T & A HOTEL COLLECTION LTD Head Office: Thorpeness Hotel and Golf Club, Lakeside Avenue, Thorpeness, Suffolk IP16 4NH Tel: 01728 452176 APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT – Non- Managerial Please complete this form in your own handwriting – please answer every question 1. POSITION APPLIED FOR: JOB: LOCATION: 2. PLEASE TELL US ABOUT THE TYPE OF WORK YOU ARE LOOKING FOR: ARE YOU ABLE TO WORK FULL TIME/PART TIME/TEMPORARY – GIVE DATES HAVE YOU WORKED FOR THIS COMPANY BEFORE? YES/NO IF “YES” PLEASE SAY WHERE FROM WHAT LEVEL OF SALARY OR HOURLY RATE ARE YOU EXPECTING? £ PER HOUR/PER ANNUM PLEASE SHOW THE HOURS THAT YOU COULD WORK ON EACH DAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3. PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: TO Saturday Sunday Address: Title: Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms Are you eligible to work in the UK? YES/NO (You will be asked for proof of eligibility before you can start work) Postcode: National Insurance Number: Telephone Number:Mobile Number:Email Address:- 4. WORK EXPERIENCE DATES NAME OF EMPLOYER From To JOB TITLE SALARY/HOURLY RATE REASON FOR LEAVING 5. EDUCATIONAL AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING DATES NAME OF TYPE OF From To SCHOOL/COLLEGE QUALIFICATION OR OR TRAINING AWARD PROVIDER 6. GRADE/LEVEL ACHIEVED DATE ACHIEVED HEALTH Do you suffer from any medical condition that may affect you or your performance in this job? YES/NO What reasonable adjustments could be made in the work place that would help you? 7. CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? YES/NO If “YES”, please give details (you do not need to give details if the conviction is “spent”) 8. OTHER INFORMATION Please use this space to give us more information about yourself: 9. REFERENCES Name: Name: Address: Address: Occupation: Occupation: 10. DECLARATION I understand that misrepresentation, falsification or omission of information requested on this application form may result in my dismissal. I consent to the company recording personal information contained on this form. I also consent to the company contacting my present and/or previous employers for a reference. SIGNED: DATE: We are committed to the achievement of Equal Opportunity throughout our business V1 Jan 2012