RCA Exam FAQ: Certification Details & Preparation

Version 9.2
RCA Exam
FAQ - Version 9.2
Registration Details
Am I eligible to take the exam?
Exam eligibility is based on the following prerequisites:
•• Attended training in Relativity (either from kCura, your
own company, or on-the-job)
•• Minimum of three months intensively working with
Can I attend training and then take the exam
directly after?
No, we do not offer a training/exam package. The
exam is challenging and should only be attempted by
experienced case administrators. You must wait three
months between Administrative training and sitting the
RCA exam.
What are the costs and how do I pay?
The RCA exam costs $250 per person. If you are not
successful on your first attempt and need to resit the
exam, you will also be required to pay $250. Payment
for the exam is required by credit card when registering.
What if I can’t attend?
Exam fees are non-refundable, so if you are unable to
attend an exam you’ve registered for, please contact
us at certification@kcura.com at least two days prior to
the exam to reschedule. Your advance notice will help
us better accommodate individuals on the waitlist and
better serve you in the future.
If you are unable to reschedule at the time of
cancellation, a credit will be issued to your account to
use for a future exam fee. If you cancel or reschedule
within two business days of the exam, no refund or
credit will be issued. If you reschedule an exam more
than three times, we will consider your exam as having
been cancelled and require a new fee in order to
reschedule the exam again. If you have existing credit,
please email certification@kcura.com to register for
an exam. Any credit applied to your account will expire
twelve months after the date of original issue.
Can you give the exam at my location?
Please see the Certifications page of the Relativity
website for exam locations and dates. The exam is
offered monthly in Chicago and one other location. We
typically visit the following cities: San Francisco, Los
Angeles, Houston/Dallas, New York, Boston, London,
Atlanta, or Washington, DC. We schedule exams
approximately 4-6 weeks out.
We plan on visiting the following locations in Q4 of
2015: NYC (1); London (2), San Francisco (1); DC (2)
We plan on visiting the following locations in Q1 of 2016:
NYC (3); Philadelphia (1); Atlanta (1); London (2); DC (1);
Los Angeles (1); Houston (1)
Once the date, time, and location are confirmed,
exam sessions will be posted to our website for selfregistration. You can self-register by clicking on the
exam link.
Can I take the exam online?
No. We currently only support online proctoring for our
specialty exams (Review, Analytics, Assisted Review,
Infrastructure, Processing). However, we are working to
make the RCA available online in the future.
Can you administer the exam onsite at my
If you have a group of 5 or more people interested in
taking the RCA exam, we can come onsite to proctor the
RCA exam. For more information on this option, email
Why did I receive an error when registering
for the exam?
No more than two attendees from the same company
can be registered for each open exam hosted in or
outside of Chicago. If you attempt to register for an
exam and there are already two people from your
company registered, you will receive an error message.
If this occurs, we can add you to the exam waitlist.
Is there a waitlist I can be placed on?
RCA Exam - Version 9.2 FAQ
Space is limited and will be reserved on a first-come,
first-served basis. We can add you to a waitlist if an
exam is full or if two people from your company are
registered, as indicated above. Please note you can
only be registered for one exam at a time.
What disability accommodations are
Accommodations, within reason, are possible with
ample notice. If you would like to request disability
accommodations for your exam, please email
certification@kcura.com. We will also require
documentation once we receive your request.
Exam Details
What version of Relativity is the exam on?
The RCA exam is currently run on Relativity 9.2. Please
plan accordingly when attending trainings and studying
for the exam.
What is the exam format?
All aspects of Relativity case administration are covered
on the exam. Relativity Analytics, Assisted Review, and
Processing are not on the exam. No study materials or
documentation are permitted during the exam.
The exam is delivered in two parts:
•• Hands-on project, performed in Relativity (worth 60%)
−− 75 minutes allotted
•• Online quiz, 150 questions (worth 40%)
−− 90 minutes allotted
The exam typically lasts at least three hours, so please
plan accordingly. In order to pass the RCA exam,
candidates must score a combined total score of 80% or
How can I prepare for the exam?
