CHAPTER 9: ANSWERS TO ASSIGNED PROBLEMS Hauser- General Chemistry I revised 8i03l08 9.19 Give the molecular geometries of a molecule that has the following electron domains on its central atom: (a) four bonding domains and no non-bonding domains I X TETRA I+€DR/+L //: (b) ttnee bonding domains and two nonbonding domains aa fr T- -X- S HAPEO I (c) five bonding domains and one nonbonding domain >r( leu,ARE py nnm tDA L (e) four bonding domains and two nonbonding SQUNR€ domains . )X i ?MNA{I "\ 9-21 Give the molecular geometries for the following molecules (a) HCN G) so32- L\NEAR Tftt boAJAL a{ff1,rvrrDA (c)SF+ See rA^J Fl- t .. o : and ions: r ,. ]a- C=tl: [-ljro'] F: : ;F> i, I t.Ft r. lFl t (d) * L r ci tI I J NH3cr* TETRAI+E Dffl.pF6- o cTA t+ €DR/+ : IJ I (e) (r)Nr- L\NeftR L-''r [.. l-<+ l:w-N=Nll L. J F ,. \ b-E -'ljl-r\ F; r0 rrJ CQSo"tq,ncg I I I I I I 9,29 (a) Explain why BrF+- is square planar, whereas BF+- is tetrahedral. _-a rFj l;){Gl :F bl 1.(,'f,' 'rJ _ I I TETRAHEDRAL SQUARE PLAIIAR WIIILE BOTH STRUCTURES HAVE 4 BONDS TO THE CENTRAL ATOM, TTIE BFI'ALSO HAS TWO LONE PAIRS TIIAT IMPACT THE GEOMETRY. (b) Water, HzO, is a bent molecule. Predict the shape of the molecular ion formed from the water molecule if you were able to remove four electrons to make tt rt' Ato.u H - O- Fl TIIE (H2o)4* LACKs rHE LoNE pArRs rHAT FoRCED A BENT GEoMETRy FOR WATER, THEREFORE IT HAS A LIIYEAR GEOMETRY. 9.76 The molecules SiF+, SF+, and XeF+ have molecular formulas of the type AFa, but the molecules have different molecular geometries. Predict the shape of each molecule, and explain why the shapes differ. ,. .I. tf' )_. '.:F{i' :.f.' :!:,' , lF-f rt :5'r I tF,. t ,*o.) i lF. ' TETRAHEDRAL .o ro \. /Y.i ,ir, r {' \.-, '.. ' SQUARE PLANAR SEESAW WHILE EACH STRUCTURE CONTAINS 4 BONDS ON THE CENTRAL ATOM, THE PRESENCE OF LONE PAIRS ALTERS THE GEOMETRY. 9.31 (a) Does SCl2 have a dipole moment? If so, in which direction does the net dipole point? DIPOLE MOMENT: BENT GEOMETRY LACKS SYMMETRY r. :cQ - at ^t' ) DrPor€ rt -c-Q-l T,uu/A{tD r Ay OeIruE l\s(E ENJ (A (b) Does BeClz have a dipole moment? If so, in which direction does the net dipole point? NO DIPOLE MOMENT: EQUAL AND OPPOSITE PULLS FOR THIS LIN.EAR MOLECULB. t. r. i CA-l' B?--C-Q.: r r Poanoxl Predict whether each of the following molecules is polar or nonpolar: 9.35 (a) IF ,{-f; LIN/EFIR It S=-C=S (b) cs2 NONPOLAR aa Lrlve$R l' I o'. IS\ .:/ ie ,g; (c) So: NONPOLAR (double bond not a factor here) (d) PCl3 T1tl rooru&u P uAlAa P ../r\ j9',,1: :*" POLAR (e) SFo T-R\bCIN,ftL PYRXtnt0.Fu .:. .. .F' .E r \- ti: O cxfir+qDRflL :F- ,f'it NONPOLAR :Fr I-i; ..\ F' .l !t (0IFs POLAR -l-- 5 OUftfl,A P YRAh\OAL i? -. I J-- F., ., rl, F' r | 'v.. 9.81 The PFr molecule has a dipole moment of 1.03 D, but BFr has a dipole moment zero. How can you explain the difference? of 1F; -p r.Ffi,,-ir .r ; Fz h "- Fi THE PFT MOLECULE IS TRIGONAL PYRAMIDAL, WHILE THE BF3 HAS THE SYMMETRY OF TRIGONAL PLAI\AR GEOMETRY WITH IDENTICAL SUBSTITUENTS. 9.7 The orbital diagram below presents the final step in the formation of hybrid orbitals by a silicon atom. -:i:.. -'!- What type of hybrid orbital is produced in this hybridization? Sp3 HYBRID ORBTTALS FORM FROM oNE "s" AND THREE "p" ATOMIC ORBITALS. 9.41 Consider the bonding in an MgHr molecule. (a) Draw a Lewis structure for the molecule, and predict its molecular geometry. H-Mg-H LINEAR (b) What hybridization is used in MgH2? TWO "REGIONS" CALL FOR TWO sp IIYBRID ORBITALS. 