10 R adical iImovations) social revolution, 10 Radical andiImovations) the baroquesocial guitarrevolution, and the baroque guitar CRAIG H. RUSSELL CRAIG H. RUSSELL Guitar chords with a flurry of strummed strings - sonorities we now re­ Guitar gard chords with a flurry of strummed strings - sonorities weatnow re­ of the - revolutionized as commonplace the sound of music the end commonplace revolutionized the sound of music at the end of the gard as 1500s and opened up a new universe of musical thought in Western culture. 1500s and opened a new universe musical thoughtthroughout in Westernthe culture. Renaissance andup counterpoint hadof reigned supreme Melody counterpoint had reigned supreme throughout the Renaissance Melodyasand the principal musical aspects of a composition, but around 1600 their as the principal musical aspects of a composition, but -around 1600\J\fhereas their pre­ role was challenged by a startling new concept harmony. role was challenged by a startling new concept harmony. \J\fhereas pre­ into a viously music consisted of horizontal melodic threads interwoven music consistedfabric of horizontal threads intoincidental a viouslylush polyphonic (in whichmelodic harmonies aroseinterwoven merely as an fabric (in which harmonies arose merely as an incidental lush polyphonic byproduct), a new school of thought in the seventeenth century held that a byproduct), new school of thought theoutset seventeenth century held that were a work acould be governed from inthe by its harmony. Chords the work could be governed from the outset by its harmony. Chords were the starting point of a composition, not an afterthought. The vertical alignment startingofpoint of aas composition, nothorizontal, an afterthought. The vertical alignment sounds, opposed to the became paramount. No instrument of sounds, as opposed to the horizontal, became paramount. No instrument better represents this radical transformation than the guitar, which was at better represents thisofradical transformation than thethe guitar, whichtowas the forefront this aesthetic revolution from horizontal theatvertical. the forefront of this aesthetic revolution from the horizontal to the vertical. This shift is born out in the guitar's early notational systems, performance This shift is born out in therepertoire, guitar's early andnotational functionalsystems, roles in performance society. techniques, musical techniques,Equally musicalimportantly, repertoire, and functional roles in the guitar found itself society. in the center of the social Equally importantly, the guitar itself inand theeighteenth center of the social In the turmoil and upheavals of thefound seventeenth centuries. turmoil1500s, and upheavals of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In the by the the guitar was a lowbrow instrument that was overshadowed 1500s, the guitar was a lowbrow that overshadowed theelevated more sophisticated vihuelainstrument and lute. But in was the 1600s, the guitarby was more sophisticated vihuela and lute. But in the 1600s, the guitar was elevated from the culture of the street to that of the royal courts. No longer confined from the of theasstreet to that of the royalshops courts. No longer to culture such venues neighborhood barber or gypsy campconfined fires, the guitar to such now venues as neighborhood barber shops or gypsy camp fires, found itself equally at home on the operatic stage orthe in guitar the hands of now found itself equally at home on the operatic stage or in the hands of were kings and queens. In the 1700s, traditional European class systems kings and queens. In the 1700s, traditional European class systems were turned topsy-turvy by scientific advances, a transformed economy based on turned industrial topsy-turvy by scientificasadvances, a transformed economy based on technologies opposed to agricultural production, a burgeoning industrial technologies opposed to agricultural a burgeoning middle class, andasworld explorations that production, opened the door for the ensuing middle interactions class, and world explorations that opened the door for the ensuingguitar­ of continents and cultures. Once again, the mercurial interactions continents and cultures. again, theatmercurial guitar­ to new situationsOnce - found itself the center of this newly alwaysofadapting always transformed adapting to new situations found itself at the center of this newly society with its middle-class values and multifarious ethnic transformed society with its middle-class values and multifarious ethnic identities. identities. Nothing better illustrates the shift from the horizontal perspective to Nothing better around illustrates thethan shiftguitar fromnotiltion the horizontal perspective the vertical 1600 and guitar treatises. to The first [153 ]the vertical around 1600 than guitar notiltion and guitar treatises. The first [ 153] 154 Craig H. Russell 154 Craig H. Russell publication the five-course guitar, Joan Carles Ama publication dedicated to the dedicated five-coursetoguitar, Joan Carles Amat's Guitarra espafiola y vandola (1586), theharmony dominance espanola y vandola (1586), underscores the underscores dominance of overof ha melody, since his treatise delves into tHe chord fingerings melody, since his treatise delves into the chord fingerings and harmonic an progressions - the plucking of individual progressions - the plucking of individual notes is never annotes issue.isl never Amat an i compares the harmonies of a piece to the colors of a paintin compares the harmonies of a piece to the colors of a painting and then makesthat the anyone bold claim can play along onOrany makes the bold claim can that play anyone along on any piece if he she piece understands the harmonic structure: understands the harmonic structure: Thepainter good and painter has ready at the his disposal all of the co The good and expert hasexpert ready at his disposal all of colors that are necessary they available at hisifwhim and fanc are necessary for painting; they for are painting; available at hisare whim and fancy he wants to paint a man, or a lion, or an ox. In the same way, we hav wants to paint a man, or a lion, or an ox. In the same way, we have equipped ourselves with all of the chord fingerings, that are like r equipped ourselves with all of the chord fingerings, that are like raw ev material and like the painter's colors, from which one can form material and like the painter's colors, from which one can form every kind of tonality and key by leaping from one [chord] to the next. With of tonality and key by leaping from one I chord] to the next. With these one can play the vacas, gallardas, villanos, -italianas, pava fingerings one canfingerings play the vacas, gallardas, villanos, italianas, pavanas and other similar ones in all twelve keys. And that which makes one other similar ones - in all twelve keys. And that which makes one marvel (and to many will seem impossible!), is that with these chord fing (and to many will seem impossible!), is that with these chord fingerings, anybody at all can play along with any musical instrument on wh anybody at all can play along with any musical instrument on whatever piece one might play or might be able to play.2 piece one might play or might be able to play.2 The too, notation itself, harmonic too, highlights harmonic thinking. Am The notation itself, highlights thinking. Amat indicates full chords with a single numeral. His number" 1" results his in full chords with a single numeral. His number" I" results in E major, "2" is is 0 A major, major, and in this mann "2" is A major, "3" major, "3" and isheDcontinues in he thiscontinues manner through the circle offifths until he ultimately reaches number "12" whic the circle of fifths until he ultimately reaches number" 12" which completes the cycle on B major. He minor accommodates by addin the cycle on B major. He accommodates chords byminor addingchords the suffix "b" for bemolado (meaning "flat") to the numerals, and "b" for bemolado (meaning "flat") to the numerals, and similarly wanderssimila through twelve minor b" is E minor, through aJI twelve minor alJ harmonies; "1 b"harmonies; is E minor, "1 "2b" is A minor, "2b" "3b" is A clarifies D minor, Thus, Amat's orthography splendidly is D minor, etc. is Thus, Amat'setc. orthography splendidly clarifies each chord, this melody notationtoleaves melody itself. In one stroke, but this notationbut leaves fend for itself.toInfend one for stroke, Amat COlll­ pletely reverses the priorities of lute and vihuela tablature pletely reverses the priorities of lute and vihuela tablature notation of the not 1500s in points which are melodic points depicted but withharmonies precision, bu 1500s in which melodic depicted withare precision, occur only as the incidental byprod uct of the melodic occur only as the incidental byprod uct of the melodic voice leading. voice lea After Amat's treatise, the Italians up yet anothe the italians dreamed up yet dreamed another notational After Amat's treatise, system called the alfabeto in which alphabet letters - rather than system called the alfabeto in which alphabet letters - rather than numerals­ the guitarist which chord fingerings should be indicate to the indicate guitarist towhich chord fingerings should be depressed. Although alfabeto fingerings are handy shortcuts that tell the g Although alfabeto fingerings are handy shortcuts that tell the guitarist par­ ticular chord shapes, unfortunately thesedo alphabet letters do not ticular chord shapes, unfortunately these alphabet letters not correspond to the names of the chords in a traditional music theory is, thesense. to the names of the chords in a traditional music theory sense. That alfabeto chord shape as "N' does notmajor produce alfabeto chord shape designated as "A"designated does not produce an A har­ an A mony but instead results in a G chord. The ensuing match-ups mony but instead results in a G chord. The ensuing match-ups are equally confusing and counterintuitive. Thedesignated a~fabeto shape confusing and counterintuitive. The a~fabeto shape as "E"designated pro­ a C major harmony, the letter resultsthe in letter a D majo duces a C majorduces harmony, the letter "c" results in a "c" D major, produces an Athe minor ... winds and theitssystem winds its "D" produces an"D" A minor ... and system way forward in away f semi-arbitrary fashion. Its alphabet problemstablature aside, alphabet tablature d semi-arbitrary fashion. Its problems aside, does provide sufficient information to get a novice along with th to get a novice strumming alongstrumming with the rest of the sufficient information 155 The baroque guitar 155 The baroque guitar 10.1 Monte, MillioniVera ande Monte, Vera e facil modo d'imparare (1678), p. 6, "Alfabeto Example 10.1 Example Millioni and faci! modo d'imparare (1678), p. 6, "Alfabeto straodinario inventato" nuovamente inventato" straodinario nuovamente I I I I v I I I I I I I I u V C'B I I I " v 1\ 1\ V 'B 'A. 'A.. + + I I I I I 1Itj- u 1Itj- I I I I I I I " I I I I I " , ~"" -e­ 'E 'D 'D C , I I I I I I I " " I II I I G G'F 'F 'E I I I I I - I I I v I I I I ~"" -e­ crew. And like Amat'sthis notation, this is harmonically It is the chords, crew. And like Amat's notation, is harmonically driven. It isdriven. the chords, notthat the the tune, that theis guitarist not the tune, guitarist playing. is playing. The first appearance ofthe Italian alfabeto occurs in Montesardo's Nuova The first appearance ofthe Italian alfabeto occurs in Montesardo's Nuova d'intavolatura of 1606. 3 Montesardo's chord inventione inventione d'intavolatura of 1606. 3 Montesardo's chord shapes are shapes explicit,are explicit, but hisarerhythms are up the for works grabs; are the only works are only playable if one already but his rhythms up for grabs; playable if one already knowsSanseverino, the piece. Sanseverino, heels of Montesardo, knows the piece. on the heelsonofthe Montesardo, resolves theresolves issue the issue rhythmic and ambiguity he also verbally articulates what previously has of rhythmicofambiguity he alsoand verbally articulates what previously has been by Montesardo's notation system - that is, the role dominant role been implied by implied Montesardo's notation system - that is, the dominant that plays harmony plays in this guitar literature. He postulates that "it seems that harmony in this guitar literature. He postulates that "it seems that the Spanish guitar to with be played with full to me that to theme Spanish guitar ought to beought played full strokes andstrokes not and not otherwise [sinceremoves pl ucking] removes the harmony."4 Abatessa and otherwise ... [since pl... ucking] entirely theentirely harmony."4 Abatessa and Colonna subsequently explore further possibilities harmonic possibilities with "shifted Colonna subsequently explore further harmonic with "shifted chords" (what nowchords") call "barthan chords") be slid up the and down the chords" (what we now callwe "bar can bethan slid can up and down ofto the guitar to anyThey location. They alsoshort compose shortloops harmonic loops neck of theneck guitar any location. also compose harmonic as a form ofasvariation; Colonna through through a form ofAbatessa variation;and Abatessa andembellish Colonnaharmonies embellish harmonies the use of "satellite brief chordal excursions that are caught in the the use ofchords," "satellite chords," brief chordal excursions that are caught in the orbit of theorbit original and chord revolveand around it as a sortitofastemporary of thechord original revolve around a sort of temporary 5 5 harmonic center. Once again, we see the conceptual shift from melody to melody to harmonic center. Once again, we see the conceptual shift from harmony; whereas Renaissance composers composers had viewedhad embellishment as the harmony; whereas Renaissance viewed embellishment as the addition ofaddition florid runs that decorate melody,the Abatessa's Colonna's of florid runs thatthe decorate melody, and Abatessa's and Colonna's embellishments are fully chordal, where active chord changes spin aroundspin around embellishments are fully chordal, where active chord changes the chordalthe contour. chordal contour. To further spice up thespice harmonic several guitarists chord To further up the palette, harmonic palette, severalpresent guitarists present chord symbols that are embedded with dissonances. Foriano Pico in his Pico Nuova symbols that are embedded with dissonances. Foriano in his Nuova seelta di sonate ehitarra his compositions with unsta­with unsta­ seeltaper di lasonate per spagnola, la ehitarraflavors spagnola, flavors his compositions ble, dissonant thatchords he labels tagliati - and which subsequent ble, chords dissonant thatlettere he labels lettere tagliati - and which subsequent authors sometimes call leuere call false,lettere alfabeto or alfabeto authors sometimes false,falso, alfabeto falso, ordisonarzte. alfabeto 6 disonarzte. 