The Pipe Organ THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH New Vernon, NJ VOL. 66 NO. 1 January 2016 . Robert’s Reflections Dear Friends, Christmas shopping is over, and the New Year is upon us. I would like you to think for a moment about sales. Not "a sale" as in a bargain, but rather the act of selling. I've never been in sales (except the time I sold light bulbs as a teenager), but in a way I am, because the church is selling something very important: faith, hope, love, a way of life and living, as all these are found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Many people, in fact, are in sales. People running for public office are selling themselves; managers and educators ask for the best from others; coaches challenge players to give heart, mind and soul to the game; even medical professionals are selling something when they suggest the habits of a healthy lifestyle. And, of course, people in retail, wealth management and investments are in sales. Almost everyone who is in sales for the long term will tell you it's not only about the product, it's about relationships. It is about trust. How long does it take to build that trust? running the sound system all contribute to an experience of a church. How many handshakes does it take? How many touches? If a handshake is a touch and a conversation in coffee hour is a touch and a sermon or an anthem or a prelude or an offertory is a touch when it stirs something inside, how many does it take? Filling a bag with clothes for a needy family can be a touch. Continued on page 2 JANUARY HIGHLIGHTS Session Highlights ................................. 3 Sunday Speaker Series: Laura Nash .... 4 January Movie Night ............................... 4 Women’s Afternoon Tea ......................... 5 Men’s Breakfast ..................................... 5 Sunday Speaker Series: Rev. Abazia ... 5 Souper Bowl Sunday .............................. 5 People come to church and commit themselves to a church when they feel comfortable about the relationship with that church. They have a relationship with God and with Jesus Christ, but they most often choose the church to worship God because of the relationship with that church. Images from the Children’s Pageant ..... 6 A relationship is built between a person and a church through people they meet at that church, and through an experience of the work and worship of that church. The usher or greeter, the person sitting next to or near them in worship, the minister, the choir, the pianist or organist, even the person CME Academy Enrollment ..................... 9 December Baptism ................................. 7 Volunteers Sought to take Pictures....... 7 Book Club News ..................................... 8 Stewardship Message ............................ 8 Thank-You Flower Donors ................... 14 January Calendar.................................. 18 January Worship Plans ........................ 19 2-The Pipe Organ FPCNV Staff Dr. Robert Gamble, Interim Pastor Amanda Tsukamoto, Minister of Music/Organist Elena Bird Zolnick, Minister of Music/Choir Dir. Debbie Hennessey, Office Administrator and Manager of Accounting Katherine Ann Newburg, Dir. of Sunday School Tony Rodriguez, Custodian Elders Jane Coyle, Clerk of Session Julia Buteux Todd Claytor Caroline Ford Kerra French Meg Richardson Katherine Sheeleigh Jonathan Shelby Tricia Tiensch Phil Van Kirk Carol Conger Vellekamp Keith Wood Deacons Lisa Chapman, Moderator Robyn Brown Janet Bruns Erin Castner Fenton Chaney Andrea Di Ruggiero Sandy Finlayson Olin Friant Barbara Gill Susan Morris Judith Shelton Eileen Urban January 2016 Continued from page 1 Few things come closer to building that relationship than conversation, especially conversation in which hearts open even in the slightest. When these moments are experienced in the context of our faith--faith grows, relationships grow, and one's connection to the congregation of a church can grow. We are inspired, motivated, and encouraged. Churches that grow offer opportunities like this. They are intentional about it. They design spaces for people to gather before and after worship. They offer small group experiences. They call them "K" groups (koinonia, the Greek word for community), "city groups," or "Bible study groups" or "growth groups." Lately, there has been a new term coined in church circles: The Ministry of Hospitality. These experiences build community. All the literature