Found Guildy! Forbs, Ferns, Trees, Shrubs, Mosses... WHAT is a GUILD A guild is a group of plants or animals that have a similar lifestyle, but are not necessarily closely related (although they can be). For instance... shark squid sea lion dolphin Tuna What do these animals have in common? They are not closely related... FISH MAMMAL MAMMAL CEPHALOPOD They are all large ocean carnivores, mostly eating fish FISH This shared lifestyle makes them a GUILD Plant Guilds • Forbs: flowering, herbaceous, not grasses • Shrubs: flowering or cone-bearing, woody stems, many different stems • Trees: flowering or cone-bearing, woody stem, usually one main stem • Ferns: no flowers or seeds, but do have roots and leaves. Reproduce with spores. • Mosses: no true root structure, reproducve via spores Forbs: Flowering: reproduces with a flower, not a cone or a spore Herbaceous: this means stems are soft, not woody Shrubs Woody Stem: does not bend easily, and has long, woody fibers when broken Many Stems: not one main trunk Trees One main stem: most trees have a main stem, with smaller branches extending from it Woody stem: like shrubs, trees have a woody stem Ferns Spores: Ferns reproduce with special structures called spores, which are different from seeds Roots: unlike moss, ferns have well-developed roots Mosses Spores: mosses also reproduce with spores No roots: do not have a real root system, just hairlike structures Can you name that guild? Which guild do you think these three plants belong in? A. B. C. Bonus question: can you name these plants? Answers: A. Tree Red alder B. Moss Sphagnum moss C. Forb Skunk cabbage That was way too easy. What about these? A. B. C. Answers: A. Moss (kinda) Club moss: similar to a moss, but not quite the same B. Fern Fern tree: around 40 ft tall and found in New Zealand C. Fungus Trick question! That’s not a plant at all