Q . Republic of the Philippines DEPART MENT OF EDUCATION Region VII, Central Visayas SCHOOLS DIVISION OF NEGROS ORIENTAL Capitol Area, Dumaguete City September 21, 2015 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. AfiL s. 2015 ADS FILM AND MULTIMEDIA DISTRIBUTION PHILIPPINES FILM, FORUM ADVOCACY PROGRAMS AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS To: AND All District Supervisors/District In-Charge Public and Private Secondary School All Others Concerned Attached is Regional Memorandum No. 409, s. 2015, endorsing the Programs and Workshops L of ADS Film and Multimedia Distribution Philippines. For more details, refer to the attached communication and enclosures. Participation of both public and private schools shall be subject to the department's no3. disruption-of-classes policy as stipulated in DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2005, entitled Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-on-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith. For the information, guidance and compliance of all concerned. Q-, SALUSTL&NO T. JLMENEZ, CESO VI Schools Iiwiir Superintendent51 23 i^J 1 Igroi4rkntated.ped.90v.pf - P , 2015 (035) 225 2376/225 2838/422 528 flMkntIaq FO YEARS 20054015 of casi — kc.—. S ba*4!.MVlk iS st4•ti'n to the t* V.a September 18, 2015 Salustiano T. Jimenez CESOVI Rt•; 1 Schools Division Superintendent Division of Negros Oriental 47 9 Capitol Area, Dumaguete City ROECT ON Dear Mr. Jimenez; 6 SE Warm Greetings! In celebration of its 10 years of Commitment and Excellence in bringing quality films and programs to the Filipino Youth, ADS Film and Multi-Media Distribution Philippines, has been educating and touching lives through films with its Program FILM, FORUM and ADVOCACY under its division CINEMA (The Center for Intellectual Enhancement through Multimedia Applications). This program is intended to present a full and comprehensive activity for students using the media of films, with follow up processing of the theme by featured resource speakers - converting the topic to an elaborate discussion with the students, linked to their school subject/s making them fully understand the real reason why they are in the program. It's not all about films or watching film but the linked advocacy to the program, opening the perspective of students towards Character, Social and Personal / Skills Development. This School Year, we are glad to offer the following Advocacy campaign and topics with social relevance linked to specific subjects in schools ENDORSED BY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION 7 and PRISSAAP Private Schools and Schools Administrators Association of the Philippines. Age Program Child Abuse Children's Rights [ Social Responsibility Social Development Drug Addiction in Featured Film: Children PAGLAYA SA TANIKALA Volunteerism Program 1 CAMPAIGN Against CHILD TRAFFICKING I am — — Values Education Social Sciences/ I Studies Health (Drug) I F Pre-School Elementary High School I I ADS Film and Multi-Media Distribution Philippines Main Hit: No. 24 BlockS, Samagta - Brgy San Juan Floodway East Bank Road Taytay Rlzal Makad S.t.Office Unit 1107 MCS Tower, Chino Races Avenue Makatl CIty Metro Manila Philippines Cebu Sub Office: TLC We Care Inc, 75 Don Pedro Cui Street, San Antonio Cebu City (02) 517.6420 to 21, 09166655624, email add, ad8filmedia@gmair.com , FB; www ja Ce book, corn/add Stitmedia *639174561776, +639284308888, + 63916.6655624 REPUai.IXA NG Pa.JPINAS ♦ ektm ^ r ^ &6fl9LIC OF II@ NDnlEs KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION REGION VII REIUYON VU, GYINANG VISAYAS REGIONVg CENTRAL VISAYAS c.d)n„ Tnhne. Cebu City JUL 2015 REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No ,s.2015 409 ADS FILM AND MULTIMEDIA DISTRIBUTION PHILIPPINES FILM, FORUM AND ADVOCACY PROGRAMS AND To: Schools Division Superintendents Administrators and Heads of Private Schools 1. This Office is endorsing the Programs and Workshops of ADS Film and Multimedia Distribution Philippines. 2. The programs are intended to present a full and comprehensive activity for students using the media of films, with follow up processing of the theme by featured resource speakers – converting the topic to an elaborate discussion with the students, linked to their school subject/s making them fully understand the real reason why they are in the program. 