on adult development will tell you that most people in their 20's, 30's and 40's are at an age in life where they seek out meaningful relationships. People in their 50's and up are enriched by these experiences, but they may not be as intentional about seeking them. And that is our situation here at FPC New Vernon where the predominant age of our congregation is 50's and up. By now, you have figured out that I am trying to sell you on the idea of our members spending time together, but the solution isn't to say, "Okay we are all going to get into groups and do what we are told." I know people better than that. A culture of people building community has to begin slowly and authentically. Church is more than Sunday morning four times a month. Church is all of us, spread across this region of New Jersey, and sometimes in Florida, or Arizona, or Maine, or Massachusetts or wherever, living our lives at home, at work, at play as well as in worship, supporting, encouraging, listening, challenging and loving each other in faith. Make it your New Year's resolution to think about strengthening the relationships between our members. Form, I believe, follows function. "We are the body of Christ and individually members of it," said the apostle Paul. Like any healthy body, we can grow. Happy New Year, Robert Gamble 3-The Pipe Organ January 2016 DECEMBER SESSION HIGHLIGHTS The following highlights are from the December 15, 2015 Session Meeting. The meeting began with Dr. Gamble leading devotions. COMMITTEE HIGHLIGHTS ADULT EDUCATION The next movie to be shown at Movie Night, hosted by the Chaneys’ will be Citizen Kane. Guest speakers are scheduled for the Sunday Speaker Series. BUILDINGS & GROUNDS The water issue is still under investigation. There was also a fire inspection of the CE Building and any deficiencies are being addressed. There were three handicapped parking spots added to the parking lot adjacent to the Sanctuary. CEMETERY There was one burial in December, Charles Hurd. CONGREGATIONAL LIFE The Christmas luncheon was very well attended. There were about 70 church members. Next year there will surely be Christmas Carols in addition to a wonderful lunch. FINANCE The Sanctuary Project is in Phase II: installation of a cedar roof and repairs to the bell tower for a total cost of $435,000. In addition to funds received from the Morris County Heritage Commission-Historic Preservation, we have applied to NJ State for an additional grant. The 2016 budget was presented. MEMBERSHIP The committee has identified a short list of non-participants. They will receive a letter advising them that they will be removed from the rolls unless they notify us otherwise. NOMINATING New Elders, Deacons, Auditing and Nominating Committee members were elected on Sunday, December 13. Installation and Ordination will take place on Sunday, January 31. STEWARDSHIP Jonathan went on a tour of the Mental Health Association of Morris County- they are grateful for the donation we make to them through Mission and Outreach. PASTOR’S REPORT Dr. Gamble visited several Church members who are experiencing health issues or are homebound including: Dean Groel (resides at King James), Walter Ness, Jeanne Zenker and Harold and Louise Thorpe. He also paid a visit to Fellowship Village to visit Jim Swartz and Rose Staneck. Communion will be served on Sunday, January 10, 2016. The next meeting of session will be on Tuesday, January 19 at 7pm. Dr. Gamble adjourned the meeting with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Jane Coyle – Clerk of Session 4-The Pipe Organ January 2016 SUNDAY SPEAKER SERIES January 10, 11:30-12:30 A New Year’s Resolution To Keep: Find Balance and Peace of Mind in 2016 Laura Nash, trained and certified by Deepak Chopra, will give an introduction to the ancient Vedic meditation style from India that integrates body and mind. This practice has successfully promoted spontaneous inner peace and healing for over 5,000 years. Laura is a consultant and instructor, guiding both individuals and groups to attain their goals using a surprisingly simple and effective vehicle: PEACE OF MIND. Her clients come from all walks of life— CEOs and senior executives of major corporations, professional athletes, artists, physicians, anyone seeking to improve their life. Her philosophy is that people already intuitively know how to solve any dilemma. They merely get so bogged down by the details of an issue, or the emotion