Goat Farming — profitable and productive

Goat Farming —
profitable and
2000 Revised Edition
Animal Production
Goat Farming —
profitable and
2000 Revised Edition
Peter Schuster
MLA Industry Affairs and Communications
02 9463 9236
Fax: 02 9463 9208
Email: pschuster@mla.com.au
Contributing authors: Bruce McGregor, Gaille Abud,
Denise Cunningham, Heather Osborn, Paul Dagarin,
Craig Clancy, Carolyn Gould, James Kellaway.
Original text based on the publication A New Rural
Industries – A Handbook for Farmers and Investors
Published by Meat & Livestock Australia Limited
June 2000
© Meat & Livestock Australia
ISBN: 1740 362 527
This publication is published by Meat & Livestock Australia Limited ACN 081678364
(MLA). Where possible, care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information in the
publication. However, MLA cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness
of the information or opinions contained in the publication. Readers should rely on their
own enquiries in making decisions concerning their interests.
Reproduction in whole or in part of this publication is prohibited without the prior
written consent of MLA.
Animal Production
Chapter 1: Goatmeat
Chapter 2: Mohair
Chapter 3: Cashmere Goats
Chapter 4: Dairy Goats and Goat Milk Products
Chapter 5: Goat Production Requirements
Key Contacts
Publications & References
The goat industry has great potential
for growth. Two factors underpin this
potential: Australia has vast areas of
• saffron, variegated, nodding, spear
and artichoke thistles; and
• serrated tussock.
land suitable for goat production; and
markets for goat products, especially
Goats have been used in the
goatmeat, are very strong.
management of Pinus radiata forests
by reducing herbage growth to allow
Although Australia produces a
minor percentage of the world’s
goats and goat products, it is the
easier access during pruning and
thinning and by reducing the amount
of pruning required.
world’s largest exporter of goatmeat.
The traditional ‘big’ players in goats
cater to subsistence needs, with huge
herds providing a self-sufficient
supply of goatmeat to a population
with a strong associated culinary
tradition. The fact that the world’s
major producers are not major
exporters, places Australia in a
commanding position.
Industry Structure
The goat industry has a similar
structure to the sheepmeat and cattle
industries — the Goat Industry
Council of Australia (GICA) is its
peak national body and an affiliate
member of the National Farmers’
Federation (NFF). GICA is made up
Goats are multi-purpose animals,
of representatives elected by each
providing milk, meat and fibre.
state farmer organisation and their
They also benefit pasture by helping
goat industry committee. The Boer,
to control many weeds. Potential
Cashmere and Mohair breed societies
savings in labour and chemicals and
are affiliate members of GICA.
Most of the text in this publication is
based on the booklet, Goat Farming
– profitable and productive, which
was published by the Rural Industries
Research and Development
Corporation (RIRDC). This edition is
essentially an update of that booklet
which was authored by Bruce
McGregor and based on excerpts
from RIRDC’s A New Rural Industries
– A Handbook for Farmers and
Investors. The ‘Global Goatmeat
Situation’ information is taken from
an MLA paper by James Kellaway,
Growth in the goatmeat industry: is it
sustainable? Copies of these and all
other related publications can be
obtained through Rural Connect.
This publication includes contact
details for organisations — industry,
government and interest groups —
that can assist any producers
interested in getting involved in the
goat industry.
in reclaiming land have hardly been
tapped in most grazing areas of
GICA’s responsibilities include
strategic planning in conjunction
with Meat and Livestock Australia
Being agile, goats can be grazed
(MLA). Together, they set objectives
on steep, inaccessible and weed-
for industry marketing, communication,
infested country provided that
research, producer training and
suitable fencing and management
industry development.
practices are implemented. Goats
have successfully helped control
Each year MLA participates in
and/or have assisted in the
seminars throughout the country.
elimination of many weeds in
These events are organised by state
Australia including:
farmer organisations and your local
Department of Agriculture to meet
• gorse, briar, blackberries;
the aims and objectives of the
• scotch broom;
strategic plan.
This Publication
GICA and MLA appreciate RIRDC’s
and Bruce McGregor’s involvement
in the evolution and reproduction of
this publication. Thanks also to all
the organisations listed at the rear of
this book and, in particular, Gaille
Abud, Denise Cunningham, Heather
Osborn, Craig Clancy, Peter McInnes,
Jane Erkens, Barbara O’Shea and
Carolyn Gould.
Justine Hall,
President, GICA
Chapter 1. Goatmeat
Goatmeat production provides a
viable alternative for current and
prospective farmers and meat
manufacturers. The trade is
characterised by demand outstripping
supply — a rare and enviable situation
for any producer. This demand,
spurred by health-conscious Western
consumers and a never-ending stream
of ethnic immigrants to the West,
appears to be sustainable.
Australian goatmeat production is
currently valued at approximately
$20 million per annum with
opportunity for considerable expansion.
Australia has the required land space
and climate for commercially viable
goatmeat production.
Australia is the world’s leading
goatmeat exporter, with the majority
of meat originating from captured wild
goats. Orders for goatmeat usually
exceed our capacity to supply.
Unfortunately these markets depend
on the low cost and erratic sources of
wild goats from semi-arid rangelands.
Expanding potential markets in South
East Asia cannot be reliably supplied,
as production of farm-reared goats is
low. Unsupplied markets exist in all
large cities of Australia. The goatmeat
industry needs a greater supply of
quality, market-specific goatmeat, which
means more goats on well managed
farms in reliable grazing districts.
The Australian goatmeat industry took
a step forward in the mid-1990s with
the introduction of the Boer goat.
These goats provide excellent
crossbreeding potential and were
imported from South Africa for their
meat production yield, high fertility,
good mothering ability and ease
of management.
The continuing development of
the goatmeat industry is dependant
on providing continuity of supply,
improved carcase quality, increased
numbers of goats farmed for meat,
forward contracts and marketing
The Global Goatmeat
Although global figures for goat
production are rarely entirely
Australian goatmeat exports -
accurate, it is accepted that Australia
is the world’s largest exporter of
goatmeat. This highlights an
interesting fact about the trade: the
largest producers of goatmeat are
also the largest consumers but not
the largest importers or exporters.
These countries, in order of herd
size, are China, India, Pakistan,
Bangladesh and Iran.