3. Participation of both public and private schools shall be subject to the no-disruption-of classes policy stipulated in DepEd Order No. 9, s. 2005 entitled Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-on-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith. 4. For more details, please see the attached communication. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. JULIE"ff A. JER TA,Ifi D., CESO V Director Ill Officer-in-Charge Th. Not.:(032)231-1433;231-1309;4141399; 414.7325; 255-4543 Re WReEdulAnYUOee DiWloo (FAD), 32)4147324 Cerr4vWm Lrarwvg Mavegemml DiN,uo (CLNID), Tel Nm.:(032)4141323 i(QM). Te1.Na: (022)231-1011 Dum.n RUee,u Dewlormeo, WVWen (FDtDD). Te1.NO.: (032) 255-5139 ..... el it W..(0Th 1u1M> gawoo. PaOer.a Amertb DMslO (PPRDL Stl. Not.: (0R) 233-9030; 4147065 MVIWDWmaid,iO. Td.Nov:(032)414PIIQ414i167;41 4fe 6 41473[t; Ulan aiviYm.1U. Not (033) 256-23)5; 2534O61; 414]321 £SlI 2025: SCawpamn nP EaADr, 9"a—rdaa Dq Pn6at Program 2 CAMPAIGN Against International Drug 1 I04 onig Addiction, and Tribute to OFW (Overseas Intl and Local Drug Trafficking Human Trafficking Social Sciences! Studies )flega) ficcru)tmenr OFW's around the ( afl!rn High School College Humanities Health (Drug) world And their Families Filipino Workers) UI Featured Film: CATrLEVA —an OFW Story Program 3 CAMPAIGN IN DISASTER Preparedness and RISK Reduction Featured Films: MAGTIWALA 1(4 (a Super Typhoon Yolanda Story) HA/VAN Killer Typhoon (an Int'l Documentary Film) .ta p Preparedness Disaster Risk Reduction Volunteerism First Aid during calamities and minor accidents Types of Typhoons and Storms formed in the Philippines Disaster Earth Science / Natural Science Elementary High School College Humanities Social Sciences / Studies Health (Health issues during calamities) Classification of Disasters Effects of Climate Change to the environment. Elementary through talents YOUTH EMPOWERMENT Talent Development Featured Films: KALEIDOSCOPE WORLD Mem Music, Arts and High School Physical Education College Talent development and artistic expression through dance and Rap/song Youth Confidence and Family Support ADS Film and Multi-Media Distribution Philippines Main flube No. 24, Block 5 Samagta ^ - any San Juan Floodway East Bank Road Taytay Rizal Makati 5.th-Offjce: Unit 1107 MCSTower, China Races Avenue Makati city Metro Manila PhitippnBs Cthu Sub Office TLC We Care Inc. 75 Don Pedro Cui Street, San Antonio Cebu City (32) 5178420 to 21 091561 email add: adBflImeda@gmaiLcorn, . 4 J. FB;www.forebook.com/addgfj;medio+619174561774 •6392843081 +6391E6€55624 — — Program S RED.DOT CINEMA Short Films Afl moat/on and Analysis Appreciating films from various Countries in Asia depicting local culture and traditions, Music and Arts Elementary (Film) Grades 56 Social Studies High School (Culture) College Appreciating films Conveying and Featured Film: Various Asian Shorts understanding messages from the film Program 6 CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT Nursery features values education for children in the pre-school to Kinder grade 4 Featured Films: KHUMBA, NUT JOB, Sammy's Adventure, Back to Sea. Program 7 3D Film APPRECIATION For Students Featured Films: KI-ItJMBA, NUTJOB, Topics in personality development . Developing confidence and self-esteem for children, Independency Featured Animated 3D Films screened at the nearest Robinsons Movieworld or SM 3D Cinemas, activity includes Presentation of the Latest Digital Cinema technology (based on the film Elementary topics) Arts ZAM BIZIA WORKSHOP 1 KOMIKS ILLUSTRATION AND PRODUCTION WORKSHOP — -a- A workshop divided Arts and Literat into 4 modules, TLE teaching the student to (for livelihood) explore their artistic and story-making potential to be executed as a comic book/magazine Elementary High School ADS Film and Multi-Media Distribution Philippines Main Hub: No. 24, Block 6 Sarnagta - Brgy San Juan Floodway fast Bank Road Taytay Rizal Makati Sub-Office UnIt 1107 MrS Tower China Roces Avenue Makati Cay Metro Manila Philippines Cebu Sub Office tTLc We Care Inc 75 Don Pedro Cui Street San Antonio Cebu City (02) 517.6420 to 21, 0916665%24, email add: ad8fllmedia@grnail.com , FB; www.fa cebook. corn/add 861 rne d is *639174561776 t63 9284308888, 163916.6655624 THINK SHOOT EDIT (TIE) (rates available upon request) production workshop in producing slide to *vp'a to basic tUrn making by the use of the current Arts TLE I Films VJURKCHOP9 .JTU DI OS High School (for Livelihood) TINK SHOOT EDIT software. PItS, to A 8lJ y! Pck-4rp Fv.m I r!r flt!