DEFAULTING ON THE AUSTRALIAN DREAM: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? g tion and minin NT – Construc more than half ding labourers spen on house rents e m co in r ei of th QLD – Highest ho stress amongs using t workers ies WA – Many trad ss in housing stre ers priced SA – Hairdress erties op out of rental pr priced out of VIC – Plumbers p and rental hi home-owners d security TAS – Prison an g stress in us ho officers in NSW – Averag e first unaffordable fo home loan r teachers ACT – Real es tate spend more th agents need to an 50 on average fir % of income st home loan AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS Introduction Across Australia more than in ten households in housing stress. That’s over Australians as a people can one be characterised by theare modesty of their ideals. While the850,000 Americanhouseholds Dream who, paying for housing risk their of financial and poverty. highest rates of holds after that all free folk have thecosts, abilityare to at make fortunehardship through hard work andThe entrepreneurialism, housing stress Dream are feltextends by renters andasfirst home buyers 26on perhome cent ownership, of renters and 15on pera cent for first the Australian as far a comfortable lifewith based often suburban home buyersblock. in housing stress. quarter-acre This middle-class utopia – a mainstay in our cultural psyche since World War II – is held up as just reward for hard work and gainful employment, but how realistic is this for Australians today? These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. ThisSocial reportand explores whether just reward is provided; whether safe, secure, affordable housing is accessible to households on a single fulltime income. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, andhouseholds; calculate rates of housing stress census definedcounted as households on couple the This report focuses on single-income the 2011 Australian 520,156 lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on families with children with one partner employed full-time and the other not working, 901,637 one housing costs. parent families and 1,001,383 lone person households either renting or with a mortgage. Single income households are often is forgotten in the housing affordability debate, and also serve to spending highlight the risks This 30/40 measure used because it is households on lower incomes who, when more than faced by dual-income households if one partner loses employment. 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. 1 The report Australian housing hasstress been well documented and 1 international literature, and is The breaks downcrisis housing across each state in bydomestic tenure type . The data has shown some 2 increasingly an issue arising for users of community services. Public awareness of the housing crisis is surprising results: growing as more people feel the effects of housing stress. • lower firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing At the end of the income scale, recent evidence from the 2011 Census suggests that high housing costs (especially rents)those are leading to under-consumption in housing, including severe over-crowding.3 stress than in Sydney Average rents rose by 83.7 per cent in the decade from 2000 to 20104, compared to a 34.84 per cent • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe increase in wages between November 2000 and November 2010.5 A lack of access to affordable rental properties can lead to a rent trap, where people who wish to purchase a home find themselves in high rent highest rates of rental stress accommodation and unable to save for a deposit. The • housing crisis has developed over a period of declining investment in social housing. The post-GFC unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities investment in social housing represented a temporary interruption of the declining proportion of social thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe housing against all dwellings, but without continued and ongoing investment the housing crisis will continuehighest to worsen. rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far highest 100,000 households) Action isthe required fromnumber all levels at of over government to address house price inflation and the supply of affordable housing. As this report shows, the once common expectation that regular employment would provide the security of housing can of nohousing longer be taken forthe granted. The following data paints a picture stress and kinds of obstacles different households face in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. 1 For example, see OECD pg 14 2 For example, and 3 Pg 5$File/20490_2011.pdf 4$File/41020_housing_indicators_2012.xls 5 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING ON COSTS THROUGHDREAM: THE DOES ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 22 AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS Major findings Introduction Across Australia more than oneworkers in ten households are inare housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households • Child carers, hospitality and hairdressers amongst those occupations most affected by who, after paying for across housingAustralia. costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of housing stress housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first on the average child carers’ income have difficulty finding affordable accommodation. °° Workers home buyers in housing stress. Of the states and territories with data available, the average total cash earnings child carers makesummary repayments on the average first home loan, afford median These figureswas areinadequate revealed in to theeither following of research commissioned from theorNational Centre rent for a house or unit,(NATSEM) without experiencing for Social and Economic Modelling on housing housing stress instress. Australia. In Queensland, NSW, the ACT, and the Northern Territory more than half the °° figures NATSEM’s are derived fromVictoria, the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and of Income average income of a child carer is required to meet average first home repayments. Of these, Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the Victoria is the only state or territory where 50 per cent of income will meet the median capital lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on city rents for a unit. housing costs. Australians employed as hairdressers are highly likely to be experiencing housing stress. Of the °° measure This 30/40 is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than states and territories with data available, the average total cash earnings for hair dressing was 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. inadequate to either make repayments on the average first home loan, or afford median rent for a house unit, without experiencing housing stress.type1. The data has shown some The report breaks down or housing stress across each state by tenure surprising results: °° Workers in hospitality have difficulty affording Australian rents without experiencing housing stress. In Queensland, NSW, the ACT and the Northern Territory, at least half of the average total cash earnings is required to afford median capital city rents, for either houses or units. • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing workers the average total cash earnings cannot find rent for less than 30 per stress than those in on Sydney °° Hospitality cent of their income in any state except South Australia. This is an indication of high housing stress amongst workers in hospitality. • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe • The extent of the housing crisis in Queensland is such that workers in occupations normally highest rates of rental stress considered well paid are affected by housing stress. For example, Queensland is the only state or territory where legal professionals with a average first home loan must spend more than 30 per cent their income on mortgage repayments. •ofunlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities • Inthatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe most states and territories there are at least some workers in at least some occupations where more than half of the average income for their occupation is required to meet average housing costs, highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far whether rent or mortgage repayments. the highest number at over 100,000 households) The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face Australians for Affordable Housing in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. Australians for Affordable Housing is a coalition of national housing, welfare and community sector organisations, established to highlight the problem of housing affordability in Australia.We believe that all Australians should have access to safe, secure and affordable housing. Australians for Affordable Housing is calling on both federal and state governments to make the changes required to make housing more affordable. 