In many developing countries catering
to subsistence needs, goatmeat
provides a principal source of animal
protein. These markets are, in the
main, self-sufficient and have a strong
and often ancient tradition of eating
goatmeat. The consumption of
goatmeat in these countries is, of
course, related to traditional farming
techniques and the adaptable nature
of the goat.
There are few, if any, religious or
cultural taboos limiting goatmeat
consumption. Unlike beef and pork,
goatmeat is an important component
of the traditions of the Hindu and
Muslim faiths (35% of the world’s
Australian live goat exports -
Tonnes shipped weight
Singapore China Philippines Other
Source: AFFA
Comparison of carcase composition of different animal species
Muscle % of Carcase Weight
Fat % of CW
Bone % of CW
Cholesterol (mg/100 g)
Source: Proceedings: Nutrition Society of Australia, Dec 1997
Australia’s major customers include
the US, Taiwan, Canada, the
countries of the Caribbean and South
East Asia as well as small but growing
volumes to South Africa and the
Middle East.
There are three areas where
Australia’s goatmeat is currently
in demand and has great potential
to expand:
• Western, health-conscious
Goatmeat is exceptionally lean
and low in fat, making it an ideal
choice for health conscious
consumers. Unlike sheep, the
subcutaneous fat cover is
characteristically thin on the
goat — fat cover on the loin of
crossbred farm goats has been
measured at 2.3 mm compared
to 5 – 6 mm in sheep of the same
sex and similar age. Recent tests
have also suggested that goatmeat
cholesterol content is very low.
• Ethnic immigrants to the West
The opportunity for export to the
ethnic markets of Western countries
can best be observed by looking
at the US. Export volumes from
Australia to the US have been
growing at an average annual rate
of over 30% since 1990 due, in
part, to the continued influx of
ethnic immigrants. Although
goatmeat is far from a familiar fare
to most Americans, the changing
mix and diversity of cultures is
creating a significant market. This
includes the growth of ethnic
restaurants which may serve to
introduce goatmeat to Western
The US is a major importer of
Australian goatmeat, as well as
taking almost a third of the
world’s exports.
• Countries that traditionally
consume goatmeat but produce
only small amounts
Taiwan and Kuwait are both large
consumers of goatmeat sourced
from Australia, with the former
consistently representing Australia’s
largest market. Both these countries
have a tradition of consuming
goatmeat and enjoy a degree
of affluence.
Additionally, goatmeat is an essential
food item among developing
Hispanic, African, Asian and Middle
Eastern nations and throughout the
Caribbean. Demand from these
countries continues to outstrip supply.
This demand is assisted by the
introduction of respective
government programs to raise the
intake level of protein among their
massive populations.
Future Strategies
Currently, the Australian industry can
sell carcases of almost any weight
and age to both the local and export
markets. However, to ensure the
construction of a firm customer base,
the production and marketing of
consistent quality lines of goatmeat in
General region for current goatmeat production
Capretto, feta, roast capsicum and
parmesan eggplant
Capretto with sun-dried tomatoes and fresh basil
response to customer specifications
must be established.
In Australia, there is now a need to
develop an organised line of goatmeat
supply rather than continually
harvesting a wild resource. Affluent
markets are seeking a farmed, prime
product. The establishment of grower
cooperatives and both horizontal and
vertical alliances could add substantial
knowledge, benefits and uniformity
to product specifications. A
cooperative approach may help
achieve continuity of both supply
and market specification.
Markets and
Marketing Issues
Goatmeat is marketed under various
• Commodity goatmeat is sourced
from a variety of breeds and ages.
It is a lower cost product consumed
domestically and exported to well
established markets in Taiwan, the
US, Canada, various countries of
the Caribbean and South East Asia.
Of these, Taiwan has traditionally
been the single most important —
both in size (taking 49.8% of
goatmeat exports in the year ended
December 1999) and because of
the premium paid for "skin-on"
• Prime kid is traditionally regarded
as lean, tender and juicy and is
sold under many names. If the
carcase weighs under 12 kg and
the meat is pale pink in colour, the
product can be branded ‘capretto’
— the Italian name for tender,
un-weaned kid.
• ‘Chevon’ is the description given
to prime farmed ‘young goat’,
no more than two-tooth, with no
signs of male secondary sexual
characteristics. Markets for high
quality, farmed goatmeat are
growing, as is Australia’s
production capability. This product
can offer quality-controlled
goatmeat and regular supply —
two components not traditionally
associated with goatmeat. Highvalue and expanding markets in
Europe and the US can be targeted
for chevon. The chevon carcase is
larger than the capretto carcase.
Frozen carcases comprise 68%
of the export trade with boneless
meat and bone-in cuts making up
the remainder. There is a growing
trade to the Middle East and
South Africa.
Some markets have very specific
requirements. Specified cuts have
been sold to restaurants but this trade
is severely limited by the shortage
of quality animals. Smallgoods
manufacturing depends on a supply
of boneless meat, generally obtained
from the slaughter of older goats.
Currently, demand for this type of goat
is relatively low. In past years live goats
and carcases have been airfreighted
to markets in the Middle East. Potential
exists to develop chilled primal markets
in Asia but a predictable supply of
quality animals must be maintained.
Goats are currently exported live,
mostly from Western Australia to
markets in the Middle East and Asia.
Malaysia is Australia’s largest single
market for live goats, taking from
20,000 — 30,000 head per year. The
United Arab Emirates is also a large
market, importing about 10,000 head
per year. The majority of the trade
is in wild Australian goats, with an
increasing number of farmed Boer
cross goats included as numbers
Overseas restaurants and butchers
prefer young animals with carcases
up to 12 kg, although some
wholesalers prefer heavier carcases.
Religious festivals, i.e. Christmas,
Easter and Ramadan provide peak
demand for quality carcases.
Prices vary with markets and season,
and range from $0.50 up to $5.00/kg
carcase weight (cw), with "commodity
goat" usually returning around
$1.60/kg (CW) to the producer.
There is a need for cooperation
between suppliers, wholesalers and
retailers or exporters. High-value
capretto markets can be further
developed as seasonal markets that
match the current supply situation.
