PAPER lOR ncyer man !:ipake lik<.: I lim

NO. 513
lOR ncyer man !:ipake lik&lt;.: I lim- the Christ uf God.
It was the voice
of gracc to the woman who was a !:Iinner; the \'oice of tenderness,
to the weary and heavy laden: the voicc of pathos. choked with
, ~.
emotion, as lie wept o,'cr Jerusalem; the &quot;Dice of authority as
lie cast the !:ic,-en demons Ollt of ?lrary ~lagdalcne; the Hlice of
power a~ TIe called for Lazarus to come forth; the voice of con&middot;
sidelation when Jle saicl. &quot;Gi,'c \'c them to {'at&quot;-the thousands
oj hungry and &quot;'cary ones; the &quot;oiec of counsel and instruction as lTe told
thcm of their 1&quot;l'lalion to the Ville and to abide in Him: the &quot;oice of holiness
and mystery as ] fe uttered that prayer to His Father that is recorded in
th(' 17th rhapter of John: it was thc &quot;oice of self-forgetfulness as lfe said,
&quot;Father, forgi&quot;e them, thcy know not what they do;&quot; it was the &quot;oice of
thoughtfulness as TIe !&gt;aid to John, IiBehold thy mother,&quot; and to His mother,
&quot;Behold thy son:&quot; it -.vas a voice of authority, po\\&quot;('r, victory and triumph
as ITe said, &quot;It is finished. Father, into Thy hand!&gt; I commend ?\ry ~pirit.&quot;
After thc resurrection there i!&gt; the sallie swcetness, the same intonation, the same majesty; but with something added which neither man nor
angels could understand, as He spoke in the garden and as He said, HMary!&quot;
as 1 Ie spoke to lhose in the upper room and said, &quot;Rec&lt;:i,'e ye the Holy Spirit.&quot;
There was lhe majesty of the Godhead in the voice that spoke, &quot;All po\\&quot;(:r
is given unto Mc in heaven and in earth.&quot; &quot;Behold, I send the promise of
My Father upon yOll: hut tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be
endued with power from on high.&quot;
The &quot;oice is still being heard, seldom by men, hut continuously by the
Father as the great High Priest ever lives to make intercession.
As the voice was heard in the earth, in solicitation, entreaty or other
wise, as partly enumerated in the abm&middot;e, so that voice is uttered in various
aspects of entreaty, consideratio n, pleading, intercession, before the Father
by Jesus, the Son of man, the great II igh Priest taken out from among men,
Imaginat ion fails to concei\&quot;C of the power of that voice when I-Ie comes
as King, He is coming as Bridegroom to raise Ilis saints to meet Him . \Ve
are told the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the
voice of the archangel, and -with the trump of God-fin ite descl&quot;iptionslof a n
infinite voice,
But the greatest of all, the sweetest of all, will be when we hear, &quot;Comc
ye blessed of )'ly Father. inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the
fo undat ion of the world . . . . Inasmuch as ye have don e it unto one of the
least of these ).ry brethren, ye have done it unto !\fc.&quot; &quot;Enter thou into the
joy of Thy Lord.&quot;
The voice is active, powerful. and is heard in mercy now. Tt will be;
heard in judgment h ereafte r.
This voice is heard by the sinner in mercy now; but if rejected it will
be heard in judgment hereafter. Amen .
c.nad.a aod F-,p $1 M
SubKription Pric. fl .•
Mrs. George Kelley, of Sin am, S. China, at the Assembly at Knoxville, Tenn.
TIll' t:'ospd !,j .Tl'StlS Christ is thl' greatest thing in
the \\Todd. America is. what it is tod._,y because of the
(If .i1'SllS Christ. For thirteen years I have
h{'('n living in China. !\./J J1t'll can t('11 the darkness of
that 1\('atiH'1l land
\Vt' \H_
' nt to that land trusting
(;lId ahsolul('ly to suppl y all flur needs, and not one
prollli,,(' of til(' r.ord has evcr failed us. We are glad
that it is our privikg(&middot; to he lahorers for Him in that
dark land&quot; China is a land of opportunity. The har\ e&quot;t i.., aln'ady ripe and waiting for laborers to g-ather
ill tht, gra in &quot; \\'lwl1 l,od g'al'&lt;! us a definite call to
(&middot;him1. Ire mack it rle;&quot;tr that our work w;&quot;ts to he hack
in til(' interior \Ve knew nothing&quot; ;&quot;thout the need s
lir c(JIlclitiQns ill China&quot; \\'hell we fin.1 landed t h('re,
th('rc \\-as Jl(lt a Penh'costal ~tatiol1 out &quot;ide of HtJnglWIlg-. Then' wcre some missionari(&middot;s there, hut tl,cy
had .I1('v('r gone inland. When we landed in lTongklllll.!', til(' I.orel made it rltar that we were t o go in land. Th('rt' \\&quot;('f(' open dnor!-i in the inte rior. but
t htH' \\'('r(' many adversaries.
\\&quot;h(,11 th(' ra iny &quot;ea~on comes. the rivers swell. and
tht' w hole ('!IUIlII:~' is flooded. The y bury the dend on
th(' hill.., \\'h(&gt;11 Ih(' rin'r r i&quot;es. it looks like the oc('a n.
Our lIlis:-.ioll ,,&quot;as right down by the river. \V e had
;'\ shack o f a hou se tell f('ci wide and about three hun dred fetl Iong-. The hou~e was ncar an idol temple.
Tht, heathrll will giv c their pr operty, their houses, to
id&quot;J..&quot; hclie\ing- that if tl1(' v do. their gods will an 5wer
their prayers&quot;
The Chint'st' sav that sickness comes from the
dnil. \Ve know thal s ickne ss cOllies from the devil;
so they are not vcry far wrong there. If they arc
sick. the\' takc red hot irons and burn their bodies
tn dri\(' th(' dnil out of their bodies. They burn their
hahit&middot;s with rcd hot poker5 to burn thc de\&quot;il out.
This building- we had rented was built on ground
dedicated to the id ol temple. The peoplc rose up and
s;}id they wer(' going to put llS o ut of the house. They
ordered us to ~('I out. hut we stood on the Scriptures.
\Ve belic\&quot;('d that the Lord had sent us and we were
g-oing- to stay. This matter had to be taken lip with
the Pekin government. The American ronsul had to
take the matter tip with Pekin, and he had to take
thl' matter up with \Vashington. \Ve were not permitted to h;}vc puhlic scrvices for more than a year
or preac h the gospel. Those were trying days, but
we klll'w that God had scnt us there, and that was
suflicient \Ve studied the lang-llage in order to get
a working knowledge of it, and we began to pray with
~ick people. They have great respect for the American s; they think we know everything.
An old woman came and called for medicine, but
w(, said we had something hetter-that we would pray
for her: 50 we prayed with that old woman. The
next day sht.' came back with such a different look on
her face. She said, &quot;Ye sterday somet hing wonderful
happened to me: T am perfectly well.&quot; The Lord can
heal. She \\&quot;:1'&quot; transformed. She ca lled upon the
l.on!. and the Lord healed her and saved her sou l.
~he had heard that others followed the Lord in bapti sm . and she wanted t,) be baptized. \Ve said, &quot;You
do not understand \\ hat it means to take your stand
a~ a Christian;&quot; that it would me;&quot;tll persecution, hut
... 11(' said that she wanted to be haptized; so \&quot;.,e bap-
ti/(&middot;&lt;1 her. \V(' han: &quot;'Cl'n a haby one year old with a
rig&quot;an'tte in its mouth. 1fe was too young to hold it
hilllseif. and hi:-; g&quot;randmother had to hold it for him.
Tbi . . old gral1~III1;)ther who had no doubt b('('11 sllloking- all hn life. came leaning on her pipe, and when
\\T told il('r J ('s us people did not smoke, she said she
\\ ouldn't either.
The fame of Te!-;us la'g-an to spn'ad in that city.
The dOllr.., \\'('1'(' (:Iosed. but the Lord had a way. TIl{'&quot;,
hrought sick people to be prayed ~or. atld they. spread
the ne\ys abroad that Teslls Chnst was healing the
sir!.:; so in thal \'cry piace where the peop lc. a )'e~r
hdorc had tried to drive tiS out of town, dUrin g thiS
year we haH' hapli/('d more than 200 people, and
thotha l1&lt;ls of people ha \&quot;C' hea rei the \Vord of God.
\ho nt tw('nt\&quot; Pentecostal stations have bee n opened
up throtlJ.!h -th is one OpCI1 door, and thousands o f
... ot11~ arc Iwing saved.
\\\' felt that the Lord was press ing u&quot; out to somt.'
!Itlll'r plan', and I\fr. Kelley went out and I stayed
at home .wrl pmyed. and finally we located in a little
\i!lage of .1()O or 4(X) people livin g in mud hut s. Th e
plan ' \\&quot;e \\'('111 to liv{' in was a house full of dead
IIlcn's hones. The Chill('se u sed to go th e re to w or sh ip thcir ancestors. \Vhell -we moved in there it
c;eemed disconraging. \Ve had hi gh ideals: we v..'ant &quot;
('d to sway thousands, ;}nd we were in suc h a littl e
\'illagl': hilt God ha d a purpose in pla~ing li S ther('&quot;
Th ey sa id it was u~elcss to 11a\&quot;e meet mgs---that nohod\' would come. \Ve wanted to get in a large c ity,
;}Il(( there wc w('re in that out of the way place; hut
the Lo rd s;}id , 1t1 have a purpose in iL&quot;
There w;}s an old man there who had heard of
Tl'SlI!-; Christ. Ire was a hungry &quot;ccker fo r the trut h .
'F() r (rmrtC&lt;'1l year'i he hao prayed for so me one t ,)
COlll(' amI preac h tL e go:-;pel to hi s people. God.hear~
:'tllcJ '11 :s\&quot;: eI&quot; 0:; pra\&middot;t r. and we were sent to Chin;!. to
an~\\&quot; e r that old &lt;11:1.n'S prayers. Tt fa r sur:1:l ssed Ol1r
fon&lt;ie&quot;t expectati(ln&quot;-&quot; a :-: to re sult s. \Va lI'ied to S;lY.
&quot;Oh Lord. in SOMe \&quot;,ay let us p re-a 11 the g-ospel 111
th;1t idol tcmple.&quot; and just two \\&quot;e&quot;l;:&quot; bclO&quot;c we i&lt;';t
Chill;}, we h;}d three Gospel service s Lt:er~ and hun dr('d~ of people hear(~ the \V ord in ti1;&quot;tt idol temple
SOJlletimes we lla\'e tn- wait a long tim('. hl: t Gnd al,,&quot;;}ys an su'er s prayer.
They spoke a difTerent language 1I11're fr om th e
olle we had s ludied; what should '\'(~ do? r\ poor
old leper came who had &lt;;ome of her iin~ers ea.ten off.
She came in to our place and felt down at 011r feet
ane! held tip her hands , and we knew she wanted u s
to praY for her. \Ve prayed for her and the second
cia \' &quot;l;e c&middot;al11(' hack. Somehow the love of God got
hoid of u s and we prayed the prayer of faith that day:
but she arose and went away that ~ay aPI,arently
without being healed. The next day she came holding
up her hands to show they were he1. leo. fier hands
and arms were completely healed , an(1 she li\ed several years to declare the g lory of God. And Sl, from
that time the people came, and we never lacked for a
crowd. J\s we preached the gospel, the fame o f it
went throughout the country, and today we have
there a little church and a school building costing
more than $1 ,(0)&quot;00. and they wcre poor people, ('vcry one of them li\&quot;ing in Illud hilts, yet out of the
depths oi their po\&quot;erty they built a school building testiJil'.l and lold them how ~hl' had hl'cn all tho:-.c
where some fifty or more little childr('n arc taught Yl'ar.; tcaching- thl't1l and ading till' part oi a pricst(&middot;s.;.
but silt' ~aid. j'It is all falst&middot;.&quot; They wcre bitter
the go!'pel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
\Vhen ;\T r. Kellev wcnt out to take Bihlr.; tn the against her and ~aid if :-.he was bapti?cd they would
Chinese, 1 was a ~lOther, and T said T didn't go to hurn hC'r alive.
She was thrown out without a hOnle, but she had
China just to rock a baby, and I prayed and gathered
in the littk dirty children. The lo\&quot;e of God enabled the peace of God in her sou l and she was happy. She
us to love them', If YOU lo\&quot;c them thcy can tell it. came tu tiS and wanted to be baptized. She wanted
T.ove is a language ~e\'erybody understands.
\Ve to come to the mission and sleep; she didn't a:,k for
taug-ht them to read the Rible, From the beginning rice C\&middot;CIl. \Ve were glad to take her in. She said
our work has been e\&quot;an~elistic. You cannot educate that all hn life she had sa\'ed money to buy a coffin.
them into Christianity, but you ha\&quot;e first of all got EYer), per~on in China buy!&gt; his coffin before he dies.
to get them sa\&quot;ed. The Chinese educated in this They took the coOin away from her and took her
country to the top notch will go hack to China and child away from her. r\ow in the mission she knits
engage in their heathen ,vorship.
and makes a few pennics a day, and oh. how happy
We are standing for every Chinese who is saved she i&quot;. She said, &quot;I have had a vision that I ~hottld
being able to read the Bible for himself. Everywhere break my yegetarian ,'ow, and for the first time in
we ha\&quot;e a mission station. we ha\'e a little dav school. 57 years she went out and bought some }lork. She
One day a boy went home and gathered up all of his was so happy she said. ';1 want tn do sOlllething- inr
father's idol s and burned them. Tt W'as a hold thing the Lord, and they ha\'c taken away ('\'l'rything-. I
to do and they were enraged at their boy for daring have no money.&quot; You know God always finds a way,
to touch their gods. He came hack and we nrayed and when .she prayed, God made a person who owed
that the Lord would undertake for him. The boy her money pay her $20.00, and !'he gave it to 11 r
wanted a Biblc. which would cost fi\'c cents. lIe Kelley. She said, &quot;It is my love olTering to the Lord&quot;
teased and cried for a Bible, but his father whipped Every Sunday morning that old woman, 64 years old,
him. After that the father \\'as sorry and came to ah\'ays has something to give to the Lord. Love alus and said. &quot;I am willing- for him to hay~ a Bible.&quot; ways flllds a way. That dear old woman came again
He gave us fi,'e cents and told us to get a Bihle for and ga\'e us $20.00. If China is ever to be e\'angel
his boy, and today that young man is a preacher of ized. the Chinese themsl'i\'C's arc to be the leading
the gospel. \Vhen J ~ee him now preaching the gos- iactor in it.
pel, I feel rcpaid for any sacrifices T ha\'c e\'cr madc,
\Vc sta nd back of them, but the Chinese themselves
From that one \ illage school. sC,'cn young men ha&quot;c arc to cvangelize China. That woman gave us $-'0.00
dedicated their li\'es to the ministry. It ha~ all come she had saved to buy a coffin with. Love was finding
from thc answer to the prayer o f that old man who its outlet. \Vhat a mighty gospel this is. I am glad
prayed for somc une to comc there.
that it is our privilege to have a share in bringing this
vVhen yOll comc t o that yalley, YOll can sec a mile mighty gospel to that land. We have seen such great
away that little white church huilt of ~lln-drjcd bricks. changes that you would hardly recognize it as the
On Sunday morning you can sec the people coming same place we went to thirtecn years ago. At first.
milcs and mile~ from e\'Cry direction to worship God. men and women would not COIl11.: together. The man
Dcar old grandmothers 60 or 70 years old walk six would go on ahead and the wife follow with the buror eight milt&middot;s e\'ery Sunday to worship God. It den s. The women were the slaves of the men. The
doesn't mattcr how it is pouring rain. We ha ve sccn only way we could reach the women was to go into
thcm comc wet to the waist, coming through the their homes and preach the gospel, and today our conIllud and water, so glad of the privilege to worship gregation is made up of men and women. Now husGod. &quot;'.,Fe don't ha\'e to preach to empty seats: they bands and \\'i~'es come and sil together and sing
are glad of the chance to come and worship God. \Ve praises to thc Lord Jesus Chr ist.
could have people all the time, twenty-four hours a
You have heard how they would bind the feet of
day to preach to. They ha\'e never had an opportunthe
habies and break the bOI\es of the feet, so that
ity to hear about Jesus Christ. You ha\'e had opportunity all your lives from the time you were born women weighing&quot; 125 or 130 pounds had feet only two
to hear the gospel. but o&quot;er there. those poor people inches long. Now no longe r in South China do they
bind the women's feet; but that is only the beginning,
ha\'e ne\-er heard of Jesus.
I want to tell YOll about a Buddhist priestess. \\Then and changes are brought about every day through the
a child seve n years old they gave her over to the preaching of the \Vord of Gael. VI/I! show our love
Buddhist temples to be brought up a priestcss, as a by the way we obey God's commands. All over that
thank offering. \Vhen we left, she was 64 years old. land 111el1 and women arc praying and feeli ng their
and for 57 years she had been a priestess. She had way for the living God. Mayall of these things
always lived on \'egetables, She worshipped the idols ('ause us to ri!&gt;c in thl' strength of J estls Christ ilnd
and taught others how to worship them. \Ve had a take the gospel to that dark land.
meeting 011 the order of a tent meeting. and this BudRenew your subscription to the Pentecostal Evandhist priestess had a school in that town training
young women to be pr iestesses. She heard the sing- gel now. You may not be able to get to the Council
ing and came in to listen. There is something about &quot;meeting but the Pentecostal Evangel will endeavor to
them so repulsi,'e that I felt as though I had met the bring the Council meeting to&middot; you in its full reports.
very devil himself. As she heard the gospel message, l\Iost of the best addresses will be stenographically
she stood like 011e entranced. especia115' when she reported for the bencfit o f our Evangel readers. In
heard of TeSti S who came to s~xe them. She took it the past we have had suc h a large demand for the
in and cOltldn't mo\&middot;e. she was so enraptured with the issues pf the Evangel that have con ta ined the Council
words oi life. She ~aid. &quot;I want you to teach me how reports that we ha&quot;e not been able to meet the deto worship this God.&quot; and there she bowed in her first mand. Renew your subscription now and you will not
prayer to God. \t one senice before 400 people she mis~ these spec ially good numbers of the EV3ng('l.
Page Four
WC' .. kl,. (0(1 '5,,,,,. a ,.&quot;.or)
Sunl .... II l'r&quot;&lt;,,ham. jo:~'IQr
1'&quot;..... $LOU pH 1&quot;;&quot;:
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.,r IJrouah J&gt; O. Or&lt;l~n ,&lt;) J'a~ illr 8m'liI 1II0KTlptl4&gt;''',
r ..... 0' Bu&quot;,II&quot;,. IZ &quot;&quot;PII: •. 24 COl&quot;h, -'.l (XI&quot;&quot;&quot;', H c&quot;nuo; 100 eoP'U, SI.80
(&quot;Iuh ralu ..h~ tt,ll&quot;d
ro&quot;a, .. ).
F.nrl'l ..rl .II I,,~ .. ,d&middot; 'jan maner Ju',c ~. ]9]8. ill the VOlt ofhcc u Springlitld. ~to .• lowder the act o( MarUI J. 1879. Acc&quot;l&gt;lcd!&lt;.lr ma,],,,, at
M&quot;', ':11 n\T '&quot; I'&lt;'U&quot;,C pr&quot; .. ,(&quot;\&quot;d io. In Sec. !lo,!, Act 01 Octu\)er J,
]917. autlo&quot;n, .. d on Jul,. J. 1911.
n,t p .. nl ....,..... 1 E'&middot;'naci a .he oaic.. l Ot,J.n of the
(';E.NI::.IUi. (OC.&quot;;I&quot;1L Of' rilE ... SSF.'fBI.lF.~ Ojo' ('OU.
J. W W&quot;lch
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H. frodlnam
They would not oe gathered, therefore
followed. Today the &quot;therefore&quot; has to
• ioIlow the &quot;would noL&quot; The rejection of Jesus Christ
and llis claims as the divine Son of God, the eternal
(;0(\, the only begotten of the Father, wil1 be followed
by His rejection of those who claim Hi~ nallle and
who profess to han' done many mighty works in His
name. The high priests and rulers crucified Him bel&middot;ause lie said He \\oilS the Son of God. Today men
crudfy Him in another way. They minimize thc
:-.niousllt&middot;ss of their sin and rcject His death by magnifying 11 b attributes, Iiis nature, His ideals; in other
\\&quot;ord:-., thcy thruw dust in the e)&quot;es of their hearer:-.
aitl'T thcy ha\'e injected poison into their hearts.
They arc blind leaders of the blind. Adulation. of
J eSlIs Christ can nevcr take the place of prostratIOn
before His feet, of worshipping, and saying, jj~ly
Lord and my God!&quot;
Christ is too high for the patronage of men when
I [c has had the glorification of the Fathcr. The high
pricst said, &quot;I adjurc thee by the living God, that
Thou tell us whether Thou be the Christ, the Son of
Goel.&quot; Jesus said unto him, &quot;Thou hast said: nevertheless 1 say unto you, hereafter ye shall see the
~on of Man sitting all the right hand of power, and
cUl1ling in the clouds of heaven.&quot; Christ anticipated
III word the glory that was to be manifested in and
through llilll as Son of God. Thc)&quot; gnashed at Him,
thcy rejected 11im, and ordered Ilim to be crucified,
and their wish was carried out.
Today JJr.: is being crucified in a more polite and
aristocratic manner. ~ot 0&quot;1 the hill of Golgotha on
a wooden cross, but in pulpit!::i of marble or choice
&quot;Henceforth your hbllse is left unto you desolate.&quot;
They.wi11 have the idcal, but the real Christ is de &middot;
.. &quot;I, ..
St'P!. 8, 1923
The Pentecostal Evangel
J C:&gt;llS wcpt U\'l'r J crusalclll. IIc cried, &quot;JIow often
would I have g'athcrcd thy children togcther, even as
a hen gathereth her chickens undcr her wings, and ye
would not! Ikhold, your house is left unto YOll deso
late.&quot; Jerusalem. the city of the King! The choice
(JIle (.If God! The place where He puts His name! The
place where the worship of the prophets had asccmled
ior renturics r But whell the King sends J li s Son,
they reject J lim. &quot;Ill' came unto His own, and IIis
own rccei\cd Him not.&quot;
They had a formal temple worship. They rcjcctcd
11im of whom the templc was a type. They preferred
the shad ow to the substancc. Thl')' rejected Him of
whum thc prophets foretold.
