Copyright 0 1987 by the Genetics Society of America Genetics of Male and Female Sterility in Hybrids of Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis H. Allen Orr’ Department of Zoology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742 Manuscript received January 9, 1987 Revised copy accepted May 6, 1987 ABSTRACT The genetic basis of male and female sterility in hybrids of Drosophila pseudoobscura-Drosophila persimilis was studied using backcross analysis. Previous studies indirectly assessed male fertility by measuring testis size; these studies concluded that male sterility results from an X chromosomeautosome imbalance. By directly scoring for the production of motile sperm, male sterility is shown to be largely due to an incompatibility between genes on the X and Y chromosomes of these two species. These species have diverged at a minimum of nine loci affecting hybrid male fertility. Semisterilityof hybrid females appears to result from an X chromosome-cytoplasminteraction; the X chromosome thus has the largest effect on sterility in both male and female hybrids. This is apparently the first analysis of the genetic basis of female sterility, or of sterility/inviabilityaffecting both sexes, in an animal hybridization. S TUDY of the genetic basis of reproductive isolation can clarify the process of speciation. For example, such analysis can reveal whether isolation between closely related species results from divergence at one or a few major loci as suggested by GOULD(1 980), or if many genes are involved. Second, such studies can determine whether some chromosomes tend to diverge faster than others and thus play a larger role in speciation. WU and BECKENBACH (1983) and CHARLESWORTH, COYNEand BARTON (1987), for example, note that the X chromosome often plays a larger role in hybrid sterility and inviability than the autosomes; the latter authors propose a population genetic explanation of this pattern. Furthermore, analysis of species differences can help resolve the genetic basis of “Haldane’s rule,” which states that “When in the F1 offspring of 2 different animal races one sex is absent, rare, or sterile, that sex is the heterozygous [heterogametic] sex” (HALDANE, 1922). This rule holds in taxa where males (e.g., dipterans and mammals) and where females (e.g., birds and lepidopterans) are the heterogametic sex. An important goal of speciation genetics has been determination of the genetic basis of HALDANE’S rule. Two explanations have been offered. First, DOBZHANSKY (1 937a) proposed that heterogametic hybrids suffer from an X-autosomal imbalance: while homogametic hybrids have one X chromosome and a haploid set of autosomes from each species, heterogametic hybrids lack an X chromosome that is “compatible” with one set of autosomes. There ’ Current address: Department of Biology, University of Chicago, 1103 Fast 57th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637. Genetics 1 1 6 555-563 (August, 1987) are several variations of this hypothesis (for example, 1937b), but the most widely accepted DOBZHANSKY argues that the incompatibility results from a breakdown of normal epistasis, i.e., the usual interaction of conspecific X chromosome and autosomal gene products cannot occur in heterogametic hybrids. Alternatively, several workers (HALDANE1932; CURTIS, 1980; COYNE1985) have LANGLEY and TREWERN suggested that heterogametic sterility and/or inviability may result from an incompatibility between loci on the X and Y chromosomes of the parental species. Y-linked fertility genes are known in several species of Drosophila (HESS1975). Although examples of X-autosomal (DOBZHANSKY 1974), X-Y (COYNE1985) and Y-autosomal (VIGNEAULT and ZOUROS 1986) hybrid incompatibilities have been found in Drosophila, the X-autosomal imbalance explanation remains the most popular (e.g., LEWONTIN1974; STANSFIELD1979). Much of this (1936) classic popularity derives from DOBZHANSKY’S study of male sterility in hybrids of the sibling species D. pseudoobscura and D. persimilis. D. pseudoobscura [“race A” in DOBZHANSKY (1936)l occurs in the western United States and in Central America; D. persimilis (“race B”) is found in the western United States, where it is sympatric with D. pseudoobscura (DOBZHANSKY and EPLING1944). DOBZHANSKY (1936) argued that the fertility of male hybrids of these species increases with the number of autosomes that are conspecific with the X chromosome. He thus concluded that sterility is “determined by interactions of factors located in the X chromosome with factors located in the 1936, p. 133) and that “the autosomes” (DOBZHANSKY 556 H. A. Orr Y is not connected with hybrid sterility” (DOBZHANSKY 1937a, p. 281). Here I present