(Slides prepared for small lectures and discussions, and may therefore include more text than what would be included for a large audience presentation)
NTNU, September 2007
NTNU, September 2007
Background and objective
Guidance to § 7 in Facility regulations: […]
For design of safety functions as mentioned in the first paragraph, the ISO 13702, NORSOK
S-001 revision 4 and IEC 61508 standards and
OLF guidelines No. 70 revision 2 should be
[…] In order to stipulate the performance for the safety functions as mentioned in the second paragraph, the IEC 61508 standard and OLF guidelines No. 70 revision 2 should be
used where electrical, electronic and programmable electronic systems are used in constructing the functions.
Guidance to § 42 in Activity regulations: […] When preparing the maintenance programme as mentioned in the first paragraph, the standard NS-
EN ISO 20815:2008 appendix I and the CEI/IEC 60300-3-11 standard may be used in the area of health, working environment and safety. For activities as mentioned in the second and third paragraphs, in the area of health, working environment and safety,a) the ISO 13702 standard Appendix C7, the IEC 61508 standard, and OLF Guidelines No. 070 revision 2 should be used for safety systems, b) the emergency shutdown system should be verified in accordance with the safety integrity levels stipulated on the basis of the IEC 61508 standard and OLF's Guidelines 070 revision 2.
NTNU, September 2007
In OLF 070, an alternative is proposed to the full risk based deduction of SIL requirements.
• Minimum SIL tables
SAR Comp ‐ liance
NTNU, September 2007
Best practice design of safety systems
(following standards, NORSOK and authority regulations is acceptable, given a
“standard offshore platform”
Risk reduction according to min.
SIL tables
NTNU, September 2007
NTNU, September 2007
Key concepts
”Fire and explosion hazard safety functions” that provide protection for one or several fire cells.
Example: Emergency shutdown, isolation of ignition sources and emergency blow down.
FSA nr 1
An investigation (independent review), based on evidence, to judge the functional safety achieved by one or more protection layers. Performed at specified stages.
”Process equipment safety functions” that provide protection for one specific process equipment unit.
Example: High level protection of a production separator..
FSA nr 2
(e.g., Site acceptance test)
FSA nr 3
FSA nr x
FSA nr 4…
NTNU, September 2007
Functional safety assessment
NTNU, September 2007
Key assumptions and limitations
The OLF 070 defines a number of typical EUCs onboard offshore fixed and mobile oil and gas installations.
It is assumed that the EUC may be protected by global and/or local safety functions.
The OLF 070 represents an alternative to the fully risk based approach for determining SIL that is suggested in IEC 61508 and IEC 61511.
Rationale: “[…] enhance standardization across the industry, and also avoid time-consuming calculations and documentation for more or less standard safety functions”.
Process outlined in OLF 070
NTNU, September 2007
OLF 070 process to SIL determination
Hazard identification (HAZID) is required!
• Multi-dicipline team
• Reference to ISO 17776 “Guidelines on tools and techniques for identification and assessment of hazardous events”
• Issues to consider (and to be compared to
“standard design of offshore installations”:
– Properties of fluid being handled
– Human intervention with the EUC
– Novelty and complexity of the installation
– Need for ``special protection functions’’
– And so on.
Objective is to answer: Is there any reasons why this particular installation deviates from standard / typical offshore installations?
NTNU, September 2007
OLF 070 process to SIL determination
Definition of safety functions
• Describe the safety functions required (from the
HAZID) and with support from standards:
– Local safety functions: Tables in ISO 10418 (ISO 10418 also give requirements to how deviations from conventional design, such as the use of HIPPS instead of
PSV, shall be documented).
– Global safety functions: NORSOK S-001, I-001, PSA regulations, input from QRA, and from Fire and Explosion strategy (following ISO 13702)
• Check if they are covered by the minimum SIL tables
• Check if additional components need to be added for fail-safe operation: hydraulic supply,
UPS, etc.
Objective is to answer: Is there any reasons why this particular installation deviates from standard / typical offshore installations?