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. DEFAULTING COSTS ON THE AUSTRALIAN DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING THROUGHDREAM: THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 32 AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS Methodology Introduction Across Australia more than one ten householdsand are rental in housing stress. over 850,000 households Affordable housing is defined asin owner-occupied housing thatThat’s is affordable to all Australians, who, afterthose paying housing are atincomes. risk of financial and poverty. Thetohighest including onfor middle andcosts, moderate The datahardship in this report is current March rates 2011,ofor has housing stresstoare feltpoint by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first been indexed that in time. home buyers in housing stress. This report demonstrates the extent of Australia’s housing crisis by comparing the average income for a These of figures are revealed in the following of research from the Nationaldefinition Centre range occupations against housing costs.summary To achieve this, it is commissioned necessary to use a measurable for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. of housing affordability. The generally accepted measure of affordable housing is the ‘30-40’ measure; housing that is less than 30 per cent of income for those at the bottom 40 per cent of incomes. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Distribution, and calculate of housinginstress defined as households on the Because this Australia, report does2009-10, not look at incomes for rates the population general, but incomes of specific lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income occupations, properties are stated as being affordable for the given occupation if housing costs (rent or on housing costs. mortgage repayments) are less than 30 per cent of the average income for that occupation group. This 30/40 measure is used because is households on lower incomes who, spendingAn more than Some households experience housing itstress at levels higher than indicated by when this measure. additional 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. metric, of whether housing costs would absorb more than 50 per cent of income, is also included. The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some Average incomes are based on survey data collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics6, and are given surprising results: as state averages. This data was collected in May 2010; in order to bring this data up to the reference period (March 2011), the figures were indexed to the ABS Labour Price Index.7 • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing Average first home loans for each state have been used to calculate the weekly mortgage repayments used stress than those in Sydney in this report. Home loan data has been taken from ABS Housing Finance reports8 and repayments have been based on a 25-year mortgage at 6.35% interest. • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe Median capital city rents for units and mortgages have been taken from the Australian Property Monitors highest rates of rental stress Rental Report data for March 2011. The • occupations included in this analysis were chosen from a range of the occupation categories provided unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities by the Australian Bureau of Statistics Employee Earnings and Hours report. The occupations presented thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe here were chosen to give a cross section of occupations, and because they experience marginal housing affordability across the of different state territory markets. highest rate renters in and housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far the highest number at over 100,000 households) The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. 6 7 8 1$File/63450_mar%202011.pdf Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING ON COSTS THROUGHDREAM: THE DOES ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 42 AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS The solutions Introduction Across Australia than one ten households in housing stress. That’s over 850,000housing households In August 2012, more Australians for in Affordable Housingare released a four-point plan for improving who, after paying for following housing costs, are atThe riskfollowing of financial poverty. affordability over the five years. is ahardship snapshotand of that plan:The highest rates of housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first 1.buyers Increase the supply of affordable rental housing: home in housing stress. °° Establish an Affordable Housing Growth Fund that would fund at least 20,000 new lowThese figuresincome are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre rental properties each year. for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. °° Double the number of property incentives under the National Rental Affordability Scheme. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income 2. Improve housing affordability through tax reform: Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the Change tax breakshousehold for housing investors, negative °° per lowest 40 cent ofthe equivalised incomes wholike spend moregearing than 30and percapital cent ofgains their tax income on discounts. housing costs. °° Help state governments to abolish stamp duty and introduce a broad-based land tax. This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than 30 per of their on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. 3. cent Improve rentincome assistance: Establish a Productivity Commission review to enhance the 1effectiveness of Commonwealth °° breaks The report down housing stress across each state by tenure type . The data has shown some Rent Assistance. surprising results: °° Increase the current maximum rate of Commonwealth Rent Assistance to restore its real value to the household budget. This would be an increase of between $22 and $27 per week, • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing depending on household type. stress than those in Sydney 4. Set benchmarks for all levels of government to deliver affordable housing: °° Develop a national housing and infrastructure plan, with transparent funding and • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe accountability arrangements. highest rates of rental stress For more detail on these the solutions advocated by Australians for Affordable Housing, see our four-point plan for housing affordability, available at • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe Housing affordability highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far thepresented highest innumber at over households) The tables this section show,100,000 on a state/territory basis, whether the average ordinary cash earnings for a household relying on the sole income of the given occupation is adequate to afford the average first home inathe state,oforhousing the median a house orobstacles unit in thedifferent capital households city, withoutface going The following data loan paints picture stressrent andfor the kinds of into housing stress. in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. Where the sample shows that housing costs are more than 50 per cent of the average cash earnings for people in some occupations, an additional table has been included to show this. Income data was not available for all occupations in all states and territories. Where data was not available, those occupations have been removed from the tables and analysis. 