the results of an experimental reanalysis of D. pseudoobscura-D, persimilis hybrid sterility. This reanalysis seemed necessary for several reasons, First, DOBZHANSKY (1933b, 1936) did not directly test the fertility of experimental males. Instead, he measured their testis size, arguing that testis size and fertility are strongly correlated. While it is true that males with very small testes are sterile (DOBZHANSKY and POWELL1975), LANCEFIELD (1929) had already shown that hybrid backcross males with testes of normal size are sterile more often than males from the pure species. Thus, the evidence for X-autosomal incompatibility and against Y chromosome effects in hybrid male sterility may be based upon data of questionable relevance. Here I measure male fertility by scoring production of motile sperm. Also, DOBZHANSKY (1936) did not rigorously test the fertility of hybrid females, which allows a powerful test of the Xautosomal imbalance theory: if F1 males are sterile because they suffer from a greater X-autosomal imbalance than F1 females then any hybrid female having an X-autosomal imbalance equivalent to F1 males should be sterile. COYNE(1 985) tested this prediction in the D. melanogaster group, and found that “unbalanced” hybrid females were perfectly fertile. Analysis of female fertility can also clarify contradictory claims about D. pseudoobscura-D. persimilis F1 females. LANCEFIELD (1929) described F1 females as variously described F1 semisterile, but DOBZHANSKY females as semisterile (DOBZHANSKY 1933a,b) or fertile (DOBZHANSKY 1937a). Although in either case D. pseudoobscura-D. persimilis hybrid sterility provides a rule (F, males are more good example of HALDANE’S affected than females), the reported semisterility of FI females affords a rare opportunity to study the genetics of hybrid female sterility. Thus, one can assess how similar the genetic bases of male and female hybrid sterility are; does the X chromosome, for example, have a large effect in both cases? This information is useful in testing evolutionary explanations of HALDANE’Srule and of the large role of the X chromosome in speciation. MATERIALS AND METHODS T h e experimental design is similar to that of DOBZHANSKY (1936):crosses are made between a D. pseudoobscura strain carrying morphological markers and a wild-type D.persimilis strain. T h e hybrid F1 females are backcrossed to one of the parental species, producing offspring with different combinations of D.pseudoobscura and D. persimilis chromosomes. T h e identity of these chromosomes is apparent from an individual’s phenotype. By assessing the fertility of each backcross phenotype, one can determine which combinations of chromosomes cause hybrid sterility. Although the X, second, and third chromosomes of these species differ by fixed inversions (TAN1935), some unde- tected recombination between D.pseudoobscura and D. persimilis chromosomes occurs in F1 females when few mutant markers are used. T h e result is an increase in variation in fertility of a scored backcross class. This difficulty does not, (1936) however, invalidate this method. As DOBZHANSKY argued, undetected recombination can change the mean fertility of a phenotype but not the differences between classes. I made four backcrosses: two to each parental species. Male and female fertility were studied in all backcross progeny. In the backcrosses to D. pseudoobscura, a D. pseudoobscura strain having each major chromosome marked with a recessive mutation [yellow (y 1-59); glass (glII-83);orange (or 111-0);incomplete (inc IV-0) (map locations from ANDERSON and NORMAN (1977)l was crossed reciprocally to a wildtype strain of D. persimilis from Mather, California. T h e F, females from each cross were backcrossed to the marked strain, yielding 16 classes of offspring. As the initial cross was reciprocal, the two backcrosses had different sources of cytoplasm. All backcross males in this series carried the D. pseudoobscura Y chromosome and all females carried at least one D. pseudoobscura X chromosome. Every individual had at least a haploid number of D.pseudoobscura autosomes. I made backcrosses to D.persimilis to obtain hybrid flies with a predominantly D. persimilis genetic background. T o distinguish between females carrying one or both D. persimilis X chromosomes, I used a dominant X-linked mutation in D. pseudoobscura. Thus, reciprocal crosses were made between Pointed (Pt: 1-0) yellow (y: 1-59) D.pseudoobscura and the D.persimilis Mather strain; the F1females from each cross were backcrossed to D. persimilis. As no autosomes were marked, this backcross produced only two classes of males and females: those with homospecific or heterospecific sex chromosomes. I