Assessing the International Position of EU’s Research, Technological Development & Demonstration (RTD&D) on Hydrogen & Fuel Cells Technical Report EUR 21685 EN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This SWOT analyses the EU’s current competitive positioning in the evolving hydrogen economy and specifically assesses hydrogen and fuel cell technology development. The study has investigated how national capabilities have developed and are continuing to develop and the public and private sectors have adopted strategies to exploit the predicted commercial opportunities. It has drawn on results reported elsewhere in this report, which have provided an overview of past, current and planned future H2/FC RTD&D in the EU and other countries across the world. Overall, the review of activity has shown that the EU does hold a strong position in many technology areas. It has well developed H2/FC RTD&D activities and is supporting this with a substantial funding programme over coming years. Such activity is also being reflected at Member State level, though this is not uniform across the EU. Industrially, the EU has a significant number of companies that are contributing to all aspects of technology development and commercialisation. The knowledge and expertise base that is being developed has the potential of being exploited across the world. However, the EU does face strong and growing competition. The EU’s main competitors are the USA, Japan and to a lesser extent Canada. Each of these countries has established H2/FC RTD&D support frameworks and developed long term technology roadmaps describing technical milestones over the coming decades. However, other countries assessed (Australia, China, India and South Korea) are significantly less well developed and are just beginning to develop H2/FC RTD&D activities and programmes. Our overview SWOT analysis is based on an assessment that has been carried out on a number of levels: • • • • Public awareness/demand management – Policy makers response to drivers and barriers Basic research – Publicly funded H2/FC RTD&D (including bibliographic assessment) System integration/demonstration activities Manufacturers, markets and applications – Industry H2/FC RTD&D activity (including patent analysis). The results of these assessments demonstrate that the results of the SWOT does not deliver “black and white” conclusions, rather it provides a flavour of the current situation and identifies issues that need to be expanded separately. Public Awareness/Demand Management High level governmental backing of programmes and activities although crucial is not sufficient to ensure the effective take up of H2/FC technologies. Visions and roadmaps need to be supported by concrete actions. The findings of this study have highlighted gaps between strategic development of H2/FC RTD&D at national level and its translation into commercial opportunities. This is mainly true for the developing nations and those that have not traditionally had significant levels of R&D support for new and renewable energy technologies. There are a number of ways in which hydrogen economy policies are supported at different levels but their importance is to generate coherence and increase confidence in the coordination of approaches. North America and the EU as a whole perform well across all aspects. Nationally within the EU the situation is slightly different. No Member State has established a detailed technology roadmap for either hydrogen, fuel cells or both, though many have set up R&D programmes for both areas. A number of roadmap activities are now under way in France, Italy, Norway, Germany and the Netherlands. There is little evidence of any assessment of skills gaps that may exist at the national level nor programmes that may be established to address them. For the other countries, the situation is less well defined since they are only now creating the visions to support longer term planning. The creation of bodies representing both industry and government are acting as important focal points for national and regional activity. Despite comparable approaches in other countries, Canada stands out with the clearest approach for the development of fuel cells. It has identified national strengths and limitations (capability gaps, skills needs, etc.) and created the strategies needed to manage both effectively. Canada has accepted that it is not capable of contributing to the development of technologies across the whole supply chain and is eager to support the development of international links for its industry. The creation of Fuel Cells Canada underlines this approach. Fuel Cells Canada was perhaps the first to act as both co-ordinator and international promoter of domestic industries. In addition, Canada also led the field in realising the strength of clustering companies and providing the finance to support this. There are a number of clusters spread across Canada, but predominantly in the west around Vancouver and Ballard. These have acted as catalysts for commercial collaboration both within Canada and internationally. On the other hand, other bodies such as the US Fuel Cell Council and World Fuel Cell Council have had stronger advocating roles. In Europe, apart from national hydrogen associations that have been established for a number of years, there are now an increasing number of organisations focussed solely on fuel cells. These include Fuel Cells UK, Appice (Spain) and PACo (France), who have varied