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. DEFAULTING COSTS ON THE AUSTRALIAN DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING THROUGHDREAM: THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 52 AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS Queensland Introduction Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households HOUSING STRESS who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of housingAUSTRALIANS stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first FOR canstress. afford AFFORDABLEin Who HOUSING COSTS THROUGHhousing THE ROOF: at less home buyers housing Average first Median rents Median rent for HOUSING AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS than 30% of income? home loan? for a unit? a house? These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Hairdressers * Australia. * * Introduction Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first home buyers in housing stress. Defence forcefigures members, fighters from and police * Household*Income and Income * NATSEM’s arefire derived the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing * stress defined as*households on the Child carers * lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on Cleaners and laundry workers * * * housing costs. Hospitality workers * * * These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on housing costs. This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. Prison and security officers * * spending more*than This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs Human resource and training professionals * * of living. * The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some surprising results: • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing stress than those in Sydney * • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe Plumbers highest rates of rental stress * * The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some Constructionresults: and mining labourers * * * surprising • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far * * Real estate sales agents * * • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing School teachers * * stress than those in Sydney Social and welfare professionals * * Electricians * * • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe Midwifery and nursing professionals * * highest rates of rental stress Legal professionals * 3 Automotive and mechanics the highestelectricians number at over 100,000 households) The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. HOUSING COSTS THROUGH THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 2 * * * * * * 3 • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe SEVERE HOUSING STRESS highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far Who can afford at less households) AFFORDABLE HOUSING COSTS THROUGH THE ROOF:100,000 the highest number athousing over Average first Median rents Median rent for HOUSING AUSTRALIANS FOR AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS than 50% of income? home loan? for a unit? a house? The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face Hairdressers * * * Introduction in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households * * * * * * * who, carers after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of Child housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first home buyers in housing stress. Cleaners and laundry workers These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the Hospitality workers lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on housing costs. This 30/40 measure is used because itofficers is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than Prison and security 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. surprising results: Construction and mining labourers The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing Automotive and mechanics stress thanelectricians those in Sydney • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe Real estate sales agents highest rates of rental stress * * * * * * * * * * * * * * • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far the highest number at over 100,000 households) The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face in today’s housing market the across each state in Australia. Unfortunately report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. 1 DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING ON COSTS THROUGHDREAM: THE DOES ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. HOUSING COSTS THROUGH THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 2 | 62 AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS Introduction Across Australia more thansignificant one in tenhousing households areforinworkers, housing with stress. over 850,000 households Queensland demonstrated stress theThat’s highest number of occupations who, after payinghousing for housing costs, areforced at riskinto of financial and poverty. Thestates highest rates of unable to afford without being housing hardship stress compared to other and territories. housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first home buyers in housing stress. Stress with affording first home loan These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for• Social and Modelling (NATSEM) above on housing None of Economic the workers in the occupations could stress afford in theAustralia. average first home loan in Queensland without spending more than 30Bureau per centofofStatistic’s income on mortgageIncome repayments, an NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Household and Income indicator of housing stress. Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the • This includes some occupations that are normally considered wellthan paid; average for their lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more 30onper cent ofsalaries their income on occupation, legal professionals with an average first home loan must spend more than 30 per cent housing costs. of their income on mortgage repayments. This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than • Queensland was the only state or territory where legal professionals could not afford to make 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. repayments on the average first home loan without experiencing housing stress. The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some surprising results: Stress with renting ••OffirsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing the capital cities and occupations included in this report, Brisbane had the highest number ofstress occupations Australia which need to pay 50 per cent or more of the average income for the than inthose in Sydney median rent for a house. ••This means the following occupations can be considered to be priced out of Queensland housing CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe rental market: highest rates of rental stress °° hairdressers, °° child carers, • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities °° cleaners and laundry workers, thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe °° hospitality workers, and of security officers, highest renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far °° prisonrate construction and mining labourers, °° highest number at over the 100,000 households) °° mechanics, estate agents and °° real The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face electricians. in today’s°° housing market across each state in Australia. • Only legal professionals were able to afford the median rent for a Brisbane unit without going into housing stress, and for most occupations, 50 per cent of the average income was absorbed by the median rent for a unit. 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. DEFAULTING COSTS ON THE AUSTRALIAN DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING THROUGHDREAM: THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 72 AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS New South Wales Introduction Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households HOUSING STRESS who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of housingAUSTRALIANS stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first FOR canstress. afford AFFORDABLEin Who HOUSING COSTS THROUGHhousing THE ROOF: at less home buyers housing Average first Median rents Median rent for HOUSING AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS than 30% of income? home loan? for a unit? a house? These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Hairdressers * Australia. * * Introduction Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first home buyers in housing stress. Defence forcefigures members, fighters from and police 3 Household3 * NATSEM’s arefire derived the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Income and Income Child carers * Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing * stress defined as*households on the lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on Cleaners and laundry workers * * * housing costs. Hospitality workers * * * These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on housing costs. This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. Prison and security officers * * spending more*than This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when Human resource professionals * other basic costs * of living. * 30 per cent of and theirtraining income on housing, face difficulties meeting the The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some surprising results: • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing stress than those in Sydney * • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe Plumbers highest rates of rental stress * * The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some Construction and mining labourers * * * surprising results: • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far * * Real estate sales agents * * • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing School teachers * 3 stress than those in Sydney Social and welfare professionals * * Electricians * * • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe Midwifery and nursing professionals 3 3 highest rates of rental stress Legal professionals 3 3 Automotive and mechanics the highestelectricians number at over 100,000 households) The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. HOUSING COSTS THROUGH THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 2 * * * * * * 3 • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far the highest number at over 100,000 households) SEVERE HOUSING STRESS AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE Who canCOSTS afford HOUSING THROUGHhousing THE ROOF: at less Average first Median rents Median rent for * * * 3 * * * * * * * * HOUSING data paints AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING The following a picture of STRESS housing stress and the home kindsloan? of obstacles face than 50% of income? fordifferent a unit? households a house? in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. Hairdressers Introduction Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households who, carers after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of Child housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first home buyers in housing stress. These figures and are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre Cleaners laundry workers for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the Hospitality workers lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on housing costs. This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some surprising results: • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing stress than those in Sydney • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe highest rates of rental stress • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe Unfortunately the inreport cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on highest rate of renters housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far the highest number at over 100,000 households) the territories is reported together. 1 The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING ON COSTS THROUGHDREAM: THE DOES ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. HOUSING COSTS THROUGH THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 2 | 82 AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS Introduction The average first home loan in New South Wales was $310,400 – the highest of the Australian states.9 Across Australia more than onehome in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households Stress with affording first who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of • Average home NSW were unaffordable for26 workers on of therenters average the housing stress first are felt by loans rentersinand first home buyers with per cent andcash 15 earnings per cent for first without going into housing stress: home following buyers in occupations, housing stress. °° hairdressers, These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre child carers, Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. for Social°°and Economic °° cleaners and laundry workers, NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income workers, °° hospitality Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the prison and security officers, °° per lowest 40 cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on °° plumbers, housing costs. °° construction and mining labourers, This 30/40 measure is used becauseand it ismechanics, households on lower incomes who, when spending more than electricians °° automotive 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. °° human resources and training professionals, real estate The report downagents, housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some °° breaks surprising results: °° school teachers, °° social and welfare professionals, and • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing °° electricians. stress than those in Sydney Stress with renting CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe ••Sydney displays high housing stress amongst renters for most of the occupations listed in this report. • Workers in the following occupations, highest rates of rental stress on average cash earnings, will be in housing stress if they rent a unit in Sydney: • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities °° hairdressers, °° child carers, thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe °° cleaners and laundry workers, highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far °° hospitality workers, the highest at over 100,000 households) andnumber security officers, °° prison °° human resource and training professionals, The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face °° plumbers, in today’s°° housing marketand across eachlabourers, state in Australia. construction mining °° car electricians and mechanics, °° real estate sales agents, °° social and welfare professionals, and °° electricians. • Only legal professionals could afford the median rent for a house in Sydney without going into housing stress. • The average incomes of hairdressers, child carers, hospitality workers, cleaners and laundry workers is inadequate to afford the median rent on either a unit or house without spending more than 50 per cent of their income on rent. 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on 9 Does not include territories. the territories is reported together. DEFAULTING COSTS ON THE AUSTRALIAN DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING THROUGHDREAM: THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 92 AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS Introduction Australian Capital Territory 10 Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of HOUSING STRESS housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first home buyers AUSTRALIANS FOR in housing stress. AFFORDABLE HOUSING Who canCOSTS afford HOUSING THROUGHhousing THE ROOF: at less Average first Median rents Median rent for * * * * * * * * * AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS These figures arethan revealed inof the following summary of research commissioned the National Centre 30% income? home loan? forfrom a unit? a house? for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. Child carers Introduction NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Cleaners and laundry workers * * * Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the Hospitality workers * * * lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on Prison and security officers * * * housing costs. Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first home buyers in housing stress. These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on housing costs. This 30/40resource measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than Human and training professionals 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than Plumbers * * * 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some surprising results: • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing Construction and mining labourers stress than those in Sydney The report electricians breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure Automotive and mechanics * type1. The data*has shown some * surprising results: Real estate sales agents * * * • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe highest rates of rental stress • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far School the teachers highest number at over 100,000 households) * 3 * 3 •andfirsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing Social welfare professionals * * Electricians * * stress than those in Sydney The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. Midwifery and nursing professionals Legal 3 3 •professionals CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. * * * * 3 highest rates of rental stress HOUSING COSTS THROUGH THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 2 • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe SEVERE HOUSING STRESS highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far Who can afford at less households) AFFORDABLE HOUSING COSTS THROUGH THE ROOF:100,000 the highest number athousing over Average first Median rents Median rent for HOUSING AUSTRALIANS FOR AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS than 50% of income? home loan? for a unit? a house? The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face Child carers * * * Introduction in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households * * * who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of Cleaners and laundry workers housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first home buyers in housing stress. These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre Hospitality workers for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Australia, 2009-10,agents and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the RealDistribution, estate sales lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on * * 3 * * * housing costs. This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some surprising results: • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing stress than those in Sydney • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe highest rates of rental stress • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far number at over 100,000 households) 10 Not the allhighest of the occupations analysed in this report had data available for the Australian Capital Territory, those without data available are excluded from The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face this table. 