Meat and Livestock Australia has
developed information packages for
restaurants. These show how chefs
can prepare premium dishes from
various goatmeat cuts. AUSMEAT,
which is responsible for the
description of export carcases,
coordinated the development of a
Livestock and Goatmeat Language
so that purchasers can specify
their requirements precisely.
All Angoras, Cashmeres, dairy goats,
wild goats and the improved Boer
goat produce meat. Boer goats, from
South Africa, are selected shorthaired
goats specifically bred for meat.
Some Boer goats also produce
Cashmere, and crossbred Boer /
Cashmere goats are becoming more
numerous. A range of pure and
crossbred Boer goats is available.
Boer goat
The Boer goat, originally from South
Africa, is the ‘specialist’ goatmeat
breed. Its great value comes from
providing the goat industry of Australia
with a crossbreeding option to breed
even more versatile animals. For
instance, crossbreeding Cashmeres
with Boers for meat production will
result in a proportion of progeny
being suitable for shearing.
Boer goat traits
• Selectively bred for meat;
• Heavier than any breeds;
• Higher dressing percentage;
• High fertility;
• Reach slaughter weight faster;
• No shearing, crutching, or mulesing.
Harvesting, Handling
and Marketing
Market requirements can vary with
seasons and between years so it is
important to contact potential buyers,
agents or your association in advance
to ensure that you clearly understand
the current market requirements. For
meat markets it is essential to know
which markets are being targeted and
plan appropriate mating and nutrition
practices to suit.
For the best returns, sell:
• healthy, well fed, clean goats;
• goats that are in good body
• fibre goats that are 3-4 weeks off
shears and not in full fleece;
Using LAMBPLAN when
breeding Boer goats
Australia’s Boer goat
performance program operates
through LAMBPLAN. Refined
specifically for the goatmeat
industry, LAMBPLAN produces
objective, genetic evaluations
of Boer goats called Estimated
Breeding Values (EBVs). Goat
seedstock or commercial
producers use these (EBVs)
to ‘shop’ for the best possible
sire for their purposes.
The skill in breeding sheep
and goats for any purpose has
always relied on the ability of
the breeder to select parent
animals that have a desirable
set of genes to contribute to
the next generation. EBVs
enable this to be done by
estimating genetic traits and
describing them in ways and
presenting them in categories
designed for a particular
EBVs for goats exist for growth
rates (for various weight/age
classes), fat depth, muscle
depth, reproduction ability,
and resistance to disease
and internal parasites.
LAMBPLAN can operate
with any breed of goat for
a number of traits, but is
currently only supplied with
Boer goat information.
The Boer goat is perfectly adapted to Australian conditions
as their body condition score increases.
Older, heavy goats can be too fat for
some markets. If supplementary
feeding is required, it must be carefully
planned and monitored — they can
become over-fat if feeding is ad lib or
excessive. Goats should always be
prepared to market specifications, so
communication with buyers is
important. Excess fat can occur in
younger animals with milk teeth.
A well grown Boer goat kid, ideal for capretto
• goats that are outside any
chemical withholding period;
• quiet animals which have been
carefully handled and yarded to
avoid bruising and stress;
• goats with the appropriate
declaration forms correctly filled in;
• goats that have been presented in
compliance with Codes of Practice
for transport and preparation for
slaughter — including an adequate
yarding time (5+ hours) for goats
to empty prior to loading;
• goats ready on time for the livestock
carrier; and
a suitable time. The supplementary
feeding of grain to lactating does can
improve the carcase weight, fatness
and condition of kids.
As goats grow, the proportion of the
liveweight that can be sold as carcase
meat increases. The carcase represents
about 37% of young lightweight kids
but increases to about 45% for good
condition goats weighing 35 to 45 kg
(carcase meat percentages as high
as 53% have been measured). The
amount of fat in the carcase increases
Not all abattoirs slaughter goats so
processors must be located; it is
always important to maintain
communication with processors
regarding market specification.
In addition to the facilities described
in chapter 5, Goat Production
Requirements, goatmeat producers
should have access to (sheep) yards,
drafting race, weighing crate and scales.
Economics of
(see table).
• the correct number of goats ready
for marketing, no more and no less
than has been agreed upon.
Average price ranges for australian goatmeat
Kids being sold for high-value capretto
markets have special requirements
including light pink meat (these kids
should not be weaned before sale)
and tissue depth at the GR site of 3 to
6 mm (body condition score 1 or 2). It
may be necessary to provide special
nutritional management for twinreared kids to ensure they reach
marketable weight and condition at
Avg price range
per kilogram (cw)
Avg price range
per head (cw)
(4 to 10 kilograms)
$2.00 - $5.00
$22 - $28
Larger Capretto
(10 to 12 kilograms)
$2.00 - $2.50
$22 - $30
(10 to 25 kilograms)
$1.40 - $1.80
$20 - $35
(>25 kilograms)
$1.20 - $1.80
$25 - $40
(cw) = carcase weight
Source: The Australian Goat Report, 2000
Chapter 2. Mohair
Mohair is a textile fibre used in luxury
garments. Produced by Angora goats,
it is sought for its lustre, soft handle,
light weight and "dye-ability". It usually
commands a premium in price over
wool, however, prices vary with world
supply and fashion demand.
Australian production of mohair is
currently valued at approximately
$3-3.5 million per annum, most of
which, for over 25 years, has been
sold on international markets. The
major producing countries are South
Africa and the US (principally Texas)
with total world production currently
estimated at 11,000 tonnes — a 30
year low. This fall is partly attributable
to the withdrawal of subsidies in the
US and the slaughter of Turkish
goats for meat production. These
strategic changes in the world’s
mohair industry provide a clear
opportunity for Australia to overtake
the US and become a leading mohair
producer in the 21st century.
As with all goat breeds, Angoras also
benefit pasture and help to control
many weeds. Once the fleece reaches
6 cm or more in length (approximately
halfway through the six month growth
period), care should be taken to
prevent entanglement in scrub.
Our best stock and our best mohair
are now internationally competitive.
The industry has embraced the
challenge to continue to improve
the national flock by fine-tuning
the top bracket of stud stock and
improving the general quality across
the board to ensure the "average"
standard of animals is world class.
Marketing infrastructure is readily
available and internationally
acknowledged, and all mohair
produced is readily sold. The
challenge now is to get more
goats on farms.