9.47 Indicate the hybridizationof the central atom (a) BCl: (c) CSz in { ,l !- .,! lCI.- -el sp2 S:- c=5 fo aa sp I I jFit (d) KrFz l- drpt (e) &i F'[, PFo- dttpt rO kc - rl ,s: ,..] - tc l* F-" t e I ADDITIONAL EXERCISE #7 *r #7 For the ion NOz a) Draw three resonance forms (use nitrogen as central atom). -i'] ['o= N : Ie= g=nJ: Fr'.- b) Predict the geometry. LINEAR (use any form) c) Predict the hybridization of the central atom. sp (use any form) 9.79 From their Lewis structures, determine the number of @ and the following molecules or ions: (a)COz 3er,2.1y (b) thiocyanate iorq NCS- ]o, alf fI xr=o:J bonds in each O= C:? e> ,^O - C 3o:6.'O= [-" lN: L" at C=S ll I e C- fdDno.nce of t lol ll (c) formaldehyde, I{2CO c 30 andlII HH (d) formic acid, HCOOH, which has one H and two O atoms attached to C. 40 t?, andtfl f{ - c- ,. g-bl ADDITIONAL EXERCISE #8 If a carbon atom is "sp" hybridized, what is the maximum number of zr bonds that this atom could be involved in? SINCE TWO p ORBITALS ARE UNHYBRIDIZED AND AVAILABLE FOR n BONDING, TWO II BONDS COULD FORIVI. ADDITIONAL EXERCISE #9 For the following structure ..... H I H-c tltll HHHHH .How many atoms atoms are spt hybridized? FOUR .How many pi (n) bonds between two carbon atoms exist in this structure? TWO 9.65 (a) What are the relationships among bond order, bond length, and bond energy? HIGHER BOND ORDER =+ SHORTER BOND LENGTH HIGHER BOND ENERGY ==> (b) According to molecular orbital theory, would either Bez or Bez+be expected to exist? Explain. o* 2p r* 2p o2p rr 2p I o* 2s I I o2s I I ENERGY Use for Li. Be. B. C. and N species Bez has 4 valence e- Diagram shows (2 BONDING wlLL NOT EXIST Bez* has 3 valence e- Diagram shows (2 BONDING CAN EXIST - - 2 ANTIBONDING) /2=0 1 ANTIBONDINGI I 2= 0.5 9.67 (a) What does the term diamagnetism mean? (b) How does a diamagnetic substance respond to a magnetic field? SUBSTAI\CES WITH NO T]NPAIRED ELECTRONS ARE NOT ATTRACTED BY A MAGNETIC FIELD. (c) Which of the following ions would you expect to be diamagnetic: Nr'- , Or2- ,8e22* STRATEGY: USE THE PROPER FRAMEWORK. COUNT VALENCE ELECTRONS WITH ADJUSTMENT FOR IONS. AI\ TJIIPAIRED ELECTRON , Cz-? LEADS TO DIAMAGNETISM. o* 2p o* 2p rr* 2p fi* o2p rr 2p rt 2p ozp o* 2s o2s U,se I I for Li. Be. B. C. and N species Nr2- 5+5+2=l2valence Or'' 6+6+2=l4valence Be22* 2+2 -Z=Zvalence Cz- 4+4+1=9valence 2p o*2s <r2s Use for O. F. and Ne species ENERGY paramagnetic diamagnetic diamagnetic paramagnetic 9.69 Using Figures 9.37 and 9.45 as guides, draw the molecular orbital electron configuration for the following. In each case indicate whether the addition of an electron to the ion would increase or decrease the bond order of the species. Brn 3 + 3 -1 = 5 valence gives paramagnetic with BO = 0.5 An extra electron will INCREASE the bond order. (b)Liz* 1+ 1- 1= l valence givesparamagneticwith BO:0.5 An extra electron will INCREASE the bond order. (a) (c) Nz* 5 + 5 -1= 9 valence gives paramagnetic with BO = 1.5 An extra electron will INCREASE the bond order. Ne22* with B0 = 1 An extra electron will DECREASE the bond order (enters antibonding MO). (d) 8 + 8 -2 = 14 valence gives diamagnetic Bond Order (BO; = (# BONDING e- minus # ANTIBONDING e-) l2 o" 2p A o* 2p I rr* 2p o2p I n* 2p I I rt 2p I Ir2p I o" 2s I o2p I o" 2s I o2s I o2s I Use for Li. Ee. B. C. and N species Use for O. F. and Ne species ENERGY