A-5 ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS FOR USE IN THE MEDICAL RECORD Web Page: emr.lumc.edu Clinical Information Resources [Medical Record Abbreviations] Revised 11/9/04 A A2 AAA AAROM Ab abd. ABD ABG abn ABO a.c. accom. aortic second heart sound abdominal aortic aneurysm active assist range of motion abortion abdomen abduction arterial blood gases abnormal Blood Group before meals accommodation ACEI ACL angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor Anterior Cruciate Ligament ACH AC jt ACLA ACP ACTH A.D. adrenal cortical hormone acromio-clavicular joint anticardiolipin antibody acid phosphatase adrenocorticotropic hormone administrative director ADA add American Dietetic Association Adduction ADH ADL ad lib adm. AFB A.fib. AFP AFSF AGA A/G Ratio AHG AHG/DTT AI AICD AIDS AKA ALD ALDOST antidiuretic hormone activities of daily living as much as desired admission acid fact bacillus atrial fibrillation alpha-fetoprotein anterior fontanel soft flat appropriate for gestational age albumin-globulin ratio antihemophilic globulin Antihemophilic Globulin/Dithiothreitol aortic insufficiency automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome above the knee amputation alcoholic liver disease aldosterone A (Contd) ALK-P Allo. ALS A.M. AMA amb. AMI AMIO AMNIO amp. amt. ANC angio ant. AODM Ap. A.P. alkaline phosphatase Allogenic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis morning against medical advice ambulate acute myocardial infarction amiodarone amniocentesis ampule amount absolute neutrophil count angiogram anterior adult onset diabetes mellitus apical anteroposterior APB APD Abductor Pollicis Brevis Afferent pupillary defect A/ROM APL approx. appt. AR ARC ARDS ARF ARMD AROM art. AS ASA ASAP ASA-PS ASC ASD ASHD ASO ATG ATGAM ATN ATP Autol. AV AVF AVM AVN active range of motion Abductor Pollicis Longus approximate appointment aortic regurgitation AIDS Related Complex adult respiratory distress syndrome acute renal failure age related macular degeneration artificial rupture of membranes artery, arterial aortic stenosis aspirin as soon as possible physical status Ambulatory Surgery Center atrial septal defect arteriosclerotic heart disease antistreptolysin "O" titer anti-thymocyte globulin Horse antihymocyte globulin acute tubular necrosis adenosine tiphosphate Autologous arteriovenous arteriovenous fistula arterial venous malformation avascular necrosis A (Contd) AVR AVS A&W ax. A-Z aortic valve replacement arteriovenous shunt alive & well axillary Ascheim-Zondek Test B BAERs baso. B/B BBB BCC BCG BCP BDR BE B.E. BEI BIC BID or bid Bil. Bili. T & D Bi pap BiPD BKA BLS BM B.M. BMP BMR BMT BMTU BOOP BOW BP or B/P BPD Bpd BPH BPP BR BRBPR BRP br. sounds B.S. BSA brain stem auditory evoked responses basophile backward bending bundle branch block basal cell carcinoma Bacillus Calmette Guerin vaccine birth control pills background diabetic retinopathy base excess barium enema butanol-extractable iodide burn intensive care twice daily bilateral bilirubin, total and direct bilevel positive airway pressure biparietal diameter below knee amputation basic life support breast milk bowel movement Basic Metabolic Profile basal metabolic rate bone marrow transplant bone marrow transplant unit Bronchiolitis Oblitrans Organizing Pneumonia bag of waters blood pressure broncho pulmonary dysplasia bipartial diameter benign prostatic hypertrophy biophysical profile bathroom bright red blood per rectum bathroom privileges breath sounds bowel sounds body surface area B (contd) BSO BTB B.U. BUN BUS BW Bx bilateral salpinge oophrectomy beat to beat Bodansky unit(s) blood urea nitrogen bartholin-urethral-skene's glands birth weight biopsy C c C C1 - C7 Ca+ CA CABG CAD C&DB cal. CAN CAPD cap(s) CAT or CT cath. CBC CBD CBF CBG CBI CBR cc CC CCPD CCU c/d/i CD2 CD3 CE CFT CG CHD Chem Chemo. CHF CHI CHO with centigrade cervical Vertebrae #1-#7 or Cervical nerve C1 calcium carcinoma