Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature ECO2704 Lecture Notes: Melitz Model Xiaodong Zhu University of Toronto October 15, 2010 1 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature • Dynamic Industry Model with heterogeneous firms where opening to trade leads to reallocations of resources within an industry • Opening to trade leads to • Reallocations of resources across firms • Low productivity firms exit • High productivity firms expand so there is a change in industry composition • High productivity firms enter export markets • Improvements in aggregate industry productivity • No change in firm productivity • Consistent with empirical evidence from trade liberalizations? 2 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature The theoretical model is consistent with a variety of other stylized facts about industries • Heterogeneous firm productivity • Ongoing entry and exit • Co-movement in (gross) entry and exit due to sunk entry costs • Exiting firms are low productivity (selection effect) • Explains why some firms export within industries and others do not • Contrast with traditional theories of comparative advantage • Exporting firms are high productivity (selection effect) • No feedback from exporting to productivity 3 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature • Single factor: labor, numeraire, wage normalized to 1 • Firms enter market by paying sunk entry cost (fe ) • Firms observe their productivity (ϕ) from distribution G (ϕ) • Productivity is fixed thereafter • Once productivity is observed, firms decide whether to produce or exit • Firms produce horizontally-dierentiated varieties, with a fixed production cost (fd ) and a variable cost that depends on their productivity • Firms face an exogenous probability of death (δ) per period due to force majeure events 4 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature Preferences and demand Q= ˆ q(k) k∈Ω σ−1 σ dk σ σ−1 ,σ > 1 Let R be the total expenditures of the representative consumer. Then, p(k) −σ q(k) = Q P p(k) 1−σ R r (k) = p(k)q(k) = P Here p(k) is the price of variety k and P is the price index faced by the consumer, 1 ˆ 1−σ 1−σ p(k) dk P= k∈Ω 5 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature Technology The amount of labour needed for a firm to produce q(k) units of variety k is fd + q(k)/ϕ(k) So the total cost of production is fd + q(k)/ϕ(k) and the marginal cost is 1/ϕ(k) All firms with the same productivity behave in exactly the same way. So we will use productivity ϕ rather than variety k to identify a firm. 6 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature Profit maximization Each firm produces a differentiated variety (monopolistic competition): π(ϕ) = maxq(ϕ) {p(ϕ)q(ϕ) − fd + q(ϕ)/ϕ} Constant markup pricing: p(ϕ) = σ ϕ−1 = (ρϕ)−1 σ−1 (1) which implies the following: r (ϕ) = (̺ϕ)σ−1 P σ−1 R, q(ϕ) = [̺ϕ]σ P σ−1 R π(ϕ) = r (ϕ) − fd σ (2) (3) 7 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature Entry and exit Prior to entry, a firm incurs a sunk cost of entry, fe . Upon entry, it draws a productivity ϕ randomly from a distribution G (.). The firm will stay in the market only if π(ϕ) ≥ 0 or r (ϕ) ≥ σfd Current value of firm ϕ is ∞ X π(ϕ) t ,0 (1 − δ) max {π(ϕ), 0} = max v (ϕ) = δ t=0 Let ϕ∗ be the cutoff productivity such that π(ϕ∗ ) = 0 and pin (ϕ∗ ) = 1 − G (ϕ∗ ) the probability that a firm will stay. Then, productivity distribution of producing firms is given by the following density function: ( g (ϕ) ∗ pin (ϕ∗ ) if ϕ ≥ ϕ (4) µ(ϕ) = 0 otherwise 8 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature Equilibrium in a closed economy A stationary equilibrium is a vector (ϕ∗ , M, Me , P, R) of cutoff productivity, mass of producing firms, mass of entrants, price level and aggregate expenditures such that price, revenue, quantity and profit for each firm ϕ are given by equation (1) to (3), the distribution of producing firms is given by µ(ϕ) in equation (4), and the following conditions hold: Zero profit condition: π(ϕ∗ ) = 0 Free entry condition: pin (ϕ∗ ) ˆ π(ϕ) µ(ϕ)dϕ = fe δ Stationarity condition: pin (ϕ∗ ) Me = δM Market clearing condition: R=L 9 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature Price index 1 1−σ µ(ϕ)Md ϕ P= ˆ p(ϕ) P = M 1/(1−σ) ρ−1 ˆ ϕσ−1 µ(ϕ)d ϕ = M 1/(1−σ) (ρϕ)−1 1−σ Here ϕ= ˆ σ−1 ϕ (5) 1 σ−1 µ(ϕ)d ϕ is a weighted average of firm productivities. 