www.CollegeForTexans.com 1-888-311-8881 2007-2008 Texas Common Application www.ApplyTexas.org Code Book Texas Public Universities Texas Public Universities West Texas A&M Univ. Midwestern State Univ. TAMU-Texarkana Texas Tech Univ. Texas Woman's Univ. TAMU-Commerce Univ. of North Texas UT Arlington UT Dallas UT Tyler Tarleton State Univ. UT El Paso UT Permian Basin Stephen F. Austin State Univ. Angelo State Univ. Texas A&M Univ. Sam Houston State Univ. UT Austin Sul Ross State Univ. Lamar Univ. Prairie View A&M Univ. Univ. of Houston Texas State Univ.-San Marcos Texas Southern Univ. UH-Downtown UH-Clear Lake UT San Antonio TAMU at Galveston SRSU Rio Grande Coll. UH-Victoria TAMU-Corpus Christi Texas A&M International Univ. TAMU-Kingsville UT-Pan American UT at Brownsville Code Book Texas Common Application Texas Public Universities The Texas Common Application for Freshman Admission and the Texas Common Application for Transfer/Transient/Former Students can be used to apply to any Texas public university (and other institutions that contract to use it). The applications are available on the Internet at www.applytexas.org, where they can be completed and submitted electronically. Paper copies are available in high school counselors’ offices and admissions offices of community colleges. You may also obtain an application from the university you wish to attend or download and print it from the web site of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board at www.CollegeforTexans.com. Enter the site by choosing “English,” then select “Applying for College,” then “Texas Common Application.” The majors and major codes for each Texas public university are listed on the following pages. Enter this information on the common application form, Part I, item 20 (Freshman) or item 18 (Transfer). You may fill out the application once, copy it, fill in the name of the university and the major you wish to pursue, and send it to that university. Keep your original to use to apply to other universities. If you have questions about your application, please contact the university to which you are applying. Table of Contents Texas Public Universities Angelo State University; San Angelo ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Lamar University; Beaumont ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Midwestern State University; Wichita Falls ............................................................................................................................................ 5-6 Prairie View A&M University; Prairie View ............................................................................................................................................. 6 Sam Houston State University; Huntsville ................................................................................................................................................. 6 Stephen F. Austin State University; Nacogdoches .................................................................................................................................. 6-7 Sul Ross State University; Alpine .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Sul Ross State University-Rio Grande College; Uvalde ............................................................................................................................ 7 Tarleton State University; Stephenville ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 Texas A&M International University; Laredo ......................................................................................................................................... 7-8 Texas A&M University; College Station .................................................................................................................................................... 8 Texas A&M University-Commerce; Commerce .......................................................................................................................................... 9 Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi; Corpus Christi ............................................................................................................................. 9 Texas A&M University at Galveston; Galveston ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Texas A&M University-Kingsville; Kingsville ....................................................................................................................................... 9-10 Texas A&M University-Texarkana; Texarkana ..........................................................................................................................................10 Texas Southern University; Houston ........................................................................................................................................................10 Texas State University-San Marcos, San Marcos ................................................................................................................................ 10-11 Texas Tech University; Lubbock .......................................................................................................................................................... 11-12 Texas Woman’s University; Denton .......................................................................................................................................................... 12 The University of Texas at Arlington; Arlington ....................................................................................................................................... 12 The University of Texas at Austin; Austin ........................................................................................................................................... 13-15 The University of Texas at Brownsville; Brownsville .......................................................................................................................... 15-16 The University of Texas at Dallas; Richardson .........................................................................................................................................16 The University of Texas at El Paso; El Paso .............................................................................................................................................. 16 The University of Texas-Pan American; Edinburg ............................................................................................................................... 16-17 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin; Odessa ............................................................................................................................ 17 The University of Texas at San Antonio; San Antonio .............................................................................................................................17 The University of Texas at Tyler; Tyler ................................................................................................................................................ 17-18 University of Houston-Main Campus; Houston ....................................................................................................................................... 18 University of Houston-Clear Lake; Houston ....................................................................................................................................... 18-19 University of Houston-Downtown; Houston ...........................................................................................................................................19 University of Houston-Victoria; Victoria ................................................................................................................................................... 19 University of North Texas; Denton ...................................................................................................................................................... 19-20 West Texas A&M University; Canyon ......................................................................................................................................................20 Texas College and University Codes ..................................................................................................................................................... 21 Texas College and University Codes Used by UT Austin ................................................................................................................... 22 Texas County Codes ............................................................................................................................................................................... 23 State Codes .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 24 Print or type your intended major and major code on the Texas Common Application, Part I, Item 20 (Freshman), Item 18 (Transfer) ANGELO STATE UNIVERSITY Major Code Accounting ACC Animal Business ABUS Animal Science ASCI Applied Physics APHY Art ART Art/Secondary Certification ART2 Biochemistry BCHM Biology BIO Business BUS Chemistry CHEM Chemistry/Secondary Certification CM2 Communications COMM Communications/Secondary Cert COM2 Computer Science CS Computer Science/Secondary Cert C S2 Criminal Justice CRIJ Drama DRAM Drama/Secondary Certification DRA2 English ENG English/Secondary Certification ENG2 Finance FIN Financial Planning Option FNFP Real Estate FNRE French FREN French/Secondary Certification FRE2 General Studies GSTD German GER German/Secondary Certification GER2 Government GOVT History HIST History/Secondary Certification HIS2 History/Social Studies–Secondary Certification HISC Interdisciplinary Child Development and Learning ICDL International Business IBUS Journalism JOUR Journalism/Secondary JOU2 Certification Kinesiology KIN Athletic Training Option KAT Athletic Training/ Exercise Science KES All Level Certification KINA Secondary Certification KIN2 Life Science/Secondary Certification LF2 Management MGT Management Information Systems MIS Marketing MKT Mathematics MATH Mathematics/Secondary Cert MAT2 Medical Technology MT Music MUS Natural Resource Management NRM Nursing PREN (ASN) (choose if no degree in nursing) Nursing NUR (must be licensed) Physics PHYS Physics/Secondary Certification PS2 Professional Accountancy PACC Psychology PSY Sociology SOC Spanish SPAN Spanish/Secondary Certification SPN2 Studio Art SART (Angelo State University, continued) Major Pre-Professional Programs Pre-Dentistry Pre-Engineering Pre-Medicine Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Veterinary Medicine Code PRED PREE PREM PREP PREV LAMAR UNIVERSITY Major Accounting Applied Arts & Sciences Biochemistry Biology Chemical Engineering Chemistry, BS Civil Engineering Communication Communications Disorders Computer & Information Sciences Computer Science Criminal Justice Dance Earth Science Economics, BBA Education Electrical Engineering English Environmental Science Family & Consumer Sciences, General Family & Consumer Sciences, Dietetics Family & Consumer Sciences, Fashion Retailing & Merchandising Family & Consumer Sciences, Hospitality Family & Consumer Sciences, Interior Design Family & Consumer Sciences, Nutrition Family & Consumer Sciences, Family Studies Finance French Forensic Chemistry General Business, Retail Merchandising General Business General Business, Industrial Engineering General Business, Advertising Comm. General Business, Enrepreneurship General Studies Geology Graphic Design Health History Human Resource Management Industrial Engineering Industrial Technology Kinesiology Management Management Information Systems Marketing Mathematics, BS Mechanical Engineering Medical Technology Music Physical Therapy Physics Political Science, BS Pre-Associate Science in Nursing Pre-Dental Pre-Med 5 Code ACC BAAS BICH BIO PCHE CHMS PCE MCOM SA CIS CS CJ DAN ES ECOB INDS PREE ENG EVSC FSC FSCD FCSR FCSH FCSI FCSN FCSS FIN FRE FORC GBR GBB GBIE GBAC GBE GSHS GEOS ARTG HPEH HIS HRM PRIE IT PEPT MGT BMIS MKT MTHS PME MDTC MUS PHTP PHY PSS PANU PDEN PMED (Lamar University, continued) Major Code Pre-Nursing-Bachelor PNUR Pre-Occupational Therapy POCC Pre-Optometry POPT Pre-Pharmacy PHAR Pre-Physicians Assistant PPHY Pre-Vet Medicine VTMD Psychology PSYS Social Work SWK Sociology SOC Spanish SPA Studio Art, BFA ARTS Theatre, BS THS **Students who are undecided about what they want to study should enter the major code for General Studies. MIDWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY Major Code Accounting ACCT Applied Arts and Sciences BAAS Art ART Athletic Training ATRN Biology BIOL Chemistry CHEM Clinical Laboratory Science CLSC Computer Science CMPS Criminal Justice CRJU Dental Hygiene DNHY Economics ECON Education Early Childhood Education-Bilingual ECBE Early Childhood Education ECED Interdisciplinary Studies (Grades 4-8 Certification) INST Special Education SPED English ENGL Environmental Science ENSC Exercise Physiology EXPH Finance FINC General Business GBUS Geosciences GEOS History HIST Humanities HUMN International Studies INTS Kinesiology (P.E.) KNES Management MGMT Management Information Systems MIS Manufacturing Engineering Technology MENT Marketing MKTG Mass Communication MCOM Mathematics MATH Mechanical Engineering MENG Music MUSC Nursing NURS Physics PHYS Physical Science (Grades 4-8 Certification)PHSI Political Science POLS Pre-Dentistry PDEN Pre-Engineering PENG Pre-Law PLAW Pre-Medicine PMED Pre-Pharmacy PPHM Pre-Physical Therapy PPHT Pre-Veterinary PVET Psychology PSYC Radiologic Sciences RADS Respiratory Care RESP (Midwestern State University, continued) Major Code Social Work SOWK Sociology SOCL Spanish SPAN Sport and Fitness Management SFMT Theatre THEA Undecided UNDC* * UNDC (Undecided). Use this designation if you are undecided on a major or minor. This is not a degree designation. PRAIRIE VIEW A&M UNIVERSITY Major