ME 350: Heat Transfer New Course Proposal Viewing: Completed Workflow 1. 490‐MECH Curr Chair Changes proposed by: kshollen 2. 490‐MECH Chair Date: Sunday, June 1, 2014 Proposer 3. 52‐CENG Curr Chair Name: Email: Kim Shollenberger 4. 52‐CENG Assoc Dean 5. ASCC Chair Telephone: 6. Catalog Editor 805‐756‐1379 7. PeopleSo Subject ME New subject area? No Department Mechanical Engineering (490‐MECH) College College of Engineering Approval Path 1. 07/02/14 5:32 pm John Ridgely (jridgely): Approved for 490‐MECH Curr Chair 2. 07/03/14 8:19 am General Informa on Requested Start Term Andrew Davol (adavol): Summer 2015 Approved for Course Title Heat Transfer 490‐MECH Chair 3. 07/07/14 12:16 pm Short Course Title (displays in transcripts and the class schedule) Heat Transfer Catalog Number Curr Chair 4. 07/16/14 4:41 pm 350 Course Descrip on Fred DePiero Basic principles of heat transfer by conduc on and convec on. Laboratory experiments to characterize thermodynamic material proper es, energy conversion processes, thermodynamic cycles, and performance of heat transfer equipment. Not open to students with credit in ME 343. 3 lectures, 1 laboratory. Prerequisite: CSC 231 or CSC 234; MATE 380 or ME 302; ME 236; and ME 341. Is the course Is this a replacement (fdepiero): Approved for 52‐CENG Assoc Dean 5. 01/08/15 5:14 pm Andrew Schaffner N (aschaffn): Approved for ASCC Chair crosslisted? course? Brian Self (bself): Approved for 52‐CENG Y 6. 02/17/15 11:25 am Pam Bleisch (pbleisch): Replaced course: Course Title ME 343 Heat Transfer Approved for Catalog Editor 7. 02/25/15 2:16 am *system*: Approved for PeopleSo Will course be taught on or off campus? onsite History Does the course have 1. Feb 25, 2015 by Kim field trips? 1 of 6 Shollenberger No (kshollen) Course Requirements Requisites Type Course prereq ME 236 Jus fica on Experimental methods and uncertainty analysis are needed for experimental component of class. prereq ME 302 or Heat transfer is a con nua on of fundamental concepts MATE 380 concerning energy transport and conserva on introduced in thermodynamics. prereq ME 341 Heat transfer by convec on includes thermal energy transport due to bulk fluid mo on that is introduced in 1/12/2016 1:09 PM ME 350: Heat Transfer Description of why different pre-reqs are needed (Committee members might know of other courses that could serve as pre-reqs) fluid mechanics. prereq CSC 231 or Numerical methods that require computer CSC 234 programming are used to solve conduc on heat transfer problems. Are there Non‐course No Requirements for Enrollment? Units per mode of Lecture: Laboratory: Ac vity: Seminar: Supervision: Discussion: instruc on: 3 1 0 0 0 0 Total Units: 4 Grading Type OPT Is course repeatable N for mul ple credit? Is this course to be taught with specific N sub tles (e.g. ENGL 349 Bri sh Writers)? Purpose of the Course This is a required Y course Specify name(s) of Mechanical Engineering, General Engineering major, concentra on, minor, cer ficate, or graduate program: This is an elec ve course Y Specify name(s) of Materials Engineering major, concentra on, minor, cer ficate, or graduate program: A ach memos of support from other departments adding the proposed course to their curriculum. This course is used in None the following creden al program(s): Briefly explain the Heat transfer is a fundamental component of the mechanical engineering curriculum that is need for this course: applied to solve a wide range of problems related to thermal energy produc on and transport. Heat transfer is a branch of applied physics that deals with the movement of thermal energy due to a temperature difference (or gradient) which is an inherently non‐equilibrium process. Applica on of conserva on laws from physics and rate equa ons for conduc on, convec on, and radia on are used to solve for temperature distribu ons and heat transfer rates. Two previous courses, ME343 (lecture only) and ME346 (a stand‐alone lab) are basically being combined into this single course. Indicate which of the Think cri cally and crea vely following University Communicate effec vely Learning Objec ves Demonstrate exper se in a scholarly discipline and understand that discipline in rela on to the larger (ULOs) will be supported by the Work produc vely as individuals and in groups course: 2 of 6 world of the arts, sciences and technology Make reasoned decisions based on understanding of ethics, a respect for diversity, and an awareness of issues related to sustainability 1/12/2016 1:09 PM ME 350: Heat Transfer Program