Will Caffeine Work as an Erqoqenic Aid? The Latest Research BRENT C. MANGUS, EdD, ATC • University of Nevada Las Vegas CYNTHIA A. TROWBRIDGE, PhD, ATC, CSCS, LAT • University of Texas at Arlington .thletes at all levels of participation often search for methods to enhance performance. Doing so through training techniques, psychological strategies, nutritional practices, and ergogenic aids such as legal and illegal KEY POINTS pharmaceutical agents is becoming more Athletes in a variety of sports are using common. Certified caffeine as an ergogenic aid. athletic trainers (ATCs) need to be knowledgeThe IOC and USOC no longer ban its use In competitions, but the NCAA continues to able about the constant restrict caffeine use by athletes. evolution of ergogenic aids available to athThere are three theories of how caffeine letes. Therefore, the provides an ergogenic benefit to athletes. professional literature should provide regular Athletic trainers need to be able to educate updates of completed athletes about the ergogenic and adverse research on specific effects of caffeine. ergogenic aids so that ATCs can help educate Key Words: sport supplements, endurance coaches and athletes. exercise, drug testing, athlete education Many ergogenic aids can be used safely in a training program, but there are tragic stories of athlete disqualification or death from the use of banned or potentially dangerous supplements.' The purpose of this article to provide a brief overview of caffeine as it relates to improving athletic performance. We reviewed the scientific literature published over the past 25 years to investigate the ergogenic effectiveness of caffeine, to determine the potential risks associated with caffeine use, and to provide ATCs with helpful tips for counseling athletes about caffeine use. Currently, there are three theories as to caffeine is helpful to athletes. Although some of the more recent theories conflict with earlier published reports, ATCs should have a basic understanding of all these theories. After reading this article, ATCs will be better able to draw their own informed conclusions concerning caffeine as an ergogenic aid and will be better able to educate coaches and athletes. Caffeine Caffeine belongs to the xanthine class of drugs, which act as stimulants for the cardiovascular, muscular, and central nervous systems.^ Caffeine acts directly on tissues or secondarily by stimulating the release of catecholamines such as epinephrine, which produces a stimulatory effect.' Commonly found in soft drinks, coffee, tea, and chocolate, caffeine can also be found in cold medications and pain relievers." It is almost 100% bioavailable on ingestion, and bloodplasma concentrations peak 15-45 min after oral ingestion. In nonexercising adults, the half-life of caffeine has been measured to be from 2 to 15 hr, depending on the individual's metabolism.^ Traditionally, coffee has been the major source of caffeine because it is easy to obtain and socially accepted in almost every country and culture. The amount of caffeine in coffee varies, however, based on the preparation technique. There are many other chemicals besides caffeine in coffee, but caffeine is the most widely recognized and studied component. In the late 1970s, caffeinated coffee was documented to have an ergogenic benefit for endurance athletes.^'^ Because of caffeine's documented performance-enhancement © zoos Huttiati Kittetics - ATT 10(3), pp. 57-6Z ATHLETIC THERAPY TODAY MAY 2 0 0 5 157 effect, over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications, as well as many beverages, include caffeine as an ingredient. Examples of OTC medications include NoDoz®, Vivarin®, and various "diet pills," and the beverages include products such as Jolt® cola. Red Devil®, Red Bull®, Water Joe®, Bawls®, and Mountain Dew®. Theories Much of the early caffeine research was conducted at Ball State University by Costill.^'^ In the mid 1970s, Costill and colleagues studied the effect of caffeine using bicycle ergometry and documented up to a 20 % increase in the time a trained athlete could cycle to exhaustion. The researchers believed that caffeine, through one or more metabolic processes, produced a glycogen-sparing effect and concluded that it was mobilizing adipose stores. Adipose mobilization increases free-fatty-acid blood concentration, potentially sparing glycogen by allowing free fatty acids to become a more available source of energy. A second theory, sometimes referred to as the masking effect, has a more recent origination. According to this theory, the central nervous system is stimulated and does not allow the brain to sense the fatigue associated with exhaustive exercise.