Biology Coach: Photosynthesis

Name: _____________________ Biology Coach: Photosynthesis
Concept 1: An Overview of Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis converts ___________________into the chemical energy of ______________ and other
organic compounds. This process consists of a series of chemical reactions that require _________and
____________ and store chemical energy in the form of sugar. Light energy from light drives the reactions.
Oxygen (O2) is a byproduct of photosynthesis and is released into the atmosphere. The following equation
summarizes photosynthesis:
Sun light
Photosynthesis transfers electrons from water to energy-poor CO2 molecules, forming energy-rich sugar
molecules. This electron transfer is an example of an oxidation-reduction process: the water is oxidized (loses
electrons) and the CO2 is reduced (gains electrons). Photosynthesis uses light energy to drive the electrons
from water to their more energetic states in the sugar products, thus converting solar energy into chemical
Concept 2: Electromagnetic Energy
The solar energy called ___________drives
photosynthesis. Solar radiation is composed of
_________________energy that travels through
space in a manner analogous to the motion of
waves in water.
The shorter the wavelength, the ______
the energy for each unit (photon) of
electromagnetic energy.
Draw the electromagnetic spectrum, label each category:
Concept 3: The Action Spectrum for Photosynthesis
The pigment molecules in photosynthetic organisms absorb specific wavelengths of light. In ______, Thomas
____________ devised an experiment to learn which wavelengths (colors) of light were the most effective in
carrying out photosynthesis in the green alga Spirogyra.
The alga makes more oxygen when it is in __________ light.
___________ is the color of light best used for photosynthesis.
Concept 4: Structure of a Leaf
Leaves are a plant's main _______________ organs. Leaf structure is closely associated with its
photosynthetic function. Leaves must permit __________________access to the photosynthetic cells but
impede(prevent) ____________from diffusing out. The _____________that is a ___________ product of
photosynthesis must be allowed to escape from the leaf. Demonstrate your knowledge of leaf structure by
placing the labels in their correct locations.
Concept 5: Structure of a Mesophyll Cell
_______________cells are specialized for
photosynthesis. These cells in the middle of the leaf
contain many chloroplasts, the organelles that perform
gas exchange (oxygen and carbon dioxide) takes
place within the_____________
______________ produced by the chloroplasts
must move out of the cells to other parts of the
Concept 6: Chloroplast Structure
Chloroplasts are the sites of
These ____________- membranes
bound organelles enclose additional
membranes called____________.
The disc-shaped ___________possess an
interior space.
The thylakoids are stacked to form
________________, which are suspended in the ____________ of the ____________________.
Concept 7: Chlorophyll
_________________molecules embedded in the ______________membrane absorb light energy.
These molecules are the most important pigments for absorbing the light energy used in
A chlorophyll molecule has a ___________ "tail" that embeds the molecule into the thylakoid
The "head" of a chlorophyll molecule ___________ light energy.
Concept 8: Cooperation of the Light Reactions and the Calvin Cycle
Photosynthesis depends on an interaction between two sets of reactions
o _____________________________ and the
o _____________________________
Quiz at end of Activity: