Veterinary Medicine

University of Central Oklahoma
Health Professions Advisor
Department of Biology
200 Howell Hall
(405) 974-5017
Academic requirements for admission to veterinary medical schools vary. To be eligible for most U.S. programs,
you are advised to complete the following:
2 semesters of English composition
2 semesters of biology, including
zoology w/lab
1 semester of animal nutrition
1 semester of microbiology w/lab
1 semester of college algebra or
higher math
1 semester of English elective
2 semesters of inorganic chemistry w/lab
2 semesters of organic chemistry w/lab
1 semester of biochemistry w/lab
2 semesters of physics w/lab
1 semester of genetics
Additional requirements do exist, and they must be met or the applicant will not be considered. (Beware: CLEP
and/or AP hours are not always acceptable). Contact individual veterinary college admissions offices for specific
For example, academic requirements for admission to the Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary
Medicine include certain coursework, a minimum grade point average of 2.8 in at least 64 semester hours, and a
competitive score on the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). The course requirements may be met by earning a C or
better in the following courses at UCO:
Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 1103 + 1112
CHEM 1223 + 1232
Organic Chemistry
CHEM 3303 + 3312
CHEM 3323 + 3332
CHEM 3403
MATH 1513 or higher
BIO 1204
BIO 1225
BIO 3054*
BIO 3303*
*BIO 2203 and STAT 2103 are
Social Sciences and Humanities (6 hrs)
2 semesters of any combination
PHY 1114
PHY 1214
Optional areas that may strengthen
preparation for professional curriculum:
statistics, microscopic and gross
anatomy, and physiology.
ENG 1113
ENG 1213
ENG ---3 or MCOMM 1113
Animal Nutrition
ANSI 3543 (by OSU Distance Ed)
Note: All math and science prerequisite courses must have been completed within 8 years of application. Students
planning to apply to veterinary medical schools other than OSU need to check the specific admission requirements
of those schools by consulting their preveterinary advisor.
All applicants to the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine must
present a minimum of 64 semester credit hours from an
accredited college or university. Applicants with only this
minimum; however, are not encouraged to apply unless they have
demonstrated exceptional personal and intellectual maturity. If a
student has completed 94 hours, the possibility exists that UCO
will grant a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences after
successful completion of the first year in vet school. This is an
option requiring careful supervision by the pre veterinary adviser.
More than half of the students in recent classes have had
bachelor’s degrees.
In addition to the minimum hours, applicants must present a
minimum grade point average of 2.8 (A=4.0) with a minimum
grade of “C” in each required course. For a recently entering
OSU class, the average GPA was 3.56 overall.
GRADUATE RECORD EXAM (GRE): All applicants to
veterinary medical school must take the revised Graduate Record
Exam. For a recently entering OSU class, the
average scores were 153-verbal and 152-quantitative, and 4.0analytical.
RESIDENCY STATUS: In addition to specific courses, grade
point average, and GRE scores, a factor considered in the
selection of students is their residency status. Because the
College is state-supported, applicants must recognize that priority
will be given to Oklahoma residents.
SELECTION OF MAJOR: It should be emphasized that “preveterinary” is not a major. It simply means that the student is
meeting requirements for admission to veterinary medical school.
Thus, in addition to satisfying these requirements, the student
should be working toward a baccalaureate degree in some area.
There is no recommended major for preveterinary medical
students. The College of Veterinary Medicine encourages a
broad general curriculum in the social sciences and humanities in
addition to a high level of competence in the physical and
biological sciences. Good communication skills are also
important. Beyond this, the best advice for students is to select a
major in an area that will offer stimulating challenges and provide
a viable alternative to veterinary medicine if they are not admitted
to the College
QUALITY OF CURRICULUM: Preveterinary medical
students should choose a curriculum that demonstrates a capacity
to handle the rigors of veterinary medical school. If they choose
the easiest curriculum they can manage, it will be obvious to the
Admissions Committee that they have been protecting their GPA.
It will certainly deprive them of the level of preparation they need
for professional school.
VETERINARY EXPERIENCE: In order to test the depth of
their commitment, preveterinary medical students are advised to
get direct exposure to the world of veterinary medicine. Many
veterinarians will allow students to shadow in their clinics, and
talk with them about career choices. Three letters of
recommendation will be required in the application process, and
one of them must be from a veterinarian.
ADVISEMENT AT UCO: Advisement for students planning to enter
the health professions is coordinated by the Health Professions Advisor
in the Biology Department. Graduation checks and curriculum planning
are coordinated by your academic advisor; NUC 1211. Since the
preveterinary advisor will assist in the application process, wise students
will visit regularly enough to be known by personally and benefit from
their knowledge of the application process. However, it is essential that
preveterinary students hold themselves responsible for knowing the
requirements and deadlines.
For more information about Veterinarians and Veterinary Medical programs:
For information from Oklahoma State University contact: or 405-744-6961
OSU Veterinary Medical Application Information:
To apply to vet schools:
Revised 10/15