NTNU, September 2007
OLF 070 process to SIL determination
SIL allocation:
First, apply the minimum SIL table:
• Select SIL requirements for each safety (instrumented) function from the minimum SIL tables
• Verify, if not already done, that the overall risk acceptance criteria is met (by using minimum SIL as input to QRA)
The minimum SIL table should ensure that the performance of ``typical/standard’’ safety functions is equal to or better than today’s standard (“best practice”)
• Minimum SIL table apply basically for risk to personnel
• Requirements for local safety functions assume that a secondary level of protection (e.g., a PSV) is available
NTNU, September 2007
OLF 070 process to SIL determination
NTNU, September 2007
OLF 070 process to SIL determination
Handling deviations:
• Functional deviations (functions not covered by the minimum SIL table). Example: HIPPS
• Integrity deviations, due to high demand rate, or high accumulated demand rate (for example if a high number of risers needs protection)
• Consequence deviations, due to special considerations such as layout, process conditions, manning, etc.
<> Acceptance criteria
(e.g., 10-5 for exceeding test pressure)
Overpressure protection fails
Minimum SIL table or by calculating the PFD of the proposed technical solution
PSD isolation fails
HIPPS isolation fails
Risk graph
Risk matrix
NTNU, September 2007
OLF 070 process to SIL determination
Handling deviations:
• Functional deviations (functions not covered by the minimum SIL table). Example: HIPPS
• Integrity deviations, due to high demand rate, or high accumulated demand rate (for example if a high number of risers needs protection)
• Consequence deviations, due to special considerations such as layout, process conditions, manning, etc.
<> Acceptance criteria
(e.g., 10-5 for exceeding test pressure)
Overpressure protection fails
Minimum SIL table or by calculating the PFD of the proposed technical solution
PSD isolation fails
HIPPS isolation fails
Risk graph
Risk matrix
NTNU, September 2007
OLF 070 process to SIL determination
Handling deviations:
• Functional deviations (functions not covered by the minimum SIL table). Example: HIPPS
• Integrity deviations, due to high demand rate, or high accumulated demand rate (for example if a high number of risers needs protection)
• Consequence deviations, due to special considerations such as layout, process conditions, manning, etc.
<> Acceptance criteria
NTNU, September 2007
OLF 070 process to SIL determination
Development of the safety requirement specification:
• Functional deviations (functions not covered by the minimum SIL table). Example: HIPPS
• Integrity deviations, due to high demand rate, or high accumulated demand rate (for example if a high number of risers needs protection)
• Consequence deviations, due to special considerations such as layout, process conditions, manning, etc.
• EUC boundaries
• • SIF1:
• • • EUC boundaries
• • Assumptions
• • Functional
• requirements
• requirements requirements
NTNU, September 2007
OLF 070 process to SIL determination
SIS design and engineering:
• Organization and resources – defining responsible parties in all SIS lifecycle phases
• Planning: Making a plan (with responsible persons/departments) and supporting procedures (e.g., for testing and design reviews) that include activities for verification, validation, and FSA
V-model: Suggested in IEC 61511 for software development, but principles may apply to SIS design in general.