Jerusalem was religious, circulllspect, de\'out. Tradition supplemented the Word of Cod. Tradition is
~lodernislll up to date. They, the Jews, did not set
a~ide the \Vord of God; thcy sought to improve upon
it. They dared not take from it; because they had
too great re&quot;erence fOI the law of Moses. They un-
derlllined the Word by their traditions.
The whole si tuation pictures conditions of today;
Christ com ing as the Sun uf God to His 0\\ n, and
I lis own receiving Him not. They would make Him
King- and they would take from Ilis (jodhead. Chri:;t
refused to be made King. Thomas belie\&quot;ed when he
saw the print of tilt: nails in Jc~us' hands and feet
and thrust hi s hand into IIis pierced side. Thomas
worshiped Him as God. And Christ said, &quot;Blessed are
they that have not seCIl, and yet believed.&quot; Jesus
('o!1I1llcndcd Thomas. &quot;Bccause thou hast seen Me,
th~ll1 hast belie&quot;ed.&quot; Ilc commended him because he
worshiped Him.
Christ wept o,,'er Jerusalem when lJc saw they had
rejected !Jim. He wanted to give them protection
bitt they rcjcrted Him. There is destruction followillg rejection. The Jews refused to receive Him as
the Son of God and the ir house was ldt unto them
desolate. Compliments cannot take the place of the
confession of Christ as the Son of God. lIe is accepted today .lS a leader, teacher, example, ideal. But
He rcfuses all that when we refuse to recognize His
deity. Lauding Him will 110t take the place of that
worship which is !Iis due.
Thomas ~aid, &quot;My Lord and Illy God!&quot; !\icodcll1us
~aid, &quot;Thbu art a tcacher come from God.&quot;
Ticodemus was teal.:hable; and he saw what was ahead of
the hclo\'cd city-the place where God had put lIis
namc r And Christ sees ahead for those who bear
Hi~ name and who reject His whole claim: Your
holt&quot;ic is left unto you desolate; and your&middot; household,
city wide, house wide, family wide, is doolllec\ tu de-
(Hu t eq uall y applicabk to all c\'ang-dical dClloTllinations)
\11 editorial in the &quot;Northwestern Christia n :\dvorate&quot; of 11:1)&quot; 9, referring to thc recent great revi val
in Ireland under the lcadership of Evangelist W. P.
:\icholson, declares:
''CO!1\&quot;Crls by thousands. prayer meetings ~pr inging
UJl in the &quot;hops and factories, a new demal.1d. for t.he
Snipture s, a rc\,j\'al of song; . .. the religiOUS life
of the North of Ireland has recci\'ed a tremendous
&quot;God is 110t limited to national barriers. The ocean
need not stop the progress of awakening. if His
Spirit is evidencing the everlasting miracle of conversian in ulster, He is n ot less willing to manifest Him~elf here, where the necd is no less.
&quot;Our machinery is tremendolls, but Ollr output is
. . (,:allt.. . In Illany a bare pasture the 'hungry sheep
look up and are not fed'.
. Shall thc Church's candlC'!)tick hc remond from it s place? Shall another
take 'our crOWI1 of servit-e and spiritual success?
;\lethodisllI rame intu being on the wings of flaming
revival. In the red hot fires of constraining }o\'e,
\\'csIey&middot; and his compeers, their own hearts glowing,
kindled the altar fires of Calvary in all the Englishspeaking world. Has the lamp of God died out in the
tabernaclc? Is there no longer a Shekinah ovcr thc
Thank God for the foregoing! \Vould that it might
find a quick rcsponse, not only in every Methodist
ilEA RT 'I'll ROL-GIIOl:T CIlRISTE:\DO;l[ I Would
that ~Icthodism born and reared in revival might
again resound with the shouts of new-born souls and
the hallelujahs of hlood-c1can ... ed saints! An English
puhlication. referring to the Irish revival, says:
&quot;E\('ry day the tide of hlessing is rising and flowing over. It would be interesting to have a list of a ll
the character&quot;, \\&quot;ho have cOllie out on the Lord's side,
and whf) are no\\' working hard to get others saved
inl&quot;imling publicans, boxers. gamblers, thieves, guna~ well as respectahle church-going people who
had nncr been 'born again.' The Sl'eret of Mr. NichIIwn.
is a yieldl'&lt;i &lt;In&lt;i Spirit- fliled life, a gen-
uine hclicf ill the inspiration of the nible from
t':-;i:-; to J{('Yelation, and a fearless declaration of the
,.. aUll',
M r, ?\idwlsnn is uncc more in America beginning a
ill Los J\ngeles under the auspices
of the Bible&middot;Institute of that City, Pray for that cam ~
paign! Pray that EVERY cyangelical Bible tra ining
.;chool and church in Amer ica may bc d riven to prayer
for it fresh \'Isitat ion from hcaycn, as of a mighty
1'\I~h1l1,t.:' wind!
)'l'ar'~ (:a l1l pai~n
\Vl' have }u:-;t printed a very large edit ion of tht'
PC1lt('costal E,'angel of AU~ l1 st 11, which contains tcn
l1Iessages dealing wit h this phase of our special Godgin'n Pentcco!'&gt;tal testimony, Eyery assembly ought
to send for a large bundle of these Evange ls and ha\:c
thclIl on hand for general distribution, The price I S
$1.00 per 100, or 25 copics for 25 cents in United
Staks (Canada $1.15 1'&lt;' 1' 100, or 25 copies for 29 cents,
tl) pay for extra postage: Great Britain 5! per 1(0),
I ;o';Pt'\ Puhlishing- Hou;.ie, Springfield, Mo_
Fiv ~
&quot;I hupe to h, .. r :rom tht 111 &quot;II durmg tl1(' ('''',ur't- oi the
Council. Thcn' \\ill ht, a ~rcat mi .... ionary I-:illhering Ull thc
aitl'rnoon of Sunday, SqHtlllber 16, TIl(' Program Commit
tec arc arranginl.t for a number oi spt'cial COIH'ention itt'lll
'\ numbtr of our most Qualified pastori and teachers \\ill uriuf{
.uldn:, . . es on ~I'ecial subjects of par.lI11otlul imporlance: \Ve
art' expecting many of our be~t evan~t'Ii .. b. and ;, ha~ he~-11
cmtolllarv to (lcvote the e:\'('uing .. t'n'iet- oj our Council II'
special t~'allRdistic dTon , \ &quot;Iweial ses~ion will Iw ril-votc(1
tn a Divine lieating sen-in' ~&quot;'ny matt('f. of \-ital intcrl'~t to
;111 Pl-nt('~-o'I:1\ hrcthn', ,\ ill he hrouj.{ht iorth at tlu' ( )uncil
:ot'~Sil ' II~ ,
RnluCl'd railroad ratt S \rran!o;tlllcllu han' het'n made with
tilt' various railroad ;ls~ll!;iatiOIl&quot; of thi .. country for ddt'gates
and vi,itors to return from thl' Coullc;1 at hali the thllal fare.
provilkd tl1l'rc i~ ,11\ ath'lldann: of 254.1 &lt;It tht, Tl1~I,tim!:
-lire \\!ll'll purdla ... inJ.: your tickt-t to St. I..oui ... to ac:k the ticket
;1J.!l'nt for a certificatl' rt'n-ipt. You willlla\-c to pa~' full ~inJ.:k
l;ln' to St, 1.0\1;&quot;, hut, provi(lul thert' art' a ,uflicicl1t Il\llllbt-r
prt'stut, you \\ ill lw ahk to return hOllll' at hali iar(' _ F&quot;endekgatl' ~hould h;l.n- ;t &quot;(-parate cntilicatc recript covering:
tickl'l he purt-ha~t'd
One n'cl-ipl tor more than onl' ticket
'_ ill Ilot he h&quot;nnrt'd or valillated_ If, howeVl'r, it is impossible
'0 ,L:d a certilic,lte rln-ipt irolll the 101-al ti!;kl,t ag-l'nt, a regular reCl:ipt \1 ill hl' ~ati~ia('tor_\' and should be secured when
ticket i;; plIrrlla&quot;I'd Sn that the ticket read;; to 51 Louis
SI'I' that your n-nificalt' n't l'illt is st:llnped with Ill\' ~amt' d'lhYNlr tickl'l _ Sign ~(lllr name to till' tntificatc in ink, ami
.ilol\ ,hi,. to tlH' ti~-!;I.-t ;lg'l'nl Call at IllI.' railroad q;tlion 1-01
tirket and cl'I'lilieatl' at ka .. t thirt~ millutt-, hdnrl' tll'partnrc
of train Cl'I,tij;l-ah'~ arl' tlOt kq)\ ilt all ~t,l\i&quot;I1' :\.k '0111
hnnlt' &quot;tation wlll.'tlwr 11111 can prorurl n'n1!!\' ill' S :tnd
throuJ..:h train:. In St, I,(,ui. Ii not. bll)' ,I 10(;11 tid.d to 111ar
('~t Jloint \\llI'n' a nrtitil-att' and throu~h licklt til St. I,oui,
~ll' '-urtlu'r Jlarticular- In ];,_1 ]-:\;1&quot;,;\_
c:ln Iw bought
Ill-lin\.- that tllnl&quot; \Iill hl' more til-an 2511 pn&quot;l'llI, as tht're WI'rl'
2110 atlenlit'd 111\' 19.'0 ('ounrilm'-I.-tinl', .Iud Ill' art' l'xJlt'cting a
larJ.!cr .lttnHla1 ... e thi- ~1_Lr
But it !l1tht hi' ul1,h r.tood tbat
tl\(; Cuuncil l'all l1lak\- Il(, J,:uaranl'l' th;t1 tlwrt' \\ill he 250
I'H'St'nt at tlu' nWI',illg \\ l trtht, how('\'cr, that Iioubtl' that
IlI1l11hl'r \l'il! 11(' th('rl&quot;
1;11 l' &quot;'I&quot;'rial rt,dul&quot;\'J r.lh's \\'ill not IH'
j.{r,llltt'd In- tll\' r,likay ;l~~\Kt&lt;![lnll' to l11illlstt'r~ \Iho U~l' [ilt-ir
rkrg-- cerlilicat ....
Pray for thi mccti[l~ a1ll1 ,,1,111 10 \ll' \\ 1111 U,
\\'1 ,IH' ex
pI-Cling a hl&quot;ssl'd &lt;;ea~Oll in thl' prewllct' oi thc Lord_ Ill' has
always given us Ihis in Ollr past meeti ngs an-d 'we are expecting
the hest 111(,(,tiug' \I-C C\'!'r had_
Salem C hurch, St. L ouis, where General Council will be held,
will 11(' hcl(I, D _ \ '_, from Se pt e mber 13 10 20 at thc Salem
c hurch, corne r Pend le ton and Page, St_ Loui s, Mo_
Thc Council w ill commence with a devot iona l servicc at
JO a_ Ill. on Thursda y, September 13_
The hrethren oi the St. Louis .-\sselllbly of God hope to
have a \VCIcOIllC Committee at the Depot to help delegates
and vis itors arriving in St. Louis, Tn casc you should miss
this Committee take any car at Dcpot going north to Page
car linc and tran s fcr to Page car going west. Gel off at
Pendelton and walk two block s north to the church_ A com~
mittel' of St, Louis brethren will be on hand with their list
of rooms to be had, Meal s will be served during the Council
meeting in the basement of the church on the frce~wil1~ofTering
\Ve are expecting twenty-se wn o r more of our missionarics
The resurrection of Christ predicted,
&quot;\\ -hell Thou :-.halt makr IIi!'&gt; soul an ofieriug for sin. He shall
sec His Seed, 11e sha ll prolon~ Ilis days&quot; (ha, 53:10)_
&quot;For Thou wilt not leave My soul in hell; neither wilt
Thou sufTer Thine H oly Onc 10 s~'e corruption&quot; (Psa
16 :10)_ PC\('r quoted Ih is nrs(' on the Da\' of Pentecost (Acts 2 :27), adding, &quot; II e ( D a\'id) seeing this before
spake o f the resurreelion of Christ, th at Hi s SOil I wa s not
left in hell, neither lIis flesh did sec corruPlion&quot; (Acts
2 ,31).
It was fo retold in type in Jonah 1 _17, .. ~ow tlw Lo rd had
preparcd a great fi sh 10 swa llow up Jonah_ And Jonah
was in th e belly of the fi sh threc (la ys and three night s.&quot;
Our Lord Je sll s Chr ist Himself showed this to b(' a ty;le
of the resurrection when He declared_ &quot;For a .. JUI1~; was
three days and three night s in the t'oihalc's bell\' - ~o s hall
th e Son of man be three days all II three nigh t.. in 't he
heart of th e earth&quot; (~latl_ 12-40)
The re. urrection proves the words
to be true.
our Lord Jelu. Christ
Ill' said, &quot;De !'&gt; troy thi s temple, and ill three days I wi'l raise
it up_ , ' , Ill' spake of the temple of His body&quot; &lt;John &quot;
2 :19, 21), &quot;The Son of man shall be betrayet! i:,to the
hands of men: and they sha ll kill Him, and the third day
He shall be raised again&quot; (Matt. 17:22,23), See also
)'Ialt. 16:21 and Matt. 20:19_ &quot;1 have power to lay it
~ l o~lt.
'I \lill
,Iud I hl~
plJ\Hr 10 take;t ,u{&lt;lin' (juhu 10.18)
alltl ,1'{lUl In';lr! h,tli rljoiCl' (John
)(.&quot; ;L\{IIIl,
16:22). (olllpan' Ihi Ilith John 20;21), &quot;1!e &quot;hi IHe! unto
Ilam Ifi~ hand~ nnd lIis hid('. Thin W(Tl' till' di cipll S
~bd. w lH'n they
ilW the Lord.&quot;
The rt.&quot;.&lt;;urrcclioll ,up!J licd Ilis witn{' &middot;,t, \Ilth au illdi'l.utahlt'
tad, \I hich coule! no! be denied III {&middot;ilbl r' ilion' or men.
3. The r e.urrectio n or Christ procure. (or the Ion I of Adam
• (ull nlvation a nd the girt of the Holy Cbolt.
\\'ho \\.1' I, !iHrt'd for nur nlh-n,,&middot; lnd \\:1' rabed again for
our ju~titHali(,n&quot; (Rolli 4:25). &quot;Th; J('~u~ hath God
raist&middot;,1 up, Illu'n'I'! WI' all ar \Iilll t &quot; c&middot;
TIlt'nfore bcill/o:
hv the riL!hl hand of (rud nw.llt'd, nil!! having received of
the Fathlf lilt' \lrollli~I' of the fi(lly Cho&quot;t, lie hath ~hed
io rt h Ihi~, which yl' IIOW'C'C and Ittar&quot; (I\et!i 2:32,33).
&quot;Bllt if th (' Sriril flf lIim that raj~C(1 up Jesus f rom the
flrad dwell in you, lit, that raised up Chr ist frol1l the dead
~ha ll al~o (Juickul your mo rl al hodies by Ili~ Spirit that
nwclkth in YOIl&quot; (Rom. 8 :11).
4. The ruurrection of Christ provide. (or believe,. a new
.ource of life and power.
&quot;Rl'cau~(' J live. F
,ha ll li ve also..
Ye shall know that I
am in My Fath('r, alld ye ill Me, and I in you&quot; (John
14 :19, 20). &quot; h 'r if, wit(' n we w('rr (' l ll&quot;lI1ic~, \~e were
reroneih-d to (;011 hy the death of Ilis Son, mll eh more,
heing r(&quot;I;f,nrill'd. Wl' .. hall be ..&lt;\vnl by Il i~ life&quot; (ROlli
5, 10) .
5. The r e.urrection of Chrilt preparel the way for un.peak.
able ble.ling and a life of holinell.
&quot;Unto y(m r1r'l (;0(1. ha \&quot; iug raised liP His SOli Jcsm, sent
Il im to hll'ss you&quot; (Acts 3 :26). &quot;That likl' a~ Christ was
rai..;eci up from Ih e dead by the glory of thl&quot; Father, even
so we abo :o&gt;hould wa lk in newness of life&quot; ( Rom. 6:4).
Re:ar\ the nr'&gt;e:s fo llowing, wh ic h COIlVl')' to us a blc ss~d
m('S~:J..Kl' of practical holinc ss.
6. The relurr('ction of Chrilt proclaim I a new and blclled
hope for th e .aint.
&quot;BI('$~ed be tIl&lt;' (;od and Fillhtr of our Lord J(' SII S Chri~ t , who
&quot;ccordil1~ to lIi ~ ahundant mercy hath begotten us again
utllo a lively hOPl' hy the resurrection of J e~us Christ
from the deali. to all inheritance incorruptible, and un defiled, and thilt faddh nol away, resen 'ccl in heaven for
you&quot; (I I\'\('r I :3,4). &quot;If we believe that Jesus died and
rose aga in , l'n-n so the III also which sleep in Je !.u.s will
God bring with lIim&quot; (I Tht&quot; ss. 4 :14). We have life IN
Chri~l now, and we shall live \VITII Christ then forever.
7. The rCiurrect io n of Chriat proclaim I lure and certain judgment for the s inner.
&quot;He hath appomtl'd a day, in the which Jl e w ill judge th e world
ill righteollst1t'&lt;;&lt;; hy that Man whom He hath orda in ed:
\\ hereof lie hath given assurance Ullto all men, ill that
lie hath rili~ed Jlim from the dead&quot; (Ac t'! 17:31). '&quot;)'far4
\'el not at thi'!: for the hour is coming, ill the which all
that arc in the graves s hall hear J lis \'oiee, and s ha1l
(&quot;ome fMth. 1lH'.\ that ha\'e done good, unto the resurrection of life: and the\' that have dOlle evil. unto the resurrection of tlamnati01~&quot; (John 5 :28. 29).
&quot; I(
thou s l-oalt con fell with thy mouth the Lord Jelul, and
Ihfllt be lieve in thine heart that God hath railed Him from
the dead, thou I halt he .aved&quot; (Rom. 10: 9),
- F.
lin.. A. R. Flower
Sept 8, 1923
But oh. thd blood l;lincd ero&quot;s! no we not
reeo Ili.l.l' it
c;o' Ilvd ,11l1(J1
Ili~ people 10 rai~e the
10,1\, 1(, Inllnhh the: hi/-.:h?
Monday.-&quot;AI one whom hi l mo the r comforteth,
comrort you&quot; (ha. 66: 13),
will 1
&quot;':&quot;erla ,lin/-.: C: llsolation!
T(lIdlr :,~ a mother'~ touch
I, the hand of Gocl upon thce .
\ He v.lli~IH r~, &quot;}-:\&quot;('n such
\re the motn('nt&quot;~ light affiictions,
\\'hkh. if thou do~t bear with Me,
Shall prehuk Ihl' , ... ar of glory
.. \nrl etcrnal victory.&quot;
Tuelday.-&quot;Neither told I any man what my God had put
in my heflrt to do&quot; (N(:h. 2: 12).
\ \\i~r man \\as that prophet Xehemiah-wise in keeping
l'crel How ullwittingly clt'ar ,honc~t hearts have opcned
the door for \&quot;arious Satanic hindrances to God's appointed
1111rp(' e in their life anrl $en-iec hy a prrmature unfolding of
the Cod&middot;ginn plan. This explains al. 0 \\ hy many prayers arc
'&quot;Thl' secret of Ihe Lord is with them thal fear
Ilim.&quot; C;ive God Ol chance to answcr your petitions and work
out :III 'lis gracious purposes by k('('ping your counsel and
do .. dr ahiding God's ti111e to speak forth lIi s sec ret.
12 : 10).
file qllc~tion is often a~ked, lIow ran we count others hetter than ourselves, when \\&quot;(: .. ee that they are far below us
in \\&quot;i~dom and in holill(,'~' in natura l gifts. or in ~race re&quot;
Cl&middot;ivcd. The Question pron's at once how litt le we und('r'!tand
what f('al lowliness of mind i!;. True humility comes whell, in
the light of (;od. we ha\'e Sl&middot;tn ourselve:o&gt; to be nothing, have
cO:lsented to pa rt with and ca~l a\\ay sc1i, to let God be all.
The solt l that has dOtH' thi~, a nd can !.ay, 'So ha\'e 1 lost myse lf in finding Thee: no longer compa res itself with others. It
has given up fo revc r evc.:ry thoug ht of se lf in God's presence;
it meet'! it &lt;; fe llow&middot; men as one \\ho is nothing, and seeks l1oth 4
ing for it se lf ; who i~ a ~t:rval1t of God, and for Iii .. sake a
servant of all, :\ faithful servant may be wiser than the mas&middot;
ter, and yet retain the true spirit a nd posture o f the ~e rv anl.
The humhle man looks UpOll e\'ery ch ild of God-Ihe feeblest
anfi unworthiest-and honors him and prefers him in honor
as the '1011 of a King. The spi rit of Him who washed the
di~ciples' feet. makes it a joy to I1 S to be in deed th e lea~t, to
be the se rvant s one of an oth er&quot;
Thurlday ,-&quot;And we know that all thing. work together ror
good to them that love God, to them who are the ealle d aC4
cording to Hil purpole&quot; (Rom. 8: 28).
To ha\le a te stimony thae must he a test. God Illust he
prov('n in the &quot;all{'\' before we can exalt Him from the mOUllt4
tain top. It is the going down inl O the ea r th that make s the
iOllntialion certain for the going up of the structure. God's
tomorrow will clear up the perplexities of today, and this is
,\hy we can confidently s ay, &quot;Th i ~ light affliction. which is but
ior a moment, worketh for 11 ~ a far more exceeding and eter&middot;
nal weight of glory.&quot;
Fridl\y.-&quot;Behold, he prayeth&quot; (Ach 9:11).
These words gi,'e th e secret of that one whose life we have
noticed is so resplendent with the power and radiance of God.
That indefinable something we sec and feel in some dear
~ait1l~ more than others is directly traceable to their prayer
life. Back of the shining face, the drawing testimony, the God&middot;
like conduct, the abiding victory, the power to prevail with
men, i~ a wholesome, deep&middot; rooted liie of prayer. God's best
for us is that this be the (Ii:o&gt;tingui .. hing mark, the one note&middot;
worthy thillg about our li fe and walk; the one exp lanatio n of
our success for Irim-&quot;hehold he prareth.&quot;
Sloidday.-&quot;But God forbid that I Ihould glory, lave in the
(:ron of our Lord Jelua Chrilt, by whom the world i. cruci4
fied. unto me, and I unto the world&quot; (Gal. 6: 14).