Markets and
Marketing Issues
Australian greasy mohair is sold at
auction or by private treaty through
two main brokers. Mohair is generally
exported in a greasy state to Italy,
France, Japan, South Africa and the
UK. In past years Australia has
processed up to 40% of its mohair by
either scouring, top-making or yarn
manufacture and some finished
knitwear was produced, however,
most local production is small-scale.
Mohair products such as yarns, rugs,
knitwear and velours are imported
into Australia.
Mohair prices are related to mean
fibre diameter, fibre length and the
incidence of impurities such as
vegetable matter, medullated fibres
(kemp) or stain. Of these, mean fibre
diameter is the single most important
factor with the price of fine kid mohair
usually 200% - 400% greater than
that of coarser types. The names of
the main mohair micron categories
("kid", "young goat" and "adult")
emphasise the strong relationship
between the age of the Angora and
the mean fibre diameter of the
mohair it produces.
The commercial mohair industry
is confined to white mohair, however
there are small numbers of coloured
Angoras providing small quantities
of coloured fibre for the craft
General region for current mohair production
The price for mohair across all types
has recently traded at or near record
levels and is currently an approximate
average of $10/kg (over an entire clip
prices range from $1.50/kg for stains
to $40/kg for fine kid).
Besides the general requirements
discussed in Chapter 5, Goat
Production Requirements, shearing
facilities are the most obvious
requirement. Angoras are shorn twice
each year and will also require
crutching and wigging twice a year.
A shearing plant and fleece handling
facilities, including a mohair sorting
table, are also required. Special
mohair combs are available which
have more teeth than traditional
wool combs.
Good nutrition is required to maintain
reproduction performance of does
and to maximise mohair production.
Planning for shearing in regions prone
to cold, wet weather includes making
contingency plans for the provision
of shelter for shorn goats for periods
of up to 6 weeks following shearing.
Angora goats produce mohair.
During the 1970s and 1980s,
"Australian" Angoras were bred up
from feral foundation stock, however,
the quantity and quality of mohair
produced from these old strains
was vastly inferior to that produced
by our competitors. Over the last
10 years, Australian producers have
imported the best genetics from
South Africa and Texas. Leading
breeders have used genetic material
from both imported strains to develop
a uniquely productive and robust
Australian strain, with the result
that the old feral-based strain is
rarely seen.
The mohair industry has established
a genetic improvement program for
producers called MOPLAN. This
program assesses the heritability of a
number of desirable traits, including
weaning weight, fleece weights, fibre
diameter, staple length and kemp.
Producers can use this information
to "shop" for the best available
animals for their requirements.
management and shearing
Angoras are rarely sold in regional
livestock markets, although small
numbers of stud animals are sold
each year in conjunction with major
shows. Almost all purchases of
commercial animals are privately
arranged from established producers.
Vegetable matter (VM) contamination
management of kids is critical.
will result in large price discounts.
When the fleece grows past about
3 months length it becomes more
susceptible to VM contamination.
Thereafter it is important to avoid
environments that will contaminate
the fleece with VM or spiny burrs.
Harvesting, Handling
and Marketing
Mohair fibre must be shorn from
the goats and carefully prepared for
sale in order to achieve the best
possible financial return. Angora
goats producing mohair must be
shorn twice each year, usually in
early autumn and early spring,
when the fibre exceeds 10 cm.
Shed hygiene standards should
be followed.
Mohair must be carefully prepared
and classed for sale according to
the guidelines issued by the brokers.
Failure to follow the guidelines will
incur additional charges. Growers
who are unfamiliar with clip
preparation standards are encouraged
to employ experienced mohair
classers along with other shed staff
at shearing time.
Delayed shearing will often result
in a devalued clip due to cotting or
other faults. Kid fibre brings the
highest prices and so nutritional
Fibre should be packed in wool
packs, pressed to 200 kg, clearly
labelled and dispatched to the
chosen broker or buyer.
Economics of
Stud does may cost from $250 —
$1000 per head but commercial
fibre goats can be purchased from
about $35 - $50 per head. Quality
production bucks will cost from
$350 - $500, with stud bucks
considerably higher. If current
fencing is not suitable, capital
inputs will be greater.
Source: The more productive new Angora genotypes are being adapted to Australian farming conditions
Returns on capital vary from
about 0% when significant capital
is required to about 40% per
Mohair: average fleece weights and values
Does & wethers
Usual type
Fleece wgt range
Approx. price range/kg
1st shearing
fine kid - kid
0.7 - 1.2 kg
2nd shearing
kid - strong kid
1.5 - 2.2 kg
3rd shearing
strong kid - young goat
2.0 - 2.7 kg
4th shearing
young goat - fine hair
2.5 - 3.0 kg
5th shearing
young goat - fine hair
2.5 - 3.0 kg
>6th shearing
fine hair - adult
2.5 - 3.0 kg
Source: Goat Industry Council of Australia
annum when benefits arise from
weed control.
Although prices for fine kid and
kid mohair have recently soared past
$45/kg, gross margin calculations
should be based on more
conservative figures. Intending
producers are encouraged to make
their own profit/cost analyses,
based on the table above.
While there are obviously significant
ranges in fleece types, weights
and sale prices, these figures have
been simplified to allow for ease
of calculation. It should be noted
that inferior quality Angoras, or
goats whose nutritional and other
management needs have been
inadequately met, may produce
faulted mohair (such as crossbred
types or cotts) which are saleable
but at discounted rates.
• Weaning rates — these work on
120% (intensive kidding system)
or 80% (extensive system). A
discussion of the various systems
is included in the Chapter 5,
Goat Production Requirements.
• Production costs — allow for
drenches, vaccinations, shearing,
selling and fodder costs (supplementary feeding requirements will
vary according to stocking rates
and environmental factors).
• Sale of cull stock — while kids
can be sold into the premium
meat market, this precludes the
advantages of retaining them for
mohair production. Generally,
the wether portion of a drop is
retained for at least four shearings
and then sold for slaughter, while
the whole doe portion is retained
in a self-replacing herd. CFA (castfor-age) does are then sold when
fibre production declines – say,
at 5-6 years.
Chapter 3. Cashmere Goats
processing pipelines have disrupted
prices in China.
