Albert Sauveur Night - University of Delaware

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Albert Sauveur Night
Spouses and guests are invited and welcome.
Williamson Banquet, Easton Road, Horsham, PA
Meeting Cancellation Notification
In the event of cancellation of a meeting due to inclement weather, we will broadcast the news as part of KYW News radio's (1060AM) Storm Center Service. ASM
cancellations will be specifically announced when KYW airs community cancellations at :20 and :50 past each hour during the afternoon of the day of the meeting.
ASM's name will be specifically mentioned, so listen for the name rather than an
organization number as is used for schools.
Drexel University
TOPIC: Thermal Plasma
Processing of Materials
Thermal plasmas, generated by
electric arc discharges, can be used
in a wide range of materials processing applications, including cutting,
welding, melting of steel and specialized alloys, production of coatings to modify the surface
properties of materials, synthesis of novel materials and
the treatment and destruction of hazardous wastes. Key
aspects of these will be presented, with an emphasis on
plasma sprayed coatings and their unique microstructures.
Dr. Richard Knight, FASM, received his Ph.D. in
Electronic and Electrical Engineering from Loughborough
University in the UK in 1985, having previously completed
his M.Sc. in Electroheat and Industrial Process Heating,
also at Loughborough University, in 1978. Dr. Knight was a
Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN, from 1985 to 1989, prior to joining Drexel
University in 1989, and since 1997 he has directed the
Center for the Plasma Processing of Materials.
Dr. Knight has over 25 years experience in the design,
development and use of electric arc and thermal plasma
systems for materials processing, including electrodes and
torches, furnaces/reactors, and DC power supplies. Dr.
Knight has almost 20 years experience in the development
of parameters and techniques for the thermal spraying of
This Month’s E-Newsletter Sponsored by:
materials, including metals, ceramics, composites, polymers and polymer-ceramic nano-composite coatings. His
current research interests include thermal spray technology and education, thermal spraying of polymers, plasma
recycling and treatment of waste and plasma synthesis of
materials. His research has been funded by NSF, DoE,
NASA and a number of industrial sponsors.
Dr. Knight was elected as a Fellow of ASM International
in 2003 and served as Vice-President, President and PastPresident of ASM International's Thermal Spray Society
(TSS) from 2002-08. He previously chaired the TSS
Program and Training Committees and served as
Secretary/Treasurer of TSS. He has published over 80
papers related to plasma, arc and thermal spray coating
technology, has given more than 80 presentations at
National and International Conferences, holds 3 Patents
and has co-organized several technical sessions at conferences. Dr. Knight serves as proposal reviewer for NSF,
DoE, EPA and CRDF, and is a member of the editorial
boards of the Journal of Thermal Spray Technology and
Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing.
Recently Dr. Knight was selected to serve as a member
of the ASM International Board of Trustees, received the
TSS President's Award in April 2009, and on May 1st 2009
was announced as the first Fellow of Alpha Sigma Mu.
Dr. Knight has also co-developed and co-taught the ASM
course on Thermal Spray Technology for more than a decade.
Technical Chairperson
Fred Schmidt, Jr.
Engineering Systems, Inc.
Meeting Sponsors
Solar Manufacturing Inc.
B & G Manufacturing Inc.
Dinner Menu
Buffet Style Caesar Salad
Chicken Parmesan
Baked Cod
Meatballs & Penne Pasta with
Marinara Sauce
String Beans
Ice Cream Cake with
Strawberry Sauce
Social Hour - 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Dinner - 7:00 p.m.
Prices: Members & Guests: $30.00;
Retirees: $20.00; Students: $16.00
Meeting Registration:
Register to attend our meeting on our web
site If you have
a large group attending or do not have
access to the web site, please contact Don
Jordan at 215-721-1502 ext 206 to register.