1 in today’s housing market the across each state in Australia. Unfortunately report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING ON COSTS THROUGHDREAM: THE DOES ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. HOUSING COSTS THROUGH THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 2 | 102 AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS Introduction Across Australia one in ten households in housing That’s over households Although the ACTmore has than the second-highest average are income across stress. the occupations for850,000 which data is who, after($1,279.10), paying for housing costs, are atrents risk of hardship andto poverty. The highest available average Canberra arefinancial very high compared other capital cities rates (only of Darwin housing stress felt byrents). renters and first home buyersloan within26 cent of renters and 15 per centthat for in first and Sydney hadare higher The average first home theper ACT ($317,700) is higher than home ($210,400). buyers in housing NSW Only stress. the Northern Territory has a higher average first home loan than the ACT, of all Australian states and territories. These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. Stress with affording first home loan NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income • Of the professions included in this report, only professionals can afford the average on firstthe home Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rateslegal of housing stress defined as households in the ACT without being forced into housing stress. lowestloan 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on housing • Of costs. the other occupation groups, it would take more than half of the average cash earnings of child carers, cleaners and laundry workers, hospitality workers and real estate sales agents to meet This 30/40 measure is used it is households average first home loanbecause repayments in the ACT. on lower incomes who, when spending more than 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type . The data has shown some Stress with renting surprising results: 1 • Only teachers, midwives and legal professionals could afford to rent a unit in Canberra without going housing stress. •into firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing • Only legal professionals could afford to rent a house without going into housing stress. stress than those in Sydney • Child carers, cleaners and laundry workers, and hospitality workers on average income for their profession cannot afford median house or unit rents in Canberra without spending more than 50 per •cent CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe of their income on rent. highest rates of rental stress • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far the highest number at over 100,000 households) The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. DEFAULTING COSTS ON THE AUSTRALIAN DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING THROUGHDREAM: THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 11 2 AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS Victoria Introduction Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households HOUSING STRESS who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of housingAUSTRALIANS stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first FOR canstress. afford AFFORDABLEin Who HOUSING COSTS THROUGHhousing THE ROOF: at less home buyers housing Average first Median rents Median rent for HOUSING AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS than 30% of income? home loan? for a unit? a house? These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Hairdressers * Australia. * * Introduction Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first home buyers in housing stress. Defence forcefigures members, fighters from and police 3 Household3 3 NATSEM’s arefire derived the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing * stress defined as*households on the Child carers * lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on Cleaners and laundry workers * * * housing costs. Hospitality workers * * * These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on housing costs. This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. Prison and security officers * * spending more*than This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs Human resource and training professionals * 3 of living. 3 The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some surprising results: • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing stress than those in Sydney * • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe Plumbers highest rates of rental stress * * The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some Constructionresults: and mining labourers 3 3 3 surprising • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far * * Real estate sales agents * * • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing School teachers * 3 stress than those in Sydney Social and welfare professionals * 3 Electricians * 3 • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe Midwifery and nursing professionals 3 3 highest rates of rental stress Legal professionals 3 3 Automotive and mechanics the highestelectricians number at over 100,000 households) The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. HOUSING COSTS THROUGH THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 2 * * 3 3 3 3 3 • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far the highest number at over 100,000 households) SEVERE HOUSING STRESS AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE Who canCOSTS afford HOUSING THROUGHhousing THE ROOF: at less Average first Median rents Median rent for * * * * 3 3 * 3 3 HOUSING data paints AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING The following a picture of STRESS housing stress and the home kindsloan? of obstacles face than 50% of income? fordifferent a unit? households a house? in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. Hairdressers Introduction Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first home buyers in housing stress. Child carers These figures and are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre Cleaners laundry workers for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on housing costs. This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some surprising results: • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing stress than those in Sydney • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe highest rates of rental stress • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe Unfortunately the inreport cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on highest rate of renters housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far the highest number at over 100,000 households) the territories is reported together. 