melina r. uncapher, phd - Gazzaley Lab

 MELINA R. UNCAPHER, PHD Stanford Memory Laboratory Jordan Hall, Bldg 420 Stanford, CA 94305-­‐2130 phone: 650.492.6232 Education Stanford University Department of Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship 2012 University of California Irvine Department of Neurobiology and Behavior Ph.D. Neurobiology 2007 University of California Irvine School of Biological Sciences B.S. Neurobiology 2002, magna cum laude, Dean’s Honor List Research Experience University of California San Francisco Department of Neurology, Cognitive Neuroscience Division Theoretical Focus: Educational Neuroscience Position: Assistant Professor From: 7/15 – Present Stanford University Department of Psychology Theoretical Focus: Memory detection and lie detection; implications of memory issues on law policy and practice Position: MacArthur Scholar From: 10/13 – Present Institute for Applied Neuroscience: Science for Good Theoretical Focus: Implications of cognitive neuroscience issues on public policy and practice Position: CEO, Director of Research, Co-­‐founder From: 6/13 – Present Stanford University Department of Psychology Theoretical Focus: Implications of memory mechanisms and neuroimaging techniques on law policy and practice, on multi-­‐tasking, on depression Position: Research Scientist From: 08/12 – Present Stanford University Department of Psychology Uncapher Curriculum Vitae – 2
Theoretical Focus: Investigating mechanisms of attention on episodic encoding and retrieval, with specific focus on: interactions between perceptual binding and episodic binding, top-­‐down and bottom-­‐up influences on episodic encoding and retrieval Position: Postdoctoral Fellow From: 08/07 – 08/12 Principal Investigator: Anthony D. Wagner, PhD Center for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory University of California, Irvine Department of Neurobiology and Behavior Theoretical Focus: Investigating the relationship between selective attention and episodic encoding; Effective connectivity in neocortex during episodic retrieval Position: Postdoctoral Fellow From: 02/07 – 08/07 Principal Investigator: Michael D. Rugg, PhD Center for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory University of California, Irvine Department of Neurobiology and Behavior Theoretical Focus: Neural correlates of encoding multi-­‐featural contexts; Differential durability in the neural correlates of episodic encoding; Effects of divided attention on the neural correlates of episodic memory encoding Position: Graduate Student Researcher From: 06/03 – 02/07 Principal Investigator: Michael D. Rugg, PhD Center for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory University of California, Irvine Department of Neurobiology and Behavior Theoretical Focus: Effects of emotional content on the neural correlates of episodic memory encoding Position: Graduate Student Researcher From: 06/02 – 06/03 Principal Investigator: Larry F. Cahill, PhD University of California, Irvine Department of Pediatrics Theoretical Focus: Longitudinal investigations of temporal cortex metabolism in Down syndrome prior to the onset and throughout the progression of dementia Position: Research Assistant From: 06/01 – 06/02 Principal Investigator: Richard Haier, PhD University of California, Irvine Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology Theoretical Focus: Investigation of endogenous stem cells in neurogenesis in the adult rat Position: Undergraduate Student Researcher From: 06/01 – 06/02 Principal Investigator: James Fallon, PhD Uncapher Curriculum Vitae – 3