also tested the fertility of males and females from the parental stocks and from the F I . Male fertility was tested by the method of COYNE(1984). A male was scored as fertile if he had any motile sperm; a male with no motile sperm was scored as sterile. T h e fertility of a male genotype was calculated as the percentage of individuals with at least one motile sperm. Though this method ignores subtle differences in motility, the sterility effects of chromosomes are often sufficiently large to allow detection with this all-or-none approach (see RESULTS below). Female fertility was tested by placing an individual female in a 2-dram vial with one wild-type male from each parental species. After 7 days, the vials were scored for the presence of larvae. If no larvae were found, the female’s reproductive tract was dissected in insect Ringer’s solution and her seminal receptacle/spermathecae scored for motile sperm under a compound microscope. If motile sperm were found, she was scored as sterile. When no motile sperm were found (this was rare), the female was considered unmated and not counted in the calculation of the fertility of a genotype. Females that died before producing offspring were also not counted in the fertility calculation. The vials which housed “sterile” females were retained for 7 days and then reexamined. If larvae were found the female was reclassified as fertile. Female fertility was calculated as the percentage of mated females who produced larvae. T o facilitate interspecific mating, crosses were kept at 18” for 2 days (KOOPMAN1950) and then transferred to 22”. Fertility data were analyzed with G (log likelihood ratio) tests using the FUNCAT procedure (SAS Institute, Inc.). This procedure measures the effect of a chromosome substitution by comparing all genotypes that differ in this substitution. T h e effect of a chromosome is thus reported 557 Genetics of Hybrid Sterility X/Y 2 3 4 TABLE 1 94/98 Fertility of males and females from stocks and hybrid FI 27/32 Genotype Males D.pseudoobscura (J gl or inc) D.pseudoobscura (Pt y) D.persimilis (Mather) F, (D.pseudoobscura cytoplasm) F, (D.persimilis cytoplasm) Females D. pseudoobscura (J gl or inc) D.pseudoobscura (Pt y) D.persimilis (Mather) F, (D. pseudoobscura cytoplasm) F1 (D.persimillis cytoplasm) Percent fertile Total 99.5 94.0 99.5 0.0 0.0 200 200 200 200 100 98.6 100.0 96.7 71.6 96.0 74 25 30 102 50 37/43 17/35 34/45 29/38 26/92 31/54 0/40 0/6 1 0184 as a single G statistic. Several pairwise heterogeneity G tests were also performed. 1 /75 11121 RESULTS O / 104 Male fertility Backcross to D. pseudoobscura: Pure species males are highly fertile, and FL males are completely sterile 1929; DOBZHAN(Table l ) , as expected (LANCEFIELD SKY 1936). Figure 1 shows male fertility data from the backcross of F1 females having D.pseudoobscura cytoplasm to D. pseudoobscura [the backcross classes in figures are numbered to match those of Figures 1 and 2 in DOBZHANSKY (1936)l. There is an obvious genetic basis to male sterility: males having a D. pseudoobscura X chromosome are usually fertile, while males having a D. persimilis X chromosome are almost always sterile. Although there was some variation in testis size, most males with a D. persimilis X chromosome had atrophied testes with no visible sperm, as reported by DOBZHANSKY ( 1 936). T h e X chromosome has the largest effect on fertility (G1= 161.6, P < 0.0001). To assess the effect of the autosomes, I compared only classes 1-8 because males in classes 9-16 are sterile and give no further information on autosomes. Each autosome significantly affects fertility (11: GI = 44.8, P < 0.0001; 111: G1 = 13.7, P < 0.0005; IV: G1 = 4.9, P < 0.05). As the X chromosome of the sterile males is potentially incompatible with the Y chromosome and the cytoplasm, the basis of sterility cannot be determined from this backcross alone. The X chromosome also has the largest effect on fertility among males produced in the backcross of the reciprocal F1 females (D.persimilis cytoplasm) to D.pseudoobscura (Figure 2; G1 = 74.1, P < 0.0001). As the cross of D.persimilis females to y gl o r inc males goes very poorly, the small sample sizes allow only a qualitative test of cytoplasm involvement. However, the similarity between Figures 1 and 2 shows that the effect of cytoplasm on fertility is, at best, very small: 01 128 I 20 40 . 60 11143 d 80 100 X WITH MOTILE SPERM FIGURE1 .