1 The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING ON COSTS THROUGHDREAM: THE DOES ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. HOUSING COSTS THROUGH THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 2 | 122 AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS Introduction Across Australia more than onehome in tenloan households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households Stress with affording first who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of • The average cashbyearnings of workers in the following is inadequate average housing stress are felt renters and first home buyers with occupations 26 per cent of renters and to 15meet per cent for first home loan repayments home first buyers in housing stress. in Victoria, without going into housing stress: °° hairdressers, These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre child carers, Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. for Social°°and Economic °° prison and security officers, NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income °° plumbers, Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the school teachers, and °° per lowest 40 cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on ° electricians. housing °costs. • More than half the average income of hairdressers, child carers and cleaners and laundry workers is This 30/40 measure is mortgage used because it is households on lower incomes who,inwhen spending more than required to meet repayments on the average first home loan Victoria. 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type . The data has shown some Stress with renting 1 surprising results: • On the average income for their occupation, child carers, hospitality workers, human resource and automotive mechanics are among those unable to afford the median rent for a •workers firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing Melbourne unit without experiencing housing stress. stressrents thanin those in Sydney • Median Melbourne were well out of reach of hairdressers, making up more than half of the average hairdressers’ income. • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe highest rates of rental stress • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far the highest number at over 100,000 households) The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. DEFAULTING COSTS ON THE AUSTRALIAN DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING THROUGHDREAM: THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 13 2 AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS Tasmania Introduction 11 Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households HOUSING STRESS who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of AUSTRALIANS FOR housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first canCOSTS afford AFFORDABLE Who HOUSING THROUGHhousing THE ROOF: at less Average first Median rents Median rent for HOUSING in housingAUSTRALIA’S home buyers stress. HOUSING STRESS than 30% of income? home loan? for a unit? a house? These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre Cleaners and laundry workers Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in * Australia. * * Introduction for Social and Economic Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of Hospitality workers housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first * * * * 3 * 3 3 3 NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Prison and security officers * 3 * Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the Human resource and training professionals 3 3 3 lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on Plumberscosts. * 3 * housing home buyers in housing stress. These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on housing costs. This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type . The data has shown some surprising results: Construction and mining labourers 1 This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than Automotive electricians and mechanics * 3 * 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing stress than those in Sydney • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe Real estate sales agents highest rates of rental stress The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure School teachers 3 type1. The data3has shown some 3 surprising results: Social and welfare professionals 3 3 3 • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far the highest number at over 100,000 households) 3 The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face Electricians in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. 3 • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing Midwifery and nursing professionals 3 3 stress than those in Sydney 3 3 Tasmania has the lowest average ordinary time earnings across the occupations with available data. It also has • highCommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe rates of unemployment compared to other states and territories in Australia (17.1 per cent in November 201212). As the lower housing costs in Tasmania are matched by lower incomes, housing stress of rental stress remains highest an issue rates in Tasmania. 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. HOUSING COSTS THROUGH THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 2 • with unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities Stress affording first home • Onthatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe average incomes for their occupation, workers in the following occupations can be considered to behighest priced out of the housing markets in Tasmania: rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far workers, at over 100,000 households) °° hospitality the highest number °° cleaners and laundry workers, °° plumbers, The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face construction mining and in today’s°° housing marketand across eachlabourers, state in Australia. °° automotive electricians and mechanics. Stress with renting • Hospitality workers, cleaners and laundry workers on the average income for their occupation cannot afford the median Hobart rent for a unit without experiencing housing stress. • Affordability worsens for workers who need to rent a house: plumbers, construction and mining labourers and automotive electricians and mechanics on the average income for their occupation are also forced into housing stress when paying median house rents in Hobart. 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on 11 Not all of the occupations analysed in this report had data available for Tasmania, those without data available are excluded from this table. the territories is reported together. 12 DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING ON COSTS THROUGHDREAM: THE DOES ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 142 AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING South Australia Introduction DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS 13 Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households HOUSING STRESS who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of AUSTRALIANS FOR housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first canCOSTS afford AFFORDABLE Who HOUSING THROUGHhousing THE ROOF: at less Average first Median rents Median rent for HOUSING in housingAUSTRALIA’S home buyers stress. HOUSING STRESS than 30% of income? home loan? for a unit? a house? These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre Hairdressers * Australia. * * Introductionand Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in for Social Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial and poverty. and The highestpolice rates of Defence force members, firehardship fighters housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first 3 3 3 3 3 3 * 3 * NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Cleaners and laundry workers * * * Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the Hospitality workers * 3 * lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on Prison and security officers * 3 * housing costs. home buyers in housing stress. These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on housing costs. This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type . The data has shown some surprising results: Human resource and training professionals 1 This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than Plumbers 3 3 3 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing stress than those in Sydney • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe Construction and mining labourers highest rates of rental stress The report electricians breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure Automotive and mechanics * type1. The data3has shown some * surprising results: Real estate sales agents * 3 * • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far the highest number at over 100,000 households) The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face School in today’steachers housing market across each state in Australia. 