Code Undecided Major UNDC College of Agriculture & Human Sciences (AH) Agriculture AGRI Human Nutrition & Food HUNF Human Sciences HUSC School of Architecture (AR) Architecture ARCH Construction Science CONS College of Arts and Sciences (AS) Music MUSC Applied Music-Clarinet MUCL Applied Music-Euphonium MUEU Applied Music-Flute MUFL Applied Music-Percussion MUPE Applied Music-Piano MUPI Applied Music-Saxophone MUSX Applied Music-Trombone MUTB Applied Music-Trumpet MUTB Applied Music-Voice MUVO Drama DRAM Biology BIOL Medical Technology BIMT Chemistry CHEM Communications COMM Social Work SOWK Sociology SOCG Spanish SPAN English ENGL Mathematics MATH Physics PHYS History HIST Political Science POSC College of Business (BU) Accounting ACCT Finance FINA Management MGMT Management Information Systems MISY Marketing MRKT College of Education (ED) Health HLTH Interdisciplinary CIID Human Performance HUPF Industrial Technology INDT College of Engineering (EN) Chemical Engineering CHEG Civil Engineering CVEG Computer Aided Drafting & Design CADD Computer Engineering CPEG Computer Engineering Technology CPET Computer Science CPSC Electrical Engineering ELEG Electrical Engineering Technology ELET Mechanical Engineering MCEG College of Juvenile Justice and Psychology (U) Criminal Justice CRJS Psychology PSYC (Prairie View State University, continued) Major Code College of Nursing (NU) Nursing-Pre-Clinical PNUR Nursing-Clinical NURS SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY Major Code College of Arts and Sciences Agriculture AGR Agricultural Business AGB Agricultural Mechanization AGM Animal Science ANS Horticulture and Crop Science AHC Applied Arts and Sciences AAS Art Advertising and Graphic Design AGD Photography ARP Studio Art AST Biology BIO Chemistry CHM Composite Science Biology CMB Chemistry CMC Geology CMG Physics CMP Computing Science CS Dance DNC Environmental Science ESC Forensic Chemistry FCH Geography GEO Geology GEL General Studies (undecided) GST Industrial TechnologyIT Construction Management CST Design and Development IDD Electronics TEE Industrial Management IM Mathematics MTH Music MUS Musical Theatre MTR Music Therapy MUT Correctional MCR Photography PHO Physics PHY Theatre THR College of Business Administration Accounting ACC Banking and Financial Institutions BFI Economics ECO Finance FIN General Business GBA Human Resource Management HRM International Business INB Management MGT Management Information Systems MIS Marketing MKT College of Criminal Justice Criminal Justice CJ Victim Studies VCS College of Education Academic Studies ACS (Formerly Elementary Education) Health HLT Kinesiology KIN College of Humanities and Social Sciences English ENG Family and Consumer Sciences FCS Fashion Merchandising FMD Food Science and Nutrition FSN Food Service Management FSM Interior Design IND History HIS Journalism JRN Advertising JAD 6 (Sam Houston State University, continued) Major Code Public Relations JPR Multimedia Authoring and Communication MAC Philosophy PHL Political Science POL Psychology PSY Radio/Television RTV Sociology SOC Spanish SPN Speech Communication SCM STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY Major Accounting Accounting (5-year Bachelor/Master Program) Agribusiness Agricultural Machinery Agriculture Development Agriculture Development Production Agriculture Agronomy Animal Science Applied Arts and Sciences Art Art History Biology Business Economics Chemistry Child Development and Family Living Communication Disorders Communication, Radio/TV Computer Information Systems Computer Science Criminal Justice Criminal Justice, Corrections Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement Criminal Justice, Legal Assistant Dance Deaf and Hard of Hearing Economics Elementary Education (Interdisciplinary Studies) English Environmental Science Family & Consumer Sciences Fashion Merchandising Finance Food and Nutrition Dietetics Forest Management Forest Recreation Management Forest Wildlife Management Forestry French General Business Geography Geology Gerontology Health Science History Horticulture Hospitality Administration Interdisciplinary Studies (Elementary Education) Interior Design International Business Journalism Kinesiology Liberal Studies Management Marketing Mathematics Code ACTP PACC AGBS AGMA AGDV AGDP AGEN AGRO AGAS APAS ART ARTH BIOL BECP CHEM CDFL COMD RDTV PCIS CSCI CJUS CJCR CJLE CJLA DANC DRHH ECON INST ENGL ENVS FCSC FASH FINP FNTD FRMG FRCM FRWM FORS FREN GBUP GEOG GEOL GERN HSCI HIST AGHR HADM INST INDS INTP JOUR KINE LSTU MGTP MKTP MATH (Stephen F. Austin State University, continued) Major Code Music MUSC Nursing NURS Orientation and Mobility ORMB Philosophy PHIL Physics PHYS Political Science PSCI Poultry Science POSC Psychology PSYC Public Administration PBAD Rehabilitation Sciences RHBS Social Work PSWK Sociology SOCI Spanish SPAN Speech Communication SPCM Theatre THTR Non-degree Majors: Pre-Dental Hygiene PDHY Pre-Dentistry PDEN Pre-Engineering PENG Pre-Health Information Management PHIM Pre-Law PSCI Pre-Medical Technology PMDT Pre-Medicine PMED Pre-Occupational Therapy POPT Pre-Optometry POTM Pre-Osteopathy POST Pre-Pharmacy PPHR Pre-Physical Therapy PPHT Pre-Physicians Assistant PPHA Pre-Veterinary Medicine (Agriculture emphasis) AGPV Pre-Veterinary Medicine (Science Emphasis) PVET Undecided, Business PREB Undecided, Education UNDD–EDU Undecided, Fine Arts UNDD–FNA Undecided, Science and Mathematics UNDD–SCM Undecided UNDD–LBA SUL ROSS STATE UNIVERSITY ALPINE CAMPUS ONLY Major Accounting Agriculture - Business Animal Health Management Animal Science Art Biology Chemistry Criminal Justice Communication Computer Information Systems Computer Science English Environmental Studies Equine Science Farrier Technology (AAS) Farrier Technology (Certificate) Finance Business Administration General Studies Geology History Interdisciplinary Studies (BA) Interdisciplinary Studies (BS) Industrial Technology Kinesiology and Sports Science Math Meat Industry Management Meat Technology Code ACCT AGRI AHM ANSC ART BIOL CHEM CJ COMM CIS CS ENG EVST EQUI FARRA FARRC FIN GBA GENS GEOL HIST IDSA IDSS IT PE MATH MIM MEAT (Sul Ross-Alpine Campus, continued) Major Management Marketing Mexican American Studies Music Natural Resource Management Office Systems (4 yr) Office Systems (1 yr) Political Science Pre-Dental Pre-Engineering Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Nursing Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Veterinary Medicine Psychology Sociology Spanish Theater Veterinary Technician Vocational Nursing Code MGMT MKT MAS MUS NRM OFS OFS POLS PDEN PENG PLAW PMED PNSG POPT PPHA PPTH PVET PSY SOCS SPAN THEA VET VNSG SUL ROSS STATE UNIVERSITYRIO GRANDE COLLEGE Major Accounting Criminal Justice English Business Administration History Interdisciplinary Studies (BA) Interdisciplinary Studies (BS) Mathematics Mexican Trade & Management Psychology Social Science Spanish Code ACCT CJ ENG GBA HIST IDSA IDSS MATH MEX PSY SCSC SPAN TARLETON STATE UNIVERSITY Major Accounting Administrative Systems Ag Business Ag Economics Ag Ser/Dev (Ag Ed) Agronomy & Range Mgmt Animal Biology Animal Industries Animal Production Animal Science Applied Science Art Aviation Science (Aviation Management) (Professional Pilot) Biology Business Administration Chemistry Computer Info Systems Computer Science Criminal Justice Clinical Lab Science Dietetics Economics Engineering Physics English Exercise/Sports Studies Farm/Ranch Mgmt 7 Code ACC ADMS AGBU AEC AGSD ANRM ABIO ANIN ANPR ANSC APSC ART AVM PRP BIOL BA CHEM CIS CS CJ CLS DIET ECO ENPH ENGL EXSS FRMG (Tarleton State University, continued) Major Finance General Agriculture Geoscience History Horticulture/Landscape Mgmt Human Resource Mgmt Human Science Hydrology Industrial Technology Interdisciplinary Business International Ag. Services Interdisciplinary Studies Liberal Studies Art - Emphasis Business Admin. - Emphasis Criminal Justice - Emphasis Political Science - Emphasis History - Emphasis Manufacturing - Emphasis Psychology - Emphasis Social Science - Emphasis Sociology - Emphasis Management Manufacturing Engineering Technology Mathematics Marketing Music Nursing Physics Political Science Pre-Dental* Pre-Engineering* Pre-Law* Pre-Medical* Pre-Pharmacy* Pre-Physical Therapy* Pre-Veterinary Medicine* Psychology Sociology Social Work Spanish Speech Communication Theater Wildlife Management * No degree-programs only Code FIN GEAG GEOS HIST HORT HRMG HS HYDR IT INTB INAS IS LSTU LSTA LSTB LSTC LSTG LSTH LSTM LSTP LSTE LSTS MGMT MET MATH MKTG MUSC NURS PHYS POLS PRDE PREN PRLA PRME PRPH PRTH PRVE PSY SOC SWK SPAN COMS THEA WLDM TEXAS A&M INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Major Accounting Anthropology (minor only) Art Art – All Certification Bilingual Generalist – Middle School Biology Biology with Sec Certification Business Administration Chemistry Communications Criminal Justice Dance (minor only) Early Childhood – Grade 4 Bilingual Generalist Early Childhood – Grade 4 Generalist Early Childhood – Grade 4 Reading English English with Sec Certification Environmental Science Finance (Concentration) Code ACC ANTH ART ARTA BILG BIOL BIO1 BA CHEM COMM CRIJ DANC ECB ECE ECR ENGL ENRD ENSC FIN (Texas A&M International, continued) Major Fitness and Sports Fitness & Sports–non-certificate major Geography (minor only) Gerontology (minor only) History History with Sec Certification International Economics Latin American Studies Management (Concentration) Management Information Systems Marketing (Concentration) Mathematics Mathematics with Sec Cert Mathematics – Middle School Military Science (Minor Only) Music Music – All Level Certification Nursing Physical Science Political Science Psychology Reading Science Composite with Sec Certification Science – Middle School Social Studies with Sec Certification Social Works Sociology Spanish Spanish with Sec Certification Special Education Studio Art (Minor only) Theater Arts (minor only) Urban Studies Women and Gender Studies (minor only) Code FSPA FSPN GEOG GERO HIST HIS1 ECO LATA MGT MIS MKT MATH MAT1 MATM MS MUSI MUSA NUR* PHS* PSCI PSYC RDG1 SCIC SCIE SST SOCW SOCI SPAN SPA1 SPED* ARTS THAR URBS WGST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Major Abbreviation Degree Track College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Agribusiness Agricultural Development Agricultural Economics Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Journalism Agriculture and Life Sciences Agricultural Science Agricultural Systems Management* Agronomy Animal Science Biochemistry Bioenvironmental Sciences Biological Systems Engineering Dairy Science Entomology Environmental Studies Floriculture Food Science and Technology Forestry Genetics Horticulture Nutritional Sciences Plant and Environmental Soil Science Poultry Science Rangeland Ecology and Management Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences AG AGBL ADEV AGEC AGEN AGJR AGLS AGSC AGSM AGRO ANSC BICH BESC BSEN DASC ENTO ENST FLOR FSTC FORS GENE HORT NUSC E B B D B B B B B B D6 C D B C B B C B D6 B C PSSC POSC D B RLEM B7 RPTS B (Texas A&M University, continued) Major Abbreviation Degree Track (Texas A&M University, continued) Major Abbreviation Degree Track Renewable Natural Resources Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences RENR WFSC College of Architecture AR1 Construction Science* Environmental Design* Landscape Architecture* COSL ENDL2 LANL B8 B7 B Mays Business School** Agribusiness Business Administration BA1 BUAG BUAD E E College of Education and Human Development ED Sociology SOCI A or B13 Spanish SPAN A Speech Communication SCOM A Telecommunication Media Studies TCMS A or B13 Theatre Arts THAR A College of Science SC Applied Mathematical Sciences APMS D Biology BIOL C Botany BOTN C Chemistry CHEM D Mathematics MATH D Microbiology MBIO C Molecular and Cell Biology BMCB C Physics PHYS D Zoology ZOOL C College of Veterinary Medicine VM5 Biomedical Science BIMS B or C Health (Health Education) EDHL Health (Upper Level) HLTH Interdisciplinary Studies EDIS³ (Early Childhood-4, Middle School) Interdisciplinary Studies ISNC (Human Resource Development Tech Management) Interdisciplinary Studies INST (Special Education, Bilingual) Kinesiology (Physical Activity)* EDKI Secondary Education³ Sport Management SPMT College of Engineering EN¹ Aerospace Engineering AERL Biomedical Engineering BMEL Chemical Engineering CHEL Civil Engineering CVEL Computer Science* CPSL Computer Engineering CECL (Computer Science track) Computer Engineering CEEL (Electrical Engineering track) Electrical Engineering ELEL Engineering Technology ENTL Industrial Distribution* IDIL Industrial Engineering INEL Mechanical Engineering MEEL Nuclear Engineering NUEL Ocean Engineering OCEL Petroleum Engineering PETL Radiological Health Engineering RHEL General Studies GS4 General Studies GEST (not open to transfer applicants except as a second choice major) College of Geosciences GE Earth Sciences* ESCI Environmental Geoscience ENGS D Environmental Studies ENST Geography GEOG Geology GEOL Geophysics GEOP Meteorology METR College of Liberal ArtsLA1 American Studies AMST Anthropology ANTH Economics ECON English ENGL French FREN German GERM History HIST International Studies INTS Music MUSC Philosophy PHIL Political Science POLS Psychology PSYC Russian RUSS 8 B B B B B B B B B D D D D B9 D D D D B10 D D D D D11 D B B8 B8 B or D12 D D A A A or B13 A A A A A A A A or B13 A or B13 A * See the Texas A&M University Undergraduate Catalog pertaining to your major for the specific science. ** No spring transfer admission. Notes: 1 All new students to the Colleges of Architecture, Business, and Engineering enter the lower level. 2 The curriculum leading to a professional degree in architecture begins in the four-year undergraduate environmental design degree program. This degree provides entry to the Master of Architecture program. 