Cashmere goats produce the premier
soft handling luxury fibre, cashmere.
They can also produce premium
goatmeat and can be used to
effectively control pasture. Cashmere
goats shed their fibre annually and
do not require shearing either for
maintenance of fibre quality or for
animal health purposes. The option
of allowing goats to shed provides for
a wide number of uses for Cashmere
goats but precludes valuable income
from cashmere sales.
Fleeces from Cashmere goats contain
coarse hair, which has no commercial
value, and a fine soft undercoat
or down. It is this valuable down
which is known as cashmere.
Goats that grow unsuitable down
(a small number) are culled for
meat production. Australia’s first
commercial dehairer has now been
commissioned thus facilitating value
adding and the export of processed
and dehaired cashmere.
Australian production of cashmere
fluctuates, generally in response
to fibre prices. Production in
1999 was low at about $200,000.
Australian-grown cashmere has
been sold on international markets
since 1982.
Most of the cashmere "countries of
origin" have limited exports of semiprocessed fibre.
Coarser Cashmeres may produce
"cashgora" fibre, which is intermediate
Markets and
Marketing Issues
The cashmere industry has one
industry-owned marketing structure,
the Australian Cashmere Marketing
Corporation (ACMC). During the
1990s, raw Australian cashmere
was sold by the ACMC via a tender
system based on objective
measurements of the fibre. Most
cashmere was exported in the raw
state to Europe, the US and China
for initial processing. The dehaired
cashmere would then be spun and
made into fabrics in other locations.
Since the installation of Australia’s
first commercial dehairing machine
earlier this year, the ACMC expects
to offer dehaired Australian cashmere
for international sale, thereby
increasing competition.
in micron range between true
Demand for cashmere usually far
cashmere and mohair.
exceeds the current world production
of about 4,500 tonnes (t), of which
Scientific and technological research
2,500 t comes from China and
has been completed on Australian
1,150 t from Mongolia. In recent
Cashmere goats and is available to
years, changes to marketing and
help direct the industry’s development.
Some cashmere producers sell
their raw product directly to an
Australian processor who
manufactures knitwear for local
consumption and export.
As Cashmere goats generally have
much shorter fleeces than mohairproducing goats, they are less likely
to become entangled in scrub during
weed control programs. This allows
them to be used longer for that
purpose. Clean pastures are required as
clover burr can cause contamination
and reduce the prices received for
fibre. Good nutrition is required to
maximise cashmere production.
Yearling bucks growing cashmere
As with any fibre production
enterprise, the most important
Cashmere Goats
are privately arranged from established
Currently many potential fibreproducing and breeding goats are
slaughtered for meat.
General region for current cashmere
requirement is for access to
shearing facilities.
Cashmere is produced by
commercially farmed ‘Australian
Cashmeres’ and by wild goats. It is
possible to purchase wild Cashmere
goats (to produce 50 to 80 g cashmere
per year) and domesticate them, but
it is now far easier to purchase
domesticated and more productive
‘bred-on’ Cashmeres (120 to 200 g
of cashmere per year). Established
breeders now have fifth-generation
selected Cashmeres for sale with
production as high as 300 g of
cashmere per year.
Cashmere of correct specifications
can be shorn from Boer crosses and
some pure bred Boers, but it must be
correctly classed.
Harvesting, Handling
and Marketing
Cashmere goats are shorn once
a year in mid-winter. Delays in
shearing will result in the valuable
cashmere down being shed by
the goats and lost or cotted, with
a resultant loss of income. Cashmeres
can either be shorn using the
traditional sheep method, or by the
"go-down" technique with the goat
restrained in a head-stall.
During shearing, contamination of
white fibre with coloured fibre must
be avoided. Shed hygiene standards
should be followed.
Cashmeres are rarely sold in regional
livestock markets. Almost all purchases
Cashmere price bands
Valued price range
finest white cashmere (<16 µm)
$50 - $110/kg clean cashmere down
coarser white and lightly coloured cashmere
(16-17.5 µm)
$20 - $80/kg clean down
brown and grey cashmere (16-17.5 µm)
$15 - $55/kg down
white and lightly coloured ‘cashgora’
$5 - $10/kg hair-in
Source: The Australian Goat Report, 2000
Economics of
Stud goats may cost from $250 per
head but commercial fibre goats
can be purchased from about $35
per head.
Cashmere prices are related to mean
fibre diameter and fibre colour. In
simple terms, there are four price
bands covering the main types
Quality Cashmere does will provide
50 – 300g of down each year,
indicating gross fibre returns in the
range of $10 - $20 per doe per year.
Chapter 4. Dairy Goats and Goat Milk Products
The dairy goat industry in Australia has
traditionally supplied fresh milk to the
health food sector. Farms have been
small, typically milking 15-20 does,
and have operated as cottage industries.
The increased popularity of specialty
cheeses has created an unprecedented
demand for goats milk. Access to a
market that is easy to service means
that farmers are no longer tied to land
near city markets, and no longer have
to self manage the whole enterprise,
from production and packaging
through to marketing and distribution.
The industry has more than doubled
in size in the 1990s, due largely to
the establishment of larger operations.
Farmers generally still manage access
to markets and deliver milk 2-3 times
per week. As with any dairy operation,
a time commitment is needed and
land must be suitable for high
productivity dairying.
Markets and
Marketing Issues
Australian goat cheese production
in 1998-99 was valued at A$3.6
million. Cheese is a specialty or
gourmet product that is sold to food
service and delicatessen outlets.
Demand for cheese is increasing and
imports have been growing, however,
the local market may not be able to
absorb much more product.
Export markets for cheese are
currently being explored. Other
products, especially milk powder,
are known to have export potential.
The ability to provide high quality
product at competitive prices is
anticipated to give Australian goat
dairy products an advantage similar
to that enjoyed by the mainstream
dairy industry.
Most cheese is made in Victoria and
Tasmania. Proximity to a successful
dairy cow industry, especially with a
manufacturing component, has proved
important as it enables the sharing
of resources.
Fresh whole milk remains a relatively
small, health food-focussed market,
but is being developed on a larger
scale in some states. The emphasis
varies, from state to state, from fresh
milk to manufacturing milk.
Yoghurt production remains small.
Other products are currently being
developed. It is expected that milk
powder will be produced in 2000.
