …….. (weightlifter appears). Matt P Now if a man in authority asks you to go one mile with him... All Go with him two! Matt P Give when you are asked to give And never turn your back on one who wants to borrow. Lottie Hey, you wanna see a show? Matt P At these prices? Lottie A man was on his way from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell in amongst robbers, who beat him, stripped him, and left, leaving him half dead. It so happened that a priest came upon the place and saw him and went past to the other side. So, too, a judge came to the place and saw him and went past to the other side. But, a Samaritan who was making the journey came upon him, and when he saw him, was moved to pity. He went up and bandaged his wounds, bathing them in oil and wine. Then he put him onto his own beast, brought him to an inn, and looked after him there. The next day he produced two pieces of silver and said, "Look after him and if you spend anymore, I will repay you on the way back." Matt P You have learned that you were told, "Love you neighbour, hate your enemy," but what I tell you is this, Page 9 of 31 Godspell "Love, love, love, your enemies. And pray for your persecutors. Amie You don't mean...? Matt P I do! Only so can you be called the Children of your Heavenly Father who makes the sun rise and set on good and bad alike, and sends the rain on the honest and the dishonest. Now if you greet only those who greet you, what reward can you expect? Surely the tax gatherers do as much as that and if you love only those who love you, what is there extraordinary in that? Even the heathen do as much. No, your goodness must know no bounds, just as your heavenly Father's goodness knows no limit. But, be careful not to make a show of your religion before men. All Oh. Matt P Because if you do, no reward awaits you in the kingdom of my Father. When you do some act of charity, don't announce it with a flourish of trumpets, as the heathen do in the synagogues and in the streets. I tell you they do it just to win admiration from men. No, when you do some act of charity don't let your right hand know... what your left hand is doing. (Thumb light trick) All Ohhhhh. Amie Did you see that? Matt P Your good deed must be in secret. Karla Shhhhh! It's a secret! Dario What the Good Master is telling us is that when God tells a little secret the angels write it down in a big... (confused ad lib) Matt P No, no, no. Your heavenly Father, who sees what is done in secret. He will what? All REWARD YOU! (Party poppers behind Dario) Dario (Parable staged as a clown scene involving Harry, Ben Carr, Callum H, George F, Sam) There once was a rich man who dressed in purple and the finest linen, Charlotte S That's me. Dario and every day feasted in the greatest magnificence. At his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus who would have been glad to have satisfied his hunger with the scraps from the rich man's table. (Callum L plays the role of Lazarus) Charlotte S Oh, my God, it's good! Dario Even the doggy-doggies used to come and lick his open, running sores. All Ooooouurghh! Dario Well, one day, the poor man died and was carried away by the angels… … I said the angels… (Laura, Jess L & Kande act the role of angels) to be with Abraham. Page 10 of 31 Godspell The rich man also died and was buried in Hades…. Charlotte S Hello All demons Hello Dario …where he was in torment. He looked up and there, far away, was Abraham with Lazarus close beside him. Charlotte S Oh, Father Abraham, have pity on me; send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water to cool my tongue for I am in agony in this fire. Dan H Remember, my child, that all the good things fell to you while you were on earth and all the bad to Lewis Dario Lazarus (correcting Dan H) Dan H Abraham, nice to meet ya… and now it is he who has consolation here and it is you who are in agony. But that ain't all; there's a great chasm between us and nobody from your side who wants to cross it can, and no one from our side who wants to cross it can either. Charlotte S Then, Father, send Lazarus to my Father's house where I have five brothers to warn them that they too may not come to this place of torment. Dan H They've got Moses and the prophets. Let 'em listen to them. Charlotte S But if some one from the dead should rise, then they would listen. Dan H Look, if they don't listen to Moses and the prophets, they ain't gonna listen to nobody, even if someone should rise from the dead. All Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk. (Music cue.) Song 05 – LEARN YOUR LESSONS WELL I can see a swath of sinners settin' yonder and they're actin' like a pack of fools Gazing into space they let their minds all wander stead of studying the good Lord's rules You better pay attention, build your comprehension There's gonna be a quiz at your ascension Not to mention any threat of hell But if you're smart, you'll learn your lessons well Every bright description of the promised land meant you can reach