CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Submission Deadline: January 26, 2015 electronically by email to Donna Banks: Presenters are required to submit their paper for the conference’s proceedings publication. Abstract Title (*must be completed) Author (*must be completed) First Name: Last Name: Academic Title: Occupation Title: Organization: Address 1: Address 2: City, State: Zip: Phone: Email: Additional Authors First Name: Last Name: Academic Title: Occupation Title: Organization: Phone: Email: Country: First Name: Last Name: Academic Title: Occupation Title: Organization: Phone: Email: First Name: Last Name: Academic Title: Occupation Title: Organization: Phone: Email: Lecture Presentation (*must be completed) If your abstract is selected who would provide the lecture at the 76th GPC? First Name: Last Name: Academic Title: Occupation Title: Organization: Address 1: Address 2: City, State: Zip: Phone: Email: 2 Country: Summary Statement (optional) Provide a brief summary of your research with key points highlighted that would provide a basis for discussion and interaction on site at GPC. 3 Abstract (*must be completed) In 400 words or 2,400 characters describe your subject, sources, argument and conclusions. Include any details that recommend your presentation for inclusion. 4