6 Similarly, Pietro Millioni's Lodovico additions the Similarly, Pietro and Millioni's and Monte's Lodoviconew Monte's new to additions to the alfabeto system employ wildly dissonant, harmonies that they iden­ alfabeto system employ wildly spunky dissonant, spunky harmonies that they iden­ tify as "newly alphabet chords" (alfabeto tify invented, as "newlyextraordinary invented, extraordinary alphabet chords"straordi­ (alfabeto straordi­ Example nario nuovamente inventato) (see nario l1uovamente inventato) (see10.1).7 Example 10.1).7 Even Berlioz, \Nagner, or\t\Tagner, Liszt would be hard pressed to match har­ their har­ Even Berlioz, or Liszt would be hard pressedtheir to match monic daring. What is particularly striking is that the harmonic dissonance monic daring. \t\That is particularly striking is that the harmonic dissonance 156 Craig H. Russell 156 Craig H. Russell not arises something arises from carefulbut voice leading, is not somethingisthat from that careful voice leading, is instead an but i autonomous property of these chord shapes. They are made to autonomous property of these chord shapes. They are made to be charged the art preparingthem and seems resolving dissonance; the art of preparing andofresolving to bethem of see \vith dissonance;\vith secondary importance. Stefano Pesori and Giovanni Paolo secondary importance. Stefano Pesori and Giovanni Paolo Foscarini incor­ Fosc pOl-ate appoggiaturas fluid tonesprogressio into their ns chord pOl-ate appoggiaturas and fluid passingand tones intopassing their chord _ pr moving fingers the first and -second courses usually by on fingers the first and on second courses in a kind of ­ usually by moving tablature" thatelements fuses together of chordal both the ne "mixed tablature""mixed that fuses together of bothelements the newer alfabeto withnote the placements individual note alfabeto system with the system individual madeplacements possible inmade the pos older lute"altered tablature. These "altered alfabeto" chordsbetween are interpola older lute tablature. These alfabeto" chords are interpolated triads, as chords slightly altered restored, the r stable triads, and stable as chords areand slightly alteredare and restored, the and rudimentary 8 elements melody begin peeking of the texture once again elements of melody begin of peeking out of the textureout once again. The elegant interplay between strummed andfound plucked The elegant interplay between strummed and plucked styles in styl Foscarini's as a model for Francesco Corbetta Foscarini's fifth book servedfifth as a book modelserved for Francesco Corbetta's transition in his second publication, capricci pe to the mixed styletointhe hismixed secondstyle publication, the Varii capricci the per Varii la ghitarra (Milan, 1643).9 In the hands ofthe Corbetta, at last spagnola (Milan, spagnola 1643).9 In the hands of Corbetta, at last guitar was ele­the gu vated from the levelhobby of an amateur's to that of a virtuoso vated from the level of an amateur's to that of ahobby virtuoso instrument. be hard tothe overemphasize rolein Corbetta played It would overemphasize role COl-betta the played promoting the in pr It would be hard to guitar as an instrument ofserious study and developme guitar as an instrument worthy ofseriousworthy study and development across the European continent. He brought together the andtwo synthesized European continent. He brought together and synthesized disparate the tw of guitar: the luteheand the guitar:the he strummed maintainedtechniques the strummed worlds of the luteworlds and the maintained from the early(rich guitar's genesis (rich harmonies) in their vertical from the early guitar's genesis in their vertical and harmonies wove the notes singleand melodic notes and momentary c into that textureinto the that singletexture melodic momentary counterpoint from the lutenist's realm. These mixed elements, ilrst distilled from the lutenist's realm. These mixed elements, ilrst distilled by Foscarini andthen Corbetta, were perfected by subsequent masters such a and Corbetta, were perfected bythen subsequent masters such as Bartolotti, Roncalli, de Visee, Campion, Murcia, ie Cocq, and Sanz - and in Roncalli, de Visee, Campion, Murcia, ie Cocq, and Sanz - and in their hands the mixed survived middle of the Classical 1700s when t the mixed style survived upstyle to the middleup of to thethe 1700s when supplanted that of the Baroque. aesthetic aesthetic supplanted that of the Baroque. Baroque vs. classical guitar Baroque vs. classical guitar The baroque guitar differs dramatically from its younger The baroque guitar differs dramatically from its younger sibling, the six-string "classical bodywith is much smallerstring with a re six-string "classical guitar."]O Its bodyguitar."]O is much Its smaller a reduced the upper lowerslender. bouts is m length, andofthe the curvature upper andoflower bouts and is more length, and the curvature employing "fan bracing" developed byinAntonio T Instead theof "fan bracing"the developed by Antonio Torres the Instead of employing nineteenth century, theuses baroque guitar a simplebraces pair of pa nineteenth century, the baroque guitar a simple pairuses of parallel - producing running sound hole a much running on either side ofon theeither soundside holeof- the producing a much lighter and the chapter by in Stewart Pollens in introspective introspective sonority (see thesonority chapter (see by Stewart Pollens this volume for detailed technical on construction). baroque guitarThe constru for detailed technical information on information baroque guitar baroque guitar ideally utilizes gutastrings that give a baroque guitar ideally utilizes light-tension gut light-tension strings that give translucent sparkle to its thecrystalline instrument; its crystalline sonorities are further sparkle to the instrument; sonorities are further "lightened" 157 The baroque guitar 157 The baroque guitar in some in which bass strings (bordones) few altogether. or absent altogether. in some tunings intunings which bass strings (bordones) are few or are absent thebaroque lute, theguitar's baroquestrings guitar's strings leave the bridge directly those like thoseLike of the lute,ofthe leave the bridge directly holes in the bridge. This system differs substantially from holesfrom drilled in drilled the bridge. This system differs substantially from the from the modernguitar's classicalwhere guitar's thehaving strings, left thedrilled bridge's drilled modern classical thewhere strings, lefthaving the bridge's holes, then immediately ascend over a small piece(or ofplastic) ivory ( or plastic) holes, must thenmust immediately ascend over a small piece of ivory visually this gives addition the modern called aAlthough saddle. Although visually small, thissmall, addition the gives modern called a saddle. an enormous boost in soundfor volume, onceisaplucked, string is plucked, guitar an guitar enormous boost in sound volume, once afor string the vibrations are efficiently transmitted into thesoundboard guitar's soundboard via the vibrations are efficiently transmitted into the guitar's via saddle. On the guitar, baroque guitar, much however, of aenergy string's the saddle.theOn the baroque however, of amuch string's is energy is by the bridgedirectly withoutmotivating directly motivating the soundboard. absorbed absorbed by the bridge without the soundboard. Whereas theguitar's classicalrange guitar's range spans severalitsoctaves, its six single Whereas the classical spans several octaves, six single strings extending fromtothe to theregisters, soprano the registers, theguitar's baroque guitar's strings extending from the bass thebass soprano baroque range is more constrained; it employs five courses rather than six (a course range is more constrained; it employs five courses rather than six (a course either a single a pair that of strings that aresogrouped so closely that being being either a single string or astring pair oforstrings are grouped closely that they comprise one performable unit). The first course is usually they comprise one performable unit). The first course is usually a single e 1a single e 1 (itsclarity singing clarityitearning it the name of or chanterelle) (its singing earning the name of cantino orcantino chanterelle) with the with the remaining eight strings being spaced together into four pairs. On the surface, remaining eight strings being spaced together into four pairs. On the surface, guitar's first all theguitar's baroquestandard guitar's tunings standardresemble tunings the resemble theguitar's modern all the baroque modern first 1 1 replicates the strings thatindescend order: e bgda. Onetuning baroque tuning the five stringsfive that descend order: einbgda. One baroque replicates modern guitar with its uninterrupted descent high- to low-sounding modern guitar with its uninterrupted descent from high-from to low-sounding strings (see 1O.2a). Example On hand, the other theguitar baroque guitar offered On1O.2a). the other the hand, baroque offered strings (see Example other options resulttextures. in lighterOne textures. One popular for instance, other options that result that in lighter popular tuning, fortuning, instance, bass sonorities and advocates the use exclusive use of high­ abandons abandons bass sonorities altogetheraltogether and advocates the exclusive of high­ pitched treblell strings. In thisbeginning tuning, beginning with course, the first course, pitched treble strings. In this lltuning, with the first pitches from descend b to (like theguitar), modernbut guitar), thedescend the pitches e 1 tofrom b to eg1 to (like theg modern then but then suddenly leap upwards a trebletod 1aand a - dthus making g on the suddenly leaptoupwards treble I and a - thusthe making thethird g on the third course thecourse lowest-sounding note on the instrument (see Example Example 1O.2b). the lowest-sounding note on the instrument (see 1O.2b). Some guitarists stringing "re-entrant" tuning, since the treble as "re-entrant" tuning, since the treble Some identify guitariststhis identify this as stringing sounds initially then later "re-enter" as one strums across the across the soundsdescend initiallybut descend but then later "re-enter" as one strums instrument. Another tuning splits the fourth andfourth fifth courses octaves into octaves instrument. Another tuning splits the and fifthinto courses with each with ofthem both a treble and a bass and string; thus a d 1 isthus grouped eachhaving ofthem having both a treble a bass string; a d 1 is grouped with a d on thea fourth course, an a isand coupled an Awith on course 5 course 5 with d on the fourthand course, an a iswith coupled an A on (see Example Still another arose that arose was particularly adored adored another tuning that was particularly (see 1O.2c). Example 1O.2c). Stilltuning by the French otherand guitarists within thewithin orbit the of French influence; by theand French other guitarists orbit of French influence; this solution octavethe split on the fourth course and a pairand of a pair of this employs solution the employs octave split on the fourth course unison treble strings on the fifth course. For this last tuning, the lowest­ unison treble strings on the fifth course. For this last tuning, the lowest­ sounding sounding note is thenote bass isd the on the course (seecourse Example Lastly, bassfourth d on the fourth (see lO.2d). Example 10.2d). Lastly, a handful of instrumentalists employed yet another tuning in which the third a handful of instrumentalists employed yet another tuning in which the third course is split intoisoctaves; highestthe -sounding gl soars above its neighbors split intothe octaves; highest -sounding gl soars above its neighbors course (see Example 10.2e).12 (see Example 10.2e). 12 These distinctions between the modern baroque not are not These distinctions between the and modern and guitars baroqueareguitars 158 Craig H. Russell 158 Craig H. Russell Example 10.2 Baroque guitar !unings Example 10.2 Baroque guitar !unings (a) (~ (~ (tl (c) (e) ~~~~"~e~e~ee~oo~I·~· ·F~e~e i~~~"~ee~e~e~oo~I~"~ee~ee-ge~a~· ..e~ee~e-e~e~· ·F~a~a~G~~~ ~ o .. -&e- -&e- )~} -€I­ (e) ~¥~eo~oe~:~''l4.I%¥~a~:~ea44A mere academic curiosities; they lie at the heart of different mere academic curiosities; they lie at the heart of different artistic sen­ sibilities. The classical guitar is perfectly designed for polyph sibilities. The classical guitar is perfectly designed for polyphony and the interweaving of separate contrapuntal lines. The baroque guita interweaving of separate contrapuntal lines. The baroque guitar is designed for homophony and is ideal as a strummed chordal instrument. for homophony and is ideal as a strummed chordal instrument. The bulk of classical guitar literature is for solo performance with the spot classical guitar literature is for solo performance with the spotlight On the individual rather than the ensemble. In the baroque, these pre individual rather than the ensemble. In the baroque, these preferences are inverted; the sparkling tinkle of the baroque guitar was a stand inverted; the sparkling tinkle of the baroque guitar was a standard element of ensemble performance (as evidenced by the nearly obligat of ensemble performance (as evidenced by the nearly obligatory sections on accompanying in baroque guitar manuals). The sound qua on accompanying in baroque guitar manuals). The sound qualities of the baroque guitar and classical guitar are worlds apart: the classi baroque guitar and classical guitar are worlds apart: the classical guitar is imposing and resonant; the baroque is introspective and delica imposing and resonant; the baroque is introspective and delicate. Ornamentation, strumming and other effects Ornamentation, strumming and other effects It was this sparkling world of delicacy that became the core It was this sparkling world of delicacy that became the core of baroque guitar literature. A perusal of baroque guitar books reveals a guitar literature. A perusal of baroque guitar books reveals a fascination with "flavor" or color. Even from the outset, when technique c with "flavor" or color. Even from the outset, when technique concentrated on strumming rather than plucking, guitarists already presented on strumming rather than plucking, guitarists already presented a myriad of different effects such as the repicco and trilla. Pietro Millioni in 16 different effects such as the repiccoand trilla. Pietro Millioni in 1627 describes the rather complex strumming technique known as repicco i the rather complex strumming technique known as repicco in which the thumb and middle finger strum downwards, and then the thum thumb and middle finger strum downwards, and then the thumb returns in an upwards direction along with the index finger which plucks th an upwards direction along with the index finger which plucks the first string rather than enveloping all the courses. There is a flurry of undul rather than enveloping all the courses. There is a flurry of undulating sonor­ ity followed by the index finger's single melodic note that ring ity followed by the index finger's single melodic note that rings out above the texture. 