Philadelphia “Liberty Bell” Chapter Newsletter
Meeting - Thursday, March 18, 2010
Chairperson's Message
March, 2010
Greetings to all of you and I hope that you have recovered from all of that snow shoveling. The Olympics are over and the
USA did very well. The Phillies have started playing and that is one of my most favorite first signs of spring. At the ASMI
Liberty Bell Chapter, we have our very own first signs of spring. The nominations for new officers are announced at the
March meeting. The Sauveur Award is presented in March. This year it goes to a great person and good friend,
Dr. Rick Knight, PH.D., FASM, Professor at Drexel University. Rick has been a strong influence on the students at Drexel and a great
supporter of ASMI both locally and nationally. I look forward to seeing him receive the award and also learning about Thermal Plasma
Processing, a process I know very little about.
I also want to thank Scott Mackenzie for his presentation last month. Scott's talk was very interesting and enlightening.
Sometimes it is only a simple change that makes a big difference. I again want to remind you that Sarah would appreciate your help next
year. Please volunteer to help in some way if you can.
Don't forget to mark your calendars and to attend the April meeting. It is the showcase event of the year.
Bob Rich
2009-2010 Chairperson
Inductotherm Tour - Tuesday May 18th - 9AM
The Professional Development Committee of the ASM Liberty Bell Chapter is responsible for providing programs for the purpose of continuing the educational
needs of the Chapter membership. Last year, this was accomplished with an exciting tour of the Limerick Nuclear Power Plant. This year's tour will be sure to
meet the same expectations with a facilities tour of Inductotherm Corp., an Inductotherm Group company.
Located in Rancocas New Jersey, Inductotherm is the worldwide leader in induction technology. Inductotherm is the world's largest manufacturer of induction
equipment and provides induction melting, holding, heating, and pouring systems for virtually all metals. In addition, Inductotherm has been involved with our local
Liberty Bell Chapter as a sustaining member for over 17 years.
The tour is scheduled for Tuesday, May 18th beginning at 9AM. Please plan to arrive before 9AM so the tour may start as scheduled. Please register for this
tour by contacting Trevor Jones at or 215-721-1502 x 351. We are requesting you register (full name, title, and company name) by April 20th to
allow ample time for the necessary preparations as a pass will be required to enter the plant. Please visit Inductotherm's website for more details:
Upcoming Events. . .
Thursday Albert Sauvuer Award Night - Topic: Thermal Plasma Processing of Materials, Williamson Banquet, Willow Grove, PA
Thursday Sustaining Members Night - Topic: Medical Device Accident Investigation, Williamson Banquet, Willow Grove, PA
Tuesday Inductotherm Tour - Rancocas, NJ - starts at 9:00am
Thursday Honors & Past Chairman Night - Topic: Awards & Honors, Williamson Banquet, Willow Grove, PA
Monday Golf Outing
6-21 thru 6-25
Sustaining Member Luncheon, 12:00 noon, Otto’s in Horsham, PA
Materials Camp 2010 - Drexel University
This Month’s E-Newsletter Sponsored by:
Philadelphia “Liberty Bell” Chapter Newsletter
ASM Sustaining Member News
The Sustaining Member Thank You Luncheon will be held on
Friday, April 9, 2010. Invitations will be mailed to all Company
Sustaining Member Representatives.
April 15th, 2010 will be the Sustaining Members Expo! The Expo
starts at 5:30 pm. Come and see what your fellow ASM Member
Companies have to offer. If your company has a Sustaining
Membership with the ASM Liberty Bell Chapter, don't forget to sign up
to participate in the Expo.
-If you are not a current ASM Sustaining Member, and want more information on how to become a Sustaining Member with the Liberty Bell
Chapter, or
- If you are a current Sustaining Member and have questions about
upcoming Sustaining Member events:
- Contact Sarah Mansuetti: Email:
Phone: 215.855.1131 x221
Meeting - Thursday, March 18, 2010
2010-2011 Yearbook Advertising
Campaign Has Begun!
The Liberty Bell yearbook is seen by over 900 materials
professionals and companies in the Delaware Valley and South
Jersey. And, it has been consistently recognized by ASM International
as one of the top chapter publications worldwide. Professionally put
together and printed, the Liberty Bell yearbook provides a focused
method of getting your company’s products and services in front of the
people who use them!