surrounding it, that they cannot discern their own answers. Laura demonstrates how to cut through all the chaos and drama of life to arrive at the simple solution. Laura Nash is a well-established teacher, speaker, and workshop facilitator. With a B.A. from Hobart and William Smith Colleges, this former institutional bond broker and vice president at Cantor Fitzgerald Securities, Inc., brings both a philosophical and entrepreneurial perspective to her audience. She is certified to teach the authentic, ancient form of silent mediation from the Yoga tradition of India, as well as Wellness in the Workplace, a program designed for companies, based on Dr. Deepak Chopra’s personal development masterpiece, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. She was recently awarded for her status as the most active Chopra-certified instructor in the world. Next Movie Night Selection: Citizen Kane 1941 PG 164 minutes Tuesday, January 26 at 7:00 pm At the Chaneys’ Still considered one of the greatest films ever made, Orson Welles’s complex and technically stunning film chronicles newspaper baron Charles Foster Kane’s rise from poverty to become one of America’s most influential men. Cast: Orson Welles, Joseph Cotton, Dorothy Comingore 5-The Pipe Organ January 2016 Next Women’s Afternoon Tea Wednesday, January 13 New Time! 2:00-4:00 pm Village Bistro All women of the Church and their guests are welcome. Next Men’s Breakfast Wednesday, January 13 7:30 am Nautilus Diner All men of the Church and their guests are welcome SUNDAY SPEAKER SERIES Guest Preacher & Speaker Sunday, January 24 Rev. Larissa Kwong Abazia Rev. Larissa Kwong Abazia will preach on Sunday, January 24 and also lead a program after Coffee Hour. Larissa is the Vice Moderator of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Director of Church Relations at Princeton Theological Seminary. The world around us is ever changing and can sometimes seem scary. A question for the Church today is: Do we come to church to escape the world or to respond to its deepest yearnings? Join us for discussion on gracious discernment about difficult issues that we face as a congregation. Sunday, February 7 Immediately following worship. 6-The Pipe Organ January 2016 December Highlights: Children’s Christmas Pageant 7-The Pipe Organ January 2016 December Highlights Baptism, Sunday, December 20 Brayden Matthew and Brice William Ford Volunteers Sought We are in need of volunteers to take pictures at church events. You don’t need to be an expert, just willing to capture these moments using your preferred method. Contact Debbie in the Church Office if you would like to help. Use a cell phone or a camera, whichever you are comfortable with. 8- The Pipe Organ January 2016 FPCNV Book Club January Meeting and Book Selections January: The First Salute by Barbara W. Tuchman Barbara W. Tuchman, the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of the classic The Guns of August, turns her sights homeward with this brilliant, insightful narrative of the Revolutionary War. In The First Salute, one of America’s consummate historians crafts a rigorously original view of the American Revolution. Tuchman places the Revolution in the context of the centuries-long conflicts between England and both France and Holland, demonstrating how the aid to the American colonies of both these nations made the triumph of independence possible. The author sheds new light on the key role played by the contending navies, paints a magnificent portrait of George Washington, and recounts in riveting detail the decisive campaign of the war at Yorktown. By turns Meeting Dates and Book Selections Where: Library When: 7:30 pm JAN 12 The First Salute by Barbara Tuchman FEB 9 Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania by Erik Larson MAR 8 Spies Among Friends by Kim Philby APR 12 The Wright Brothers by David McCullough MAY 10 All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr JUN 14 Bach by Tim Dowlay (?) New members are welcome. lyrical and gripping, The First Salute is an exhilarating account of the birth of a nation. - Stewardship Campaign Reminder The 2016 Now Build Faith Campaign has concluded. For those of you who made a pledge, we thank you! For those of you who have not, it is not too late to make a pledge for 2016. Please send in your pledge card today, or contact the Church Office, so the Finance Committee can prepare the final budget for 2016. In addition, if you