Summer Enrichment Grid Rising Seventh Graders Sanford School

 Summer Enrichment Grid Rising Seventh Graders
Sanford School 2014­2015 Math Science Geography World Language Determine carpeting you would like for your bedroom. Note the cost per square yard. Next, measure and find the area of the bedroom. Make a diagram of the room and label the measurements. Calculate the total cost and present well organized work. Go for a nature walk and collect at least 8 different types of leaves. For each, draw a picture, label with the common name of that tree/bush/plant, and write a brief description. Which one is your favorite and why? Visit a state or national park, a With your family, find a recipe from a museum, or any type of cultural country representative of your event with your family. Write up a language. Be a key part of summary of the visit, including what preparing the meal. Through a you liked or didn’t like, and what you poster or slides, show the name of learned during the visit. the dish, ingredients and steps in Extension: Film portions of the trip, narrate it, and submit your summary preparing it, and photos of preparing as a video rather than in text. and enjoying the meal. Read Cheating Lessons by Nan Cappo. Write and deliver a persuasive speech to get others to read the book. Film the speech and share. Plan a meal for 16 people that includes an appetizer, entree and dessert. Create a shopping list, and calculate the cost for the entire meal AND the cost per person. Present your findings in a well organized spreadsheet. Design a crossword puzzle! Choose a science topic ( such as plants, animals, chemistry, physics) and write 12 vocabulary terms in a crossword puzzle format. Write out clues for each, and then make an answer key. Create a digital photo story or Create a postcard (real or fictional scrapbook of any continent on the place based on your language) of a globe. Include images of the people, perfect summer day experience. landmarks, physical features, Decorate the front with clip art or leaders, wildlife and iconic places. your own illustration. In the target language, narrate 5 events of a perfect summer day. Read Cheating Lessons by Nan Cappo. Draw, paint or create a collage on poster board as an ad for the book. The collage should accurately reflect the events and characters of the book. Create a math game board using as How far does your food travel? many of the math skills you learned Collect 12 food stickers from in sixth grade. Brainstorm some different fruit, vegetables, and other ideas and share them with several fresh food items. On a chart, write people. Refine what you plan to do. down the location where each food Make a rough version and try it out is grown/processed. Then calculate with a few people. Make final the distance in miles that food item revisions and create the final traveled to YOUR home. Make a product to be shown in class. graph of your data. Create a Geography board game either on a computer or using paper. The game can be related to the USA, North America, any continent or the entire world. The type of game you design is up to you. It can be a where in the world activity or cultural in nature. Read Cheating Lessons by Nan Cappo. Write a “Dear Abby” column giving advice to a characters’ letters that pertains to a situation or situations within the book. Create a scale drawing of the living room or family room in your house. Use a tape measure to measure the various items in your room (couch, table, rug,...). Make a sketch including the measurements. On graph paper, decide on a scale & make a scale drawing of the room using a ruler to draw straight lines. Grow a vegetable garden! Choose at least 3 plants to grow from seed. Measure your plants’ growth from the soil to tip of plant once per week throughout the summer. Make a graph of your data. How did your vegetables taste? Were they better than the produce at the grocery store? Choose a nation from the Eastern Create a crossword puzzle in the Read Cheating Lessons by Nan Hemisphere. Create an informational target language, with at least five Cappo. From the author’s Facebook page. Information chosen perspective, write and explain why clues down and five across. The for inclusion can be, but is not limited you (the author) wrote the book. theme should be summer, travel, and to physical feature, languages, religions, historic places and culture. pastimes. You can create and print a puzzle and answer key at *Do not actually build a Facebook page. Sketch it. Plan a trip. Pick a location you would like to visit. Calculate the distance, the cost for gas, food, lodging, and any entertainment. Create a table showing the costs. Compose an original poem about an insect, and draw it. Complete research on the insect. Include the following in the poem: name, 4 interesting items, and habitat. Cook a cultural meal. Explain the selected dish. Eat it together with family and/or friends. Take pictures of the food and you preparing it. Create an acrostic poem using the word for summer in your target language: MON ETE (French), VERANO (Spanish), AESTATE (Latin). Using your textbook or dictionary, choose words to intersect with each vertical letter. Summer is the theme. Write a poem or song in the target language that you can present .You may set your lyrics to a familiar tune. *The Sanford Honor Code does not allow use of Google Translate. English Read Cheating Lessons by Nan Cappo. Design an activity that Sanford Middle School could use to bring awareness to cheating and the school’s Honor Code. Summer Enrichment Grid Rising Seventh Graders
Sanford School 2014­2015 Instructions: In the past, summer reading has historically involved some required reading and assessments. Following our 21st century education theme in the Middle School, we would like to expand our summer enrichment work to involve additional student choice options. Again this year we will be implementing using a grid system that allows each student to pick and choose based upon his/her interest. All students will still read a book chosen by the English teachers, which will be an integral part during the initial unit of the school year. Students are also strongly encouraged to read more than the required book during the summer months. We encourage students to collaborate on a book(s) and read it together, as well as have discussions throughout the summer in person or via Skype or Facetime. Prior to the return to school in September, all seventh grade students will need to complete five blocks shown on the table. One block will need to be selected from each of the five disciplines shown across the top of the table (math, science, history, world language and english). The five selected blocks should be chosen based upon personal level of interest and not what others have selected. The grids will not be graded using a traditional scoring system, but will be counted towards the first semester participation grade. Each block will allow the students to engage and collaborate during the summer months, work on a discipline that they will be engaged in during seventh grade, & keep the students engaged (though at a significantly reduced rate) with academics allowing for a smoother transition when school begins in early September. Students may submit their work electronically (using Google Docs or email) throughout the summer months to their advisor or may bring their five completed blocks to school in late August or early September. Submission over the summer months is not required, and teachers will not be monitoring student work. Teachers will use the students selections and grids as a springboard for the opening lessons, discussions and advisory topics during September. By completing the blocks, students will arrive to school prepared for the academic year. If questions arise with completion of the enrichment grid, please contact John Donecker via email ( or by phone at 302.239.5263 Ext 374. 