-Graph of hybrid male fertility from backcross of F1 females (D.pseudoobscura cytoplasm) to D. pseudoobscura. D.pseudoobscura chromosomes are shown as white and D.persimilis chromosomes as black. Fraction at end of each bar shows number of males with motile sperm over number of males scored. Total N =i 1 193 males. even with cytoplasm derived from D.persimilis, males having a D.pseudoobscura X chromosome are largely fertile while males with a D.persimilis X chromosome are almost always sterile. These data also suggest that X-autosomal effects are not the main cause of sterility: although there is significant heterogeneity among autosomal classes of males with conspecific X and Y chromosomes (D.pseudoobscura cytoplasm results: G7 = 131.8, P < 0.001; D. persimilis cytoplasm results: G7 = 17.3, P < 0.05), males with heterospecific X and Y chromosomes are sterile regardless of their autosomal genotype. There are no significant interactions between the X chromosome and an autosome on either cytoplasmic background (although the near complete sterility of males with a D. persimilis X chromosome clearly makes detection of such effects unlikely). It may not be surprising that all heterospecific X-Y classes are sterile since all such classes have an X autosomal balance worse than or equivalent to that of F1 males, who are known to be sterile. However, one can distinguish between the X-autosomal and X - Y theories by comparing classes 8 and 9 (Figures 1 and 2). These are the only classes with equal X-autosomal incompatibilities (both classes have a haploid set of 558 H. A. Orr X/Y 2 3 4 0000 0 13/13 0002 0 0 0 0 819 1 0 0 0 0010, 3 0 0 0 0 0100 4 0 000 5 0011 8/10 8/14 15/18 n ono OIOI 11/13 6 n o o n 7 0 00 1 0 1 0 1 0 ~ 0 1 1 I 8 0 000 12/17 I 6/13 1000 ooo 0/4 1001 15 0 000 0122 16 13 I 14 o O I O 000 1100 13 0 000 I 1/ 2 0 m 119 IOII 0/33 12 0 0 0 0 -mu= 1 1 0 000 1/18 I I 1 1 0 2/25 10 0 ono . 1111 Q n o o o 0/47 Fertility of males from both reciprocal backcrosses to D. persimilis males Genotvnr Percent fertile Total ~ D.pseudoobscura cytoplasm + (XPeJPer) Pt (XJp-) D.persimilis cytoplasm + (XPeJPer) Pt (XLJOer) 40.2 0.0 29.9 0.0 107 43 174 38 autosomes that are incompatible with the X chromosome), but different X-Y compatibilities. In class 8 the X and Y chromosomes are homospecific, while in class 9 they are heterospecific. If hybrid F1 male sterility is due to X-autosomal imbalance, these classes should be equally sterile. However, on both cytoplasms, class 8 is much more fertile than class 9 (D. pseudoobscura cytoplasm: G I = 89.2, P < 0.0001; D. persimilis cytoplasm: GI = 21.0, P < 0.0001). Indeed, class 8 males are often fertile despite the fact that they have an F1like X-autosomal genotype. This suggests that sterility arises primarily from an X-Y, not X-autosomal, incompatibility. A more direct test of the Y chromosome is described below. Backcross to D. persimilis: Table 2 gives the results of the backcross of FI females (D. pseudoobscura and D. persimilis cytoplasms) to D. persimilis. All the males produced in these backcrosses have a D. persimilis Y chromosome and at least a haploid set of D. persimilis autosomes, which are unmarked. Again, the X chromosome has a highly significant effect on fertility regardless of cytoplasm: males with a D. persimilis X chromosome are often fertile while those with a D. pseudoobscura X chromosome are always sterile (D. pseudoobscura cytoplasm: G1 = 35.5, P < 0.0001: D. persimilis cytoplasm: G I = 23.9, P C 0.0001). As the autosomes cannot be resolved, one cannot distinguish between X-Y and X-autosomal effects on male fertility in these backcrosses. It should be noted that the fertility difference between homo- and heterospecific X-Y males is not due to pleiotropic effects of the mutant markers on a hybrid background: in the backcross to D. pseudoobscura, the fertile males are those with more markers, while in the backcross to D. persimilis they are those with fewer markers. Nor is the fertility difference an artifact of viability differences between homo- and heterospecific X-Y males: the fertile (homospecific XY) males are less numerous in the backcross to D. pseudoobscura, but are more abundant than the sterile (heterospecific X-Y) males in the backcross to D. persimilis. Fertility is correlated with X-Y genotype, not with mutant markers or viability. A direct test of the Y chromosome: The previous analyses cannot test the effect of the Y chromosome because all males produced in a backcross carry the same Y chromosome. T o directly test the role of the Y chromosome in hybrid sterility, backcross males of y phenotype (Figure 1, class 8) were crossed to D. persimilis Mather females, producing sons with a D. persimilis X chromosome and a D. pseudoobscura Y chromosome. Although the different autosomal classes are indistinguishable in these sons, we expect that, on average, 3 of 4 of their autosomes are from D. persimilis. These males thus have a greater Xautosomal compatibility than any heterospecific