coronary artery bypass graft coronary artery disease cough and deep breathe calorie cord around neck continous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis capsule(s) computerized axial tomography catheter complete blood count common bile duct cerebral blood flow capillary blood gas continuous bladder irrigations complete bed rest cubic centimeter chief complaint continous cycle periotoneal dialysis coronary care unit (clean, dry, intact) cluster of differention #2(Pan T-Cell Marker) cluster of differention #3(T-Cell Marker) Cataract extraction complement-fixation test contact guarding congenital heart disease chemical chemotherapy congestive heart failure closed head injury carbohydrate C (contd) chol. chol. est. circ. circum. CIS Cl CKMB cl. CL cldy. cl. void cm. CME CMC CMP CMS CMT CMV CNG CNJ CNS COAG COG Comm. Diseases CP CPM CO c/o conc. cont. COPD CP CPAP CP Bypass (CPB) CPD CPK CPM CPR CPT C/R Cr CREP CRF C.R.T.T. C&S CsA Csection or C/S cholesterol cholesterol esters circumcision circumference carcinoma in situ chloride creatine kinase MB clear contact lenses Cloudy clean voided specimen centimeter Cystoid macular edema carpometacarpal cardiomyopathy circulation motion sensation cardiac monitor technician cytomegalivirus continuous nasogastric continuous nasojejunal central nervous system Chronic open angle glaucoma continuous orogastric communicable diseases Cerebral Palsy continuous passive motion cardiac output complains of concentrated continued chronic obstructive pulmonary disease chest pain continuous positive airway pressure cardiopulmonary bypass cephalopelvic disproportion creatinine phosphokinase continue present management cardiopulmonary resuscitation chest physiotherapy cardiorespiratory (as is monitor) creatine chest respiratory exercise program chronic renal failure Certified Respiratory Therapy Technician culture and sensitivity cyclosporine caesarean section C (contd) CSF CSM C-Spine CST CSW CT CTS Ctxn CV CVA CVP CVVH CVVHD Cx CXR cysto. cerebrospinal fluid circulation sensation motion cervical spine contraction stress test certified social worker cat scan Carpal Tunnel Syndrome contractions cardiovascular costo-vertebral angle central venous pressure continuous veno-venous hemofiltration continuous veno-venous hemodialysis culture chest x-ray Cystoscopy D DBP D.C. D/C D&C DCA DCFS DCM DDH decels. DERM DES D.F. DI DIC Diff. dil. DIP dist. DJD DKA DLB DM DME DNR D.O. DOA DOB Diastolic Blood Pressure direct current discontinue or discharge dilation and curettage directional coronary atherectomy Department of Children and Family Services dilated cardiomyopathy Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip decelerations dermatology dry eye syndrome dorsi-flexion diabetes insipidus disseminated intravascular coagulation differential dilatation distal interphalangeal joint distal degenerative joint disease diabetic ketoacidosis direct laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy diabetes mellitus durable medical equipment do not resuscitate doctor of osteopathy dead on arrival date of birth D (contd) DOE DP DPAHC D.P.M. DPL DPT DT DTs DTRs DUB DVT DW D/W Dx dyspnea on exertion Dorsalis Pedis durable power of attorney for health care doctor of podiatric medicine diagnostic peritoneal lavage triple booster (diptheria, pertussis, tetanus) diptheria, tetanus delirium tremens deep tendon reflexes dysfunctional uterine bleeding Deep Venous Thrombosis daily wear contact lens discussed with diagnosis E E3 EAC EAP EBL EBV ECF ECG or EKG echo. ECMO ECRB ECRL ECT or EST ECU ED EDC EDH EDP EDQ EEG EFM EFW EHL EMG ENT EO EOM EOMI eos. EPB estriol external auditory canal Employee Assistance Program estimated blood loss Epstein Barr Virus extended care facility electrocardiogram echocardiogram extra-corporeal membranous oxygenation Extensos Carpi Radialis Brevis Expensos Carpi Radialis Longus electroshock therapy Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Emergency