This is a specialty market and includes
health, manufacturing and export.
Prices paid at farm gate range from
65c – 100c/litre, sometimes with a
delivery fee. Some payments are based
on milk solids, and some have a
seasonal incentive so that prices are
higher in times of lower production
(such as winter).
The requirements for dairying,
regardless of the species milked, are
very similar. Farmers are successfully
using many management techniques
that have been developed for
cows. Intensive pasture and grazing
management systems are showing
excellent results. More traditional
methods based on wholly or partly
housed stock and lot feeding are
also practiced.
Intending dairy goat farmers should
consider completing dairy farm
qualifications. Knowledge of pasture
and grazing management, nutritional
requirements, herd improvement and
disease control will lead to increased
To reduce seasonal variations in milk
supply and fill seasonal feed shortages,
it is likely that dairy goats will need
supplementary feeding.
Dairy doe requirements
• 11MJ/day at 6-8% protein for
• 5MJ/litre of milk at 15-18% protein
for production (a doe producing 3
litres/day needs 26MJ/day).
• Specialised equipment for milking,
milk storage and transport.
• Debudding and hoof trimming
equipment and animal
identification equipment (tattoo,
tags, electronic ID).
Dairy goats are seasonal breeders
and usually kid in spring. Variations
to kidding times are needed in order
to provide a more continuous milk
supply. Kids are hand-raised in sheds.
Farm layout
• Based on cow dairy models.
• Careful siting of sheds, yards and
laneways is needed for efficient
farm and labour management.
• Holding yards at the milking area
are usually covered and may also
be used for a feed pad.
Other general requirements are
discussed in the Chapter 5, Goat
Production Requirements.
Dairy Goats and Goat Milk Products
The following data is
taken from a development
project in Victoria and
Tasmania with two
expanding farms
Goat milk production utilises a range of technologies
There are three Swiss-based
breeds, Saanen, Toggenburg and
British Alpine, their crosses and
crosses of these with Anglo-Nubians.
It is necessary to plan all purchases,
as it is unusual to be able to
purchase a complete herd. It is
often possible to order a drop of
kids and raise these.
Harvesting, Handling
and Marketing
Dairy goats are milked with machinery
manufactured or adapted specifically
for goats. Equipment differs from
cows for teat size, operating vacuum
and pulsation settings. Shed designs
are based on cow systems, with
platforms being more common
than pits.
In order to meet food safety standards,
shed practice and hygiene need to
be of a very high standard. This is
particularly true when milk delivery
is less frequent than daily. Milk must
be stored under 4°C. Goats are
milked twice daily. Proximity to the
manufacturer will facilitate regular
collection/delivery and reduce
transport costs. A HACCP system is
recommended. State health or dairy
authorities are responsible for
licencing and quality assurance.
Withholding periods must be strictly
These farms are producing
about 4370 litres/ha. It is
possible to run enterprises on
a lot fed basis, incurring feed
costs of about $1/doe/day. The
return depends on the scale
of operation with at least 250
does being recommended.
Many farmers have had to
start with lower numbers and
build up their herds and
experience. Small quantities of
milk may not be marketable,
as supply to factories has
increased and many are
currently being fully supplied.
Economics of
There is little information available
on large-scale production in Australia.
Typical lactation lasts for 300 days
and average production may be from
1-3 litres/doe/day. A herd may produce
300-800 litres/head/year.
There are opportunities to on sell
excess male kids for meat. However,
prices paid may not justify the costs
incurred in raising kids in the dairy
situation. Further market expansion
and development will help this
General region for current dairy production
— expansion into other areas is feasible and
Chapter 5. Goat Production Requirements
Goats have evolved to graze and
browse in semi-arid rangelands. Mixed
feeding behaviour allows them to
consume a wide range of plants
including grasses, herbs, scrub and
weeds. Contrary to popular opinion,
goats do not eat everything - they
can be quite selective, usually
choosing only the most digestible
plant parts available. However, they
are very flexible and will change
their preferences with the season.
not well adapted to the wetter
temperate environments (> 800 mm
p.a) and can be prone to internal
parasites and foot complaints when
run in these conditions.
Like sheep, goats are susceptible
to soil trace-element deficiencies,
particularly in higher rainfall regions.
They may be susceptible to internal
parasites where grazing pressures are
constantly > 10 DSE/ha. (Dry Sheep
Goats can be kept on conventional
pastures quite satisfactorily but
because of their ability to eat a wider
variety of plants than sheep and cattle,
they are productive in various
Goats prefer areas with between 250
and 600 mm rainfall per annum (p.a).
When they are grazed with sheep at
the recommended stocking rate, there
are complementary benefits, however,
recommended stocking levels should
always be observed as goats are not
as efficient as sheep at grazing very
short pastures. Generally, goats are
A fine herd of young Cashmere goats
Goats require specific fencing
similar to that needed for crossbred
ewes. A well strained bottom wire
approximately 70 mm above the
ground is the single most important
fencing requirement. A totally new
prefabricated wire fence in open
country costs from $1500 per km,
whereas a 5-line electric fence will
cost about half this amount. In some
locations an old fence can be ‘goatproofed’ by the addition of one single
electric wire supported by outriggers.
Electrified fencing is effective,
relatively inexpensive and is strongly
recommended where its use is
With your first steps you should
‘hasten slowly’. It is strongly
recommended that potential goat
farmers talk to and visit a number
of established goat farms before they
buy any goats. Excellent technical
information is available from industry
associations and departments of
agriculture. Read this information
and the proceedings from field days
and conferences. Plan your objectives
clearly. It is better to start with a
smaller number of goats and build
up your herd as you improve your
management skills.
Important Points to Note
• Appropriate goat fencing should
be erected before goats are
introduced. Fencing is best done
by a ‘goat-wise’ fencer according
to industry best practice.
• Goats should be grazed at no
more than the recommended
stocking rate for sheep in your
chosen district. Discuss grazing
requirements with the local
Department of Agriculture officers.
The cheapest feed for all types
of goat is pasture. Knowledge of
efficient pasture and grazing
management will lead to increased
• Essential equipment includes a
vaccinator, drenching equipment,
elastrator or castrating equipment,
and earmarking or eartagging pliers
to facilitate identification. In some
districts, hoof-paring shears may
also be required.