^'" Because caffeine has a chemical structure similar to that of adenosine, it binds to adenosine receptors in the brain. It produces the opposite effect of adenosine, however, resulting in vasoconstriction, decreased blood flow, and centralnervous-system stimulation." Therefore, an athlete can continue to exercise because the brain does not process the message that the body is fatigued. Kalmar and Cafarelli,'^ who studied the effect of caffeine on maximum voluntary muscle contraction, demonstrated a specific example of this theory. Muscle activation during a maximal voluntary contraction increased by 3.5%, but there was no change in the H-reflex amplitude.'^ They concluded that caffeine increased voluntary activation by blocking adenosine receptors at the supraspinal level, which allows for greater and more efficient motor-unit excitation. A third theory, developed by Tarnopolsky and Cupido," suggests that the muscle cell is the direct benefactor of the caffeine. Ingesting caffeine before activity allows the sarcoplasmic reticulum in the muscle cell to release more calcium, which facilitates prolonged muscle contraction.''" The muscle is able to 58 1 MAY 2 0 0 5 sustain the output of force for a longer period because of the additional calcium, which is required for actin/ myosin cross-bridge formation. There is still no universally accepted theory explaining the beneficial ergogenic effect of caffeine. Even the most recent published reports do not provide a specific explanation for the peripheral or central mechanisms responsible for its ergogenic effect.'"'* Therefore, an athlete's response to caffeine ingestion seems to be individual, and the ergogenic benefit each person obtains is variable. Application to ATCs ATCs should be prepared to talk with athletes about caffeine as an ergogenic aid. Some of the questions athletes might pose include. How much do I need to use to obtain a beneficial effect? Will caffeine cause diuresis and dehydration? Will caffeine be helpful to endurance or high-intensity exercise? What effect does being a habitual caffeine user have on the overall effectiveness of caffeine in performance enhancement? How much can I use before I will test positive with the NCAA or some other governing body? and What are the adverse effects of using caffeine to perform better? How Much Do I Need? An endurance athlete does not have to take high doses of caffeine to gain an ergogenic effect.'^ Even relatively small amounts of caffeine can improve an endurance athlete's performance. As little as 3-5 mg/kg appears to provide an ergogenic effect for endurance performance.'^ For a 150-lb athlete, this is equivalent to 225-375 mg of caffeine. Two cups of brewed coffee, two Red Bull drinks, or two Vivarin pills might suffice (Table 1). The quickest way to increase the caffeine level is by ingesting coffee or by taking one of the caffeinated OTC products promoted for weight loss or antifatigue purposes. Caffeine tablets taken with water produce a greater ergogenic effect than the caffeine in coffee or drinking decaffeinated coffee with caffeine tablets." Will Caffeine Cause Diuresis and Dehydration? Caffeine can cause moderate diuresis at rest and predispose an athlete to mild dehydration.2°-2' Ingesting moderate amounts of caffeine (< 6 cups of coffee) during prolonged exercise, however, does not significantly increase diuresis, because of exercise-induced ATHLETIC THERAPY TODAY TABLE 1. CAFFEINE CONTENT AND URINARY CONCENTRATION OF COMMONLY U S E D FOODS, BEVERAGES, AND MEDICATIONS Urinary Concentration Substance Coffee 8 oz drip brewed 8 oz Starbucks® 16 oz Starbucks 8 oz instant 8 oz decaffeinated Tea 5 oz brewed for 1 min 5 oz brewed for 5 min 12 oz iced tea Soft Drinks 12 oz Coca-Cola® 12 oz Dr. Pepper® 12 oz Pepsi® 12 oz Mountain Dew® 12 oz Jolt® 12 oz Red Bull® Chocolate 1 oz milk chocolate 1 oz bittersweet chocolate 1 oz baking chocolate OTC medications 1 NoDoz® 1 Vivarin® 1 Anacin® 1 Excedrin® 1 Midol® 1 Enerjets® lozenge 1 Dexatrim® 1 Aqua-Ban® Caffeine Content (mq) After 2-3 hr(|ji9/ml) 100-150 1.50-2.25 3.75 8.25 0.60-1.50 0.03-0.04 250 550 40-100 2-3 10-30 20-100 10-30 46 40 36 55 90 115 0.68 0.59 0.54 0.85 1.35 1.73 6 20 26 0.08 0.30 0.40 100 200 32 65 32 75 200 200 1.50 3.00 0.48 0.97 0.48 1.12 3.00 3.00 and epinephrine-stimulated renal vasoconstriction and decreased glomerular filtration."'^^ Exercise shifts blood to the working muscles and away from the kidneys. Because there is less blood filtering through the kidneys, the diuretic effect of caffeine is reduced during exercise.^ Perspiration and respiration account for most fluid loss during exercise. If fluid is inadequately replaced, dehydration can result. Athletes should be concerned about consuming enough fluids during exercise but do not necessarily have to ATHLETIC THERAPY TODAY 0.15-0.45 0.30-1.50 0.15-0.45 increase fluid intake if using caffeine for its ergogenic effect. Prolonged Endurance vs. Intense Exercise There is ongoing controversy concerning caffeine's ergogenic effects. Pasman et al.'