Department estimated date of confinement epidural hematoma end diastolic pressure Extensor Digitorum Quiuti electroencephalogram electronic fetal monitor estimated fetal weight Extensor hallicus longus electromyography ear (or ears) nose and throat ethyline oxide extraocular movement extraocular movement intact Eosinophile Extensor Pollicis Brevis E (contd) epis. epith. EPL EPS E.P.S. ER ERCP ERE ESR et. ETA et CO2 ET ETOH EUA Ev EVD EW Ex Fix exp. EXT ext. episiotomy epithelial or epithelium Extensor Pollicis Longus extra pyramical symptoms electrophysiology studies emergency room endoscopic retrograde cholangipancreatography External Rotation in Extension erythrocyte sedimentation rate end tidal estimated time of arrival end tidal carbondioxide endotracheal tube ethyl alcohol examine under anesthesia eversion External Ventricular Device extended wear contact lens external fixation expire extremity external F F FAS fb F/B FBM FBS FCE fdg. FDA FDP FDS FES Fetal Position and Presentation LOA LOT LOP ROA ROT LSA (RSA) LST (RST) LSP (RSP) LMA (RMA) fahrenheit fetal alcohol syndrome Foreign body forward bending fetal breathing motion fasting blood sugar functional capacity evaluation feeding Food & Drug Administration flexor digitorum profundus flexor digitorum superficialis functional electrical stimulation left occiput anterior left occiput transverse left occiput posterior right occiput anterior right occiput posterior left sacrum anterior (right) left sacrum transverse (right) left sacrum posterior (right) left mentoanterior (right) F (contd) FFP FGMH/FMH FH FHR FHT FLACC FLR FM FNF FPL FOB FR fr. FSE FSH FSP FT ft. FTN FTSG 5-FU FUO FWB FWW Fx LMT (RMT) LMP (RMP) left mentotransverse (right) left mentoposterior (right) fresh frozen plasma Foster G. McGaw Hospital family history fetal heart rate fetal heart tones Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability full leather restrains fetal movements finger-nose-finger flexor pollicis longus foot of bed fluid restriction french fetal scalp electrode follicle stimulating hormone fibrin split products fingertip feet finger to nose test full thickness skin graft 5-fluorouracil fever of undetermined origin full weight bearing front-wheeled walker fracture G G. 1,2, etc. GC GCS GE GERD gest age GH GI gm Gm% GSR GSW GT GTT GU GVHD gravida, indicating number of pregnancies gonorrhea glascow coma scale gastroesophageal gastroseophageal reflux disease gestational age growth hormone gastrointestinal Gram grams/100 m. of serum or blood galvanic skin resistance gunshot wound gastrostomy tube glucose tolerance test genitourinary Graft vs host disease G (contd) GYN gynecology H HA HAL HBO HBP HC HCG HDN Hct. HEENT HFJV HEM/ONC Hemo HFOV HEP HFOV Hgb Hg. HGH HH HHA 5HIAA Hi cal. HIE HIPA HIV HL HLA HMD HMF HMO HN HO H/O HOB HOH H&P HPI HPL Hr. or h. HR h.s. HSV HT Headache Hyperalumination HBO hyperbaric oxygenation high blood pressure head circumference Human chorionic gonadotropin hemolitic disease of the newborn hematocrit head, ears, eyes, nose and throat high frequency jet ventilation hematology/Oncology blood high frequency oscillating ventilation home exercise program high frequency oscillating ventilation Hemoglobin mercury human growth hormone home health home health agency 5 hydroxyindole acetic acid high calorie hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy heparin induced platelet antibodies human immunodeficiency syndrome heplock human leukocyte antigen hyaline membrane disease human milk fortifier health maintenance organization head nurse house officer history of head of bed hard of hearing history & physical history of present illness human placental lactogen hour heart rate hour of sleep herpes simplex virus hubbard tank H (contd) ht. HTVD HTN height hypertensive vascular disease hypertension HTS HTU HVF Hx heel to shin heart transplant unit Humphrey visual fields history I IABP IBW IBT ICBG ICP ICS ICU I&D IDCM