roles including national co-ordination of industry efforts, public funding and international promotion. A summary comparison of “political” strengths and weaknesses across all countries examined is shown on the following page. This is complemented by a summary comparison of the strengths and weakness of other drivers and factors – environment, energy sector, socioeconomic, etc. across all companies examined. An overall summary of findings is produced separately as a stand-alone document to provide quick insight in, and relying fully on, the wealth of information collected, analysed and presented thoroughly in the present report. Political Strengths and Weaknesses. Region Variable Political Champion Policy Co-ordination Drivers Roadmap Government RTD&D Funding Public Procurement Installed Capacity Strategic Actions Industry Association Support EU USA Canada Japan Australia China India South Korea President Prodi Being developed. Limited at national level – except regionally in Germany Well defined Being developed. Limited at national level. Substantial under FP6. National limited except regionally in Germany. Some incentives at national level President Bush None named None named None named None named None named None named Cross Departmental Cross Departmental Cross Departmental Under examination Under examination Under examination Under examination Well defined Documented for hydrogen and fuel cells Well defined Documented for hydrogen and fuel cells Well defined Identified Identified Identified Early stages of development None to date None to date None to date Rolling 5-year programme in place Some established programmes. Stated commitment to increased spending. Well defined Documented for hydrogen and fuel cells Series of programmes but no long term programmes identified Some established programmes. Stated commitment to increased spending. Programmes date back to 1950s, though currently fragmented FC-Programmes date back to 1980s, though currently fragmented. FC-Programmes date back to 1980s, though currently fragmented. Active No specific activity No specific activity No specific activity Identified (Transport) Identified (Transport) No specific activity 40MW Limited – Canadian technology mainly exported Not identified Limited Limited Limited Limited IPHE Member Cluster development IPHE Member IPHE Member Detailed review of current position. IPHE Member Moves towards developing detailed strategy. IPHE Member Moves towards developing detailed strategy. IPHE Member Moves towards developing detailed strategy. IPHE Member Both for hydrogen and fuel cells Both for hydrogen and fuel cells Both for hydrogen and fuel cells Hydrogen None identified Hydrogen None identified 13MW Development of EUwide harmonised roadmap (supported by HyNet and HyWays) IPHE Member - Not all Member States Some national level both for hydrogen and fuel cells Other Areas Strengths and Weaknesses. Region Variable EU USA Canada Japan Australia China India South Korea Environment Strong drive for clean technologies Strong drive for clean technologies. Commercial focus Strong drive for clean technologies Strong drive for clean technologies Identified need for clean technologies Identified local and national need for clean technologies Identified local and national need for clean technologies Identified local and national need for clean technologies Energy Well established energy infrastructure Well established energy infrastructure Non-grid connected areas offer demand Well established energy infrastructure Non-grid connected areas offer demand Large renewable energy resources Lack of natural resources Lack of natural resources Need to satisfy growing industrial activity. (Social) Demand for distributed energy Need to satisfy growing industrial activity. (Social) Demand for distributed energy Need to satisfy growing industrial activity. (Social) Demand for distributed energy Social Large skills base – no understanding of skills gaps High quality science/ engineering base. Large skills base High quality science/ engineering base Small skills base High quality science/ engineering base Large skills base High quality science/ engineering base Small skills base Lack of trained staff Plans to increase education Lack of trained staff Lack of promotional activity Large educated population. Lack of promotional activity Large educated population – focus on training Lack of trained staff Economic Financial Strong industrial competitiveness Strong industrial competitiveness Access to venture capital Access to venture capital Increasing exports and employment Strong industrial competitiveness Recent economic performance No factors identified Low manpower costs Low manpower costs Commercial Industrial Industry base – broad & deep across supply chain Industry clustering (Germany) Industry base – broad & deep across supply chain Increasing sales Globally recognised as leaders in certain technology areas Industry clustering Strengthsautomotive and electronics Limited industrial activity, particularly fuel cells Growing industry base Low advanced manufacturing Weak industrialisation Growing advanced industry base Low advanced manufacturing Weak industrialisation Low manpower costs Lack of supporting fiscal measures Growing advanced industry base Strengthsautomotive and electronics Fragmented H2/FC activities Incumbent State run power industry Basic research It is generally accepted that the USA supports the largest R&D programmes, but figures are not readily