13 Similarly, the trilla (which has no relationship to the texture. 13 Similarly, the trilla (which has no relationship to the melodic employed in -down a rapidstrum. up-and-down strul1l. 14 14 trill) employed trill) the index fingerthe in aindex rapidfinger up-and The strum­ ming techniques or batterie reached heights in Francesco ming techniques or batterie reached new heights in new Francesco Corbetta's La C Guitarre royalle dediee au Roy de la Grande Bretagne (Paris, Guitarre royalle dediee au Roy de la Grande Bretagne (Paris, 1671) .15 He uses1671 stems of various lengths to indicate finger of the right h stems of various lengths to indicate which finger ofwhich the right hand strums; in his "Caprice de chacone," Corbetta fashions a torrent of casca in his "Caprice de chacone;' Corbetta fashions a torrent of cascading strums that the energetic fervor of a modern flamenco bul 16 that foreshadow theforeshadow energetic fervor of a modern flamenco bulerias. 159 The baroque guitar 159 The baroque guitar In later repertoire where individual are ornamentation plucked, ornamentation In later repertoire where individual notes are notes plucked, each phrase - sometimes given a different each note each abounds, abounds, and each and phrase - sometimes - is note given- a isdifferent "flavor." than any otherit feature, it is the nuance ornuance "flavor."orMore thanMore any other feature, is the variety of variety flavoredof flavored shadings that motivated theguitar baroque guitar aesthetics theoflast shadings that motivated the baroque aesthetics in the last in half thehalf of the seventeenth century. Francisco Guerau, for decorates example, almost decorates almost every seventeenth century. Francisco Guerau, for example, every available with adornments, and he verbally emphasizes the importance available pitch withpitch adornments, and he verbally emphasizes the importance of ornamentation in his introductory to his Poema harmonico of ornamentation in his introductory commentscomments to his Poema harmonica In histo"Advice to Beginners," Guerau elucidates the rudiments of (1694).17 (1694).17 In his "Advice Beginners," Guerau elucidates the rudiments of performance way to read notation, tablature and notation, andtothe way to performance technique,technique, the way tothe read tablature the way play ornaments such as slurs (extrasinos), trills (trinos or aleados), mordents play ornaments such as slurs (extrasinos), trills (trinos or aleados) , mordents (mordentes), and vibrato (temblor). At the conclusion of his explication, he (mordentes), and vibrato (temblor). At the conclusion of his explication, he sums up the indispensable role of ornamentation sums up the indispensable role of ornamentation by stating:by stating: These performance tips that I have -explained as well These performance tips that I have explained as well as- ones thatasI ones will that I will address ­ arebyrequired by of theanyone guitar who of anyone not addressnot - are required the guitar might who wishmight to playwish to play skill. Andallalthough of these points areforessential it with skill. some And although of these all points are essential a good for a good it with some the mostand gorgeous causesharmony the mostISharmony is the result, that result, which that is thewhich mostisgorgeous causes and the most the the trill,slur, mordent, slur, andAnd arpeggio. Anditalthough persistencepersistence of the trill, of mordent, and arpeggio. although is true it is true it will just plays fine ifgood one plays music on in rhythm on an that it will that sound just sound fine if one musicgood in rhythm an that nevertheless, is in tune, nevertheless, by using these adornments ­ instrumentinstrument that is in tune, by using these adornments ­ which areand the soul heartofand soul- of ­ you see the betvveen difference between heart music youmusic will see thewill difference \vhich are the one [good]one performance and the other. [good] performance and18the other. 18 Other guitarists cover similar in territory in their books, tablature books, prais­ Other guitarists cover similar territory their tablature prais­ ing the effects of ornamentation and providing detailed lists of thelists specific ing the effects of ornamentation and providing detailed of the specific adornments or agrhnents. Laroyalle Guitarre royalle adornments or agre,nents. Francesco Francesco Corbetta'sCorbetta's La Guitarre maps out maps out the properthe execution of ornaments (explaining them in both andItalian and proper execution of ornaments (explaining themItalian in both French), covering trilJ (tremblemen tor tremolo), appoggiatura (cheute or (cl1eute or French),the covering the trill (tremblementor tremolo), appoggiatura abelirnento), slur (roullement or strascio)or, mordent or reba­ or reba­ !?belimento), slur (roullement strascio) , (martellement mordent (martellement timento), vibrato (flattementor tremolo :,jorzato) (caderzses timento), vibrato (f7attementor tremolo, cadence :,jorzato)figures , cadence figures (cadenses or cadenzze), and the sustaining of a pitch of (tenUe or tenute).19 Nearly every or cadenzze), and the sustaining a pitch (tenue or tenute).19 Nearly every other prominent guitarist ventures the same of sonorities, some other prominent guitaristinto ventures intocollage the same collage of sonorities, some even exploring further refinements such as the different sonority evoked by even exploring further refinements such as the different sonority evoked by 2o Robert de 2o Robert different right-hand fingerings.fingerings. Visee and Nicolas Derosier different right-hand de Visee and Nicolaspre­ Derosier pre­ scribe which right-hand finger executes given any gesture, they clearly scribe which right-hand fingerany executes givenand gesture, and they clearly are attuned multifarious and subtleand distinctions caused by caused different-sized aretoattuned to multifarious subtle distinctions by different-sized 21 21 fingers and the different by fingertips and fingernails. fingers and the timbres differentproduced timbres produced by fingertips and fingernails. A finger's Adownstroke emphasizes the crisp attack of the nailofagainst finger's downstroke emphasizes the crisp attack the nailtheagainst the string, whereas same the finger in finger an upstroke a warmer string, the whereas same in an elicits upstroke elicits agroup­ warmer group­ ing of overtones as the broad flesh of the finger brushes the string. ing of overtones as the broad flesh of the finger by brushes by the string. The thumb's width andwidth its strength a rotund and force­and force­ The pudgy thumb's pudgy and its produces strength produces a rotund compared to the narrower and brighter-sounding index finger ful sound ful sound compared to the narrower and brighter-sounding index finger 160 Craig H. Russell 160 Cmig H. Russell whose crispness is de Visee at finalNuanced cadences. Nuance whose crispness is preferred bypreferred de Visee by at final cadences. colors chords as well: asometimes a chord's notes ar apply toofthe playing chords as of well: sometimes chord's notes are simul­ apply to the playing at other times theyinare rolled arpeggio. in a gentle a taneously and plucked at otherand times they are rolled a gentle taneously plucked At times a chord is enunciated the crisp, stroke downward At times a chord is enunciated by the crisp,bydownward of thestroke fin­ of at the otherguitarist times the guitarist produces strum a mellower gernail, and atgernail, other and times produces a mellower by the strum soft thumb flesh ofastheit thumb as itacross descends across the strings. In shor soft flesh of the descends the strings. In short, subtle of timbre is the aesthetic This opposition is in direct tooppositio variance is the aesthetic prize. This isprize. in direct the variance of timbre Classical aesthetic where consistency of timbre was the desirable Classical aesthetic where consistency of timbre was the desirable goal; for classical line thread is a unified thread much like classical guitarists, theguitarists, melodic the linemelodic is a unified - much like -a strand baroquehowever, guitarists,anhowever, an elegant musical of spaghetti. of Forspaghetti. baroqueFor guitarists, elegant musical phrase nuanced timbres, eacheach notechord and each ha should be rich in timbres, each note and havingchord its should be rich in nuanced own color and articulation a saladand of diverse and re own color and articulation - rather like- arather salad like of diverse refreshing blend andaccording combine toaccording flavors thatblend somehow and combine the whimtoofthe the whim flavors that somehow chef. chef. de Visee carefully thetofingerings bring out the carefully arranges thearranges fingerings bring outtothe proper And de ViseeAnd octave ofais, course; that is,choices his specific choices result in a finger strikin that his specific result in a finger striking harder octave ofa course; of the will best maintain smooth particular of the string pair that willpair bestthat maintain smooth voice leading voice the particularthe string the phrase. When theisbass string is tohedominate, he thecontext phrase.ofWhen the bass string to dominate, has the in the contextinofthe an upwardbringing direction, out (for theitbordo index in finger strike in direction, index finger strike an upward outbringing the bardon is strung the floor). Ifhetreble wantstothe treble tohepenetrate, h is strung closest to theclosest floor).toIfhe wants the penetrate, selects thumb which the willtreble strikestring the treble string and with the thumb - the which will- strike initially andinitially with greater force. force. artists explore more adventuresome timbral options. S explore more adventuresome timbral options. Santiago Several artistsSeveral percussive golpc - presumably striking de Murcia employs agolpe - presumably the striking the of the gui­ of de Murcia employs a percussive tar right top with the- right hand - in his lively setting of the African-Am tar top with the hand in his lively setting of the AfricanAmerican 22 One ofspectacular the most spectacular and novel effects peculia cumbe. 22 Onecumbe. of the most and novel effects peculiar to the (bell-like made baroque guitar is campanelas baroque guitar is campanelas (bell-like runs), maderuns), possible by possible the in­ by 23 strument'stuning. re-entrant tuning. Since the five courses all have strument's re-entrant Since the23five courses all have strings that stri in the same octave, the guitarist isable therefore to play as same octave, the guitarist is therefore to play able ascending sound in the sound step\vise motion merely bystrings, changing descending scales in motion merely by changing not strin or descendingorscales in stepwise depressing notes hand as isonnecessary on the by depressingbynotes with the leftwith handthe as left is necessary the modern gui­ mod tar. Since pitches consecutive pitcheson aredifferent played on different tar. Since consecutive are played strings, theystrings, continuethey c (hencecampanelas, the name campanclas, f to ring in a bell-like effect (hence the name derived fromderived the to ring in a bell-like effect word campana meaning The glittering race by bu word campana meaning "bell"). The "bell"). glittering notes race bynotes but continue to t con project in much same way that un-stopped sounds project in much the same waythe that un-stopped sounds continue to continue resonate to in a one pianodepresses when onethe depresses damper pedal. isThe effect is st damper the pedal. The effect stunning, in a piano when look at the splendid lines inofthe works of Gasp and one has only to splendid at the lines in the works Gaspar Sanz, and one has only to look or Santiago desee Murcia see what a breathtaking Bartolotti, orBartolotti, Santiago de Murcia to what to a breathtaking effect it can effec be. Sadly,iscampanelas impossible on the modern classical guitar s be. Sadly, cnmpanelas impossibleis on the modern classical guitar since the shifting between stringsallgenerates all sortsdisplacements of octave displac rapid shiftingrapid between strings generates sorts of octave any linear melodic movement. linear melodic movement. that precludethat any preclude 161 The baroqlleguitar ]6] The lJiJroql~e guitar Accompanying Accompanying Yet element another reinforcing element reinforcing therole guitar's in the revolution from Yet another the guitar's in therole revolution from to homophony around 1600 was its appearance incessant appearance as an polyphonypolyphony to homophony around 1600 was its incessant as an accompanying instrument. socialrequired contextschordal required chordal accompanying instrument. New stylesNew and styles socialand contexts accompaniments, and few instruments were better suited than the guitar. accompaniments, and few instruments were better suited than the guitar. Throughout the Baroque, guitarinthrived in courtly both theand courtly Throughout the Baroque, the guitarthe thrived both the the and the popular milieu at the in the plaza. - in theat tavern, popular milieu - in the tavern, the palace, orpalace, in the or plaza. It was theIt was the quintessential accompanying instrument, in that its role differs quintessential accompanying instrument, and in thatand respect its respect role differs dramatically of theclassical modernguitar. classical guitar. avVhereas dramatically from that from of thethat modern vVhereas modern a modern guitarist has to to scramble to find ensemble first-rate literature, ensemble literature, the baroque guitarist has to scramble find first-rate the baroque wasa as much a part ofmainstream ensemble as the harpsichord guitar wasguitar as much part ofmainstream ensemble playing as playing the harpsichord organ. Most guitarists accompanying in a substantial way, or organ. orMost guitarists addressedaddressed accompanying in a substantial way, many such as COl'betta, Granata,Murcia, Matteis,Doizi Murcia, Doizi de Velasco, and manyand - such as -COl"betta, Granata, Matteis, de Velasco, Sanzperceptively on the figured bassartand - wrote perceptively Campion,Campion, and Sanz -and wrote on the figured bass and the of the art of 24 24 accompanying. accom panying. The critical role of accompanying in guitar literature apparent from The critical role of accompanying in guitar literature is apparentis from the first moments of the Baroque. If oneltalian peruses ltalian publications of the first moments of the Baroque. If one peruses publications of fromhalf theof first of the seventeenth century, ltalian homophony ltalian homophony from the first thehalf seventeenth century, one finds one finds the