Saturday,- &quot;Blelled are they which do hunger and thint af.
ter righteoulnell; for they Ihall be filled&quot; (Matt. 5:6).
That bles&lt;;ed cros'&gt; of ]esus-ollr boast, our glory now, and
through all eternity! As it looms before us with all its story
of sacrifice, of suffe ring, of redemption&middot; no room is left for
boasting in aught beside. There have been some who glor ied
in their humilit)&quot; others who became proud even of their plainness, and ~omc who rested in their supposed ly estab lished
T fOllnd somethi ng&quot; in me that would not keep sweet and pa
&quot;1 knew Jeslls, and He was vcr}' precious 10 my soul: but
tient and kind. I did what 1 could to keep it down, but it
was there. r besought Jesus to do something for me, and
when I gave Him my will, He came 10 my heart, and and took
out all that would not be kind, all that w .... uld not be patie&quot;nt,
and then He s hut the door.&quot;-G('orgc Fox.
ll' ~
l,ulO 111&lt;11 :)I,lll'\C; tht (;o~l'd. Thr...:e con
l'(, ,x.,alllpies :11&quot;,' n'~'vrdccl in Ihe book
01 ,\r;'
111 I LUI;nthi;lI1.i 12, Wt' ro.:,u!
fh .... &middot; th, giil &quot;j IOIlKUI ~ \\i\&quot; &quot;ct in the
{ hurdl , il&quot; U&quot;C i&quot; rcgu1&lt;11cd in Chapler
\&middot;1, 1:, ' tht&middot; SIgn \Homi&quot;ed 1ll ~Iark and
iulldll'{] III .\.-h, alld &quot;the gift&quot; defined
.... ltd n:l-:uLtlt'd in Corinthians always the
&quot;a Ilk 111 ('&quot;&quot;clH'C and usc? This is a Ii\&quot;(:
qm,:-.tiol1 Imlay, .1&quot; 110 honest, &quot;'ell-inform&middot;
cd _&quot;oul will clt-ny that there arc muitiplic(1
ot genuine cases of new
inllowing the preaching oi tht
(;ospd today
:&quot;fany dear brethr(,n eontcnd that ever\&quot;
l'xamplc i:-. Ihe gift of tongues;
that the Bapti&quot;m in the Spirit is ior all
j,dit&middot;vcrs. and thai each believer so anoint&middot;
cd. will n'('Cin' one or Illorc oi the !lin
gill!l- a!&lt; Jf t, will; while an increa.iingly
largl' number oi Spirit-filled saint&quot; see .!
distirK'tion in ill(' province and use oi
tOllgue~, ill dlal initial experience in th~
outpouring of the Spirit as in the :\cL;..
where the mallife~tation seem~ inc\urlr-Ii
anti inhe-n'nt, in the larger experience o!
II\(' ~pirjt Hapti&quot;m The yielded human
yt&middot;.;srl is conlrol1('(1 entirely bv the dl'
&quot;ine .spirit h~nce unlimited ~nd unre_
strained. And as a gift ;11 the establishc(l
a&quot;~('lllbl:v n~ at Corinth, whert (he man _
if(,c;tation i~ under the control of the af'
ointed human mimI. its ~xercise is lim_
ited and prescribed. This distinction in
use i&lt;:: d('arly marked in the Scrjptur('~
anc! will he increasinglv manifest a&quot; \\c
~tudy the ~uhject.
That the gifts are di\'crs and divirlerl
is cll'arlr state(1. &quot;Now ther,&middot;
arc di\&quot;Crsilic!'o of J.,,&quot;;h&quot;i, but ihc same
And there arc differences of nd&middot;
ministrations. nut the !&lt;ame L v.d. And
tlH'rl' ar(- diversitic!&lt; of operation&quot;i. hut i:
i, 11ll' same God which worketh all in all.
But the manifestation of the Spiri: i~
~in'n to ('vt'ry man to profit withal. For
to one is given bv the Spirit the word oi
wi&quot;idO~l: to another tht' word of know!
'I'dge by the same .spirit; to anotho:'r f;tith
by the same Spirit; to another thc ~ifts
of healing by t he .o;alllc Spirit: to another
Ih(' workin~ of miracles; to another prophecy; to another di~cerning of spirils:
10 :tnother diveT&quot;i killd~ of tonglle~; to
another the interprctation of tongues' lmt
:til these worketh that onc and the ~eH.
~ame ~pirit, dividing to every man severally as He wilt&quot;
Thus we ~ee the \-aried manifestations
of the divine Spirit in the ~ettled re~l:1ar
work of the- Church. All the memher~
are to be acti\&middot;e. and acted upon hv the
Spirit for the edification of the wh~le.
With due regard to tll:.; ;'\postolic
!&lt;tlltement a&lt;; to the manner in which t&quot;,&middot;
gi fts are- divided. let us now &quot;tudy Ih('
tongut&quot;s phenomenon. a~ recorded in Act&quot;
Our first example is at Jeruc;al em. whert&middot;
011(' Imndrerl ;tnd twenty consecra t t,l. &quot;q)arat('d. praying, praising di~cip'('~ \\l're
F\ ,\I\(,;EL
e!lUUCll '111
p \\el
&quot; UPOIl thc.n,
I e ail Iillo:d &quot;,nil thc Hal.\&quot; SPIrit, and
C:K;&quot;~ to speak nith otlH'r tonSl:,&middot;s ;:IS
the ~Plr1t ga\'t tilt'lIl lIttcran, .,.&quot;' l'kl~e
notc they ~\&quot;('rc ;til bll~d-&lt;lll &quot;lIl'aking III
tongues. Shall wc condwi(- In,lt (;ou ;s
distributing- gifl&quot; here, tb&quot;l in thi .., C:l_,C
lit&middot; makl''' e\.rqllioll to lilt, rule oi di&middot;.. i'WI! l,lltlllciatel Jalt&middot;!' by P'll!l. aut! gin''&gt;
Ihem all the same gift? Did unbclic\'ing
.kw&quot; cau~e t;od tn do lhe irregular thing
at )cru&quot;alcm: \\ e must draw :-ome such
inkrcnCt&middot;, or acknowledge that the speak
ing In ton~\Il'S here, had some natural
relation 10 Ihe outpouring itself that can
he predlcll'fl (If 110 olle of the gifts. This
in fact i&quot;i the clear import of Pl'ter's serilion, &quot; Thls is that spoken by the prophet
Joel,&quot; this i&quot; thf outpouring promised
In all flesh.
\\ &quot; I I
he ;-,pint
f'nl&middot;r did tlot intimate that this utter&middot;
ance that ~o confounded these Jews was
special, ha\'inE! 110 relation or connection with Joers prophecy
rher(' i!&lt; not a hint of anything unusu~1
or abnormal in this experience. or that
anything was added because of circum&quot;lance,,; but Peter's word ~o .&gt;imply stalf'll. wo\1id 1l;tluraJly \('ad :\m'one to be
lil&middot;V(&middot;. the \\&quot;hol,' arTair-to ngu'(,s and all
\\&quot;;1&quot; bill I Ill' normal fulfdlment of JOl&quot;i's
Bllt 1I-t tl~ take allOlher case: Cornel
ius. his kinsmen and ncar friends. &quot;mall\'
that \\'('rc com(' together:' await with c~
pectallt hearts the cominp- of tht, evan
gciist from Joppa. Petl'r IO~('lht'l \\ j!1l
six Jewish hrethren nrri\'e ;lt1l1 altt&middot;r a
few wonls of for111;'1.1 greeliul&quot; bc~all Itl
prtach Christ, and &quot;the JTol~' Spirit ft'll
upon all that h('ard the \\'01'11'-' allrl &quot;the\'
of the circumcision as marn' 01'&quot; c'ame with
P('II r were aslonisher! hl'{&quot;au&quot;c Ihat (,II
the Gl'nti\e&lt;; also W;t&quot; poun'l! out I\l(
l!ift of tht, lIoly GhMI ior lit,&middot;\&quot; Ilt'ar'!
them ~p(',k with 111111 I1l'~ ;11\(1 mal!lIii
Here again t h~' &lt;1i\-iIH' rl'cord 01 Ihl'
of the Huh' Chosl. i~ ill 1'(&gt;IlIlic1
with the doctrine whirh insi~ts. that all
speaking in tong-tw&quot;, i&quot;, ... i111ply and onl\&quot;
the 'exerci~(' of onl' of tlH' g-ifts: fnr if
we acc(&quot;pl l'al1l':- tl'aehillg' Ihat eml eli
vide.; lill' g-ift,,-and arcept it \\'(' I1\\lS'
-then t!tnl&quot; i&quot; ~olllethin~ (lifTcrl'1l1 la'n:,
for th('((&middot; arc 110 l'xlt'tlltating' circum&middot;
~tanres in Illi&quot; ('a~e, no unbelievers to
hear in their tongues. they were all filled:
all j;;peaking in tongues.
ft ~('l'ms but reasonablc to SUPPO_,l'
Ih&lt;lt III(' in~pin'd apostlt'~ ami sainI&quot; oi
l11o.o;e herculean da v&lt;; !&lt;houlcl IInder&lt;;lanri
Ihe meanin~ and significancc of lite
'ntH!UeS ph(,llClmenon. \\'c mt1!;t conc1urte
po~iti\'etv that in tho~e ri:l\'C;, hefor&pound;' the
Ircam of r('li(,,;f'\ll and theolo~.... wac; hcf(\(!~ed Iw conflict;nC!' r\Of'trin{&quot;~ of men.
Ih:lt the illlpr('~&quot;ions atHl conrlu&lt;;ion&quot; Ot
&lt;.aints and apo&quot;tll'~ upon anv gin'n &lt;;uhkct ~llOI11(1 be final. Take first th(' JC\\
Page Seven
I&quot;h brethren as iulnl,.&quot;.tcd l'&gt;pedators
l.aesarca. They were astoniahcd bec:' '1)t;
. 13.t on the Gentiles also was poured Ollt
the gift of the Holy Gh05t, for they heard
them speak with tongues. '1 here is 110:
lilt Ihat the~e Jew:&gt; e\&quot;el thought of the
Spirit dividing gifts \\ h('n ,\ I ne~&quot; ng
tillS t&middot;xpcriclH:~'. but thlY dell
mani~'c~talion a proui .beyond evIl,
{.\ n!tles 011,,0 had rtct'ln&middot;d tht 11 )OU1 (I
fop rit. Xo unprdutlictd min.1 c n 1 d
Ihh ;lrcount &lt;lml il\&quot;'lil! tl\(' ~ellic d
(,11du&quot;ioll. Ihat in thc mUlIl of It
&quot; , ,h
I&gt;r~'lhrell, till' SPt aklng 111 IOI1),.:U&lt; . hef,',
IS associated Wilh, :lud .\ \,) rt.,lIlt
of. the oUlpouring oj Ihl' Spiril.
l'eter's \'cruiet is Iht Ijallll'
'l:;11l &quot;tty
houl l 11t&gt;1
he baptizl'd, Whll'l h;n&middot;t&middot; Tt lI!V II ll'
Holy Chost ai \\1&quot;11 ,IS \1
It I!; \ r
taill from ('\&middot;i(lI .... l in :hii (..... Ihat 1'. 'r
did not cou.iilh tht' tipeakinj{ III I&quot;n&quot;,&quot;rtl\&middot;~
at Cae&quot;iarea
lu giil.' as &lt;!rfllll'd In' rt
liJ.:ious tho,~..:ht oj tod.t\
oll'''hil1~ additional, h:1\ '11).: no
buon 10 th, Il.tptl$olll il~' 1 1.\1 tl ... ,t
\\&middot;t&middot; mu&quot;t re, a
1l1t'mh('r ti ,I &quot;,J &middot;1, 11 \\ilh PlIl
&quot;l'ry th :;111' \\ n' 01: 11&middot; house' 101'. to
teach him I&quot; &quot;al! 1111 tHan C'1111l101l or
unrl,;,n. an I :h I &quot;( O{) IS Ill&gt; rt&quot;lH' .&middot;r
oi 1&quot; &quot;'&quot;n
S&quot; \\lUIl he ' j c111&laquo;\ to
t!l;Jl I,&middot; h,l\illl{ \.'O IH in t, Ih,,(' fall
IIlt'r n.!li.,&quot; Ih' lak, ... inl&quot; nlll,iril' ~11'11l
Ih l &middot; 1.&laquo;1 Ihat hi~ Iorl:hton h.I\1 n,'!
'!pportnnity to Ilntit'!&gt;t:Jntl IllI' ',l'
he i!&lt; Cardl!1 to )..:&quot;in Ihl 111 in lid.lil '~c&middot;r~
tkalil1~ with hil11, ;1\1,1 10 dl&lt;::nill1' I:,-.,i's
hl('~:;in~ 11)1011 Ilw l~t'l1lik~. 111: t IIH'ir
prdUf\in 11Iil:ht he hr0kl'&quot; fitl\\ II :\.11\ hi ...
1'1'elhrt'11 WOId,1 1101 tilk(' 1111' \\rtlllL::&quot; a~
IiI mit, in Ihi~ &quot;ny important malin
l~ ('a&quot;y 10 &lt;'('l&quot; litr impnrl,lIH'l' of Pct'r
Illakin'!' (hI' ra'I' ~tr&quot;IH&quot;, ami O::l'ltil1~ h&middot;&middot;
ion- hi&quot; prdwlico&middot;t1 juror&quot; all the l'\&middot;iflt&middot;lh' ,\1
hi~ ,'on'manel
'''\1 'lad it 1)('01 11 n,
Ihat the I:;lpti~m ill tltt' Spirit 'Ia&quot; 't,l1&middot;
:tlly r&quot;{&quot;{'i&quot;ed withl'lIl 0111\' \ t!;ihk, ph~ ,ie.11
&quot;i~n. if Iht&middot; c:ul,lidat,
took it by faith,
had jm', \H&middot;:tn'. lun&middot;. ~'Ic .11111 &quot;,nmrlimc&quot;
IIH' f'&lt;Iwri&quot;nn' \\:1' ;1\'('01I1I';,&quot;it''] wi:'\
~~iil_ ,hal \\'\&middot;r 0\11\\;,r&lt;1 ~I1HI \&quot;i .. ihll&middot; th.n
\\'i111(1I11 c\o\1ht Pd('r'&quot; bl1J.:ua&quot;,c \\oul&middot;1
havc ht&middot;t&middot;1I \&quot;I'ry difTCTl'llI
He prn];&quot;,h1y
\\ould han' ~ai(\. &quot;,\, 1 prt'arh('{1 In til('
\&quot;'nlikc; Co(1 ~a\&quot;c thent a miJ:!&quot;htr n.. p&middot;
TIle~' '\'l'fl' ;ill \.t'f\, happy ,.!HI
l1mrh hks&quot;t&middot;(\ in tht'il &quot;-(Ill I... ana in addition t o the Baptism ;1' if in ordn 10
fli .. pd all Ollr dnuht-. II. \:;(\l' tllnn also
Ihe gift of t ongues, ~l'~ l&quot;\&quot;l'11 IIIl' ~all1t'
g-ilt \\&quot;l' ;,11 n'n'in'(1 al Jnll ... ak1l1,&quot; Bllt
tHlW fl'iUI th l &middot; statement of Pl'kl. .. \nn
a&quot; I h(',I.Ull1 to ~Ih'ak till' Holy ..spirit fell
on th~m as on us in the beginning. Then
rt&quot;membered I the W ord of the Lord
how that He said. J ohn indeed baptized
with water. but ye shall be baptized with
fhe Holy Spirit,&quot; 1n othn Worlis. wht-n
IIll'&quot;;:e G(,lIliks hrob&middot; fOt tit in rapl!lr(mo::,
('c&quot;talic worship in nther tont::U(&middot;~. Peter
never thought of gifts, but he thought
of the Baptism in the Spirit. Enn a
carna.l rradrr jo.: (Irin'n 10 the (-onc1u~ion
Ihat in Petl'r&middot; . . mind th(' &quot;ulwrn&lt;tlural 111teranr(, at Cae~area. wa&lt;; as!;o('iated with
Ihl' f''&lt;peril'nce of til(' Ihpti,tn il&lt;;rif. Ill'
,imply anrl onl~' descriheo; in dear and
man forbid water thaI thnt
h.ijc E igh t
la nguag\', the l1Iannu III \\hich
the S pirit fell upon t he (;entik.i.
A passill l{ noticc oi t he outpOUl ing ('II
Ihe L phcsict n s \\ill :;u lhu-. &quot; 1 he H oly
~Plnt ,allle upvn IhtUl and they .. poke
\\ It h tong ues ;wd prophl.siell.&quot; I l cre ,I'
H&middot;IIII thc lII.tIIik&quot;tatioll il&gt; the (JUeet hr.t
rn'\lIt o i t he Spi r it COIl1I11!ot lIilOIl ,Ih'm
Again t hcre i:, !1C1thillv in the l lU1l1
slaIlU'~ to wa rra nt t he unus ual, 110 one
ed ilinl by the excrcise ()i the gitt~
I !It y
arc all bap t ized, sw&quot;llo\\u! up ill the di
vinc doue!, o\'cupied \l lth Cl1n!&gt;t ,110m'
It I.&gt; not a tillll' of llliTll!&gt;lry 10 t.lli1 {Jlht:
in l11ul ual Mrl'ngth gi\'i,,~ and rt'l&quot;l'iving
ill t t'n()u r ~c
'1 Ill' divinl' l'cr,.,on Jill~ the
w holc. scene. Then&middot; j,., 110 nced for illHI
no a ttcm pl 10 c(liiy (';teh (lIllt'r; yl'l we
have the s ame outwa r d marufestation,
every one of them speaking by the S pirit.
Lr a ft e r rcading' earc.iully the ... e Ihree
n,lrl'.a tivc:. .a lly of lilY readcr:. art' still oj
t he opinIOn Ihal all splaking in tOll!o:ues
sllliply ;lntl only till' l'xt:n:i~e oi onl
of Ih (, /{'ift~, Ihat. Ih~olngir.t1 I )' ~pl&middot;aking.
the gifl'; arc di\&middot;irkd &quot;cHral1y, bill actu
ally ill B ible da)~, in thl; t,'XJ1('ntncc and
Illinist ry of the apostlt _~ ther might, and
in t llt'sc th l'ce C;I~C&quot;', a! tuallv did all rt:
eeivc t he saillt gifl al Ih,: sam e time
when baptized thil t tht&middot;&quot;
two f'XPI;J'
illH'es arc ,;(1 do:.cI\' n&middot;I,lh. d that tile\'
;,re spokcn of hy t he inspired write r a~
one exper:encc- that of the B ap tism ,
t ht'n I s imp ly sugge'&gt;t lil;,t if thi:-. coul(1
he t rue, then a~&quot;ur{.dl.\' Ihl; giit of tong-lie
is de&lt;;ervi ng a far great e r promi nence.
t han is accor rkt l it hy ;HI\,ocat r,., III th~
g ift t heory today.
A nothe r n &middot;a:.o ll why I ca nnOI ~ ('c Ih;l t
all spcak ing in tongUl&quot; i~ th e gift, in the
li mit ed and prescriber\ se n se o f I Co r
iuthi'IIlS 14, is hl'(';H1~e that. apostolic instr uction that J.!Oh&middot;n u&middot;(! the ust.' of t lw
giil in the :I&quot;~ IIlb lit.,~. is in conflict wi t h
t he practice of the apostles rclat i\'e
t o Ih(, to ng m&middot;... plw !lo me llo n in the P enl c.0&lt;;1011 ollt poll ri ll !l. Firs t. ohser ve. t hose
dlO ha ve th e ~ ii t ill Ihe assem bly. a rt'
t o kt&middot;t., p si it-I1t'e tlll lt'~&quot; t heft' is ail inh'rprCIl' r, o n! y speak to ti1cllll-o ch'es and to
C orl ; and \\ hef t&middot; (Ill'rc is an in tcrpreter.
thcv arc to &quot; &quot;peak hr two, and at th ~'
mo~ t by three. and that hy eour ..;e: and
It'! Olll' interp ret.&quot; That i ~ . not morc
tha n t hrec ough t to speak in anyone
!-.crvice, and one at a time; while one is
10 interprc t. r repeat, th e5e inst ructions
are in o pen conflict with the practice of
the apostles in the Acts. At Cae ~ arca.
the w ho le crow d ma.s:c \. 0(1 iu
to n gu e ~ withOut any effort on Pet e r&middot;_.
part to m&lt;l illtain order, a nd ha H' tilt'
languagec; interpreted , And 100. when
we co ns id er tha t they b roke right in on
the preac he r's se rm on. an d the ~\leaker
a n a postle. a nd no doub t m i~h t ih' an
noin t{'d, fo r P eter wao; not t hrou ~h hi s
me&lt;:&lt;:a~c-h e ... aid he had on I\' fairly &quot;began;&quot; when these \. ent il(':; began to &quot;pea k
in lon(!,ue&lt;:. not one at a time in Bi.ble
order. but all at once, TheY' c;'l1 rcl~&shy;
spoil ed a ~ood Sf'rmon at C aesa rea, But
assured Iv the H oly Spirit hac; a ri llht to
&lt;;uperc cde e ven tin apoe;ll(': , and thi &quot; is
t he simple htlt ~l owin C' aerouI11 o f Ihe
H olv Spirit fallin g upon . and taki n~ posses sion of the m. Peter mig ht well fo r-
Illar to I'\-ak 10 thel1l, \\hih; (,ud s
desCllUllng to 'I'\ak tlll'tlugh thcm.
L\t.:ll l'ilul had at ka&quot;t t \\l&middot;he SPLilkillg
tUllglhs \\iIlIUllt cillllIIg' lor an intcl&quot;
prl;tcr, not\\ ith&quot;I&quot;I1'tlll~ he had ..,t:t tht.:
maximulII lor the na:r(;l:.C oi the gilt, id
threl:. ;t/ul Ih&quot;t 1111 conJlli(m Iht.: IIIL
agl'''' were ililerprl'll'd III turn, .\ow it
II l-oill';lkulg in tOllgun il; Iht s.nne in u~e .
and thOit u e i:. dt'lIl1l;ll ill I Cor. 14; tht:n
tht&middot; \\hl.)le :lsscll1l1l&quot;. apostle illciwJ.&middot;d . \\&lt;1
\&middot;trv nI\1rh !Jut 01 Ordl;f. 11 f)\\ arc Wl' \&lt;,
inll'rprd Ihi:. l'olltlarliction bet\\ eell &lt;lJI'
'&quot;lolil,; In Lru.-tion ;Ind apn ... tolic practice
unl ess w e see a dear dist inction in t h e
use of t ongues?