X-Y males produced in the above backcrosses. As a comparison, D. pseudoobscura y g l or inc males were crossed to D. persimilis females and the F1 females backcrossed to D. persimilis. The sons produced here also have an X chromosome, 3 of 4 of their autosomes, and a Y chromosome from D. persimilis. The two groups of males thus have equivalent X autosomal balance and differ only in the species origin of the Y chromosome and the “purity” of their cytoplasm (males with a D. pseudoobscura Y chromosome have pure D. persimilis cytoplasm while those with a D. persimilis Y chromosome inherit hybrid cytoplasm ultimately derived from D. persimilis). Of the males with a D. pseudoobscura Y chromosome 32.0% were fertile ( n = 50), and of the males with a D. persimilis Y chromosome 62.5% were fertile ( n = 72). This 559 Genetics of Hybrid Sterility significant difference (Cl = 11.2, P < 0.001) is probably not due to cytoplasm: first, previous backcrosses show no effect of cytoplasm on male fertility; second, the cross with the best X-cytoplasm compatibility produces the most sterile males. Thus, substitution of the Y chromosome appears to have a large effect on the fertility of male hybrids. Moreover, this effect is in the direction predicted by the X-Y incompatibility theory. These results also show that autosomal genotype is not entirely irrelevant to fertility: heterospecific X-Y males with sufficiently good X-autosomal compatibility are sometimes, but not usually, fertile. This degree of compatibility is not possible in F1 males, however, who receive a haploid set of autosomes from each species. Female fertility Fl female fertility: Females from the parental species are highly fertile (Table 1). Hybrid F1 females with D.pseudoobscura mothers, however, are semister(1929). Only 72% of ile, as suggested by LANCEFIELD these femles produced offspring (Table l), which is significantly lower than either parental species (comparison by y gl or inc: GI = 28.3, P < 0.0001; to D. persimilis: GI = 10.9; P < 0.001). Interestingly, F1 females from the reciprocal cross (Table 1) are as fertile as those of the pure species (comparison by y gl or inc: G1 = 0.87, P > 0.30; to D.persimilis: G1 = 0.02, P > 0.85), indicating an effect of cytoplasm on female fertility. Backcross to D. pseudoobscuru: Backcross females (D.pseudoobscura cytoplasm) are frequently sterile (Figure 3). Moreover, female. sterility has “anobvious genetic basis: females with two D. pseudoobscura X chromosomes are usually fertile while those with one D. pseudoobscura and one D.persimilis X chromosome are usually sterile. T h e X chromosome has the largest effect on fertility ( C , = 127.1, P C 0.0001). T h e second chromosome also has a significant effect (G1 = 5.3, P < 0.05) while that of the third chromosome approaches significance (Cl = 3.0, 0.05 < P < 0.10). Figure 4 shows the fertility of females produced by backcrossing the reciprocal F1 females (D.persimilis cytoplasm) to D.pseudoobscura. T h e sample sizes are small because, as noted above, the cross of D.persimilis females to y gl o r inc males goes poorly. Nonetheless, it is obvious from Figures 3 and 4 that the ultimate source of cytoplasm does not dramatically affect backcross fertility: females with homospecific X chromosomes remain mostly fertile and those with heterospecific X chromosomes remain largely sterile. T h e X chromosome again has the largest effect on fertility (Cl = 52.9, P < 0.0001). T h e large fertility difference between homo- and heterospecific X chromosome females cannot be explained by X-autosomal imbalance. This theory predicts that backcross females with an F1 male-like gen- x z 3 4 I 0000 47/47 noon O O O I 29/30 ooon 3 O O I O 0000 37/37 1 O I O O 0000 27/29 O O I I 0000 37/38 O - O I 0000 O I I 1 22/29 O 4 1 /47 0000 O I D I 0000 -- 47/57 m 15 0000 m I O 0 0 16 0000 I O O I O I I O 14 0000 I I O O 13 0000 I 12 U I I on00 I I O I 1 1 0000 I I I 0 10 0000 9 o o 5/35 8/59 = o 20 o 40 13/65 13/47 34/95 20/69 ,~ 60 . 80 25/66 50/109 100 %’ FERTILE FIGURE3.