of presence of guitarletters aljabeto letters t he melody as nearly obligatory as nearly obligatory the presence guitar aIfi1beto above the above melody 25 15 chordal strumming. Girolamo Montesardo - an accomplished tochordal facilitate to facilitate strumming. Girolamo rVlontesardo - an accomplished vocalist himself the very individ ualindividual who was first publish a gui­ himself andsame the very same whotowas first to publish a gui­ vocalistand tar book utilizing aIf;1beto - sent to press antoimpressive collection collection tar bookthe utilizing thesystem alfabeto systemsent press an impressive of vocal pieces, I lieti giorni di Napoli (16] 2), that included of vocal pieces, ] lieti giorni di Napoli (] 6] 2), that accompanying included accompanying guitar chords the bass Similarly, Kapsberger, FaJconieri,FaJconieri, and guitarover chords over line. the 26 bass line. 26 Similarly, Kapsberger, and Vitali meticulously place the place al(abeto over the basso continuo thechords alfabeto chords over the basso lines continuo lines Vitali meticulously in their vocal publications in the earlyindecades the seventeenth century.27 century.27 vocal publications the earlyofdecades of the seventeenth in their Undoubtedly, the properthe accompaniment for these delightful works should Undoubtedly, proper accompaniment for these delightful works should include the strummed guitar as part of as thepart musical the afore­ include the strummed guitar of thetexture. musicalFor texture. For the afore­ mentionedmentioned artists whoartists were who accomplished and erudite musicians, errors in errors in were accomplished and erudite musicians, guitar indications are infrequent. But the rage vocal songs guitar indications are infrequent. Butfor theaccompcll1ied rage for accompanied vocal songs spurred lesser talents into the arena as well. Sometimes, an author's spurred lesser talents into the arena as well. Sometimes, anflimsy author's flimsy understanding of music theory results in al(abeto that are that are understanding of music theory results inaccompaniments alti7beto accompaniments rather laughable. One such One fiascosuch occurs in occurs Abatessa's song arrangements rather laughable. fiasco in Abatessa's song arrangements in the Cespllglio di l'arii fiori in which notes are harmonized in the Cespuglio di (1635) mrii fiori (1635) all in bass which all bass notes are harmonized as if they were root were position and he cannot figure out figure the difference rootchords, position chords, and he cannot out the difference as if they 18 Of course, 28 Abatessa's ineptitude is the and minor chords. between major between major and minor chords. Of course, Abatessa's ineptitude is the rather than the rule. exception exception rather than the rule, As the Baroque unfolded, several major artists continued to devote con­ As the Baroque unfolded, several major artists continued to devote con­ siderable attention to the guitar as the accompanying instrument for vocal for vocal to the guitar as the accompanying instrument siderable attention music. Giovanni Casalotti'sCasalotti's "VilbnelJe"Villanelle di piLl sorte," a gargantuan tome typ­ tome typ­ di pill sorte," a gargantuan music. Giovanni 29 29 presents almost 200almost songs.200Similarly, Ms. 2804 Ivls. 2804 ical of these icalcompendiums, of these compendiums, presents songs. Similarly, 162 Craig H. Russell 162 Craig H. Russell in the Biblioteca Riccardiana contains 173 texted songs, here ident passcagli. 3o Vocal accompaniments occur in baroque guitar books w in the Biblioteca Riccardiana contains 173 texted songs, here identified as exquisite craftsmanship of virtuosi such as Corbetta in his Guitarre passcagli. 3o Vocal accompaniments occur in baroque guitar books with the (1671) and Henry Grenerin in his Livre de guitarre (1680).31 exquisite craftsmanship of virtuosi such as COl-betta in his Gliitarre royalle (1671) and Henry Grenerin in his Livre de guitarre (1680).31 The baroque guitar and the theater The baroque guitar and the theater The stage played a role equal to song in the performing life of b guitarists. During the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the The stage played a role equal to song in the performing life of baroque remained a mainstay of the Spanish stage and performed at most co guitarists. During the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the guitar either during the play itselfor in the small musical skits that were custo remained a mainstay of the Spanish stage and performed at most comedias, inserted between the main acts. 32 Before the play's opening act, the either during the play itselfor in the small musical skits that were customarily usually presented a brief loa (a sort of preface without any direct bea inserted between the main acts. 32 Before the play's opening act, the players the drama that was to ensue); after Act I either an entremes (entr'ac usually presented a brief loa (a sort of preface without any direct bearing on jacaras was mounted. An entremes normally involved a brief comic pl the drama that was to ensue); after Act I either an entrernes (entr'acte) or a a song or two that often were accompanied by dancing. Not infrequen jacaraswas mounted. An entremesnormally involved a brief comic plot with characters mercilessly skewer prominent officials in their witty ban a song or two that often were accompanied by dancing. Not infrequently, the riotous pranks. The jacaras was a specific subgenre of entr'acte in wh characters mercilessly skewer prominent officials in their witty banter and personages were lovable ruffians or peasants who found themselves i riotous pranks. The jacaras was a specific subgenre of entr'acte in which the predicament or humorous setting. Even if the playlet's text does not personages were lovable ruffians or peasants who found themselves in some piece specifically as a jl1caras, its style can be implied by the characters predicament or humorous setting. Even if the playlet's text does not label a in the libretto. Escarraman, Zurdo, ZurdilIo, and Clarin are stereo piece specifically as a jacaras, its style can be implied by the characters' names Jaques - likeable servants, blind beggars, or low-life scoundrels in in the libretto. Escarraman, Zurdo, Zurdillo, and Clarin are stereotypical with the law - and most often when their names appear, one can jaques - likeable servants, blind beggars, or low-life scoundrels in trouble the music accompanying their antics to be a jllcaras. Between Acts with the law - and most often when their names appear, one can expect III, the single member of the cast or the whole troupe could pres the music accompanying their antics to be a jacaras. Between Acts Jl and another short theatrical number, this time the baile or dance scene III, the single member of the cast or the whole troupe could present yet title suggests, it could be based on any of the popular dances of th another short theatrical number, this time the baile or dance scene. As its usually folkloric or "regular" everyday dancing as opposed to aris title suggests, it could be based on any of the popular dances of the time, courtly dance or ballet. It represents "popular" street culture, not pag usually folkloric or "regular" everyday dancing as opposed to aristocratic And after Act III, to conclude the evening's entertainment, the theater courtly dance or ballet. It represents "popular" street culture, not pageantry. could tack on a mojiganga or fin de fiesta. The mojiganga characteri And after Act III, to conclude the evening's entertainment, the theater troupe featured performers with outlandish masks, animal costumes or extra could tack on a mojiganga or fin de fiesta. The mojiganga characteristically disguises - much like the fantastical costumes worn at Mardi Gras. featured performers with outlandish masks, anima] costumes or extravagant In Spain, the standard theater band for a Golden -Age play consiste disguises - much like the fantastical costumes worn at Mardi Gras. baroque guitar coupled with either the harp or vi%n (a term whic In Spain, the standard theater band for a Golden -Age play consisted ofthe imply violin as well as cello ).33 Several theater troupes graced the stage baroque guitar coupled with either the harp or viol6n (a term which could three theaters in eighteenth-century Madrid (the Teatro del Principe imply violin as well as cello ).33 Several theater troupes graced the stages ofthe de la Cruz, and Canos del Peral), and they habitually brought with three theaters in eighteenth-century Madrid (the Teatro del Principe, Teatro small ensemble of two or three musicians, which almost always inclu de la Cruz, and Canos del Peral), and they habitually brought with them a guitar. The theater troupe oOuan Bautista Chavarria featured a ban small ensemble of two or three musicians, which almost always included the Chavarria on harp and Juan de Serqueira on guitar. The reputable mu guitar. The theater troupe oOuan Bautista Chavarria featured a band with Chavarria on harp and Juan de Serqueira on guitar. The reputable musicians 163 The baroque guitar 163 The baroque guitar working the theaters or coliseos included guitarists Serqueira, Pedro de working theJoseph theaters or coliseos included Serqueira, Pedro de de Salas; the star harpists guitarists were Chavarria and Manuel Castro, and Joseph de Salas; stardeftly harpists were and Manuel de Castro, and Ferreyra; and the violon partsthe were played byChavarria Juan de Chaves, Salvador the viol6n parts were deftly played by day, Juanthat de Chaves, Ferreyra; or Pedro de Castro. Remarkably, to this baroqueSalvador combi­ de Navas, and or Pedro Castro.guitar Remarkably, to this day, that- baroque de Navas, nation of harp and de baroque (now called a jarana) and evencombi­ much nation of harp and baroque guitar (now called a jarana) even much of the repertoire from its Baroque ancestry - thrives in -theand folk music of 34 of the repertoire its masterly Baroque Spanish ancestryguitarist - thrivesand in the folk music of Veracruz, Mexico.from The theorist Santiago 34 Thethe Veracruz, masterly Spanish guitarist andworks theorist Santiago composer for the theatrical by Francisco de Murcia Mexico. was probably the composer for the theatrical worksdecades by Francisco was probably most important playwright in the opening of the de Murcia Castro, Spain's most important playwright in the opening decades of the de Castro, Spain's eighteenth century.35 His guitar teacher, the phenomenal Francisco Guerau, eighteenth guitar teacher, phenomenal Francisco Guerau, also pennedcentury.35 dramaticHis works: one mightthe reasonably assume that the guitar 36 penned dramatic works: one might reasonably assume that the guitar also found its way into Guerau's accompanying ensembles. 36 opera and ballet found its way too, intothe Guerau's accompanying ensembles. In France, guitar was an indispensable part ofthe In France, too, the was anluxuriant indispensable ofthe opera and ballet andguitar Campra's stagepart works include guitarists orchestra. Lully's and Campra's luxuriant include guitarists orchestra. Lully's in multiple contexts, and the stage guitarworks parts were surely played repeatedly and and in multiple contexts, and the guitar parts were surely played repeatedly with aplomb given that Corbetta, de Visee, Grenerin, and Campion were with aplombwith giventheatrical that Corbetta, de Visee,One Grenerin, and Campion were productions. can imagine the splendor all involved with theatrical productions. One can imagine the splendor all involved and thrill when Corbetta himself strolled onto stage leading a group of 37 and thrill inwhen Corbettaofhimself strolled onto stage leading guitarists the premiere LuIJy's Ballet de la galanterie du tempsa ingroup 1656.of 37 guitarists in the premiere of Lully's de la and galanterie du temps Henry Grenerin, yet another masterBallet of guitar theorbo, playedinin1656. Lully's Henry Grenerin, yet the another ofl'impatience guitar and theorbo, in Lully's Ballet de Psyche and Balletmaster royal de (1661).38played De Visee, who Ballet de Psyche and the Ballet royal de ['impatience (1661 ).38 De Visee, who studied under COl'betta's tutelage, ascended to unprecedented heights in studied under COl-betta's ascended to unprecedented heights in his compositional subtletytutelage, and skill; he too was intimately involved with and skill; too was intimately involved with his compositional sumptuous subtlety productions, as isheevidenced by the large number of Lully's 39 the sumptuous productions, is evidenced large number of Lully'stranscriptions Lully in de Visee's astablature books.by Guitarists continued 39 the Lully transcriptions de Visee's tablaturelong books. Guitarists playing excerpts frominFrench masterpieces after originalcontinued theatrical playingclosed excerpts frominto French masterpieces the original theatrical As far long away after as Mexico and California, works - well the 1700s. into the 1700s. far away as Mexico andliterature, California, works closed well comprised Campra and -Lully part As of the core instrumental as Campra and by Lully the coreorinstrumental literature, as is illustrated thecomprised numerous part "fakeofbooks" anthologies found in the is illustrated by the books" or anthologies the New World that havenumerous Lully and "fake Campra peppered throughoutfound their in pages. New World that have Lully and Campra peppered throughout their pages. A list of top hits indicates that any self-respecting guitarist would have been top hitsinto indicates that any self-respecting guitarist would have been A listtooflaunch able Campra's "Amable" from Hesionc or the Bouree from 4o able to launch into Campra's "Amable" from Hesione or the Bouree from Lully zmd Colasse's Achilles at a moment's notice. Lully and Colasse's Achilles at a moment's notice. 