^ demonstrated that endurance cycling performances with various levels of caffeine ingestion (5, 9, and 13 mg/kg) were all significantly better than in a placebo condition. Support for significant ergogenic benefits during intense MAY 2 0 0 5 1 5 9 exercise has also been reported.'*'^'-^'' It has been demonstrated that 5mg/kg of caffeine during cycling at 85-90% maximal capacity can produce an ergogenic effect.'^•^^•^'' Recent research, however, suggests that caffeine does not provide an ergogenic effect to athletes participating in very short-duration, high-intensity exercise bouts. Greer et al.^^ concluded that caffeine did not improve peak power or the rate of power production during a Wingate cycle test. Therefore, caffeine appears to be ergogenic for prolonged and intense exercise but not for very short-duration, high-intensity efforts.^'^''^'s-^-^s Habitual Caffeine User vs. Competition-Only User Experiments on infrequent users and athletes who abstain from caffeine intake have been a focus of research."'"^'^^'^^ Historically, experts have believed that habitual caffeine users would not gain as much ergogenic benefit during their performance because there would not be as much epinephrine stimulation. Increased epinephrine levels are not necessary for caffeine to induce an ergogenic effect, however." It now appears that even habitual users' muscle performance and fat oxidation can be improved via caffeine even though the epinephrine response decreases with chronic use.'^•'"•2* Short-term withdrawal by habitual users has no effect on caffeine-induced increases in endurance performance when compared with no withdrawal. Thus, habitual caffeine use does not seem to detract from the ergogenic effect on endurance athletes' performance.^^ Testing Positive Currently, only the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) officially classifies caffeine as a restricted substance. Previously, the International Olympic Committee and the United States Olympic Committee had caffeine on a banned-substance list but now do not test for caffeine levels in urine. Only a few high schools require athletes to be drug tested.^^ Drug testing can be cost-prohibitive for many organizations, and most American professional sports organizations do not test for caffeine. The NCAA set a limit of 15 |xg/ml to indicate excessive levels of caffeine.^ Testing is performed by measuring caffeine metabolites in the urine. The level of caffeine established for disqualification from an NCAA event would be produced by ingesting approximately 800 mg of caffeine before competition, which 6 0 1 MAY 2 0 0 5 corresponds to 6-8 cups of brewed coffee, seven Red Bull drinks, or four Vivarin tablets (Table 1). The amount of caffeine metabolites in an athlete's urine does not provide any evidence of a performanceenhancing effect. Each individual metabolizes caffeine at a different rate depending on age, gender, and lean body mass.^ Depending on an individual athlete's genetic makeup, it might take more or less caffeine to produce a given urine concentration of metabolites. Research has shown that as little as 3-5 mg/kg is effective in performance enhancement. '* To reach a urinary level of at least 12 |xg/ml an athlete would probably need to consume between 8 and 15 mg/kg, so an athlete could obtain ergogenic benefits without testing positive. Caffeine is a flow-limited drug, meaning that its excretion decreases as circulation is diverted from the kidneys to the muscles during prolonged exercise. Thus, an athlete's urine metabolite concentration might not represent actual caffeine use, because detection is confounded by the reduction in urine volume. If an athlete is able to consume small amounts of caffeine for ergogenic benefit without detection, he or she must reconcile the ethical implications. Adverse Effects There are health concerns regarding the overuse of caffeine by athletes. Some of those concerns include tachycardia during exercise,^'' increased blood pressure in normal and mildly hypertensive individuals,'' •^° gastrointestinal distress,^' and addiction." During strenuous exercise the heart rate is increased because of the requirements of the exercising muscles. Adding caffeine-induced central-nervous-system stimulation to the increase in heart rate from exercise can result in negative cardiac effects during strenuous exercise.^^ Caffeine can cause nausea, gastrointestinal distress, and diarrhea, which can cause a loss of fluids.