Hicks Canyon Elementary School Procedures & Student Handbook

Hicks Canyon Elementary
A California Distinguished School
School Procedures &
Student Handbook
Cindy Agopian, Principal
Hicks Canyon Elementary
3817 Viewpark
Irvine, CA 92602
Fax 714-669-0564
Important Information
ARRIVAL: School starts promptly on time and students should not arrive earlier than 20 minutes before
their start time. Parents are encouraged to establish a “leaving-home” time with their children. No early
arrival because there is no supervision. Pupils must arrive at school no earlier than 8:10 a.m. Teachers
will supervise children after that time.
DISMISSAL: Students should go straight home. If you will be picking them up, please be on time.
We do not have the facilities to watch or take care of children after they are dismissed. All
children should be picked up no later than 3:00 p.m.
Primary students waiting for older siblings must wait on the lines in front of school or at the
courtyard in between the Husky House (lunch tables) and 2nd grade wing. Students may NOT wait
inside the gates near the two-story building. There is NO teacher supervision in this area. The stairs
must be kept clear and available to exiting students at all times. Students and parents may not go
upstairs to meet older siblings.
EARLY PICK-UP: When it is necessary to withdraw your child from class for an appointment, please
notify the teacher by e-mail or a written note the day before or early the day of the appointment.
(Preferably the day before). Unexpected classroom withdrawals cause the teachers to interrupt the
lesson to stop and give your student homework directions, etc. Please check in at the office to sign
him/her out when leaving and sign back in when returning.
TO AND FROM SCHOOL: Be sure to speak to your child about going straight to school in the morning
and straight home after school. Be sure that you inform him/her to let the office know immediately if
there are problems with strangers, etc., on the way to and from school. Let him/her know that we are
here to help.
PARENT SUPERVISION BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL: Parents on campus before and/or after school
should supervise their children. The same orderly behaviors are expected of the children before
and after school. Parents should be cautious not to lose sight of their children while talking with
other parents.
Please see additional arrival and departure times and procedures
at the end of the handbook.
Tustin Unified School District
Elementary Attendance and Tardy Procedures
The Board of Education believes that regular and punctual attendance in school is essential to a student’s
success. Absence from school is one of the greatest contributing factors to unsatisfactory schoolwork.
Pupils are required by law and Education Code 48260 to attend school punctually and regularly. Any
pupil subject to compulsory full-time education who is absent from school without valid excuse three
days in one school year or tardy for more than 30-minutes during the school day without valid excuse on
three occasions in one school year is a truant and shall be reported to the attendance supervisor or to the
superintendent of the school district.
Regular attendance at school is important for every student for the following reasons:
Students need to be in class to learn.
The teaching-learning process builds on lessons previously taught.
Lessons often involve hands-on activities, which cannot be duplicated with paper and
pencil assignments outside of class.
Students who miss a day of school suffer because that day of instruction cannot be
Students develop the habits of good attendance and punctuality for future careers.
School funding is dependent on student attendance.
Excused Absences (defined by school laws of the State of California) are absences for illness; medical,
dental or optometric appointments; or attendance at a funeral service for a family member.
Unexcused Absences are absences for any reason other than those listed as an excused absence.
Consequences for Truancy or Absence: On the student’s first day back to school after an absence, the
student must bring a signed written note from his/her parent/guardian which lists the date of the
absence and the specific reason for the absence. In lieu of a written note, a parent/guardian may call the
school office or e-mail the school secretary.
Further monitoring includes:
5 absences in one trimester
After 10 absences
After 16 absences
After 2 unexcused absences
After 3 unexcused absences
Letter sent home
Letter sent/parent conference
Student labeled “At Risk” for retention
Parent conference/letter notifying of possible referral to SARB
Referral to SARB
Parents may report an absence by reporting the child’s name, grade, reason for the absence and your
relationship to the child, one of the following ways:
 Log onto the school website www.hickscanyon.org. Click on Report an Absence
 Call the school office 714-734-1878 at ext. 102.
Illness and doctor/court appointments are considered “excused”. All other absences are considered
“unexcused” and should be avoided. Children should not be sent to school when they are ill. Children
must be fever free (under 100 degrees) for 24 hours before returning to school. It is a parent’s
responsibility to pick up their student in a timely manner if they are being sent home from school due to
illness. The student must be checked out of school by an authorized adult (there is a sign-out sheet in the
office). Students are not allowed to leave on their own under any circumstances. Students should never
use a cell phone to contact parents to pick them up.
We have a 5 minute warning bell at 8:25. Students should be lined up in an orderly manner with their
class when this bell rings. The start of school bell rings at 8:30. Any student who arrives on campus after
the start of school bell rings must go to the office for a tardy slip. It is critical that all students are in the
habit of arriving at school on time and ready to learn.