it if you keep alert Learning every line and every last commandment may not help you, but it couldn't hurt First you gotta read 'em, then you gotta heed 'em You never know when you're gonna need 'em Just as old Elijah said to Jezebel You better start to learn your lessons well The lamb of the body is the eye If you’re eye sees bad, your whole body will be darkness And if darkness is all around your soul will be doubly unbright But if your eye is sound, your whole body will be filled with light Your whole body will be filled with light Page 11 of 31 Godspell Your whole body will be filled with light Dan I can't see! Callum What's the matter? Dan Because I've got my eyes shut! LEARN YOUR LESSONS WELL Every bright description of the promised land meant You can reach it if you keep alert Learning every line and every last commandment May not help you, but it couldn't hurt First you gotta read 'em, then you gotta heed 'em You never know when you're gonna need 'em Just as old Elijah said to Jezebel You better start to learn your lessons well. Matt P Now, no servant shall be the slave of two masters. Either he will love the first and hate the second Ruth I love you (pointing to Amie) but I hate you (pointing to Deb) Matt or be devoted to the second and think nothing of the first. Ruth I am devoted to you (pointing to Deb) Whatever (aimed at Amie) Matt No man can serve God... (Staged with Matt T, Lottie, Emily) All What!? Matt P and money! All Money, money,. money, guilders, rupees, Matt T (Dressing up box) There once was a rich man, whose land yielded heavy crops. He debated with himself: "Oh what am I to do?" he said. "I have not the room to store my produce. Ahh, this is what I will do," he said. "I will tear down my storehouses and make them bigger. I will collect in the all my corn and popcorn and tuna surprise, and M&Ms, and then I will say to myself, 'Man, you have a plenty of good things laid by you, enough to last you many years. Take life easy. Eat. Drink. Enjoy yourself.' But, then God said to the man, "You fool, this very night you must surrender your life. You have made your money. Who will get it now?" Song 06 – OH BLESS THE LORD MY SOUL Matt Trembling O Bless the Lord, my soul! His grace to thee proclaim And all that is within me join To bless his holy name! Oh Yeah O Bless the Lord, my soul! His mercies bear in mind! Forget not all his benefits! The Lord to thee is kind. Page 12 of 31 Godspell He will not always chide He will with patience wait His wrath is ever slow to rise (O bless the lord) And ready to abate (O bless the lord) And ready to abate (O bless the lord) And ready to abate (And ready to abate) (And ready to abate) And ready to abate Oh Yeah He pardons all thy sins (all thy sins) Prolongs thy feeble breath (feeble breath) He healeth thine infirmities And ransoms thee from death O bless the Lord my soul (O bless the Lord my soul) He clothes thee with his love (with his love) Upholds thee with his truth (with his truth) And like the eagle he renews The vigour of thy youth Then bless his holy Name Whose grace hath made thee whole Whose loving kindness crowns thy days (Oh bless the Lord) Bless the lord my soul (Oh bless the Lord) Bless the lord my soul (Oh bless the Lord) Bless the lord, bless the Lord, O bless the Lord my soul Oh bless the lord my soul Oh bless the lord my soul Oh bless the lord my soul Oh bless the lord my soul Oh bless the lord my soul Oh bless the lord my soul Oh bless the lord my soul Oh bless the lord my soul Bless the Lord Bless the Lord Bless the Lord Bless the Lord Bless the Lord Bless the Lord Bless the Lord Bless the Lord My Soul O bless the Lord (O bless the Lord) my soul O bless the Lord my soul Matt P Therefore I bid you put away anxious thoughts about food and clothes to cover your body. Surely life is more than food... and the body more than clothes. Adam Her body is more than clothes. Look, I'll show ya! Matt P Consider the lilies of the field. Ruth I’m Lilly of the Valley…. what’s occurring? Karla I’m Lilly Savage….alright our kid? Amie And I’m Lilly the Pink Page 13 of 31 Godspell Matt P They don't work, they don't spin, and yet I tell you, Solomon in all his splendour was not attired like one of these. Ruth I will not lie to you….. look yer…. we are beautiful! Matt P Now, if that's how God clothes the grass which is here today and tomorrow is thrown on the fire, will he not all the more clothe you? How little faith you have! So don't go around anxiously saying, "What am I to eat, what am I to drink?" Adam What are we to eat? All Don't ask that! Matt P Set your mind where? All God. Matt P God's kingdom and His justice and all the rest will come to you as well. So don't worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Each day has problems of its own. Callum Master, Master! Blessed are the poor in spirit... Matt P For theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. Deb Blessed are they that mourn... Matt P For they shall be comforted. Adam Blessed are the meek... Matt P For they shall inherit the earth. Jess F Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice... Matt P For they shall be filled. James Blessed are the merciful... Matt P For they shall have mercy. Charlotte S Matt P Blessed are the poor in heart... Tony Blessed are the peacemakers... Matt P For they shall be called the children of God Lottie Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake... Matt P For theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. Dario Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely. Matt P Did I ever tell you that I used to read feet? No, it's true; some people read palms and tea leaves, I read feet. Look what it says. It says rejoice. For they shall see God. Page 14 of 31 Godspell Deb No it don’t, it sez made in China Matt P No no, rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in Heaven. Song 07 – ALL FOR THE BEST Matt P When you feel sad, or under a curse Your life is bad, your prospects are worse Your wife is sighing, crying, And your olive tree is dying Temples are greying And teeth are decaying And creditors weighing your purse Your mood and your robe are both a deep blue You'd bet that Job had nothing on you Don't forget that When you go to heaven you'll be blest Yes, it's all for the best. Dario Some men are born to live at ease Doing what they please Richer than the bees are in honey Never growing old Never feeling cold Pulling pots of gold from thin air The best in every town Best at shaking down Best at making mountains of money They can't take it with them But what do they care? They get the center of the meat Cushions on the seat Houses on the street where it's sunny Summers at the sea Winters warm and free All of this and we get the rest But who is the land for? The sun and the sand for? You guessed It's all for the best. Matt P Now, how can you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye, when all the time there's this great plank in your own? Dario I don't know. How can you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye when all the time there's this great plank in your own? Matt P Or, how can you take the speck of sawdust out of your brother's eye when all the time there's this great plank in your own? Dario I don't know. How can you take the speck of sawdust out of your brother's eye when all the time there's this great plank in your own? Matt P You hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye so you can see clearly enough to take the speck of sawdust out of your brother's. Dario Wait a minute! That's no answer to the question! Page 15 of 31 Godspell Matt P Did I promise an answer to the question? When you feel sad, or under a curse Your life is bad, your prospects are worse Your wife is sighing, crying, And your olive tree is dying Temples are greying And teeth are decaying And creditors weighing your purse Your mood and your robe are both a deep blue You'd bet that Job had nothing on you Don't forget that When you go to heaven you'll be blest Yes, it's all for the best. Matt P All your wrongs will be redressed. All Yes, it's all for... Matt P You must never be distressed. All Yes, it's all for... Dario Someone's got to be oppressed. All Yes, it's all for the best. Matt P Judge not that you yourself shall not be judged. For whatever you deal out to others will be dealt back to you. Ben F (with other mime artists behind him) (Deb and Callum lead juggling) A sower went to sow some seed and as he sowed some seed fell along the footpath where it was trampled on (Kieron big clown shoes) and the birds ate it up. Jess Ruth and Tweet, tweet, tweet. Ben F (Seeds played by Lottie, Karla & Adam) Some seed fell on rock. (Nathan jumps) And after coming up, withered for lack of moisture. Some seed fell in among the weeds Dan, Emily, Matt T & Dario Weeeeeeeds Ben F ….and the weeds grew up with it and choked. And some of the seed fell into good soil. Charlotte S, Amie, James & Tony Hey, that's us! Ben F And it grew, and it yielded a hundredfold. Page 16 of 31 Godspell Matt P If you have ears to hear, then listen, listen, for this is what the parable means. Do you know what the seed is? Ben F A baby! Matt P No! The seed is the word of God, and that seed which fell along the footpath represents those who hear the Word, but then the Devil comes and carries them off for fear they should believe and be saved. Jess Oy! (Dario enters and carries Jess off) Matt P And that which fell upon rock, oh, they receive the word with joy when they first hear it, but they have no root and so in time of testing they desert. Oh, and that which fell among the weeds, they hear the Word, but their further growth is impaired by cares and wealth and pleasures of the world. Oh, no, no, no! They bring nothing to fruit. Ben F No fruit. Matt P But, that which fell among good soil Hey, good soil, good soil They hear the word with a good and honest heart and through their perseverance, yield a harvest. Song 08 – ALL GOOD GIFTS Ben F We plough the fields, and scatter The good seed on the