-Fertility of hybrid females from backcross of F1 females (D.pseudoobscura cytoplasm) to D.pseudoobscura. Fraction at end of each bar shows number of fertile females over number of inseminated females. Total N = 861 females. otype (one set of autosomes incompatible with both sex chromosomes) should be sterile (COYNE1985). Yet, on both cytoplasms, these females (class 8) are highly fertile. In fact, females with the worst X-autosoma1 balance (class 8) are significantly more fertile than those females with the best X-autosomal balance (class 9) (D.pseudoobscura cytoplasm: GI = 22.1, P < 0.0001; D.persimiliscytoplasm: Cl = 12.5, P < 0.001). However, among females with heterospecific X chromosomes there is some evidence of smaller Xautosomal effects: fertility is roughly “staggered” between autosomal classes in the manner expected from X-autosomal imbalance (Figures 3 and 4). There are significant interactions between the X and second chromosomes (G1 = 19.0, P < 0.0001) and the X and the fourth chromosomes (Cl = 5.3, P < 0.05) on D. pseudoobscura cytoplasm. Backcross to D. persimilis: About half of the females produced from the backcross of F1 females (both cytoplasms) to D.persimilis are sterile (Table 3). However, on both cytoplasms, there is no fertility difference between females carrying both D.persimilis X chromosomes and those with one D. persimilis and pseudoobscura one D.pseudoobscura X chromosome (D. cytoplasm: G I = 0.52, P > 0.45; D. persimilis cytoplasm: GI = 0.21, P > 0.60). Backcross female sterility H. A. Orr 560 DISCUSSION X t 3 4 I 0000 0000 * 0001 0000 3 0010 0000 0100 0000 0011 0000 0101 , 0000 0110 0000 O I I I 0000 I000 16 0 0 0 0 15 I O 0 1 0000 I 0 1 0 14 0 0 0 0 1100 13 0 0 0 0 m 1/11 I O 1 1 12 0 0 0 0 1101 I I 0000 1I10 10 c 3 0 0 0 9 1111 13/34 I 2/24 0000 FIGURE4.-Fertility of hybrid females from backcross of F, females (D.persimilis cytoplasm) to D . pseudoobscura. Total N = 298 females (small sample size reflects difficulty of hybridization). TABLE 3 Fertility of females from both reciprocal backcrosses to D. persimilis males Genotype D.pseudoobscura cytoplasm + (X,rX-x,3 Pt (XF&J D.persimilis cytoplasm + (XFerXPer) Pt (X,X”J Percent fertile Total 77 57.1 50.9 57 47.0 50.0 134 106 is not simply determined by homo- us. heterospecificity of the X chromosomes. While other interpretations are possible, the simplest genetic rule which accounts for backcross female sterility is: sterility often results whenever a D. persimilis X chromosome occurs in a “foreign” or “hybrid” cytoplasm. As all backcross females inherit cytoplasm affected by a hybrid female genome (regardless of the ultimate source of the cytoplasm), only those with two D. pseudoobscura X chromosomes are highly fertile. This accounts for the high fertility of such females on both cytoplasmic backgrounds and the frequent sterility of all other genotypes. This rule also explains the nonreciprocal semisterility to F1 females. These results agree with those of DOBZHANSKY (1936) in several ways. First, all four major chromosomes affect D. pseudoobscura-D. persimilis hybrid male fertility; DOBZHANSKY (1936) similarly showed that all marked chromosome segments affect hybrid testis size. Both analyses thus found the maximum number of genetic differences between D. pseudoobscura and D. persimilis that were detectable with the methods used. Second, both analyses showed that the X chromosome has the largest effect on male sterility. LANCEFIELD (1929) showed that at least two loci on the left arm of the X chromosome are involved in male sterility (he measured testis size and fertility of some recombinants); WU and BECKENBACH (1983) further demonstrated that at least three loci on the right arm of the X chromosome affect D. pseudoobscura-D. persimilis hybrid fertility. If these patterns do not differ between strains, at least five X-linked and nine total loci (five X-linked plus at least three autosomal loci plus at least one Y-linked locus) are involved in hybrid male sterility. However, these results suggest that hybrid F1 male sterility is largely due to an incompatibility between loci on the X and Y chromosomes of the two species, not to an X-autosomal imbalance as suggested by DOBZHANSKY (1936). This is demonstrated by three lines of evidence: (1) Among backcross males with equivalent X-autosomal balance, those with homospecific X and Y chromosomes are fertile much more often than those with heterospecific X-Y. (2) Substitution of the Y chromosome has a large effect on the fertility of hybrid males in the direction predicted by the X-Y incompatibility theory. (3) Hybrid females having an X-autosomal imbalance as severe as that of F, males are highly fertile. The difference between these conclusions and those of DOBZHANSKY (1933b, 1936) is almost certainly due to his use of testis size as a measure of fertility. DOBZHANSKY (1933b, 1936) found that testis size variation is unaffected by the Y chromosome. However, among males with heterospecific X and Y chromosomes (Figure 1 of this paper, classes 9-16), mean testis size varies with autosomal genotype; those males with better X-autosomal compatibility (e.g., class 9) have larger testes than those with poorer compatibility (e.g., class 16). While LANCEFIELD (1929) had shown that males with very small testes are always sterile, DOBZHANSKY (1936) further assumed that males with slightly larger