Excused Tardies
Medical or dental appointments for the student only.
Sick/not feeling well
Immediate family member funeral
Court appearance
All other reasons for tardiness are unexcused. Any unexcused tardies count against perfect attendance.
Any student tardy 15 minutes after the start of school, 8:30, must have a parent walk the student into the
office to get a tardy slip.
Note: A student is considered tardy if he/she arrives after the start of school bell rings at 8:30.
Trips, Vacations, Family Business: Students and their parents may request a Limited Independent
Study when it is necessary for the family to be away from school because of a trip, vacation, or family
business. Independent Study is valid for not less than 5 school days. but not more than 10 days per
request. Limited Independent Study must be approved prior to the trip.
Independent Study is an optional educational alternative.
 A parent of the student shall complete the Master Agreement for Independent Study in the school
office no less than one (1) week prior to absence.
 Independent Study will only be authorized if the student will be missing no less than five (5)
school days and no more than ten (10) school days for the school year.
 The teacher will provide the work to the student on the last day the student is present at school.
 The student must return the completed work to the teacher on the first day of his/her return. No
partially completed work will be accepted for credit.
Please let the office know ahead of time if you are moving. We can put together the papers you will need
to enroll in your new school. All textbooks, workbooks and library books need to be turned in
before leaving.
Please be sure to keep the office informed of any new home, work or cell phone numbers. We will put the
information on your child’s Emergency Card and update your information in our data base. If you have a
new address, you will need to bring in proof of residence to the office.
When your child’s physician prescribes medication be administered during school hours, state law
requires that the physician sign the appropriate district form giving the dosage and related information,
which is kept on file in the health office. Parents must sign the release allowing the school personnel to
dispense medication. All medication (including Tylenol, and Benadryl) must be under the supervision of
school personnel. Absolutely no medication may be kept in a student’s possession. Forms for medication
are available from the office.
It is imperative to inform you that we currently have students, and staff members, who are acutely
allergic to peanuts and all tree nuts. If peanut butter, or even the slightest trace amount of peanut or any
type of nut, enters his/her body (through the eyes, nose or mouth, and even skin contact), he/she could
experience very strong reactions and would require emergency medical treatment.
After discussions with district staff and those in the medical community, it has been suggested that the
best way to provide a safe environment for these students would be to enlist the support of the parents to
help make his classroom a “peanut and nut-free environment.” We are asking our students to avoid
bringing snacks with any peanut butter or nuts. In addition, we appreciate you considering the reality
that many food products contain “hidden” ingredients where cross-contamination may occur. We realize
this request may pose an inconvenience for you when packing your child’s snack and lunch. However, we
wish to express sincere appreciation for your support and understanding of this potentially lifethreatening allergy.
If your child has eaten peanuts/nuts before coming to school, please be sure your child’s hands and face
have been thoroughly washed before entering the school. In addition, students may be asked to use a
baby wipe to wipe their hands before entering the class and/or before going to play. If you would like
more information, literature will be available on our school website as well as with your child’s teacher
suggesting healthy and nutritious alternatives to peanuts, nuts and their by-products.
School lunches will be offered daily for $2.75. Milk (.50 cents) will also be sold separately for those
bringing sack lunches.
Parents can prepay for student lunches by sending a check (payable to the TUSD) or cash with their child,
for as many lunches as they choose. Students have a prepaid computerized account and are able to
access their account by using their student number. The office, cafeteria and the teachers have the
student numbers in order to help students with this process. See flier in this packet for detailed
information to create an account on www.myLunchMoney.com.
The teachers, principal, secretaries and all other staff members try to make this a successful year for each
student. Please confer with your child’s teacher immediately when a problem arises. They can help solve
issues before they become big problems. The entire staff practices the “open door” policy.
Toys and personal items (electronic or otherwise) may not be brought to school without prior permission
from a teacher. Any item which causes a distraction to the learning process will be taken from the
student. The school/staff assumes no responsibility for any personal item which is brought on campus.
Articles such as jackets, sweaters, lunch boxes should be clearly marked with the student’s name. Specific
items prohibited are: Skateboards, Roller Skates, and Roller Blades, to and from school are prohibited.
Radios, Game Boys, trading cards, and chewing gum are not allowed at school.
Students are prohibited from using cell phones on campus unless the student has received permission
from their teacher or other authorized school employee. If the student is given permission they will be
directed where to go to use the cell phone. If a student is found using their cell phone on campus without
permission, the cell phone will be taken and locked in the office or classroom by the teacher, until the
parent comes to pick it up.
We encourage you to use the school website for up-to-date information. (See attached PTO email form.)