Fir~t. Ihat l&gt;!Jt::tking 111 tOIl~uel&gt; whkb
i a direct ree;tlll, oi the soven'lg-n PO\\ t.:r
or God ill Ihe P('nlno&quot;t;!1 b.l)llism; as
we have just noted in the hook ot Acts&gt;.
li Ne t he S pirit is COlllr()lli ng lhl: speak('r,
a b solutely: s pirit. soul and body ; e ntire&middot;
ly p ossessed by divin e p ower; having
l'assed Ih, poml oi tranl-oilion from
m ind control, to divine co ntrol : \\11&lt;'11
by the Spirit Himself. using thei r yi eld&middot;
t&quot;l. enrapttlf('d facultit&middot;s. Ihey bcgan 10
1lI;'lI~nii\' (;&quot;d. all at once . a nd in din&middot;r ..
('ol1ll! anythillll hI' mon' In
f!al{ranl vi(llation of the g-cneral 1Il1lk-r
&lt;.I.1I1IIin).'(' of .1c{&middot;l'IH&middot;y and in onkr in rc
Ii~j('tb Sl r\'in''';?
Yn the apo.,tles did
Ilot alit !til't II)' (';'III thi&quot;, ;1&quot;~\'l11hh- to
In f:tct Ih y di.l it nll&middot;lII ... d\'{'~
('\ns 2:4),
~econd, Ihat Rifl of &quot;'IH'akinJ' in di\'l
languagt..; that ahidcs with m:tn~: aft('f
Ihc wOl1(krful po\\,('!' Ol.nd (.dOl.V oi tilt'
P en leeo,,\al anointi ng- hac; Iifter1.
&middot;iil of TOIl~IH'''', likl' the' 't'iit o r propiw{'\'
or exhortalion, i., ~u h .ic(&quot;t to the proplH&middot;I.
T h n' Ill :'!\' ,,;pl'a k or kl'&lt;'p siknt. ae; , thl&middot;ir
.,ell s&middot;c o f disc rctio:l nnd n ihil' ordcr .m g,,-,,'sts. It i ~ IllHler t h e con t rol of t he
Sept S, 1923
bt: u&quot;t:ti
. nl&middot;all~ 01
.....Ii t:dillcal1on at any lime, but publici)
only for the edification of the Churt:h,
in ~trict accord with il1.~tructlon:. rcguhlling its u::.t:.
.\Iy dear brt:thren \\ho ~et: ougue~ 0111\
giit,;r Ihe cOlllrol ui the mimi,
i n si~t upon all wor~hi\J, \\ b(;lhcr alter
Sl n&middot;jce (.of pri\'ak t;,rr) ing 1I!\'eting-!&gt;, Ii iug
&quot;q,t under rigid \'&lt;Julloi 01 tit ... mind.
in m~ humble Judgnll lit is a 1-:1'(';11
\\'h\' hI; mOl'l' careful 111;111
Pt.:Il'r and Pal'&quot;, who rl'Joiccd that tht.:
~l'int came UpOII Ihl; pnlpit-, {'\'ell Ihough
did ,&gt;peak \\ords 1I0t understood.
and \\ ith 110 apparent usc, so i;lr ;t.' mill
iSlry to others is cOllcernt'tl.
j l ungry
seekt&middot;rs should haH' the pri\'itege 1-:&gt; yield
to r.od in prayt:r and wor,.,hip wllhoUl
il&middot;ar. puttint{ thell\~t'h-t's undl'r th(' co\'e r ing blnod of the I.amh; and cntirely
in tit, hand ... oi j&lt;'''u''; al1(l within that
inner \eil \\,h\'rc God lak\,s them h(yond
1I~, 1)('_\'on&lt;1 tht'llI~cIH&quot;; ulllil tht::; arc
lo,.,t in H im. l&quot;\lon thal &quot;,aernl Silot men
Ilwy wdl r('flhl' In In'ad
Th&middot; pla.(' is
holy g-round.
it!&gt; iI
r c!OM' with Ihi,., rt'llIark. that to !,\uid
making the Scriptures rkalin!-!; with thi,;
.. uhjt&middot;rt. ('onlra(]iri Iht'lllsl'ln's; ami Pau!&quot;&quot;
tcal'hing seriomh- di~ag'n'('&quot; I\ilh hi~ prar
tin'; Wt' must &quot;l'\' a di .. tinrtinn het\\Tt'l1tht'
use of longllcs . IIIl1lcr Ih(' rmllrnl oj IIH
mind a nd regul atL'd hv apo&quot;lolic in~truc&shy;
tion, and that initial _~p{'akin~ in 101I~tleS
whi.h accompan ied the ollfpoll rin/.! of Ihe
Spirit in the A rl.&lt;: where the c andidat e.
min t!. t ongue :tnrl all. is control1l'11 by
the Spirit, without any attempt at reg ulation, by any apostle, at any time.
- \ V. T . Castoll
To be rep rinte d a s bookh, t. Price Jc each .
ISc pcr dol'. Gospel P ubl ishing H ou,&gt;e.
Tongues a nd Inte rpre ta tion at t he
W orld's B aptist C ong r ess. T hc pas tor
o i the F irs t Ra pt i... t C hurch of Spri ngfield, ~fo. ha s rece nt h- b ee n att endi ng t he
\\' ('11'1&lt;1'&lt;; B .1pti ~ t C(J llgr(&quot;ss at ~ I ockholm.
li e ha3 s ~' n t 1\\'0 desc r ip t ive
It ttt&middot;rs and Ih e samc \\'ere puhl ishcd in
Ihc ~p ri ngli e ld L cad er of Augus t 18, \\'{'
believe thaI our Pentecostal peopl e will
he int e res lt'(1 to rl;ad Ihe iollowill g para ~
g raph fr om hi~ seco nd l etter: &quot;Th e ~erv_
icc this morning was uni que, 1 spoke a
few sente nce&lt;: a nd the pa slor .:Spok e by
in terpret ati on. The senice bcj:tan &quot;.,::i l h
a ,'olun lary prayer sen'ice, &lt;;e\'el'a l taking par t. The singinq' was spirited, The
peoplc seem cd dceply spirit ual . There
were ma ny Amen s. c tc. : you would
t h ink y ou were in lit e m ids t of a big
re&quot;i\'a1. A t the closc :l man of humble
appeara ncc spoke voluntari l),. T h e pa:;t or inte rpre ted. H e spok c in a n 'u nknow n
t on~e :
The pas tor (lid n ot kn ow th e
la ngua rze he used- neith er did the ma n,
T hc pas tor says he was gl \'en t he power
of interpre t ing thc u nk nown t ongucs about a ycar ago. Seve ral o f hi &lt;; pcop lc
ho!h &quot;&quot;pl'ak and in terp re t. H (' is a vcrv
scn si ble fello w an d not gwe n 10 foolis l ~&shy;
ne,:;&lt;;. H e sa ys t hc tonguc mO\,CIlll'1l1 il-o
g e ne ral in IIIl' n a pti &quot;, dlUrc nes. in
~ \\'t'd c n a nd di vi nt' heali ng i&lt;; generally
p ract icu1. 11 (, Io.' lI s o f hIIlHlrec1&quot; wh o
ha\'c bec n healt&middot;:1. O ne man ta ke n from
a tuhc rcul,ar sa nitori um wa c; heater! and
pa sst&middot;c! a ~ati ,c;fac t or,,&middot; examinati on befor c
t he Bonnl of II ea(th-i s working regularl y now, t do not und c r c;tand it all.
but he i&quot; so intelli8ent :lnd .;0 sen &quot;ihit
onc ca nnOI dou bt his tes timon y,&quot;
Blessing in Denmark. Ma ny brcthrell
\\&quot;i ll rell1 (' mber Brothc r Arthur F . J oh n~o n of Chicago w ho t old us fou r ycars
:lgo at the General Cou nci l mccting of
his ca ll t o th e Ru ssian wo rk. Brothe r
J ohn so n sailed for S w~d e n in 1919 nud
has bc(' n doing effecti \'c .;er \' icc in that
cou ntry, all t he limc w a t chi n&pound;t fo r a fa\' orahle opening in Russia. He writes us
t hat hc is exp ecting t o sa il fo r F. sthoni a
th c second w eek in Scplc mb er wilh t he
pll rpo~e o f scek ing t o fi nd a n ollPOr tunil v
fo r e\'n n geli s t ic ln bors a mon g thc Ru ~&shy;
&quot;in n peop le, B roth e r J oh ll son has been
ndlllg ,I b'alht'rlllg oi ~aints in lJCIl 4
l11:\ r k that has been much on the li nes oi
Ihe Coullcil meeting. The call lor this
IIIt'di llg was made by Brother S, Bjorn
('r, \I, ho ii'&gt; pastor 01 the li.Lrge~l Penlc 4
l'o&quot;'lal as~cmbly in l)ulInark (lOl:illeU in
Cupe nh;lgt'n,)
lIt, hal&gt; abo charg&lt;.: oj
Ihe work in Ihl.;in/-:or, \\hne he and
hi~ ,\ifl' ha&quot;c a n:~l home ior tirltl \\ork4
n ... alld otlll.:rs seckinK God. Broth('r
Johnson writes, 'The Lorll ha., wondcriully mel us as \H; llaH.&quot; ~;Ithcre&quot; abollt
Ihl' \\'ord and \,-ailed Oil Ilim in pra~'t'f
al1ll fa&quot;tillg.
Some \'l'fY knotty probklll~ ha\T Inell soh'cd as 10 the carrying
o n of Ihc future work, and Iho.: ;:'pirit 01
Cod has truly bcen in our mid~t, All
agrl'(' thai it i.. the be&quot;t COIlVCllIioll e\cr
hl'ld ill this country. !'l'wral :--cckers
have ('OIl1C throug-h to Ihe Ibpti ... m in the
Holy ~I)irit. Three or four came through
Praisc God~
~inllcrs han:
IH'CII ~a\'('d at the genl'ral mectings and
~Olllt' hc1ic &quot; ers h;\\'c followed Christ in
watct;. baptism:'
From Stage to Pulpit. Brother J ohll,on furthu writ{,s. &quot;:-'1 rs. Bjorncr was
formcrly an actress a nd 0111' of lJenmark's
i;t\'{)riIC stars in dramalic plays. Shc began he,' work 011 the slage at the age ot
six \'c:lr&lt;;. her fa{ht'f being an actor and
lu r -mother was a1.~(\ on thl' st&lt;lg-c ill her
\&middot;arlie:&middot; days, \\'h\'n P:tslnr Banatt irom
Christia nia in ::\'orway was holding a
&quot;nics of mc~&middot;til1~s in Cop('&quot;llha),ten a ic\\'
)TarS hack, ~rrs, Bjorner {Ill': name was
\nna J ,;lr~('n at this tinw) h{'(&lt;l111C inI&lt;'r('stcd, the lrt1!h griplll'd 111.:1 h('arl, &quot;he
\\a~ Ih orol1~hly &lt;;n\'l'ti a1l(1 a Iiltlc lat er
h:qqii&quot;e(1 in th(,&quot; Iioly ~piril act'or,lingo 10
.\(&quot;1 .. 2:-1. Sht: brok .... her {'onlran at the
Iheater, hut th e lllall:lg~'r d~mal\l\l'd the
... 11111 of 20.000 kronor (aboul $$U{)O.OO)
tro111 h{'r for thi~. The t.:m&middot;llly got stirn'd throu).!hout Ih~' l'ity. ,tl1I1 our &quot;,jst('r's
('on'er&quot;ioll wa~ discu ... sed in thl' paper~.
SOITl(' thought she would soon Feet om ot
Ihis ' hysteric-al spell' and go hack on the
s tage,
Broth er Barratt was perscc ut ed
and tlt e more lawless threw st()IH'S ;111d
i'tid.:s al him. Then the 'wi_~{&quot; men in the
la nd, doctors nnd profcssors, stepp('d in
and Sist{-r\nna La n.&middot;n wa..; :lpprehcnricd for observation: thcy thout.: ht then'
mu st hl' sOUlct h ing' wrong wilh ber mind,
But after &quot;ix wceks shc was allowed ht:r
libtrly and lhe pro f(,ssor declared that
she was the only r{'alk &quot;a ne per.~oll iu th e
placc, the docto!'.s a r~c1 himsdf includ ed.
Cod help('(l in evcry way and she wa&lt;;
eVNI spared from paying' Ihe fine oi
$5000.00 to her manager. Shortly after
she met Mr. Bjorl1er, who was secretary
of the Y. M. C. /\., and h e heard the
lruth, believed and came out for 'PcnICcoc;t:
Brother an d Sister Bjorncr are
doing &quot; good work,
Brother Bjorner
received the Baptism in the Hok Spirit
\\'hcn 13rother \Vig,C:'lesworth held some
meetings in hi&quot; (Bjorner's) churc h two
years ago.&quot;
An O pening in Ceylon, Sister Anna
T...&quot;lrsen was not the ollh&middot; Dani s h aclress
thai wao; saved and baptized in the Holy
Sister ,\ nna E. Lewini, wholll
God is using blessedly ao; an cvangeli.:il.
also came from the stage of Denmark.
The Lord laid upon SiSler Lewini's
hearl a world tour and in a recent Eva n-
~.I \\{' lold ,i the ~r&quot;ciou~ n vi\' I Ih,lt
Cod g:t\&middot;c l1IHkr hl'f minislry .. I \Iukll
in India, ~i..,tcr l.ewini is at the pre~cnl
time in Cl&quot;'lon, ~hc writ('~, &quot;God 101,1
l11e to go 10 C&lt;,ylon, hUI I did IHH think
that I \\'a'&quot; to s{'ttlc down heft'. Hut the
Lord clt-arl\' told me 10 do ~o and to
open up a - P. nh'co&quot;lal tI1i~,ioll S:,ltlOll.
till' first and only OIl(' ;U1l011~ l&quot;l'~ Ion&middot; ...
fi\'{' million p('oplt&quot;
I bl'licH {:o~ &quot;ani
this place a~ a ('{'ntl'r for t!it&middot; I't'llt{ 0.1 _
po&quot;a. &quot;'{' 1.;110\\ If) or I.! in the &quot;r:ttHi
\'.110 hils(,&quot; rn'l i\'l'Ii thl'ir '\\&middot;l1h'(&quot;O .. t' and
a how who af{' really lom.:ill/.: fl)r ir 1:0&lt;1
h&quot;s givcn me Ihe opportunity 10 proclaim
this Iruth all o\&quot;t'r Colombo and in olher
parts oi Cl'yion and nOw we arl' pre
paring 10 npen up a r{'al l't'llh'coqal
hall. Pra\' for a mighty oUlpourin!o:' of
th{&middot; Hair Spirit, \Ve hope tu :--tarl the
nleelin,C:'''' in a couple oi wl'{'k.... Cod has
~{'nt \fi~ ... '[innic Houck (011(' of Ihe
workl'r&quot; who wellt out \\'ith\li~&quot; .\hral1l&quot;)
d()\\ll from Xl'&quot;,:\ra Eliya 10 stay with
me. but !&gt;bc is l ookirr~ forward t(l the
linll' \\h('n, aftl'r 13 years sp{'nt hel'(' ill
1!Hlia, she may agai n \-;~it the &lt;kar Pl'n
Il'co&quot;'!.11 p('0plc of her own country. \\'(,
arc pit arlillJ;:' wilh Cod to &quot;pn,dil\' &quot;l'tH\ in
nCI'{\l'fi fund .. so that she '-oon may Ill:
,11111' to go, Shc ha&quot; a seliool in :\{'\\ara
Eli&quot;&quot;, ;IIHI her heart i&quot;, all fife ior tlw
little Ont&middot;!&gt;
lIer life has hecn a )..~n'at
&lt;;acriric(', hut C:od will rcward her. :-;ht'
&quot;aid onc day with te;1r&quot;; in her l'ye&quot;':
'Thl&quot; L('lrd has never failt&middot;,] nil'. \Vc hase
&quot;iw.1\'s had our ricc.' \\'c thank God
wll('t~ ITI' do(&quot;.; !&gt;\1!lPh' llS &quot;'ith ril&quot;(', but
for I1S foreigncr&quot; it 'i&quot; not {&quot;asv to li\&middot;('
on ric{' alnm'. Hut 0Il!- dt'ar ~i ... tcr ha
mall&quot; a tilll{' don,' so in onh-r that sIlt'
mig';t fe~&quot;i &quot;'0111C lill ie {'hildH'Il, We
11 ecd \Ii ... &quot; fiou,'k in Cf~-I(Jn but silt' b,ldly
1I('('d&lt;; a dlancrc,
Pray Iht, door llla~'
soon bc 0111'11('(\ up for Iwr 10 ~o hnme to
\nllTica. ~hc !&gt;aid on(' day: '])0 n~k tllf'
!.ord if li e sCllds me home 'Iwl I &lt;;hall
110t ha&quot; c 10 ~ta\' long, fnr r 100'e the poor
peopl.' in ('('\'lon and w ill long to conw
bark if the L ord tarri(&quot;';.' P ra\' lor her
ami for Ill(' an d if :lovone, filkli \\'ith (\H'
Spirit, k(&middot;I~ \cd 10- Ceylon h't thcrn
hastc. for lh(' time is shor!. &quot;
Healings in India. \\'e h avl' H'r&quot; ind
a COP\' of &quot;Thc Chrnllic1c.&quot; thl' nfli,i.u
orqan of tilt, London :\I issiona r r ,~oeiety,
Ol1e of Ih e olrit'~t and mo&quot;'t con.;cr\,ati,&middot;c
mis&quot;ionarv s()('ict ie~ in c&quot;isl('ncc. ('11II er
Ihe hca&lt;l;ng of &quot;The \[ir;'t clc \Vorker&quot;
Olle of the missionaries writcs: &quot;r g&quot;ivc
an ilh1.~lr:u i on o f Ihe great i}('lid tlw TI1 4
dian has in everything in the nature of
a dream or &quot;!&quot;'IonMalw real cOII\'ersions ;).re thus wrou&pound;!&quot;hl, and the fol1o&quot;v inf;:&quot; fact~, which t learner! recently, arc
well wor th noting. A poo r woman, 1I0t
far from where we ]i\-e, ha~ ... mlde nly
marle a considerable name as a worker
of miracles of healing. She \\'a&quot; a nonChri3tian Ma(liga-of the lcathcr working class, a poor and outcast community.
Ooe nighl this woman had a ,&middot;; . ,iooChrist appcared 10 her, she says, and
asked her if she were a Christian. 'No,'
she answered, 'but mv r('lati\'e&quot;; of a certain \'il1agc are.' '\Vell,' said Christ .
\'ou must I)('lic\'c in Me.' So she b('liev 4
and soon found that ~,he was ahle to
heal the 3ick, and she carries o n a con-
Page J'&gt;,;in('
&quot;!lllrable l'\&middot;_l.ngcl!:-IIC \\nrk In connection
\\ith til{&quot; Baptisl \11 ...... lon III her di&quot;&quot; ict.
'l l l'r methods arc simple,
olliy ht'al Ihost&quot; she say~ , who hdil'H
in JC.iu&lt;;.
Sh(' !&gt;l'nds many :\way 1101
cuft&middot;d, !ih(,&quot; ,l(ltlliu. twcau'ie till')' do nnt
lwlil'\-C 111 J{'SU~
&quot;'\I'lI1) othn&quot; h.nt, hu'n healt&gt;d OInd lin
n&middot;&quot;ult&quot; art' quilt a~ \\ell a\JIl1('nti, ale,1 a
iaith ircalillJ.: r, ,&quot;,ult ... u~uaJ]\, an'&quot;
\\'11('11 \\..JI&middot;k~lO\\n preao,;hc~,. 3111.1 speak
t a r e wrninJ: ;11 ~&quot;.It l\:nl.'(lh ;}g,tin~1
\' h~t they t,;tli &quot;the healing: dclu~joll,'
(,od in His l-&lt;fl&quot;t grale has apl'arl'l1ll)
rai&quot;cd up 110m onl' of the low{&middot;~t {',I:.te~
in i nllia it silllpk' \\'oman and bt&quot;,,!owcd
upon bl'r the ~ift (If hl'aling', \\'c are
rt'111ind,.1 of a !'.('lltence In a I~tter rccl'in'd not IUlIg' ~1g'0 from a workl'r in
England. T his workrr wrole COIICt'IUillg
a C('rta~n recognized n'li~i.ou~ kadl'r that
!&gt;hc wa!'. holdill~ &quot;pcc:al pr.1yer llH&quot;l&middot;titl~~
&quot;10 pray 'Pt'lIttfO'!' back 10 the pit:' ,\
littl ... ~ir\ heard Ihi&quot; Ictter a'ali ami a'&quot;
shc was ha&quot;ing a bath that ni).dll Ihe
thing was gOill,C:' nn'r in hlr mind, Ant'r
hcr meditation sll(' mark the qui{&quot; C01l1111ent: '&quot; haw bl','n thinkillJ;:' about Ihl'
w(lrkn \\ bo says ... he i&lt;: going 10 pray
'P('Il:l'cost' hack to thl' pil, Slw'~ ~ur~
J.,!ot some job:'
\\'1&quot; 11 W(' r~tnc111hl'J'
Ihnt our Lord lIilll!tt'lf declared, &quot;'Thcse
:--igns ~ha1J follow thllTl Ihat b...ticn:'
~l1rh praying i... surdy p~&middot;lili{ll1il1J..:&quot; Ih
I,onl to h;~'ak Iii ... O\\n uon\.
t.od . &quot;1':IC Scriptll!,(''; ,'annot hl' brokt'n,&quot;
and sinn' this i~ SU, we &quot;ill :l .. k till' I.ord
1Iimself to :--11ed forth lllorl' ni lilil; ,\b ,It
\\{' now .....'e anri h.'ar.