land But it is fed and watered By God's almighty hand He sends the snow in winter The warmth to swell the grain The breezes and the sunshine And soft refreshing rain All good gifts around us Are sent from heaven above Then thank the Lord, O, thank the Lord For all his love Matt P So don't store your treasure on earth, where it grows rusty and moth-eaten, and thieves break in to steal it. No, store up your treasure in heaven, where there is no moth and no rust and no thief breaks in to steal it. For where your treasure is, so will your heart be also. All We thank thee, then, O Father For all things bright and good The seed time and the harvest Our life, our health, our food No gifts have we to offer For all thy love imparts But that which thou desirest Our humble thankful hearts All good gifts around us Are sent from heaven above Then thank the Lord, O, thank the Lord For all his love I really want to thank you lord Page 17 of 31 Godspell (All good gifts around us) I want to thank you Lord (Are sent from heaven above) Thank you for all of your love I want to thank you Lord (All good gifts around us) I want to love O thank you Lord Breakdance section Nathan Once upon a time there was a man who had two sons and the younger said to his father Adam Father, give me my share of the property. Nathan So, he divided his estate between them. A few days later the younger son turned the whole of his share into cash and left home for a distant country, where he squandered it in reckless living. He had spent it all, when a severe famine fell upon the country and he began to feel the pinch. Adam Ouch! Nathan So he decided to attach himself to one of the local landowners who sent him to the field to mind the pigs. Dario Pigs! Karla Pigs? Dario Pigs! Nathan He would have been glad to have filled his belly with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything. Then he came to his senses and said Adam How many of my father's paid servants have more food than they can eat, and here I am starving to death. I will set off and I will go to my father and I will say to him: "Father, I have sinned against God and against you; I am no longer fit to be called your son; treat me as one of your paid servants.” Nathan So he set out for his father's house, but while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and his heart went out to him. The son ran to meet his father, threw his arms around him, and kissed him, saying Adam "Father, I have sinned against God and against you; I am no longer fit to be called your son; treat me as one of your paid servants. Nathan But the father called to one of his servants James "Kvick, fetch me my robe, my best one, put a ring on his finger and shoes on his feet and bring the fatted calf and kill it - a nice Kosher vun - and let us have a veast to celebrate the day, for this son of mine was lost and is found." Nathan And the festivities began. Dario Now, the elder son was out on the farm, working; And on his way back, as he approached the house, he heard music and dancing. He called to one of the servants and asked him what it meant. The servant said Ruth Uh, uh, uh, your nephew - nope, nope, nope, your brother-in-law, nope, nope, nope your cousin - your brother, your, your brother's come back home again and your father's killed the fatted calf cause he has him back safe and sound, yup, yup, yup! Dario But the brother was irritated. Page 18 of 31 Godspell Tony Oh, c'mon! Dario He was pretty damned mad! And refused to go in the house. The father came out and pleaded with him but he retorted, saying Tony "You know how I've worked for you all these years and I never once disobeyed your orders and you never gave me so much as a kid for a feast with my friends, but once this son of yours turns up, after running through your money with his women you kill the fatted calf for him. James My boy, you are always with me and everything I have his yours. Now, how could we help but celebrate this happy day, for your brother here was dead and has come back to life - metaphorically speaking - was lost and is found." Tony & Adam (whining) No, I don't wanna. Please don't make me, Jesus... oh, all right! Matt P Is there a man among you who will offer his son a stone when he asks for bread? All Is there a man among you who will offer his son a stone when he asks for bread? Matt P A snake if he asks for fish? All No! Matt P Well if you now, bad as you are, now, know how to give your children what is good for them, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things... All Good things! Good things! Good things! Good things! Good things! Yeah! Matt P ... to those who ask for them. Always treat others as you would have then treat you All Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Matt P Well, that is the law and the prophets. All The law and the prophets The law and the prophets The law and the prophets The law and the prophets The law and the prophets The law and the prophets The law and the prophets Song 09 – LIGHT OF THE WORLD