have not already done so, please fulfill the balance of your 2015 pledge prior to the closing of the books on January 15th. Finally, additional thanks go out to the hardworking Stewardship Committee members: Aimee Bloom, Nancy Burrows, Tom Ewig, and Tom MacCowatt. They made the calls that brought in the pledges! God bless our church and all its members. Jonathan Shelby Stewardship Chair “We, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.” - Romans 12:5 9- The Pipe Organ January 2016 ENROLLING NOW: CME Academy is currently enrolling students of all ages and levels. Adults are especially welcome. It is not too late to learn to play the musical instrument you’ve always dreamed of playing... Students will be provided with high-caliber training by gifted faculty handpicked by CME Academy founder and director, Min Kwon. You may also purchase a CD featuring selections played by CME gifted young artists and some of the faculty at CME Academy from Debbie in the Church Office. Learn more about the Academy at: Phone: 973-500-8282 or E-mail: Thank-You to Our Sunday Flower Donors July-December JULY SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER Min Kwon Elaine Britcher Caroline Ford Gwenn & Todd Claytor The Ewigs Suzanne & Jonathan Shelby Elaine Britcher Bernice & Bill Paton Nancy Gockley Isabel Broshek The Finlaysons David Dietz & Jane Kendall AUGUST OCTOBER DECEMBER Ann Talcott Pam Kerschner Eileen Urban Jane Coyle Caroline & Roger Ford Elaine Britcher Patti & KeithWood The Burrows Nancy Barrett David Mitchell 10-The Pipe Organ January 2016 January 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Church Office Closed AA Meeting noon 3 10 am Worship 11 am Coffee Hour 4 5 6 Women’s Bible Study 9:30-11 am 7 Women’s AA Step Meeting noon Choir 7:30 pm 10 Communion 10 am Worship 11 am Coffee Hour 11 Women’s Bible Study 9:30-11 am Women’s AA Step Meeting noon 11:30 am Sunday Speaker Series: Laura Nash 10 am Worship 11 am Coffee Hour 18 Women’s Bible Study 9:30-11 am 24 31 10 am Worship Ordination and Installation of Elders & Deacons 11 am Coffee Hour 11:30 am Dennis Corcoran Women’s Afternoon Tea 2:00-4 pm 19 14 15 16 AA Meeting noon Bible Study 9:00-10:00 am AA Meeting noon Finance Mtg. 7 pm Choir 7:30 pm 20 21 Women’s AA Step Meeting noon 22 23 AA Meeting noon Session Mtg. 7 pm 25 Women’s Bible Study 9:30-11 am 9 No Bible Study Today Martin Luther King Day 11:30 am Sunday Speaker Series: Rev. Abazia 13 7:30 am Men’s Breakfast Book Club In Library 7:30 pm Church Office Closed 10 am Worship 11 am Coffee Hour 12 Deacons Mtg. 7 pm 17 8 Bible Study 9:00-10-00 am Choir 7:30 pm 26 Women’s AA Step Meeting noon Movie Night at the Chaneys’ 7 pm 27 28 29 Bible Study 9:00-10:00 am AA Meeting noon Choir 7:30 pm 30 11-The Pipe Organ January 2016 JANUARY WORSHIP PLANS Sunday, January 3 Sunday, January 10 Second Sunday After Christmas Baptism of the Lord Preacher: Dr. Gamble Liturgist: Matt McDonald Preacher: Dr. Gamble Liturgist: Ann Talcott Sunday, January 17 Sunday, January 24 Second Sunday after the Epiphany Third Sunday after the Epiphany Preacher: Dr. Gamble Liturgist: Jane Coyle Preacher: Dr. Gamble Liturgist: Eileen Urban McDonald Sunday, January 31 Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany Preacher: Dr. Gamble Liturgist: Sophia Kasparik Ordination & Installation of Elders & Deacons Sunday, January 31 During Worship On Sunday, January 31 there will be an installation of Elders and Deacons during the Worship Service. Session Tom MacCowatt Peter Saulnier Jane O’Keefe Jonathan Shelby, 2nd term Keith Wood, 1-year term Deacons Sue Mitchell Dave Mitchell Susie Morris, 2nd term Judith Shelton, 2nd term Nominating Committee: Nancy Burrows, 3-year term, Jeff French, 2-year term Auditors Scott Noyes, 3-year term, John Murray, 1-year term The Pipe Organ First Presbyterian Church 2 Lee’s Hill Road, PO Box 218 New Vernon, NJ 07976-0218 JANUARY HIGHLIGHTS January 10 Sunday Speaker Series Laura Nash on Meditation January 24 Sunday Speaker Series Guest Preacher & Speaker Rev. Larissa Kwong Abazia January 31 Ordination and Installation of Elders & Deacons E-mail Addresses The Church Office is still collecting and correcting e-mail addresses from our members. If you would like to be included in various e-mail mailings, please e-mail or call 973-538-8394. CHURCH OFFICE THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NEW VERNON, NEW JERSEY 07976 Phone: Fax: Email: Web: 973-538-8394 973-538-3969