Teaching 2014 2012 2007-­‐2009 2003-­‐2005 2003-­‐2005 2001-­‐2002 2001-­‐2002 Invited lecturer for Psychology 109S (Stanford) Course Instructor for Psychology 50 (Stanford) Invited lecturer for Psychology 196 (Stanford) Course Instructor for Biological Sciences Neurobiology 113L (UCI) Teaching Assistant for Biological Sciences Neurobiology 113L (UCI) Biological Sciences Department Tutor (UCI) Learning and Academic Research Center paid Tutor (UCI) Competitive Fellowships, Honors and Awards 2013-­‐present MacArthur Scholar. ‘MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience, Lie and Memory Detection Working Group’; Recognition of significant depth and impact of work with the Research Network ($1,000) 2008-­‐2011 NIMH: Ruth L. Kirschstein Postdoctoral National Research Service Award. ‘Perceptual binding and episodic memory’ ($141,318) 2008 Memory Disorders Research Society Cermack/TICS/Neuron Postdoctoral Award. Awarded annually to only two postdoctoral fellows worldwide who have done outstanding research into the neuropsychology of memory. ($500) 2006 Renee Harwick Advanced Graduate Student Award. Awarded annually to one graduate student who shows strong scientific promise. ($1,000) 2005-­‐2006 University of California Frances Benton Fellowship. Awarded annually to advanced graduate students nominated by their department and school. ($10,000) 2003-­‐2004 NIMH: Predoctoral National Research Service Award ($26,158) 2003-­‐2004 Dean’s Graduate Student Travel Award ($300 each) 2002 magna cum laude 1999-­‐2001 Dean’s Honors List Ongoing Research Support 2014-­‐2016 NIMH: R21-­‐MH102696. ‘Neural Networks Underlying Impaired Information Gating in Major Depression’ Role: Co-­‐Investigator 2012-­‐2014 NIMH: R21-­‐MH099812. ‘Media Multitasking, Attention, and Memory’ Role: Co-­‐Investigator 2011-­‐2014 MacArthur Foundation’s Network on Law and Neuroscience, Lie and Memory Detection Working Group Service 2014-­‐present Editorial Board Member. Journal of Science & Law 2014-­‐present Conference chair, Steering Committee Member, Co-­‐chair Media Multitasking Working Group. National Academy of Sciences Sackler summit: Digital Media and the Developing Mind 2014-­‐present Steering Committee Member. Ist International Neurophilosophy Conference (NIH-­‐sponsored) 2014-­‐present Steering Committee Member. Stanford Conference on Neuroscience, Well-­‐being, and Art 2013-­‐present CEO, Director of Research, Co-­‐founder. Institute for Applied Neuroscience: Science for Good (California nonprofit) Uncapher Curriculum Vitae – 4
2010-­‐present Founder, Organizer. Memory, Attention, Decision-­‐making monthly speaker series (Stanford) Awarded funding by BioX for promoting outstanding cross-­‐disciplinary collaborations Professional Memberships 2006-­‐present Association for Psychological Science 2003-­‐present Society for Neuroscience 2003-­‐present Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2003-­‐2008 Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2001-­‐2003 Golden Key International Honors Society 2001-­‐2003 American Association of Anatomists Ad Hoc Refereeing American Journal of Psychology Hippocampus Behavioral Brain Research Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Brain Research Journal of Neuroscience Cerebral Cortex Journal of Neurophysiology Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience Learning & Memory Cognitive Neuroscience NeuroImage Cortex Neurobiology of Learning and Memory European Journal of Neuroscience Neuron Experimental Psychology Neuropsychologia Frontiers in Human Neuroscience PLoS Biology Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience Quarterly Journal Experimental Psychology Frontiers in Neurology Scientific Reports Publications Uncapher MR, Thieu M, AD Wagner AD (in press) Media multitasking and memory: Differences in working memory and long-­‐term memory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review Gonzalez A, Hutchinson JB, Uncapher MR, Chen J, LaRocque KF, Foster BL, Rangarajan V, Parvisi J, AD Wagner (in press) Electrocorticography reveals the temporal dynamics of posterior parietal cortical activity during recognition memory decisions. Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences. Uncapher MR, Boyd-­‐Meredith T, Chow T, Rissman J, AD Wagner (2015). Goal-­‐directed modulation of neural memory patterns: Implications for fMRI-­‐based memory detection. Journal of Neuroscience. Hutchinson JB, Uncapher MR, AD Wagner (2015) Increased functional connectivity between dorsal posterior parietal and ventral occipitotemporal cortex during uncertain memory decisions. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 117:71-­‐83. Rugg MD, Johnson JD, MR Uncapher (2014) Encoding and retrieval in episodic memory: Insights from fMRI. The Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Memory (Eds. DR Addis, M Barense, A Duarte). Uncapher MR, Gordon AM, AD Wagner (2014) Parietal mechanisms of remembering. The New Cognitive Neurosciences (Ed. M Gazzaniga). Uncapher Curriculum Vitae – 5