4o Baroque dance and the guitar Baroque dance and the guitar After song and stage, dance occupied a third critical area for guitar accom­ After song The and Italian stage, dance occupied third critical of area for guitar paniment. tablature books aare chock-full dance genresaccom­ such as paniment. Italian tablaturesarabanda, books are chock-full dance as the balleto,The brando, corrente, alemanda, of and giga.genres Theirsuch binary brando, corrente, sarabanda, alemanda, and giga. Their binary the balleto, constructions place the double bar halfway through or slightly before the constructions thehave double bar halfvvaycousins throughin or before the midpoint. Theplace French corresponding theslightly allemande, cour­ midpoint. The French have corresponding cousins in the allemande, cour­ ante, sarabande, gigue, bouree, gavotte, menuet, etc. Of course, a good deal ante, sarabande, gigue, bouree, gavotte, menuet, etc. Of course, a good deal 164 Craig H. 164 Craig H. Russell Russell repertoire is dance-inspired, but intended not necessarily intended for of this repertoireofisthis dance-inspired, but not necessarily for dance 41 4 accompaniment.accompaniment. ! Thathowever, is not thewith case,the however, the copious settings That is not the case, copiouswith settings of French dames of French a deux andwhich contredanses, which and are "practical" utilitarian in n a deux and contredanses, are "practical" utilitarian inand nature. The danse a deux in the late and The danse II deux took Europe by took stormEurope in the by latestorm seventeenth and seventeenth early eighteenth centuries. For social peoplestation, of highit social it was all the eighteenth centuries. For people of high was allstation, the rage, andexpended the aristocracy expended countless hours in the time-consuming t and the aristocracy countless hours in the time-consuming task of learning new dance as press it rolled off the press Feuillet of Raoul-Auger Feui learning each new dance each as it rolled off the of Raoul-Auger in Paris. Feuillet and Pierre Beauchamp solved the thorny problems of Paris. Feuillet and Pierre Beauchamp solved the thorny problems of dance so that entire (including choreographies (including hand foot placement, han notation so that notation entire choreographies foot placement, mo­ tions, arm movement, etc.)movement, could be realized and be reconstructed by tions, arm etc.) could realized andsolely reconstructed sol using abstract symbols rather than relying on than verbose, meticulous textual using abstract symbols rather relying on verbose, meticulous t descriptions or realistic graphic depictions of dancers. Feuillet's ingenious descriptions or realistic graphic depictions of dancers. Feuillet's inge notation, was abstract, adaptable, and reasonably system, like music system, like music notation, was abstract, adaptable, self­ and reasonabl sufficient. In thesufficient. dame adeux, a single at couple a time (unlike group In the dansecouple adeux,dances a single dances at a time (unlike dances where many couples simultaneously participate) etching out elegant, dances where many couples simultaneously participate) etching out el symmetrical patterns that arepatterns directedthat toward the "presence" an "presence" impor­ symmetrical are directed toward- the - an im tant spectator such as the king or some other imposing royal person. Each tant spectator such as the king or some other imposing royal person new dance carefully choreography a particular accompaniment­ new joined dance carefully joinedtochoreography to a particular accompanim for every measure of music, the couple had to memorize thetospecific step the specifi for every measure of music, the couple had memorize patterns uniquely designed for that location.forThus, did not Thus, help much patterns uniquely designed that it location. it did not help repertoire; it was irrelevant. But as soon as a new dance to know last year's to know last year's repertoire; it was irrelevant. But as soon as a new thefrom studious dancers had to start from scratch once arrived from France, arrived France, the studious dancers had to start from scratch each of its choreographic instructions. The task was again to memorize again to memorize each of its choreographic instructions. The tas never-ending. Feuillet's press issued fourpress to six dames {7 deux year, and never-ending. Feuillet's issued four to sixa dames a deux a yea dancing fans eagerly sought them out as fast as they rolled off the press in dancing fans eagerly sought them out as fast as they rolled off the pre a sense, the dame a deuxthe wasdanse the "rock the era. a sense, adeuxandwasroll" the of "rock and roll" of the era. The guitar was atThe theguitar center\vas of this fad. Countless man andmanuscripts pub­ at the center of this fad.uscripts Countless and early] from 700s embrace deux settings, it issettings, clear lications from the lications the early dame 1700saembrace danse and a deux and it i they were intended actual accompaniment. No source betterNo illustrates theyfor were intended for actual accompaniment. source better illus the utilitarian role the guitar's for dames adeuxfor dames theof utilitarian roleaccompanying of the guitar'sfunction accompanying function than Santiago dethan Murcia's Resumen de aconzpai1ar con la guitarra Santiago de Murcia's Resumenladeparte acompai1ar fa parte con fa gu (] 7] 4 ).42 If one compares "Catalogue" ofFeuillet's available pu blications (1714 ).42 the If one compares the "Catalogue" ofFeuillet's available public with the table of with contents of Murcia's Resumen, one finds they progress along the table of contents of Murcia's Resumen, one finds they progress chronologically chronologically in an identical fashion(see Plate J 8 and Table 10.1 ).43 This in an identical fashion(see Plate 18 and Table 10.1).43 ordering would ordering have made perfect forperfect practicing of theperformers would havesense made senseperformers for practicing time who surely time would have known the year that a particular tune had been tune had who surely would have known the year that a particular the same way that pop performers vvho performers make released - in much released - in much themodern same way that modern pop \vho of Billboard hits can easily tell you the year a living playing acover versions living playing cover versions of Billboard hits can easily tell you th that a pop tune that hit the charts. Murcia's de acompanar a pop tune Inhitshort, the charts. In Reswnen short, Murcia's ResuJTzen de aCOm is a veritable jazz "fake-book" that supplied the necessary information for informati is a veritable jazz "fake-book" that supplied the necessary guitarists who played at danses adeux atfunctions. guitarists who played danses a deux functions. 165The Thebaroque baroqueguitar guitar 165 Table10.1 10.1Comparison Comparisonofofthe thecontents contentsofFeuillet's ofFeuillet'sCatalogue Cataloguedes desLivres Livresdede Table Danseswith withMurcia's Murcia'sResumen Resumendedeacompailar acompailarlalaparte parte(1714) (1714) Danses Feuillet's Cntnlogile Feuillet's Cata/oglle Murcia's Resumen (1714) Murcia's Resumen (1714) Page Page [Composer [Composer I I Buree Chil LaLa Buree dede Chil Mariee (with "Giga") LaLa Mariee (with itsits "Giga") Paspied Viejo Paspied Viejo Otra Giga Otra Giga Rigodon (with "Otro" IRigodonJ) Rigodon (with "Otro" [Rigodon]) Bourgogne LaLa Bourgogne Saboyana Buree LaLa Saboyana Buree ferlana LaLa ferlana Contij LaLa Contij 5858 5858 5757 6060 61 61 61 61 6363 6363 6464 Lully/Colasse Lully/Colasse Lully Lully Pabana Sesons LaLa Pabana desdes Sesons Paspied Nuebo Paspied Nuebo Amable Despa[ci]o LaLa Amable Despa[ci]o Alemanda LaLa Alemanda 6565 5757 6666 6767 Los Paysanos Los Paysanos 6666 Scnvoir Scavoir Livre Choregraphie Le Le Livre de de la IiiChoregraphie gros ReciAeil .. de Feeaur LeLe gros ReciAei/ .... de 1I1rMr Fecallr Bouree d'Achille LaLaBouree d'Achille Mariee LaLa Mariee Passepied LeLe Passepied Contredance La La Contredance Rigaudon LeLe Rigaudon Bourgogne La La Bourgogne Savoye (Bouree) LaLa Savoye (Bouree) Forlana La La Forlana Conty (Venitenne) La La Conty (Venitenne) Lully Lully Campra Campra Campra Campra Dnnses Danses de de EalBill Pavanne Saisons [1700] LaLa Pavanne desdes Saisons 11700 I Passe· Pie Nouveall11700] [1700] LeLe Passe-Pie Nouveau J' Aimable Vainqueur [170 II J'Aimable Vainqueur [17011 J' Allemande [1702) J'Allemande [ 1702] Lully Lully Campra Campra Campra/Lully Campra/Lully Petits ReciAeils A111wels Petits ReciAeils Al1Iwels la Pa'isanne ( 1703) la Pa"isanne ( 1703) lesles Contrefaiseur Contredanse (1703) Contrefaiseur Contredanse (1703) la la Saltarelle (1704) Saltarelle (1704) la la Carignan (1704) Carignan (1704) la la Madalena (1704) Madalena (1704) la laBabeth (1705) Babeth (1705) la la Bretagne ( 1705) Bretagne ( 1705) Ia la Triomphante (1705) Triomphante (1705) la la Baviere ( 1706) Baviere (1706) la la Fanatique (1706) Fanatique (1706) Ie Ie Cotillon (1706) Cotillon (1706) la la Bacchante (1707) Bacchante (1707) la la Matclotte (1707) Matelotte (1707) \e Ie Menuet a quatre (1707) Menuet a Cjuatre (l707) la laNouvelle Bourgogne ( 170S) Nouvelle 13oUl'gogne (1708) Ia laNouvelle Mariee (1708) Nouvelle Marice (1708) la laNouvelle Gaillarde (1709) Nouvelle Gaillarde (1709) Ie Ie Menuet d'Alcide (1709) 1\1enuet d'Alcide (1709) Ie Ie Charmant Vainqueur (1709) Charmant Vainqueur (] 709) la la Bourbon (1710) Bourbon (17l 0) Ia ]a peti te Bou ree (1710) petite Bouree (17IO) la la GouastaJa (1710) Gouastala (1710) la la Nouvelle (1711 ) NouvelleForlanne Forlannc (1711) Ie Ie Passepied ,i guatre (1711) Passepicd ,1 Cjuatre (1711) la laMedicis (1711 ) ) Medicis ( 1711 la la Silvie (1712) Silvie (1712) Ii! la Dombe (1712) Dombe (1712) l'Asturienne (1712) l'Asturicnne (1712) Ia la Ivlelanie (1713) Melanie (1713) la laDenain (1713) Denain (1713) LaLa SalSaltarele tarele 6868 6868 LaLa Cariguan Cariguan 6969 LaLa Madalena Madalena 7070 LaLa Babet Babet 7070 LaLaBretaignee Paspied Bretaignee Paspied (84) (84) LaLa Trillmphante Trillmphante 7070 LaLa Babiere. Menuet Babiere. Menuet LaLa MarTha dede Fanatiques 71 71 MarTha Fanatiqlles El EI Cotillon 71 71 Cotillon LaLa Bacante 7272 Bacante LaLa Mathalote 7272 Mathalote LeLe Menuet a quater 7272 Menuet a quater LaLa Nueba 13ergoiia 7373 Nueba Bergoi'raPaspied Paspied LaLa Nueba Mariee 7474 Nueba Mariee LaLa Nueba Gallarda 7474 Nueba Gallarda 7575 El El Menuet dede Alcides Menllet Alcides LJLa Charmant dede Vainqueur Grave Charmant Vainqueur Grave 7575 LaLa 13m'bon 7676 Borbon LaLa Peque11a Bllree 7676 Peque11a Bllree LaLa Guastala 77 77 Guastala LaLa Nueba Forlana 7777 Nueba Forlana El EI Paspied a quatro 7878 Paspied a quatro Rondo LaLa Medlcis 7878 Rondo Medicis 7979 LaLa Silbia Grave Silbia Grave LaLa Dombe 8080 Dombe LaLa AS1UrUl1a Rlgodon 8080 Asturiana Rigodon 81 81 LaLa Melanie Melanie LaLa Denain 81 81 Denain Campra Campra Gillier Gillier la la Barre dede Barre Campra Campra Campra/Lu Ily Campra/Lully dede la la Barre Barre La La Coste Coste Marais Marais Lully Lully Llllly/Marais Lully/Marais Campra/Lully Campra/Lully The TheFrench Frenchaesthetic aesthetic,vas ,vasnot notthe theonly onlyone onethat thatthrived thrivedininSpain Spainininthe the early eighteenth century. For several centuries beginning in the late 1500s early eighteenth century. For several centuries - beginning in the late 1500s and intothe themid-1700s mid-1700s- -the theSpanish Spanishdelighted delightedinintwo two andcontinuing continuingwell wellinto different indigenous dances differentfamilies familiesofofindigenous dances(dnl1zns (dnnznsand andbailes) bailes)that thatwere werereadily readily '.. I..... l l _ • ,­ Plate 18 "Catalogue" from Feuillet and Pecour, Reciieil de dar/51" (1709), Biblioteca :--iacional, : -""-" -,._-_ ....".- 167 The baroque guitar Plate 18 (a!lll.) _"0­ • 168 Craig H. Russell 168 Craig H. Russell distinguishable from each other. 44 On the one hand, danz subdued in nature (at least with regard to their choreography distinguishable from each other. 44 On the one hand, danzas were rather from the waist down with no upper body or hand motions subdued in nature (at least with regard to their choreography), were danced sociated with the aristocratic upper classes. The bailes, in from the waist down with no upper body or hand motions, and were as­ rowdier in mood (often of a lascivious nature that could e sociated with the aristocratic upper classes. The bailes, in contrast, were the scandalous), were associated with the lower classes or rowdier in mood (often of a lascivious nature that could even approach scoundrels, and were performed with enticing and florid m the scandalous), were associated with the lower classes or even low-life arms and hands. Bailes often were accompanied by the clatt scoundrels, and were performed with enticing and florid motions in the tambourines, or percussive of small hand dru arms and hands. rattle Bailes of often were accompanied by thedrive clatter of castanets, more restrained and demulcent danzas that normally preclu rattle of tambourines, or percussive drive of small hand drums, unlike the hand percussion. The guitar books, beginning Amat's more restrained and demulcent danzas that normally precluded with the use of a through Murcia's, present the standard chord progressions f hand percussion. The guitar books, beginning with Amat's and continuing bailes and danzas that wereprogressions the rage in Spain her colo through Murcia's,ofpresent the standard chord for theand plethora The were performance these and Spanish dances represents t of bailes and danzas that the rage inofSpain her colonies. Baroque jazz the guitarist spells out The performance of these Spanish dances representsthe thechordal epitomebasis of o strumming through the well-known initially Baroque jazz - the guitarist spells out the chordal basis of theprogression work by a much the same way that Bird Parker or Dizzy Gillespie initially strumming through the well-known progression a few times (in w "head" a particular composition) and then blasts much the same way thatofBird Parker or Dizzy Gillespie would playoff theinto improvisational fancy in a series of diferencias (which would "head" of a particular composition) and then blasts off into wild flights of Gillespie jazz recording). the "choruses" Parker or (which improvisational fancy in a series in of adiferencias would correspondMuch to repertoire in Spanish guitar books, then, consists of intabul the "choruses" in a Parker or Gillespie jazz recording). Much of the notated (thatguitar is, arranged tablature) ofof sample variations - rather t repertoire in Spanish books,for then, consists intabulated examples andtablature) complete of compositions. (that is, arranged for sample variations - rather than "finished" For example, Sanz repeatedly gives a title and then provide and complete compositions. or two of music; theya title are tasty snippets but not and then provides onlycomplete a phrase me For example, Sanz repeatedly gives be shocked to see the modern-day performances of these or two of music; they are tasty snippets but not complete meals. He would together where theperformances disparate dances are strung of these musical hoI's i be shocked to seed'oeuvres the modern-day ous "suites" that change topics every twenty seconds and d'oeuvres where the disparate dances are strung together into incongru­nev expandtopics on a single Toseconds play fifteen these tiny segment ous "suites" that change every idea. twenty and of never elaborate or other and then call it a "suite" would be rather like stringing expand on a single idea. To play fifteen of these tiny segments one after an­ t hour-and-a-half, visual hodge-podge trailers into be an rather other and then callmovie it a "suite" would like stringing together fif1een ing it a "film." Although the experience might even pleasu movie trailers into an hour-and-a-half, visual hodge-podge and thenbecall­ not be the typical or representative