Chem 3351 Fall 2014 Midterm 3 Student ID Name page points: 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total (16) (15) (19) (22) (18) (10) (100) Periodic Table H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Ha Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Ac Chem 3351 Fall 2014 Midterm 3 Student ID #_____________ 1. Draw the structure of the following compounds (6 pts). A) 2-ethoxy-5-methylhexane B) 2,3-pentanediol C) 2-ethyl-3-methyloxirane 2. Indicate whether each of the following transformations is an oxidation, a reduction, or neither (10 pts). A) B) OH O C) OH NH 2 D) E) Br O OH OH Page 2 of 7 Chem 3351 Fall 2014 Midterm 3 Student ID #_____________ 3. Arrange the following alcohols in order of increasing acidity in aqueous solution (3 pts). (CH 3)3COH CH 3CH2OH CH 3OH (CH 3)2CHOH 4. Draw a dashed line indicating the hydrogen bond between the following pair of molecules. Identify the hydrogen bond donor and acceptor (6 points). O H 2O 5. Which of the following is the most stable carbocation (3 pts)? 6. Rank the following electrophiles in order of increasing reactivity in an SN2 reaction (6 pts)? A) CH 3CH2CH2Cl CH 3CH2CH2I (CH 3)2CHCl CH 3CH2CH2Br Page 3 of 7 Chem 3351 B) Fall 2014 Midterm 3 CH 3CH2CH2OMs CH 3CH2CH2OTf Student ID #_____________ (CH 3)2CHOMs CH 3CH2CH2OH O ROMs = R O S CH 3 O O ROTf = R O S CF 3 O 7. Provide the missing reagents and products for the following reactions (30 pts). A) PhCH 2CH2OH THF PhCH 2CH2ONa O CH 3CH2O S O CH 3CH2OH CH 3 N B) (CH 3)3CBr C) CH 3CH2Br CH 3CH2ONa dilute H 2SO 4 CH 3CH2OH CH 3OH Mg ether D 2O D) CH 3(CH2)3CH2OH PCC CH2Cl2 Page 4 of 7 Chem 3351 Fall 2014 Midterm 3 Student ID #_____________ E) H Br Ph H 3C CH 3CH2ONa Ph CH 3 CH 3CH2OH F) H Zn-Cu Ether + H H H Cl G) H H + Cl (CH 3)3COK (CH 3)3COH H H H) mCPBA benzene + I) H 3O + H 2O 8. Complete the syntheses shown below. Each synthesis may involve a sequence of several reactions (16 pts). O A) OH Page 5 of 7 Chem 3351 Fall 2014 Midterm 3 Student ID #_____________ B) HO OCH2CH 3 7. Provide the mechanisms for the following reactions. Show every intermediate and all the arrows required for each step of the reaction (20 pts). A) CH 3 OH H 3C C C CH 3 H CH 3 H 3O H 2O CH 3 CH 3 H 3C C C CH2 H 29% H 3C + CH 3 C C H 3C CH 3 71% Page 6 of 7 Chem 3351 Fall 2014 Midterm 3 B) SH I 2, NaOH Student ID #_____________ S S Page 7 of 7