Hutchinson JB, Uncapher MR, Weiner KS, Bressler DW, Silver MA, Preston AR, AD Wagner. Functional heterogeneity in posterior parietal cortex across attention and episodic retrieval. (2014) Cerebral Cortex. 24(1):49-­‐66. Hutchinson JB, Uncapher MR, AD Wagner. Increased functional connectivity between dorsal posterior parietal and ventral occipitotemporal cortex during uncertain memory decisions. (2014) Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. Epub ahead of print. Uncapher MR, Hutchinson JB, AD Wagner. (2011) Dissociable effects of top-­‐down and bottom-­‐up attention during episodic encoding. Journal of Neuroscience. 31(35):12613-­‐12628. Uncapher MR, Hutchinson JB, Wagner AD (2010) A roadmap to brain mapping: Toward a functional map of human parietal cortex. Neuron. 67(1):5-­‐8. Gottlieb L, Uncapher MR, Rugg MD (2010) Dissociation of the neural correlates of visual and auditory contextual encoding. Neuropsychologia. 48(1):137-­‐144. Uncapher MR, Rugg MD (2009) Selecting for memory? The influence of selective attention on the mnemonic binding of contextual information. Journal of Neuroscience. 29(25):8270-­‐8279. Hutchinson JB*, Uncapher MR*, Wagner AD (2009) Posterior parietal cortex and episodic retrieval: Convergent and divergent effects of attention and memory. Learning & Memory. 16(6):343-­‐356. *equal contributions Uncapher MR, Wagner AD (2009) Posterior parietal cortex and episodic encoding: Insights from fMRI subsequent memory effects and dual attention theory. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 91(2):139-­‐
154. Park HK, Uncapher MR, Rugg MD (2008) Determinants of successful recollection – study task vs. study context. Learning & Memory. 15(6):417-­‐425. Rugg MD, Johnson JD, Park HK, Uncapher MR (2008) Encoding-­‐retrieval overlap in human episodic memory: a functional neuroimaging perspective. Belleville S, Castellucci V, Lacaille JC, W Sossin (eds.), The Essence of Memory, Elsevier, pp 339-­‐352. Uncapher MR, Rugg MD (2008) Fractionation of the component processes underlying successful episodic encoding: a combined fMRI and divided-­‐attention study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 20(2): 240-­‐254. Uncapher MR, Otten LJ, Rugg MD (2006) Episodic memory is more than the sum of its parts: an fMRI investigation of multifeatural episodic encoding. Neuron. 52(3): 547-­‐556. Woodruff CC, Uncapher MR, Rugg MD (2006) Neural correlates of differential retrieval orientation: Sustained and item-­‐related components. Neuropsychologia. 44(14): 3000-­‐3010. Uncapher MR, Rugg MD (2005a) Encoding and the durability of episodic memory: an fMRI study. Journal of Neuroscience. 25(31):7260-­‐7267. Uncapher MR, Rugg MD (2005b) Dual-­‐task interference effects on neural correlates of episodic encoding. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 17(12):1923-­‐1935. Uncapher Curriculum Vitae – 6
Woodruff CC, Johnson JD, Uncapher MR, Rugg MD (2005) Content-­‐specificity of the neural correlates of recollection. Neuropsychologia. 43(7):1022-­‐1032. Cahill LF, Uncapher MR, Kilpatrick L, Alkire MT, Turner J (2004) Sex-­‐related hemispheric lateralization of amygdala function in emotionally-­‐influenced memory: an fMRI investigation. Learning & Memory. 11(3):261-­‐266. Haier RJ, Alkire MT, White NS, Uncapher MR, Lott IT, Head E, Cotman CW (2003) Temporal cortex hyper-­‐