3 All students seeking elementary teacher certification will complete a baccalaureate degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. There is no major in Secondary Education. All students seeking secondary certification (except those preparing to teach physical education or health) will major in an academic discipline other than education (i.e., mathematics, English, computer science, biology, etc.) and take appropriate course work for teacher certification in the College of Education. 4 Freshman applicants who have not decided on a major should indicate General Studies. 5 Preveterinary medicine is not offered at Texas A&M. If you plan to apply to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program, you should select a major that would be a good vocational choice if you do not later enter the DVM program. Any major may be selected; however, some curricula more closely parallel courses that must be completed before applying to the DVM program than others. 6 Requires PHYS 201 (1301 and 1101) rather than PHYS 218. 7 Either ENGL 210 or COMM 203 required, not both. 8 COMM 203 not required. 9 Requires MATH 151, 152 not MATH 141, 142. 10 Requires CHEM 102; MATH 141, 151. 11 COMM 203 can substitute for ENGL 210. 12 Follow Degree Track B for a B.A. degree and Degree Track D for a B.S. degree. COMM 203 not required. 13 Select the one Degree Track, A or B, that fits your degree objective (see Degree Tracks). TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY-COMMERCE Major Accounting Agricultural Business Agricultural Science & Technology Agricultural Science-Plant/Soil Sciences Agricultural Sciences Agricultural SciencesAgricultural Economics Animal Science Applied Arts & Sciences Art Art-Ceramics Art-Experimental Studies Art-Illustration Art-Painting Art-Photography Art-Sculpture & Metals Athletic Training Biological Science Broadfield Science-Chemistry (8-12) Broadfield Science-Physics (8-12) Business Administration Chemistry Communication Arts Communication Arts-Art Direction Communication Arts-Copywriting Communication Arts-Design Communications CADC Communication Arts-Illustration Communication Arts-New Media Computer Information Systems Computer Science Construction Science Criminal Justice Economics English Environmental Science Finance General Business Health History Human Resource Management Industrial Engineering Industrial Technology Interdisciplinary Studies (Elementary Education) or (8-12) Journalism-News Editorial Journalism-Public Relations Kinesiology & Sports Studies Life Science (8-12) Management Management Information Systems Marketing Mathematics Music (8-12) Music Performance-Percussion Music Performance-Piano Music Performance-Voice Photography Physics Physics Applied, Business Applications Physics Applied, Computer Science Physics Applied, Materials Science Political Science Political Science-Legal Studies Professional Accountancy Professional Acc-Ungrad/5 yr Prgm Psychology Radio & Television Social Studies Social Work Code ACCT AGBS AGST PSOS AG AGEC ANSC AAS ART SACE SAEX CAIL SAPA PHO SASC AT BSCI CHEM PYBD BA CHEM CART CAAD CACW CAIL CANM CIS CSCI CONS CJUS ECO ENG ENVS FIN GBUS HLTH HIST HRMG IE INDT INTS NSED JRPR KINS BSCI MGT MIS MKT MATH MUS MPPE MPPI MPVO PHO PHYS PABA PACS PAMS PSCI LAST PACC PACG PSY RTV SSCI SWK (Texas A&M-Commerce, continued) Major Sociology Sociology-Criminology Sociology-Global Spanish Special Education Speech Communication Technology Management Theatre Undeclared Wildlife and Conservation Science Code SOC CRIM GLBL SPA SPED SPEC TMGT THEA UNDC WCSC TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITYCORPUS CHRISTI Major Code College of Arts and Humanities Arts ARTS Communication COMM Communications Studies COMM COMS Media Studies COMM MEDS Criminal Justice CRIJ Economics ECON English ENGL History HIST Music MUSI Instrumental MUSI INSR Vocal MUSI VOCL Political Science POLS Psychology PSYC Sociology SOCI Spanish SPAN Theatre THEA College of Business Accounting ACCT Economics ECON Finance FINA General Business BUSI Management MGMT Health Care MGMT HLCR Human Resource Management MGMT HRMT Management Information Systems MISY Business Analyst MISY BUAN Business Applications MISY BUAP Marketing MKTG College of Education Athletic Training ATHT Interdisciplinary Studies ITDS Bilingual Generalist (Grade EC-4) ITDS BIGN Generalist (Grade EC-4) ITDS GENL Mathematics (Grade 4-8) ITDS MATH Special Education (Grade EC-12) ITDS SPED Kinesiology KINE Recreational Sports/ Sports Management KINE RSPM Exercise Science KINE EXSC Occupational Training & Development OCTD College of Science and Technology Biology BIOL General Biology BIOL #GNL Microbiology BIOL #MIC Marine BIOL #MAR Animal BIOL #ANL Cell/Molecular BIOL #CLM Ecology BIOL #ECO Integrative BIOL #ING Plant BIOL #PLT Biomedical Science (Pre-Clinical Laboratory Science) BIMC Biomedical Science (Pre-Professional) BIMP Forensic Science BIMP #FSC Pre-Professional BIMP #PRE 9 (Texas A&M-Corpus Christi, continued) Major Code Chemistry CHEM General Chemistry CHEM#GNL Biochemistry CHEM#BCH Environmental Chemistry CHEM#ECH Computer Science COSC Computer Information Systems COSC #ISY Bio-Informatics COSC#BFM Systems Programming COSC#SYP Electrical Engineering Technology ELET Environmental Science ESCI Environmental Biology ESCI #EBI Environmental Chemistry ESCI #ECH Environmental Geology ESCI #EGE Geographic Information Science GISC Geomatics GISG#GEM Geographic Information Systems GISC#GIS Geology GEOL Mathematics MATH Mechanical Engineering Technology MCET College of Nursing and Health Sciences Health Sciences HLSC Nursing NURS TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY AT GALVESTON Major Code Marine Biology MARB Marine Biology License Option* MARB LO Marine Biology/Biomedical Sciences MARB/BIMS Marine Engineering Technology MARR Marine Engineering Tech License Option* MARR LO Marine Fisheries MARF Marine Sciences MARS Marine Sciences License Option* MARS LO Marine Transportation* MART Maritime Administration MARA Maritime Studies MAST Maritime Systems Engineering MASE Ocean and Coastal Resources OCRE General Academics (Undecided) GACD * Denotes participation in the U. S. Maritime Service Corps of Cadets. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITYKINGSVILLE Major Accounting Agribusiness Agriculture Science Animal Science Applied Arts & Sciences Architectural Engineering Art Art Biology Biology Chemical Engineering Chemistry Chemistry Civil Engineering Communications Communication Sciences & Disorders Community Health Computer Information Systems Computer Science Code BBA ACCT BSAG AGBU BSAG AGSC BSAG ANSC BAAS BAAS BSAE AEEN BA ARTS BFA ARTS BA BIOL BS BIOL BSCH CHEN BA CHEM BS CHEM BSCE CEEN BA COMM BS CSDO BS EDHL BBA CISA BSCS CSEN (Texas A&M University-Kingsville, continued) Major Code Criminology BS CRIM Electrical Engineering BSEE EEEN English BA ENGL Family & Consumer Sciences Education BSHS FCSE Fashion & Interiors Merchandising BSHS FIMR Finance BBA FINC Food & Nutrition Science BSHS FNSC General Business BBA GENB Geography BA GEOG Geology BA GEOL Geology BS GEOL History BA HIST Human Development and Family Studies BSHS Industrial Technology BSIT ITEN Interdisciplinary Studies BS EDID International Business Management BBA IBMN Kinesiology BS EDKN Liberal Arts (Undecided major) BS LBAR Management BBA MGMT Marketing BBA MKTG Mathematics BA MATH Mathematics BS MATH Mechanical Engineering BSME MEEN Music BM MUSI Music Education BM MUED Music Performance BM MUPR Physics BA PHYS Physics BS PHYS Plant & Soil Science BSAG PLSS Political Science BA POLS Psychology BA PSYC Range & Wildlife Management BSAG RWSC School Health BS EDSH Social Work BSW SCWK Sociology BA SOCI Spanish BA SPAN Theater Arts BA THEA Pre-Professional Programs: Pre-Dental PDNT Pre-Medicine PMED Pre-Medical Technology PMDT Pre-Nursing PNUR Pre-Pharmacy PPHR TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY-TEXARKANA Major Applied Arts & Sciences Accounting Biology Biology – Composite Science Grades 8-12 Biology – Life Science Grades 8-12 Business Administration Computer and Information Sciences Criminal Justice English (BA) English (BS) English – Language Arts Grades 8-12 English – Language Arts Grades 4-8 Finance General Business General Studies History (BA) History (BS) History Grades 8-12 History – Social Studies Grades 8-12 History – Social Studies Grades 4-8 Code BAAS AAS BBA ACCT BS BIOL BS CS12 BS LS12 BS BADM BS CIS BSCJ CJ BA ENG BS ENG BS LA12 BS LA4 BBA FIN BBA GBUS BGS GENS BA HIST BS HIST BS HI12 BS SS12 BS SS4 (Texas A&M University-Texarkana, continued) Major Code Human Resource Management BBA HRS Interdisciplinary Studies – Early Childhood – Grade 4 BSIS EC4 Interdisciplinary Studies – Early Childhood – Grade 4 w/Special Ed BSIS ECSE Interdisciplinary Studies – Science – Grades 4-8 BSIS SCI8 Interdisciplinary Studies – Social Studies/ Language Arts – Grades 4-8 BSIS SSL8 Interdisciplinary Studies – Math/Science Grades 4-8 BSIS MSC8 International Business BBA IBUS Mass Communications BS MCOM Math (BA) BA MATH Math (BS) BS MATH Math – Grades 8-12 BS MA12 Math – Grades 4-8 BS MA4 Management BBA MGT Management Information Systems BBA MIS Marketing BBA MKT Nursing BSN NURS Psychology (BA) BA PSY Psychology (BS) BS PSY Non Degree Seeking (undeclared) UGRD UNDC TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY Major College of Liberal Arts and Behavorial Communications * Speech Communications * Journalism * Telecommunications English French Spanish Fine Arts * Art * Music * Theatre History Economics General Studies * Administration * Cultural Studies Psychology Sociology Social Work Political Science Administration of Justice Dietetics Human Services and Consumer Sciences * Child and Family Development * Foods and Nutrition School of Business Accounting Finance Management Marketing School of Public Affairs * Administration of Justice * Political Science * Public Affairs College of Education Interdisciplinary Studies * Bilingual Education * Early Childhood Education * English * Mathematics * Reading * Spanish * Special Education 10 Code Sciences CM SC JOUR TC ENG FR SPAN FART ART MUSI THC HIST ECON GS GSAD GSCS PSY SOCI SOCW POLS AJ DIET HSCS CFDV FN ACCT FIN MGMT MKTG AJ POLS PA INTS IBL IEAR ISPE (Texas Southern University continued) Major Code Health HLTH * Health I (Secondary Teaching) * Health II (Non-teaching) Human Performance HP * Human Performance I (All teaching levels) * Human Performance II (Secondary teaching) College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences * Entry Level Doctor of Pharmacy PHRD * Environmental Health EH * Health Administration HA * Health Information Management HIM * Respiratory Therapy RESP * Clinical Laboratory Sciences MEDT College of Science and Technology Biology BIOL * Comprehensive BIOLO * Pre-Medical, Pre-Dental, and Pre-Veterinary * Pre-Optometry * Pre-Physical Therapy Chemistry CHEM * (ACS) American Chemical Society Approved CHEM * Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental Computer Science CS Physics PHYS Engineering Technology EENG * Biomedical Engineering Technology BMET * Civil Engineering Technology CIVT * Computer Engineering Technology COMP * Electronic Engineering Technology ELET * Environmental Engineering TechnologyEET Industrial TechnologyINDT * Construction Technology CONT* Design Technology DRFT * Automated Manufacturing TechnologyMFG Mathematics MATH Airway Sciences AS * Airway Computer Science AWSC * Airway Science Management AWSM *= Track within the major TEXAS STATE UNIVERSITYSAN MARCOS Major University College Undecided College of Applied Arts Agriculture - Animal Science Agriculture General Agriculture - Business and Management Family and Consumer Sciences - General Family and Consumer Sciences Nutrition and Foods Family and Consumer Sciences Interior Design Family and Consumer Sciences Fashion Merchandising Family and Consumer Sciences - Family and Child Development Criminal Justice Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Criminal Justice - Corrections Applied Arts and Sciences Occupational Education Applied Arts and Sciences Technology Career and Technology Education Code 100.00 110.10 112.00 113.30 121.10 123.00 124.99 125.99 126.00 150.00 151.00 153.00 178.10 178.20 180.00 (Texas State University-San Marcos, continued) Major Code College of Business Administration Accounting 511.99 Economics 514.99 Finance 515.99 Management 517.99 Marketing 518.99 Computer Information Systems 521.99 College of Education Pre-Interdisciplinary Studies (Elementary Education) 225.99 Recreational Administration 252.10 Exercise & Sports Science Physical Education 257.10 Athletic Training 258.99 Athletic Training - Pre-Physical Therapy 258.99 Health and Fitness Management 259.00 Health & Wellness Promotion 261.10 College of Fine Arts and Communication Studio Art 603.99 Art 604.10 Communication Design 606.99 Digital & Photographic Imaging 607.99 Theatre 614.99 Communication Studies 615.99 Music 650.99 Dance 655.10 Music - Sound Recording Technology 658.99 Mass Communication 670.99 College of Health Professions Health Professions Undecided 700.99 Clinical Laboratory Science 710.99 Respiratory Care 719.99 Social Work 720.99 Health Information Management 726.99 Communication Disorders 760.99 Healthcare Administration 777.99 Radiation Therapy 790.99 College of Liberal Arts International Studies International Relations 308.10 Geography - Physical Geography 313.99 Geography - Geographic Information Science 314.99 Geography - Resource & Environmental Studies 315.99 Geography - Urban & Regional Planning 316.99 Geography - Water Studies 317.99 Geography 323.99 Applied Sociology 318.00 Anthropology 321.10 Sociology 322.10 History 324.10 Political Science 326.10 International Studies 330.99 International Studies - Asian Studies 330.99 International Studies - European Studies 330.99 International Studies Interamerican Studies 