3 3 Midwifery and nursing professionals 3 3 •andfirsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing Social welfare professionals * 3 Electricians 3 3 stress than those in Sydney 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. Legal 3 3 •professionals CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe HOUSING COSTS THROUGH THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 2 3 3 3 3 3 highest rates of rental stress Stress with affording first home unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities ••For more than half of the workers in this report, average incomes for their occupation are insufficient to make repayments on the average first home loan in South Australia without going into housing stress. thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe • This includes hospitality workers, construction and mining labourers, automotive electricians and highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far mechanics and real estate agents. the highest number at over 100,000 households) Stress with renting The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face in today’s housing across each state • Median rentsmarket for units in Adelaide are in tooAustralia. high for hairdressers, cleaners and laundry workers on the average income for their occupation to afford without experiencing housing stress. • There is high housing stress amongst workers with families requiring rental houses; when relying on the average cash earnings of a sole income, workers in the following occupations experience housing stress when paying average house rents in Adelaide: °° °° °° °° °° hospitality workers, prison and security officers, construction and mining labourers, automotive electricians and mechanics, and real estate agents. 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. 13 Not all of the occupations analysed in this report had data available for the South Australia, those without data available are excluded from this table. DEFAULTING COSTS ON THE AUSTRALIAN DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING THROUGHDREAM: THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 15 2 AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS Western Australia Introduction Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households HOUSING STRESS who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of housingAUSTRALIANS stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first FOR canstress. afford AFFORDABLEin Who HOUSING COSTS THROUGHhousing THE ROOF: at less home buyers housing Average first Median rents Median rent for HOUSING AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS than 30% of income? home loan? for a unit? a house? These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Hairdressers * Australia. * * Introduction Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first home buyers in housing stress. Defence forcefigures members, fighters from and police 3 Household3 3 NATSEM’s arefire derived the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing * stress defined as*households on the Cleaners and laundry workers * lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on Hospitality workers * * * housing costs. Prison and security officers * * * These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on housing costs. This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. Human resource and training professionals * 3 spending more*than This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs Plumbers * * of living. * The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some surprising results: • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing stress than those in Sydney 3 • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe Construction and mining labourers highest rates of rental stress 3 3 The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some Automotive results: electricians and mechanics 3 3 3 surprising • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far * * School teachers 3 3 • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing Social and welfare professionals 3 3 stress than those in Sydney Electricians * 3 Midwifery and nursing professionals 3 3 • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe Legal professionals 3 3 Real estate sales the highest number atagents over 100,000 households) The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. HOUSING COSTS THROUGH THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 2 highest rates of rental stress * 3 3 * 3 3 • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe SEVERE HOUSING highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney hasSTRESS by far the highest number at over 100,000 households) can afford AFFORDABLE Who HOUSING COSTS THROUGHhousing THE ROOF: at less AUSTRALIANS FOR HOUSING AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS than 50% of income? Average first home loan? Median rents for a unit? Median rent for a house? * 3 * The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face inHairdressers today’s * 3 * Introductionhousing market across each state in Australia. Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of Cleaners and laundry workers housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first home buyers in housing stress. These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on housing costs. This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some surprising results: • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing stress than those in Sydney • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe highest rates of rental stress • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far the highest number at over 100,000 households) 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. the territories is reported together. DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING ON COSTS THROUGHDREAM: THE DOES ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. HOUSING COSTS THROUGH THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 2 | 162 AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS Introduction Across Australia than oneare in being ten households That’s over Australia. 850,000 households Workers in manymore occupations left behindare by in thehousing miningstress. boom in Western who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of Whilst Australia the and highest income of all andofterritories for 15 theper occupations housingWestern stress are felt by had renters first average home buyers with 26 states per cent renters and cent for first included in the data,stress. it also recorded the fourth highest average first home loan and Perth the fourth home buyers in ABS housing highest median rents for both units and houses compared to other capital cities. These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social these and Economic on housing stress across in Australia. However, averages Modelling appear to (NATSEM) mask the income disparities different occupations. Western Australia still displays significant housing stress amongst workers. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the Stress with first home lowest 40 peraffording cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on housing costs. • Key workers relying solely on average cash earnings in the following occupation groups could not afford measure to make is mortgage repayments on the average first incomes home loan in Western Australiamore without This 30/40 used because it is households on lower who, when spending than housing stress: 30 pergoing cent into of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. hospitality workers, °° breaks The report down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some prison and security officers, °° results: surprising °° cleaners and laundry workers, °° hairdressers, and • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing °° plumbers. stress than those in Sydney • Repayments on the average first home loan in Western Australia would absorb at least half of the average income for hairdressers, cleaners and laundry workers. • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe highest rates of rental stress Stress with renting ••Hospitality workers, prison and security officers and plumbers on an average income for their unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities occupation could not afford to pay median rents for a unit or house in Perth, without experiencing thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe housing stress. • Hairdressers, cleaners and laundry workersstress earning income for their occupation highest rate of renters in housing atthe 33average per cent, Sydney has by far could not afford the median rent for a house in Perth without spending more than half or their income on the highest number at over 100,000 households) housing costs. The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. DEFAULTING COSTS ON THE AUSTRALIAN DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING THROUGHDREAM: THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 