available for the purposes of this study to accurately assess the differences between countries. Consequently, the comparisons made in this study are at a high level and provide only a broad understanding of the current and future competitive positioning of EU H2/FC RTD&D. A summary of the public R&D funding for H2/FC technologies and the number of organisations and people employed in the industry is presented below: no. organisations1 USA Canada no. employees1 3,800 US$1.7bn (€1.4bn) 2,400 + 300 CA$1.1bn (€700m) ¥31bn + ¥100bn (€1.0bn) Japan China Public R&D funding for next 5 years2 60 350 India €100m Bush initiative METI + NEDO MOST-programmes €20m South Korea EU Won 300bn (€220m) Nat FC Tech Plan €240m FP6 + Quick Start Federal + States Germany 350 2,800 €70m + €400m UK 100 850 €120m Italy 70 850 €90m Denmark 20 210 €40m Emphasises SOFC Finland 20 100 €20m Distributed energy Norway 30 150 €30m Sweden 30 100 €35m Switzerland 55 400 €40m (1) Source: Fuel Cells Today, Fuel Cells Canada, Business Communications (2) Note: R&D budgets are extrapolated in many cases from current H2/FC spending and are necessarily inaccurate The US H2/FC R&D activities are spread from fundamental research through to system development and demonstration. Support is available for the uptake of new technologies once they are developed, which is primarily focused at demonstrations, especially of vehicles. Support is also provided for educational programmes for raising public awareness and spreading commercial best practice. Each programme has well defined parameters aimed at different aspects of the technology development value chain. Many of the programmes identified in this study do propose elements that drive the uptake of new technology. Only in the USA does this appear to have been to be taken to the level that there are substantial funds available from the public purse to support public procurement and exploitation that is not simply a demonstration project. The EU as a whole holds a relatively strong position with respect to other countries and is by no means weak as compared to the USA. The recent announcement of substantial funding to support H2/FC RTD&D (€2.8bn over 10 years) has firmly established the EU as a leader of developments. When combined with Member State level activity, which focuses on national competencies, this position is enhanced. However, caution must be taken in understanding precisely where much of the intellectual property lies that forms the basis of this European activity. Basic research in hydrogen production seems to concentrate currently on steam reformation. Electrolysis used to be as active a research area but is now declining. The USA is well presented in all major hydrogen production technologies: steam reforming, electrolysis and gasification. In photocatalytic, biochemical and thermochemical hydrogen production, Europe is very much behind Japan. Japanese are increasing their contribution to these technologies also. The number of publications devoting to various technologies to store hydrogen has increased rapidly during the last few years. Metal hydrides seems to be the hottest research area. China is clearly the most prolific publisher in the world. Both Korean and Indian organizations have published more in the field than organizations from any European nation. In hydrogen storage technologies, Europeans can reach number two position only in the liquid hydrogen storage and alanates publications. However, in recent years both Japan and South East Asian nations have increased their publishing effort in the liquid hydrogen storage much more that the European ones have. If this trend continues, Europe will lose its number two position in just a few years. In conversion, PEMFC is the most important technology worldwide; the share of patents for PEMFC has increased significantly especially in recent years. Japan focuses heavily on this technology, whereas the USA and the EU-15 have a broader research approach. Europe is the leading publisher of the SOFC related research, the most active nations being England, Denmark and Germany. In direct methanol related fuel cell research, Europe is the leading publisher together with the USA. System Integration/Demonstration Activities Demonstration programmes are a useful practical indicator of how technology development is progressing towards commercialisation. This is not necessarily related to the country in which the demonstration takes place and therefore it is not necessarily a measure of competitiveness. For example, Canadian technologies are being demonstrated almost everywhere but in Canada. The lack of demonstrators in Canada only exemplifies a policy choice targeting the promotion of components and systems developments, not a lack of Canadian competitiveness in this area. Outside the major players of North America, Japan and the EU, there is little industrial activity. However, it is important to understand this in context, since the H2/FC industry as whole is not large. The possibility of strategic support in any of the “minor countries” such as China, South Korea or India could have a significant impact. North America has almost the same number of installed units as its main competitors combined. Japan and the EU have similar numbers of installations, but if this is considered in terms of geographical size or population, then Japan has a significant lead. In terms of installed stationary capacity, the USA leads efforts though this is predominantly using