Goat Production Requirements
A Boer buck surveys his domain
• Goats are usually mated in autumn
when their fertility is at its highest.
Some breeds (such as Boers) are
readily joined all year round, while
others (such as Angoras) are
seasonal breeders that cannot be
successfully mated outside autumn.
In an intensive operation, one buck
can mate about 60 does. Kidding
occurs about 21 to 22 weeks (150
days) later. It is usual to mate
goats for six weeks so
that kidding will be spread out
over the same period. It is
important to be familiar with the
grazing requirements of breeding
goats before mating them.
• It is recommended that does
be mated after they reach 25 kg
liveweight, which usually means at
about 19 months of age, although
heavier 7-9 month does can often
be successfully mated.
• Planning for kidding is essential.
Predators must be controlled.
Provision of suitable shelter is
strongly recommended as cold,
wet weather can be fatal for kids.
Paddocks with trees and high grass
are recommended if you kid your
breeding mob in the paddock with
minimal supervision (extensive
system). Frequently, Stud breeders
choose a closely managed system
where does kid and/or ‘mother up’
in pens in a kidding shed (intensive
system). Weaning percentages will
usually be considerably higher,
however, such a system may require
several hours labour each day
thoughout the normal six week
kidding period. The additional
inputs of an intensive system may
be warranted if valuable stud stock
is involved.
• Kids are usually weaned at 12 to
14 weeks of age.
Disease Control
Clostridial diseases, especially tetanus
and pulpy kidney, can cause large
losses with goats. Vaccinating kids at
four to six weeks of age and again four
weeks later easily and cheaply controls
such diseases. An annual booster
vaccination is required for all goats.
Grazing goats are susceptible to
internal parasite diseases. The
adoption of appropriate grazing,
monitoring and treatment techniques
are important aspects of endoparasitic
disease control. Each district has
different environmental circumstances
and consequently the actual species
of parasite and the appropriate control
practices vary. Kids are particularly
susceptible and may need drenching
with a suitable anthelmintic at as
young as 10 weeks. Drenching guns
make the administration of appropriate
drugs relatively simple.
Regular sampling of the faeces of
goats for parasite eggs (worm tests) is
recommended. Kits to make this task
easier are available from your local
Department of Agriculture. Control
programs usually involve treatment of
pregnant does at 4 to 6 weeks before
External parasites such as lice can
also infest goats. Control is relatively
simple via either a plunge or spray
dip, or backline treatment similar to
that used with sheep. Care must be
taken to follow the manufacturer’s
specifications when using chemicals
especially regarding withholding
periods prior to slaughter.
Flystrike is not a concern with goats,
although minor problems with
productive Angoras that have not
been crutched have been reported.
Goats can be susceptible to various
foot diseases such as footrot and foot
abscess. Control of these diseases is
a medium-term activity following
detailed advice from the Department
of Agriculture.
Potential purchasers of goats need to
take steps to ensure that purchases are
free of health problems, and certain
Health Declarations regarding Ovine
or Bovine Johne’s Disease, footrot,
and caprine retrovirus (CAE, for dairy
goats only) should be obtained from
vendors prior to the introduction of
new stock. Although the incidence
of both OJD and BJD in goats is
extremely low, the goat industry is a
participant in the National Program
for the Control and Evaluation of
Johne’s Disease. It has developed a
Goat Market Assurance Program
Goat Production Requirements
(GoatMAP) to facilitate the purchase
of goats from herds declared Johne’s
Disease tested. Prospective purchasers
also need to be aware of the various
zones across Australia where stock
movements are restricted. Advice on
the various zones is available from
your regional veterinary officer at the
Department of Agriculture.
Your Notes
To ensure that meat and dairy products
comply with food safety standards, it
is essential to adhere strictly to the
withholding periods for all chemicals
used in the control of diseases.
Similarly, goat fibre producers need
to be aware of the increasing number
of regulations being considered for
introduction in various overseas
countries for chemicals commonly
used to control external parasites.
The withholding periods for meat or
milk products intended for domestic
consumption will be stated on the
package in which the chemicals are
sold. However, producers planning to
export need to also be aware of
Export Slaughter Intervals (ESIs).
Key Contacts
Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA)
The industry’s peak national body and an affiliate member of the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF). GICA is made up
of representatives elected by each state farmer organisation’s goat commodity section. Tel 02-6273-3855, Fax 02-62732331; PO Box E10 Kingston ACT 2604.
Justine Hall
Tel: 03 5157 8293 Fax: 03 5157 8235
Ian Cathles
Vice President
NSW Farmers Association
Tel: 02 6227 9634 Fax: 02 6227 9634
Richard Levinge
Hon. Treasurer
SA Farmers’ Federation
Tel: 08 8768 2116 Fax: 08 8768 2916
Alan Smith
Tel: 08 9332 8783 Fax: 08 9332 8794
Peter Firth
Agforce Goat Committee Chairman
Tel: 07 4630 9122 Fax: 07 4630 9288
Kevin Cole
WA Farmers’ Federation
Tel: 08 9064 7364 Fax: 08 9064 7389
Bob Adamson
Pastoralists’ and Graziers’ Association of WA
Tel: 08 9285 4186 Fax: 08 9295 4784
Joanne Robinson
National Farmers’ Federation
Tel: 02 6273 3855 Fax: 02 6273 2331
Tom Harmsworth
Victorian Farmers’ Federation
Tel: 03 5381 1321 Fax: 03 5381 1321
Breed Associations
Australian Cashmere Growers Association Ltd
PO Box 380
Kellyville NSW 2155
Tel: 02 9894 7877
Fax: 02 9894 7055
Boer Goat Breeders’ Association of Australia Ltd
c/- ABRI
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2351
Tel: 02 6773 5177
Dairy Goat Society of Australia Ltd
PO Box 189
Kiama NSW 2533
Tel: 02 4232 3333
Mohair Australia Ltd
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2351
Tel: 02 6773 3557
Key Contacts
Farmer Groups
National Farmers Federation Tel: 02 6273 3855 www.nff.org.au
Farmer organisations have goat industry sections that can provide industry development contacts and further information:
NSW Farmers’ Association
Tel: 02 9251 1700
South Australian Farmers’ Federation
Tel: 08 8232 5555
Victorian Farmers’ Federation
Tel: 03 9207 5555
Tasmanian Farmers’ and Graziers’ Association
Tel: 03 6331 6377
Western Australian Farmers’ Federation
AgForce Queensland
Tel: 07 3236 3100
Pastoralists and Graziers’ Association of Western Australia
Tel: 08 9479 4599
Industry Organisations
The national organisation and accreditation authority
responsible for quality standards and the accurate
description of meat and livestock.