cinematograph experience might even of be modern pleasurable, it would ing it a "film." Although of patched-together guitar improvisations (each impro string not be typical or representative of modern cinematography. Similarly, a on a different harmonic progression) is not representative string of patched-together guitar improvisations (each improvisation based performance traditions during the Baroque. on a different harmonic progression) is not representative of the Spanish performance traditions during the Baroque. Improvisation Improvisation Fortunately, we do have representative examples of the gui visatory art that revealexamples the skills of that expected in the r Fortunately, we do have representative thewere guitarist's impro­ visatory art that reveal the skills that were expected in the realization and 169 The baroque guitar 169 The baroque guitar performance of danzas and bailes. Some of the best examples of diferencia realization are found in an important manuscript located in Spain 45 that an­ performance of danzas and bailes. Some of the best examples of diferencia thologizes works by "the best authors." With the exception of several pieces realization are found in an important manuscript located in Spain 45 that an­ by Francesco Corbetta and a handful also set by Santiago de Murcia, the lion's thologizes works by "the best authors." With the exception of several pieces share of the manuscript is devoted to Gaspar Sanz's Instrucci6n de 7771Jsica by Francesco Corbetta and a handful also set by Santiago de Murcia, the lion's sobre la guitarra espai'lola (1674). Some of the selections are faithful copies share of the manuscript is devoted to Gaspar Sanz's Jnstmcci6n de 7711ASica of the Sanz originals, but more interesting are the numerous renditions that sobre la guitarra espai'lola (1674). Some of the selections are faithful copies depart from them. Careful scrutiny of these two sources reveals that phrases of the Sanz originals, but more interesting are the numerous renditions that are, in fact, modules that can be removed, inserted, and interchanged to depart from them. Careful scrutiny of these two sources reveals that phrases create "new" pieces. The "Libro de diferentes cifras" lops off the final varia­ are, in fact, modules that can be removed, inserted, and interchanged to tions of Sanz's "Passacalle de la L."46 Sometimes the opening strum patterns create "new" pieces. The "Libro de diferentes cifras" lops off the final varia­ are excised (since it would have been implicit they were to be performed tions ofSanz's "Passacalle de la L."46 Sometimes the opening strum patterns anyway), as in the reworked version ofSanz's "Passacalle de 3') tono."47 Near are excised (since it would have been implicit they were to be performed the middle of the piece, the order of two phrases is inverted. In a subsequent anyway), as in the reworked version ofSanz's "Passacalle de 3° tono."47 Near example, the "Libro de diferentes cifras" excises the strummed introduction the middle of the piece, the ord er of two phrases is inverted. In a subsequent to Sanz's "Passacalles porIa C" and then launches directly into the heart of the example, the "Libro de diferentes cifras" excises the strummed introduction piece. The manuscript meticulously copies the following three-and-a-half to Sanz's "Passacalles pOl' la C" and then launches directl y into the heart ofthe phrases from Sanz, but from that point forward the two versions diverge piece. The manuscript meticulously copies the following three-and-a-half dramatically - they become different compositions. Here, Sanz's original phrases from Sanz, but from that point forward the tvvo versions diverge diferencia composition serves as a springboard for a totally new creation. dramatically - they become different compositions. Here, Sam.'s original P8rticularly fascinating is the "Libro de diferentes cifras'" reworking diferencia composition serves as a springboard for a totally new creation. of Sanz's "Jacaras"; it reveals the rich variety of possibilities in modular Particularly fascinating is the "Libra de diferentes cifras'" reworking recomposition. The manipulation of phrases in this type of recom position of Sanz's "Jacaras"; it reveals the rich variety of possibilities in modular is not entirely arbitrary but generally follows certain patterns. One basic recomposition. The manipulation of phrases in this type of recomposition principle is that new modules can be generated from segments of other is not entirely arbitrary but generally follows certain patterns. One basic modules. For instance, a module can reappear several times in a work using principle is that new modules can be generated from segments of other the same beginning but spun out to a different end, as can be seen in the modules. For instance, a module can reappear several times in a work using reworking ofSanz's Variations 2 and 5 (see Example 10.3). the same beginning but spun out to a different end, as can be seen in the Another manner of generating new phrases from old ones is to break the reworking ofSanz's Variations 2 and 5 (see Example 10.3). original into two parts and use the first as the beginning of a new module Another manner of generating new phrases fram old ones is to break the and the second as the end of another, forming a sort of musical parenthesis original into two parts and use the first as the beginning of a new module th,lt creMes two phrases from splitting one. Of particular interest here is the and the second as the end of another, forming a sort of musical parenthesis way the "Libro de diferentes cifras" draws out Variation 7 into two phrases. that creates two phrases from splitting one. Of particular interest here is the The ca711panelas beginning - which is the stylistic link to the ca7llpanelns way the "Libra de diferentes cifras" draws out Variation 7 into two phrases. conclusion of Variation 6 - remains unchanged, but the tail is transformed The ca711panelas beginning - which is the stylistic link to the ca711panelas into a rapid, descending scale. The following variation uses as its conclusion conclusion of Variation 6 - remains unchanged, but the tail is transformed the remainder of Variation 7 to lead back gracefully to the high tessitura of into a rapid, descending scale. The following variation uses as its conclusion VZlriZition 8 (see Example 10.4). the remainder of Variation 7 to lead back gracefu]]y to the high tessitura of In this manner, all new mZlteriZiI is inserted in such a way as to preserve Variation 8 (see Example 10.4). the smooth transitions and essential qualities of the originZiI. In this manner, all new material is inserted in such a way as to preserve Not only Zlre properties of the originZiI respected, but they are often the smooth transitions and essential qualities of the original. emphasized and amplified in the reworked version. SZlnz pushes to the climax Not only are properties of the original respected, but they are often emphasized and amplified in the reworked version. Sanz pushes to the climax 170 Craig H. Russell ] 70 Craig H. Russell Example 10.3 Comparison of "Jacaras" phrases in Sanz and "Libro de di Vi~ Example 10.3 Comparison~vari~~ of "Jacaras" phrases in Sanz and "Libra de diferentes cifras" ~ J :J J T=f9Hl ftF 'r i i i f "Libra de cliferentes cifras," mm. 25-29 "Libra de diferentes cifras," mID. 25-29 f i Sanz, Variation 5, mm. 17-21 @~ )JJJ i f ~ : III;: EE&0 #: J ~ +:£m,~m~59~~ i :l~ "Libra de diferentes cifras," mm. 17-21 :rlf~:~ f LJiJJ~ Example lOA Comparison of"J,\caras" phrases in Sanz and "Libro de di Var SZl VariatiblZ 7 '13 -------------------Example 10.4 Comparison of"J,\caras" phrases in Sanz and "Libra de diferentes cil'ras" 1'l Variation ~ ~ 7 , ~! ~ J J t1~~tttt4~ Var. 8 '13----------------------, .~;-rJJl . ~ .l~J g.1 ~~ II=--=I=~ r ~i- =~! Sanz, =_ 25-29 II Sanz, mm. 25-29 I i i d f-d i~ ~i ~ 1'l -----------, ~~ IlfIiFp.~ r "Libra de diferemes cifras," mm_ 33-41 tjllrr~rJ~ d.. 171 The baroque guitar 171 The baroque guitar Example 10.5 Similar phrases in "Libra de diferentes cifras" .," .,"." d t · ~t == "" ~ b II \~ .~----======= Example 10.5 Similar phrases in "Libra de diferentes cifras" = -r= f fiFfrtt@ vib. mm.49-57 4 ~ =t ~ I vlb. vib. VIb f n~ j b~Vib~. · r V~~.~ itr~iiF -I~ -~ ~ vib. v;. ~F I rlJ f I of the piece through a series of running scales (Variations 12 through 15). The "Libro de diferentes cifras" is careful not to break this drive to the of the piece through a series of running scales (Variations 12 through 15). climax, but even enhances the finale's strength by expanding this energetic The "Libro de diferentes cifras" is careful not to break this drive to the section of fast scales from four to eight (mm. 66-96). climax, but even enhances the finale's strength by expanding this energetic Only changes in vibrato and register distinguish two other variations section of fast scales from four to eight (mm. 66-96). from being identical twins (Example 10.5). Only changes in vibrato and register distinguish two other variations This example, and the previous ones, demonstrate decisively that a difer­ from being identical twins (Example 10.5). erzcia composition is not comprised of inviolable measures in a highly rigid This example, and the previous ones, demonstrate decisively that a difer­ order. Instead, it can be viewed as a smorgasbord of phrases that can be erzcia composition is not comprised of inviolable measures in a highly rigid dropped off the menu at will- or can be supplanted with new phrases if so order. Instead, it can be viewed as a smorgasbord of phrases that can be desired. A guitarist, then, would be expected to be fresh, original, and new; dropped off the menu at will- or can be supplanted with new phrases if so he or she would realize a particular baiZe or darzza in different way with each desired. A guitarist, then, would be expected to be fresh, original, and new; performance opportunity. he or she would realize a particular baiZe or darzza in different way with each performance opportunity. The social world of the baroque guitar The revolution in musical styles that we have already examined ­ the shift The social world of the baroque guitar from a horizontal and melodic perspective to a vertical and harmonic one ­ The revolution in musical styles that we have already examined - the shift occurred simultaneously with socio-political shifts in perspective that were from a horizontal and melodic perspective to a vertical and harmonic one­ to rock society and shake the foundations of the privileged, aristocratic occurred simultaneously with socio-political shifts in perspective that were system. The guitar is one of the few instruments that saw itself climb up the to rock society and shake the foundations of the privileged, aristocratic social ladder, from a relatively low stature in the early Baroque to acceptance system. The guitar is one of the few instruments that saw itself climb up the in high society by the late years of that epoch. In the early 1600s, it was social ladder, from a relatively low stature in the early Baroque to acceptance considered the popular instrument of amateurs or lmv-lifes. Luis Bric;:eno, in high society by the late years of that epoch. In the early 1600s, it was in the preface to his Metoda l11Ui faciZissinw, defends his beloved instrument considered the popular instrument of amateurs or low-lifes. Luis Bric;:eno, against its detractors who view the guitar as too lowly by stating: in the pref~lce to his Metodo mui faciZissinw, defends his beloved instrument against its detractors who my view the who guitar as toothelowly byand stating: There are many, Lady, ridicule guitar its sound. But if they pause and think about it, they will discover that for our present era, the There are many, my Lady, who ridicule the guitar and its sound. But if they guitar is the most favorable instrument that has ever been seen! For pause and think about it, they will discover that for our present era, the nowadays, if one is trying to save out-of-pocket expenses and trouble, the guitar is the most favorable instrument that has ever been seen! For nowadays, if one is trying to save out -of-pocket expenses and trouble, the 172 Craig H. Russell 172 Craig H. Russell guitar is a true theatre of savings' In addition to this, appropriate for singing and playing, for performing [ guitar is a true theatre of savings' In addition to this,steps it is or adaptable accompanying leaping rUhningand ones, for acco appropriate for singing and playing, [noble] dnllzas, for tap dancin bailes, orfor forperforming accompanying [heel-clicking] accompanying leaping steps or rUhning ones, for accompanying [low-life] bailes, or for accompanying [heel-clicking I tap dancing. 