Bless'ng in Madagascar. ~0111&quot; 1'1&quot;&quot;le
(&quot;o:--Ial fricnd ... ba,'\' ,,&quot;knl us 10 l&quot;lhdalh'
pray for thc work in ).!ollla&quot;';t&quot;lar wh1 .
un(il-r thc Ff\'lldl j.!O,&middot;erl11l1l'nl, tlr&quot; &quot;&quot;b,
of the L ord, (',.;pc,inlh- that c01It\u&lt;'k'l bv
thc Q\Hk{T~, ~n&middot;1l1 ... t;) he haYin~
s{'t-hack, Chri~ti;tnil\', IUl\\'{'H'f, nlwavs
thri\'{'~ I1l1fll'r p{'rsecl1tions and om hearls
;11',' fillcd with jO\' as we fl'at! a stalc4
1l1l'nt h,&middot; Frank r.~'llwood in Ihe &quot;(\1ron
idc&quot; o{ the r ~('IIHl ol\ )'fissionary Sodt, t~'
&quot;La ... t ycar in \1adaJ.,:ascar wc rel)ortc d
.1':;00 new nH'1llb{'r~ of tilc ehurrh, Til('\'
h:\'-e ~jnre adf\cd 3750 thi ... war, Whl';1
you tak(' Ih(, p('r.&quot;l'lltage tl;&quot;t nW-ln .. a
30 pcr c('nt addition to Iht 111tl1lilt'r,bip
In IwO ,,('aI'''. It i&quot; almost too /-::'0011 to
hd ie\'L',&quot;
Revival in Congo.
In th e ~ ullfl a~'
~c h oo l Time~ we read the follow ing
stalemenl S hy Tho mas :Moolly of the
Congo: &quot;\Ve 11a'&quot;e had 46 bapti sma l scrV4
ices in the past 20 month&quot;, The church
has grown from 1500 to 7000. Thc num bcr of schools has risen from 66 to 777
and all lh e in crl'ased work has been taken
care of h\' the increased gifts from the
people, 1'hcse new Christian3 arc ,C:'('nerous, e&quot;en 'hilarious' gi,-ers_&quot;
Healings at Victoria. B. C. \'&quot; e cull
from the Victoria. Dailv Times the following Iwo healing'S 011-t of many in the
ministry of Broiher C. S. Price, a Can&middot;
,Q'rega:ional minister who has received the
Baptism in tJ1C Holy Spirit. &quot;Rev, J.
P. Dimmick gave Icstimonv of Ihe cur&middot;
ing of his rlanghter.. , . Vociferous ap4
plause gr('eteri the appearance of Ruh.\'
Dimmick on the large platfnrm. 'Praise
(Continued on Page Fifteen)
Page Ten
Sept. 8, !Y23
t\\(.t+\\l't'k~ rt ,j'
IIL'tlll,;U. \\hkh Iht'
I..Hrd w()lIdcriulh hi. s~t'd, 17 \\crc sOI\&quot;cd
&quot;ntl 3 flll(;d
III the lIoly Spirit. -Pas&middot;
&quot;uudtrra !&gt;, \\agg1c Fre,1
\, \
a four \\l'{'k-
''1:\&quot;;\&lt;11, UrotlH.:r
,'ub }..!ilkr :11111 Ilroth(r J, II. ;'I.filkr tach
Ilcing wilh u_~ for (WO \\,j'cks, The I1IC:'&middot;
agcs giwlI ~tirrt'd the placc and about
IS wcrc sand and 2S baptil:l'd in the
:';pirit; thl;
were also fjt&quot;\&quot;eral cases of
\Ye OI't' looking for greater
things allt&quot;ad T S. '-liks, p.lstor,
EDOM, TEXAS Ju . . t closed a twO\Heks' nI('din/&lt; ht'fl' with the hlessinf(
of God upon it, g r{'reiHd the Dapti.&gt;m
in the Spirit a(,cording to A,ts 2:4, alHI
Wl'rr bapti/(&quot;ll in walt&middot;r as in Matt
!K&middot;lQ. Brothlr \leJllr&lt;Jt&middot; CI{'1111ll0ns brought
!orlh the I1H.'Slt;q,,:,' . tlH' I,ord hlessing III(&quot;
\\'ord, BrOlh, r C. l' \Ian~um 01 OvertOil was ;tho wilh 11&quot; t\\'o night~ and hi!'
me,_sages wert stn'ngthening,-I-'asto. J
,\' Gray, nat W(Jnl&quot;! .• T ('xas.
Wc ha\'e ju&quot;t clos('d
three-\\'l'('L' tt'nl IlIl,t,ting in which
(~od gave victory.
nrother and Sister
~1ontgall1cry heill/{ with us fin' night s.
Six received the Bapti sm in Ihe Spiril
;&quot;I,cording to .\Ch 2:4, alld several back&middot;
&quot;Iidrrs were n:claime,1. Thr last two
Sunday nights all the ,hurdles closed
Iheir doors in orcler to attend our meC't
ing. \Ve arc now in North 1.ittle Rork
111 a tent nweting,
Pray that th e L ord
wi ll I{i\'e souL;
Pa ... tor C . S, Hardcastle.
The effort to
1'(&middot;nt u&middot;(&quot;Ist il; tbis city. hcg\1Il
,\pril I, still (&middot;olllinm'lI with unabated vi!--\,or and hopdlllnt . . ~. Our pn&middot;scnt meeling'
has been going e\'crv dav since Ihe 10th
clay of Jun e, Alm&quot;o!'&gt;t &quot;C'vcry one who
It .. &quot; COI1l(' forward to stek the Lord has
rcc('i\'cd &quot;ah-atioll, and alm(bt \.&quot;v\.&quot;r&quot; onc
\\-ho has prC,,('ntl'f\ himself for healing
hil~ hrcn healed
Tw(' nty&middot;five or thirty
ha\'c seemed to be !'&gt;a\'('{I, :md some strik.
ing ra.~es of hcaling have delighted our
hcarts. VVt&quot; holl\ four services at the
Coullty Jail en'n&middot; we(ok, ;&quot;is well as orra&quot;io nalh&middot; at tht i\'nit(&quot;lItian&middot;, The work
ill the j~il ha~ hrou~ht to u&middot;s the highe~t
words of comlllrndation from the Sheriff
and jailors, and about 19 pri&quot;oners there
h;IYe professrd :;al\'aliol1. The jailor remarked that he had nev&lt;'r heard an oath
&quot;inee we began coming there, but that
he often heard the \&middot;aice of l)fayer in
the cell~.
\\'e are planning to hold on in the tellt
for another five wreks amI then get a
hall for the 'Vinter campaign. Please
pray faithfullr for t1~ in this great mis_
sionar&quot; effort. \\'r ~hall appreciate letter!'&gt; a~st1ring m of VO\1r praye • .;;.-Chas
F.. and Dai&lt;;y K, Robinson, 1016 Ea&lt;;t
Qth St .. Little Rock, Ark,
11a \ IU'CI.,
1' ..
\ tre'
b:.pti7.ul in tht,: II, I}
,':'1)10 • do&quot; 111 A...
LA, 2 fl:cLt;1il d and
]';ll'tiltd III \\OIh:. ,11](1 St \ ('ral &quot;'T ht'if
Tilt' IIlO:.t \\olHl lUI 10 llOe II lil
Illl'uings y,a'i the ca~tin,l! Iltlt oi demon . .
rOIll a nla'l &quot;,lid ;1 \\o:n.III,
ho arc 110\\
~ltmlling and I'ral~inK Ihe L(}l&quot;ti.
art' now 20 ~piril-lilled ... &quot;ints here and
('\&quot;('ral olher:. :In&middot; lIn'king- the BaPtillm
111 the ~pint.
1'ra).&middot; tbat We may grow
.lrollK in thl' LOI (~
I he church ha~
1'( ailed Brother ,\
.I ~ld:ui ... tlOn a .. Jla~1m
\1. Lilll1i(' :'&gt;mith.
I-ALMYRA, MO. Thl: (lnl lInllllg
which I'a- het'n 11 progn'~lI II thill ell\
&lt;Inre Ih, Il-ith HI JlIly (;;ItI1, In a clO,:l'
:-Iu!l(lay nighL The la~t 1ll1'l' l ing w;'ls aItl'mit'd hy all audicII\'(' llltirtly 100 laq,{e
ior thl' shlting ('i1pan!_\- oi the lUll ;'tllli a
l;Ind during I lit&middot; ... er&quot;H,:c~
I hlJ~c ill
dlilfKl' of tll\' IIIl'clings \Hrl E\-,mgl.'l;;1
C;kn HI'nick and ;;i~ttr, .\ I i~~ l)ai&gt;\&quot;, 01
Cl'rald, ~10. 1-&gt;.&middot;angcli&quot;l If j .• lIah~I&quot; oj
St. J ,()ui~, \Iis~ Hetti(, ~tdr(&quot;/1. choir il-ad
er and Ola \\&middot;hitc, \\hn \\;I~ in I'barge
of tht, tent ami lIl1!'&gt;i . . It&quot;c1 with Ihl lllu . . i ..
During thc IlIITting tlwl&quot;(' hall' heen a
bOllt 19 {'ann'] ~ion~,
TIll' M'r&quot;i\&middot;t:~ all'
mllrll Ihe &lt;,an:\' as the (t ld -f;&quot;i~hioncil camp
UlI'I'tlng'i w hi dl \\'crl' hdd in t hi., l'OUIltry in an carly day. The p.l'achcr . . &lt;t lld
tlll'ir hclpt:rs a rc carnest, consccrated pco.
Pit- anrl no doubt ,!{reat f!'ood will folIllw tlu:ir work here , 'I'll(' party ~Oe~
irom her(, to Lewi sto\\ n \\h(&quot;fc Ihn' will
,'ngag-, III a m{'clinj.!&quot;
\!arion ('(lUll I.\&quot;
PUXICO, MO &middot;J U. . l dO~l.!d an cightday meeting&quot; in Puxil'o. ~fo ., \\&quot;ith Pa'&lt;lor
•\_ A. \\,ilsOIl, with hl es~ l'd result s, There
\\-ere 19 s&lt;!.\&middot;cc! and 17 filled with the
hh'slIec! 1I0ly Thr sainl s WCf(' fl'
d\'ed, the communilY stirred and thca'
was &quot;great jov in Ihe cit\,:' On Sumla\&quot;
.\u,,&quot;ust 12 there werl&quot; li ' buried in wate'r
At one oi Ih(&middot; night mecting!'!
a yOl\1lg woman was a t lacked \'cr\' sen'rrly in thr ltlllg&quot;, evell to the poi-nt of
(kalh, Satan \\01 . . rl'i.mke(1. the praY{,f
('If faith \\&quot;010; off{'rl'd ,nel ~he was made:
\\('11 and beg-an to p.aise the Lord. Broth('r Bert Talcott di(1 the \Heaching and
was much used of Ih&lt;: Lord. Brother G.
,,'. L ..&quot;Iwson, pastor at 'Voodriver. 1\1,
Ilrcachrd the last t\\-O night!;, The dailY
children's meetif'g~ were :\ spccial feature
with excellent resultc; :\l11ong the children and young people \\&quot;110 were taught
many c horu.;;es and sang from the platform as well as in a street meeting, to
the approval of the throng, The youngj)eople, the ,Rfeater numbcr of whom rereind the Holv Spirit, have re-r!'lablishec\ their organization. Brother ,Vilsoll
has a line Assemhly ami a wonderful
rompanv of altar workers.-Brothcr and
~isler George Lester Cherry.
PARMA, MO. -JU~l clus d &quot; t\ll
k, fl\i\,
Our de;1l Brothcl Uwell&quot;
.1 _\laldlll, \Iu did UWSI (Ii Ihl' I'fl3ch
Th t-ll'upll' oi P&lt;UII,,' lIghh ,IP&quot;l lal Ii
Brotha Uwen
n \\ r 6 53\ tl, .) 'l'(, 1\ t,1 th l &middot; ltol\'
Jr t 01.1 t,:~,r&quot;lI1g: 10 Iltt' pa1l\ rll (,\ns 2
III \ rl n&quot;
t rI
\\ III ,111&lt;\ I
It l' rllli
rall\l.If\' I, 1'J2,i \YIIt'1l
111 he e
II: ~lI~'la) S huul had
gUll, t!o\.\ll.
\\ , . •co'Jo[ilniz{l1 ;Iud lod;!\&quot;
b.l\ hdltr Ih,,&middot;, itJd ,,:1 Ii &quot; n&middot;).:i~lI
\, h;l\ t .11:-.0 olddl 20 III
I: it I' .... 10 thl:
;Isselllbl) rull.
\\ e lei I Olll .1 ,(:tnbly
r ... Io{l&gt;lng 0\&quot;(&quot;1 tIll luI' lot JI&middot;&quot;U~.
Count il brethrt'll pas .. il1g Ihrml,L.d1 ,il',&middot; 111
\iled to ~tU\l ofT .!Il&lt;i /&lt;i\,' lh a ll\t' . . lIa~o,:,
&quot;a I ,r 1\~. Pawaian l-fulim;ln and wife,
\\1' JII&quot;\ du,cda
&quot;I \II' 'k .. &quot;&quot;:i,'al
Si&quot;ter Ali,l' R(&middot;y&quot;Ill j'!o\&quot;r ,,/ :&quot;'r,nn&quot;'ficld. \10. \\:IS with
II~ al111 di,1 til\&quot; pn'ac!Jing th,&middot; la .. t Iwo
~islcr Ethtlyn Grilli!!, ht&middot;r.hclpI'r, a stud{'1\t ilOIll I !it' Bibll ~l&quot;h(),)1 who
r;lnl(&quot; with hu. \Ias also l\'&quot;'l'd Qi Iho,:
Lord, '/'Wl'llt\ found thl Lord ;Jlld ;1
1l\11ll1H&middot;r ;In' !arr\'in~ for Ihe Bapti-Ill and
uu: ;l~ ('mhly ;\3S t-:na11.,&middot; built up in
Thl Lord, wlwrcof \\&quot;l' art&middot; glad. ~i&quot;'ll'r
,,!,,\\{,! h;l~ tht&middot; bu.dl&middot;n 01 mi ...... llln .. Ull
Ill'!&quot; h, ;In anrl ~Iw ~pokl' iur a k\\ nlln
utt&middot;&quot; (hr las! day 01 thc mectill~ &quot;011'I'ning ollr mi ...... ionaric&quot; a nd Ollr dUly
1&lt;,\, ;,nh Illl 11: ane! ar. cffering of a lillIe
onr ~1O.(Jf) \\a' m;HIc.-). l arvi u D. Harlz,
VANCOUVER, B. Co- The work in
\-alle ou\'l'r is. progressing beautifully,
:-i1.Il!:C purcha!&gt;ltl~ our church building,
with a sl'ating accommodation of approx_
lI11alc\r 1000, &quot;ad has been pouring OL:t
Ilis Spirit in a wonderful way. ~ister
).lary T. ~I i!Jer i!' now with us, and God
.&quot; U.'Ulg her in bri nging forth the pure
Ulladllltt'rakd \Vonl, which is being' honored \\-lIh ~i~ n s fol lo\\ ing. Sunday was
hI-I' initial stf\&middot;i~&middot;e, 4 r('I',iv&lt;:d the Baptism in Iht' Spirit in thc c\'l'uing strvice,
;11111 se n 'ral (&middot;aml; forward io r ... ah'a tion .
'\ 11111111)(&quot;( of JOt&middot;;&quot;!1 mjl1islcr~ \\l're pr{'selll
durinK the \H'ek, and are inkTl,d\, inter(sa'd. AltogTthl'r around ;l s{&middot;ort', con&lt;:('f\&middot;ati \&middot;cly H~caking, have ('om,' throufth
10 Ihr Rapti .. 1ll in the Spiril dur in~ the
past week and se,&middot;e'al found Christ ;! .i
their I}('r,;onal Sa\'iour.-F. I~ \1addaiord.
F IND L AY, OHIO-The Sevcnleenth
Annual Camp Meeting COllVention wa!&gt;
held at \Vcst Park. Findlay, Ohio, July
20 to August S, wilh Evangelillt Earl \V,
Clark and wife in charge and will be a
meeting 10l1g to be rememhercd on account of the mighty outpourin&quot; of thc
Lattcr Rain,
The Lord w071derfullv
blessed Brother and Sister C1:trk in gi\;ing ont the ''''ord and in song, Many
coll,lle from long di.&gt;tances to attend the
meeting and returned healed of (livers d is_
eases, Among the diseases healed were
cancers, lumors, ne uritis, high blood pres_
sure, paralysis, heart trouble, rheumatism,
deafness, piles and one case of hydrophobia, About 35 were ~avrd and 6
received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
and nre,-Bro, V, K, Fries. Lima, 0,
ALTON, ILL. : he L.r.lta H'!lll (' mtinu, ~ IU lal1 In Ihi' r1t~ lIrOllltr h.Ul t
kam,p hal' a :-pk'll,bd rOllHfC);alillll t,1
pC()l'ic and I..~ocl Ita ... \\ (Jlldl'fllllly ble!&gt;sed,
.\ 1';11 \' (Jl \Iorl;
:ru11l b:- chufrh ,Ir
conducting a n'\'lva] call1j&gt;aigll at ]{oh&middot;
ill,~OIl. IlL .... hil t • I sUjlpl\, his I.utplt 111
I., ,li'.il'IU\-, (,Oll 'JIc','I'~ c.,-ry ... en!!.'
six \\ t'H' ~ullda~ ni&gt;:hl, and three
\~U-U h'lIlti.ll&quot;] in the.: Iluly ~piril \\'cdIH 11.!\ ('\I'ning just III our reg:uhr ~'f\'
II {'onlir1l1'&quot; lIi~ \\'ord in healingthc sirk. All till&quot; glur,\ ;IIU] honor 10
.101 n I
MEETI NG held &lt;It\n&lt;lllarl\o irum .\lIg
I 10 11 prove.:d a stlccn&quot; in man)' \\ay;,.
-\ lar~e numbr.:r oi the hn&middot;tbn&middot;1I WCfe
thr.:n:; &quot;OIllC visiting hrl'lhrel1 irOIll nl.'ig-b
!loring statcs being preSl'nt 011;-,0. Tht'
Bihl&quot; it:s .. oO!; gin'n by Brother Fayette
Romiue ... wcre e~pccially inspiring and
T he evangelistic services conducted by Brother Jacob :-'[illcr proved
.'\ hlt'$&quot;ing to seeking souls, The to\\'n of
Anadarko was \\'ondcrlldly stirred by the
old time gospel and tli(' pcop!c invited m
h;lrk next summer. The revival continues
with Br other J. E. Chamk ...... and Broth&middot;
er and Si ... ter Rowds in chargc. &middot;Clcllu
:-'Iillard, Sl:c-Trcas.
S ANTA RITA, N, MEX .-A&pound;tcr be
ing a t Silver C ity with Brother a nd Sistcr J D. Miller, 1 ha\'c turned my facc
towards Santa Hita, a largc copper mine
with many needy peop le who ;.re seemingly wi t hout Cod. H aving secured work
at my t rade from t he company, I determ&middot;
ined to put in the work of soul-saving
CIS m uc h t im e as possible. If some preacher
wi ll come along , I'll work with &quot;'Y hands
a nd heart while he preachcs the go:.pel
to t he people w ho arc hunp.-ry for the
t r ut h- t he old time salvat io n for hodv,
SOli I and s pir it,
Pray for New Mexiccis
lost souls, w ithou t I;opr, A ny preacher
ill fello w ship and rccom m ellded by the
Cene ra l Council, Assemblies of God, ,\&quot;ill
be m ad e we1come. -E. H , Robinson
for what H e has bee n doing: for 11&lt;:
:-;om e 5 weeks alto we came to Big.;prinJ{
to hold a meeting:. O ur band con&lt;;i_;;ted
of wift, illHI me, )'f i's Cracie H all and .\fr.
.1;,\11 11 '''' Just ice.
A fcw we re g:tthcring :tt
l'ot ta.l{c m l'cti ll gs :tnd t wO ~'Ol1ng Pcnh'(' osta l min ist crs \\'(' r (' pf eac hi ng to them.
\ Vhc!l \\'c arri\'cd WI' lou nd t hc\' had
h uil! a big hr u1&gt; h-a rbor, :t nd :ts wc -bcg-an
to tell the story of }('&quot;u,,' power to &quot;a\&middot;~'.
to heal, a nd to fill with the 11 0ly ~piri t
the people bega n to come in slIc h numhcrs t ha t soon t he whole placc was CO\'ered wi th p('oplc :t11c\ the powcr of God
frll. I II Ih(' 2 \\&quot;l,(;ks wt' stayed. 15 wcre
h:tp tizcd in t he H o l\&middot; Sriri l :t&quot; in A cts
2: .t , Since we Ic ft ,f \I1 0fe ha \'C rc('ci\'ed
tl1(' Ba pt is m ill th e Spi rit. Wit h W. D .
TT:tll ;It the h eacl of t he b a nd , t hev are
m oving o n a nd arc preparing to build a
( hu r ch home a t o nce, \V c went o n to
Ke nt as se mbh&middot; for a \\'('ek' ; m ect in j:!' and
there 4 were saved and 7 received th e
Bap tism in the Spiri t whil e 2 w e r c w o nde rfully heal .... d of &quot; 'p hoicl fcvel&quot;. Bro thcr \V. A . R ee,('s a nd w ife are co ntinuin g
w(J:'k tht'l 1.'. ::\u\\ wc arc :11 Childr('ss
\\il:\ \r 1'. H.uhin::.oll duiulo{ tlu: preath
rhc town is stirrl'(I; it was l'stimat1.:d that 200U people \\Cle Pll.'s~Tlt I;;. .. t
\In'ady &quot;'Olllt hiL\'l' b~'('11 a\cd
,mtl olhcr~ ba),tizcd In th~ :'pirit
(\ \IC lIl&quot;Y
{',I',',t the l'la&gt;~:rs ,-,[ all
&middot;I'ash,. ~. li,
Id- &quot;nti wii ,
OKLA.- 11:1vc ju ...t
do',-&quot; ,\ .ix&middot;\\'e,&middot;k&quot; r!'\'i\'al Ille,tlllg he:
POAge Elevert
\\I,n.h&middot;ritti!\&middot; bk~~l'cl II&quot;.
ui ilJlpnnai on till' \\OIk hy Sa\'il1).:'.