Solo You are the light of the world! All You are the light of the world. Solo But if that light's under a bushel It's lost something kind of crucial. All You've got to stay bright To be the light of the world Solo You are the salt of the earth. Page 19 of 31 Godspell All You are the salt of the earth. Solo But if that salt has lost its flavour It ain't got much in its favour All You can't have that fault and be the salt of the earth So let your light so shine before men Let your light so shine So that they might know some kindness again We all need help to feel fine Solo Let's have some wine! Solo You are the City of God All You are the City of God Solo But if that city's on a hill It's kind of hard to hide it well All You've got to stay pretty in the City of God So let your light so shine before men Let your light so shine So that they might know some kindness again We all need help to feel fine (Let's have some wine!) Solo You are the light of the world All You are the light of the world Solo But the tallest candlestick Ain't much good without a wick All You've got to live right to be the light of the world Matt P We're gonna take a little break now, but in the mean time, we'd like to invite you all up on the stage or back out there for a tea, coffee, soft drinks, sweets and ice cream... go outside, smoke a cigarette, get some fresh air. We'll be back in fifteen minutes or so, and thank you all very much for coming. END ACT I Page 20 of 31 Godspell ACT TWO Song 10 – LEARN YOUR LESSONS WELL (reprise) Deb I can see a swath of sinners settin' yonder and they're actin' like a pack of fools Gazing into space they let their minds all wander stead of studying the good Lord's rules You better pay attention, build your comprehension There's gonna be a quiz at your ascension Not to mention any threat of hell But if you're smart, you'll learn your lessons well Every bright description of the promised land meant you can reach it if you keep alert Learning every line and every last commandment may not help you, but it couldn't hurt First you gotta read 'em, then you gotta heed 'em You never know when you're gonna need 'em Just as old Elijah said to Jezebel You better start to learn your lessons well Song 11 – TURN BACK, O MAN Lottie, Jess F, Charlotte S & Emily Cavill Turn back, O man, forswear thy foolish ways Old now is earth, and none may count her days, Da, da, da, da, da Yet thou, her child, whose head is crowned with flame Still wilt not hear thine inner God proclaim Turn back, O man (Hi ya, sweetie) Turn back, O man (Eat your heart out) Turn back, O man (Can you take it?) Forswear thy foolish ways (See ya later I'm going to the front of the theatre.) Earth might be fair, and all men glad and wise (How’m doin’) Age after age their tragic empires rise, Da, da, da, da, da Built while they dream, and in that dreaming weep Would man but wake from out his haunted sleep Turn back, O man (Get the picture?) Turn back, O man (Can ya see from where you're sittin'?) (To Stephen) Turn back, O man (Hi ya, big boy!) Forswear thy foolish ways. Matt P Earth shall be fair, and all her people one Not till that hour shall God's whole will be done Now, even now, once more from earth to sky Peals forth in joy, man's old undaunted cry Earth shall be fair, and all her people one Sonia C'mere, Jesus, I got something to show ya! All Turn back, O man, forswear thy foolish ways Old now is earth, and none may count her days, Da, da, da, da, da Yet thou, her child, whose head is crowned with flame Still wilt not hear thine inner God proclaim Turn back, O man Turn back, O man Page 21 of 31 Godspell Turn back, O man Forswear Thy Foolish ways Play it honey Matt P Stop!! This is the beginning. Amie By whose authority are you acting like this? Charlotte S Matt P Who gave you this authority? Emily If we say "from God," he will say, "Then why did you not believe?" Karla But if we say, "from men",... Ruth ... the people... Amie ... will be angry for they took John as a prophet. All 5 girls Matt P We do not know. Then neither will I tell you by whose authority I act, but I have a story for you; a man had two sons He went to the first, and said, Tony My son, go and work in the vineyard today. James I will go Matt P said the boy; but he never went. Then the father said to the second, Tony Now go my son, go and work in the vineyard today. Callum "I will not go," Matt P said the son, but later on he changed his mind and went. Now which of these two did as his father wished? All 5 girls The second. Matt P And I tell you this; tax gatherers and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of heaven, because when John came and showed you the right way to live, you didn't believe him but the tax gatherers and the prostitutes did, and even when you saw that you did not change your minds and follow him. Lottie Master, you are an honest man. Give us your ruling on this: Are we or are we not permitted to pay taxes to the Roman emperor? Dario You hypocrites! Matt P Show me the money in which