12.3 This problem asks us to show that the minimum cation-to

12.3 This problem asks us to show that the minimum cation-to-anion radius ratio for a coordination
number of 6 is 0.414 (using the rock salt crystal structure). Below is shown one of the faces of the rock salt crystal
structure in which anions and cations just touch along the edges, and also the face diagonals.
From triangle FGH,
GF = 2rA
FH = GH = rA + rC
Since FGH is a right triangle
(GH )2 + (FH )2 = (FG)2
(rA + rC )2 + (rA + rC )2 = (2rA )2
which leads to
rA + rC =
2 rA
Or, solving for rC/rA
⎛ 2
= ⎜
− 1⎟ = 0.414
⎝ 2
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12.5 This problem calls for us to predict crystal structures for several ceramic materials on the basis of
ionic charge and ionic radii.
(a) For CaO, using data from Table 12.3
r 2+
r 2−
0.100 nm
= 0.714
0.140 nm
Now, from Table 12.2, the coordination number for each cation (Ca2+) is six, and, using Table 12.4, the predicted
crystal structure is sodium chloride.
(b) For MnS, using data from Table 12.3
Mn 2+ = 0.067 nm = 0.364
r 2−
0.184 nm
The coordination number is four (Table 12.2), and the predicted crystal structure is zinc blende (Table 12.4).
(c) For KBr, using data from Table 12.3
r +
r −
0.138 nm
= 0.704
0.196 nm
The coordination number is six (Table 12.2), and the predicted crystal structure is sodium chloride (Table 12.4).
(d) For CsBr, using data from Table 12.3
r +
r −
0.170 nm
= 0.867
0.196 nm
The coordination number is eight (Table 12.2), and the predicted crystal structure is cesium chloride (Table 12.4).
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12.13 We are asked to calculate the theoretical density of NiO. This density may be computed using
Equation (12.1) as
ρ =
n' ANi + AO
Since the crystal structure is rock salt, n' = 4 formula units per unit cell. Using the ionic radii for Ni2+ and O2- from
Table 12.3, the unit cell volume is computed as follows:
VC = a 3 = ⎜2r 2+ + 2r 2- ⎟ = [2 (0.069 nm) + 2 (0.140 nm)]3
⎝ Ni
O ⎠
= 0.0730
cm 3
= 7.30 x 10-23
unit cell
unit cell
ρ =
(4 formula units/unit cell)(58.69 g/mol + 16.00 g/mol)
7.30 x 10-23 cm3/unit cell 6.023 x 1023 formula units/mol
= 6.79 g/cm3
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12.33 (a) For a Cu2+O2- compound in which a small fraction of the copper ions exist as Cu+, for each
Cu+ formed there is one less positive charge introduced (or one more negative charge). In order to maintain charge
neutrality, we must either add an additional positive charge or subtract a negative charge.
This may be
accomplished be either creating Cu2+ interstitials or O2- vacancies.
(b) There will be two Cu+ ions required for each of these defects.
(c) The chemical formula for this nonstoichiometric material is Cu1+xO or CuO1-x, where x is some small
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12.39 We are asked for the critical crack tip radius for a glass. From Equation 8.1
⎛ a ⎞1/ 2
σ m = 2σ 0 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ ρt ⎠
Fracture will occur when σm reaches the fracture strength of the material, which is given as E/10; thus
⎛ a ⎞1/ 2
= 2σ 0 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ ρt ⎠
Or, solving for ρt
ρt =
400 aσ 20
From Table 12.5, E = 69 GPa, and thus,
ρt =
(400) (1 x 10−2 mm) (70 MPa) 2
x 10 3 MPa )
= 4.1 x 10-6 mm = 4.1 nm
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