Husky Howl is sent via email each Friday to communicate all important activities. Review the Husky
Howl for important dates and events. You may access the Husky Howl on our website
The Hicks Canyon Calendar can be viewed at Quick Links. Please be sure to bookmark our website
for this important information.
If you do not have a current email account, you may obtain a copy of the Husky Howl from the school
lobby bulletin turn-style.
Keep kids focused on what is important ~ wear the school uniform.
Parents should focus on getting their children (especially grades 3 & 4) to follow the uniform policy. Save
Wednesday (Spirit day) and Friday (Free dress) for days to be out of uniform. Uniforms save time in the
morning and money. Uniforms also help students focus on what is important – learning and not about
the latest jeans, shirt, or accessories.
Uniform guidelines are listed below. Parents are encouraged to follow these guidelines for their children.
Pants, skirt or shorts: Navy or Khaki
Jumper: Navy or plaid “Nordstrom”
Shirt with collar: Red, Burgundy, White, Gray or Navy
Polo Shirt: Red, Burgundy, White, Gray or Navy
Pants and Shorts: Navy or Khaki.
These items are available at Penney’s, Target, Nordstrom, Kohl’s, Old Navy and Lands End. Lands Ends
ordering information can be found on the school website at www.tustin.k12.ca.us/hickscanyon
In addition, we particularly encourage spirit wear, ”Husky” T-Shirts on Wednesdays (Spirit Days). This
option consists of khaki or navy pants, shirts or shorts, and the “Husky” T-Shirts. These t-shirts are
available for sale from our PTO.
Fridays are Free Dress Day. On Friday, students may wear jeans. Shirts should not say negative
comments such as “Here Comes Trouble” etc. Students must adhere to TUSD dress code policy (refer
to the Tustin Unified School District website at www.tustin.k12.ca.us).
Rainy day arrangements should be made ahead of time. Please discuss with your child what procedures
to follow when it rains so that he/she will know ahead of time whether or not he/she will be picked up.
Please make sure your children label all removable clothing, lunch pails, etc. with their name. The lost
and found cart is kept outside the main building across from the lunch tables. All unclaimed items are
donated to charity at the end of December, March, and June. It is amazing to see how quickly items collect
in the lost and found and how few items are actually returned to their owner due to lack of identification
on clothing etc.
We understand that birthdays are very special to children. However, we do not allow birthday parties to
be celebrated at school. Our first priority is to ensure that all students learn, so instructional time will be
spent for instructional purposes. If you would like to provide a small and simple snack or “treat” for
students in order to recognize your child’s birthday, please contact the teacher ahead of time. This “treat”
will be distributed to students on their way out to lunch or recess. As we continue to promote healthy
lifestyles as a school, you are encouraged to bring a healthy snack such as fresh fruit/vegetables or bring
a goodie such as a pencil or special eraser. Our students do not need extra sugar in their diet.
The school policy is for three parties a year; Winter, Valentine’s Day and end of the year. Room parents,
please coordinate with the teacher. Grade levels coordinate similar activities. It is very important that
grade levels work together.
All parents and visitors to Hicks Canyon Elementary are required to sign in and out of our school by
using the office log book. Visitor badges are to be worn while on campus. Please use the front office
door to enter and exit the school. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as it is necessary
for us to be accountable at all times for all individuals on our campus.
For the safety of our students, all perimeter gates are locked after the start of school. Please exit through
the front office when you leave. Never unlatch a gate that has been locked and latched for safety.
We encourage parents to volunteer their time and talents to assist us. In fact, some of our programs rely
heavily upon your help. If you are able to donate some time to the classroom, PTO or school, please
contact your child’s teacher or PTO. When helping in classrooms, anything heard or said is considered
confidential. Do not talk about students with other parents especially about behavior, academic, social or
emotional issues. Prior to volunteering, you will be asked to sign a confidentiality statement. “What
happens in the classroom, stays in the classroom” and should never be repeated or discussed at school or
social events. Any questions about volunteering in your child’s class needs to be directed specifically to
your child’s teacher.
How Parents Can Help:
In the Class…
Preparing materials and copying
Meet the Masters
Computer Lab
Parent Experts
Read to and with your child
At Home…
Check homework regularly
Communicate with teacher by note, phone or
Support the teacher
Promote student independence
Ask for teacher clarification and input before
making judgments
Provide a quite study space free of distractions.
We Appreciate Parent Volunteers!
“A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, what sort of house I
lived in, or what kind of car I drove, but the world may be different, because I was important in
the life of a child.”
Parent Volunteer Procedures
Please sign in and pick up a visitor’s badge in the office each time you are on campus.
Teachers will set up volunteer schedules based on classroom needs.
Encourage your child to continue what he/she is doing when you come into the classroom. They
should not run to you, or yell out to you. A smile and a wave would be appropriate.
Whatever you do in the classroom is confidential and should not be discussed outside of the class.