metabolism in Down syndrome prior to the onset of dementia. Neurology. 61(12):1673-­‐1679. Manuscripts in preparation Uncapher MR, Thieu M, Wagner AD. Distracted learning: neural profiles of chronic media multitaskers. Uncapher MR, Boyd-­‐Meredith T, Rissman J, AD Wagner. Decoding age and rehearsal history of real-­‐world autobiographical memories. Uncapher MR, Boyd-­‐Meredith T, Rissman J, AD Wagner. Decoding age and subjective experience of categorical source memories. Uncapher MR, Brown TI, LaRocque K, Wagner AD. Stability in hippocampal representation of faces during encoding relates to race effects in memory. Uncapher MR, DuBrow S, Hutchinson JB, AD Wagner. Remembering to attend: Separating memory and attention signals in posterior parietal cortex. Uncapher MR, Smith APR, Woodruff CC, MD Rugg. Changes in effective connectivity during differential retrieval orientation. Select Invited Presentations at Conferences, Symposia, and Workshops Institute of Medicine/National Research Council’s Board on Children, Youth, and Families rountable on Children and Technology. ‘Media multitasking and cognition: What do we know?’. Washington, D.C. May 2015. Stanford Center for Law and Biosciences speaker series. ‘Are brain imaging memory decoding methods immune to strategic countermeasures?’ Stanford Law School, Stanford, CA. Mar 2015. IFTF Future of Learning summit for San Jose Unified School District. ‘Educational neuroscience: Designing schools with the brain in mind’. Palo Alto, CA. Oct 2014. MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience, Network Meeting. Speaker for Deception and Recognition Working Group, ‘Countermeasures hinder fMRI-­‐based memory detection’. Santa Monica, CA. Oct 2014. Uncapher Curriculum Vitae – 7
MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience, Network Meeting. Speaker for Deception and Recognition Working Group, ‘Decoding long-­‐term autobiographical memory’. Santa Monica, CA. Oct 2014. San Francisco Public Defender’s Justice Summit: The Jury is Out. Panelist for ‘Can we Trust our Memories?’. San Francisco, CA. April 2014. Conference for contributors to The Cognitive Neurosciences, 5th edition. ‘Attention and episodic memory.’ Lake Tahoe, CA. July 2013. United States Dept of Veteran’s Affairs, War-­‐related Illness and Injury Study Center speaker series. ‘When clinicians and neuroimagers unite, the brain becomes more mysterious: The puzzling case of the parietal cortex.’ Palo Alto, CA. May, 2012. Fifth International Conference on Memory, Panelist. ‘Functional heterogeneity in posterior parietal cortex: A multi-­‐pronged story’. University of York, York, United Kingdom. July, 2011. Stanford University, Dept of Psychology seminar series. ‘The contributions of parietal attention mechanisms to memory formation’. Stanford University, Stanford, CA. June, 2009. Memory Disorders Research Society, Annual Meeting, Postdoctoral Award ceremony. ‘Dual attention theory and encoding: Investigating the role of the parietal lobe in episodic encoding’. Washington University, St. Louis, MO. September, 2008. University of California Irvine, Dept of Cognitive Sciences faculty colloquium. ‘From experience to memory: characterizing the neural correlates of episodic encoding’. University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA. February, 2008. Renee Harwick Advanced Graduate Student Award ceremony. ‘Episodic encoding is more than the sum of its parts’. University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA. June, 2006. University of California Irvine 2006 Medal Awards ceremony. Featured graduate fellowship recipient in a film to promote philanthropy for the university, shown during the ceremony. University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA. October, 2006. Society for Neuroscience, Irvine chapter symposium. Co-­‐organizer and panel moderator. ‘From molecules to behavior: Neuroimaging of learning and memory’. University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA. October, 2003. Conference presentations Boyd-­‐Meredith, Wagner AD, Uncapher MR (2015, Mar). Cortical reinstatement of recent and remote source memories. For: Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA. Uncapher MR, Thieu M, Wagner AD (2015, Mar). Chronic media multitasking and distraction: Neural substrates and mnemonic consequences. For: Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA. Gonzalez A, Hutchinson JB, LaRocque KF, Uncapher MR, Chen J, Foster B, Rangarajan V, Parvizi J, Wagner AD (2014, Nov). Intracranial evidence of parietal cortex involvement in the encoding of episodic memories. For: Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC. Uncapher Curriculum Vitae – 8