Learning Objec ves ME‐BS PLO 1 An ability to apply knowledge of mathema cs, science, and engineering. PLO 2 An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. PLO 3 An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realis c constraints such as economic, environmental, social, poli cal, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. The student will be able to recognize a need and develop appropriate design specifica ons. PLO 4 An ability to func on on mul disciplinary teams. PLO 5 An ability to iden fy, formulate, and solve engineering problems. PLO 6 An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. PLO 7 An ability to communicate effec vely. PLO 8 The broad educa on necessary to understand the impact of engineering solu ons in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. PLO 9 A recogni on of the need for, and an ability to engage in life‐long learning. PLO 10 A knowledge of contemporary issues. PLO 11 An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering prac ce. Other Learning Objec ves Is this a General Educa on Course? N Is this a United States Cultural Pluralism Course? N Course Learning Objec ves and Assessment Methods List the learning objec ves for this course (e.g. what should students know or be able to do a er taking this course) and the assessment method that will be used to collect direct evidence of student achievement of each learning objec ve. Consult the Associate Dean in your college about assessment resources. Also, refer to the above program learning objec ves (PLOs) and indicate which ones are supported by each course learning objec ve. Lis ng PLO numbers will suffice (e.g. PLO 1, PLO2). If the course is being proposed for General Educa on, indicate the GE educa onal objec ves and criteria supported by the course (e.g. GE C3 EO 1, 2, 3, 6 and CR 2, 5). 3 of 6 Course Learning Objec ve Assessment Method Program Learning Objec ve Explain the physical processes governing conduc on op onal homework assignments and PLO 1, PLO 8 and convec on heat transfer. exams Solve basic heat transfer problems for temperature op onal homework assignments and PLO 1, PLO 3, distribu on and energy transfer rates using both exams PLO 5, PLO 10, analy cal and numerical techniques. Other typical methods would include projects, different written reports, discussion boards, performances and presentations PLO 11 Perform thermal/fluids experiments, collect data, and compare reduced data to theore cal models. group and/or individual laboratory reports and/or technical memos and PLO 1, PLO 2, PLO7, PLO 11 final laboratory exam Interpret laboratory results as related to physical group and/or individual laboratory PLO 1, PLO 2, observa ons and summarize in a report. reports and/or technical memos PLO7, PLO 11 Expanded Course Content Assessment methods are suitable for the lab component of the course. Provide a detailed outline of the content for this course: Week 1 Readings Or Assignments Discussion Lab Experiments, Ac vity Lab orienta on and pre‐lab for Labs 1 and 2 Introduc on to Heat 1. Introduc on to heat Transfer, Bergman et transfer al, 6th Edi on a) Processes for conduc on, Chapter 1 convec on, and radia on b) Conserva on of energy List textbook, papers, websites (thermodynamics review) 1/12/2016 1:09 PM ME 350: Heat Transfer 4 of 6 2 Chapter 2 2. Introduc on to Lab 1. Polytropic Expansion: pressure and Homework #1 conduc on temperature data for air expansion is compared a) Rate equa on (Fourier’s law) to analy cal models for limi ng cases (isentropic and isothermal) b) Conduc on energy equa on (heat diffusion equa on) 3 Chapter 3 Homework #2 3. Steady‐state conduc on in one‐dimension Lab 2. Vapor‐Compression Refrigera on Cycle: a) Plane wall, cylinder, and condi oning system compared to ideal cycle sphere calcula ons List topics that will be discussed during the week (some break it down by class session) performance measurements for an air b) Extended surface (fin) heat transfer and performance 4 Chapter 4 4. Steady‐State conduc on Homework #3 in mul ple dimensions Pre‐lab for Labs 3 and 4 a) Separa on of variables analysis method Describe the lab or other activity that you will do during the class/laboratory b) Numerical formula on and solu on methods 5 Chapter 5 5. Transient Conduc on Lab 3. Measuring Thermal Proper es: transient Homework #4 a) Lumped capacitance analysis method and steady state conduc on data is compared to numerical simula ons to determine material b) Numerical formula on proper es and solu on methods 6 Chapter 