17 2 AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING Introduction Northern Territory DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS 14 Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households HOUSING STRESS who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of housingAUSTRALIANS stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first FOR canstress. afford AFFORDABLEin Who HOUSING COSTS THROUGHhousing THE ROOF: at less home buyers housing Average first Median rents Median rent for HOUSING AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS than 30% of income? home loan? for a unit? a house? These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social Child carersand Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in * Australia. * * Introduction Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first home buyers in housing stress. Cleaners andfigures laundry are workers * Household*Income and Income * NATSEM’s derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Hospitality workers * Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing * stress defined as*households on the lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on Prison and security officers * * * housing costs. Human resource and training professionals * * * These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on housing costs. This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. Plumbers * * spending more*than This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when 30 per centand of their Construction miningincome labourerson housing, face difficulties meeting the * other basic costs * of living. * The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some surprising results: • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing stress than those in Sydney * • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe Automotive electricians and mechanics highest rates of rental stress * * The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some Real estate results: sales agents * * * surprising • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far 3 * Social and welfare professionals 3 * • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing Electricians 3 * stress than those in Sydney Midwifery and nursing professionals 3 * School the teachers highest number at over 100,000 households) The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. * * * * • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe highest rates of rental stress 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. HOUSING COSTS THROUGH THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 2 SEVERE HOUSING STRESS • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities Who canCOSTS afford AFFORDABLE HOUSING THROUGHhousing THE ROOF: at less thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe Average first Median rents Median rent for HOUSING AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS than 50% of income? home loan? for a unit? a house? highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far Child carers * * * Introduction the highest number at over 100,000 households) AUSTRALIANS FOR Across Australia more than one in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households * * * Hospitality workers 3 of obstacles different * * face The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds households inPrison today’s housing market across each state in Australia. and security officers 3 3 * Human resource and training professionals 3 3 * Plumbers 3 3 * Construction and mining labourers 3 3 * who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of Cleaners and laundry workers housing stress are felt by renters and first home buyers with 26 per cent of renters and 15 per cent for first home buyers in housing stress. These figures are revealed in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. NATSEM’s figures are derived from the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the lowest 40 per cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on housing costs. This 30/40 measure is used because it is households on lower incomes who, when spending more than 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. The report breaks down housing stress across each state by tenure type1. The data has shown some surprising results: • firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing stress than those in Sydney • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe highest rates of rental stress • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far the highest number at over 100,000 households) The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face in today’s housing market across each state in Australia. 14 Not all of the occupations analysed in this report had data available for the Northern Territory, those without data available are excluded from this table. 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. HOUSING COSTS THROUGH THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 2 DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING ON COSTS THROUGHDREAM: THE DOES ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 182 AUSTRALIANS FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEFAULTING THE AUSTRALIAN HOUSING COSTSONTHROUGH THE DREAM: ROOF: DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS Introduction Across Australia more than onehome in ten households are in housing stress. That’s over 850,000 households Stress with affording first who, after paying for housing costs, are at risk of financial hardship and poverty. The highest rates of • Average home NSW were unaffordable for26 workers on of therenters average the housing stress first are felt by loans rentersinand first home buyers with per cent andcash 15 earnings per cent for first without going into housing stress: home following buyers in occupations, housing stress. carers, in the following summary of research commissioned from the National Centre °° child These figures are revealed cleaners andModelling laundry workers, for Social°°and Economic (NATSEM) on housing stress in Australia. hospitality workers, °° NATSEM’s figures are the Australian Bureau of Statistic’s Household Income and Income andderived securityfrom officers, °° prison Distribution, Australia, 2009-10, and calculate rates of housing stress defined as households on the human resources and training professionals, °° per lowest 40 cent of equivalised household incomes who spend more than 30 per cent of their income on ° plumbers, housing °costs. °° construction and mining labourers, This 30/40 measure is used becauseand it ismechanics, householdsand on lower incomes who, when spending more than electricians °° automotive 30 per cent of their income on housing, face difficulties meeting the other basic costs of living. °° real estate sales agents. The•report breaks down acrossloan eachinstate by tenureTerritory type1. The dataabsorb has shown some Repayments on thehousing averagestress first home the Northern would at least half of surprising results: the average income of child carers and cleaners and laundry workers. • with firsthomebuyersinMelbournearemorelikelytoexperiencehousing Stress renting stress than those in Sydney • Median rents for houses and units in Darwin were unaffordable for the average incomes of all occupations in this report without going into housing stress. • CommonwealthRentAssistance(CRA)recipientsinAdelaidehadthe • Of all capital cities in Australia, only Brisbane had a higher number of occupations than Darwin where 50 per centoforrental more ofstress the average cash earnings was required to pay the median rent for a highest rates house. These occupations included: • unlikelyopponentsHobartandSydneywerebattlingitoutforcities °° child care, °° cleaners and laundry workers, thatputthetightestsqueezeonrenters(however,whileHobarthasthe °° hospitality, highest rate of renters in housing stress at 33 per cent, Sydney has by far °° prisons and security officers, the highestresources numberand attraining, over 100,000 households) °° human °° plumbing and construction, and The following data paints a picture of housing stress and the kinds of obstacles different households face °° mining. in today’s housing market across eachand state in Australia. • Of these, child carers, cleaners laundry workers and hospitality workers in Darwin cannot afford the median rent for a unit without spending at least 50 per cent of income on rent. 1 Unfortunately the report cannot provide housing stress numbers for the Australian Capital Territory and Northern Territory as data on the territories is reported together. DEFAULTING COSTS ON THE AUSTRALIAN DOES FULLTIME WORK GUARANTEE ACCESS TO HOUSING? HOUSING THROUGHDREAM: THE ROOF: AUSTRALIA’S HOUSING STRESS | 19 2