IDM IDDM IFC IHD IHSS IM IMC Immob in ing. INR I&O insp. Intramuscular Injection Site LD RD LGM RGM LVG RVG LVL RVL IOL IOP IP IPPB IQ intra aortic balloon pump ideal body weight ivy bleeding time iliac/crest bone graft intracranial pressure intercostal space intensive care unit incision and drainage idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy infant of diabetic mother insulin dependent diabetes mellitus interferential current ischemic heart disease idiopathic hypertrophic subaotic stenosis intramuscular intermediate care unit immobilization inch Inguinal International Normalized Ration intake and output inspiration or inspiratory left mid deltoid right mid deltoid left gluteus medius right gluteus medius left ventrogluteal right ventrogluteal left vastus lateralis right vastus lateralis Intraocular lens intraocular pressure intraperitoneal intermittent positive pressure breathing intelligent quotient I (contd) IR IRB irreg. ITP internal rotation Institutional Review Board irregular idopathic thrombocytopenic purpura F IUD IUDE IUFD IUGR IUP IUPC IV IVDA IV GTT IVH IVP IVPB intrauterine device (contraceptive) intrauterine drug exposure intrauterine fetal demise intrauterine growth retardation intrauterine pregnancy intrauterine pressure catheter intravenous IV drug abuse intravenous glucose tolerance test intraventricular hemorrhage intravenous pyelogram intravenous piggyback J JM JP JVD joint mobilization Jackson Pratt jugular vein distention K 17 KS KED Kg. KGS KLP KTC KUB KVO 17 ketosteroids Kendrick extrication device kilogram ketogenic steroids Krypton laser photocoagulation knee to chest kidney, ureter, bladder (x-ray) keep vein open L L L L1-L5 lab. LAD lat. lb. LBBB liter left lumbar vertebrae #1 - #5 (or nerves) laboratory left anterior descending lateral pound left bundle branch block L (contd) LCA or LMCA LCS LCSW LDH LE lg. LGA LGI LH liq. LLC LLE LLL LLQ LML LMN LMP LOA LOC lower GI LP LPI LQR LR LS L/S ratio LTC LTG LTR LTV LUCHCH LUE LUHS LUL LUMC LUMOC LUOC LUQ LV LVAD LVEF LVF LVH lymphs. lytes. left (main) coronary artery low continuous suction licensed clinical social worker lactic dehydrogenase lower extremity large large for gestational age lower gastrointestinal leutotropic hormone liquid long leg cast left lower extremity left lower lobe - lung left lower quadrant - abdomen left mediolateral - episiotomy lower motor neuron last menstrual period leave of absence loss of consciousness lower gastrointestinal lumbar puncture Lazar peripheral iridectomy locked quiet room lactated ringers lumbar spine Lecithin Sphingomyelins ratio long, thick, closed Long Term Goals lower turn rotation long term variability Loyola University Center for Home Care & Hospice left upper extremity Loyola University Health System Left upper lobe - lung Loyola University Medical Center Loyola University Mulcahy Outpatient Center Loyola University Outpatient Center left upper quadrant - abdomen left ventricle left ventricular assist device left ventricular ejection fraction left ventricular function left ventricular hypertrophy lymphocytes Electrolytes M MAC MAP Mass Spec MAST MCA mcg MCH, MCV, MCHC MCT M.D. MEC med. mEq met MFM MFR mg mg % MI MICU MIDCAB min. ML MLC mm MMF MMT mo.(s) mod. mono. mOsm MP mr MR MRI MRN MS MSH MUD MUGA MUGA-X MVA MVC monitored anesthesia care mean airway pressure mass spectrometry military anti-shock trousers middle cerebral artery microgram red cell constants or indices mean corpuscular hemoglobin mean corpuscular volume mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration medium chain triglycerides doctor of medicine meconium medium milliequivalent metabolic maternal-fetal medicine mid forceps rotation milligrams milligrams per 100 milliliters myocardial infarction medical intensive care unit minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass (inserted direct) minute milliliter mixed lymphocyle culture millimeter mycophenolate mofetil manual