NTNU, September 2007
OLF 070 process to SIL determination
SIS design and engineering (cont.):
• Deducing design and performance requirements from
SIL requirements:
– PFD or PFH
– Architectural constraints
– Avoidance and control with systematic failures
Visit IEC
61508 or IEC
61511 for guidance
NTNU, September 2007
OLF 070 process to SIL determination
SIS design and engineering (cont.):
• On the calculation of PFD or PFH
(or PFH)
• Experience data (e.g., OREDA) or more generic data sources
• Selection must be justified
• Assumptions must be documented
• Conservative estimates for failure rates ( ) to be selected
• Any certificates must be included
• Proper selection of relevant failure modes must be made (from experience data, estimates based on MIL-HDBK 217 F etc)
• OLF 070 suggests values for:
• -factors (based on various sources and expert judgments)
• Safe failure fraction (SFF)
NTNU, September 2007
OLF 070 process to SIL determination
SIS design and engineering (cont.):
• On the selection of components and design principles
• Manufacturers that claim conformance to IEC 61508 must provide such documentations (e.g., certificates)
• Prior use must be claimed by end user
• Independent from other field devices and systems
• Line monitoring of power supply and signaling lines
• Mounting so that accidental isolation and hydrate formation are avoided
• Use comparison of pressure reading from different sensors
• Diagnostic coverage to be estimated (rules for maximum credit taken from comparison of pressure reading)
Sensor: Various types of transmitters, switches, and also (manually operated) pushbuttons
NTNU, September 2007
OLF 070 process to SIL determination
SIS design and engineering (cont.):
• On the selection of components and design principles
Logic solver:
• Manufacturers that claim conformance to IEC 61508 must provide such documentations (e.g., certificates)
• Prior use must be claimed by end user
• Hardware architecture must be described (CPU, I/O typicals, interface modules)
• Software may be documented according to the V-model (or similar)
• Procedures must be made for how to initiate, implement, and verify application software changes
Logic solver: Hardwired, Solid state, programmable logic solvers (PLC)
NTNU, September 2007
OLF 070 process to SIL determination
SIS design and engineering (cont.):
• On the selection of components and design principles
Final element:
• Manufacturers that claim conformance to IEC 61508 must provide such documentations (e.g., certificates)
• Prior use must be claimed by end user
• Any local control panel must be lockable (to avoid inadvertent or unauthorized operation of valves)
• Considerations may be made to the use (and the effect from using) partial stroke testing (valves)
Final elements: Valves, solenoid valves, circuit breakers, fire doors, dampers, etc.
NTNU, September 2007
OLF 070 process to SIL determination
SIS design and engineering (cont.):
• On the selection of components and design principles
Utility systems:
• Must have sufficient capacity
• Redundancy may be needed (if the recipient components are redundant, or if loss of utility may lead to insufficient performance of a safety function)
Utility systems: Electrical power (generators or UPS), hydraulic power, pneumatics
NTNU, September 2007
OLF 070 process to SIL determination
SIS design and engineering (cont.):
• On the selection of components and design principles
Human-machine interface (HMI):
• Any failure of the HMI shall not adversely affect the ability of the SIS to perform its safety functions
• If operators need to respond to an alarm: This must be included as elements in the SIF and follow the
SIL requirement
• System in place to monitor and display status for inhibits, overrides, blockings (may consider removing the overriding capability for SIL 3 functions).
Utility systems: VDU stations in control room, critical alarm panel in control room, local equipment rooms, cabinets in field, and so on.
NTNU, September 2007
OLF 070 process to SIL determination
SIS design and engineering (cont.):
• On the selection of components and design principles
• Physical independence between different SISs (performing different type of safety functions, such as PSD, ESD, F&G) is preferred
• SISs shall be independent from process control system (status information from the SISs is sometimes provided, to reduce the complexity of e.g., the PSD and ESD system)
• In practice, there is some dependencies among SISs and between SISs and process control, from sharing components (e.g., sensors and valves) and common communication channels. Sufficient
“functional independence” has been introduced as a concept in this respect.
• Some reports have been published on this particular issue, see e.g.,:
• Hauge, S., Onshus, T., Øien, K., Grøtan, T.O., Holmstrøm, S., Lundteigen, M.A. (2006):
"Uavhengighet av sikkerhetssystemer offshore - status og utfordringer". STF50 A06011
• Additional guidance is also provided in appendix G in OLF 070
NTNU, September 2007
Document “regime” in OLF 070
NTNU, September 2007
Document “regime” in OLF 070
Safety requirement specification (SRS):
• One per SIS
• Includes the functional and the safety integrity requirements
• Includes also key assumptions and system boundaries
• See IEC 61511, part 1, or appendix E in OLF
070 for a list of content.
