Unit 16/Chapter 11 Study Guide 1.

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _________________ Period: _________
Unit 16/Chapter 11 Study Guide
1. What is the frequency range of human hearing? ______ Hz to ________________ Hz
2. The function of the cochlea is to convert sound waves into _______________________________________.
3. The unit used to measure loudness is ______________________.
4. The unit used to measure frequency is _______________________.
5. The speed of sound depends on the _____________________________.
6. Sound travels in a __________________________ wave.
7. Many reflections of sound (like in concert halls) causes _____________________________________.
8. As the intensity of sound increases, the _____________________________ increases.
9. As amplitude increases, ___________________________ increases.
10. What is the function of the outer ear? ________________________________________________________
11. The length of a vibrating tube determines the ________________ produced.
12. Most musical instruments have a __________________________________ to amplify sound.
13. ________________________________ is the study of sound.
14. The way your brain interprets intensity of sound is ________________________________.
15. As frequency increases, __________________ increases.
16. A system that uses reflection of sound waves underwater is ____________________________.
17. Frequencies below 20 Hz are called _____________________________ or ___________________;
frequencies above 20,000 Hz are called ______________________________.
18. Sound intensity above _____________ dB can cause permanent hearing damage.
19. Bats use _____________________________ to navigate and find prey.
20. The three bones in the middle ear are the ____________________________________________________.
21. The quality of sound is ___________________________________________________________________
22. List the medical uses of sound waves: _______________________________________________________
23. Beats are caused by _____________________________________________________________________.
24. ________________________ instruments are played by being hit in some way; ______________________
instruments are played by plucking, striking, or drawing a bow across strings; __________________ and
______________________________ instruments are played by blowing air into a tube.
25. How would you reduce reverberation? ______________________________________________________
26. A combination of sound with a distinct pitch and specific pattern is ________________________.
27. Sound travels faster in a medium with a _____________________ temperature.
28. Sound travels fastest in ____________________________.
29. For the ___________________________________________________ to occur, either the source or the
listener must be moving.
30. Label the parts:
outer ear
ear canal
visible ear
**higher energy = higher amplitude = higher intensity = louder sound
**high pitch = sound waves compressed = decreased wavelength
low pitch = sound waves stretch = increased wavelength
inner ear
middle ear
1. 20 to 20,000
2. Nerve impulses
3. decibel (dB)
4. hertz (Hz)
5. medium
6. compressional
7. reverberation
8. loudness
9. energy
10. funnel or gather sound waves
11. pitch
12. resonator
13. acoustics
14. loudness
15. pitch
16. sonar
17. infrasonic, subsonic, ultrasonic
18. 120
19. echolocation
20. hammer, anvil, stirrup
21. the difference between sounds of the same pitch and loudness
22. pregnancy, certain types of heart disease, cancer, and kidney stones
23. different frequencies interfering
24. percussion; strings; brass and woodwinds
25. use absorbent materials such as carpets and tapestries
26. music
27. higher
28. solids
29. Doppler effect
30. Top: outer ear, middle ear, inner ear
middle: hammer, anvil
bottom: visible ear, ear canal, ear drum, stirrup, cochlea