330.99 International Studies Middle Eastern/African Studies 330.99 International Studies Russian/East European Studies 330.99 English 331.10 Political Science – Public Administration 332.10 French 341.10 German 343.10 Spanish 345.10 Philosophy 346.10 Psychology 360.99 (Texas State University-San Marcos, continued) Major Code College of Science Biology 401.99 Aquatic Biology 404.99 Botany 406.99 General Physiology 408.99 Microbiology 409.99 Chemistry 411.99 Zoology 412.99 Wildlife Biology 413.99 Biochemistry 419.99 Applied Mathematics 420.99 Mathematics 421.99 Computer Science 422.99 Physics 431.99 Industrial Engineering 470.99 Manufacturing Engineering 471.99 Industrial Technology 474.00 Industrial Technology – Construction 474.10 Industrial Technology – Manufacturing 474.20 Engineering Technology 477.00 TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Major Code Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Agribusiness (joint) AGBS Agricultural and Applied Economics AAEC Agricultural and Applied Economics/ General Business (dual) AGGB Agricultural Communications ACOM Agronomy AGRO Animal Science ANSC Environmental Conservation of Natural Resources ECNR Food Science FDT Horticulture HORT Interdisciplinary Agriculture (Agricultural Education) INAG Landscape Architecture LA Plant Biotechnology IPMG Pre-veterinary Medicine PVET Range Management RMGT Wildlife and Fisheries Management WFMG Agriculture Undecided AGUD Architecture Architecture ARCH Architecture (Bachelor of Science) ARBS Architecture/Business Administration (dual) BABS Architecture/Civil Engineering (dual) BACE Arts and Sciences Anthropology ANTH Biochemistry BICH Biology BIOL Cell and Molecular Biology C&MB Chemistry CHEM Classics CLAS Communication Studies COMS Economics ECO English ENGL Exercise and Sports Sciences ESS French FREN General Studies GST Geography GEOG Geology GEOL Geosciences GEOS German GERM Health HLTH History HIST International Economics IECO Latin American and Iberian Studies LAIS 11 (Texas Tech University, continued) Major Mathematics Mathematics/Computer Science (dual) Microbiology Philosophy Physics Political Science Pre-Communication Disorders Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medical Technology Pre-Medicine Pre-Nursing Pre-Occupational Therapy Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Psychology Russian Language and Area Studies Recreation & Leisure Sciences Social Work Sociology Spanish Zoology Arts and Sciences Undeclared Business Administration Accounting Business Economics Energy Commerce Finance Finance/Real Estate Emphasis General Business International Business Management Management Information Systems Marketing Business Undecided Education Multidisciplinary Sciences Multidisciplinary Studies (Elementary Education) Engineering Architecture/Civil Engineering (dual) Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering/Computer Science Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Science Construction Technology Electrical Electronics Technology Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering/Computer Science (dual) Electrical Electronics Technology Engineering Physics Engineering Technology Environmental Engineering Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Technology Petroleum Engineering Engineering Undecided Honors Natural History and Humanities (Bachelor of Arts) Honors Arts and Letters Human Sciences Apparel Design and Manufacturing Early Childhood Education (PK-4th) Family and Consumer Sciences Code MATH MACS MBIO PHIL PHYS POLS PRCD PDEN PLAW PMDT PMED PNUR POCP POPT PPAR PPHT PSY RLAS RLS SW SOC SPAN ZOOL ASUD ACCT BECO PLM FIN FINR GB IB MGT MIS MKT COBA MSCI MDS ARCE CHE CHCS CE CMPE CS CTEC ELEC EE EECS ELEC ENPH ET ENVE IE ME MTEC PETR ENUD NHHM HAL ADM EC FCS (Texas Tech University, continued) Major Food & Nutrition (Dietetics) Human Development and Family Studies Interior Design Personal Financial Planning Restaurant, Hotel and Institutional Management Retailing Substance Abuse Studies Certification Human Science Undecided Mass Communications Advertising Broadcast Journalism Electronic Media Communications Journalism News Editorial Journalism Mass Communications Photocommunications Public Relations Visual and Performing Arts Art, Communication Design Art History (Bachelor of Arts) Art, Studio Art Art Undeclared Art, Visual Studies (Teacher Certification) Dance General Studies Music Bachelor of Arts Music (Teacher Certification) Music Composition Music Performance Music Theory Music Undeclared Theatre Arts (Bachelor of Arts) Theatre, Design/Technology Theatre, Acting Code F&N HDFS ID PFP RHIM RTL SAS HSUD ADV JRBJ EMC JRNE JOUR MCOM PHOT PR ARTD ARTH STUD ARTU ARVS DAN G ST MUBA MUTC MUCP MUPF MUTH MUUD TH A THDS THAA TEXAS WOMAN’S UNIVERSITY Major Code Arts - Visual Art (BA) ART.BA Art History Clay Painting Photography Sculpture Art (BFA) ART.BFA Clay GraphicDesign Painting Photography Sculpture Arts - Performing Dance (BA) DANCE.BA Drama (BA) DRAMA.BA Music (BA) MUSIC.BA Music Therapy (BS) MUSICTHERAPY.BS Biology Biology (BS) BIOLOGY.BS Medical Technology (BS) MEDTECH.BS Business Business Administration (BBA) BUSADM.BBA Accounting (BBA) BUSACCT.BBA Management (BBA) MANAGEMENT.BBA Marketing (BBA) MARKETING.BBA Business (BS) BUS.BS Chemistry & Physics Chemistry (BS) CHEMISTRY.BS Education Interdisciplinary Studies (Elementary Ed) INTRDSPLNRYSTUD.BS (Texas Woman’s University, continued) Major Code English, Speech, & Foreign Languages English (BA) ENGLISH.BA Family Sciences Child Development (BS) CHLDDEV.BS Family Studies (BS) FAMLYSTUD.BS Family and Consumer Sciences (BS) FMLYCNSMRSCI.BS Fashion & Textiles Fashion Design (BA) FASHDESGN.BA Fashion Merchandising (BS) FASHMERCH.BS General Studies General Studies (BGS) GENSTUD.BGS History & Government Criminal Justice (BA) CRIMJUST.BA Criminal Justice (BS) CRIMJUST.BS Government (BA) GOVT.BA Government (BS) GOVT.BS History (BA) HISTORY.BA History (BS) HISTORY.BS Mathematics & Computer Science Computer Science (BS) COMPSCI.BS Mathematics (BA) MATH.BA Mathematics (BS) MATH.BS Psychology Psychology (BA) PSYCH.BA Psychology (BS) PSYCH.BS Sociology & Social Work Sociology (BA) SOCI.BA Sociology (BS) SOCI.BS Social Work (BSW) SOCIWRK.BSW Health Sciences Communication Sciences (BS) COMMSCI.BS Dental Hygiene (BS) DENTHYGN.BS Dietetics & Institutional Administration (BS) DIETINSTADMN.BS Food & Nutrition in Business & Industry (BS) FOODNUTRBUSIND.BS Health Studies (BS) HLTHSTUD.BS Kinesiology (BS) KINES.BS Nutrition (BS) NUTRITION.BS Nursing (BS) NURSENTRY.BS Pre-Occupational Therapy Child Development (BS) CHILDDEV.BS Family Studies (BS) FAMLYSTUD.BS Health Studies (BS) HLTHSTUD.BS Psychology (BS) PSYCH.BS Pre-Physical Therapy Human Biology (BS) HUMANBIOL.BS Kinesiology (BS) KINES.BS Nutrition (BS) NUTRITION.BS Psychology (BS) PSYCH.BS Undeclared Undeclared Major UND.UG THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON Major Architecture Architecture Interior Design Business Administration Accounting Business Administration Finance Information Systems International Business/French International Business/German International Business/Russian International Business/Spanish Management Production/Operations Management 12 Code ARC B ARCH ARC B INTD BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS B B B B B B B B B ACCT PBUS FINA INSY IBFR IBGR IBRS IBSP MANA BUS B POMA (UT Arlington, continued) Major Code Marketing BUS B MARK Economics BUS B ECON Real Estate BUS B REAE Education Athletic Training TED B ATTR Child Studies TED B CHST Exercise and Sport Studies TED B EXSS Interdisciplinary Studies TED B PIED Bilingual Education TED B IAED Early Childhood/Reading Ed TED B ISED Kinesiology TED B KINE Engineering ENG B PENG Aerospace Engineering ENG B P AE Civil and Environmental Engineering ENG B P CE Computer Science ENG B CS Computer Science Engineering ENG B PCSE Electrical Engineering ENG B P EE Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering ENG B P IE Mechanical Engineering ENG B P ME Software Engineering ENG B SE Liberal Arts Anthropology LAR B ANTH Art (Studio and Media Arts) LAR B ART Art History LAR B ARTH Classical Studies LAR B CLAS Communication LAR B PCOM Broadcast Communication LAR B BCMN Communication Technology LAR B CTEC Journalism LAR B JOUR Speech LAR B SPCH Criminology and Criminal Justice LAR B CRCJ English LAR B ENGL French LAR B FREN German LAR B GERM Russian LAR B RUSS Spanish LAR B SPAN History LAR B HIST Interdisciplinary Studies LAR B INTS Music LAR B MUSI Philosophy LAR B PHIL Political Science LAR B POLS Sociology LAR B SOCI Theatre Arts LAR B THEA Nursing Nursing NUR B PNUR Science Biology SCI B BIOL Biology (Health Professions) Pre-Medical* SCI B BIOL Pre-Dental* SCI B BIOL Pre-Optometry* SCI B BIOL Pre-Pharmacy* SCI B BIOL Pre-Veterinary* SCI B BIOL Allied Health* SCI B BIOL Biochemistry (jointly with UT Southwestern Medical Center) SCI B BIOC Chemistry SCI B CHEM Geology SCI B GEOL Mathematics SCI B MATH Medical Technology SCI B MEDT Microbiology SCI B MICR Physics SCI B PHYS Psychology SCI B PSYC Social Work Social Work SWK B SOCW Undecided UND B UND * Please indicate a specific health profession interest on your application. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN Because there are consistently more qualified applicants than can be adequately instructed by the faculty or accommodated within existing facilities, the University of Texas at Austin limits undergraduate admission to the number of students to whom a professional education of high quality can be provided. Availability of programs listed below is subject to change. For the most current list of UT Austin majors, see the online version of the Texas Common Application. Freshman Admission Major Code School of Architecture* Architectural Studies 908400 Architecture 909200 Architecture/Architectural Engineering (dual degree plan) 909201 Interior Design 908000 * Admission available in the fall semester only. Red McCombs School of Business* Unspecified Business/Freshman 200400 Unspecified Business/CIBER Exchange Program 200455 * Admission available in the fall semester only. Business students initially enroll without specifying a major field of study and later select a major from: • Accounting (BBA or MPA) • Business Honors Program (BBA) • Engineering Route to Business (BBA) • Finance (BBA) • International Business (BBA) • Management (BBA) • Management Information Systems (BBA) • Marketing (BBA) College of Communication* Undeclared C00100 Advertising C57100 Communication Studies, Corporate Communication C94160 Communication Studies, Human Relations C94170 Communication Studies, Political Communication C94180 Communication Sciences & Disorders, Audiology C95150 Communication Sciences & Disorders, Education of the Deaf/Hearing Impaired C95130 Communication Sciences & Disorders, Speech/Language Pathology C95140 Pre-Journalism C58300 Pre-Public Relations C86100 Radio-Television-Film C85100 * Admission available in the fall semester only. College of Education* Applied Learning & Development, Early Childhood to Grade 4 Generalist Certification Applied Learning & Development, Early Childhood to Grade 4 Bilingual Generalist Certification Applied Learning & Development, All-Level Special Education Kinesiology, Noncertification Program Kinesiology, Health Promotion & Fitness 335416 335419 335428 332341 332342 (UT Austin, continued) Major Code Kinesiology, All-Level Certification 332343 Kinesiology, pre-Sport Management 332301 Kinesiology, pre-Athletic Training 332304 * Students interested in teaching at the middle grades or secondary level must enroll in the college that houses the subject they plan to teach and pursue a program called UTeach Liberal Arts or UTeach Natural Sciences. College of Engineering Aerospace Engineering 404100 Architectural Engineering 407700 Biomedical Engineering 414700 Chemical Engineering 420100 Civil Engineering 421700 Electrical & Computer Engineering 434500 Geosystems Engineering & Hydrogeology* J00100 Mechanical Engineering 466100 Petroleum Engineering 475100 * Entering freshmen begin the Geosystems Engineering program in the Jackson School of Geosciences. College of Fine Arts* Art History (BA) 570700 Dance (BFA) 511100 Pre-Design (leading to BFA) 509700 Music 569000 Studio Art (BA) 570800 Studio Art (BFA) 509953 Theatre & Dance (BA) 570400 Theatre Studies (BFA, all-level teacher certification) 530758 Visual Art Studies (BFA, all-level teacher certification) 509956 * Special admission requirements may apply. Admission to all majors except Music is available in the fall semester only. Jackson School of Geosciences Undeclared J00100 Geoscience students initially enroll undeclared and later select a major from: • Geological Sciences (BA) • Geological Sciences (BS, option: General) • Geological Sciences (BS, option: Geophysics) • Geological Sciences (BS, option: Hydrogeology & Environmental Geology) • Geological Sciences (BS, option: Teaching) • Geosystems Engineering & Hydrogeology (BS, offered jointly with the College of Engineering) College of Liberal Arts Undeclared American Studies Ancient History & Classical Civilization Anthropology Arabic Language & Literature Asian Cultures & Languages Asian Studies Classics Czech Language & Culture Economics English Ethnic Studies, African & African American Ethnic Studies, Asian American Ethnic Studies, Mexican American French Geography German 13 L00100 L05400 L06000 L06200 L11000 L12400 L12100 L23200 L29900 L31500 L39300 L41100 L41200 L41300 L42800 L44300 L46000 (UT Austin, continued) Major Government Greek Hebrew Language & Literature History Islamic Studies Italian Jewish Studies Latin Latin American Studies Linguistics Middle Eastern Studies Persian Language & Literature Philosophy Plan II Honors Program Portuguese Psychology (BA) Psychology (BS) Religious Studies Russian Language & Culture Russian, East European, & Eurasian Studies