4s The fad for guitar playing that swept Europe i viewed with ambivalence by those who, on the one h The fad for guitar playing that in the 1600s rising was p butswept on theEurope other hand sawearly the guitar's strums, viewed with ambivalence by those that who,was on displacing the one hand, its dulcet ins scourge moreenjoyed "high-minded" saw the guitar's rising popularity as a strums, but on the other hand hats in resp Lope de Vega and Cervantes tip their potential scourge that was displacingfor more "high-minded" instruments. For instance, his contributions to the guitar and its popularity tip theirEspinel hats ininrespect to Vicente Espinel(160 Lope de Vega and Cervantes had praised his Caballero de Illescas guitar and its popularity. But even Lope, whoregr for his contributions to the (1630), nevertheless expresses his melancholic had praised Espinel in his innovations Caballero dewere Illescas (1602) and and Laurel de Apolo as supplanting overwhelming that Espinel's guitarforgi (1630), nevertheless expresses his melancholic regret music. In Dorotea (1632), Lope laments, "God and more "noble" innovations were overwhelming bringing ussupplanting this noveltyaspects and theoffive-course guitar music. In Dorotea (1632), instruments Lope laments, "God forgive Vicente Espinel for are being forgotten."49 the five-course with which noblethe bringing us this novelty and Musical productions furthertheclarify theatre guitar instruments are being forgotten."49 society held for guitarists. Typically, the cast perfo clarify the are social stereotypes Musical theatre productions to the further sound of guitars characters suchthat as Zu the cast performing bailes on stage society held for guitarists.orTypically, Escarraman - all of whom are lovable, comical, to the sound of guitars are characters as Zurdo, Andsuch moving one stepZurdillo, up on theClarin, social lad scoundrels. or Escarraman - all of whom are lovable, comical, low-class ruffi;Jl1s and It in the hands of menial craftsmen such as barbers. stephands up onof the ladder, the guitar appears scoundrels. And moving one thesocial ruling aristocracy in the first deca in the such as barbers. It is rare to see the guitar in the hands of menial craftsmen century. theguitar first decades oftothe seventeenth in the hands of the ruling aristocracy But onceinthe fad began sweep Europe, the century. way up the social ladder, rung by rung, until it was the But once the guitar fad began sweep Europe, instrument itsEur in the to late 1600s. Nearlythe every crownedworked head of by rung, until it was the darling of the nobility way up the social ladder, rung and had a guitar virtuoso as a personal teacher. The rea in the late 1600s. Nearly every crowned head of Europe a few chordsor cl was Francesco Corbetta, whoseknew private students and had a guitar virtuoso aslike a personal teacher. The real watershed in this area a "Who's v\1ho in Seventeenth-Century Europe." was Francesco Corbetta, whose students or closePhilip acquaintances read Carloprivate II, the Duke ofMantua; IV ofSpain; Arch Europe." Some of them include: like a "Who's v\1ho in Seventeenth-Century of Austria; Duke George William ofZell at the Hanov Carlo II, the Duke ofMantua; Philip IV ofSpain; Archduke Leopold Wilhelm England; James, the Duke of York; Henrietta Anne, t of Austria; Duke George William ofZell at the Hanover Court; Charles II of and Louis XIV of France, with whom he had a life York; Henrietta Anne, the Duchess of Orleans; England; James, the Duke of incomparable Francisco Guerau occupied a place o and Louis XIV of France, II's with whom he had aand lifelong friendship.5o The court in Madrid, following the king's death incomparable Francisco Guerau occupied a place of importance in Carlos sequent coronation of the first Bourbon king in Sp II's court in Madrid, and tar following the aking's in life 1700 sub­ cou remained part death of daily in and the the Spanish sequent coronation of thepupil, first Bourbon king in Spain, the gui­ to Santiago de Murcia, gave Philip privateV,instruction tar remained a part of daily life in the Spanish court. Guerau's probable Luisa Gabriela of Savoy, and Antonio de Murcia 51 Other to the new Queen, Maria co pupil, Santiago de Murcia, guitar gave private makerinstruction for the monarchs. European Luisa Gabriela of Savoy, and Antonio de Murcia was appointed official guitar maker for the monarchs. 51 Other European courts lavished attention 173 The baroque guitar 173 The baroque guitar Example 10.6 Fandango rhythm Example 10.6 Fandango rhythm on their guitar instructors and makers. Clearly, the guitar was no longer relegated to the gutter. on their guitar instructors and makers. Clearly, the guitar was no longer Of particular interest is the way the guitar became adopted by the newest relegated to the gutter. social class to rise to prominence in the late seventeenth and eighteenth Of particular interest is the way the guitar became adopted by the newest centuries - the middle class. In the 1700s, the rise of egalitarian ideals in social class to rise to prominence in the late seventeenth and eighteenth the Age of Reason and the concurrent rise of the middle class shook the centuries - the middle class. In the 1700s, the rise of egalitarian ideals in foundations of the ailing aristocratic system. No instrument better illus­ the Age of Reason and the concurrent rise of the middle class shook the trates those social revolutions than the guitar. The guitar was the working foundations of the ailing aristocratic system. No instrument better illus­ man's instrument. It was relatively inexpensive, highly portable, extremely trates those social revolutions than the guitar. The guitar was the working popular, and easily learned with self-instruction books. Several of the gui­ man's instrument. It was relatively inexpensive, highly portable, extremely tar books flagrantly brag that they can teach an interested person how to popular, and easily learned with self-instruction 52books. Several of the gui­ play without their having to take lessons. The painters of the time, first tar books flagrantly brag that they can teach an interested person how to Watteau and later Goya, place the guitar in the hands of ordinary people play without their having to take lessons. 52 The painters of the time, first (rich, poor, or middle class) in nearly every imaginable setting and venue. 53 Watteau and later Goya, place the guitar in the hands of ordinary people New dance genres evolved that ruptured the barriers between dal1zas and (rich, poor, or middle class) in nearly every imaginable setting and venue. 53 bailes, and in each case, the new appeal was a common ground where the New dance genres evolved that ruptured the barriers between danzas and middle class, rich and poor, aristocrat and servant, could meet on equal bailes, and in each case, the new appeal was a common ground where the footing. Among these social newcomers were the seguidillas, jota, sombras, middle class, rich and poor, aristocrat and servant, could meet on equal and most important of all, the fandango. In each case, the preferred in­ footing. Among these social newcomers were the seguidillas, jota, sombras, strument for dancing accompaniment was the guitar. The earliest known and most important of all, the fandango. In each case, the preferred in­ musical settings of the fandango, jota, and seguidillas occur in Santiago de strument for dancing accompaniment was the guitar. The earliest known Murcia's "C6dice Saldivar No.4" for guitar. His setting of the fandango is musical settings of the fandango, jota, and seguidillas occur in Santiago de one of the highlights of the guitar repertoire with its incessant, hypnotic Murcia's "C6dice Saldivar No.4" for guitar. His setting of the flndango is alternation of D minor and A major chords, its infectious build-up in in­ one of the highlights of the guitar repertoire with its incessant, hypnotic tensity, florid and virtuosic runs, and its recurring and driving rhythm. By alternation of D minor and A major chords, its infectious build-up in in­ the time fandangos were commonplace in the late eighteenth century, the tensity, florid and virtuosic runs, and its recurring and driving rhythm. By genre had developed a cliche rhythm that was inextricably associated with the time fandangos were commonplace in the late eighteenth century, the it (Example 10.6). genre had developed a cliche rhythm that was inextricably associated with The fandango became the most beloved dance in early Californian his­ it (Example 10.6). tory; countless depictions from the nineteenth century show the locals danc­ The fandango became the most beloved dance in early Californian his­ ing up a storm to the sounds of guitars and castanets, and the caption most tory; countless depictions from the nineteenth century show the locals danc­ often reads "fandango." What better dance than the fandango to represent ing up a storm to the sounds of guitars and castanets, and the caption most the rugged California spirit of the ral1cho period where success depended often reads "fandango." What better dance than the fandango to represent largely on self-reliance, independence, hard work, and a solid work ethic ­ the rugged California spirit of the rancho period where success depended all values that reflect middle-class values as opposed to aristocratic ones. largely on self-reliance, independence, hard work, and a solid work ethic ­ Not surprisingly, then, the fandango became the norm rather than the older all values that reflect middle-class values as opposed to aristocratic ones. and stuffier dlll1zas. Not surprisingly, then, the f1l1dango became the norm rather than the older and stuffier dalJzas. 174 Craig H Russell 174 Craig H. Russell It is significant that the guitar - and the fandango - a that Mozart librettist select whe It is significantindicators that the guitar - and and the his fandango - da arePonte the musical their subversive opera The Marriage social revolution in indicators that Mozart and his librettist da Ponte select when they cook up o When servant Figaro the memorable aria(1786). "Se vuol social revolution in theirthe subversive opera sings The Marriage of Figaro spells the entirearia thesis theballare" plot, and he uses Act I, he When the servant Figaro sings theout memorable "Seof vuol early in t metaphor over as thethe arrog Act 1, he spells out central the entire thesis offor thelower-class plot, and hesupremacy uses the guitar self-indulgent aristocracy.over Figaro, sees through central metaphor afor lower-class supremacy the who arrogant excesses the of sh of the Count to bed wife's maidthe andshallow Figaro's fiancee Su a self-indulgent aristocracy. Figaro, whohis sees through attempts that his employer the Count willSusanna, have to match disgust of the Count to bed his wife's maid and Figaro's fiancee sings wits in w than Figaro himself, servant. Mozart's andnone Da Ponte's disgust that his employer the Count willthe have to match wits with other l dear CountMozart's you want to Da go Ponte's dancing,libretto then 1runs, will play mythe than Figaro himself, servant. and "If th gllitar!"S4 turmoil is subtly but the unmistakably engen my dear Count you want to Social go dancing, then I will play music on my the lower-class barber Figaro - with his lines. It isis subtly guitar!"54 Social turmoil but unmistakably engendered in handy those gu shots and play-the tune, the guitar aristocratic call the barber lines. It is the lower-class Figaro with his and handy - whoCount will w the servant Count chooses. to rein stepthe to the music call the shots and play tune, and that the aristocratic willBrilliantly, have to keep Mozart disruptschooses. the noble minuet rhythm that his hadpoint, begun t step to the music that the servant Brilliantly, to reinforce thenrhythm metaphorically thethe Count up by the su ballare" Mozart disrupts the noble and minuet that had trips begun aria "Se vuol of a contredanse rhythm, a style moreintrusion with the m ballare" and then metaphorically trips the Count upassociated by the sudden with thea style aristocracy. Thus the with servant's contredanse literall of a contredanse rhythm, associated more the middle class than aristocrat's with the aristocracy. Thus the minuet. servant's contredanse literally drives out the aristocrat's minuet. In the finale to Act III of Figaro, Susanna sets a trap for th Count dropping a sealed of feigned love for him to f In the finale to Act III by of Figa ro, Susanna setsnote a trap for the unsuspecting Count by droppinging. a sealed note of feigned love for to find while will meet himhim in the garden for danc­ a midnig She supposedly ing. She supposedly meet himbe in his thewife garden a midnight but we know it will the for Countess - nottryst, Susanna - who allwill all know it will be his Countess not how Susanna who willchoose be waiting man.- So, does- Mozart to get t for wife the the faithless for the faithless man. how does Mozart choose to getwith this aclandestine noteSo, delivered? First, he opens the finale march that re note delivered? First, opens finaleofwith marchand thatCountess, reflects thewhich nobil­in tu and highthe station the aCount ity he ity and high station of the Count and Countess, which in turn is disrupted by a contredanse sung by peasant girls and the local servan by a contredanse sung peasant and servants. This, too, then by abruptly cutgirls short bythe the local strains of a fandango, andisit is then abruptly cut short by the strains of a fandango, and it is this universally appealing genre - one associated with the guitar - that Moz appealing genre - one associated thefor guitar - thatand Mozart cleverlyMozart uses h meeting with ground Susanna the Count. as the for Susanna and the Count. Mozart has prepared the as the meeting ground scene by presenting the two classes as separate, non-overlap scene by presentingservant the two classes separate, non -overla pping girl wouldashave been stepping above herentities. stationAin an servant girl would if have abovein her station an egregious shebeen werestepping to participate the regal, in majestic marchway that b if she were to participate in the marchhave thatstooped begins to thedancing scene. to the regal, Countmajestic would never Similarly, Similarly, the Count woulddance. never have stoopedthe to new dancing to of thethe subsequent peasant But finally, genre fandango is peasant dance. Butwhere finally,both the new genre the fandango a meeting place nobles andofpeasants could isparticipate; it is the where both noblesThus, and peasants could it is the great equalizer. it is during thisparticipate; fandango that Susanna has the oppo Thus, it is during this fandango that Susanna has the to gain con the Count, andopportunity deliver the feigned access to her master, access to her master, Count, and deliver the protagonists' feigned confession of love thatthe is so instrumental to the scheming. The f that is so instrumental to the protagonists' Thethe fandango marks moment in the scheming. finale where two class structu the first the first moment interacted. in the finaleSignificantly, where the two couldand havem os one class finds structures the traditional interacted. Significantly, one finds the traditional and most representative 175 The baroque guitar 175 The baroque guitar rhythm of the fandango (articulated in m. 444) as the unifying rhythmic Mozart's(articulated fandango asinwell. feature rhythm of the of fandango m. 444) as the unifying rhythmic feature of Mozart's fandango as well. Cross-cultural aspects of the baroque guitar Cross-cultural of the baroque guitar In additionaspects to reflecting aspects of class and social structure, the guitar also for changes in the cultural of Western provides a mirroraspects In addition to reflecting of class and ethnic social and structure, thetapestry guitar also the Baroque era. Before the late Renaissance, the civilization in provides a mirror for changes in the ethnic and cultural tapestry of Westernvarious continents relatively isolatedthe from other, butthe thatvarious changed for­ Baroque era. Before lateeach Renaissance, civilization in the were and 1600s with the rapid proliferation of European ever in the 1500s continents were relatively isolated from each other, but that changed for­ claims on territory The proliferation Portuguese, the first out of the starting 1500s andacross 1600sthe withglobe. the rapid of European claims ever in the blocks, explored the coast of Africa by solving the thorny problem of how to on territory across the globe. The Portuguese, the first out of the starting Southern hemisphere prospect initially thethe coast of Africa by solving (a thefrightening thorny problem of how to since blocks, navigate explored in Equator and losing sight of the Pole The Star). it necessitated crossing the navigate in the Southern hemisphere (a frightening prospect initially since follow, and thesight Italians. ByPole the 1600s, Spanishcrossing were soon and then losing of the Star). nearly The all of it necessitated thetoEquator the European powers had constructed respectable navies and were Spanish were soon to follow, and then the 1talians. By the 1600s, nearly aU ofstaking of the Americas,respectable Africa, Asia, and and eventually Australia and claims powers to mosthad the European constructed navies were staking the South Pacific. The great land grab was on. Once again, the guitar was claims to most of the Americas, Africa, Asia, and eventually Australia and carried along naval vessels a rule or even on overland the South Pacific. Theongreat land grab as was on. Once again, the guitarexpeditions, was and it was one of the first instruments to be brought in new lands. carried along on naval vessels as a rule or even on overlandashore expeditions, Notone surprisingly, the guitar ended up as one of the indispensable and it was of the firstthen, instruments to be brought ashore in new lands. cultural hybrids that thrust together people and influences ingredients in Not surprisingly, then, the guitar ended up as one of the indispensable frominvarious continents. ingredients cultural hybrids that thrust together people and influences Beginning with the first voyages to the Americas, the guitar was the sol­ from various continents. 