testes are proportionately more fertile. He thus concluded that X-autosomal imbalance accounts not only for backcross male testis size, but also for backcross male sterility. My results do not support this assumption; heterospecific X-Y males are almost always sterile regardless of autosomal genotype or testis size. Genetics of Hybrid Sterility There are several additional problems with the use of testis size as a measure of fertility. First, DOBZHANSKY’S ( 1 936) heterospecific X-Y class with the largest testis size (class 9) is known to be sterile: this class is genotypically identical to F1 males. If hybrid-like males with the largest testes are completely sterile, it is not clear what relevance further reductions in testis size have to fertility: genotypes with even smaller testes cannot be “more completely” sterile. T h e difficulty in using testis size as an indicator of fertility is further demonstrated by the fact that hybrid F1 males with D.pseudoobscura mothers possess testes of normal 1929; size and yet are completely sterile (LANCEFIELD DOBZHANSKY 1936). [DOBZHANSKY (1933b) argued this pattern results from a maternal effect which does not act in backcross generations.] Additionally, DOBZHANSKY and BOCHE(1933) showed that although hybrid testis size varies widely depending on which strains are used, F1 males from all crosses are all completely sterile. Fertility and testis size are not sufficiently well correlated to allow use of one as an indicator of the other. Moreover, it appears that not even backcross male testis size is adequately explained by X-autosomal imbalance. Examination of DOBZHANSKY’S ( 1936) Figure 1 (same backcross as Figure 1 of present paper) shows that the mean testis size of class 8 (526.5 & 8.9 pm) is over four times larger than that of class 9 ( 1 23.9 & 2.8 pm), despite the fact that these genotypes have equal X-autosomal imbalance. As these classes differ in both their X-Y and X-cytoplasmic relationships, it is not obvious which incompatibility accounts for this (1936) did not perform the difference. DOBZHANSKY backcross of F1 females (D.persimilis cytoplasm) to D. pseudoobscura (Figure 2 of this paper) needed to distinguish unambiguously between these possibilities. However, among males with equal X-autosomal imbalance, those with homospecific X chromosome and cytoplasm have larger testes than those with heterospecific X-cytoplasm in all backcrosses [DOBZHANSKY (1936): class 8 us. 9 (Tables 1-3); class 5 vs. 4 (Table 4)]. This suggests that DOBZHANSKY’S testis size data are confounded with X-cytoplasm effects. LANCEFIELD ( 1 929) claimed that F1 hybrid females are semisterile. Unfortunately, his tests of female fertility were confounded with mating ability (“sterile” females were not checked for insemination). By scoring only mated females, I verify that F1 females with D. pseudoobscura mothers are semi-sterile, although the reciprocal females are fully fertile. DOBZHANSKY and STURTEVANT ( 1935) and DOBZHANSKY (1 936) noted that backcross females are also frequently sterile. DOBZHANSKY and STURTEVANT (1935, pp. 569570) claimed, however, that female sterility has no genetic basis, and results only from the general inviability of marked backcross females. My analysis shows, 56 1 however, that female sterility has a definite genetic basis, with the X chromosome having the most dramatic effect. (Moreover, backcross females appear fairly viable: in most backcrosses, over 80% of females survived at least 7 days.) It is not yet clear whether several X-linked loci are involved in female sterility; this analysis is difficult because the two species differ by two large inversions on the X chromosome that prevent recovery of most recombinants. Mapping of the X-linked loci causing hybrid male and female sterility is nevertheless important as it could clarify whether the same chromosome regions (and perhaps loci) are involved in both sexes. Although the X chromosome is the largest chromosome in D. pseudoobscura and D. persimilis (DOBZHANSKY 1936), its effect on male and female sterility is clearly disproportionate to its size. While the X chromosome frequently plays a major role in hybrid F1 male-only sterility or inviability (WU and BECKENBACH 1983; NAVEIRA and FONTDEVILA 1986; CHARLESWORTH, COYNEand BARTON,1987), this work is the first to test the genetic basis of hybrid female sterility. T h e genetic basis of hybrid female inviability has been analyzed in only two studies; these examined rule (only F1 females afexceptions to HALDANE’S fected). In both cases [ D . montanu X D. americana texana (PATTERSON and GRIFFEN1944); D. mulleri x D.aldrichi-2 (CROW1942)] the X chromosome has the greatest effect. While it is possible