Gabrielle Filip-Crawford Curriculum Vitae Phone: (602) 460-8310 | Email: EDUCATION Ph.D., Social Psychology (2015), Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona Dissertation Title: Community Interconnectedness and Anti-Gay Behavior: A Test of the Lay Disease-Spread Model of Homosexuality Chair: Dr. Steven L. Neuberg M.A., Social Psychology (2011), Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona Thesis Title: Identity vs. Behavior: Exploring the Basis of Moral Judgments of Homosexuality Chair: Dr. Craig T. Nagoshi B.A., Psychology (2003), Mills College, Oakland, California. Senior Honors Thesis Title: Bystander Intention to Intervene in Domestic Violence Situations as a Function of Sexual Orientation Chair: Dr. Dean Morier AWARDS AND HONORS 2012, 2014 Arizona State University Graduate and Professional Student Association Grant for Conference Travel 2012 Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict Graduate Award, Arizona State University 2012 Arizona State University Graduate College Grant for Conference Travel 2012 European Association for Social Psychology Summer School, Limerick, Ireland; Travel funded by Society for Personality and Social Psychology 2010, 2011 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship – Honorable Mention 2009 Arizona State University STARS Research Excellence Fellowship 2003 Phi Beta Kappa, Mills College Filip-Crawford 2 RESEARCH Publications Filip-Crawford, G. & Neuberg, S.L. Homosexuality and pro-gay ideology as pathogens? Implications of a disease-spread lay model for understanding anti-gay behaviors. Personality and Social Psychology Review (in press). Krems, J.A., Neuberg, S.L., Filip-Crawford, G., & Kenrick, D.T. Is she angry? (Sexually desirable) Women ‘see’ anger on female faces. Psychological Science (in press). Neuberg, S.L., Warner, C.M., Mistler, S.A., Berlin, A., Hill, E.D., Johnson, J.D., FilipCrawford, G., Millsap, R.E., Thomas, G., Winkelman, M., Broome, B.J., Taylor, T.J., & Schober, J. (2014). Religion and intergroup conflict: Findings from the global group relations project. Psychological Science, 25, 198-206. Collins, R.L., Cerully, J.L., Wong, E.C., Golan, G., Yu, J., & Filip-Crawford, G. (2014). Evaluating the California Mental Health Service Authority’s stigma and discrimination reduction initiative: Year 1 findings. RAND Corporation Research Report. Nagoshi, C.T., Filip-Crawford, G., & Varley, A.H. (2013). The quantitative/positivist approach to socially constructed identities. In J.L. Nagoshi, C.T. Nagoshi, & S. Brzuzy (Eds.), Gender and sexual identity: Transcending feminist and queer theory (pp. 47-85). New York: Springer. Papers under review or revision Filip-Crawford, G., White, A.E., Neuberg, S.L., & Kwan, V.S.Y. Are angry women lesbian, and happy men gay? Emotional expression influences the perception of sexual orientation. (Being revised for submission to the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology) Siroky, D., Filip-Crawford, G., Warner, C.M., Berlin, A., & Neuberg, S.L. The perfect storm: Deprivation, mobilization, and violence. Political Research Quarterly (under review) Varley, A.H., Filip-Crawford, G., Neuberg, S.L., & Nagoshi, C.T. Atheist prejudice: Values threat and lack of belief in a moralizing god. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (under review) Filip-Crawford 3 Papers in preparation Filip-Crawford, G., Neuberg, S.L., Broome, B., Berlin, A., & Warner, C. Reducing Serious Intergroup Conflict: A Role for Religious Messages of Tolerance? (Anticipated submission to Group Processes and Intergroup Relations) Filip-Crawford, G., Wong, E., Collins, R., Cerully, J., & Rivera, N. Walk in our shoes: Evaluating a theater intervention to reduce mental illness stigma for MexicanAmerican adolescents. (Anticipated submission to the Journal of Adolescent Health) Garelick, A.S., Filip-Crawford, G., Varley, A.H., & Nagoshi, C.T. Beyond the binary: Exploring the role of ambiguity in biphobia and transphobia. (Anticipated submission to the Journal of Bisexuality) Conference Presentations Talks Krems, J. A., Neuberg, S. L., Filip-Crawford, G., & Kenrick, D. T. Is She Angry at Me? (Sexually Desirable) Women ‘See’ Anger on Female Faces. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, CA. Filip-Crawford, G. & Neuberg, S.L. (2014, November). Homosexuality and Pro-Gay Ideology as Pathogens? Empirical Tests of a Lay Disease-Spread Model. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Social Psychologists of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ. Filip-Crawford, G., Neuberg, S.L., Broome, B., Berlin, A., & Warner, C. (2014, May). Reducing Serious Intergroup Conflict: A Role for Religious Messages of Tolerance? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. Filip-Crawford, G., White, A.E., & Kwan, V.S.Y. (2014, February). Angry Lesbians and Happy Gays: Emotional Expression Influences the Perception of Sexual Orientation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX. Neuberg, S., Mistler, S., Berlin, A., Filip-Crawford, G., Hill, E., Millsap, R., & Warner, C. (2012, January). Religious Infusion and Intergroup Conflict: Findings from the Global Group Relations Project. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA. Filip-Crawford, G. (2010, February). Identity Salience and Stigma Sensitivity for Visible vs. Concealable Stigmatized Identities. Paper presented at (En)Gendering Social Inquiry: Critical Feminist Concerns, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. Filip-Crawford 4 Filip-Crawford, G. (2003, April). Bystander intention to intervene in domestic violence situations as a function of sexual orientation. Paper presented at the Mills College Departmental Research Colloquium for Psychology and Sociology, Oakland, CA. Posters Krems, J.A., White, A. E., Filip-Crawford, G., & Neuberg, S. L. (2014, February). Don’t hate me ‘cause I’m Beautiful: ‘Sexy’ females project anger onto female faces. Presented at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX. Varley, A.H., Filip-Crawford, G., Neuberg, S. L., & Nagoshi, C.T. (2014, February). Atheist prejudice: Values threat and lack of belief in a moralizing god. Presented at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX. Filip-Crawford, G., Neuberg, S., Broome, B., Berlin, A., & Warner, C. (2013, January). Reducing Serious Intergroup Conflict: A Role for Religious Messages of Tolerance? Presented at the Religion and Spirituality Pre-conference at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA. Filip-Crawford, G., White, A., & Kwan, V. (2012, April). Emotional Display and the Judgment of Sexual Orientation. Presented at the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA. Filip-Crawford, G., Varley, A., & Nagoshi, C. (2012, January). Identity vs. Behavior: Exploring the Basis of Moral Judgments of Homosexuality. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA. Filip-Crawford, G., White, A., Kwan, V. (2012, January). Angry Lesbians and Happy Gays: Judging Sexual Orientation from Emotional Displays. Presented at the Emotions Preconference at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA. Varley, A., Filip-Crawford, G., & Nagoshi, C. (2012, January). Stereotypes of and prejudice toward various religious affiliations: Beliefs about Christians, Jews, Muslims, fundamentalist Christians, theists, and atheists. Presented at the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality Pre-conference at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, California. Varley, A., Filip-Crawford, G., & Nagoshi, C. (2012, January). Gender Impression Formation: The Roles of Physical Features and Category Membership. Presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA. Filip-Crawford 5 Filip-Crawford, G. (2003, March). Bystander intention to intervene in domestic violence situations as a function of sexual orientation. Presented at the annual Western Psychology Conference for Undergraduate Research, Santa Clara, CA. Research Positions 8/2015 – present Postdoctoral Scholar, The Pennsylvania State University, Group Identity and Social Perception Lab Principal Investigator: Dr. Jonathan Cook 5/2013 – 8/2013 Summer Associate, RAND Corporation, CalMHSA Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Evaluation Project Principal Investigators: Drs. Rebecca Collins and Eunice Wong 1/2011 – 7/2012 Research Assistant, National Science Foundation Grant “AOC: The Dynamics of Religion and Conflict” Principal Investigator: Dr. Steven L. Neuberg 6/2001 – 8/2001 Research Assistant, Studies of: relative deprivation and collection action, female role models in STEM fields. UC Santa Cruz. Principal Investigator: Dr. Faye J. Crosby Additional Research Experience Prejudice and Stereotyping Lab: Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. PI: Steven Neuberg (2009 – 2015) Gender and Sexuality Lab: Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. PI: Craig Nagoshi (2009 – 2012) TEACHING EXPERIENCE Instructor, Arizona State University, Department of Psychology PSY 290 – Research Methods in Psychology Laboratory Evaluations: 1.6 on 1 to 5 scale, with 1 = most positive Spring 2015 PSY 290 – Research Methods in Psychology Laboratory Evaluations: 1.2 on 1 to 5 scale, with 1 = most positive Fall 2014 PSY 350 – Social Psychology Evaluations: 1.4 on 1 to 5 scale, with 1 = most positive Spring 2013 PSY 290 – Research Methods in Psychology Laboratory Evaluations: 1.6 on 1 to 5 scale, with 1 = most positive Spring 2013 PSY 290 – Research Methods in Psychology Laboratory Evaluations: 1.1 on 1 to 5 scale, with 1 = most positive Fall 2010 Filip-Crawford 6 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Arizona State University, Department of Psychology PSY 350 – Social Psychology Instructor: Adam Cohen Summer 2014 PSY 394 – Psychology of Advertising Instructor: Eva Szeli Spring 2014 PSY 468 – Psychology and Law Instructor: Eva Szeli Spring 2014 PSY 101 – Introduction to Psychology Instructor: Robert Short Fall 2013 PGS 350 – Social Psychology Instructor: Lynda Mae Fall 2012 PGS 351 – Honors Social Psychology Instructor: Delia Saenz Fall 2012 MENTORING EXPERIENCE LGBT Certificate Capstone Project Mentored advanced undergraduate student completing a Spring 2014 capstone project for the LGBT Certificate at Arizona State University. Supervised Research Mentor Fall 2011/Fall 2012/Spring 2013 Mentored advanced undergraduate students working on independent research projects. Research Lab Manager 8/2013 – 5/2014 Lab of Dr. Steven Neuberg, Arizona State University Responsible for recruiting and supervising undergraduate research assistants Research Lab Manager 8/2010 – 12/2012 Lab of Dr. Craig T. Nagoshi, Arizona State University Responsible for recruiting and supervising undergraduate research assistants Filip-Crawford 7 GRADUATE TRAINING Teaching: Supervised Teaching (Lani Shiota) Seminars: Interpersonal Processes (Lani Shiota), Intrapersonal Processes (Steven L. Neuberg), Self and Social Perception (Virginia Kwan), Prejudice and Stereotyping (Steven L. Neuberg), Emotions (Lani Shiota), Dynamical Systems in Psychology (Polemnia Amazeen), Genetic Psychology (Kathryn Lemery) Methodological and Quantitative Training: Analysis of Variance (David MacKinnon), Multiple Regression (Leona S. Aiken), Multivariate Analysis (Leona S. Aiken), Structural Equation Modeling (Roger E. Millsap), Advanced Regression and Statistical Graphics (Stephen G. West), Research Methods (Lani Shiota), Quasi-Experimental Design (Stephen G. West) SERVICE Professional Service Ad hoc manuscript review Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Grant Review ASU Graduate and Professional Student Association Travel Grant Competition. (2012 – 2013) ASU Psychology Department Service Peer mentor to junior graduate students Kaitlin Meyer (2012 – 2013) Jessica Bodford (2013 – 2014) Joseph Barbour (2014 – present) Graduate student representative – Culture and Prevention Science Job Search Committee (2013) Subject Pool Pre-Screening Survey Coordinator (2011 – present) Graduate Studies Committee Representative (2011 – 2012) Program committee member, First Annual Social Psychologists of Arizona Conference (2011) Filip-Crawford 8 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Society for Personality and Social Psychology Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Western Psychological Association Midwestern Psychological Association Society for the Psychology of Women (APA Division 35)