PSY385: Neuroscience Capstone Tuesday and Thursday 8-10am SSC 107 The capstone is for students who have completed all other courses in the neuroscience minor. It is largely run by students and is intended to give you the freedom to choose topics of interest to you and to share your knowledge and enthusiasm with others. The main theme of this course is translating neuroscience information for different audiences. People with scientific training need to be able to explain their science to the wider community. 1) Teaching module: develop a teaching module about neuroscience for 4th grade students. The presentation should be approximately 10 minutes long. You will need to make a poster board which displays your topic and your presentation should be interactive. Choose something that is specific. It will be easiest if you focus on trying to get a limited amount of information across in a fun way. Useful links – have lots info and resources. see last years report The entire module should be ready for practice run the week before presentation. Assessment 15% peer comment 2) You will need to find a relatively recent popular press book (2005 and on). Choose a topic that interests you. Write a book review of the book. (approx 2000 words). Your book review will be posted on the Gustavus Neuroscience website for all to read. Book review due February 23. Assessment 15% 3) Presentation of journal papers. You will need to select one or two substantial papers to present to the class. These papers are to update the topic of your popular press book. You need to find original articles that show applications of the work, or foundational papers that explain the core topic. You will need to provide background for the topic and then in the following session present the papers. On this day one person will be responsible for leading the discussion and presenting the information All papers will need to be pre-approved to be sure that they will work for the class. There will be a common deadline for selecting papers (day to be announced). Three days prior to presentation day questions should be posted for the class. The presentations will be peer-reviewed and assessed by instructor. Assessment 20% 4) Course Participation. The course depends on participation by everyone. On days when you are helping to facilitate discussion you need to be organized and clear. On all days you need to read the material and think about the questions posed. Everyone should be able to miss a session without penalty – if you think you will miss more then we should be able to add in extra opportunities to pick up presentation points. Assessment 20% 5) Website materials You need to choose a topic to explain to an undergraduate level. Develop a web based tutorial that clearly explains the concept. Be creative!- add animations, movies, pictures, voice recordings. (We will look at some examples). This tutorial will be added to the website too along with information about the neuroscience program and students. Assessment 10% 6) Paper. Write a review of the literature in the field you have chosen. (about 5000 words) Due date March 25. Assessment 20% Week Tuesday Thursday Feb 9 & 11 syllabus Feb 16 & 18 Feb 23 & 25 March 2 & 4 March 9 & 11 Book choice Module topic discussion Books discuss Module day Book review due Papers chosen March 16 & 18 Practice * all materials due? school visit – 8:45 – 10:15 March 23 & 25 Break April 6 & 8 April 13 & 15 Nicole Literature review due Nicole ErinE April 20 & 22 ErinE AmandaS AmandaS Chelsea April 27 & 29 Chelsea Cathryn Cathryn Ashley May 4 & 6 Ashley AmandaF AmandaF Web materials due ErinW ErinW May 11 & 13 Chad May 18 & 20 Nick Mark Chad Nick Mark