June 2014 Ascension Announcer A S C E N S I O N L U T H E R A N C H U R C H F r e e d o m I watched 12 Years A Slave recently. It was easy to see how it won so many awards as well as garnered so many nominations. Without recapping the whole story, the general plot is one that was familiar in pre-Civil War America. Solomon Northrop, a free African-American man, is kidnapped and sold into slavery. He is learned and talented but those are not things prized in a Louisiana slave. He’s forced to hide his gifts, keep his head down, and perform the brute labor that he’s been bought to do. The story has many twist and turns as Solomon seeks a way to get word to his family in the North about his plight. With the help of a wandering Canadian carpenter, Solomon is finally able to get word to his friends in New York. The movie climaxes with a carriage pulling up to the cotton plantation where Solomon lives. He’s working in the field when he’s called over to identify someone. It’s a man he knew a life-time ago in Syracuse, New York: Mr. Parker. Solomon is asked a few more questions to verify that he is who he says he is. Once Mr. Parker is sure that this is the man he is looking for, he forcefully guides Solomon Northrop to the waiting carriage. But not easily. The plantation owner, Mr. Epps, sees a $1000 investment trying to walk off his land. In a short but violent scene, Mr. Fisher forcibly asserts that Solomon is free while Mr. Epps argues that Solomon belongs to him. The scene is short and, I believe, a sort of filler to get to what the director wants to really portray: Solomon’s leaving of another slave, Patsy. But this scene between Mr. Parker and Mr. Epps encapsulates what it’s like to be a Christian. It’s there that you’ll find a wonderful picture of a theological truth. That interaction between Mr. Parker and Mr. Epps is a fantastic embodiment of the classic Latin theological phrase: simul iustus et peccator which means, every man is “simultaneously saint and sinner.” There is a constant argument over identity that wages inside each and every one of us. On the one hand is Satan and his minions who are like Mr. Epps. They curse at us, swear at us, tell us that we are nothing but a slave (Continued on page 2) P a g e 2 A sc e n s i o n A n n o u n c e r to them. They spit and fume and fuss. They tell us that they own us. They tell us that we aren’t worth anything and we aren’t going anywhere. They remind us that we are sinners. We have always been sinners. We will always be sinners. They seek to keep us in slavery. On the one hand there is Christ and His Holy Spirit who are like Mr. Parker. They tell us that we are free, that we are not meant for a life of slavery, that we are loved beyond all measure, that we are worth much more than $1000… or whatever price we think has been paid for us. Christ reminds us every day that we were always intended to be free men but were kidnapped by sin and sold into slavery. This is was never our intended state. Christ tells us every day that we are saints, forgiven men and women, because He has paid the price for our redemption. We are saints and we will live with Christ in holiness forever. “For freedom Christ has set you free…” –Galatians 5:1 For a little while yet, we are still slaves to sin but we look forward to that day when a dear Friend of ours from a different lifetime comes to call us out of this life of slavery and into the freedom that He has prepared for us. Pastor Tom “Haitian View” By Pastor Daniel Paul “Imagine that, the price of fuel is $10.00/gal and that you still have the same job for the same salary you do not have money. Your truck needs fuel as energy to run so that you can go everywhere. In the next few days, a visitor comes and fill up your tank. How would you receive his action? He helps you, health, your economy, your truck and your job. This is the same thing and even better when you help the kids in Haiti to find their energy with a hot meal a day trough Trinity Hope. The parents are not able to buy food for their kids because they do not have job and the price of food is expensive. The kids cannot study at school because they do not have energy. But you as supporter, you are the one who brings back energy in these school kids in Haiti. You help: the country, the parents, the church District Presidents, the teachers, the feeding program directors, the vendors, and the cooks. For Jesus says in Matthew 25: “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.” Trinity Hope is preaching Jesus’ love in our schools in Haiti. Please bless Him so that He can bless Haiti as well.” Pastor Daniel Paul, Ounaminthe, Haiti P a g e 3 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League will not be meeting during the summer months. However, our Large “MITE BOX” will greet you in the Narthex, on the second Sunday of the following three (3) months: June 8th, July 13th and August 10th. We wish to take this opportunity to “Thank You” for your consistent help in the past with projects in the Mid-South District, as well as, distant places. A big Thank You Carolyne Willis Elsa Krengel Jennifer Meyers Ora Mae Golter goes to our outgoing officers. They are: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Election of officers for next year took place at our May meeting. The new slate is as follows: Ora Mae Golter President Cherri Walker Vice President Linda Fritz Secretary Carolyne Willis Treasurer “Retired Old Men Eating Out” will meet on Tuesday, June 24, 2014 at 8:30 am. They meet at the Rivergate IHOP at 2219 Gallatin Pike N in Madison. All are welcome! P a g e 4 A sc e n s i o n A n n o u n c e r Fifth Sunday Potluck June 29, 2014 Potluck will begin after worship. Hope