Scandinavian Studies Sociology Spanish Turkish Language & Literature Urban Studies College of Natural Sciences Undeclared Astronomy (BA) Astronomy (BS) Biochemistry (BA) Biochemistry (BS) Biochemistry (BS, option: Computation) Biology (BA) Biology (BS, option: Cell & Molecular Biology) Biology (BS, option: Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior) Biology (BS, option: Human Biology) Biology (BS, option: Marine & Freshwater Biology) Biology (BS, option: Microbiology) Biology (BS, option: Neurobiology) Biology (BS, option: Plant Biology) Biology (BS, option: Teaching) Chemistry (BA) Chemistry (BS) Chemistry (BS, option: Computation) Chemistry (BS, option: Teaching) Clinical Laboratory Science (BS) Pre-Computer Science (BA or BS) Human Development & Family Sciences (BS, option: Early Childhood) Human Development & Family Sciences (BS, option: Families & Personal Relationships) Human Development & Family Sciences (BS, option: Families & Society) Human Development & Family Sciences (BS, option: General) Human Development & Family Sciences (BS, option: Human Development) Human Ecology (BA) Interdisciplinary Science (BS, option: Middle Grades Teaching in Mathematics & Science) Interdisciplinary Science (BS, option: Secondary School Teaching in Computer Sciences & Mathematics) Mathematics (BA) Code L47500 L48300 L48700 L50600 L56000 L57400 L58000 L59000 L59800 L61900 L64500 L75000 L76400 L79600 L81000 L83500 L84000 L85000 L87600 L92000 L90000 L91700 L92400 L93000 L94000 E00100 E12900 E12200 E13500 E13600 E13700 E14400 E14900 E14100 E14600 E14700 E14800 E15000 E15100 E14500 E20600 E20900 E21200 E21100 E66700 E27900 E53500 E54000 E54500 E55000 E52800 E52300 E60000 E61000 E65100 (UT Austin, continued) Major Code Mathematics (BA, option: Secondary Teaching) E65300 Mathematics (BS, option: Actuarial Science) E65400 Mathematics (BS, option: Applied Mathematics) E65500 Mathematics (BS, option: Mathematical Sciences) E65600 Mathematics (BS, option: Pure Mathematics) E65700 Mathematics (BS, option: Teaching) E65800 Nutrition (BS, option: Didactic Program in Dietetics) E72000 Nutrition (BS, option: Nutritional Sciences) E73000 Nutrition (BS, option: Nutrition & Health) E73500 Nutrition (BS, option: Teaching) E74000 Pre-Pharmacy E00118 Physics (BA) E78800 Physics (BS) E78900 Physics (BS, option: Computation) E80100 Physics (BS, option: Radiation Physics) E80200 Physics (BS, option: Space Sciences) E80300 Physics (BS, option: Teaching) E79100 Textiles & Apparel (BS, options: Apparel Design/Conservation or Retail Merchandising) E52300 (Textiles & Apparel students initially enroll under Human Ecology.) School of Nursing Nursing, pre-professional N71605 College of Pharmacy Pre-Pharmacy E00118 School of Social Work Social Work (pre-major sequence) S91300 Transfer Admission Major School of Architecture* Architectural Studies Architecture Architecture/Architectural Engineering (dual degree plan) Interior Design * Admission available in the fall semester Code 908400 909200 909201 908000 only. Red McCombs School of Business* Unspecified Business/Transfer 200401 Unspecified Business/ CIBER Exchange Program 200455 Degree Holder, Nondegree Seeker 200300 Transitional Students (international exchange) 200500 * Admission available in the fall semester only. Business students initially enroll without specifying a major field of study and later select a major from: • Accounting (BBA or MPA) • Engineering Route to Business (BBA) • Finance (BBA) • International Business (BBA) • Management (BBA) • Management Information Systems (BBA) • Marketing (BBA) College of Communication* Undeclared Degree Holder, Nondegree Seeker (UT Austin, continued) Major Code Advertising (fewer than 60 hours) C57100 Advertising (at least 60 hours) C57200 Communication Studies, Corporate Communication (fewer than 60 hours) C94160 Communication Studies, Corporate Communication (at least 60 hours) C94260 Communication Studies, Human Relations (fewer than 60 hours) C94170 Communication Studies, Human Relations (at least 60 hours) C94270 Communication Studies, Political Communication (fewer than 60 hours) C94180 Communication Studies, Political Communication (at least 60 hours) C94280 Communication Sciences & Disorders, Audiology (fewer than 60 hours) C95150 Communication Sciences & Disorders, Audiology (at least 60 hours) C95250 Communication Sciences & Disorders, Education of the Deaf/Hearing Impaired (fewer than 60 hours) C95130 Communication Sciences & Disorders, Education of the Deaf/Hearing Impaired (at least 60 hours) C95230 Communication Sciences & Disorders, Speech/Language Pathology (fewer than 60 hours) C95140 Communication Sciences & Disorders, Speech/Language Pathology (at least 60 hours) C95240 Pre-Journalism C58300 Pre-Public Relations C86100 Radio-Television-Film (fewer than 60 hours) C85100 Radio-Television-Film (at least 60 hours) C85200 * Admission available in the fall semester only. College of Education* Degree Holder, Nondegree Seeker 300300 Degree Holder, Secondary Certificate Seeker 300301 Degree Holder, Elementary Certificate Seeker 300302 Degree Holder, Endorsement Seeker 300303 Degree Holder, All-level Certificate Seeker 300304 Applied Learning & Development, Early Childhood to Grade 4 Generalist Certification 335416 Applied Learning & Development, Early Childhood to Grade 4 Bilingual Generalist Certification 335419 Applied Learning & Development, All-Level Special Education 335428 Kinesiology, Noncertification Program 332341 Kinesiology, Health Promotion & Fitness 332342 Kinesiology, All-Level Certification 332343 Kinesiology, pre-Sport Management 332301 Kinesiology, pre-Athletic Training 332304 * Students interested in teaching at the middle grades or secondary level must enroll in the college that houses the subject they plan to teach and pursue a program called UTeach Liberal Arts or UTeach Natural Sciences. C00100 C00300 14 (UT Austin, continued) Major Code College of Engineering Degree Holder, Nondegree Seeker 400300 Aerospace Engineering 404100 Architectural Engineering 407700 Biomedical Engineering 414700 Chemical Engineering 420100 Civil Engineering 421700 Electrical & Computer Engineering 434500 Geosystems Engineering & Hydrogeology (fewer than 60 hours)* J00100 Geosystems Engineering & Hydrogeology (at least 60 hours) 445500 Mechanical Engineering 466100 Petroleum Engineering 475100 * Students entering the University with fewer than 60 hours of transfer credit begin the Geosystems Engineering program in the Jackson School of Geosciences. College of Fine Arts* Art History (BA) 570700 Dance (BFA) 511100 Pre-Design (leading to BFA) 509700 Music 569000 Studio Art (BA)** 570800 Studio Art (BFA)** 509953 Theatre & Dance (BA) 570400 Theatre Studies (BFA, all-level teacher certification) 530758 Visual Art Studies (BFA, all-level teacher certification)** 509956 * Special admission requirements may apply. Admission to all majors except Music is available in the fall semester only. ** Studio Art and Visual Art Studies transfer students must submit a slide portfolio of their work with their application for admission. Jackson School of Geosciences Undeclared J00100 Degree Holder, Nondegree Seeker J00300 Geoscience students initially enroll undeclared and later select a major from: • Geological Sciences (BA) • Geological Sciences (BS, option: General) • Geological Sciences (BS, option: Geophysics) • Geological Sciences (BS, option: Hydrogeology & Environmental Geology) • Geological Sciences (BS, option: Teaching) • Geosystems Engineering & Hydrogeology (BS, offered jointly with the College of Engineering) College of Liberal Arts Undeclared Degree Holder, Nondegree Seeker American Studies Ancient History & Classical Civilization Anthropology Arabic Language & Literature Asian Cultures & Languages Asian Studies Classics Czech Language & Culture Economics English Ethnic Studies, African & African American Ethnic Studies, Asian American Ethnic Studies, Mexican American French Geography German L00100 L00300 L05400 L06000 L06200 L11000 L12400 L12100 L23200 L29900 L31500 L39300 L41100 L41200 L41300 L42800 L44300 L46000 (UT Austin, continued) Major Government Greek Hebrew Language & Literature History Islamic Studies Italian Jewish Studies Latin Latin American Studies Linguistics Middle Eastern Studies Persian Language & Literature Philosophy Plan II Honors Program Portuguese Psychology (BA) Psychology (BS) Religious Studies Russian Language & Culture Russian, East European, & Eurasian Studies Scandinavian Studies Sociology Spanish Turkish Language & Literature Urban Studies College of Natural Sciences Undeclared Degree Holder, Nondegree Seeker Degree Holder, Nondegree Seeker (pre-Pharmacy) Astronomy (BA) Astronomy (BS) Biochemistry (BA) Biochemistry (BS) Biochemistry (BS, option: Computation) Biology (BA) Biology (BS, option: Cell & Molecular Biology) Biology (BS, option: Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior) Biology (BS, option: Human Biology) Biology (BS, option: Marine & Freshwater Biology) Biology (BS, option: Microbiology) Biology (BS, option: Neurobiology) Biology (BS, option: Plant Biology) Biology (BS, option: Teaching) Chemistry (BA) Chemistry (BS) Chemistry (BS, option: Computation) Chemistry (BS, option: Teaching) Clinical Laboratory Science (BS) Pre-Computer Science (BA or BS) Human Development & Family Sciences (BS, option: Early Childhood) Human Development & Family Sciences (BS, option: Families & Personal Relationships) Human Development & Family Sciences (BS, option: Families & Society) Human Development & Family Sciences (BS, option: General) Human Development & Family Sciences (BS, option: Human Development) Human Ecology (BA) Interdisciplinary Science BS, option: Middle Grades Teaching in Mathematics & Science) Interdisciplinary Science (BS, option: Secondary School Teaching in Computer Sciences & Mathematics) Code L47500 L48300 L48700 L50600 L56000 L57400 L58000 L59000 L59800 L61900 L64500 L75000 L76400 L79600 L81000 L83500 L84000 L85000 L87600 L92000 L90000 L91700 L92400 L93000 L94000 E00100 E00300 E00318 E12900 E12200 E13500 E13600 E13700 E14400 E14900 E14100 E14600 E14700 E14800 E15000 E15100 E14500 E20600 E20900 E21200 E21100 E66700 E27900 E53500 E54000 E54500 E55000 E52800 E52300 E60000 E61000 (UT Austin, continued) Major Code Mathematics (BA) E65100 Mathematics (BA, option: Secondary Teaching) E65300 Mathematics (BS, option: Actuarial Science) E65400 Mathematics (BS, option: Applied Mathematics) E65500 Mathematics (BS, option: Mathematical Sciences) E65600 Mathematics (BS, option: Pure Mathematics) E65700 Mathematics (BS, option: Teaching) E65800 Nutrition (BS, option: Didactic Program in Dietetics) E72000 Nutrition (BS, option: Nutritional Sciences) E73000 Nutrition (BS, option: Nutrition & Health) E73500 Nutrition (BS, option: Teaching) E74000 Pre-Pharmacy E00118 Physics (BA) E78800 Physics (BS) E78900 Physics (BS, option: Computation) E80100 Physics (BS, option: Radiation Physics) E80200 Physics (BS, option: Space Sciences) E80300 Physics (BS, option: Teaching) E79100 Textiles & Apparel (BS, options: Apparel Design/Conservation or Retail Merchandising) E52300 (Textiles & Apparel students initially enroll under Human Ecology.) School of Nursing Nursing, pre-professional N71605 College of Pharmacy Pre-Pharmacy Degree Holder, Nondegree Seeker E00118 800300 School of Social Work Social Work (pre-major sequence) S91300 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT BROWNSVILLE College of Liberal Arts Major Associate of Arts-General Behavioral Sciences Social Work (Associate of Arts) Psychology (B.A.) Sociology (B.A.) Criminal Justice Criminal Justice (Associate of Arts) Criminal Justice (Police Adm.)(B.S.) Criminal Justice (Correctional Adm.)(B.S.) English and Speech English (B.A.) English (Secondary Option I) (B.A.) English (Secondary Option II) (B.A.) Fine Arts Department Art (Associate of Fine Arts) Art (B.A.) Art (All Level Certification - Option I) (B.A.) Music (Associate of Fine Arts) Music (B.A.) Music (All Level Certification - Option I) (B.A.) Modern Languages Spanish (B.A.) Spanish (Secondary Option I) (B.A.) 15 Code GEN.A SOCW PSYC SOCI CRIJ.A CRIJ.PA CRIJ.CA ENGL ENGL.S1 ENGL.S2 ARTS.A ARTS ARTS.A1 MUSI.A MUSI MUSI.A1 SPAN SPAN.S1 (UT Brownsville, continued) Major Code Spanish (Secondary Option II) (B.A.) SPAN.S2 Social Sciences - Bachelor of Arts Government GOVT Government (Secondary Option I) GOVT.S1 Government (Secondary Option II) GOVT.S2 Social Studies (Composite – Secondary Option IV) GOVT.S4 History HIST History (Secondary Option I) HIST.S1 History (Secondary Option II) HIST.S2 Social Studies(Composite – Secondary Option IV) HIST.S4 College of Science, Mathematics and Technology Biological Sciences - Bachelor of Science Biology BIOL Biology (Secondary Option I) BIOL.S1 Biology (Secondary Option IV) BIOL.S4 Computer Science Microcomputer Specialist (Certif) TCIS.C1 Computer Information Systems (Assoc) TCIS.A Computer Science (B.S.) COSC Drafting Technology Drafting (Certificate) (31 credit hrs) DFTG.C1 Drafting (Associate) (70 credit hrs) DFTG.A Electronics Technology Electronics Technology (Associate) (72 credit hrs) CEET.A Engineering Technology Electronic Engineering Technology (Certificate) (49 credit hrs) ELET.C2 Electronic Engineering Technology (Associate) (70 credit hrs) ELET.A Electronic Engineering Technology (B.S.) ELET Manufacturing Engineering Technology (Certificate) (44 credit hrs) MFET.C2 Manufacturing Engineering Technology (Associate) (69 credit hrs) MFET.A Manufacturing Engineering Tech (B.S.) MFET Mechanical Engineering Technology (Certificate) (44 credit hrs) MEET.C2 Engineering Technology Mechanical Engineering Technology (Associate) (69 credit hrs) Mechanical Engineering Technology (B.S.) Occupational Training Certificate Machine Shop (42 credit hrs) Industrial Technology Occupational Training Certificate Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (36) Auto Body