First Microbiology Exam By Shaden Almomani And Shaden Abu Baker

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‫‪Microbiology – First Exam‬‬
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First Microbiology Exam By Shaden Almomani And Shaden Abu Baker.
1- which of following is a multicellular organism :
2- prokaryotic cells are simpler than eukaryotic cells at every level except:
cell wall
3-All of the following is present in G- and not in G+ :
Lipid A
4-When several flagella are present at a single point is called:
5-The pili is defferent than the flagela:
A) shorter
B) straighter
C) More Numerous
D)All of the above <= Answer
6-the transport that requires energy is:
Active transport
7- One of the following describes vancomycin:
it is A Narrow-spectrum drug
8- the empirical treatment is based on physicians assessment of probable microbiology
etiology based on:
A)Patient age, sex, geography, Season, and predisposing factors
B)Localization of infection (throat, lung, urine)
C)Clinical picture
D) All of the above <= Answer
9- All of the following inhibit nuclic acid synthesis except:
10-one of the following is non B-Lactam drug:
All of the above (Vancomycin + Bacitracin + Cycloserin + Isoniazid)
11- one of the following bind to 30S and cause distort and malfunction of DNA :
C) A and B <= Answer
12-B-lactam drugs inhibit:
Newly formed bonds between NAM and NAM
13- one of the following is a test used to measure the efficacy of an antibiotic:
Kirby-Bauer Method
14-the enzyme that is used to identify S.Aureus:
15- One of the following cause Pharyngitis and Tosillitis: (lec 6 slide 9 )
S. Aureus
16-One of the following is not true about S. epidermidis:
A) It cause food poising
B) Its part of the normal human flora
C)Its a common cause of stitch abscesses
D)It grows on artificial valves
17- One of the following is true about S. saprophyticus
Its resistant to Novobiocin
18-the streptococcus faecalis belongs to one of these groups:
Group E ( this answer is from wikipedia)
19- We can use all of the following tests to differentiate between S.pneumoniae and
S.viridans except:
Hemolysis on blood agar
20-All of the following is produced by Group A except:
Catalase (Im not sure)
21-Scarlet fever is caused by:
Group A
22- Group B can cause one of the following infections in neonate:
meningitis (Im not sure)
23- The bacitracin susceptibility test helps to identify:
Group A
24- The CAMP test helps to identify:
Group B
25-One of the following is true about Widal test: (bas ma kanat haek 9e3'et il so2al)
Dilution Agglutination of specific anti-salmonella in serum
26-Travelers and childhood diarrhea is caused by one of the following:
Enterotoxigenic E. coli
27-We can differentiate between N. gonorrhoeae and N. meningitids:
Maltose ( But Im not sure of the qus or the answer)
28-Type of cells that have no cell wall:
Mycoplasma pneumonia
29-Bacteria is
Prokaryotic unicellular
30- Malaria and Amoebia are caused by
31- Bacteria which can use CO2 by fixation is
32- The lowest concentration that inhibit the growth is
MIC ( minimum inhibitory concentration)
33- Tetracyclene is
Broad spectrum antibiotic
34-All of these are in gram - except
Trichroic acid
35- Which of these classes is refer to bacteria which has mid range temperature
36- The phase which has growth rate= death rate :
stationary phase
37- Microaerphils require :
low level of O2
38- The first person who saw the living microorganism
anton van leeuwehoek
39- Plasmid is :
extrachromosomal piece of closes ,circular ,double-strand of DNA
40- One of these bacteria lives in temperature (20-45)
PS These are the questions that we remember from the exam BUT we are NOT
100% sure of the answers so PLEASE make sure to check with the Doctor
Done By Shaden Almomani and Shaden Abu Baker