Thieu M Uncapher MR, Wagner AD (2014, Aug). Reduced working memory predicts impaired long-­‐term memory in chronic media multitaskers. For: Bay Area Memory Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Boyd-­‐Meredith JT, Uncapher MR, Rissman J, Wagner AD (2014, Aug) Decoding long-­‐term autobiographical memories. For: Bay Area Memory Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Uncapher MR, Boyd-­‐Meredith JT, Rissman J, Wagner AD (2014, April) Decoding the age and rehearsal history of real-­‐world memories. For: Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston, MA. Brown TI, Uncapher MR, Wagner AD (2014, April) Stability in hippocampal representation of faces during encoding relates to race effects in memory. For: Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston, MA. Uncapher MR, Chow T, Rissman J, Eberhardt J, Wagner AD (2012, October) Strategic influences on memory expression: Effects of countermeasures and memory strength on the neural decoding of past experience. For: Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA. Gonzalez-­‐Barbosa A, Hutchinson JB, Uncapher MR, Parvisi J, Wagner AD (2012, October) Decoding of recognition memory states from ECoG local field potentials in human parietal cortex. For: Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA. Uncapher MR, DuBrow S, Hutchinson JB, Wagner AD (2011, November) Temporal interplay of attention and memory during associative retrieval. For: Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC. Uncapher MR, DuBrow S, Hutchinson JB, Wagner AD (2011, August) Associative retrieval exhibits a dynamic temporal interplay between attention and memory. For: 8th Annual Bay Area Memory Meeting, Davis, CA. Uncapher MR, DuBrow S, Hutchinson JB, Wagner AD (2010, April) Remembering to attend: Separating memory and attention signals in posterior parietal cortex. For: Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Montreal, CAN. Hutchinson JB, Uncapher MR, Wagner AD (2010, April) Parietal contributions to episodic retrieval: Effects of memory and decision criteria. For: Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Montreal, CAN. Uncapher MR, Rugg MD (2009, August) Selecting for memory? The influence of selective attention on the mnemonic binding of contextual information. For: 6th annual Bay Area Memory Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Uncapher MR, Wagner AD (2009, March) What does the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) tell us about episodic encoding? A meta-­‐analysis of PPC subsequent memory effects. For: Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA. Hutchinson JB, Uncapher MR, Wagner AD (2009, March) Contributions of parietal cortex to attention and memory: Divergent processes of visual attention and episodic retrieval. For: Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA. Uncapher MR, Hutchinson JB, Wagner AD (2008, November) Attentional capture increases mnemonic capture: episodic encoding is modulated by the ventral parietal attention system. For: Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC. Uncapher Curriculum Vitae – 9