the tax is paid. Well, now, whose head is on here, whose inscription? Adam Caesar's. Matt P Then, pay Caesar what is due Caesar, but pay God what is due God. Well, I have a question to ask you. Answer it and then I'll tell you by whose authority I act. The baptism of John; was it from God or was it from man? Page 22 of 31 Godspell Jess Master, what is the greatest commandment of them all? Matt P Thou shalt love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and all your soul. This is the greatest commandment of them all and the second is like it: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. All the rest of the law, and all the prophets have written, is based on these first two. The doctors of the law and the Pharisees sit in the chair of Moses, therefore listen to what they say, pay attention to their words, but do not follow their practices. For they say one thing and do another. They make up heavy packs and pile them on men's shoulders and they don't raise a finger to lift the load themselves. Everything they do is done for show. Oh, they go about wearing broad phylacteries with large tassels on their robes. They like to have their places of honour at feasts and at the synagogues and to be greeted respectfully in the streets and to be called 'teacher.' But you must not be called "teacher" for you have one teacher: the Messiah, and you must not call any man on earth "Father" for you have only one Father and you are all brothers, and you must call no man on earth "Rabbi" for you have one Rabbi and he is in heaven. Song 12 – ALAS FOR YOU Matt P Alas, alas for you, lawyers and Pharisees Hypocrites that you are Sure that the kingdom of heaven awaits you You will not venture half so far Other men who might enter the gates you Keep from passing through Drag them down with you. You snakes, you viper's brood You cannot escape being devil's food I send you prophets and I send you preachers Sages and rages and ages of teachers Nothing can mar your mood Alas, alas for you, lawyers and Pharisees Hypocrites to a man Sons of the dogs who murdered the prophets Finishing off what your fathers began You don't have time to scorn or to scoff, it's Getting very late Vengeance doesn't wait. You snakes, you viper's brood You cannot escape being devil's food I send you prophets and I send you preachers Sages and rages and ages of teachers Nothing can mar your mood Blind guides! Blind fools! The blood you've spilt On you will fall This nation, this generation Shall bear the guilt of it all! Alas, alas, alas for you Blind fools! Matt P Oh, Jerusalem! All 12 disciples Oh, Jerusalem! Page 23 of 31 Godspell Matt P City that stones the prophets and murders the messengers sent to her. How often have I longed to gather your children, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you would not let me! (Wailing stops) And so I tell, you shall never see me until the time when you say: "Blessing on him who comes in the name of the Lord!" But, take care that no one misleads you for many will come claiming my name and saying, "I am the Messiah!", and many will be mislead by them, for the time is coming when you will hear the noise of battle near at hand. For nation will make war upon nation, kingdom upon kingdom; there will be famines and earthquakes in many places but with all these things the birthpangs of a new age begin. For as things were in Noah's days... Callum Happy Noah's Days! Matt P So will they be when the son of man comes. Callum C'mon animals. C'mon. There's a 73% chance of rain! Matt P For in the days before the flood, men ate and drank and married and they knew nothing until the flood came and swept them all away. All disciples Master, save us! Are you not afraid we shall be drowned? Matt P Have you no faith? Peace. Be still. For when the son of man comes, there will be men working in the fields. And of all these men working, one will be taken and the others left. Women! grinding at the wheel and of all these women one will be taken and the others left. So keep awake then for you never know on what day your Lord is to come. All disciples Hah! Matt P Remember, if the householder had known what time the burglar was coming, he would have stayed awake all night. All disciples Ha-cha-cha-cha-cha! Matt P So keep awake, then, for the son of man will come at a time when you least expect him. Who is the trusty servant? The man charged by his master to take care of his servants and pay them at the proper time. Well, happy is that servant who is at his job when his master comes, for I tell you, he will be out in charge of all his master's property. But, what of the bad servant who sits around saying, "Oh well, the master is a long time coming," and he begins bullying the servants and eating and drinking with his drunken friends. I tell you this, the master will come on a day when he does not know at a time he least expects and will cut him to pieces. Then he'll take his place among the hypocrites... where there is wailing... All disciples Wailing! Matt