The Liberty Bell Chapter advertising committee has mailed the
2010-2011 advertising contracts to our current list of advertisers. While
we are receiving some early commitments, we still have a far way to go
to achieve our advertising goal this year. If you have not received an
advertising rate sheet/contract and would like to advertise this year,
please contact Ed Mazeika at or call 540-890-3044
to receive your contract today.
C.F. Burns Memorial
Poster Contest
Materials Camp Scheduled
for 2010
The Liberty Bell Chapter will be holding its 9th annual poster contest
for graduate students during our Sustaining Members Night on Thursday,
April 15, 2010. This will be the 6th year the contest is sponsored by Solar
Atmospheres, Inc. and prize money will be $500 for 1st Place, $300 for 2nd
Place, and $200 for 3rd Place. Due to limited space, we are asking students
to pre-register. Space will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis.
Please register your name and poster title with Mike Moyer at or call him at 215-721-1502 x207. Good luck to everyone!
Our sixth annual Materials Camp will be held at Drexel
University June 21 through 25. Specific information and
application forms are available on the Chapter Web Site.
This highly successful program requires a major financial
commitment from our Chapter. We depend on individual and
corporate donations to keep this valuable program possible.
Contact Tom Reid at 215-378-5997 or for
information on becoming a sponsor.
Help the Chapter -- and Delaware Valley Science Fair
Once again this year, ASM chapter members will be involved in judging the Delaware Valley Science Fairs. On April 7, 2010, judging will occur for the Delaware
Valley Science Fairs. The DVSF is an annual competition for middle and high school students from eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, and southern New Jersey. In
addition to selecting the recipients of ASM prizes for materials-related projects, some members have assisted in judging categories such as physics, chemistry, and
engineering. This year for the first time, the award medals will be handed out at the awards ceremony on April 8 rather than being mailed from National.
But, more judges are always welcome. The judges are all volunteers and come from a variety of technical areas, including industry, education, and research.
Although there is not a specific materials category, your materials background qualifies you for a variety of areas.
Recently, chapter member judges have also been distributing applications to Materials Camp to students in their sophomore and junior years; this has been quite
effective in finding Materials Camp participants.
So, in addition to helping the DVSF, you could help the chapter further its educational goals by being a judge. This year's fair will be held at the Greater
Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks, PA. Judging will be done on April 7, 2010. If you are interested in being a judge, you can sign up at If
you need more information about judging, or some encouragement, talk to John Janiszewski ( or 215.641.8849).
This Month’s E-Newsletter Sponsored by:
Philadelphia “Liberty Bell” Chapter Newsletter
Changes To Your Membership
Any Chapter Member who needs to make a change to their
membership listing or to their company affiliation listing must
call Membership Service, ASM International at 1-800-336-5152
or use the ASMI website at www. This
will permanently update your information. We depend on ASM
International to receive our updated e-mail list for this enewsletter and company membership listing for the upcoming
2009-2010 yearbook.
Meeting - Thursday, March 18, 2010
Do you have news...
that should be shared with the other members of the “Liberty
Bell” Chapter? If so, please send your info to Jim Watters at
his email address:
Be sure to add the phrase “Item to add to the ASM Chapter
newsletter” in the subject line. We’ll be sure to include it in the
next monthly Chapter newsletter.
For more info about the
ASM Liberty Bell Chapter. . .
Contact Chapter Chairperson Bob Rich at
215-572-3485 or email him at
Mission Statement ASM International, Philadelphia "Liberty Bell" Chapter
The Philadelphia "Liberty Bell" Chapter of ASM International supports the development and continuance of the materials industry in the Philadelphia area. Chapter activities strive to inform the local technical community of new developments in materials,
raise the visibility of the materials industry, provide educational opportunities in materials technology, recruit new people and
organizations into materials-related activities, and provide networking opportunities for members of the materials community. The
Chapter works with ASM International to use our joint resources to accomplish this mission.
This Month’s E-Newsletter Sponsored by: