كلية االقتصاد واإلدارة Faculty of Economic & Business Syllabus Strategic Management (BUS 420) 1st Semester 2014-2015 Mrs. Sebba Matuq Lecturer at the department of Business Administration Class Details: Monday, Wednesday Section BAR from 8 to 9:20, Building 5, Room 502 Contact Details: Email: m00n_eye@hotmail.com Building/Office: 2/2209. Office Hours: S.Tue.T 8-10 & 12-1or by appointment by an email to make an appointment) Course Description: With the advent of the (global) marketplace becoming more and more dynamic and tough due to an ever-intensifying competition, a key determinant/antecedent of the firms’ survival (let alone their success and/or superior performance) has become their ability to ensure a continuous adaptation with the changes taking place in their environment. In such a scenario, the managers/organizations, in order to be successful, need to exhibit a profound understanding of the dynamics of their industries, the changes/trends in other aspects of their firms’ external environment and the firms’ internal strengths and weaknesses. They must be able to think creatively (with a strategic-orientation) in crafting effective strategies to exploit their firms’ strengths while taking on the opportunities available to overcome their firms’ weaknesses in order not to be adversely affected by the threats being posed by the external environment. This course aims at exposing the students to the topics relevant to managing (in fact leading) the businesses strategically in turbulent environments. The primary objective of this course is to familiarize them with the nature and dynamics of the strategy formulation and implementation processes as they occur in the contemporary organizations. The course centers on elaborating upon the avenues for superior business performance through identifying the possible means to create and leverage sustainable competitive advantage. The students are induced to think critically in identifying strategic issues and design appropriate courses of action in order to take on the opportunities available in the (real and/or contrived) business settings. Course Objectives: Develop critical thinking/reasoning skills Develop an experiential understanding of the strategic management process Practice strategic thinking and decision making processes in the executive leadership and management role Enable students to: o Conduct a situational analysis including both internal and external influences o Analyze various business strategies and create a strategic business plan o Explore the interrelatedness of key functional areas within organizations o Help others to promote a long-term, positive, friendly, and supportive class atmosphere by discussing issues, exploring alternatives and reaching consensus in a team environment. 1 Course Topic Outline: * (this is a tentative schedule only and may be subject to change.) Assignment* Course Topic Introduction to strategic management Environmental Scanning and Industry Analysis Chapter 1 Chapter 4 Internal Scanning: Organizational Analysis Mid Term Exam Strategy Formulation: Situation Analysis and Business Strategy Strategy Formulation: Corporate Strategy Strategy Formulation: Functional Strategy and Strategic Choice Implementation of the Strategy Chapter 5 20 Points Evaluation and Control over the Total Strategic Management Effort Final Exam Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 11 40 Points Note: There will be some case studies given during the course and it will be determined later. Required Text Book: Wheelen, T.I. and Hunger, D (2012). Strategic Management and Business Policy (13th Edition). NJ: Pearson. Grading and evaluation: The overall performance of the student(s) will be assessed while using the following criteria; Mid Term Examination Final Term Examination Project 1st Quiz 2nd Quiz Total 20 points 40 points 25 points 5 points 10 points 100 points Final grades will be based on the following scale: Marks Grade 95-100% 90-94% 85-89% 80-84% 75-79% 70-74% 65-69% 60-64% 0-59% A+ A B+ B C+ C D+ D F 2 THE PROJECT ASSIGNMENT: The purpose of the project is to provide the students with the opportunity to examine the nature and dynamics of strategic management efforts being undertaken by the contemporary organizations. The students will be working in (self-managed) teams of 3-4 students for this project. They may opt to work on any one of the following (two) projects; Project Option I The team(s) will choose compare and contrast the strategic issues faced by two competitors in the same industry. Identify two companies that are operating in the industry you have studied. Preferably, choose two that have very different performances in the recent past. Divide the team into two subunits, and each unit will focus on one firm. 1. Each team subunit should identify the current strategy of the firm and appraise its internal resources and capabilities. How is the current strategy incorporating these competencies and helping the firm compete within the industry? 2. Evaluate the current performance of the firm. How successful has the strategy been in generating an above average financial performance for the firm over time and relation to the industry and competitors? 3. Compare the two firms. Faced with the same industry environment, examine how and why the firms pursued the strategies they did. 4. What are your recommendations for these firms? How would you change their strategies? What recommendations do you have for implementation? Project Option II The team(s) will scan the local business environment of Jeddah; the team will set up a business concern and develop a strategic plan for it. The entity selected for this purpose could be anything like a restaurant, amusement park, fitness studio (may be for females), sports center, hospital, or business school etc. In addition, the company may be small, medium, or large and could operate in either the for-profit or nonprofit sector. The team must be able to visit the offices and plants, and be able to meet with and interview at least one company official. In the report, the elements constituting the external environment and the opportunities and threats posed by this external environment have to be as factual and logical as possible. Examinations: Exams will consist of short answer questions, multiple choice questions, true and false etc., reflecting material presented in the textbook, outside readings, class lectures, discussions, and videotapes. Attendance: It is important that you attend all class sessions, as exam questions will reflect material presented in both the text and during lecture/discussion. I value class participation. Your presence and participation during each and every class period contributes to everyone's overall learning. Persistent absence, tardiness or chatting in class will harm your grade. If you must be absent for any reason, you are still responsible for any materials covered or assignments given during the session you missed. Please notify me in advance of your absence (including for work assignments), so we can make arrangements for make-up work/exams, if necessary. Keeping in touch with me: First, ask questions in class (it helps you and may help others). Alternatively, visit me during my posted office hours or send me an e-mail. 3 4