ø WthP ,ca,os wom*as. Ideal for students in the field of arts and films t2OU CIS MSOM 1n.lt r 09] 7457lfl cg9Zn' ]7 5451311k CS2OWlfl To be conducted by: MEDIAKOM Phils. A basic photography Workshop for Students in the Elementary and High School Level, Introducing the artistry in photography from DSLR, Point and Shoot Cameras to Cellphone Cameras. PPSC JUNIOR PHOTOGRAPHY Workshop Elementary TILE High School (for Livelihood) To be Conducted by PPSC Philippine (Professional Photographers Service DETAILS/ SYNOPSIS Of THE PROGRAMS and DETAILED SCHEDULES CAN BE FOUND IN OUR FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/ad8filmedia In this this regard we would like to seek for your endorsement of the preceding programs, as we will be offering this to various schools in the Region tapping both private and public Pre-school, Elementary, Secondary Schools. This is an excellent activity or topic for reaction papers, case studies, community/activity material, classroom discussion and skills enhancement programs supporting/pronioting livelihood and entrepreneurship. Looking forward to your approval and support to the advocacy of using film and media as an alternative material for learning developing intellectual, moral/character and skills of the youth. For your questions and clarifications please Contact ADS Film Media - VISMIN 09258742258 Manila/Luzon: 09174561776 / 0915.4518444 or Email us at adafilmedia@gmaiLcom/ like us on facebook: www.facelbook.com/ad8filmedia a Fib,. and Mt9tifnedia - - ADS Film and Multi-Media Distribution Philippines Main 11th: No. 24, Block 6 Samagta - Brgy San Juan Floodway East Bank Road Taytay Riza Makafi Sub-Office: Unit 1107 MCS Tower, Chub Roce, Avenue Makati CIty Metro Manila Philippines Cebu Sub Office TIC We care Inc. 75 Don Pedro cul Street, San Antonio Cebu City (02) 5176420 to 21, 09166655624, email add: ad8filmedia@grnaiI.com FR: wN.tacebookcom/add8filmedIa +639174561176, +639284308888, +639166655624 Thank you and God Bless. Since NATHALIE ROSE JONOTA Area Marketing Manager MICHAEL A SANTIAGO VP for Marketing ADR Film and Multi-Media Distribution Philippines Main Hub: No. 24, Block 6, Samagta - any San Juan Floodway East Sank Road Taytay Rizat C4. No, and — — MSc.II Sub-Office: Unit 1107 MCS Tower, Chtoo Roces Avenue Makatf City Metro Manila Philippines Cabu Sub Office; TIC We Care Inc. 75 Don Pedro on Street, San Antonio Cebu City (02) 5176420 to 21 09166555624, email add: adfllmSia@gmailcom, ED: wwi.tfacebootcorr/addstilrnedia +539174551776, +639284308888 +63916.6655624 I' PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES (PRISSAAP) CID Mureta Open Bible Christian Academy Murcia. Negros Occidental Email Add Mobile No 09196400905/091 84075373 MiN 30, 2(115 To ALL PRINCIPALS, ADMINISTRATORS, SCHOOL HEADS DEPARTMENT/SUBJECT HEASANQ TEACHERS OF PRISSAAP (Private Schools and School Administrators Association of the Philippines) SUBJECT ENDORSEMENT forADS Film and Multimedia Distribution Philippines Film, Forum and Advocacy Programs and Skills Development Workshops The PRISSAAP - Private Schools and School Administrators Association of the Phlippines is endorsing the Programs and Workshops of ADS Film and Multimedia Distribution Philippines. The programs are intended to present a fulL and computhensive activity for students using the media of films with featured resource speakers and workshops to complete the process linking each topic to their respective school subjects. In teaching the 21' Century learners, the programs and workshops are appropriate to support the academe in enhancing the conveyance of knowledge and development of characters and skills using multimedia technology. Your support and cooperation to the programs will be highly appreciated. Thank you. National Presidéit PRISSAAP Private Schools and School Administrators Association of the Philippines 0