Compliance report:
• One per SIS
• Shows how all the SIFs that are performed by the SIS meet the requirements in the SRS
Safety analysis report (SAR):
• One per component or subsystem (delivered by the same manufacturer)
• System description, including operational modes, system topology, and block diagrams
• Input data to reliability calculations (failure rates, diagnostic coverage, MTTR, etc)
• System behavior under fault conditions and in response to detected faults
• Measures taken to avoid and control systematic failures
• If relevant: PFD calculations and compliance to architectural constraints
• Application software management
• More details in appendix E of OLF 070
NTNU, September 2007
Operation and maintenance
Operation and maintenance planning :
• Shall be done during the design phase
• Shall include preparation of procedures and practices for operation of the SIS during normal operation, startup, functional testing, maintenance
• Preparation of procedures for how to respond to dangerous detected failures, and setting/handling of overrides, overrides, and bypasses.
• Procedures for reporting non-conformities, such as inadequate reliability (of a SIF) or deviations from initial assumptions regarding e.g., demand rates
• Scheduling of testing and maintenance activities
• Allocation of responsibilities for operation and maintenance
• Preparation (and initiation) of training of personnel
• Preparation of data collection strategies and systems
• Preparation of a program for continuous improvement
– of SIS operation, of SIS maintenance and SIS followup.
• Identifying (and make available) documentation (from design) that is of relevance for the operational phase
• Establish procedures for management of change
Functional testing is an issue that needs to be addressed in an early design phase. There are many examples where a particular design make adequate functional testing almost impossible.
NTNU, September 2007
A modification may be a change other than a
“replacement in kind”:
• Introducing a component with different characteristics
• New test intervals or new test procedures
• Set point changes
• Changes in operating procedures
• Changes in operating environment or process conditions
• Changes in the SRS
• Inadequate SIS performance (too many recorded failures)
• Increased (or decreased) demand rate
• Software changes (application software, firmware)
The purpose of management of change is to:
• Maintain the SIL (or retain the SIL)
• Ensure that a return is made back to the appropriate life cycle phase to ensure proper implementation of change.
NTNU, September 2007
Special topics: Background for minimum SIL
Methods in use:
• (Simplified) reliability block diagrams that are based on commonly agreed “best practice” implementation of global and local SIFs.
• PDS method for including common cause failures
• PDS reliability data, in combination with consideration of other reliability sources and expert judgments
NTNU, September 2007
Special topics: Background for minimum SIL
NTNU, September 2007
Special topics: Background for minimum SIL
NTNU, September 2007
Special topics: Quantification of PFD
NTNU, September 2007
Special topics: Follow-up of SIS/Procedures for updating test intervals
PFDavg t
The required PFD must be deduced for each specific component for each specific safety instrumented function
NTNU, September 2007
Special topics: Follow-up of SIS/Procedures for updating test intervals
Step 1: Specify initial parameters of SIF
, , M and N (in an MooN configuration)
Step 2: Identify the acceptance criteria
Step 3: Express the uncertainty about the (initial) failure rate
• Expressed as U1 and U2
Step 4: Specify the number of failures during a specified time period and update the failure rate estimate:
• Specified time period: The accumulated time = observation time x number of equipment)
Step 5: Perform failure cause analysis
• Is it possible to eliminate some of the recorded failures in the calculations? (optional)
Step 6: Update the functional test interval based on new data
Step 7: Verify the results – and make adjustments according to “restriction rules”
Step 8: Make a trend analysis
NTNU, September 2007
Special topics: Follow-up of SIS/Procedures for updating test intervals
• Lundteigen, Mary Ann and Hauge, Stein, " Management of safety integrity in the operational phase ", Volume
2010, issue 1 of " Inside functional safety ".
• Hauge, Stein, Lundteigen, Mary Ann, and Rausand,
Marvin, "Updating failure rates and test intervals in the operational phase: A practical implementation of IEC
61511 and IEC 61508". In Risk, Safety And Reliability.
CRC Press 2009 ISBN 978-0415555098. s. 1715-1722.
• Hauge, Stein; Lundteigen, Mary Ann.
Guidelines for follow-up of Safety Instrumented Systems
(SIS) in the operation phase. Trondheim: SINTEF 2008
More information (slides):
• http://folk.ntnu.no/lundteig/Publications/2010proveforelesning-lundteigen-final.pdf
• http://folk.ntnu.no/lundteig/Publications/lundteige n-esrel2009-final.pdf
NTNU, September 2007
NTNU, September 2007