to see you there with your yummy dish! Coming August 3 Wendysue Fleugge Wendy Sue is a Lutheran musician winding her way from Florida to her home in Wisconsin this summer. She’ll be stopping to sing at Ascension on Sunday night, August 3 at 6:30 p.m. Her program is contemporary and VERY kid friendly. Make plans to join us! NOTES FROM THE BALCONY The Choir will be gearing up to sing again on Pentecost Sunday, June 8. It’s not too late to be a part of our choir. Contact Dennis Anderson (rdathepa@hotmail.com) for more info! P a g e Summer Sunday 5 School We are asking for volunteers to help teach Summer Sunday School lessons. Below are some key things to know: All ages and grades will be combined into one class (except for the Confirmation & High School students). Parents are asked to help with “crowd control.” The format of the class is up to the teacher for that week— start with the lesson, then crafts, then a game or song, even a snack if the teacher wants. Lesson materials will be provided in advance. A b o u t o u r S u m m e r P r o g r a m . . . About H2Oh! God Keeps His Promises Dive into these Bible stories to discover the promises God made to His people in the Bible and to us! Young explorers will jump into the Bible to learn more about Noah, Moses, Elijah, Jonah, Naaman, Lydia, Paul and others as they discover how God has poured out His love for His people in these fourteen Old and New Testament stories: H2Oh! Everywhere (Noah) Walking through H2Oh! (Crossing the Red Sea) Miraculous H2Oh! (Water from the Rock) H2Oh! Survival (Elijah at the Brook Cherith) Fire and H2Oh! (Elijah and the Prophets of Baal) Cleansing H2Oh! (Naaman Healed) H2Oh! Ride (Jonah) Revealing H2Oh! (John the Baptist) Changing H2Oh! (Wedding at Cana) H2Oh! Safety (Built on the Rock) Servant H2Oh! (Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet) Meeting at the H2Oh! (Lydia is Baptized) H2Oh! Rescue (Paul’s Shipwreck) Living H2Oh! (The River of Life) Youth at Ascension High School Activities Movie Under the Stars Grades 9-12 Date—Friday, June 27 Time—7:30pm (movie will start once dark) Location—the Vanderbilt’s What will we watch? It is up to you! Bring a chair or blanket to sit on and a snack to share. Our Seniors We had 2 seniors graduating from High School this year. Wendy Golter Nathaniel Oehlkers Hendersonville High School White House Heritage High School Wendy is the daughter of Greg Golter and the granddaughter of LaVon and Ora Mae Golter. On May 16, she graduated from Hendersonville High School with Noteable Recognition. One of Wendy’s best memories from Youth Group was the National Youth Gathering in San Antonio because it was in San Antonio and she had fun with friends. Wendy plans to attend Tennessee Tech University to study nursing. Nathaniel is the son of Jeff and Pam Oehlkers. On May 18, he graduated from White House Heritage High School. Nathaniel’s best memories from Youth Group have been the trips to Youth Week at Camp Okoboji the last 5 years. “I loved being gable to make new friends and be with kids who are Lutheran as well.” Nathaniel plans to attend Tennessee Volunteer State Community College in to study sports medicine. P a g e 7 SERVING ASCENSION IN JUNE LECTORS GREETERS ACOLYTES June 1 Cheri Walker Fred & Grace Lehman Caleb Oehlkers June 8 Dennis Fritz Cherri Walker Nathan Gupton June 15 Robert Conner David & Liz Brown Zack LaLumondier June 22 Rick Speitel Trisha & Mark LaLumondier Derek Kendall June 29 Linda Fritz Phil Weinert Caleb Oehlkers The Serving Ascension Page will only be mailed to participants without email. Readers will still receive a copy of the bulletin. The Serving Ascension Page is available at www.ascensionmadison.com and it will be emailed to each monthly volunteer. If you are unable to serve, please secure a replacement and call the church office at 868-2346. USHERS Jeff Meyers Nathaniel Oehlkers ELDER Mark LaLumondier ALTAR CARE Pam Oehlkers Cindy Dougherty Happy Birthday COFFEE HOUR June 1 Rachel Oehlkers June 8 Debbie Diers June 15 Sandy Bradley June 22 Cheri Walker June 29 Amy Conner Happy Anniversary June 2—Alicia Houston June 22—Cherri Walker June 4—David Brown June 23—Dawn Craik June 5—Bob Wright June 23—Ron Krengel June 6—Derek Wiebbecke June 24—Athena Graham June 6—Mary Wright June 26—Erin Fritz June 9—Debbie Kendall June 28—Hattie Pickel Steve & Laurie Boggs—June 22 June 12—Alyssa Bice June 29—Joan Johnson Mark & Trisha LaLumondier—June 25 June 13—Sandra Jennings John & Frances Boggs—June 14 Paul & Sandra Ohme—June 15 Yuji & Minae Hayashi—June 16 Pastor Tom and Sara Vanderbilt—June 28 June 16—Ashley Smith If your birthday or anniversary is incorrect or has been left out, please call the Church Office so our records can be updated. Thanks. Our Mission: The mission of Ascension Evangelical Lutheran Church is to connect people to the one true God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—so that they may come to know and believe they are saved for eternal life by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Our Ministry: In faithfulness to the will of God as revealed in His word, using the opportunities He places before us, we intentionally and actively seek to build relationships with those outside the Church in order to plant seeds of the Gospel, provide opportunities for all to be nurtured in the Christian faith, and equip all people to put their faith in action. A S C E N S I O N L U T H E R A N C H U R C H Rev. Thomas W. Vanderbilt, Pastor 610 W. Old Hickory Blvd. Madison, TN 37188 Phone: 615-868-2346 website: ascensionmadison.com e-mail: office@ascensionmadison.com 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:30 am Sunday School Fellowship Divine Service