^' Caffeine use can also result in the development of tolerance or addiction. When caffeine use is discontinued abruptly, withdrawal symptoms such as headache, fatigue, lethargy, and flu-like symptoms can result in poor athletic performance." Many of these physical symptoms might be related to the antagonist effect that caffeine has on adenosine receptors.^' Combined With Ma Huanq Ma huang, the herbal form of the drug ephedrine, is obtained from the ephedra plant.^"^ It is a sympathomi- ATHLETIC THERAPY TODAY metic drug that produces effects similar to the stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. Ephedra is now banned from saie in the United States but is still widely available via illegal sources. It is a powerful stimulant that is present in various products designed to facilitate weight loss and maintain alertness. Similar to caffeine, it increases heart rate, increases blood pressure, raises metabolism, and increases alertness.^^'^^ Ephedra increases the risi^ of heart attack, stroke, seizures, and death.''' When combined with caffeine and exercise, the side effects of ephedra become more important to monitor in athletes. The combination can significantly increase blood pressure and heart rate, which can ultimately result in cardiac infarction.' In a study by Jacobs et al.,'^ ingesting caffeine and ephedrine before exercise increased the mean systolic blood pressure in 13 individuals to 156 + 29 mgHg. Another concern for athletes is the proper labeling of products containing ephedra. Athletes should be cautioned that the Food and Drug Administration does not currently monitor or enforce accurate labeling of nutritional supplements. Therefore, athletes should be wary of any products marketed to increase energy or delay fatigue. Cducatinq and Counseling Athletes To recognize them as reliable advisors, athletes must trust ATCs to provide them with factual information. Following are guidelines for advising athletes about caffeine: First, caffeine does have ergogenic properties but it can produce adverse effects, as well. Athletes should understand that caffeine appears to improve endurance capacity for prolonged and intense activities but is not effective for very short-duration, high-intensity activities. Increased blood pressure, nausea, gastrointestinal discomfort, cardiac stimulation, tremors, and diuresis are all potential complications from caffeine use. There is also the potential for addiction and the associated withdrawal symptoms. Second, if athletes choose to use caffeine for its ergogenic properties they should use it under a variety of training conditions. Athletes should never try anything new on the day of competition. Finally, athletes need to be warned and be ready to accept the consequences of positive test results for caffeine. Because it is a restricted drug, event disqualification and scholarship revocation could result from its use. Each individual must consider the ethical ramifications of caffeine use for ergogenic benefit. ATHLETIC THERAPY TODAY Summary Most published research from the past 25 years supports the premise that caffeine can have a beneficial ergogenic effect on endurance performance in both male and female athletes.''' There appears to be a combination of events that might lead to this ergogenic effect, including effects on the cardiovascular, metabolic, and central nervous systems.^••''•'^ It is not clearly understood whether caffeine increases fat oxidation, alters calcium activity in the muscle cells, or masks the perception of fatigue. Possibly, all of these actions occur simultaneously. Caffeine capsules appear more effective than drinking coffee or other highly caffeinated beverages.'^ Caffeine can be detected in the urine, and the NCAA restricts levels of caffeine above 15 |xg/ml. This high threshold makes it difficult for an athlete to consume enough coffee, other caffeinated beverages, or medications before a competition to test positive. There are health concerns, however, even with low doses of caffeine. Each athlete should carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of a high level of caffeine ingestion before competition. I References 1. Shekelle P, Hardy ML, Morton SC, Maglione M, Suttorp M, Roth E, et al. Ephedra and ephedrine for vkfeight loss and athletic performance enhancement: clinical efficacy and side effects. EvidRep Technol Assess (Summ). 2003 Mar;(76):l-4. 2. Smith C, Reynard, AM. Essentials in Pharmacology. Philadelphia, Pa; WB Saunders; 1995. 3. Reents S. Sport and Exercise Pharmacology. Champaign, 111: Human Kinetics; 2000. 4. 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Cindy Trowbridge is an assistant professor of athletic training in the Department of Kinesiology and clinical coordinator for the undergraduate athletic training program at the University of Texas at Arlington. She has been a certified athletic trainer for 12 years. ATHLETIC THERAPY TODAY