that the importance of the X chromosome in all three analyzed cases of hybrid F1 female effects is a coincidence, this seems unlikely. CHARLESWORTH, COYNEand BARTON(1987) have recently shown that alleles causing hybrid sterility or inviability tend to cluster on the X chromosome only if they are partially recessive ( h < 0.5) and selectively favored in the heterogametic sex o r in both sexes during their evolution. Thus, the large role of the X chromosome in female hybrid sterility/inviability can be explained only if the alleles responsible frequently ( 1 ) behave as partial recessives on their normal genetic background, but as partial o r complete dominants in hybrid females (because a partially recessive X-linked allele cannot have a substantial effect in heterozygous F1 hybrid females), and (2) have pleiotropic (and often favorable) effects in males during their evolution. We do not know how often such pleiotropy and changes of dominance occur. Thus, it is not clear how well this theory explains the role of the X chromosome in hybrid female sterility/inviability and therefore the rapid divergence of the X chromosome in speciation. Further experiments of this type are needed to determine if X-Y incompatibility is a frequent cause of heterogametic sterility/inviability in species hybrids. COYNE( 1 985) has shown that X-Y incompatibility is important in hybrids in the D. melanogaster group. 562 H. A. Orr ZOUROS (1986) suggests, however, that “incompatibilities between sex chromosomes and autosomes leading to male sterility are at least as likely to mark the beginnings of speciation as are X / Y incompatibilities.” As support, he notes that the D. mojavensis X chromosome is compatibile with the D.arizonensis Y chromosome and that the D.pseudoobscura USA X chromosome is compatible with the D. pseudoobscura Bogota Y chromosome. However, to determine when each type of incompatibility (X-Y or sex chromosomeautosome) arises in speciation one must test for both types in a number of species pairs. One can infer which incompatibility appears first during divergence only by observing which incompatibility often occurs without the other present; similarly, one can conclude that the two incompatibilities are equally likely to mark early speciation only if X-Y and sex chromosomeautosome incompatibilities usually appear together or appear alone equally often. Unfortunately, X-Y incompatibility was not tested in the cases cited by Z O W R O ~ (1986): both D.mojavensis-D. arizonensis and D.pseudoobscura USA-Bogota crosses produce sterile F1 males in only one direction of the hybridization. In both cases, only the reciprocal combinations of X and Y chromosomes mentioned by ZOWROS (1986)-combinations that were not adequately tested-could possibly be incompatible given the direction of FI male sterility. Thus, these cases provide little information about the order of appearance of X-Y and sex chromosome-autosome incompatibilities. To determine how early in speciation hybrid female semisterility and divergence of the Y chromosome occur, it is desirable to analyze “species” that are even more closely related than D. pseudoobscura and D. persimilis. Thus, I have begun analysis of sterility in hybrids between the North American populations of D.pseudoobscura and the isolate population found near Bogota, Columbia. As noted, F1 males produced in one direction of this cross (Bogota mothers) are sterile; males produced in the reciprocal cross are fully fertile (PRAKASH 1972; DOBZHANSKY 1974). The USA and Bogota populations are separated by a genetic distance (NEI’Smeasure) of only 0.194, compared to a distance and of 0.30 for D.pseudoobscura-D. persimilis (AYALA DOBZHANSKY 1974). Combined with the present analysis, the USA-Bogota study will allow comparison of the genetics of hybrid sterility in two independent speciation events in the same lineage. I thank JERRY COYNEfor his advice and assistance throughout for technical assistance, and JEFFREY this study, JEFFREY BEECHAM POWELL for providing the D . persimilis strain. B. CHARLESWORTH, J. COYNE and S. ORZACK provided valuable comments and criticism. This work was supported by grants GM-32221 from the National Institutes of Health, and BSR-83-18558 from the National Science Foundation to J. COYNE. LITERATURE CITED ANDERSON, W. W. and R. A. NORMAN, 1977 Brief descriptions and map positions of currently-available mutants of D. pseudoobscura. Drosophila Inform. Serv. 52: 11-1 2. AYALA,F. J. and T. DOBZHANSKY, 1974 A new subspecies of Drosophila pseudoobscura (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Pan-Pac. Entomol. 5 0 21 1-219. CHARLESWORTH, B., J. COYNE and N. 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