111 allng, alld baptizing ill the :-;pirit
:T\'i\'al h;t~ 11t'g-t111 in hearts alld 1t()1\ll'~'
\\-hidl \\,. bdin-l&quot; will continuc IIllt!1 II'
'liS :-hall nun,' ~t'\Tllt\&quot;l1il1e \\rrC ~a\TIi
7 n'('ciH'(1 thc Bapti,';I{l ill tht&middot; Spirit and
,,\'cr Jon ~ick jll'ople w{'rc praYl'&quot; iOi
. \Iml,_,t all thes\! sirk otU'''; \\l'n' 11('akd,
(Jne young man wa ... ~:ln'd and htalcd 01
four hroken rib .. 11.t the &quot;';ll11t' ti1llt, Tlh
wif&lt;' of :I .\idho!list mini,.,tl f W.1S hl';ded
nf dl&middot;:tII1l&middot;&quot;''''; she had bet'n (kai in one
{';If :111 h('r lifl', bllt now ran h(&quot;lr a &quot;,hi.,'
pl'r in th;\t r;u'
:\ young: lad.\' whost&middot;
ankl(' was twi&quot;'I,-:I fr()ln rhl'umati . . m wa,,;
Ilt'aierl :\11(1 1&gt;'l\&quot;t'd. ()Il\' \\oman hali tu
]'er(,lIlo&quot;i,,: Wit&quot; unahll' to &quot;it U)I dllring:
&quot;t'ryil&middot;t,. ami h;ul to he helped IIi' 011 the
1,latfonn. i\ill'r htillg: l,raYI&middot;(j inr, .. h,.
\\Tnt otT without a:-.. istanrl&middot;. ,.;houtin~ :1111\
prai~inR' God,
A \\0111:111 &quot;ith Cll1n'r 011
ht'r right &quot;ide, said the C;11lCI'r &quot;&quot;&lt;IS drOI)_
pil1j.!' out hy pitTl:s. So we {'(l\Ild just l!'O
011 tdling of &quot;-Olulerful hcaling:,.; oi many
di ... t&middot;a~\, .. :-.. storn:tdl trouhk. R'oitl'f, [It'u
ritis. tumor, neuralgia, hl'art trol1hlc, ah
src.';s and m:ttlY othcrs. Prople of aI1ll'l~'
(,,'cn' tll'nomination in the ('itv \\Tn' helll'
fittc;1 hy thl' mCdin!!. am] h~111~rv ill'art s
arc e:trnt ... th&middot; inqllirin~ aht'1I1 the Baptism of tltl.' llok ~pirit. dl'(&quot;laring Ihev
w:tnt it in their-lin'&quot;&quot;
'I'll(&quot; lH'oph art'
1,\al1ning to huild it lalH'rnadt, in \\hich
the ill11 ~osrd may he jlfl'ilclwd. },f~ ....
&quot;'\'&lt;&quot;Itt, :\Irs_ :tl1ci '.\ Iiss },\;1\' of Tllb:1 \\'l&quot;r~
co~\\&quot;orkl'rs in t he !11ec\;'ng&quot;, () fIcrr\'
hill. pa~tor, TII[,,:t, Okla.
W insett's Son g Books
Songs of the Comin g K ing,
per doz .. $2.75; 100 copies .. 20.00
Songs of t he Kingdom , each
fiN noz .. S3.75 ; 100 copie~ 27,50
G o~ re l Song M essenger, ea ch
flcr 110;&gt;: .. $3 ,7 5 ; 100 copie~ 27 ,50
So ngs of Revival Power and
Gl o ry, eac h
$ .3 5
pe r ooz., $3.75; 100 copies .. 27.50
Jehovah's Praise, each __..
per cio;&gt;:,. $3.75; l Oa copies
H is Voic.t' in Song, each.
pe r ooz., $3.75; 100 copies .... 27.50
Pentecostal Power, each .......
pe r doz &quot; $3.75; 100 cop ies .... 27 .50
Songs of Perennial Glory,
each ... _..... ........ ..............
per doz&quot; '3.75; 100 copies ._ 27.50
Order from
Springfield. Mo,
E L BERON, N. J. The tellt 'iimp:tlgn
IralL I \,ilil hi .-11l!; !rom beglllning tu llld. I..~od led m a lIlanci&quot;us
way hriI1gtnJ.; his OWll IIlII1bll:fS alld
)lcaking dlarly lu thc people. E\'ang~
i:.t l:l&middot;tt \\IIlI.IIlI':&gt; \\a~ the (]r&amp;l 51-1.lke&middot;
l&quot;,od IIIlghlli,) his m ~!.agt:
a ~rt:.11 1111prl.:sslon u\,on the peol.ic dud
they l'ame ill numbers l.:'l.IJrcs iug dt;C'\I
intI r, 5t in the ~hillg&amp; 01 God. 1'ht Hal'
tism ,.. itll the lIulv I;host &quot;as ne.~ to
IIldll\ 111 tillS \ll'init~&middot; but Ih~ hies cd tluth
gin;, furth COII\ incingly ~oon bruughl
IOnh jruit.
I'raise the Lord
;\Ilt! Si~II'1 H., .\. 1:IU\\11 oi .:\~'\\ \ork OIl
So took all a..:ti\&quot;(&middot; pan ill thc rilmpai).:'n,
Both hat! a, blt-s~ed and iruiuul 1Il1l11 •.tr\
in ()1Ir (;od bk!. ... Ihellll Tilln
the Lonl ~Cllt IIruthn 1'.\&quot;all.'; :111&lt;1 \\
shall not iurgct the nll' ... ~agc ... rCl,;t&middot;i\&quot;cd
during his !&lt;lay, Great intcrC'st \\;1.$ 1\1:\11 •
iiest&lt;d in thl' thcme of the :-,econd LOIllIng of Christ ;h Givcn by our IJrotllcr une
:-,unday t&middot;,&middot;cning. Our belovcd cha1l11lall
&pound;Ii the Ea,.tern Vistri(&quot;l. Brother J. I'UI1&middot;
more brought \&quot;Ny special Illl':,Sa.,:'l1;
which gripIH&middot;c.\ the hl'arts,
110\\ KU\l11
of thl' Lord to send all these dl';\f ()11t'''.
}'iiss EnlYI1 Hooth-C!ilJbMII &quot;pel1t a SI&middot;.I
son with U&quot;', &lt;;0&lt;1 bles,.,iuj.: gre;Jtl~' In'l
ministry 111 son/{ ,IS &quot;dl as in thc \\-orrl
Hrotlwr Cl'(lrgc HO\\ic r;lUll' to\\ard the
dosc oi th(, cill1lpaign. 'rhe intere~t 1.'011
tinllcd to grow thrmlR'hollt the camllai~n
so tlt:tt the tellt wa~ wdl tilled e\'cry
Sunday uiJ.:ht.
JJad an l,{(,tptionallr
sp[(ndid attendance thc laq ni!&lt;ht. Broth
\'r Bowie kindly presl'l1tcd Ihl.' IIce!1 ot a
church \',hich mct with :t Iwarty rl'SIHlI1'&lt;l'
Onr $1500.00 was pledged and since tltl'lI
tl\{' total is about ~1800,OO, Prais(' lilt'
I.orcl! \\'1.: arc now looking unto }csu~
tlu ... ting Him to kad us :ts :t band oi
I'enteco ... tal Ild'plt'. An iml're~si\&quot;c bap&middot;
tismal s('rvice \\;\ ... held Sunday l11orl1ill!{
August 12 and te ll wcre buried with
Chri&quot;t in hapti:-m, .-\ IIUllllllr \\ere i.l\ed
:tl1d haptized with the IToly ~J1irit, whil l '
others wcre lIe31('(1 (luring the campaign
God has done &quot;abundantly above all tlMt
we l'(llIhi ask or think.&quot; I ra11dujah! Pra\&quot;
for thi&quot; n('w field a&lt;; the reglli:tr ... ery
ices will continue, 1). \-.. in the ({'ut IIUtil Octohl'r Pastor In-i ll/&gt;: Milkr.
\ a ..
On tIll' 14th of J uly 1 was bitten on the
I.aff' foot by a large coppcrhcad ~nak('.
In ,I 1110111l'[1t the powcr wa~ with me and
I \\a~ speaking ,dth to ng ues and pr aising
my Sa,&middot;iour. Ill' &lt;;ecmed very n('a r jUgt
th&middot;cn. I ~t'[1t for a hrother and a sis te r
allt\ was &lt;Inoillted and praycd fo r , bu t the
swelling increased, But by continuin g in
prayer. fas t ing and praise, t he v ictor y was
WOII, Ihe swel1in~ decr eased r ap idly, an d
in a few da\'~ t he e ff ect of t he bite was
:t il gone, ilraisc the name of the One
who is e vcr nca r us, in sorrow o r in joy,
r\ot :t drop of m edic ine was II sed, fo r T
am trll st ing my bod y and so1l 1 in the h a nds
of Ill )&quot; Saviour. I d e ~ irc the praye rs of the
sa in ts t ha t I m ay have mo r e faith and
g r ow in know l e~ g c and un de r st a nding. I
have been &quot;one o f the m&quot; fo r o ve r a year
&quot; nd praise t he Lord fo r the Bapt ism of the
H oly Ghos t.- Lucy A. Luttrull, Bruner,
1'1-&quot;:,;1 E(OSTAL EVt\!\(.iEL
All offen.nCI lor F ou&quot;cn W'U lOru and fOT IC%PC'Nle oi conducuDI the M,ulOn&amp;ry Departmelll,
paUle! toe atnt lIy Olea, !Jait, f..o;prcu or POl1..a.I M Ollcy Orne r , O:la(1e pa raole '0 j, ROl we ll Flo_er,
lrulurcr, a Wut J' aghc !)uet!, !:iPflD/irUcld. Wo,. 1.,;, S. A,
Mrs. Nettie D. Nichols \\ leS irol:1
(' hill a, &quot;\\,c' had ;t \'('ry prell, wedding
hne III our I h;\IId lhi:-; w\;l&middot;k ;Iud OUI
Ill'\\' wnr h.&quot;l hMI the pri\iicl{c oi p':!'
IlII'lIIiug- hi hl'~1 wedding n'n'mony in
Chilll'M', II&quot; did \'Cry well indl'cd, and
It'ad and IJTOflotll'fcd his ,,&quot;onb; \'cry
I'karly M ) that all rOllld Ullder~l&lt;tnd, 'fill'
&quot;,room W~I a raw hl'.,:hc'n wht:1I he 6r:.t
(.tm!' III IIi 10 \\url.:, but Ih(' Lord h ... &quot;
.1011e 50 mUC!l lor him lnrl he is sneh
a chanf,ted man, The day on \'. hieh ht&middot;
was baPtilt'd in \\all'r h \' a~ so happy
he coul &middot;1 srarnlv ('at, and &quot;0 iull of
prais(' 10 God f&quot;lr sa&quot;ing a ~il\lll'r likl'
him, lit&middot; toltl II'&gt; (If hO\\ h, had \\'01
shippt'd illol :lIltl h-&middot;t! ~'fin'crl (~&quot;d ;lu,1
hnw Ill' th;'l1b'(1 ;&middot;nd I'r;ll,,&pound;,.] Cod for th('
1i~ht of 111l' C,,'p~'1 thai 11'td howll inlo
hl~ Iwart ;lI1d III\' hl&quot;/}II that ha'i (!tall l'd
him frnlT1 &quot;in. lit&middot; i .. til!' fIr .. ! of hi~
f.lI11ily to t'onlt 01lt for lIu' (:n~pd and it
(&quot;o .. t him 111111'11 tn t;lke !hl ~tand,
&quot; Hi s &quot;,if I' i; nih' oj our Chfi&quot;~
li;!!l /.!irls w ho, 100, has bt'I'1! wondl,rfulhli;t,'{&middot;d. ::;h t• had t:l&lt;;\('d t\lot'PIY of th e
world's hilll'f!1('&gt;;J8 and r!'ll('1!\' and b('ar5
Ihe mark s of '!l1 t h in hn ,ka~ hod\'. Ifll\\
full .. II(' is of prai..;{' tn God fnr' &quot;a&quot;i ll!.!
11('f and ~h(' ran not do t'1101l(l'h 10 sho\\,
It f grallllllk 10 CO(l and to Uli for lI i&quot;10\'1'. Sh(' dt'('ph' I fI\r~ IlI'r hll .. hand :\11':
hoth :lr(' &quot;-0 IU11;pr in H im,
&quot;TII(' wedding \\':ls Ont&middot; of tile pnre !'.t
and prt'&quot;ic,' Chrisli;m \\tddiw'&quot; , ha\,\'
Tlw hl'at hrll mOl her :Inti hrOllw
:Ind otht&middot;r rd~li\'cs from th(' counlry came
lart' for Ih(' \\'I'dding- and th(' h'a!'.t which
w('rt' hdd h~'r(' :'I&quot; both \\'ill rontinm'
1ll'lpin,l! in thl' Jl o ll1t,. '\'e wanted to
U&quot;t' Ihi..; ;IS an opportunit~, of R'i&quot;in,l!
tht&middot; tnll' Cu..;pd :liHI rnahlin(! th,&middot;111 to
St&middot;(&middot; tht, prat'lical tl('\1lon!'tralioll of tl1l'
Co..;pd ill Ihe w('eldinp-. TIlt' d~'ar old
.. 0111 \\as ~(l n'('!'pli\'l' ;Ind was nrarl~
on-rwh('lTl1t'd \\ith joy in the hl('ssin~~
Ihat had comc 10 her son. She was a
1110&lt;;1 devo11t idolator but T am $\lre sh('
will not be after h('r return ali Cod helped her 10 sec and understand the rlirr('r~
('nr('. Afler tht' r~\l('sts had deparled we
h{'ld a little pr,1~'er meetin~t wilh Ih('m in
their 0\\&quot;11 liol(' rOOTll and here Ihe son
• boldly testified to his Mother and relative ..
what Gml h:ul done for him ,l1Jd he cntreated Ihem to give up their idol&quot; and to
lie-n'(, Ihe true anrl li\'ing God, &quot;'e ha\'e
claim('d Ihi'l whole- famil&quot; for our Lord
and know It(' will rh'e liS Ihi. fruit for
lTi'l glor~&middot;,&quot;
Mias Ch ..i,tina McLeod wr ites from
Bettiah. India, &quot;Thes(' are busy days and
r think if thcre WHC twel'fC hours more to
each day we then might get caught up
with our work. The wcather is dread~
ful, a lmost too hot for white folks, and
oh, for a cold drink of water. But thc
thing&quot;, Ihat \\c :.utfcr and the Ihings we
do without arc all iar Ilim. The bUilding
\Hlrk i~ going: on linc and Miss Kirkland
lIa!&gt; donc iI grand and noble work, I trust
hcr ~Ircngth will hold out-thc st rain is
,'cry hta,'y, I :Iln praising thc Lord for
victory ill ~oul anti body, Ile docs give
qnl1g:lh a .. the day comcs,&quot;
Miss A, Elizabeth Brown o i J eru&quot;alelll
writes: &quot;Our plans iar moving and getting a better and cheaper house ha,'e all
fallen Ihrouf~h, so unh&quot; .. a suitablc place
In found durin!{ this !lext wt'l'k, wc will
1I:\&quot;e to rcmain ;tnotlu'r year \\'11&lt;'rc \\e
Although I J.:fcally dc.:;irl&middot; to gct
\ itY from Ihis hUll' e, yet I IlWH' ltrcath&middot; (I('&quot;irl' {,od's III t \', ill iOT II&quot;, &lt;lnd I
kllo\\ li e \\ ill hrill\.t Ihal 10 I)a~s, and
proddt, th(, ~(..x5,O() ior Ihis plan',
'Ahout lift:-- \\1 r [lrt'!'ent bSI Sun day
al our a!lscmh]..' lIH'ctill\.t. \ ),fohammedan with hi!' wlh' are a .. killl! for hapti&quot;m,
and two y(J\!l1~ nlen, also ;t young Jcw&middot;
\&quot;h ho\&quot; \\ hn han' ~,II 11I'('0111c 10\'('r5 of
Illl' l.(~nl }t- . . us Chrisl ,wI! helie\'l'rs in
H is alOllel1Wll1 for thl'lr . . ins All pr;!1O:('
In H im forl'ver,&quot;
Christina McLeod \\Tilt'S from 111(lia,
&quot;In spite of Ih (' heal an d Ihe grea t rli fficu\ti('li to he 'illr1110\111I('(1 in a h('allwll
land like OUfS, the prescnce of Co' I i&quot;
&quot;0 ncar, It i!'; lhe pres('ncc of r.od with
Ihe mi .. sionarv tha t makt&middot;'i Iht' life of tht&middot;
mi~liionary, \~'ith all it~ trial&quot; a nd hanl&middot;
ships. ~l1ch a s t ran,l!('I~' joyous thint!.
and it i:o; trtle w(' could not end ure it
but for lhis,
&quot;'Ve have eighteell of Ih(' ~ir\s with \1&quot;;
at pre ..ent, It i!'; rath('r hard 10 care for
thrill in l1nfini'lh('d huilding'! and gra~~
walls, but th(' Lord i:o; blessing and wc
lo\'(' to have th(' d('ar litll(' Ihinl!'l with
us for a time, (Iwt their !ive., maY 1)1'
.,et 011 fire for God. Our huildings an
litill under constru('tion bUI wc arc look.
ing forward 10 the (lay whl'll they wil!
all be finished and we will he beller silll~
aled to cope wilh the conditio&quot;&quot; of Ihi&quot;
Mrs. Violetta Schoonmaker writ(' ..
from India, &quot;\V(' ?r(' &lt;:till tru&lt;;ting Ihe
lArd to suppl~' Uli with the Ford which
i .. trulv &quot;erv nt&quot;C('li&quot;ar\' if we are to ac(&quot;ompli~h a~\' thin!! hcre, Ye&lt;:terdav I
,,-alked anOlit .3 mil('li in the nl1rnin~ h(&quot;at
and when I camc home r wac: ::tll afiire
with the prickh'~heat, Tt i&quot; onh&middot; God , .. ho
ellahl(''l \1S to tfiumph ('onlinll~lh&middot;,
&quot;Our ht&quot;arts arc rcjoicin~ on,' th(' COIlversion of a young Brahmin who ha ..
Dt&quot;l'n romin~ to u&lt;: for two month .. to
&quot;tm!&quot; thr 'Vorn. Hc i _~ wcll c&lt;iurated
in San~kjrt. Enn-Ii ..h and Hindi and
'l{'rm&quot; V('fY {'arn{'~t with 90d.
&quot;Pray that he lIlay .. 0011 reet:I\'C tltt:
Bapll!oom 111 the ~Pl1lt and beCome an uut
&lt;lnd out iollo\\Cr 01 the l.ord Je~u,. Lori&quot;l
The cOSt is \'cry great.
'\\-c \\ould like ::,pceial prayer lur illc
healing oi i.I Chri::.uan \\oman, the &quot;ile
of a )..1, h, pn adll'r w 110 i..; dying 01
con.&quot;ulIlptioll. She ha .. IIl'en ~&quot;1\'CII up by
the physician&quot;, but we ied the I. ..!'J
\\'al1l.~ 10 heal lll'r lOr I II&quot; g .. &quot;y.
Miss Pauline Gleim writes fro III rill'
Home of On('!ooiphorlls, China, &quot; I &quot;all!
10 be ahle to SPl';lk Ihe 1&lt;tl1lo:uaRt' ';0 &lt;I'
to be able 10 (kal p{'r!'.ollall~' wilh thl
. . irk cllildr{'Il, I 101ltJ\\ Ihr(lIH~h pa . . 1 I'X'
pcrielH'(' \\ Ilh tht: . . irk that Ollt&middot; h:l .. a
splendid opportunily of Ical'hing Ihl'lll
\'OJl('('rnill'! spiritual IhinK'~ when attend
!lg to th~'ir Jllly i(&quot;al nett!.
&middot;'Thl' Lord ha~ IlI'all-lI quite ;1 UU1IlI&quot;
oi Ihe children, ,\bout five or six of Ilw~e
l'a!'es Wl'rc hopelt,,,~ rIo; Ltr itS hUlllan aid
:s conCernel!. '1'\\ a (Ii tht&middot;'I' hl'alil1.~&quot; han
('au&quot;ct! qnite an inhTl &quot;I aUJOIlg:st til(' un
a ud Ol1e IWall1{'n dedilrl d,
'Surely it wa&quot; only (~od!&lt; Thtr&quot; art' ..;(
many di~('a'l'&quot; in China \\ hidl w, .1&quot;
llot sec in ,\IlH'rir;t a lUI Iht'l1 olh~'r dl~
l&middot;a!'.o.:S spread through illlprolll'r ~anilalitH!
.1nwnf~q till' Chilll&middot; . . 1&middot; and .. urh ignoralll't'
in&quot; caril1g' for tlll'l1hl,ln's when 'lIT!id,&middot;'!.
\&quot;1)(.:11 I first el1lle I dressed a I'orl' on
onc of the nl'W boy'~ !tg-li, Th l&middot; .,on' W:('
plast('1&quot;('c\ O\&quot;('r wilh (Iirt allli seakd OHT
&quot;it h papI'r Thn' &lt;,&quot;1'111 to l'onsidlT din
itS a propt'l 1~'I11t'(I,\ 10 OIpph 10 &quot;on&quot;.
;d~o hrir.:-hl rolnn'&quot; pap{'r.
Of l'Ol1r~t&middot;,
Ih(' rhi ldn'n in Ih,.' h&quot;lll,&middot; are laught In
hav~' tht' \\oulld~ r!rO\l1 .... t&middot;d :Illd 10 Irtl~:
the l.ord i111pli l'ilh tor Illl&middot;ir 11I&middot;;II:n. J
ha\'e quih' :t ~;l\h~rinl.:' tn 1&middot;,ln' ior, 1'10
it i~ 11 01 &quot;tJrpri~il1g w Iwn 011\' ('onsid!'r..;
the s izc oi tht' lion1\'. Sind\' I t'an ~:I\'
J-It' j&quot; my hd]! and lll~ .. tr&quot;n~th&quot;
Misli Anna Helmbrecht '\Titl's :1(1111
india: &quot; \Y (&middot; lIa,1 a fn ll{'ral a little on&middot;(
a wcek :l(!O, 011(' of t lw it'fl{'rs \\'ho \\:\,:
fhe fir&lt;;t 10 r0111(, into til&pound;' it'J\er,,' ref11l.!t'
her(' wcnl 10 he \\'ilh the Lonl. IT(' \\-;'~
hlind and hi!&gt; hand, \\'t'r(' ('alen ofT, vet in
thi~ wrelcht'd stale h(' thought of o'ht'r~
F.\'en Ihough &quot;-0 mi&quot;t'rahl(' h(' thouc:hl of
his hpalh('n r('latin'~ and wanlNI th{'m
(0 ha\'(' th(' C,ospd, La&lt;.l &quot;ll1nllWr w!H'n
the flood \\,a., 011, and peopl(' \\'er(' suITer,
ing' around us, he eame 10 Brother Ha r\'('y and a&quot;kcd to go without meat Ihat
he might gi\'e the money ~aved to the
flood sufferer .. , Do many of our Pen ~
I('ro&quot;-tal p&lt;,ople at home ~\'ho have thl'ir
hands and fcct, ,'oire and all, have a ..
much zeal for Ih(' souls of tho~e around
them or for tht,ir friend&quot; or their unu&quot;-a\' ('(I relativ(',,?