muscle test month(s) moderate monocytes milliosmols metacarpalphalangeal joint medial rectus mitral regurgitation magnetic resonance imaging medical record number mitral stenosis melanocyte stimulating hormone matched unrelated donor multigated acquisition scan multigated acquisition scan with drugs motor vehicle accident motor vehicle collision M (contd) MVO2 sat MVP MVR myelo. mixed venous oxygen saturation mitral valve prolapse mitral valve replacement myelogram N N2O Na N/A NaCL NAD NB NBS nc NCV ND NDT NEC NFC neg. NEURO NG ng Nitro. NIPS NJ NKA nl noc. N2O NP N.P. NP-CPAP NPH NPN NPO N/R N/RATG NRATS NS NSR NSS NST N.Stim NSVD NT nitrous oxide sodium non applicable sodium chloride no apparent distress newborn newborn screening nasal cannula nerve conduction velocity neutral density neurodevelopmental technique necrotizing enterocolitis neonatal follow-up clinic negative Neurology nasogastric nanograms nitroglycerin non-invasive physiology studies nasojejunal no known allergies normal nocturnal nitrous oxide nasopharyngeal nurse practitioner nasal prong-continuous positive airway pressure neutral protein insulin nonprotein nitrogen nothing by mouth non reactive Nashville rabbit antihymocyte globulin nashville rabbitt anti-thrombin serum normal saline normal sinus rhythm nursing systems secretary non stress test nerve stimulator normal spontaneous vaginal delivery nasotracheal intubation N (contd) NT AICD NTG N/V NVA NVI NWB non-thoracotomy automatic internal cardiac defibrillator nitroglycerin nausea/vomiting Near visual acuity Neovascularizationof the iris non-weight bearing O O2 cap. O2 sat. OA O.B. OBS OCP=s 11 ocs OCT OD OG OGTT 17 OH 17 OHCS OHS OHT OKT3 ONC OOB Op. OPHTH or OR ORTHO OS OSH O.T. OU ox oxygen capacity oxygen saturation occipital-alanto joint occult blood organic brain syndrome oral contraceptive pills 11 oxycorticosteriod oxytocin challenge test right eye oral gastric oral glucose tolerance test 17 hydroxysteroids 17 hydroxycorticosteroids occupational health services orthotopic heart transplant anti CD3 monoclonal antibody oncology out of bed operation ophthalmology overrefraction operating room orthopaedic left eye outside hospital occupational therapy each eye or both eyes oximeter P P P. 1, 2, etc. P2 PA PA&Lat P&A PAL pulse para, indicating number of viable children born pulmonic second heart sound posteroanterior posterior-anterior & lateral percussion and auscultation peripheral arterial line PAC PAHR PAO PAP Pap PAHR PAR PAT premature atrial contraction pre-anesthesia holding room pulmonary artery occlusion pulmonary artery pressure Papanicolaov smear pre-anesthesia holding room post-anesthesia recovery room paroxysmal atrial tachycardia P (contd) P.A.T. path. PAWP PBI PBSCT p.c. PC PCA PCE PCO2 PCP PCT PCVC PCXR PCWP PD PDA PDR PE P.E. PEA Ped. PEEP P.E.G PFC PERL PERLA PERRLA PF PFG pg. pH PH Pharm.D PHAS PHP PI PIC PICC pre-admitting testing department pathology Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure protein bound iodine peripheral blood stem cell transplant after meals primary care patient controlled analgesia particulate-coated erythromycin partial pressure of carbon dioxide primary care physician patient care tech percutaneous central venous catheter portable chest x-ray pulmonary capillary wedge pressure peritoneal dialysis patent ductus arteriosus proliferative diabetic retinopathy physical examination pulmonary emboli pulseless electrical activity (EMD) pediatrics positive end expiratory pressure percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy persistent fetal circulation pupils equal react to light pupils, equal, react to light and accommodation pupils equal, round, react to light and accommodation plantar flexion persistent fetal circulation pregnancy hydrogen ion concentration past history Doctor of Pharmacy physiological assessment partial Hospital Program peripheral iridectomy peripherally inserted catheter peripherally