PAFC and PEM. The situation regarding MCFC, SOFC and AFC is more even when compared to the EU. Japan does have a number of installations, but not to the US levels, and Canada has highlighted that this is an area where it has not provided sufficient support in the past. In the USA, a minor but significant budgetary change is the increased emphasis on safety codes and standards, which are an important requirement for future commercialisation. A tripling of the budget reflects the longer term aspirations of the US Government in ensuring that the potential barriers to market penetration are addressed at an early stage. Manufacturers, Markets and Applications Electrolysis and steam reforming are currently the most common production methods and pressurised hydrogen the most common storage technology. However, this does not accurately assess areas that are being researched, but represents how the companies are using their technology in collaboration with the fuel cell industry. There are a significant number of international commercial partnerships across technology and application development areas. How these relationships affect a true assessment of industrial activity across the EU is difficult to determine and should be examined in more detail. Although these partnerships provide the opportunity to make commercial progress, they do have the potential to restrict the development of “made in EU” technologies. There are short term benefits that these partnerships offer, but in the long term there is a risk that the EU could provide “low value” expertise that could easily be transferred to third countries such as China and South Korea. There is a need to assess H2/FC RTD support in terms of a company’s overall RTD support. This is straightforward for small companies, whose sole activity is the development of H2/FC technologies. However, for larger companies the significance of this activity may be much smaller in respect to its other activities. An understanding of this would support a more transparent assessment of the priority that H2/FC RTD&D is taking. In Europe there is just one independent, publicly quoted fuel cell developer, whereas around 12 companies in North America have a market capitalisation in excess of US$3bn (€2.5bn). Moreover, in Europe FP6 programmes are dominated by large corporations and provide max 50% funding, while in the USA 80% for R&D is not unusual. The mobilisation of this level of support provides strong backing to future R&D plans. Traditionally, Japanese engineering and technology industries have had very close relationships with Government funding programmes. The same is true for hydrogen and fuel cells. Japan’s established industries are leading the way in development of new technologies and concepts, particularly the automotive manufacturers and electronics companies. For example, the big push in hybrid engine technology – believed to be the major stepping stone towards FC and H2 in transport – came from Japanese manufacturers Toyota and Honda. A summary comparison of “technological” strengths and weaknesses across all countries examined is shown on the following page: Technological Strengths and Weaknesses. Region Variable EU USA Canada Japan Australia China India South Korea Codes and Standards National level collaboration – not all Member States Strong lead Strong lead Strong lead No substantial activity No strategy No strategy No strategy Hydrogen Production General Storage – Limited to traditional Distribution (fuelling stations) Production (Steam reforming) Storage - General Storage – Limited to traditional Distribution (fuelling stations) Production (hydrolysis) Storage – Limited to traditional Distribution Production Limited Storage - Limited Distribution Production – Limited Storage – Metal hydrides, Nanomaterials Storage - Limited Distribution Production Limited Storage - Limited Distribution Production Limited Storage - Limited Distribution Fuel Cells MCFC, SOFC, AFC, PEM, PAFC, DMFC MCFC, SOFC, AFC, PEM, PAFC, DMFC MCFC, SOFC, AFC, PEM, PAFC, DMFC Transport and remote power MCFC, SOFC, AFC, PEM, PAFC, DMFC All MCFC, SOFC, AFC, PEM, PAFC, DMFC Transport and remote power Developed Application areas of interest International Collaboration RTD&D Structure Research Base Developed Generally more fragmented at national level (except regionally in Germany) Large and accessible MCFC, SOFC, AFC, PEM, PAFC, DMFC Production (Steam reforming, Photocatalytic, Bio- and Thermochemical) Storage – Limited to traditional Distribution (fuelling stations) MCFC, SOFC, AFC, PEM, PAFC, DMFC MCFC, SOFC, AFC, PEM, PAFC, DMFC All All All All Developed Strongly Developed Developed Limited None Limited Limited Well developed – blue sky through to demonstrators Developed Poor level of demonstrators Well developed – blue sky through to demonstrators Uncoordinated Uncoordinated Uncoordinated Uncoordinated Large and accessible Limited Large and accessible Limited Large and accessible Large and accessible Large and accessible All Public Private Collaboration Advanced Advanced Advanced Advanced Limited Limited Limited Limited General RTD&D Focus H2/FC Minor compared to other energy technologies H2/FC Minor compared to other energy technologies H2/FC Minor compared to other energy technologies H2/FC Minor compared to other energy technologies H2/FC nascent H2/FC nascent Other R&D Priorities H2/FC nascent H2/FC nascent The majority of H2/FC activity across the EU is focussed in Germany and to a lesser extent in