P and gnashing of teeth. All disciples Gnash, gnash, gnashing! Page 24 of 31 Godspell Matt P Remember, even a good runner, if he remains indifferent to the race, can never enter the kingdom of my Father. James (Role of woman is played by Amie) Master, this woman was caught in the very act of adultery and in the law that Moses has laid down, such women are to be stoned. Callum Yeah, what do you say about it, mister? Matt P That the one of you who is faultless shall throw the first stone. Jess Oh boy! Matt P Where are they now? Has no one condemned you? Amie No one, sir. Matt P Nor do I condemn you. You may go. Do not sin again Song 13 – BY MY SIDE Amie and Lottie Where are you going? Where are you going? Can you take me with you? For my hand is cold and needs warmth Where are you going? Far beyond where the horizon lies, where the horizon lies And the land sinks into mellow blueness Oh please, take me with you Let me skip the road with you I can dare myself, I can dare myself I'll put a pebble in my shoe And watch me walk (watch me walk) I can walk, and walk, and walk, and walk I shall call the pebble Dare (I shall call the pebble Dare) We will talk, together about walking Dare shall be carried And when we both have had enough I will take him from my shoe, singing Meet your new road Then I'll take your hand Finally glad (finally glad) That you are here By my side (by my side) (By my side) By my side (By my side) (By my side) By my side (By my side) By my side Jess Then the man they called Judas Iscariot went to the chief priests, and said Dario What will you give me to betray Him to you? Jess They paid him thirty pieces of silver. And from that moment, he began to look out for an opportunity to betray him. By my side (by my side) (By my side) By my side (By my side) (By my side) By my side (By my side) Page 25 of 31 Godspell By my side Matt P Now, when the Son of Man comes in all his glory with all his angels with him, he will sit in state on his throne with all the nations gathered before him and he will separate the men into two groups as a Ring Master separates the lions from the monkeys, and then he will put the lions on his right and the monkeys on his left... Callum Lions on his right? OK. Matt P ... and then he will say to those on his right (Callum false roar with sound effect) Lions Miiiaoow! Matt P You have my father's blessing. Come and enter the kingdom that has been ready since the world was made. For when I was hungry, you gave me food, when I was thirsty, you gave me drink, when I was naked and without a home, you took me to your house, and when I was ill and in prison, you came to my aid. (Monkey starts to move to the other side) Hey, hey, hey get back there. Monkey Oooh ah ah ah! Matt P And they will say to him: (Lion roars) Callum (Interpreting the lion’s roar) What he actually said was “Master, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food or thirsty and gave you drink? (Lion roars again) (Interpreting the lion’s roar) Yeah, or in prison or helped you? Matt P And then he will say to them (Roar): Anything you did for one of your brothers here, however humble, you did for me. Matt T (as lion) Matt P Oh, I get it! Monkeys Ooooh aaah aaah Matt P You go from my sight to the eternal fire... ... to the eternal fire, that has been ready for you with the devil and his angels, for when I was hungry you didn't give me anything to eat, when I was thirsty you didn't give me anything to drink, when I was naked and without a home, you didn't take me to your house, and when I was ill and in prison, you didn't come to my aid. And then they will say to him: Nathan (as gorilla) Matt P Aw, Master, if we'd a known it was you we woulda taken you to Monkey World. Monkeys Matt P Then he will say to those on his left (Monkeys react): A curse is upon you! And then he will say to them: Anything you did not do for one of my brothers here, however humble, you did not do for me. Oooh ah ah ah!!!! Go take your place in eternal punishment! (Monkeys scream) Page 26 of 31 Godspell But the righteous shall have eternal life. Song 14 – WE BESEECH THEE Tony Father, hear Thy children's call Humbly at thy feet we fall Prodigals, confessing all We beseech thee, hear us! We thy call have disobeyed Into paths of sin have strayed And repentance have delayed We beseech thee, hear us! Come sing about Love! That caused us first to be Come sing about Love! That made the stone and tree Come sing about Love! Love! That draws us lovingly We beseech thee, hear us! Sick! We come to thee for cure Guilty! We seek thy mercy sure Evil! We long to be made pure We beseech thee, hear us! Blind! We pray that we may see Bound! We pray to be made free Stained! We pray for sanctity We beseech thee, hear us! Come sing about Love! That caused us first to be Come sing about Love! That made the stone and tree Come sing about Love! Love! That draws us lovingly We beseech thee, hear us! By the gracious saving call Spoken tenderly to all Page 27 of 31 Godspell Who have shared man's guilt and fall We beseech thee, hear us! By the love that longs to bless Pitying our sore distress Leading us to holiness We beseech thee, hear us! Grant us hope from earth to rise And to strain with eager eyes Towards the promised heavenly prize We beseech thee, hear us! Come sing about Love! That caused us first to be Come sing about Love! That made the stone and tree Come sing about Love! Love! That draws us lovingly We beseech thee, hear us Song 15 – BEAUTIFUL CITY Matt P Out of the ruins and rubble Out of the smoke Out of our night of struggle Can we see a ray of hope? One pale thin ray reaching for the day We can build a beautiful city Yes, we can; yes, we can We can build a beautiful city Not a city of angels But we can build a city of man We may not reach the ending But we can start Slowly but truly mending Brick by brick, heart by heart Now, maybe now We start learning how We can build a beautiful city Yes, we can; yes, we can We can build a beautiful city Not a city of angels But we can build a city of man When your trust is all but shattered When your faith is all but killed You can give up, bitter and battered Or you can slowly start to build A beautiful city Yes, we can; yes, we can We can build a beautiful city Not a city of angels But finally a city of man A city of man Page 28 of 31 Godspell Matt P I tell you this: One of you among us will betray me. All Can it be me, Lord? Dario Rabbi, can you mean me? Matt P The words are yours. Do quickly what you have to do. Take this and eat; eat for this is my body. Take this and drink for this is my blood, the blood of the covenant shed for the forgiveness of sins, and I tell you I shall never again drink from the fruit of the vine until I drink it again with you in the kingdom of my Father. Song 16 – ON THE WILLOWS Dario On the willows there, we hung up our lives For our captors there required Of us songs and our tormentors mirth On the willows there, we hung up our lives For our captors there required Of us songs and our tormentors mirth Saying Sing us one of the songs of Zion Sing us one of the songs of Zion Sing us one of the songs of Zion But how can we sing Sing the Lords song In a foreign land On the willows there, we hung up our lives Matt P Stay here while I go over there to pray. My heart is ready to break with grief. Stop here and stay awake with me. Another verse of on the willows - just Dario Matt P Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass me by, yet not as I will, but as Thou wilt. What! Could none of you stay awake with me one hour? Stay awake and be spared the test. Oh, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. I tell you this, tonight before the cock crows you will all betray me three times. Father, if it be not possible for this cup to pass me by without my drinking from it, thy will be done. James If you are the son of God, turn these stones into bread! Matt P Man does not live by bread alone. He lives on every word that God utters. Jess If you are the son of God, throw yourself down, for Scripture says: "He will send his angels down to support you and they will hold you in their arms." Matt P You shall not tempt the Lord your God. Tony All these things I will give you if you will do me homage. Page 29 of 31 Godspell Matt P Be gone, Satan! You shall do homage to the Lord your God and worship him alone. (Dario returns) Friend, do quickly what you have to do. Put down the sword; he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. Do you not suppose that I could appeal to my Father who would at once send to me twelve legions of angels? Do you take me for a bandit, that you come after me with swords and cudgels? Day after day I sat teaching in the synagogues and you didn't come after me then, but all this has happened to fulfil what the prophets have written. Song 17 – FINALE Matt P Oh God, I'm bleeding! Oh God, I'm bleeding! Oh God, you're bleeding! Oh God, I'm dying! Oh God, you're dying! Oh God, I'm dying! Oh God, I'm dead! Oh God, you're dead! Oh God, you're dead! Oh God, you're dead! Solo Long live God Long live God Long live God Long live God All Long live God Long live God Long live God Long live God Long live God Long live God God save the people We may not reach the ending But we can start God save the people Slowly but truly mending Brick by brick, heart by heart Now, maybe now We start learning how Long Live God Long live God Long live God Long live God Long live God Long live God Prepare ye The way of the Lord Prepare ye We can build a beautiful city Yes, we can; yes, we can We can build a beautiful city Yes, we can; yes, we can We can build a beautiful city Yes, we can; yes, we can We can build a beautiful city Not a city of angels But we can Build a city of man Prepare ye Page 30 of 31 Godspell Long live God Long live God The way of the lord Prepare ye Long live God Long live God The way of the lord Prepare ye The way of the lord Prepare ye The way of the lord THE END (Matt P and Company return for curtain call.) Page 31 of 31