There are several ways to successfully prepare:
•• Read and perform the exercises in the RCA Exam
Workbook with the associated sample data provided
on the Relativity Customer Portal. International
sample data is also available. Please note that we
do not give out the exam data; therefore, use the
sample data located on the Customer Portal.
•• Be familiar with our online documentation:
−− Admin user documentation
−− Recipes
−− User quick reference guides
−− PDF downloads (Admin Guide, Creating
Relativity Dynamic Objects, Desktop Client Guide,
Searching Guide, User Guide)
•• The developer documentation is a great resource
for better understanding applications.
•• Practice the hands-on projects. Aim to complete the
projects in 60 minutes in order to give yourself some
cushion on the day of the exam.
•• Take the practice quiz; however, ensure this is not
your sole source of study. Mastering the quiz alone is
not enough to pass the exam, and these are not the
exact exam questions.
•• In addition to the documentation page, familiarize
yourself with the following pages of our website:
−− Training Center (Tutorials, Webinars, and Videos)
−− Certifications (FAQs, exam times, Q&A webinars)
−− Relativity Customer Portal | Education Center |
Certification Tracker
Is there a Relativity environment I can use to
prepare for the hands-on cases?
Yes. Access to the RCA prep environment is available
to those registered for the exam. In this environment,
you can create your own workspace and practice tasks
on the hands-on projects using the provided sample
data. Please email certification@kcura.com to request
credentials to this site.
Where can I find the hands-on projects?
You can find the hands-on projects on the Relativity
Customer Portal in the RCA Study Materials PDF.
Navigate to the Education Center | Certification Tracker.
You must have a Customer Portal account to sit the
RCA exam. If you do not have an account, one will be
created for you upon registration. For assistance with
your portal account, please email support@kcura.com.
How many hours should I plan to study?
The number of study hours varies depending on how
much experience you have with Relativity, as well
as your job function. Upon surveying previous exam
attendees, most people spend between close to 80
RCA Exam - Version 9.2 FAQ
hours studying for the RCA exam.
When does my certification expire?
Is partial credit awarded on hands-on project
Your certification is valid for 12 months. In order to
maintain your status, you can choose one of the
following options:
Yes. Partial credit is awarded on the hands-on project
tasks. Therefore, if you’re stuck, move to the next task
so that you can receive partial credit.
What can I bring with me into the exam?
We will provide the hands-on project documents for you
to use and write on during the exam. Use of phones,
iPads, headphones, etc., are not permitted during the
For exams hosted outside of kCura’s Chicago office, you
must bring a computer with the following capabilities:
•• Internet: Wireless and hard-wired
•• Retake the full exam.
•• Obtain 20 Relativity Continuing Education (RCE)
credits within 12 months of your certification. Credits
are offered for attending live webinars, trainings,
Relativity Fest, labs, and other educational events.
Reference this document for more information on
RCE credit opportunities.
Certification Tracks
How can I become a Relativity Expert?
•• Ability to allow ActiveX Control, or Admin rights to
install it
In order to become a Relativity Expert, you must be a
current RCA and obtain two specialty certifications. You
must keep all three certifications current in order to
keep your Relativity Expert status.
•• Flash v6.0.79 or later
How can I become a Relativity Master?
•• Photo ID is required
In order to become a Relativity Master, you must be a
current RCA and obtain four specialty certifications. You
must keep all five certifications current in order to keep
your Relativity Master status.
•• Chrome, Internet Explorer v10.0 or higher, or Firefox
After the Exam
When will I get my results?
The final results will be sent to you via email within 48
hours of the time of your exam.
For more information on Relativity Expert and
Master designations, please refer to the Relativity
Certifications Quick-Start Guide.
What if I do not pass?
The full exam must be taken again, which consists of
the 150-question quiz and one hands-on project for
$250. Upon failing, you must wait one week to retake
the exam. For each subsequent attempt, you must wait
one month. A maximum of four attempts per year are
allowed. If you do not pass, it is possible you will receive
the same hands-on project again.
Certification Hours
The Certification team provides assistance Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM (CST).
For all exam-related questions, please email certification@kcura.com.
RCA Exam - Version 9.2 FAQ