the UK. Germany’s strength is characterised by high concentration of fuel cell and hydrogen technology developers and demonstration projects and by the highest number of H2/FC patents produced. Germany exemplifies the strengths required to build a competitive industry and mimics many of the strengths that are being exhibited by the EU’s main competitors. This SWOT analysis has enabled a clearer picture to emerge of how the EU’s H2/FC RTD&D current activities compare. The EU’s internal capability and organisation in terms of strengths and weaknesses on H2/FC RTD&D are summarised as follows: EU’s strengths and weaknesses on H2/FC RTD&D INTERNAL Political Regulatory Legal Environmental Strengths • High level ministerial support • Developing cross department policies • Well defined drivers • Development of an EU wide harmonised roadmap (supported by the EU project HyNet and HyWays) fostering and encouraging individual national roadmaps • Substantial R&D budgets • National R&D programmes (particularly in Germany at both national and regional levels). • Some incentives to support technology adoption at national level • Demonstration programmes • • • • • • • Socio-Economic • • • • Technological Commercial Industrial (Financial) • • • • • • • • • Establishing international codes and standards National bodies are collaborating Kyoto targets (EU and national level) Clean air targets (EU and national level) Recognition of longer term requirements for new and renewable energy resources Access to large skill base High quality scientific and engineering base suitable for future commercial needs Industrial competitiveness (historic) Competitiveness as an issue regarding H2/FC technologies High transport fuel costs SOFC, PEM, MCFC (partly using US codeveloped technology) Hydrogen technologies generally National R&D institutions – publishing peer reviewed reports Patents (mainly Germany) Good grasp of CHP potentials Well developed system integration know how Industry base covers all technologies Public private partnerships Components industry (materials, volume manufacturing) Industry clusters (predominantly in German) Weaknesses • Currently no incentives for public procurement • Lack of understanding of current strengths and weaknesses • Uneven spread of expertise and activity across EU • EU FPs previously too inflexible/slow to respond to changing R&D needs • National priorities vary (although wider research approaches may help identify the best technologies) • Lack of pan-EU co-ordination of effort • H2/FC lags other energy R&D funding • Lack of national roadmaps • Issue of pan-EU co-ordination • Differing priorities across EU-MS • Education/raising awareness minimal across whole EU (large variances) • Addressing needs of Accession Countries • Issue of pan-EU incentives vs national frameworks • • • • • • Demonstration projects that exploit EU developed technologies AFC, PAFC No evidence of capability from Accession Countries Reducing costs of technology 90% of EU patents from Germany Knowledge of industry shape unknown (what is influence of non-EU companies) • Making technologies competitive • Access to venture capital funding to support industry The external (non-EU) factors in terms of opportunities and threats on H2/FC RTD&D are summarised as follows: EU’s opportunities and threats on H2/FC RTD&D EXTERNAL Political Regulatory Legal Environmental Socio-economic Opportunities • Support for the creation of markets • International trade and R&D collaborative agreements • Development of international regulations, codes and standards • Drive international agenda towards adoption of clean technologies • Filling knowledge gaps (complementing existing capability) Threats • US taking lead on global developments (e.g. IPHE) • International partnering to develop technologies Introduction of technology demonstrators Inwards/outward technology and knowledge transfer Fuelling networks Sustainable transport (two, four-wheels) Domestic/district combined heat and power Remote, auxiliary, emergency power applications Sustainable hydrogen production (all routes) Hydrogen storage (all technologies) System integration (balance of plant technologies, etc) Hybrid systems Widely existing natural gas pipeline grid • • • • • • • • • • Cost competitive application of technologies for niche markets Patenting Licensing technology All technology areas Mergers and acquisitions • • • Technological • • • • • • • • • • Commercial Industrial (Financial) • • • • • Federal/Member State policies not yet harmonised • • • Low cost workforce: manufacturing, R&D Off-shoring by EU companies Complexity of forming a cross-border consensus Other renewable technologies adopted Competitors establish strong partnerships Innovation lags competitors PEM (Canada, US, Japan) PAFC (US, Japan) SOFC (Japan, US) MCFC (US, Japan) H2 production (Japan, US) H2 storage (US, Japan, other Asia) All technologies - longer-term (China, South Korea, etc.) Transport applications (US, Japan, Canada) Small stationary (US, Canada, Japan) Large Stationary (US, Japan) Portable application (Japan, US All applications – longer term (South Korea, China, etc.) Domestic infrastructure creates niche opportunities not accessible to overseas companies Competitors establish lead industries Support from financial markets concentrated on competitors Failure to meet market needs Commercial scale manufacturing Mergers and acquisitions Emergence of “new players” – China, India, South Korea • • • • • • • • • • •