Hutchinson JB, Uncapher MR, Bressler DW, Silver MA, Wagner AD (2008, November) Episodic memory retrieval and parietal cortex: relating memory to topographic maps of visuo-­‐spatial attention and reflexive orienting. For: Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC. Gottlieb LJ, Uncapher MR, Rugg MD (2008, November) Neural correlates of within-­‐ and across-­‐modality contextual encoding. For: Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC. Uncapher MR, Hutchinson JB, Wagner AD (2008, August) From negative to positive: Harnessing the ventral attentional system to promote rather than detract from episodic encoding. For: 5th annual Bay Area Memory Meeting, Davis, CA. Hutchinson JB, Uncapher MR, Bressler DW, Silver MA, Wagner AD (2008, August) Parietal contributions to episodic memory retrieval and visuo-­‐spatial attention. For: 5th annual Bay Area Memory Meeting, Davis, CA. Uncapher MR, Rugg MD (2007, November) Attentional modulation of the neural correlates of episodic encoding. For: Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA. Uncapher MR, Smith APR, Woodruff CC, Rugg MD (2007, May) Changes in effective connectivity during differential retrieval orientation. For: Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY. Uncapher MR, Rugg MD (2006, October) The nature of divided attention tasks affects fMRI correlates of episodic encoding. For: Society for Neuroscience, Atlanta, GA. Uncapher MR, Rugg MD (2006, August) Modulation of the fMRI correlates of episodic encoding by divided attention depends on the nature of the secondary task. For: 3rd annual Bay Area Memory Meeting, Palo Alto, CA. Park HK, Uncapher MR, Rugg MD (2006, August) Determinants of successful recollection – study task vs. study context. For: 3rd annual Bay Area Memory Meeting, Palo Alto, CA. Uncapher MR, Otten LJ, Rugg MD (2006, April) Neural correlates of encoding multiple contextual attributes: an fMRI study. For: Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA. Uncapher MR, Otten LJ, Rugg MD (2006, March) Episodic encoding: more than the sum of its parts? An fMRI investigation of multifeatural encoding. For: 8th Conference on the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Irvine, CA. Uncapher MR, Rugg MD, McReynolds J, Miller J, Alkire MT (2005, November) Rapid and repeatable pharmacological blockade of human emotional memory: an fMRI investigation. For: Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C. Woodruff CC, Johnson J, Uncapher MR, Rugg MD (2005, November) Double-­‐dissociation of fusiform activity in the recollection of words and pictures. For: Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C. Uncapher MR, Rugg MD (2005, April) Effects of study-­‐test delay on the neural correlates of episodic encoding as indexed by fMRI. For: Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY. Uncapher MR, Rugg MD (2004, November) Dual-­‐task interference effects on neural correlates of episodic encoding. For: Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA. Uncapher Curriculum Vitae – 10
Uncapher MR, Alkire M, Kilpatrick L, Turner J, Cahill L (2004, April) Subsequent forgetting? Brain regions positively correlated with later failure to remember neutral and emotional pictures. For: Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA. Uncapher MR, Kilpatrick L, Turner J, Alkire M, Cahill L (2003, November) Functional anatomy involved in failure to remember emotional material. For: Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA. Uncapher MR, Kilpatrick L, Alkire M, Turner J, Cahill L (2003, October) Subsequent forgetting: Brain regions positively correlated with later failure to remember neutral and emotional pictures. For: 5th UC Irvine Society for Neuroscience Symposium, Irvine, CA. Uncapher MR, Kilpatrick L, Turner J, Alkire M, Cahill L (2003, June) Sex-­‐related differences in encoding of emotionally influenced memory: a whole-­‐brain functional analysis. NeuroImage. 19; 2(S1):S22. For: Organization for Human Brain Mapping Conference, New York, NY. Uncapher MR, Le SQ, Kinyamu R, Opole I, Fallon J (2002, April) Hematopoetic stem cells may play a role in normal neurogenesis in the adult mammalian olfactory bulb. For: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Conference; Society: American Association of Anatomists, New Orleans, LA. Le SQ, Uncapher MR, Kinyamu R, Opole I, Fallon J (2002, April) The role of hematopoetic stem cells in normal neurogenesis in hippocampus of the adult rat brain. For: Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Conference; Society: American Association of Anatomists, New Orleans, LA. 