notes from the garden Rose P i c k s r At Redenta’s we have such a great selection of roses, sometimes it can be difficult to chose the right one for a given situation. This is why we have made lists of our favorites divided by category. We bet you will find the perfect rose for any spot in your garden. Roses that really bloom from spring to late fall Betty Prior f Caldwell Pink f Cécile Brünner p Climbing Pinkie clp Duchesse de Brabant t Highway 290 Pink Buttons f Carefree Beauty f La Marne p Marie Pavié p Red Cascade clm Arlington 5111 West Arkansas Lane Arlington, Texas 76016 817.451.2149 Roses that are thornless...or nearly thornless Basye’s Blueberry s Climbing Pinkie clp Lady Banks cls Marie Pavié p Mrs. Dudley Cross t Mrs. Dudley Cross t Paul Neyron hp Swamp Rose sp Veilchenblau cl Weeping China Doll clp Zéphirine Drouhin b Roses with outstanding fragrance Abraham Darby da Autumn Damask d Chrysler Imperial eht La France eht Livin’ Easy f Roses for containers Archduke Charles ch Cécile Brünner p Ducher ch Green Rose ch Grüss an Aachen fl Hermosa ch Katharina Zeimet p Martha Gonzales ch Pink Rosette fl Rise ‘n Shine m Rouletii ch r e d e n t a ’s Livin’ Easy f Mme Isaac Pereire b Mme Alfred Carrière n Maggie f Paul Neyron hp Sombreuil t Roses with good hips Altissimo f Ballerina hm Chestnut sp Cherokee clsp Danaë hm Dortmund cl Jeanne d’Arc n Carefree Beauty f Old Blush ch Penelope hm Roses that bloom in some shade Climbing Cecile Brunner clp Climbing Pinkie cl Dortmund cl Eutin fl Grüss an Aachen fl Dallas 2001 Skillman Street Dallas, Texas 75206 214.823.9421 Lady Banks cl Marie Pavié p Mermaid cls Swamp Rose s Zéphirine Drouhin b Landscape Design 817.469.6786 © 2002 REDENTA’S INC Great climbers EarthKind™ Roses Buff Beauty 8 - 12’ Dortmund 15 - 30’ Felicia 8 - 10’ La France, Cl. 8 - 12’ Lamarque 12 - 20’ Mme Alfred Carriére, Cl. 15 - 20’ Mermaid 20’ plus! New Dawn 15 - 20’ Sombreuil 8 - 12’ Souvenir de la Malmaison, Cl. 8 - 12’ A selection of roses from the horticultural experts at Texas A&M University that have performed outstandingly in a wide variety of soils, with little care and no pesticides. Unusual roses CLIMBING PINKIE a pink semi-double polyantha that has hundreds of very fragrant blooms from April to November. Can be cultivated as a 5 foot shrub or 10 foot climbing rose. BASYE’S BLUEBERRY (s) Bold and bright, this thornless rose makes an impact in the garden DAINTY BESS (eht) Five soft pink petals surround the dark maroon stamens; truly a “dainty” bloom GREEN ROSE (ch) Great for flower arrangements EGLANTINE (sp) Also known as Sweet Briar rose, this species rose has bright pink flowers and apple scented leaves MERMAID (cl) Large yellow blooms, golden stamens adorn this vigorous climbing rose; give it lots of room SCENTIMENTAL (f) Red & white striped “peppermint” blooms with spicy fragrance ona 4foot shrub SWAMP ROSE (sp) A spring blooming rose that can grow in poorly drained soils VEILCHENBLAU (cl) Often described as a “blue rose”, this spring bloomer is really a deep crimson with white streaks Always plant herbs along with roses to help keep garden pests away! Artemisia Basil Catmint Curry Lavender Onion and Garlic Santolina Society Garlic Southernwood Tansy Thyme BELINDA’S DREAM a medium size 5 foot shrub rose with pink fragrant blooms between April and November. CALDWELL PINK a lilac pink carnation style found rose that grows as a small shrub 4 foot tall and wide. ELSIE POULSON a pink floribunda that blooms with semi-double flowers between April and November on a 5 foot shrub. CAREFREE BEAUTY (aka KATY ROAD PINK) a fragrant pink found rose that blooms with double flowers between April and November on mature bushes that are 5 feet tall and wide. KNOCK OUT a cherry red semi-double shrub rose that blooms April through November on bushes that are 4 feet tall and wide. MARIE DALY a pink polyantha dwarf 3 foot shrubby rose with semi-double fragrant blooms on an almost thornless bush. Perfect for growing in containers. MUTABILIS (the ‘Butterfly’ rose) a China rose with single blooms that change color during their life cycle from yellow to pink to crimson. Blooms from April to November on large bushes that are 6 feet to 12 feet tall. PERLE D’OR a peach polyantha that has fragrant pompon blooms between April and November on a 4 foot shrub. SEA FOAM a creamy white groundcover shrub rose that has double blooms with a cascading growth habit. Blooms April through November on 3 foot tall bushes. THE FAIRY a light pink polyantha rose that has double blooms on 3 foot tall shrub from April through November. b Bourbon - ch China - cl Climber - clp Climbing Polyantha - cls Climbing Shrub clsp Climbing Species - d Damask - da David Austin - eht Early Hybrid Tea - f Found fl Floribunda - hm Hybrid Musk - hp Hybrid Perpetual - m Miniature - n Noisette p Polyantha - r Rugosa - s Shrub - sp Species - t Tea