&quot;He is fr('t&middot; no\\' from &quot;ldT('ring~ no
more leprosy, Li't tl&quot; rdoic(' thai allothrr &quot;oul hac; .. af('ly rearhrd th(' go;'!1
and found eyerlastinr:- rrsl in our Lnnl&quot;
Miss Marie Stepheny ;tl1nOI1lH'CS her ~:lf,&middot;
arri,'al in California from ,orth Chin&quot;.
She is ven' much run down in hod,'
:lI1d need,; -spec ial help from th(' Lonl,
For the pr('srnl, &pound;ri('n(I .. ran addrec;.::: hrr
in car(' of Haroltl K , N('('flham, 5fl;Vi
Echo St.. l.o~ An,l!elrc:, Calif.
Miss Blanche Appleby writes irom
South China. &quot;l{cvival drops afc ialling.
Two bapli~mal .;t;rvices last $unday, one
at \,Vaang Kong, and one at :Sin rOilg-.
There is to be one at La Pau thi&quot; nUlling
week-end, .liter ,';bich Ihothcr Spence
leaves for a trip to Kwong ::;;;'1 where
candidatl's arc ,malting b:q&gt;lism.&quot;
Mrs. Lena Smith Howe, accompanied
by Jl\'f ~Oll, John. \\ril l ,; of her arri,'''! in
Porto Rilo. &quot;\\'\: arc safe and SOUIH.!.
but the triD \\a!&lt;, a terrible ol1e for me.
I had a first class ticket but my room wa&quot;
where the motion of the engines was
kit and theil, with the hcat and all. I
was madt: violently ill and nevcr han'
bcc..n so weak in my life a:. I was all
thi~ trip. After three or four days I began to cat and mend, and aiter twelve
days I could walk a couple of miles evell.
&quot;\Vc ar~ on a little place of 70 acres
'&quot; Ith a slIlall but good how'i\~.
\Ve arc
glad to walk a mile and a half aiter
meetings rather than to \i\-e in the town.
Bayamon i.., a large town, or rather a
city of old Spanish type: no sewerage,
no waler , etc. On a lillie 101 i!&quot;; your
well, all/I allY amOUllt of filth, etc., n&middot;oi~l&quot;
dogs ami what not. \Vc walk to to\\n
sometimcs in the stln at 3:00 p. m. and
again at night.
&quot;This is a nice country settlement that
11a:o a picture show, a police f&gt;tatioll, a few
hundn'd working people. ~everal well-todo A merican families. some grape-fruit
canneries, and the Pono Rican!&quot;; ill this
neighborhood arc of the humble, working, industrious class who arc friendly
to us, bringing us seed to plant, etc.
We ~xpect to see a great congregation
here before long.&quot;
Brothe r C. Beckdahl and wife, missionaries hOIll t' on furlough from India are at
presenl '&lt;topping at the :\iissionary Rest
Ho m('. 18018 fierenice Ave,. Chicago, lli.
Thc~ arc nry de!'!irous to vi&lt;;it Pentecostal
\:&lt;sl'mhli('s in the Central \Vcst until the
time of the Gene ral Counci l, and would
he glad to hear from pastors of the a&lt;;sel1lolies who desire their services. Broth o.:r and Sistcr Bt'ckdah l have appointment
from the Council.
One of the mi!&quot;sionaries in ~outh
Chi~la ha s written us eon(crning- what
happens \\Ill'n the mi5sionary offerinj?:&lt;
iall off, as follows: &quot;\Ve notice, of cour,:;e,
th(, ~lIlal1l1es.!'! of the offerings this month
and it is not in a spirit of complaint that
we wrilc, hut W(' \\-i~h the dear ones at
home eoul(1 know the facts, This is our
hot season and all missionaries lIlust go
to the coa!'!1 to escape the extreme heaC
The hoard mise;ionaries ha\'c becll gOlle
for h','o wCl&middot;k&quot; now and we arc still here
and ('xpe(&quot;t to hold on for two more
Going to the coast means of
(&quot;onne extra I,:xpen~e, ;\nd fo, (ho,;e oi
U~ &quot;ho hav e stations it means the payingo f two months' wa,ges instead of OIH'
to the workf'Ts, But at a time \rh('n we
nelc1 ~xtra funris, we arc cut dow n be-
C;ltI:.l' of :.mai! oltering&quot; receiyed by the
.\1i.isionary 'lrl.l&quot;u n, \\'e arc tru~ting:
that this condition &quot;h,dl pass away alltl
that thc he,H)-&quot; IIn&middot;tilO oi the mi~&quot;ionanc
~ltlrJ(Jg the ,.ultl1nt r 5hatl Oe IlIl't lor the
glory oi (;od.
10 the above stakulUIl
the :\li,,~iollaT\ rr~;burcr &quot;ay:. .1 h~.\r \
&quot;1 DESIRE MUCH TO KNOW&quot;
~UJI •
illl 1I0&quot;n
o'c1och: lIe \\
h;1\ ing
1Il(lllY IlIlctlllg.
U C l l~
hundred \\Orkllll'!l St&quot;t~d ,LiJOu\ omc 01
tlll:1I1 li!'!teniug illtentl~ ;11}(! ~)thlr 1',I~
illS' little hel'li 10 th~ \y(Jnb th,tt \Iere
spoken hy the n.lti\&middot;~ l..&middot;hristi;lI\) \\ h{&quot;ll
~tlddenly a litt[{&middot; .hort \\-orkm:ln \\ hn!
heen !In's{&middot;nt d,lily ) the prl'achin.l; ,,'n
iCl' ior !'!Ollle \\Cel..lO ~:ut up and sail..! the
iollowing words:
&quot;I am the child oi a :-'1 allwt!. I dOll't
kno\\&quot; God, BUI sitH;c I callw lH.:fc to
work I have heard the new.;. :-,[ \' latlll'r
di(ln't know Cod, I!l\' lIlothn did.;'t kno\1
Cod. I desin&middot; lIIu~&middot;h 10 know !lim. ~I&quot;
words arc f~w for I know but littl.
Ponder w~11 this palhl,til' a)ljlnl! Tiwrc
is within thc~e few words th~ l&middot;ntil t' hi~&shy;
Itlry. ;lIld presentation of tIll' Pl&lt;&quot;l'llt nlll
ditioll of thousands in the Easkrn Cnng-o.
It i... a t&quot;onfl'ssion oi ig:nor&lt;lllce tlMt i,;
true of Ihis entire Ileople-&quot;r do not know
{;(XI:' \\&quot;ill enryone who has thl' mis5ionarv C:'IUsl' at ht'art. stir thcmsl'ln'S
anc\\' and make Gornhari and th(' C(lllKO
a fervent subject of Ilrarer!-J ..\ Har_
Brother R . F . Bake r writes, &quot;The Lord
has enabled us to open up a new work
at Ennis, Tex., through the healing of a
s ick WOIllan in answer to prayer. It has
surely sti rred the entire Mexican population \Ve had our first service Thursday
night, July 26th, It was marvelous to see
how these poor, hungry hearts enjoyed
tl](' \Vord preached in th~ir language in
the powe r oi the Spirit. After service
fivc came forward for healing with uplifted hearts to the Lord. Another victory
\\as that the lady of the house opened her
cloors for the 5ervices. This meant much
as she was a devoted Catholic al!)o a godmother (\\hich mcans she haptizes infants), It was (ltlite a sight to 5ee the
~acred idols and olher things in one corlLer of the room where we had our services. There was a table w ith numerous
sacred articles, such as holy palms, twigs
of trees. berries. idols, a vessel filled with
charcoa l and ashcs where she had been
hurning inceme, etc. From the ceiling to
the (loor were pictures of Christ and the
disciplcs and other holy sai nts. But praise
(~od, in spite of all this, the power of God
\\-a'&gt; present to ble,&gt;s and to heal.
&quot;At Corsicana the Lord was with us
and nine were at the altar seeking salvation Sunday night, sOllie seeking salvation.
othe rs the bapti~m. \\'e have our tent
there and Brother Joe Marlenz has
charge. Corsicana and Ennis arc both
new fields. There arc hundreds of la ~
borers there as the oil boom is on at
Page Thirteen
Brother W. W. Simpson 5elH1.~ a good
report Irom Kall~u l'ronul:e as tollo\u,
'Uur Annual Couner! \\a~ grl',ttl~; bless
cd oi t&gt;od. H.t'POII:. hom IllJ.rly I... ty
as:.cmblic:. bhuwed a IlH':lIlbt:rlOh~p 01 o\er
tWO thousand &quot;ith oJierlllt&gt;:. 01 auou! two
hundred dollar~ duril1ll mile IIIvnths. It
now COlOt:. considcrahly onl&quot; h\'e hun
dred dollar:. (Chinne) W carry l,n the
'Iork (JIIC 1ll0ntll l'rogrc5s i.. 1&gt;&lt;:1I1g' m,ulc
tt.\\.!: I .. l;Il&quot;,ul'purl dlld cll.g&quot;,(rnmcnt
thtTl ba\c ol&lt;n hUlldrcd.i 01
Illirae e~, ~&quot;nlt' a&quot;t()\llIdlll~ tll1l&middot;!'!. In thl;
Counnl Illu't](]~~ the l.ur,1 ~p()kt to m.m ....
hcarb, .\11 s t'lII~'d In lit&middot; Il&middot;\'in&middot;d and I;II~
cottraged 10 gu !'!auillrillK ,md wiling to
!&gt;.l\&middot;e the I\lst lfe JeS!h (01111:5.
,\1)&quot; o\\n
he:lrt i . . u\ lr:lo\\ in~ \\ jth J&quot;~ lIIh\IL:,lk
abll n.1 :ovc di\&quot;lIle.
'&middot;1 kave 5(,On iot a SIX hUIHh'cd Illlle
trip 10 KdIH:no\\' in tb~ far north\\csl ui
Kan&quot;u 10 held m~di:tgs .1\ the fl'que~t
of Dr
Kan, a 5c!f-sul'ponillg Chine:.e
worker ivrn'l'n~&middot; vioknlly opposed to
\\.i.1I be thl rl' until AuytL~t
ht and thlu ~cl&middot;:rn \-ja l.alH&quot;hun, Titao.
etc. Harhin/-: hl'rl' by thl' I-nd oi ..\ugu,H.
Ilu)1l' then 1&quot; tou. thl t&middot;a&quot;tl'rn part oi
h:an~u l'nr,)utc to IIP'MIl :1Ilt! Shih Chia
Chuang to O)1l'l1 Biblr S\&quot;IlOol the he&middot;
L:'i:lniug' of Oltobl&quot;
&middot;'Sinn' the Lonl Illi '\Ii~~ l)u.:terlc ami
llIe to r~'n n&middot;uce 1lI;,rria~e for His &quot;akc
and the C~):;lll'l's Iii!'! rron .. training Ion.'
i:. as a COII&quot;l:lIIilh( fin' \\ilhin IlIC which
nc\'Cr dims dax or Ili).:ht. I IUlIg to expr~ss in s~n'ife and
aritilT the dl'Plh
of my love to Him \,:l1u loves nH' ~o
Glo:&middot;~&middot; I t' to Cod!
trip oi tweh&middot;c h'Jn h:d Il'iles to 1\:ancho\\' ami r~ltlrn ,,&middot;ill be dOI:c Oil foot
and illY hcart iairl'&middot; h'ar'&quot; \\-ith joy to
thus to&middot;il iOT my dear I.ord. Hallelujah I
And my boy \\'illiam will hc tran:,ling
on foot IrOPI c;!.m&middot;' to l&middot;,,:llP anlolll{ the
Tibetalls from no~v to the end of the
\'Car. \\'hal a JO\ IS minc and hisl
Clary ~.'
Brother S. Kauffman annoullces that
there wac; a mistake in his ac1dre5c; as
publi..,lll'd in the Evang('1 some time a,!Cl.
Tlw ;Hhlr\'&quot;,,, ~hould ha\'c rcall J436 Taku
Roall, Sh;lng-hai. China. in.'llad of 1&middot;t\6
'l'aku RI\. All friend!; Illa\' takc nolin&middot;.
Brothtr Kauffman \&middot;.rit,,!,!. ;.\\. care (Iaily
u!;!ng our ~pare lime in brushing (1)1 011
Ihe languaKt&middot; \\hilc 'H havc hacl ..,eyer,1I
mectings a week. Xow Wl' arc havinj..C
dail\' tent mel'lings in conjunction with
Sist&middot;cr La I\'Ic: r, R~sult.'t arl' Ill'yond our
expel'lation, \\'hill' tl\(' IIt'at of ShanK
hai iii moe;t c\eprc:;sinK and continual
rains ;\ handicap. e;till our Icnt is crmvded
while sometime!; 2.5 mall)&quot; more stand 011
the outside who all Ji&lt;:{cn \Iith ears alld
eyes Op{' 11 for :it'\&middot;cl&quot;&quot;l hot1r~ to the sinlJllt'
\\'III'1l finall~ the altar ~&middot;a11 i~
,t:ivell all li.'ttt'Tl with carOl and eycli Op~Tl
for sen'ral hourc; to the :.impic r.o~)l,'I.
\\&quot;Ia-II finally tht' altar ra11 is ginn all
a\&middot;ailahlt, space is tak('11 liP anll the cril','i
that ,go lip to God an' t'n ollgh 10 111('it
any heart. Hle'ls Hie; nalllt' foren'r. \Vt'
arc exp{'cting to go to the interior thl'
latter pout of September or ju&quot; l as &lt;;0011
as IIH Lord llIake~ it (&middot;Iear to ti s.&quot;
Office 336 W, Pacific St., Springfield, Mo.
E. N. BELL, Chairman
j. W. WELCH, Secretary
K N. lItll, Ikcc.ned.
F.rk B&lt;Mlth&middot;Clibloorn Columbu., Ohio.
O. J'. Hr;l.lln, 62.1 &quot;'ainu! Ave., Ca1\IOn , Ohio.
R. A. Uro&quot;&quot;,n, 3.11 W. 14th 51., New York, N. Y.
If. F:. Bo,,-!ty. &lt;4lZ S. Victor 51 .. Tul.a. Okla..
}. WIn. Bourom, Calh'J\In and Granl, Sprin,lic:ld,
ll. ~I Cad .... Jder, II.U 9Jrd 51, Edmonton, Alta.
R. J. (r3IK. ISJ6 Elh. 51. S;;r.n l-'ranclsco, Cahf.
G z.o, f.ldndat. 401 W. A~e. J7, 1..05 Anaeiu. Calif.
1 R. Eva,,!, 631 South Ave .• Syracun. N. Y.
Wm. ~I \:anx, WI IIt&quot;'[&quot;Y A\t&quot;, lIradley Heach,
N. j.
E. R. FitzKen,1d, Ruutllvl11e, Ark.
J. R. Flo ... o:r, Springfidd, Mo.
S. II . frud,ham, Spriu,lidd, Ala.
1\, ( &quot; &quot; &quot; ' , J1(~'&quot; T _,ra A&quot;t., &lt;:It.,tiano, O.
,Fra&quot;k Gray, 21J9 So, L St&quot; TRcvma, Wash.
II. L. JLuvey, HJ7 N, Grant St., Springfield, Mo.
S. A. };lIni~lOn. 21Jn Su~mY$ide Ave.,'O, IlL
O. W K .. rr, JJ6 W. Pacific St.. SprinSfi .. !d. Mo.
). R, KI,n .. 4t.JS Fuurth &quot;v.... {J..,trOlI, MIch.
T Arthu. Lewis, JiO Hollis St., Framinsbam.
R. E. Mc!\Ji.ter. 740 Ou..en', Ave., London, On!.
V. II. Md&gt;o ...&middot;ell. 825 Green Ridge Ave., Scranton,
S. fl. Paltenon, Olborne, Ka n•.
}n~t&quot;h Tunmore. 608 Virginia I\ve., Pittsburgh,
J. W. Welch, Springfield, Mo.
Th. follow!n,. are Fie ld Repreaen t .. tivu or Chairmen of Di,trict CouneiiA.
If not on a, Gener..l
P .... b,, ~rs, the&quot; ..... A.lIOdats Pr.-byter.:
II Argu .. ,
,I, \\, &quot; SI.,
}o',ekl Hep.
\\&quot; Jl'thro \\&quot;althall. (all1&lt;l.. &quot;, .hk.; Field R .. p.
Frank Gray. 2139 S. LSI,. Tacoma. Wa.lI.; North
West Disl.
R. 1. Craig, 1)J6 ElIi, St, Sail }o', Calif.;
Nor. Californta Di.t.
J..uui. F. Turnbull, 1108 Coronado Ter., Los Angeles, Cahl.; Sou. ClIl,fornin Vi!t.
N R. !,;idlc,I~. I.WS Van lJ uren Ave., PueblQ, Colo.;
&lt;.:olorllriQ Dill.
). C. WIlder, 2612 W. 26th S t., Ft. Worlh, Tau:
Tua. D,sl.
Olear JOUts. Ninnekah. Okla.; Oklahoma Di.L
S. H. 1' .. lIenon. Od.,.rne, Kans.: Kansas Dis t.
E. Scott, ~lercH. \10,; Iowa &amp; Neonh Mil'
.&quot;uri ViII.
G. \v. CI&lt;'I&quot;&quot;e, 1021 N. Locust 51., N. Platte,
Ne],r.; ~et.ra5k.\ VI&quot;,
J. E Spenc... Kem'UI, Mu.; S&lt;JU. Mo. Di,t.
W }. Walthllll. ('arndt'l, .\r).,; .\,k. IJi5t.
). O. S;.vell, 923 Arledge 51., Hallielbu rr, lli... ;
M iui .. ivpi Diat.
W.Y. Hard .... ick. Hanford, Ala.; Southeastern
}. N. Gurlnt'r, 1I6OJ Tuaeor;1 Ave .. Oeveund, 0.;
Central Dilt.
1\. f. Miller, Frankfor.t,.. KY' BOJ;, 268; \Vnlern
W. Va. &amp; Easlern r..enluckY Dl.t.
)o~eph Tunmore 608 Virgillia Ave., l&gt;ittsburgh,
I'a.; EattePlI b1St.
J. !o:. Kisllu 17 Elder 51.. So. Cumberland. Md.;
Mar}land Diltricl &amp; Eastern W. Va.
G. A. Chamberl IS Scott St., Kitc1lener. DIU.;
Eau Canada b i~l.
C. M. lIans.. ,: , R. J. Box &quot; Dalton, Milln.; North
Central Disl.
•\. H. Wendt, R. J. New C.. tle, Pa.; German
II. M. Cadwaldu, IH12 9Jrd St., Edmonton. Aha.;
Wut .. rn Canadian Dist.
Albalie and 1l00n &quot; ll1c. Meelinea eaela
aiebl In ebare_ or J. WQl. BoaHom and ....orkcn.
10 IICK'n Segl. 8.
E. Chamleu, 01
kla .• will bring the messages.-S.
K ~II&quot;j(g.
OKMULGEE, OKLA .-We wit! start a lent
c;Llnp;lign Sepl. lJ.,
V .. with Wm. J. Bourom
1IlId &quot;,'orkers of SW&quot;,gfi('ld . ~[o .. in eh;tr~e. Plea~e
pray lur th ill ne('d), Cit)'.&middot; &middot; R. II. Nesb,tt.
C IT Y, 10WA/ • beainnina Seple mber ~ wilh Enn&middot;
,d,,, Earl \V . Cl:lr k and wire in charie. For
further information write Isaac M ilburn Glan ..iIIe,
1211 W. Hth 51 .• phone Auto 8164'.
SOUTHWESTERN NEBRASKA MID&middot;SUMMER REVIVAL, .1 1 ('harpel!, Sepl. 2 to 9 or
lonaer. in A~'emhly nl G&quot;, ubernade. Eddie M.
VOlinI'. elt-pri:te fiShlU. ...&middot;ill be Ih .. eUligeliat.
r;&quot;er}hod), invited.-Mm&lt;ie A, X, Clark, paSlor,
Chappell, N ebr.
CITY WIDE CAMPA IGN AT JOLIET. ILL.Brother A. If. AflJue and party are conducting
a campaign in Jollel . III .• from Scptember 9 to
2.1. For full rar\lcular~ ~ee Robert F. MeFar&middot;
Ia n... Full Gospel Church , Can &amp; Herkimer 511.,
) oll .. t. Ill.
Ihe Lord willi ng. hURuS! 28 to September 12 io&middot;
e1usi ..e, at Humbolt [':Irk Pent..colt.1 Allembfy of
God. corner of Corlland St., and Nebraska A ..e,
PUlOr A. B. Cox. of Day ton. Ohio, &quot;,ill be in
ch:l rge, auisted by other e&quot;anKelllll and mis&middot;
liunanes.-Q. Dile n, putor, 1938 Nebruka Av e . •
Chieaso. III.
GLAD TIDINGS CHURCH, CHICAGO, ILL.From Sept. 2J to 30. incl. Bro ther David Mc&middot;
Dow('lI. (,r Scra nton. 1';1.. , BrOlher } o~eph Tun&middot;
more, uf Pitll;burg, Pa., r .. turuccl mi~s'o&quot;aries and
olhen, will 13k .. part. Followitll{ the cn'l\'enlion
Eva ng('Ii.1 Col.en eof I •. &quot;,,&quot;, &quot;ith John Olson,
choruter. Will ctondud e\&quot;anR.. lIl1lc serncC$ for
1&quot; 0 wet'k~ '''''Vinning Oct&quot;her I.
