OCCUPATIONAL PROFILE RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT Name: _______________ This assignment will allow you to research an occupation you may be interested in. It is part of your CPT, and worth 10% of your final mark. You need to use your class time wisely, and hand it in on time. Overview: Your task is to select ONE occupation that is of interest to you from the list of suggested careers from “my career matchmaker” (career cruising), or one the teacher has approved if it is not on your list. Investigate this occupation according to ALL the criteria listed below. You should use www.careercruising.com, www.electronicinfo.ca, www.ontariocolleges.ca, and www.apprenticesearch.com, as well as any other websites, or library research. You may choose to do a PowerPoint, brochure or pamphlet, magazine spread, or poster. You must include ALL the information requested below and use HEADINGS, pictures, color, and anything else you can to make this look interesting and professional. PLAGIARIZED ASSIGNMENTS WILL RESULT IN A MARK OF ZERO Information to include 1. Job title and NOC code number 2. Transferable work skills that are needed 3. Describe in detail the tasks/duties that a person in this occupation would perform (Job description) 4. Describe the working conditions of a person employed in this occupation (hours, work environment, etc) 5. What is the starting salary of this career? What is your salary after 5 years? What is the highest salary? 6. Choose TWO institutions (in Ontario) that offer the course of study for your occupation. (use electronicinfo.ca, ontariocolleges.ca, apprenticesearch.com) • Describe the program • Admission Requirements (grades & prerequisites) • Duration & length of the program • Cost 7. What high school subjects would YOU take at SMK to prepare you for this course? (you can only list courses we offer). Hint: you will need to check (electronic info, Ontario colleges, apprenticesearch.com) 8. What should someone who does this profession be like? Describe aptitudes, interests, values and abilities. Check OCCUPATIONAL PROFILE RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT Name: _______________ Information to include 9. List some of the advantages to working in this field. 10. List some of the disadvantages to working in this field. 11. Include 4-5 well written typed paragraphs that reflect on the following. (one paragraph per question) a) Why you initially selected this occupation b) New things you learned about this occupation c) What surprised you about his occupation? d) Whether or not this occupation is still one you would consider (explain) 11. Works cited (where did you get your information?). You should have more than ONE source (at least 4, include career cruising, einfo etc), ANY website you look at should be included. Use a citation website such as www.bibme.com to help you. You can use, MLA, APA, or Chicago style. (note: Copy +Pasting the website address does NOT count.) 12. Attach a print out of your suggested careers from career cruising and highlight your selected career. Think that you are “done”? Complete this checklist to make sure Are my headings the same as the attached rubric? I always used more than one example I have cited all my sources properly My reflection is 4-5 well written paragraphs, should be about 1 page typed I have triple checked all of my spelling/grammar I have filled out a self-evaluation of my work on the attached rubric My name is on everything I have attached the rubric to my final product Check OCCUPATIONAL PROFILE RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT Name: _______________ Rubric for Occupational Profile Research Assignment Take a minute to self-evaluate your NOC project on this rubric BEFORE you hand it in. DUE DATE: ___________________________ A. Overall Appearance and Organization This section will evaluate how well you put the final product together. The goal is to make a well thought out, organized, polished final piece of work. Make sure you cite all your sources. A good way to be able to complete your works cited, is to keep track of every website you went to, and the date you accessed it as you go along. You can even save it in a word document. Setup, Display, Creativity - Set up looks professional, colour is used - Uses the selected format well - Neat, clearly labeled headings, in a logical order with a good flow Works Cited - Citations are in alpha order, and formatted properly (chicago,MLA, or APA) - Date website is accessed is present - Used a minimum of 4 sources 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Total /10 B. Content Use the headings provided to organize your final product. By using the headings, your teacher will know exactly where to look for each piece of information. If you see the word minimum, that is the minimum, not the exact amount. Feel free to add more stuff than listed below. Remember, an level 4 is above the expectations. Transferable work skills needed - a minimum of 4 truly transferable skills are listed. 0 1 2 3 4 Job Description (tasks & duties) - job is clearly described and the reader really understands what a person does at this job, can be daily, weekly, monthly, or overall. - a minimum of 6 tasks/ duties listed 0 1 2 3 4 Working Conditions - working conditions are described in detail. Where does a person work? What are they hours like? Do they work on their own or in a team in an office or on a site? etc 0 1 2 3 4 OCCUPATIONAL PROFILE RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT Name: _______________ Salary - what is the starting salary of this career? - what will you make after 5 years? - what will you make at the end of this career? Recommended SMK subjects - courses listed are offered at SMK (hint look at our school calendar) - courses listed are the prerequsites for the Ontario institutions you selected Ontario Institution/School: _________________ • • • • 0 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Program Description Admission Requirements Length of program Cost of program Ontario Institution/School: _________________ • • • • Program Description Admission Requirements Length of program Cost of program Suitable qualities (aptitudes/abilities/interests/values)- 4-6 qualities/aptitudes/interests/ values that would make someone good at this career are listed and explained when necessary. 0 1 2 3 4 Advantages of this Career- Student has clearly defined 3-5 advantages of this career 0 1 2 3 4 Disadvantages of this Career - Student has clearly defined 3-5 disadvantages of this career 0 1 2 3 4 4-5 Typed paragraphs as a reflection that states the following: a) Why you initially selected this occupation b) New things you learned about this occupation c) What surprised you about his occupation d) Whether or not this occupation is still one you would consider (explain) 0 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 - each question is answered in ONE well written paragraph - writing has been edited for spelling an grammar - student has clearly reflected on this career, and has learned from completing this section of the CPT. Teacher comments: total: /50 OCCUPATIONAL PROFILE RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT Name: _______________