6 6. Introduc on to Lab 4. Personal Computer Heat Sink: convec on a) Velocity and thermal performance measurements for conduc on heat loss through a fin array compared to boundary layer theory analy cal analysis b) Rate equa on (Newton’s law of cooling) c) Convec on energy equa on and dimensionless parameters d) Analogy between momentum and heat transfer 7 Chapter 7 7. Forced external Homework #5 convec on Pre‐lab for Labs 5 and 6 a) Flat plate correla ons b) Bluff body correla ons 8 Chapter 8 8. Forced internal Lab 5. Poten al to Internal Energy Conversion Homework #6 convec on Lab: energy conversion measurements are a) Velocity and thermal fully compared to ideal case with no heat loss to developed flow condi ons b) Overall energy balance environment analysis c) Circular and non‐circular tube correla ons 9 Chapter 9 Homework #7 9. Free (or natural) convec on Lab 6. Air/Water Co‐current Flow Heat Exchanger: thermal energy transport a) Physical process for measurements are used to develop correla on natural convec on for convec on heat transfer b) Boussinesq approxima on for convec on energy equa on c) External flow, internal channel, and cavity correla ons 1/12/2016 1:09 PM ME 350: Heat Transfer 10 Chapter 11 10. Heat Exchangers Homework #8 a) Introduc on to types and Laboratory final exam opera on parameters b) Analysis and design using the Effec veness‐NTU method Final Assessment Final assessments for 1‐unit courses, labs, and ac vi es occur during the regularly designated mee ng me in the last week of instruc on. Final assessments for all lecture and seminar courses (other than 1‐unit courses) occur during the scheduled final assessment period ('finals week'). What will be the Final exam method for final assessment for this course? Will the final assessment occur during the designated me period? yes Consulta on List all courses that already cover any significant part of the planned content/learning objec ves of this course either within the department or from other departments. Explain why duplica on of subject ma er is necessary. Please talk with any other department with which there will be significant duplica on. Please explain the duplica on in subject ma er and why it is necessary: Use the memo template for consulta on with other departments offering any of the above listed courses. A ach signed memos to the proposal. ME 350 to replace ME 343.pdf This describes a transition plan for earlier students who took ME340 (no lab), and who now will take ME350 (with a lab). Could have also put this information in the Needs statement. Course Delivery and Resources Es mated number of Lecture/Seminar: Lab/Ac vity: students in one 32 16 sec on of this course: Es mated number of Fall: Winter: Spring: Lecture/Seminar 2 2 2 Es mated number of Fall: Winter: Spring: Lab/Ac vity sec ons to 4 4 4 Summer: Total: 6 Summer: Total: 12 sec ons to be offered: be offered: Which is the primary In Person format in which the course is intended to be taught: Does this course no require new equipment? Does this course no require new supplies? Indicate type of Lab teaching environment needed: Lecture Indicate the names of Patrick Lemieux, Jesse Maddren, Chris Pascual, Kim Shollenberger, Glen Thorncro 5 of 6 1/12/2016 1:09 PM ME 350: Heat Transfer faculty members who will ini ally teach the course. Will staff resources be no required to support the course? Does this course no require new computer facili es and/or so ware? Instruc onal Materials and Informa on Technology Accessibility “It is the policy of the CSU to make informa on technology resources and services accessible to all CSU students, faculty, staff and the general public regardless of disability.” (EO 926) The CSU Accessible Technology Ini a ve requires that new course content, including instruc onal materials and websites, be designed and authored to be accessible to all students. Please review the Accessible Instruc onal Materials Checklist for Cal Poly Faculty and related links to understand what this means as you develop your course content. Take advantage of the Center for Teaching and Learning technology support tutorials, workshops and other services and the CSU Professional Development for Accessible Technology resources. I have reviewed the informa on and I understand what is expected. Yes If you s ll have ques ons or need any assistance, email the Electronic and Informa on Technology Campus Compliance Officer or telephone 805‐756‐5538. Suppor ng ME 350 to replace ME 343.pdf Documents 6 of 6 Key: 4911 1/12/2016 1:09 PM