55 true companion. With new diers' and the first voyages to the Americas, theeach guitar wasterritorial the sol­ claim, Beginning withevangelists' brought with them this the Spanish 55 highly portable instrument. According diers' and evangelists' true companion. Vv'ith each new territorial claim, Cortez onAccording the conquest of to Bernal Diaz del them CastiJlo, the Spanish brought with this who highlyaccompanied portable instrument. already Mexico, as early as 1568 the Native American craftsmen were of L1bri­ to Bernal Diaz del Castillo, who accompanied Cortez on the conquest 56 vihuelas.craftsmen Bartholome las Casas high-quality Mexico,cating as early as 1568 theguitars Native or American were de already fabri­recounts on which guitar music resounded in the Caribbean as specific occasions 56 cating high -quality guitars or vihuelas. Bartholome de las Casas recounts 57 as the on 1530s. ]ncan writer GuamaninPoma provides invaluable which The guitar music resounded the Caribbean as specific early occasions descriptions that place the guitar in a rich web of peoples, social strata, and early as the 1530s. 57 The Incan writer Guam,ln Poma provides invaluable and the alsoguitar sketches South American drawing of ethnicities, descriptions that place in a out rich the webearliest of peoples, social strata, and the guitar. 58 ethnicities, and also sketches out the earliest South American drawing of It is the guitar, or its close cousins, for which the earliest African th e guitar. 58 instrumental written. musical anthology It isAmerican the guitar, or its closemanuscripts cousins, forare which the The earliest African compiled by Sebastian de Aguirre around 1700 (presently in the American instrumental manuscripts are written. The musical anthology private of Gabriel Osorio), contains the "Portorrico de los ne­ archive compiled by Sebastian de Saldivar Aguirre yaround 1700 (presently in the private por 1 y 2 raslguead]o" (fol. 20r); it is the oldest known of example gros archive of Gabriel Saldivar y Osorio), contains the "Portorrico de los ne­ 59 African-American instrumental Aguirre contains 1 Y 2 raslguead]o" (fol. 201'); music. it is the The oldest knownmanuscript example of gros pOl' a dozen other works that combine 59 the influences of the Americas, Africa, African-American instrumental music. The Aguirre manuscript contains a dozen other works that combine the influences of the Americas, Africa, 17 Craig H. RlI'scll " ,sl Plate 19a Aguirre 'vIanuscript, fal. 19r and Spain (see Plates 19 a-f). The classifications themselves combinations of peoples and ethnicities. The tocotln, c ~lId Spo", (.... Pl.&Olootic 19.-fl, Tht dwollO._,i'><mIdw< t~ ...· and chiqueador reflect indigenous Mexican influence,6o T Olio: <ornbo"'''''IU oi poopln • ..d ~hnJ(M~ conido is unclear, but the /I~ term becomes associated with aJOd dnoj-.iot fd<,;., \It......... Tht .... .....,.'" in the subsequent century and becomes one of the great .......... IS undt••. but 'ho '''III bo-.... _.-..I h \""on twbd> culture. to the poetes folklore on W .~, ' Mexican .... Y".M ~to ...world ont 01 ,Ilt p According ' <If de la Cruz, the tocotin is nothing else but a carrido. A guastec \Iv. IollJo«' 10 ~ <Illt...... por!n' So< 1.-.. I.... that regionbod. of Mexico. chiqueador is.... a type <Itt. 0 tht - . .from " -""'lobo _nolo>.The "f"o"U"'fricn _ of je ment worn by Mexican women during the epoch; normally from ,"'" " ' _ 01 \In_ Ttrot , oi ......... or . . . ­ 61 It also round discs carved from turtle or tortoise shells........ ....... - . . '"' \10:...... womm "" "I"'<k ........tIr1h<r-..< can0< mean or "pamperer" or someone w .....nd liD(> «1 term from that .unlt . _"flatterer" " ' ......... 62 about. Other titles in Aguirre's ... book imply a """""'1 Caribb an c I<ml -Ilo'\tfft" Of -l*"f'C"tf".. as the self-explanatory terms panama and porto rico. 63 1n a OI.hn 1,,1tl '" "C"..... f bool 'mr!'l' CMmbcaD ~-.to takes us to the Caribbean i,'lands, ~ since coqui "El Coquis" ....... ..ll npb... 'on" .. In><lo:l'...... Cuba and Puerto Rico refers to a small reptile whose name de "£I Coqu..' uln to 10 II.. c.~ iobnok. ilIOU <1IojM III .-icm-d.! that the sound "coqui, coqui."64 Yet another Cubo.nd l"", , resembles IO.OINIl..".'-'!" cul .d\rc. n.. _' "","""", e ­ ,ad...- "N\lt;j,,,,,_ """'do,.... "" ,f ......... II....,,, \-n.:.. """an obocl,,"' _,.......-and ,....,_.. ... 'mm ,-...bW> faces with Aguirre's "Morisca," which literally th3t II.. *">d ".oqui. <0'1°,title Y.., <ubllDl Pourtranslate · ish woman"; thewlu<h term morisco a common ethno-social ~ .. w,m "&'0" nO, "'it - Mon.ca; I"...1" was "...,.p,rd mratti • , _• Moorish convert<om"-'""'IXl-__ to Christianity.65 These brief musical snap .... _ . " '" -........... ..l~lODiDJ. with the long~ list of traditional bailes p6hol>.. and danzas that Agu \Ioor .... <0 ' lOo.'Il'Im'" nboon ....-..I.... combonal his manuscript, provide one of the richest compendiums wlm ,lit _ . '"' OIlr.o<l">o<1.1 "" "" ..... influences and styles found in this (or any other) epoch. h.. m.n.... npl. !"",'tdt on< of, "'" of ",ulrKultuni ""'!lu. t"""" ""'If.. Ul>ft" on'" ,""'pend,,,.... of African American influence is Santi mR ......n.nd .,..... The other In fl."gem 10I."t 0''''' ."....t> "C6dice 4" (1732),IS for tuckedcitinto its folios Tho Ill....' of A,,,,,..Saldivar " .... ~o. ,nRu"",. Mu.e;"', ""m "CodK. Sokl"., \.0. ~~ (ln~ I, '''.n San'. 10< hKl..<'d tnto ,I> fol"" II. ll>t Afna" ­ , ... , nus crip t, roJ. 20r Pla te 19b Ag uirr e Ma . ~~.P 'v ~'"' I~ b IV~ J, r'" .&. 1 J til," , .... I . J,' " 2 ro~lt"l.~ ,... 1-'« , I ' 1- ..-l- ~ 0- , r : •v L.2' 1...1 . 1 l' i u... z.:l , . ", ,­ ...."/... ~ ~ A...1. ..2- -UA....l.. ~ 1- - r;.~) > L2. 41J1 ...... -i.i ~ l".I, .. rr ~ ~, t <. Pun r.d. -o i et Ufu U ~.,.. 2 y3 t... ,t" 'J . ~ • l.:l. • .. . , ...:I. ' ..:<. ..2. ' ~ -" f"' F '" , '-2 ~\l - U~ ...1. r ' j to . ' - -,..... - .... -" ~ ...;;;;; nus crip t, roJ. 21 r Plate 19c ,\gu irrc Ma ).6 6 'tro ng evi­ ue s" (see Plates 20 a-b eq mb ara "Z d an es" Am ric an "C um be sug ge st tha t the Zfll 'Gl JI­ pro d uc tio ns of the age al i atr the m fro wn 1..er... de nc e dra las... ,fda nc es a ... to... ref ey .. sa me -th>.. the J t an _ e . On . re . oa z inc . gu ·_ ~ue, Cltmbe, an d ~·(beq in jau nty tri ple me ter , t ge ne ral ly roJl alo ng tha gin ori an ric me -A .... , 1110 't ...Lik -, of Af ric an 1. 67 ..' ati 01rJ ...cop oosyn ,.fof d> k-fnull oc ch are d an ty, .. tle _ sub l kT III< N ve rve an d ... ... .. are fuJI of iii .._ . "' rk - . . . ouII : ,...... "'.... io._""- " " " _ d I o ~ _ . . . . . . " . ~dt-. ~_-el!>t_. ~ ... A&lU~ or. t.. I Qf __ .. Id III 'I r> <I _I n• .• 1I<l ... . .:hndl ".. ,"' " i- U•• _ 178 'mig H. Russell , • Plate 19d Aguirre Manuscript, fol. 221' • ..... ,. _. _ .... ,.. Plate 1ge Aguirre Manuscript, fol. 27r popular dance styles, the same genres and styles ;lIsa formance through the secular-influenced villancico th ~r ""_ oryIn., .... Ymr F""" .nd ..,In ........",rod dmu<h ~ it up slightly, ....... and brought it into street, cleaned "'''''Ch do< the _ula-......... <>I .........._l!l>' 1Il...... from tivities, especially Matins services, Although the guine ......,.... , dt>n<d It up~. _ bon>ucJII M' ~Kd """reb reo­ ","",.."r .....,It\.. ......., ....,. ~"lln> knKn.. Al~ .... p IW '" r u . ­ 179 The baroque guitar Plate 19f Aguirre Manuscript, fo!' 29r the zarambeque) skyrocketed to the heights of popularity as a style of African-American villancico theofseventeenth thisof tablature ,!It ""or","",.') ,",,,,,,1<"M 10 ,I><during h''lIhl> pop~L"'lycentury, ••• "j'l. rendition by Murcia d~II"A is the first instrumental version of the genre. Af'I<.n ·A"",·":.,, 'htpurely .....""'.mh lI". ubi.."", But the true treasure of Murcia's manuscript is the infectious by MUInI " ,II< 11", I'uffly i"'I"'II1<'II,.1 >'<nOon "f 11>< A<fUt- setting of first trulyINnu.."", decipherable example of instrumental the!ttl< "Cumbees," llul II>< I,..,,,,. the of M"....•• " lh. ,nfoe''''", ItlllnA of music in an African style. The, .. dance banned repeatedly ,I>< ••••"nbrn; 'h.o Ii'"American lrulY d«,ph<nbl< ",pI<was of '''''''''1I<nul m""" by the Inquisition, to no avail, but the condemnations open a window '" '" Aft"",,, Am... yIr. Tht bonnC'd ''l''','tdly br III<for us to view10 the... delightful that they must have"I"n, been. The Inquisition 1"'I"","on, ,,-oil. bu'fun'ht m,.d "",,,o,,. .. ,nduw i<lf v,rails II) against the ClImbe in 1716 with the earing complaint that its "lyrics are scandaJoLl , , .... ,lit d<l'P.l ful fun 'ha'lI>oy '"u" h b<m. Tlw I"'I" '''1 ,on 'W 'P"'" obs ene, offensive to the highest degree. are sung and•accompanied 1M 1] '6and w"h ,II< ''''"'A«>mp!.l;''\ th.. "~IThey ·l}~><J'''''''J>d •>" by a dance no less scandalous and obscene. They are accompanied ........"" .ond off< It " .. to ,!It h,A"'" Jog..... nltr 'I. >"nl"'" """"'I"'nrtd by lewd actions, lascivious displays, and indecent and provocative shakingbr • d."", ... I... ,..rt<loou. 'nd ilbt<<rlt. Thty.ro ..,romp."~ lor kw.tall to the grave ruin and scandal of the souls of the Christian community!,,68 .,1 It' n" Io>c,,",u • I.ploy>. and '''d p<lWOC"'" •h,k '''A _ .U In ,II< Sounds ,tn,,,ry'. .'&""'0 "".I"",,, ,n" .. .I,,,,, .... '""'/H ," .".1 .I ,nd«<", like fun. In spite of "",I."f this invective more, the Sound. wn/be enjoyed A'''' ,uin 1<.".1.1 of 'n, tnr Oiland '....0many rommun,'r'.widespread popularity. 10k, fIt". In 'rlt. of tIli. ;m'«tI>'<" .nd m'''r mOff, Th. rn"'l"<d Murcia's setting of the cumbe begins with syncopated strums and golpes wld"'l'f.><l p<)pI'\>.II". where the guitarist strikes the guitar top. The infectious beginning gradually Mu....•...'''nl "f ,he ....mit< bri'n< w"h .yncop"td 'lrun", ,00 pf!<'> gives""iu way to the main tune and flights of fancy that are cast w...... 1lN-1l" ..,im til< lU'''' top ensuing 111( ,,,'«hOu, "'''II pul 11 Yin ever­ shifting hemiolas. Th runs become increasingly frenetic and rapid. until ....... ....y II> ~ """n 'Un< ",i"l ft,gt>.. off.n'! ,h..... aoI '0 ~ . the setting eventually concludes in a flurry of ecstatic scales and pun tuating """b< b<ol'" .nd .... •Iufunlhrnuolu. n.. ,,'''' br<nrnr '''''.... 'olly f'.IIn'" ,nJ "rod. uOld strums. 11. condudn '''' nu•• yo( «...,..-ouband ""nrnutin• ,h. _'"1.....,'... ..'u..... In conclusion, we see that the guitar - an instrument that in modern times is strongly associated with the social turmoil in American history of the In <"""lullOn......... tN, th. AU'''' ,n '0>1"''''''''' 'M on....-l<rn h~ ~ 11 "'rtF' o""""td .."h ..... _"llu,mod ," A""'nc.... h""'", of lh< 180 Craig If RUSSl'./1180 Craig H. Russell 1 '­ , .JI , " , r d(, • \I '. ,:. .,"\ " 1 I' . . ( '. . .' I I I'. • ,l ... -.... \ \0.',' [ , .' ,I. '" j',' ,. '" r I f/~ . ... ;' • .1' .., ( . .' \ • C' -;" ~ .., '­ C' ~ "( ,.. ." I I "," -' ,',. • l " (. .. I .... • .. .' t' " . ,.... .' .­ ( , , ~ , .' Plate 20a C6dice Salvidar No.4, fo!' 451', "Zarambeques" )' ) 'J,"...,.;,., ,r. v ' , I , ? " o •r "0 J.. \ (~ • • '1' --.,, :-.. . .- I .' to:' , r ,. • , \ (1 .' ,. , I', " .'~ I , I " l·I·.;·..· l· "I ~ l' I" no' \ : .r\v ~;. ;,\ rt',',. .....:.\. c , C < ~> !. 0 0 ••. :\~ I • ~r" 'r J. I' I" .(:'0 "� I' 'J I \: c o ~ • ' " .. .. . ,' ) ( " Plate 20b C6dice Salvidar 0.4, fo!' 431', "Cumbecs" Plar.. 20b COdic......lvidar ~o, 4, foL 43" ·Cuml.>~ .. ~" andrevolutions with the musical jazz, blues, rock, an 1960s, and with the1960s, musical ofjau,revolutions blues, rock,of and heavy metal century - was the role of in It'ntury the late -twentieth in the late twentieth was already playing thealready role ofplaying n:\'olutiuna'l' from its early history back in the 1600s and 1700s. In the eras from its early history back in the 1600s and 1700s. [n both eras, it was at both of change. we find subversive yet in noble i forefront forefront of change, Today. we find thatToday, subversive yetthat noble instrument 181 The baroque guitar 181 The baroque guitar the hands of tuxedoed classical guitarists (such as David Tanenbaum and and while at the same Bill Kanengiser, playing Brouwer, Britten, the hands of tuxedoed dassicaJ guitarists (such asHenze), David Tanenbaum and time kids in baggy pants bunkering down to same let loose we find it played and Henze), while at the timea wild Bill Kanengiser, playingby Brouwer, Britten, heavy-metal solo. Really, it isloose not as far a step blues riff, rocking hunkering down to let a wild we find it played by kidsrhythm, in baggyorpants B. B. King to Murcia's "Cum bees" as we might first we look rhythm, or heavy-metal solo. Really, it is notsuspect. as far a If step blues from riff, rocking daring steps taken byasa we Hendrix Satriani areIfforeshadowed B. B. Kingthe to Murcia's "Cum bees" mightor first suspect. we look from carefully, in many ways by the taken bold and taken a Montesardo or carefully, the daring steps by a pioneering Hendrix or steps Satriani are by foreshadowed Corbetta. History hasand shown the guitar's (or adapt ways by the bold pioneering stepsability takentobyanticipate a Montesardo or to) in many musical and stylistic changes long before other instruments. Corbetta. History has shown the guitar's ability most to anticipate (or adapt to)Rarely more versatile, or has and the stylistic world seen an instrument changes long beforemore mostbeloved, other instruments. Rarelymore musical attuned the twists and turnsmore of ourbeloved, ephemeral society and unpredictable worldtoseen an instrument more versatile, or more has the history than the revolutionary, rambunctious, and radical guitar. attuned to the twists and turns of our ephemeral society and unpredictable history than the revolutionary, rambunctious, and radical guitar.