Pra)&quot; much for
IhelC' n'&laquo;ting,. F,.. funher inforn\,1ti&lt;Jn ..... rite to
..\ . ,1amieSOOlll, p&quot;~tor. 2120 511' IIpi,!e .\\&middot;e.,
MEETING, .t Doth.... Ala., will be;i n. Ihe Lord
w,'hna. Ike firJl Sunday in October. wlt b Brother
J. L. Slay 11\ cbaqi:c. •... 11 are eo rchall,. in&lt;oncd.
Come prepared to take eare of yourlelvu. There
will be a lunt:h ,Ia&quot;d o n the (Imp II:roundt. to
lerve a t! al iair pn&lt;:cs.
You can bnn i: your
p'T&lt;)(luce alld .ell 10 h .. IP. to d elr.,. ,.our upen'u.
1 he IJ;tlnCI Coundl w, t! con.ene 111 eonnec lio n
w,l h Ih .. camp lIIeeth, ... fro m October 16 10 :/0.
(;hurdlel are asked to pn.... lde pa lla .. a nd dde&middot;
,altl to th e (;ouncil wll h propcr fun dI to defr.y
Iheir (Kpen~u while there. Let UI eoope rate thi ,
IHUC. brel h. en .-O. ). Slner l(l n, R. t:. Ta,lor,
K n. )uhll'. G. C. Courtney. W. O . Weeka,
(olll m iltee .
aer .. itcs daily. leaehin~ a nd preaching from Ibe
Word of God. Tenls for rent. All orden muat
be in by September I. Brine your o wn .heer., CO .. en and liek. Straw for beds pro .. idcd. Me.11 on
the iruu&quot;ds on . the free,wllI&middot;offermg pltn. Thc
camp II lo..:;Hed In Ihe beaul1ful bUlh 01 N t. lohn&middot;
son, 2 mil&quot;l !Kluth o f t he G. T. R. Station, W allt&middot;
erto n. vn Ihe J,li ldmay Road , near tbe riyer. Tho le
writ in&quot;, ahead &quot;,ill be Illet OU arri ... I. For fur&middot;
Iher IIIformalion w rile Putor Ceo.
W a lkerton. On I., or Pastor G. A. enamben, IS
Scott St., Kil chencr. Onl.
Degi&quot;n;nK ... ilh .&middot;\UgU 5t 28, &quot;e e.~cl to launch
olle of the bes t campaigns Kanns Ci:r hal (\Ier
knowl&middot;. aTld w'lh the hdp of the Lor expect to
5(e a mighty revi\'al breakinc for lb.
Urathe r
Jobn (iQ1,)(&quot; &quot;III havc charge of e \'angeIiSlic serY&middot;
'eu, ami Brother John O lsen, of OIicago, will
be Mu si.:.,1 D,rector. All plans :lrc being com&middot;
p!et.,! for larse seatinl{ c:lpadty. Everybody 15
calelllng Ihe re\&middot; i\&middot;al sp,ril and we extend to all
,&quot;S,\Ot8 our ;Iearliesl welcome to Ihis meeting.
E .. erylY'dy come and bring somebody :lIOl1g with
For furl her particulars write He nr y Hoar,
258 N F.arl)- 51.. Kan sall C,ty. Ka ns.
WANTED .\ p reach .. r 10 hold llI('elings about
... l\1ile4 wcst of Bonne .. ille dt th .. ,'minch chu rch&middot;
h &quot;'~e; ol,e tilkd '''Ih th~ 11,,1), Cho~1 a nd on fire
i&quot;. Cot! ..e,uld like \&lt;) gel a h:lnd IUlrl('d here all
I&quot;~r(' are n&quot; I'('ntt'crlslal P&lt;&quot;'ple hcre.-:Mrs. Hallie
Ryi&lt;'~, R. F. D. X o. 1. B&lt;Xlne&quot;ille, Ark.
From Au,,,.t 17 10 AU&laquo;&quot;I! Z3 Inel&quot; .......
oI,,..~ not includc
'ITeril&quot;: I ,r ('XI~ ,..,. \.,
the F&quot;re'~&quot; )'Ii~,i&quot;&quot;, De;'!.)
H'I./!&middot; I '''a and i\&lt;&gt;rthem ~lill~(I1t1 1)1&quot;1 (&middot;,mll.
!)Ii 1J:
.\~ lIn!&gt;1). (ira,&middot;ily. i'll.
• I'): .\~ tmhly &amp; 5, S., Tuba. Okl ...
'; .): }. N&quot; R .• Ilroc,klyl1. N. \&quot;; A Ca~tlian
, .. ll'tr 10 ~I 1'1'.1 B;':t,lf w&quot;rk. lfounl Forut, Ont..
7000: Fnnw, • .,j .\~.e&quot;,bly, E:l(t'. Pa.
61.69: ..\~.emhty, \\&quot;iIO&lt;lri\'('r, 111.
(,(1m: l.Ielha,&middot;,.
.... ~~emhly,
~Iol&quot;.; Full (;o~vel Anemuly, N'e .... hutl/-h j N. Y
SA&quot; l'PPtr Ru(,m ~lulOn, San Jose. (allf.
50.00 ,Jr. &amp;. ~Ir . O. E. A .• Younfl'~I&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;, Obit);
L .• ~I&quot;tun, :-;. y.;,\s,embl)&quot; Cant,'n, Oi,i&lt;&gt;.
41).00: l'e&middot;,I&middot;1 {Hup.. 1 lliui'&gt;1l. Millvale, I'a.
J5.oo: J. I'. X'. l .. ,ng\&quot;lc,,'. \\'ash.
'3.00: }I .. hida l'ent'l A~sembly. (;anaan. H H.
J1.oo: P. M. S., Wcsl Tulsa . Okla
JO.OO' Lillie CO&quot;'\&quot;'lII Y in WUI N. Y•. N. ) .
2' AUCTllul), 'e,my Fundi Gr;ttemonl, Okla.
27.00: Sa'&quot;u III :-;orlh 1I0wcl. Gcna'IL, Or...
25.00: 5ainu at Nvrth 1I0wclll • Gef\'ai~1 Ort. .
'5.00: M . R., Bror.kll0. N. '1,';, Pent I JdI~llOIl,
Fr('eland. POl.; n. O. f' .. Ra' ~1rI CII),. ('ahf
22.67: Auembl)' &amp; S. 5 .. S('lQkan .. , Wash.
fo. W J.. IJan5vlll... N. Y.
20.00: A~.embly'. n '.t&lt;&gt;n. Mass.; ~rs. E. M.. Mi l&middot;
ton, N. Y.: M. I~. A., Battlc, Creck. Mlch
10.90: ,-\nernbly. Brookston. :\ltnTl.
16.ZO, .\, F. 1.1., l'('&middot;,dleu)n. Ore.
16,00: Auemt.lYj .\tcadt, N. Y.
15.0/1: Central 'ark...\'~~l1Ibly, Farmi&quot;Kdal~. N.
\.; ,\.,('m]'ly. \\lIherbee. N. V .. H . &yen;•. n.,
Fredonia. N, Y.; lin. A. 5 .• San Die.(), C... lii. ;
A~~ .. mhty. I)a~t''''. Ore.; I.. E
W., Oakland,
CaM., P . :-;., ,fu!l&lt;:atl11e. 1.1.
11,. SUl1,,)~id&lt;:. \Vuh.; Soulh('r n (;.'\Jif.
D,ule &amp;h&quot;&quot;I, L.V! A1l!,::eles. Calil.
12.7]; .'.sembl(, SUI&gt;II),s,dc. \\&middot;ash.
12.00: KlO\\a J ,~ell1bly. (&quot;010.; :\1. If. &amp; 1'4 U.,
S;11L Franci~,&middot;o. C&quot;hf., B. Ie A., Lo Pau, !iuuth
1].00, Gilhoa Ass .. &quot;,hl)&middot;. Ohio.
10.00: ,\In. R. E. ). &amp; 11. C .. C.. nlral l'atk. N .
Y.; ~Ir. &amp; '\In. W. B.S.• Itha ca. N. Y.; Mrs.
A . • \ . IJdrml, MIch.; ,t\. r. .. ])in:&gt;m&lt;)r('. Saa1c.;
~In. J.. II. F.; ,\ nK!cton, Te&quot;Il5 :. t:. A. N .. Tr~.,s; J. S .• Holland, Mum,: }. W. G.,
Rolla. Mo.. (, ..\. 0 .. Norwood, OhIO: C. 1..&quot;, J.l.,
Allon. 111..; Mr!. 1.. B .• Denair,!.; R. ,I&quot;~
Dancy, \\&quot;.; E. 1\1. Y., s... &quot; Franc'se&lt;.), C.. h.;
Mr. &amp; Mn. L. 1.., Marshfield, Wis.; W. C.,
I.arnell. Kan s.: II. }. 5., Youngllo wn, Ohio;
C. G./, Ci~lt. Calil.; 1-.1.,. E. C. \V., Ch ic.,g • . Ill. ;
.Mr. (I( .Mrs. II. K., Fort \\'orlh. Tua,: S. 5.,
Wright Cily, Okla.
9,80: Mn. S. N. &amp; daughters. Commerce-. Texas.
9.50: :;&quot;'lIIh Dalh~ .\ssembly. Tuall.
9,00; O. ). 1'.. Kin g5b~rg~ Calif.
8.!J), 11, M .. )'I I1I(&gt;TI, N. '\.
7.60: Plca~allt lIill .\$sembly. Ia.
7.30: Glad Tidings ,\ssembly, San Migud, Cali!.
7.25: Eo U.. Beggs. Okla.
7.20; S. 5., Buddlil. i\I().
7.00: A. ('. B., ~IcFall. Mo.; ~Irs. It M . fl . f;1
I1oradn. ,\ rk.
6.'iO: J. B. C. ~Iobile. &quot;Ia.
td'lO: Young Pcnplc', Sociel),. Lancaster. Fa. ; F,
n., l:&gt;es loge. ;\10,: J. V., Grand Ral)ids, lrhch ,
E. W., ('Je\&quot;eland. Ohio.
5.50, S N .. nl~~vill('.:. Oh io.
5.25, 11. \V .. S:l.llla J{osa. Calif.
5.00: 1. D. B .• TunIc Creek. 1':1.; Mn. W. G. II.
Childrcu, T exas; Mn. I&quot;. n .. Brooklyn, N. Y .;
W. M. II.. s,,.atoga. Tuas: A fnend, Redondo
Deach, Calif.; 8. M., Kan las Cily. Kans.; j. B.
J., ~&quot;or\ )'l~rgall, Co:lo.; R .. M .. A .• Spriugfield.
:\fo., \\. K . ) .• T,ler, Mum .. D. W., 'Portland, Ore.; Mrs. H. M. V., Dillon. Okla. ; A
friend',l.Iraiuerd1 ).linTl.; Mr. &amp; Mrs. l... 1. &quot;!I.,
!;.'n :\\llluel, Calif.; Mrs. J. R. D .• Hil TOn. OhIO;
Mn. C. ~ .. Joliet. Ill.; Mr. &amp; Mrs. T., Kno;ro;&middot;
ville. Tenn.: C. E. S .. MI. \-ernoll. \Va,h.; lf rs,
'\1. G. 5 .• Osgood. Ind.; :\lr5. E. C., Rio. Wis.;
E. A. G. M., Eureka. Calif.; F. C.• Hu ttig.
Ark.; M. Z .• Sanla ~Ionica. Calif.; A. 1. I'&quot;
&quot;:. Sail Dic,go. Calil.
4.50; J. F. 5., Trul!svillc, K y.
4.4{): G. C. L., Elmw ood Park, Ill.
4.00: }. W. D.• Graceville, Fla.; 1. F. B .. Alton,
III. ; ). D. C.• KinSlon, Al a.; r'. III 5 ..
lliTlll mgha ,n, Ala.
3.50: Asscmbly, (;reftnn. Io .... a.
3.48: A. II. , lellu)&quot; Lind. A rk.
J.~?: Pent'l Young P C'OJ!!e'5 Union, Coud•• Mo.
J .•.&quot; .\ucmbly, Ren'l. Will.
J.OO: C. S. F .. Houston, Texas; S, S. 5.. Pasa&middot;
dena. Calif.
B. 1\ :\1.. O~&quot; .. go, Kanll.
2,.~: ..\. ]. N. Rucynl&quot;&gt;, Ohio.
2.38: C. J., I' rOU'lr. Min n.
2.27: ChTlIl 1'enl 'l Church, Storlllville. N . Y .
2.10: :Mrs. J.. McA., Midland, Ark.; S. S., 1'I e,,&quot;
cas ll l!'. 'feltas.
2.00, S. 5&quot; ('em.. nt. Okla.: Mrs. W. R. ,,', Eu~Ii$} F!;I.; II. 11 .• \Vakar~sll. [11(1.; I.. A .. Dell
llolll&quot;'., la.; .J. V. S .. COI1I\\&quot;oOO. Va.; M. E.
B .• Gall&quot;&middot;er. Fla.
],70;: \\'. L. 1'., Reno. \Vis.
US, I.. ,\. S,. Orm&middot;ille. Calil.
1.00: 1. R. \' .. Old FMge, P d.; Mu. E . K ..
Lilchfield. Ncbr.; 1\1. W .. Gn'&middot;an. Wash.; 1'. $ ..
\\&middot;Ulernv-.rl, Md.; \\'. E. T., s.aVlluna h . G.).;
M T.. &amp;. II 1.., Home\ alJ(')&middot;. \\'a~h.; M r. &quot;
Sept 8, 192.1
I;, F. ~., .\t1-la •• I. Ort', :-.- 0 J.. BillY
N /&quot;.1(; :'Ilrl. ~ 1' .• lI&lt;iu:- I.J., \\ \
F H. J., \\ t'H J..&middot;ba •. n.&quot; II
1',,1;.1, h's~ t;V .•&quot; . 'UlIOU&quot;ts glH&middot;n dir(&quot;( 1 I&quot;
'1'.I'''':lr;.., h}' lOlO&quot;
\&quot; ,Ut,1
1'.. 1'11
,. Iy
r('I&quot;,n d
&quot;(&quot;,\\,d durint,: Ill&middot;&quot;,(h
Page Fifteen
\\ !Il!kriul lu'alinlo{'l. \\'c arc putting on a
c ... ml'aj&quot;~n at Ilornell. S. Y., with a tent,
{'&lt;)Iillllentjn~ Augu'it 26.-Brother and Sisttt John j, Ashcroft
.\U&quot;I.t $6,&lt;&gt;-'U
MOB ILE, AU., St'pl. I 10 IS iuc. Evauiehu
J. L,::.lay to I.e In charie. Table luppbed by
Place of camp 11 Clih\ m,tu
from liolule wurl Ii(luse ull ::;1. ::)tepbeul roati.
From Jol otl1te &quot;,.tch Wb,s\lcr ('ar, iO to cud 01
hr.c,. a &quot;d you 10,11 bc mtl by. automobllu. Furtber
utlcularl Irom W. L. (j lb'OIl, Pru:hard, All.,
YI. C. Ev t rttte, Wbi.tler, Ala&quot; or F. I-:squree,
Crichlon, Ala
(Continued from Pa~c Xinc)
God irom whom all Llcssings flow' \\Oh
I.:nt hu siasticaliy sling by those pre.itl\t, so
grnt was the lIl;!niicstation oi joy oi
thc rCco\'ery oi her limbs. She ha ll no
st('t, 1 fra me, her legs were 110t crooked,
but straight, and 10 all appearance she
looked like any h\&quot;&quot;lthy, normal iH;r!lon.
She rail up the step:&gt; and across the !';tage
to her fal her at Ihe close of the testimony
service to show to the 7000 prnl'llt Ihal
sh t ' had been cured and was able to
wa lk Mr. Dimmirk stated from the platf(JI1ll la ... t night that Dr
H:tli had al&middot;
tendeli his churc h, and following the
service ,\ellt to hi s hou3e to see his daughter, who wa .. o ne of hi~ paticnts. ' I&middot;ie
pronounced hrr completely healed,' stated U r. Dimmick. The spcakn add('d
that her s{line was perfectly .. Iraight aud
there wa~ a complete healing of the
foot. To prove t hi'i, he called his daugh_
ter to th e slage and showNI the audicnt&quot;(!
thc agi lit y with which she could mO&quot;e
around. IIer leg had grown the same
length as the o the r it was obvious, anti
there was no limping in her running or
walking. Dr. Siprell m:ule this same anl1ot1l1Cemen t at the afternoon sl'rvicc and
was me t with applause.
&quot;Re v. W. ]. Kriott a well kno,n\ \'ictorain, t estified tha t h e had been cured
oi goi t er from which h e had bee n 'iliITering for year 'i. A ftn Dr. Price had prayed oye r M r. Knott, who is a n elderly
man, he fell hackward and bv on the
platform moaning. \\'lwn he' arose he
declared that hi s goiter was gon e e ntire_
lr. A Illost pathetic scene was witlles'ied
at the end of the sen-ice. when )Ofr.
Knoll, who had been cured of goiter, was
greeted by his son. One of the ::;ons
hastened down the aisle as fast he could
we nd his way through the crowd and
cmhraced his fath er, ki ssi ng th e place
wh~re th e goiter had been.
Both of
Mr. Knott's son&quot;~ werc excited over the
remarkable healing, as th eir father , it is at~
leged, had not lo ng t o live. the goiter havin g already cOllllllenced to s tran g le him.
The joyful father took his two SO Il &lt;; into
his arms and wept for joy while the w ife
also had tears in her eyes as s he affect ionately ki ssed her husba nd. It was a
jovful fami ly that made th eir \\'ay home
last nig ht. &quot;
\\&quot;e do not know of a single person in
the whole world-wide Pentecostal movement that bclieves in the atheistic ideas
now being taught in the schools and col!eKes that contradict the plain statemen ts
of the Bible account of creation, but our
children are being taught these things in
school and we need to combat this error
with truth.
image,&quot; and fortify their dlildren again.'it
the poi,onous stuff that they are being
tilled with. The children &quot;&quot;iii reject the
error if they really know the truth,
.-\ second book that every parent should
have is &quot;All About the Bible:' by Collett.
If the children have this book read to
thcrn they will be establis hed in the truth
of the absolute inerrancy of the Scriptures and the utter folly of Darwinism.
Both of these hooks can be gotten fr om
the Gospel Publis hing House. the lormer
:It $1 :75 and the latter at $1.65 postpaid.
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S, S, le!,;'1on, testimonies o f healing, and
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Order f rom
HOR NE LL, N. Y.- W e have just closed a ml:l:ting in Camden, N. J., where the
Lord opened the h{'arts of the peop le for
Pentecost. Many came in from the Metholli!.t church and got real victory in their
souls. Olhers who were away irOIll God
we re won back again. The re were sOllie
Evel-Y pan Ilt should Icture
and study \V. J. Bryan's book, &quot;In Hi,
&middot; &middot; ~&middot;~&middot;&quot;-
~ &quot;, I':: -
Sept. i, 1923
I'age Sixteen
A Guide to the M o.t Effective Method.
for Winning M e n to Chri.t
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book as whole. A~ each book pa~ses III
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Church, and th{&middot; f!na l conslIIJllllation are
clearly seell a~ OIH&quot; &quot;tory, fill\' plan, one
pu rpose
a pi&lt;:turl' oi (&quot;IC]'&quot; love for us
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stock ('o&quot;ers, .13 ('t&middot;ot.. postpaid.
By Wm. Evan.
.\ proper .. Iud ... of the Bible should con~ist at 1&lt;:a:-t of' a bird's-eye &quot;iew of the
Bibk ilS a whole; a g{' nera l Survey of the
two Te ~ l :l.Ine nt s III their relation one to
tbe ollH'r, an inlt'l ligent grasp of the contcnt.~ of tach of thc Tc~talllel1b; the correct grouping- of the related b ook~ in
each of th(' Te~tillll('nts; the carl'ful study
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Bi hle: and a clear ulldcrstand iug of the
great t opic.~ or Ibe ll1l'~ of the Book. lias
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T he author, long known as one of th e
succes sful trainers of Christian
workers, has put into this volume the gist
of his clas .. rOOIll l e.~sons on the vital doctrine~ and pract ices of th e faith.
Th e
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Appendix 1I1 wllie!! t he twent\' attributes
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By Ihe testimony of Scripture, of rea~O ll , of the chu rch, of preac hers, of IllISsio ns, o f the heal&lt;.'d, ~Ir. Gonion proves
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church toda) as '\l']] as III the Apostolic
&quot;T hroughout, the Spirit of God is hon ored and exalted: and if Mr. Gordon does
no t call attention to the one sovereign
remedy fo r all failures, bo th in our methods and motives, our work, and our spirit,
we know not where s uch re medy is to be
found.&quot; Missionary Review of the V\'orld.
Price $l.l O post pa id.
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&quot;That the individual Chri~tian may be
prompted. elleouragcrl, and equipped to
do this kind of p~'r~olla! :o&gt;oul,winning
work, 1:0&gt; tla' purpU:O&gt;l' of thi~ book. The
Ic;uliTlg Scripture rden'l1ces have been
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\mong other helps, thi .. hook COlltains;
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Thc book is attrarti&quot;e1r ho und !II Ker,atol, stamped with gold lrttering ()II. the
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Thi .. houk is the life story of M1'9. Lily
Iknham. an Fl1gli~h Pl'nlecost&quot; l sister
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\\ay. The I,onl has \('t many miracles
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of the~&lt;.' mirac1l's i~ thrilling and iuspiriug.
(llll: who has read till: hook is :;0 clllh u~ia~tic ahout it that he has sent fo,. tc.n
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ab.o:,orh in ):r interest from beginlling to end .
It contain~ many H::;timonies to healin g
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'The I roly \\'ar' lias heen Irau~bled into
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By 8. 8. Sutdi(fe
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s tudy of the
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Price $1.90 postpaid.
Mr.. Cyril Bird
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Much \\,hen God is In It&quot; has had a large
circulation on both s ides of lh e At lantic,
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tract dist r ibllters and Christian worke rs ill
their blc:.sed se rvice for the Maste r. The
book is a ~tr ikin g illustration of the adage
that &quot; truth is stranger than fiCli on.&quot; &quot;Is
it. howcv('r, Irue?&quot; inquires one.
Mo ~t
ce r tainly, &quot;Little I s }'luch&quot; is a narrative
of facts. 1 have known th e authoress
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would not write a s iac! that which was
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It also tells of a number being saved
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You ?&quot; A 32-page booklet, price We postpaid.
Robe rt Lee
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ou tline s, with note s and comments, 011 th e
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