10 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature Profit function and entrants’ expected value From (2), (3), (5) and the market clearing condition: σ−1 L ϕ − fd π (ϕ) = ϕ σM Entrants’ expected value: ˆ pin (ϕ∗ ) L π (ϕ) ∗ π (ϕ) ∗ µ(ϕ)d ϕ = pin (ϕ ) = − fd v = pin (ϕ ) δ δ δ σM 11 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature Mass of producing firms Zero profit condition=⇒ ϕ∗ ϕ σ−1 L = fd σM Free entry condition =⇒ pin (ϕ∗ ) L − fd = fe δ σM Thus, " ϕ∗ ϕ 1−σ # − 1 fd = (6) δfe pin (ϕ∗ ) 12 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature Cutoff productivity in equilibrium " ∗ =⇒ H(ϕ ) ≡ ϕ∗ ϕ ˆ 1−σ ∞ ϕ∗ " # − 1 fd = ϕ ϕ∗ σ−1 δfe pin (ϕ∗ ) # − 1 g (ϕ)d ϕ = δfe /fd (7) LHS is a decreasing function, so ϕ∗ increases in fixed production cost fd , but decreases in entry cost fe 13 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature Number of firms in equilibrium From equation (6), M= L σ [fd + δfe /pin (ϕ∗ )] 14 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature Size distribution in equilibrium Firm ϕ employs z(ϕ) =q(ϕ)/ϕ number of worker for production z(ϕ) = p(ϕ) P −σ Q/ϕ = σρfd ϕ ϕ∗ σ−1 Thus, the average firm size is z = σρfd ϕ ϕ∗ σ−1 = σρ [fd + δfe /pin (ϕ∗ )] 15 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature Properties of Closed Economy Equilibrium • Increasing fixed production cost fd will • raise average productivity • raise average firm size • but lower the number of producing firms • Increasing sunk entry cost fe will • lower average productivity • lower average firm size • and lower the number of producing firms 16 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature • n + 1 identical countries, so identical wage, price level and income across countries • wage is normalized to 1 • To produce, a firm will first incur a fixed production cost fd • If the firm decides to export, it will also incur a fixed export cost fx • Iceberg trade cost τ 17 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature Trade costs Same markup pricing for exports: px (ϕ) = τ = τ pd (ϕ) ̺ϕ Revenue functions: rd (ϕ) = (̺ϕ)σ−1 P σ−1 R rx (ϕ) = τ 1−σ rd (ϕ) Profit functions: πd (ϕ) = rd (ϕ) − fd σ πx (ϕ) = rx (ϕ) − fx σ π(ϕ) = πd (ϕ) + nπx (ϕ) 18 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature Cutoff productivities The cutoff productivity below which a firm will now produce: ϕ∗d πd (ϕ∗d ) = 0 Nominal income remains the same as in closed economy: R = L Price level is lower than that in the closed economy =⇒ πd (ϕ) < πa (ϕ) =⇒ ϕ∗a < ϕ∗d Trade increases competition and forces some firms to exit inefficient The cutoff productivity for exporting: max ϕ∗d , ϕ∗x πx (ϕ∗x ) = 0 If τ σ−1 fx > fd , then ϕ∗d < ϕ∗x : not all producing firms export, and exporting firms are more productive 19 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature Open economy results • The opening of trade leads to: • Rise in the zero profit cutoff productivity • Rise in average firm revenue and profit • Low productivity firms between ϕ∗a and ϕ∗d exit • Intermediate productivity firms betwen ϕ∗d and ϕ∗x contract • Only firms with productivities greater than ϕ∗x enter export markets and expand • All of the above lead to a change in industry composition that raises aggregate industry productivity 20 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature Subsequent literature • Helpman, Melitz and Rubinstein (2004) “Export Versus FDI with Heterogeneous Firms," American Economic Review, 94, 300-316. • Introduces both exports and FDI as alternative means of serving a foreign market • Introduces an outside sector to tractably characterize equilibrium with many asymmetric sectors • Antras and Helpman (2004) “Global Sourcing," Journal of Political Economy, 112(3), 552-580. • Combines the Melitz model with the Antras (2003) model of incomplete contracts and trade • Bernard, Redding and Schott (2007) “Comparative Advantage and Heterogeneous Firms," Review of Economic Studies, 73(1), 31-66. • Incorporates the Melitz model into the framework of integrated equilibrium of Helpman and Krugman (1985) 21 / 22 Introduction Closed Economy Model Open Economy Model Subsequent literature Subsequent literature • Chaney, Thomas (2008) “Distorted Gravity: the Intensive and Extensive Margins of International Trade," American Economic Review, September. • Provides a simplified static version of the Melitz model without ongoing firm entry and with an outside sector • Examines the model’s implications for the extensive and intensive margins of international trade • Arkolakis, Costas, Klenow, Peter, Demidova, Svetlana and Andres Rodriguez-Clare (2009) “The Gains from Trade with Endogenous Variety," American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 98 (4), 444-450. • Solves the Chaney version of the model without an outside sector • Derives a sufficient statistic for welfare of the same form as that in Eaton and Kortum (2002) 22 / 22