Repair (36 credit hrs) Automotive Mechanic (39 credit hrs) Building Trades (37 credit hrs) Diesel Mechanics (37 credit hrs) Mathematics - Bachelor of Science Mathematics Mathematics (Secondary Option I) Mathematics (Secondary Option II) Physical Sciences - Bachelor of Arts Chemistry Chemistry (Secondary Option I) Physics Physics (Secondary Option I) Accounting Accounting MEET.A MEET CHN.C1 HART.C1 ABDR.C1 UMT.C1 TBTS.C1 EMR.C1 MATH MATH.S1 MATH.S2 CHEM CHEM.S1 PHYS PHYS.S1 ACCT (UT Brownsville, continued) Major Code School of Business Business Administration Business Administration (68 credit hrs) BUSI.A Applied Business Technology APBT General Business BUSI Finance FINA Management MANA Marketing MARK Business Technology Certificate of Proficiency: Accounting Technology (37 credit hrs) ACNT.C1 Clerical Specialist (15 credit hrs) CSPE.C1 International Business IBUS.C1 Office Specialist (30 credit hrs) OFSC.C1 Word Processing Specialist (47 credit hrs)WPSC.C2 Legal Office Specialist (46 credit hrs) LGLA.C2 Legal Assisting (39 credit hrs) LGLA.C1 Associate in Applied Science: Accounting Technology (65 credit hrs) ACNT.A International Business IBUS.A Legal Secretarial (68 credit hrs) LGLA.A Office Specialist (65 credit hrs) OFSA.A Word Processing Specialist (65 credit hrs)WPSA.A Tech-Prep Business Technology Office Specialist Enhanced Skills Certif (11 credit hrs) FSC.TP.C3 Office Specialist (30 credit hrs) FSC.TP.C1 AAS Office Specialist (65 credit hrs) FSC.TP.A School of Education Elementary Education Options - Bachelor of Arts Elementary Education (Academic Specialization with Academic Support) BALAS.AS.AS Elementary Education (Academic Specialization with Bilingual Education) BALAS.AS.BILC Elementary Education (Academic Specialization with Early Childhood Education) BALAS.AS.EDEC Elementary Education (Academic Specialization with Special Education) BALAS.AS.SPED Curriculum and Instruction Alternative Certification ACP Kinesiology - Bachelor of Science Kinesiology Option (Non-Certification) KINE Kinesiology-Exercise Science Option KINE.ES Kinesiology (Secondary Option I) KINE.S1 Kinesiology (Secondary Option II) BS.KINE.S2 Kinesiology All level-Option I) BS.KINE.AL School Specialties Child Care and Development Certificate of Proficiency (39 credit hrs) CDEC.C1 Child Care and Development Associate in Applied Science (65) CDEC.A School of Health Sciences Emergency Medical Technology Emergency Medical Technician Paramedic (Certificate) (52 credit hrs) EMSP.C2 Emergency Medical Technnology Paramedic (Associate) (70 credit hrs) EMSP.A Medical Lab Technology Medical Laboratory Technology (Associate) (71 credit hrs) MLAB.A Radiologic Technology Radiologic Technology (67) (Associate)RADR.A Respiratory Therapy Respiratory Therapy (72) (Associate) RSPT.A Nursing Vocational Nursing (Certif.) (52) CERT2.TVNU Associate Degree Nursing (72) RNSG.ALVN Advanced Placement Program (64) RNSG.AP Nursing Degree Completion Program for Registered Nurses (B.S.) NURS THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS Major Code Accounting & Information Management MGT BS AIM American Studies GS BA AMS Arts and Humanities A&H BA A&H Art and Performance A&H BA AP Biology NSM BA BIO Biology NSM BS BIO Molecular Biology NSM BS MB Business Administration MGT BS BA Biochemistry NSM BS BCHM Chemistry NSM BA CHEM Chemistry NSM BS CHEM Cognitive Science HD BS CGS Computer Science ECS BS CS Crime and Justice Studies SS BA CJS Economics and Finance SS BA ECO Economics and Finance SS BS ECO Electrical Engineering ECS BSEE EE Gender Studies GS BA GNDS Geography SS BA GEOG Geosciences NSM BA GEOS Geosciences NSM BS GEOS Government and Politics SS BA GOVT Historical Studies A&H BA HS Interdisciplinary Studies GS BA IS Interdisciplinary Studies GS BS IS Literary Studies A&H BA LIT Mathematical Sciences NSM BS MATH Applied Math NSM BS MAP Statistics NSM BS STAT Neuroscience HD BS NSC Nondegree UG NON UGS Physics NSM BA PHYS Physics NSM BS PHYS Psychology HD BA PSY Public Administration SS BS PA Software Engineering ECS BS SE Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology HD BS SPAU Sociology SS BA SOC Telecommunications Engineering ECS BSTE TE Undecided UG BA UND Undecided UG BS UND (Undecided = Student wants to get a degree at UT-Dallas, but has not yet decided on a major.) THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL PASO Major Accounting Anthropology Applied Mathematics Art: Ceramics Art: Drawing Art: General Art: Graphic Design Art: Metals Art: Painting Art: Printmaking Art: Sculpture Biology Chemistry Chicano Studies Clinical Lab. Sciences Communication Studies Computer Info Systems Computer Science 16 Code ACCT ANTH APMA CERM DRAW ART GRAP MTLS PNTG PRNT SCUL BIOL CHEM CHIC PCLS CMST CIS CS (UT El Paso, continued) Major Criminal Justice Dance Earth Science Economics Elec. Media Comm Engineering: Civil Engineering: Electrical Engineering: Industrial Engineering: Mechanical Engineering: Metallurgical Engineering: Met & Materials English & Am Lit English: Creative Writing Environmental Science Finance French General Business Geology Geophysics Health Sciences History Interdisc. Studies (Educ) Kinesiology Latin American Studies Life/Earth Sciences Linguistics Management Marketing Mathematical Sciences Media Advertising Microbiology Music: General Music: Perf. Keyboard Music: Perf. Orch/Band Music: Perf. Vocal Music: Theory & Comp Music Theatre Natural Science Nursing Occupational Therapy Org. Comm/Pub. Rel. Pharmacy Philosophy Physical Science Physical Therapy Physics Political Science Print Media Comm. Prod/Operations Mgmt Psychology Social Work Sociology Spanish Speech Language Pathology Theatre Arts Undecided (LA) Code CRIJ DANC EASC ECON ELME CE EE IE ME MME MT ENAL ENCW ESCI FIN FREN GENB GEOL GEOP HSCI HIST ED87 KIN LAS LESC LING MGMT MKT MATH MEDA MICR MUSG MUSK MUSO MUSV MUST MUTH NATS PNUR POT ORPR PPHR PHIL PSCI PPT PHYS POSC PRME POM PSYC PSWK SOCI SPAN PSHL THTR GENS THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXASPAN AMERICAN Major Accounting Anthropology Applied Arts & Science Art Art Biology Business Technology Chemistry Clinical Laboratory Sciences BUA SBS SBS ARH ARH SCE SBS SCE HSH Code BBA ACCT BA ANTH BAASAPAS BA ART BFA ART BS BIOL BAASBUTE BS CHEM BS CLSC (UT Pan American, continued) Major Code Communication Studies ARH BA CSTU Communication Disorders HSH BS COMD Communication - Journalism ARH BA JOUR Communication – Theatre ARH BA THEA Computer Information System BUA BBA COIS Computer Science SCE BS CSCI Computer Science SCE BSCS CSCI Criminal Justice SBS BSCJ CRIJ Dance EDU BA DANC Dietetics HSH BS DIET Economics BUA BA ECON Economics BUA BBA ECON Electrical Engineering SCE BSEE ELEN English ARH BA ENGL Finance BUA BBA FINA General Studies SBS BGS GENS Health Education EDU BS HEAE History ARH BA HIST Interdisciplinary Studies EDU BIS INTS Interdisciplinary Studies SCE BIS INTS International Business Mgmt BUA BBA INBM Kinesiology EDU BS KINE Latin American Studies ARH BA IAST Management BUA BBA MANA Manufacturing Engineering SCE BSMF MANE Marketing BUA BBA MARK Mathematics SCE BS MATH Mechanical Engineering SCE BSME MECE Mexican American Heritage ARH BA MEAH Music ARH BA MUSI Nursing HSH BSN NURS Philosophy ARH BA PHIL Physician Assistant Studies HSH BSPA PHAS Physics SCE BS PHYS Political Science SBS BA POLS Pre-Dental (Biology) SCE BS DENB Pre-Dental (Chemistry) SCE BS DENC Pre-Electrical Engineering SCE NON ELEN Pre-Engineering SCE NON ENGI Pre-Law SBS NON PLAW Pre-Manufacturing Engineering SCE NON MANE Pre-Mechanical Engineering SCE NON MECE Pre-Medical (Biology) SCE BSMEDB Pre-Medical (Chemistry) SCE BSMEDC Pre-Occupational Therapy HSH NON POCT Pre-Optometry (Biology) SCE NON POPB Pre-Optometry (Chemistry) SCE NON POPC Pre-Pharmacy (Chemistry) SCE BSPHAC Pre-Physician Assistant Studies HSH NON PPAS Pre-Social Work HSH NON PSOW Professional Improvement UG* ARH NON PRUG Professional Improvement UG* BUA NON PRUG Professional Improvement UG* EDU NON PRUG Professional Improvement UG* HSH NON PRUG Professional Improvement UG* SBS NON PRUG Professional Improvement UG* SCE NON PRUG Psychology SBS BA PSYC Psychology SBS BS PSYC Rehabilitative Services HSH BS REHS Social Studies Composite ARH BASC SOSC Social Work HSH BSW SOCW Sociology SBS BA SOCI Spanish ARH BA SPAN Undeclared Major** ARH NON UNDE Undeclared Major** BUA NON UNDE Undeclared Major** EDU NON UNDE Undeclared Major** HSH NON UNDE Undeclared Major** SBS NON UNDE Undeclared Major** SCE NON UNDE (UT Pan American, continued) * Professional Improvement Major is for students who are not seeking a degree at UTPA, but who wish to take courses for certification, career ladder, or personal/professional improvement. ** Undeclared Major is for students who want to get a degree at UTPA, but have not yet decided on a specific major. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS OF THE PERMIAN BASIN Major Code Accountancy ACIS Applied Arts & Sciences BAAS Art ARTS Biology BIOL Chemistry CHEM Child & Family Studies CHLD Communication COMM Computer Science CPSC Criminal Justice on-line CCJO Criminology CRIM Economics ECON Earth Science ERSC English ENGL Environmental Science ENSC Finance FIN Geology GEOL History HIST Humanities HUM Industrial Technology ITEC Information Systems ISYS Kinesiology KINE Management MNGT Marketing MRKT Mathematics MATH Multidisciplinary Studies MDIS Multidisciplinary Studies with MDLE Leadership Studies Concentration Political Science PLSC Psychology PSYC Social Work SWK Sociology SOC Spanish SPAN Non-Degree (student not intending to obtain a degree from UTPB) NDEG Freshman Only: Undeclared NDCL (Intend to obtain a degree from UTPB, but not yet decided on a major.) THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO Major College of Architecture Architecture Interior Design College of Business Actuarial Science Accounting Construction Management Economics Finance General Business Human Resource Management Infrastructure Assurance Information Systems Management Science Management Marketing Marketing/Tourism Mgt. 17 Code ARC INT ACS ACT CON ECO FIN GEN HRM IA IS MGS MGT MKT MKTTMG (UT San Antonio, continued) Major Code Statistics STA Pre-Business PRB* College of Education and Human Development Bilingual Education IDSIBBl Health HTH Interdisciplinary Studies IDS Kinesiology KAH Mexican American Studies MAS Special Education IDSIEDP Teacher Education IDS Undeclared- Education & Human Development UNH College of Engineering Civil Engineering CE Electrical and Computer Engineering EE Mechanical Engineering ME Undeclared Engineering UNE College of Liberal and Fine Arts Art A Art History and Criticism AHC American Studies AMS Anthropology ANT Classical Studies CLA Communication COM English ENG French FRN German GER Geography GRG History HIS Humanities HUM Music MUS Philosophy PHI Political Science POL Psychology PSY Sociology SOC Spanish SPN Undeclared-Fine Arts UNF College of Public Policy Criminal Justice CRJ Undeclared-Public Policy UNU College of Sciences Biology BIO Chemistry CHE Clinical Lab Sciences (Joint B.S.) CLS Computer Science CS Geology GEO Multidisciplinary Science MDS Mathematics MTH Physics PHY Undeclared-Sciences UNM Applied Arts and Sciences** Bachelor’s of Applied Arts and Sciences-Business BCND Bachelor’s of Applied Arts and Sciences-Education ECND Bachelor’s of Applied Arts and Sciences-Public Policy PCND * All new Business majors are admitted as Pre-Business. **Requires previous completion of the Associate in Applied Sciences Degree. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT TYLER Major Accounting Applied Arts and Sciences Art Biology Chemistry Code 0505 0815 1240 2005 2015 (UT Tyler, continued) Major Code Civil Engineering 4015 Computer Information Systems 2026 Computer Science 2025 Criminal Justice 1248 Economics 1202 Electrical Engineering 4010 English 1205 Finance 0515 General Studies 1225 Health & Kinesiology 0833 Health Professions 0830 History 1227 Human Resource Development 0815 Interdisciplinary Studies * 0807 Journalism 1210 Kinesiology 0838 Management 0525 Marketing 0530 Mathematics 2020 Mechanical Engineering 4005 Medical Technology 2010 Music 1245 Nursing 3030 Political Science 1233 Psychology 0840 Sociology 1237 Spanish 1215 Speech Communication 1220 Tech: Industrial Technology 0828 Tech: Industrial Safety 0829 Undergraduate Undecided 0001 No degree sought 0005 * The Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies leads to teacher certification at the elementary level. UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTONMAIN CAMPUS Major College of Architecture Architecture Environmental Design Industrial Design College of Business Administration Accounting Entrepreneurship Finance Management Management Information Systems Marketing Operations Management Pre - Business Administration College of Education Human Development and Family Studies Health Human Nutrition and Foods Interdisciplinary Studies Kinesiology Kinesiology - Sports Administration Kinesiology - Exercise Science Kinesiology - Movement & Sports Studies College of Engineering Biomedical Engineering Civil Engineering Chemical Engineering Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Engineering Unspecified Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Code ARC ENVDES IND DES ACC ENTR FIN MGT MIS MKT OP MGT PRE BUS HDFST HLTH HNFDS INDIST KIN KIN-SA KIN/ES KIN/MS BIOEGR CE CHE ENG CPE EE ENGR IE ME (University of Houston-Main Campus, continued) Major Code Hilton College of Hotel & Restaurant MGT Hotel and Restaurant Management HRMGT The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Anthropology ANTH Art ARTBA Art History ARTHIS Studio Art ARTSTU Classical Studies CLSTD Communication Public Relations/Advertising COM-PA Communication Science and Disorders COMDI Communication - Interpersonal Communication COMIP Communication - Journalism COMJR Communication - Media Production COMMP Communication - Organizational/ Corporate Communication COMOC Communication - Media Policy/ Media Studies COMPS Communication Unspecified COMUN Dance DANC Economics ECON English - Creative Writing ENGCW English ENGL English - Preprofessional ENGPRE French FREN German GERM German Area Studies GRSTD History HISTRY Italian Studies ITLSTD Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Unspecified LASSUN Composition MUCMP Applied Music MUSAPM Music MUSI Music Theory MUTH Philosophy PHIL Political Science POLS Psychology PSYC Russian Studies RUSSTD Studio Art - Graphic Communications SAGC Studio Art - Photography/ Digital Media SAPHDM Studio Art - Printmaking SAPR Studio Art - Painting SAPT Studio Art - Sculpture SASC Sociology SOCI Spanish SPAN Theater THE College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Biochemical/Biophysical Sciences BCPS Biology BIO Biology - Medical Technology BIO MT Chemistry CHM Computer Science CMP SCI Computer Science - Business CPSCBUS Computer Science - Systems COSCI Earth Science ERTH SC Geology GEO Geophysics GPH Interdisciplinary Science INDS SC Mathematics MTH Natural Sciences & Mathematics Unspecified NS M UN 18 (University of Houston-Main Campus, continued) Major Code Physics PHY Physics - Geophysics PHY GPH College of Pharmacy Pre - Pharmacy PRE PHA College Marketing MKT Operations Management OP MGT Pre - Business Administration PRE BUS College of Technology Computer Engineering Technology CETE Construction Management Technology CMT Construction Management Technology Surveying and Mapping CMTSM Consumer Sciences and Merchandising CSM Electrical Power Technology EPTE Information Systems Technology ISTE Logistics Technology LTE Mechanical Technology METE Technology Leadership and Supervision TELS Technology Leadership and Supervision/ Occupational Tech TELSO Undeclared Majors AAOP - Non Degree Student AAOP Intensive English Program ENG INT Pre Dental USD Pre Medicine USD Pre Nursing USD Pre Veterinary Medicine USD Summer Visiting SUM VIS University Studies USD UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTONCLEAR LAKE School of Business Accounting BS Environment Mgmt BS Finance BS Gen Business BBA Healthcare Admin BS Legal Studies BS Management BBA Marketing BBA Mgmt Info Sys BS Political Science BS Undeclared Prof Acct BS/MS Natural & Applied Sciences Biological Sci BA Biol Sci BA & 4-8 Cert Biol Sci BA & 8-12 Cert Biological Sci BS Chemistry BA Chemistry BS Physical Sci BA Physical Sci BS Environmtl Sci BS with specialization in: Environmtl Biology Environmtl Chemistry Environmtl Geology Ind Hygiene & Safety Mathematical Sci BA Math Sci BA & 4-8 Cert Math Sci BA & 8-12 Cert Mathematical Sci BS Math Sci BS & 8-12 Cert Computer Science BS Computer Syst Eng BS Computer Info Sys BS Undeclared (University of Houston-Clear Lake, continued) Human Sciences and Humanities Appld Dsgn/V Arts BA Beh Sci-Anthrop BS Beh Sci-Psyc BS Behavioral Sci BS Social Work BS Beh Sci-Sociology BS with track in: Criminology Communication BA Fit/Hmn Perf BS History BA History BA & 8-12 Cert History BA & 8-12 SS Cert Humanities BA with track in: Pre Law Literature BA Lit BA & 4-8 Engl Lang Art & Read Cert Lit BA & 8-12 Engl Lang Art Cert Undeclared School of Education Interdisciplinary (DS) EC-4 Generalist EC-4 Bilingual Gen PK-12 Generic Spec Ed 4-8 Generalist Geography BS Human Geography Physical Geography 4-8 Social Studies 8-12 Social Studies Undeclared UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTONDOWNTOWN Major Accounting Administrative Management Applied Mathematics Applied Microbiology Applied Physics Biological and Physical Sciences Biology Biotechnology Chemistry Communication Studies Computer Information Systems Computer Science Control and Instrumentation Electronics Design Criminal Justice English Finance General Business History Humanities Industrial Chemistry Interdisciplinary Studies Interdisciplinary Studies (teacher certification) International Business Management Marketing Political Science Process and Piping Design Professional Writing Psychology Purchasing and Supply Management Quantitative Methods Safety and Fire Social Sciences Sociology Structural Analysis and Design THE UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTONVICTORIA Major Code School of Arts and Sciences Applied Arts and Sciences AAS Biology BIO Science Secondary Teacher Certification* BIO:SCI Communication COM Criminal Justice CRM JST Computer Science-Computer Science CSC-CSC Computer Science-Information Systems CSC-INF Computer Science-Secondary Teacher Certification* CSC:CSC Humanities-English HUM-ENG Humanities-History HUM-HIS Humanities-English Secondary Teacher Certification* HUM:ENG Humanities-History Secondary Teacher Certification* HUM:HIS Mathematical Sciences-Mathematics MAS-MAS Mathematical Sciences-Math. Secondary Teacher Certification* MAS: Psychology PSY Computer Information Systems CIS Interdisciplinary Studies IDS STD Counseling Psychology PSY-CSG School Psychology PSY-SCH * SBEC (State Board of Educator Certification) Program School of Business Accounting BUS-ACC General Business BUS-GEN Healthcare Administration (#) BUS-HCA Management BUS-MGT Marketing BUS-MKT Business Administration B ADMIN Economic Development and Entrepreneurship (#) B EDE Global Business Administration B GLOBL # This program will be available in Fall 2006 subject to approval by the University of Houston System and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. School of Education Interdisciplinary Studies: Early Childhood-Grade 4 Generalist IDS:ESE Interdisciplinary Studies: Grade 4-Grade 8 Generalist IDS:MSE Postbaccalaureate: Teacher Certification* SED-PB Administration and Supervision/General Administration AED-ADM Administration and Supervision/Principalship* AED-PRN Administration and Supervision/Superintendency* AED-SPT Curriculum & Instruction/ VOICE Certification Program* C&I Curriculum & Instruction/ Elementary Education C&I-EED Curriculum & Instruction/Reading* C&I-RDG Curriculum & Instruction/ Secondary Education C&I-SED Counseling* CED Special Education SPE Special Education/ Educational Diagnostician* SPE-DIA * SBEC (State Board of Educator Certification) Program Nursing Program* Bachelor of Science in Nursing** NURS * This program will be available in Fall 2006 subject to approval by the University of Houston System and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. ** Must have a current RN License. 19 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS Major Code College of Arts and Sciences Allied Health AHTH Undetermined Major AUND Biochemistry PBCM Biology PBIO Chemistry – BA CHEM-BA Chemistry – BS CHEM-BSCHM Communication Studies – BA PCOM Cytotechnology – BS CYTO-BS Dance – BA DANC-BA Dance – BFA DANC-BFA Economics – BA ECON-BA Economics – BS ECON-BSECO Engineering Physics – BS BSEP-BSEP English – BA PENG Concentration Areas: Composition Creative Writing English Language Linguistics Literature Technical Writing French – BA FREN-BA Geography – BA GEOG-BA Concentration Areas: Earth Science Regional Science Geography – BS GEOG-BS Concentration Areas: Earth Science Regional Science German – BA GERM-BA General Studies – BA GNST-BA History – BA HIST-BA International Studies – BA INST-BA Journalism – BA PJUR Concentration Areas: Advertising Broadcast News Broadcast Journalism News Writing - Editorial News Writing - Freelance Photojournalism Public Relations Mathematics – BA MATH-BA Mathematics – BS MATH-BSMTH Medical Technology – BS MDTH-BSMT Music – BA MUSI-BA Philosophy – BA PHIL-BA Physics – BA PHYS-BA Physics – BS PHYS-BSPHY Pre-Architecture (Non-Degree) PRAR Political Science – BA PSCI-BA Psychology – BA PSYC-BA Psychology – BS PSYC-BS Radio, Television, Film PRTF Speech-Language Pathology/Audiology – BA SLPA-BA Social Science – BA SOSC-BA Spanish – BA SPAN-BA Theatre Arts – BA THEA-BA College of Business Administration Accounting-Pre-MS ACCT-BS Accounting Control Systems BACS-BS Business - Undetermined Major BUND Business Computer Information Systems BCIS-BBA Decision Sciences DCES-BBA Economics (Business Administration)BECO-BBA Entrepreneurship ENMG-BBA Finance FINA-BBA Financial Services FINS-BBA General Business GNBU-BBA (University of North Texas, continued) Major Code Logistics & Supply Chain Management LSCM-BBA Marketing MKTG-BBA Operations & Supply Chain Management OSCM-BBA Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management HROB-BBA Pre-Accounting PACC Real Estate REAL-BBA Risk Management and Insurance RMIN-BBA College of Public Affairs and Community Service Anthropology ANTH-BA Applied Arts and Sciences APAS-BAAS Applied Behavior Analysis BEHV-BS Applied Gerontology AGER-BS Community Service-Undetermined CUND Criminal Justice CRJS-BS Emergency Administration & Planning EADP-BS Social Work PSWR Rehabilitation Studies RHSD-BS Sociology SOCI-BA College of Education Applied Technology & Performance Improvement ATPI-BAAS Development and Family Studies DFEC-BS Education-Undetermined Major EUND Health Promotion HPRO-BS Interdisciplinary Studies (Teaching K - 8) INDE-BS Kinesiology KINE-BS Recreation & Leisure Studies RECR-BS College of Engineering Computer Engineering CMPE-BS Computer Science – BA CSCI-BA Computer Science – BS CSCI-BS Construction Engineering TechnologyCNET-BSET Electrical Engineering – BS EENG-BS Electronics Engineering Technology ELET-BSET Engineering - Undetermined Major ENUN Manufacturing Engineering Technology MFET-BSET Mechanical Engineering Technology MEET-BSET Nuclear Engineering Technology NUET-BSET School of Library & Information Sciences Information Science INSC-BS School of Merchandising & Hospitality Management Electronic Merchandising EMER-BS Home Furnishings Merchandising HFMD-BS Hospitality Management HMGT-BS Merchandising MDSE-BS SMHM-Undetermined Major HUND College of Music Composition COMP-BM Jazz Studies JAZZ-BM Artist Certificate Program in Music MARC-CER Music History and Literature MUHL-BM Music Theory MUTH-BM Music-Undetermined Major MUND Gen Choral & Instrumental Music MUTE-BM Concentration Areas: Choral/Keyboard Choral/Vocal Instrumental/Band Instrumental/Orchestra Performance (Orch. Inst) ORIN-BM Performance PERF-BM School of Visual Arts Art History – BA ARTH-BA Art History – BFA ARTH-BFA Communication Design CDES-BFA Fashion Design FASH-BFA (University of North Texas, continued) Major Code Interior Design INTD-BFA Studio Art – BFA SART-BFA Concentration Areas: Ceramics Drawing & Painting Fibers Metalsmithing & Jewelry Photography Printmaking Sculpture Visual Art Studies VART-BFA Visual Arts – Undetermined Major VUND WEST TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY College of Agriculture, Nursing and Natural Sciences Major Code Agribusiness 515 Equine Industry and Business 534 Agriculture 501 Agricultural Business & Economics 522 Animal Science 523 Integrated Past Management 531 Plant, Soil & Environmental Science 524 Allied Health Sciences 132 Biology 102 Biology/Wildlife Biology 141 Biotechnology 101 Chemistry 104 Engineering Technology (B.S.) 112 Environmental Science 105 Geology 109 Mathematics 115 Mechanical Engineering 129 Medical Technology 116 Nursing 701 Nursing (LVN) 713 Nursing (RN) 718 Physics 118 Pre-Dentistry 146 Pre-Engineering 128 Pre-Medicine 145 Pre-Pharmacy 139 Pre-Physical Therapy 144 Pre-Veterinary Medicine 505 T. Boone Pickens College of Business Accounting 301 General Business 302 Computer Information Systems 308 Computer Sciences (B.S.) 307 Economics (B.B.A.) 306 Economic (B.S., B.A.) 319 Finance 309 Management 311 Marketing 313 College of Education and Social Sciences Athletic Training 113 Criminal Justice 133 Geography 108 History 111 Sports and Exercise Science 117 Political Science 110 Pre-Law 147 Psychology 119 Public Administration 120 Social Sciences 121 Social Work 131 Sociology 122 20 (West Texas A&M, continued) Major Education Certification – Elementary Bi-Lingual Generalist, EC-4 English Language Arts/Reading English Language Arts/ Social Studies ESL Generalist, EC-4 Generalist, EC-4 Generalist, 4-8 Mathematics, 4-8 Mathematics/Science, 4-8 Science, 4-8 Social Studies, 4-8 Education Certification – Secondary Agriculture Education Art Biology Computer Information Systems History Mass Communications – Print Media Mathematics Physical Sciences, 8-12 Spanish Speech Theatre Arts Education Certification Secondary Composites Business Basic Business Composite English Language Arts Science Social Studies/Political Science Education Certification – All Level Art Generic Special Education Music Speech Communication - Theatre Arts Sports and Exercise Science Theatre Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities Applied Arts and Sciences Art Communication Disorders Dance Emergency Management Administration English General Studies Graphic Design Mass Communication-Broadcasting Mass Communication-Print Media Mass Communication-Public Relations Music Music (elective studies in Business) Music Composition Musical Theatre Music Therapy Performance Spanish Speech Communication Studio Art Theatre Undeclared Code 496 812 493 816 495 813 494 492 491 809 497 421 432 441 429 832 465 499 488 489 473 447 443 444 446 848 451 418 452 469 462 458 601 201 240 214 603 106 136 208 233 232 231 203 213 216 215 206 202 123 205 207 209 999 Texas College and University Codes These codes are used by all colleges and universities except UT Austin. Please see next page for codes used by UT Austin. 003537 Abilene Christian University 003539 Alvin Community College 000307 Alamo Community College District, Northwest College 003540 Amarillo College 022594 Amberton University 006661 Angelina College 003541 Angelo State University 003543 Austin College 012015 Austin Community College 003545 Baylor University 003548 Bishop College 003549 Blinn College 007857 Brazaosport College 021002 Brookhaven College 003561 Cedar Valley College 004003 Central Texas College 003553 Cisco Junior College 003554 Clarendon College 003546 Coastal Bend College 007096 College of the Mainland 023614 Collin County Community College District 003557 Concordia University at Austin 003558 North Central Texas College 003560 Dallas Baptist University 003563 Del Mar College 003564 East Texas Baptist University 008510 Eastfield College 004453 El Centro College 010387 El Paso Community College 003568 Frank Phillips College 006662 Galveston College 003570 Grayson County College 003571 Hardin-Simmons University 003573 Hill College 003576 Houston Baptist University 010633 Houston Community College 003574 Howard College 003575 Howard Payne University 003577 Huston-Tillotson University 003579 Jacksonville College 003637 Jarvis Christian College 003580 Kilgore College 358135 Lamar Institute of Technology 003581 Lamar University 023582 Lamar State College-Orange 023485 Lamar State College–Port Arthur 003582 Laredo Community College 003583 Lee College 003584 LeTourneau University 003585 Lon Morris College 003586 003590 003591 009797 003592 008503 003593 023154 011145 020774 003596 003598 023413 003600 003601 003602 003630 003603 003604 008504 003621 003623 003608 003606 009163 003609 012713 029136 003610 003611 109225 003613 000574 003614 003619 003616 003618 003620 003624 003625 000020 003631 003626 003627 003628 009651 003632 003565 011161 Lubbock Christian University McLennan Community College McMurry University Midland College Midwestern State University Mountain View College Navarro College Northeast Texas Community College North Harris Montgomery Community College District North Lake College Odessa College Our Lady of the Lake University Palo Alto College Panola Junior College Paris Junior College Paul Quinn College Prairie View A&M University Ranger Junior College Rice University Richland College St. Edward’s University St. Mary’s University St. Philip’s College Sam Houston State University San Antonio College San Jacinto College-Central San Jacinto College-North San Jacinto College-South Schreiner University South Plains College South Texas Community College Southern Methodist University Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf Southwest Texas Junior College Southwestern Adventist University Southwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Christian College Southwestern University Stephen F. Austin State University Sul Ross State University Sul Ross State University–Uvalde Center Tarleton State University Tarrant County College District Temple Junior College Texarkana College Texas A&M International University Texas A&M University Texas A&M University-Commerce Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi 21 003639 010298 029269 003636 003638 003641 003642 009933 009225 003634 009932 003615 003644 003645 003646 003656 003658 030646 009741 003661 003599 009930 010115 011163 003647 003572 003648 011854 003651 011711 012826 003652 013231 003588 003594 003654 003578 010060 003662 003663 003664 003665 009549 003668 003669 Texas A&M University-Kingsville Texas A&M University at Galveston Texas A&M University-Texarkana Texas Christian University Texas College Texas Lutheran College Texas Southern University Texas State Technical College-Amarillo Texas State Technical College-Harlingen Texas State Technical College-Waco Texas State Technical College-West Texas Texas State University-San Marcos Texas Tech University Texas Wesleyan University Texas Woman’s University The University of Texas at Arlington The University of Texas at Austin The University of Texas at Brownsville/Texas Southmost College The University of Texas at Dallas The University of Texas at El Paso The University of Texas-Pan American The University of Texas of the Permian Basin The University of Texas at San Antonio The University of Texas at Tyler Trinity University Trinity Valley Community College Tyler Junior College University of Central Texas University of Dallas University of Houston-Clear Lake University of Houston-Downtown University of Houston-Main Campus University of Houston-Victoria University of Mary Hardin-Baylor University of North Texas University of St. Thomas University of the Incarnate Word Vernon Regional Junior College Victoria College Wayland Baptist University Weatherford College West Texas A&M University Western Texas College Wharton County Junior College Wiley College Texas College and University Codes Used by UT Austin This table is used by UT Austin to identify colleges you previously attended. 6001 6005 6006 6261 6140 6025 6644 2680 8271 6016 6759 4969 8566 7042 6052 6032 6040 6043 6054 6130 6096 6097 6055 0169 6133 1951 6127 0794 6159 0792 8836 6156 6160 6180 6187 6203 8937 6222 6255 6605 6254 6268 6285 6282 6296 6277 6278 6280 6317 6319 6341 8037 1694 6589 6360 Abilene Christian University Alvin Community College Amarillo College Ambassador University (closed 1997) Amberton University Angelina College Angelo State University Art Institute of Dallas Art Institute of Houston Austin College Austin Community College Austin Graduate School of Theology Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary Baylor College of Medicine Baylor University Bishop College (closed 1988) Blinn College Brazosport College Central Texas College Cisco Junior College Clarendon College Coastal Bend College College of St. Thomas More College of the Mainland Collin County Community College District Concordia University at Austin The Criswell College Dallas Baptist University Dallas Christian College Dallas County Community College District (includes Brookhaven, Cedar Valley, Eastfield, El Centro, Mountain View, North Lake, & Richland Colleges) Dallas Theological Seminary Del Mar College Devry University-Dallas East Texas Baptist University El Paso Community College Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest Frank Phillips College Galveston College Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics Grayson County College Hardin-Simmons University Hill College Houston Baptist University Houston Community College System Howard College Howard Payne University Huston-Tillotson University Jacksonville College Jarvis Christian College Kilgore College Lamar Institute of Technology Lamar State College-Orange Lamar State College-Port Arthur Lamar University 6362 6363 6365 6369 6378 6429 6402 6459 6408 6465 6245 6508 6531 6517 6499 9407 6540 6550 3127 6572 6573 5861 6577 6580 6608 6609 6619 6637 6642 6643 6722 6645 6694 6647 6695 6654 6660 6666 6671 6669 6668 6705 6674 6682 6685 6817 6845 6818 6819 6838 6003 6188 6849 6822 6206 Laredo Community College Lee College LeTourneau University Lon Morris College Lubbock Christian University McLennan Community College McMurry University Midland College Midwestern State University Navarro College North Central Texas College North Harris Montgomery Community College District (includes Cy-Fair, Kingwood, Montgomery, North Harris, & Tomball Colleges) Northeast Texas Community College Northwest Vista College Northwood University-Texas Oblate School of Theology Odessa College Our Lady of the Lake University Palo Alto College Panola College Paris Junior College Parker College of Chiropractic Paul Quinn College Prairie View A&M University Ranger College Rice University St. Edward’s University St. Mary’s University St. Philip’s College Sam Houston State University San Antonio Art Institute (closed 1992) San Antonio College San Jacinto College District Schreiner University South Plains College South Texas College Southern Methodist University Southwest Texas Junior College Southwestern Adventist University Southwestern Assemblies of God University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Southwestern Christian College Southwestern University Stephen F. Austin State University Sul Ross State University Tarleton State University Tarrant County College District Temple College Texarkana College Texas A&M International University Texas A&M University-College Station & Galveston campuses Texas A&M University-Commerce Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Texas A&M University-Kingsville Texas A&M University-Texarkana 22 6151 Texas A&M University System Health Science Center 6820 Texas Christian University 6821 Texas College 6823 Texas Lutheran University 6824 Texas Southern University 6588 Texas Southmost College/UT Brownsville 6843 Texas State Technical College-Harlingen 0387 Texas State Technical College-Marshall 6328 Texas State Technical College-Waco 3137 Texas State Technical College-West Texas 6667 Texas State University-San Marcos 6827 Texas Tech University 3423 Texas Tech University-Health Science Center 6828 Texas Wesleyan University 6826 Texas Woman’s University 6831 Trinity University 6271 Trinity Valley Community College 6833 Tyler Junior College 6756 University of Central Texas (closed 1999) 6868 University of Dallas 6870 University of Houston-Main Campus 6916 University of Houston-Clear Lake 6922 University of Houston-Downtown 6917 University of Houston-Victoria 6396 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 6481 University of North Texas 6909 University of North Texas Health Science Center-Ft. Worth 6880 University of St. Thomas 6013 The University of Texas at Arlington 6882 The University of Texas at Austin 6588 The University of Texas at Brownsville/Texas Southmost College 6897 The University of Texas at Dallas 6829 The University of Texas at El Paso 6570 The University of Texas-Pan American 6914 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin 6919 The University of Texas at San Antonio 6850 The University of Texas at Tyler 6906 The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 6908 The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio 6887 The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston 9903 The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas 6303 University of the Incarnate Word 6913 Vernon College 6915 Victoria College 1537 Wade College 6930 Wayland Baptist University 6931 Weatherford College 6938 West Texas A&M University 6951 Western Texas College 6939 Wharton County Junior College 6940 Wiley College Texas County Codes 001 - Anderson 002 - Andrews 003 - Angelina 004 - Aransas 005 - Archer 006 - Armstrong 007 - Atascosa 008 - Austin 009 - Bailey 010 - Bandera 011 - Bastrop 012 - Baylor 013 - Bee 014 - Bell 015 - Bexar 016 - Blanco 017 - Borden 018 - Bosque 019 - Bowie 020 - Brazoria 021 - Brazos 022 - Brewster 023 - Briscoe 024 - Brooks 025 - Brown 026 - Burleson 027 - Burnet 028 - Caldwell 029 - Calhoun 030 - Callahan 031 - Cameron 032 - Camp 033 - Carson 034 - Cass 035 - Castro 036 - Chambers 037 - Cherokee 038 - Childress 039 - Clay 040 - Cochran 041 - Coke 042 - Coleman 043 - Collin 044 - Collingsworth 045 - Colorado 046 - Comal 047 - Comanche 048 - Concho 049 - Cooke 050 - Coryell 051 - Cottle 052 - Crane 053 - Crockett 054 - Crosby 055 - Culberson 056 - Dallam 057 - Dallas 058 - Dawson 059 - Deaf Smith 060 - Delta 061 - Denton 062 - DeWitt 063 - Dickens 064 - Dimmit 129 - Kaufman 130 - Kendall 131 - Kenedy 132 - Kent 133 - Kerr 134 - Kimble 135 - King 136 - Kinney 137 - Kleberg 138 - Knox 139 - Lamar 140 - Lamb 141 - Lampasas 142 - La Salle 143 - Lavaca 144 - Lee 145 - Leon 146 - Liberty 147 - Limestone 148 - Lipscomb 149 - Live Oak 150 - Llano 151 - Loving 152 - Lubbock 153 - Lynn 154 - Madison 155 - Marion 156 - Martin 157 - Mason 158 - Matagorda 159 - Maverick 160 - McCulloch 161 - McLennan 162 - McMullen 163 - Medina 164 - Menard 165 - Midland 166 - Milam 167 - Mills 168 - Mitchell 169 - Montague 170 - Montgomery 171 - Moore 172 - Morris 173 - Motley 174 - Nacogdoches 175 - Navarro 176 - Newton 177 - Nolan 178 - Nueces 179 - Ochiltree 180 - Oldham 181 - Orange 182 - Palo Pinto 183 - Panola 184 - Parker 185 - Parmer 186 - Pecos 187 - Polk 188 - Potter 189 - Presidio 190 - Rains 191 - Randall 192 - Reagan 065 - Donley 066 - Duval 067 - Eastland 068 - Ector 069 - Edwards 070 - Ellis 071 - El Paso 072 - Erath 073 - Falls 074 - Fannin 075 - Fayette 076 - Fisher 077 - Floyd 078 - Foard 079 - Fort Bend 080 - Franklin 081 - Freestone 082 - Frio 083 - Gaines 084 - Galveston 085 - Garza 086 - Gillespie 087 - Glasscock 088 - Goliad 089 - Gonzales 090 - Gray 091 - Grayson 092 - Gregg 093 - Grimes 094 - Guadalupe 095 - Hale 096 - Hall 097 - Hamilton 098 - Hansford 099 - Hardeman 100 - Hardin 101 - Harris 102 - Harrison 103 - Hartley 104 - Haskell 105 - Hays 106 - Hemphill 107 - Henderso 108 - Hidalgo 109 - Hill 110 - Hockley 111 - Hood 112 - Hopkins 113 - Houston 114 - Howard 115 - Hudspeth 116 - Hunt 117 - Hutchinson 118 - Irion 119 - Jack 120 - Jackson 121 - Jasper 122 - Jeff Davis 123 - Jefferson 124 - Jim Hogg 125 - Jim Wells 126 - Johnson 127 - Jones 128 - Karnes 23 193 - Real 194 - Red River 195 - Reeves 196 - Refugio 197 - Roberts 198 - Robertson 199 - Rockwall 200 - Runnels 201 - Rusk 202 - Sabine 203 - San Augustine 204 - San Jacinto 205 - San Patricio 206 - San Saba 207 - Schleicher 208 - Scurry 209 - Shackelford 210 - Shelby 211 - Sherman 212 - Smith 213 - Somervell 214 - Starr 215 - Stephens 216 - Sterling 217 - Stonewall 218 - Sutton 219 - Swisher 220 - Tarrant 221 - Taylor 222 - Terrell 223 - Terry 224 - Throckmorton 225 - Titus 226 - Tom Green 227 - Travis 228 - Trinity 229 - Tyler 230 - Upshur 231 - Upton 232 - Uvalde 233 - Val Verde 234 - Van Zandt 235 - Victoria 236 - Walker 237 - Waller 238 - Ward 239 - Washington 240 - Webb 241 - Wharton 242 - Wheeler 243 - Wichita 244 - Wilbarger 245 - Willacy 246 - Williamson 247 - Wilson 248 - Winkler 249 - Wise 250 - Wood 251 - Yoakum 252 - Young 253 - Zapata 254 - Zavala State Codes 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 364 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 362 363 365 366 367 368 AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA PR RI SO SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY CZ GU TT VI MI AS 24 Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Canal Zone Guam Pacific Trust Terr. Virgin Islands Marshall Islands American Samoa