inserted central catheter PID P.I.E. PIP PIV PKU plt P.M. PMB PMD PMH P.M.I. PNC P.N.D. PND PNF po PO2 Polys. post. post-op. PPD PPHN PPO preg P/ROM PPROM PROM PPS PRBCs PRE Prec pre-op PREP prep. PRN PRO procto. pro. time prox. PSI PSP PSYCH pt P.T. PTA PTCA PTCRA PTH PTL pelvic inflammatory disease pulmonary intersitital emphysema peak inspiratory pressure peripheral IV phenylketonuria platelets afternoon postmenopausal bleeding private medical doctor past medical history point of maximum impulse prenatal care pelvic node dissection paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation per os, (by mouth) partial pressure of oxygen polymorphonuclears Posterior post-operative tuberculin skin test persistent pulmonary hypertension preferred provider organization pregnancy passive range of motion prolonged premature rupture of membranes positive range of motion post pericardiotomy syndrome packed red blood cells progressive resistive exercises precipitous pre-operative physical respiratory exercise program prepare for as needed Peer Review Organization proctoscopy prothrombin time proximal pounds per square inch phenosulfonphthalein psychiatry patient physical therapy prior to admission percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty percutaneous transluminal coronary rotacatheter abalation parathyroid hormone pre-term labor P (contd) PTMR PTT PTX PUBS PULM PVB PVC PVE PVH PVR PWB Percutaneous Transluminal Myocardial Revascularization partial thromboplastin time pneumothorax percutaneous umbilical blood sampling pulmonary premature ventricular beat premature ventricular contraction prosthetic valve endocarditis periventricular hemorrhage Post Void Residual partial weight bearing Q Q or q q AM QD or qd q 2 h or q 2 q hs QID or qid q shift every every morning every day every 2 hours every night four times a day every shift R R 7 R.A. RAIU RBBB RBC R/C RCA R.D. RDS RE re: Rehab Resp. resp. Rh RHD RhoGam RLE RLL RLQ RML R.N. respirations right rheumatoid arthritis radioactive iodine uptake right bundle branch block red blood cell repeated contractions right coronary artery registered dietitian respiratory distress syndrome right eye regarding rehabilitation respiratory respirations rhesus blood factor rheumatic heart disease Rh immune globulin right lower extremity right lower lobe - lung right lower quadrant - abdomen right middle lobe - lung registered nurse N (contd) R.N./Lic. Pend. R/O ROM ROP ROS RP RPH RPR RR R.R.T. R/S R.T. RTC R.T.S. Rtx RUE RUL RUQ RV RVAD RVH RW Rx registered nurse/license pending rule out range of motion retinopathy of prematurity review of systems retinitis pigmentosa Registered Pharmacist rapid plasma reagent respiration rate Registered Respiratory Therapist rhythmic stabilization Respiratory Therapy return to clinic Respiratory Therapy Student Radiation Therapy right upper extremity right upper lobe - lung right upper quadrant - abdomen right ventricle right ventricular assist device right ventricular hypertrophy radiant warmer prescription S s S1 - S5 SA SAH sang. sat. SB S/B SBA SBE SBN SBP SC SCC sc s.c. SCD SCF SCUF SDH sec. without sacral vertebrae #1 - #5 (or nerves) service associate subarachnoid hemorrhage sanguineous saturated sinus bradycardia side bending stand-by assist subacute bacterial endocarditis stillborn Systolic Blood Pressure service coordinator squamous cell carcinoma subcutaneous without correction sequential compression device special care formula slow continuous ultra filtration subdural hematoma second S (contd) SEMI S/G SGA SGOT SGPT SH SIADH SICU SIJ SIMV SL SLC SLE SLED SLL SLR SLT SMR SN SNF SOB SOC soln SOP S/P SP I, II, III spec. SpG. SPO2 spont. SQ SR S.R. SRA SROM s&s SSEP ST STA staph. stat STG STM strep. STSG STV Subcutaneous Injection Sites sub-endocardial myocardial infarction Swan Ganz Catheter small for gestational age serum glutamic oxaloacetic transminase serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase social history syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone surgical intensive care unit sacro liliac joint synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation sublingual, under the tongue short leg cast systemic lupus erythematou sustained low efficiency dialysis service line liaison straight leg raise single lung transplant submucous resection (of nasal septum) skilled nurse skilled nursing facility shortness of breath start of care solution standard operating procedure status post special precautions I, II, III specimen specific gravity saturation pulse oximetry spontaneous subcutaneous systems review siderails Seratonin release assay spontaneous rupture of membranes signs and symptoms soma sensory evoked potential sinus tachycardia superficial temporal artery staphylococcus immediately and once only Short Term Goals soft tissue mobilization streptococcus split thickness skin grafts short-term variability S (contd) supp. SVE SVT Swan SX LA RA LL RL L abd. R abd. left arm right arm left leg right leg left abdomen right abdomen suppository sterile vaginal exam supraventricular tachycardia Swan-Ganz catheter symptoms T T T3 T4 ta TA T&A TAM T & C or T & X TCM T&H tab. TAH TB TBG TBPA TBSA Tbsp. Td TEC TED (stockings) TEE tele TENS TIA TIBC TID or tid TKE TKO TLC TMJ T.O. Toco TOD temperature triiodothyronine thyroxine tension applanation tracheal aspirate tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy total active motion type and cross transcutaneous monitor type and hold tablet total abdominal hysterectomy tuberculosis thyroxine binding globulin thyroxine binding prealbumin total body surface area tablespoon tetanus vaccine transluminal extraction catherization thromboembolitic disease (stockings) transesophageal echocardiography telemetry toxic epidermal necrolysis syndrome transient ischemic attack total iron binding capacity three times a day terminal knee extension to keep open tender loving care temporomandibular joint telephone order tocodynometer tension, right eye T (contd) TOS TP TPI TPN TPR trach. TSH tsp. TTN TTWB TURP TV TVH Txs tension, left eye tension by pneumotonometry treponoma pallidum immobilization total parenteral nutrition temperature, pulse, respiration tracheostomy thyroid stimulating hormone teaspoon transient tachypnea of the newborn toe-touch weight bearing transurethral resection prostrate tidal volume total vaginal hysterectomy treatments U U/A UAC UAL UCG ue UGI ULQR ULTT UMN u/o URI UROL US or u/s USA UTI UVC urine for analysis umbilical artery catheter up ad lib urinary chorionic gonadotropin upper extremity upper gastrointestinal unlocked quiet room upper limb tension test upper motor neuron urine output upper respiratory infection urology ultrasound unstable angina urinary tract infection umbilical vein catheter V VA VAD vag. vag hyst VAS VATS VBAC VBB VC VD visual acuity ventricular access device vagina or vaginal vaginal hysterectomy visual analog scale video assisted thorascopic surgery vaginal birth after caesarean vertebral basilar bypass vital capacity venereal disease V (contd) VDRL vent VEN VER VF V. fib VMA V.N.A. V.O. VP & circ. time VS VSD VSS VT Vtx. Veneral Disease Research Laboratories (flocculation procedure) ventilator venous, vein visual evoked response visual field ventricular fibrillation vandilmandelic acid test Visiting Nurses Association verbal order venous pressure and circulation time vital signs ventriculur septal defect Vital signs stable ventricular tachycardia vertex presentation W WB WBAT WBC W/C W/D WD, WN WFL W.H.O. wks WMP WNL w/o WP WPRBC wt. weight bear weight bearing as tolerated white blood count wheelchair wet-to-dry dressings well-developed, well-nourished within functional limits World Health Organization weeks warm, moist pack (unsterile) within normal limits without whirlpool washed PRBCs weight Y YNSA y/o Revised 11-9-04 Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture years old