Tel: 07 3247 7200
PO Box 3175, Sth Brisbane, QLD 4101
Australian Livestock Transporters Association (ALTA):
This body represents livestock transporters and operates
the quality assurance system, Truckcare.
Tel: 02 6247 5434
GPO Box 2078, Canberra, ACT
Australian Meat Processor Corporation (AMPC):
A national body representing all processors active in the
red meat processing industry. Specifically, AMPC aims
to promote, protect and further the rights and mutual
interests of its members.
Tel: 02 9223 6900
PO Box H131, Australia Square, Sydney NSW 1215
The Australian Livestock Export Corporation Ltd (LiveCorp)
is a company owned, controlled and funded by livestock
exporters. Its role is to support the sustainable and
profitable development of the trade in live cattle,
sheep and goats.
Tel: 02 9223 7655
GPO 3466, Sydney 1043
Livestock Export Accreditation Program (LEAP):
Is an industry-based assurance scheme initiated by ALEC
and operated by LiveCorp.
Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA):
A producer-owned company adding value to the red meat
and livestock industries of Australia by promotion and R&D.
165 Walker Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060
Tel: 02 9463 9333 1 800 023 100
Key Contacts
Industry Organisations
National Meat Association of Australia (NMAA):
Is the meat industry’s largest employer organisation.
Its members include retailers, wholesalers, domestic and
export processors and smallgoods manufacturers.
Tel: 02 9906 7767
PO Box 1208, Crows Nest, NSW 1585
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
This corporation was set up by the Commonwealth
Government to work closely with Australian rural
industries on the organisation and funding of their
R&D needs.
Tel: 02 6272 4539
PO Box 4776, Barton ACT 2600
A quality management program designed for livestock
transporters and coordinated by ALTA; Heather Burdon,
Tel: 08 8733 2541
GPO Box 2078, Canberra, ACT 2601
Government Organisations
Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry Australia (AFFA):
AFFA have jurisdiction and influence right throughout the
agriculture production chain. They also license livestock
exporters and ensure that these exporters carry out their
business according to the rules.
Tel: 02 6272 3933
GPO Box 858, Canberra, ACT 2601
Animal Welfare Inspectoral Offices:
NSW: Officer in Charge, NSW Agriculture, Animal
Welfare Inspectoral Office,
Locked Bag A5000, Sydney South, NSW 1232
Tel: 02 9264 9533.
Victoria: Department of Natural Resources and
Environment, Animal Health and Operations Branch,
Cnr Mindland Highway and Taylor St, Epsom, VIC
Tel: 03 5430 4517
South Australia:
284 Portrush Rd, Kensington, SA 5068
Tel: 08 8204 8892
Tasmania: Department of Primary Industries, Water and
Environment, Public Health and Animal Welfare section,
GPO 44A, Hobart, TAS 7001
ACT: Environment ACT, PO Box 144, Linham, ACT 2602
Tel: 02 6207 2249
Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS):
Regulates imports and exports, including the issuing
of permits and the inspection of animals. Also involved
in the policy aspect of livestock exports — veterinary
protocols and other aspects of animal health and welfare.
Tel: 1800 020 504
GPO Box 858 Canberra, ACT 2601
Other Contacts
Other Contacts
Farmwide’s agricultural search engine;
Australian Federation of Islamic Councils Inc (AFIC):
Body representing the many Australian Islamic councils
and related organisations.
Tel: 02 9698 8891
PO Box 331, Waterloo, NSW 2017
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is
a non-profit organisation that polices, inspects and
educates with respect to preventing cruelty to animals.
Tel: 02 6282 8300,
PO Box E369, Kingston, ACT 2604
Australian Goat Milk Association,
RMB 5004A Wodonga, VIC 3690
Tel: / Fax: 02 6020 6076
Rural Connect:
A distribution service and system for agriculture and rural
focused publications and information
Tel: 1800 1100 44
Herd Improvement & Producers’ Association:
For dairy producers
Tel: / Fax: 03 9718 2041
email: gaille_abud@primus.com.au
Withholding Periods (WHPs):
Details about withholding periods for chemicals used
on animals during production.
Australia’s sheep and goat genetic evaluation system.
LAMBPLAN, Department of Animal Science,
University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351.
Dr Alex Ball,
Tel: 02 6773 2493;
Dr Rob Banks,
Tel: 02 6773 2948 ;
is a useful link which gives access to ABOA and
ARRIP databases.
Publications & References
Industry Journals
Each breed society produces its own publication
for members. Additionally, the following publications
provide independent coverage of the entire goat
The Australian Goat Report
Published fortnightly
Tel: 02 6343 3225
The Goat Farmer
Bi-monthly magazine
Tel: 03 5146 4223
Boer Goat Breeders’ Association of Australia Ltd,
Boer Briefs, Summer 1999, No. 20.
Brydon, D. (Ed.) 1990 Goat Health and Production.
Proceeding No. 134. Post-Graduate Committee in
Veterinary Science, University of Sydney 500 pp.
Browne, R. J. (Ed.) 1990 Cashmere Goats Notes,
2nd Edition, Australian Cashmere Growers Association,
Guildford, NSW, 350 pp.
Davies, L. and Murray, G. 1997 The Economics of a
Commercial Angora Goat Enterprise, Rural Industries
Research and Development Corporation, Canberra.
Davies, L. and Murray, G. 1997 The Economics of a
Commercial Cashmere Goat Enterprise, Rural Industries
Research and Development Corporation, Canberra.
McGregor, B. A. (Ed) Proceedings National Mohair
Conferences, 1994, 1995, 1996 Agriculture Victoria,
NSW Agriculture, Marketing Prime Goat Kids,
1996, Orange, 11 pp.
NSW Department of Agriculture, The Goat Manual,
1990, Sydney.
165 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW 2060
Price: Non MLA members $25