Do not speak about other children in social situations. “What happens in the classroom, stays in
the classroom.” Parents will be asked to sign a confidentiality statement.
Younger children must be left at home when you are helping in the classroom or office.
The children need to learn to do their own work. Encourage them in this regard. (NO CUTTING
Encourage children to help one another instead of having adults help. (Example: opening juice
If you cannot make your scheduled time in the classroom, please let the teacher know.
Ask the classroom teacher about emergency procedures.
Faculty Lounge. We appreciate all the support and assistance that volunteers contribute to our
school. Please work in areas other than the Faculty Lounge during recess and lunch. The office
staff will assist in helping volunteers locate work space when needed.
For the safety of our students, all perimeter gates are locked after the start of school. Please exit
through the front office when you leave. Do NOT unlatch locked gates.
Please confirm after school play dates, sports activities, etc. before school to avoid last minute
arrangements. Phone calls, which interrupt the classroom instructional program, will not be put through.
The staff at Hicks Canyon Elementary School believes that homework is a valuable part of the
instructional process. Homework provides a structure to ensure learning of the skills and knowledge
gained in the classroom and lays the foundation for students taking responsibility for their own learning.
All students will receive instructions from their teachers regarding homework and books needed to
complete assignments. When picking up students at the end of the day, please ensure that they have all
necessary books and supplies. Classrooms will not be opened for students or parents unless the teacher
is present.
Teachers’ Homework Responsibilities are to:
 Require that homework is meaningfully and reflects and reinforces the curriculum/standards taught in
 Ensure that homework assignments are well prepared.
 Explain homework assignments to students and review study skills, homework guidelines, and
 Facilitate student access to the resources necessary to complete assignments.
 Check the homework as it is returned.
Parents’ Homework Responsibilities are to:
 Arrange a quiet time and study area including proper lighting.
 Provide appropriate materials for homework such as pencils, paper, crayons, glue and scissors.
 Initially review assignments with your child and review the finished products checking for accuracy
and neatness.
 Encourage your child to work independently on homework assignments.
 Contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions regarding homework.
Students’ Homework Responsibilities are to:
 Ask questions in class so the homework is clearly understood.
 Take homework assignments and materials home.
 Complete and return homework assignments on time.
 Produce a high quality of work including accuracy and neatness.
 Complete homework assigned during absences within designated time period.
 Ask teachers about any questions or problems with the homework assignment.
Suggested Times:
Every student should plan on setting aside a reasonable portion of each school evening, Monday through
Thursday, for homework assignments. As a rule, homework will not be assigned on the weekends or
holidays, and teachers will be sensitive to special school activities. The following lists the suggested
amount of time for homework for each grade level:
o Kindergarten: 15 minutes/night
o First: 15-30 minutes/night which excludes 15 minutes of reading
o Second: 30-40 minutes/night which excludes 20 minutes of reading
o Third: 35-45 minutes/night which excludes 20 minutes of reading
o Fourth: 45-60 minutes/night which excludes 30 minutes of reading
If your child spends substantially more time each day on homework than is indicated, please
communicate with your child’s teacher immediately.
Students will be evaluated each trimester with a report to parents evaluating a student’s participation
and progress toward State Standards. Progress Reports will be explained at Fall Conferences. Student
work is evaluated on standardized tests, teacher observation, portfolios, and rubrics. Graded work is
sent home in the students’ Friday Folders. Please review all work with your child. Always review work
and teacher comments on the papers sent home. Continue to review all academic areas that your child
struggles with in class. Contact the teacher when you see work that your child is struggling with. Don’t
wait until progress reports come out, and then voice concerns about your student’s progress.
Progress Reports
Grades 1 – 3 receives:
Grade 4 receives:
E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, N = Needs Improvement,
U = unsatisfactory
A’s, B’s, C’s etc.
Students may receive a grade of Above Grade Level (4), Grade Level (3), Approaching Grade
Level (2), or Below Grade Level/Needs Improvement (1) regarding their progress toward
State Standards.
Be Respectful ~ Be Safe ~ Be Responsible
Hicks Canyon Elementary is a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school. This schoolwide discipline system includes proactive strategies for defining, teaching and supporting appropriate
student behaviors to create positive school environments.
All students are expected to comply with behavioral guidelines on the PBIS teaching matrix (see below).
To assist students in meeting our high standards, a system of rewards and consequences will be
Husky Hurrahs: Staff members may present a “Husky Hurrah” to students who
demonstrate outstanding behavior and are following the PBIS teaching matrix.
Students will collect their Husky Hurrahs and be able to redeem them for a variety of
rewards based on the number of Husky Hurrahs earned. The rewards chart will be
posted and made available for the students.
Awards Assembly: Every trimester teachers will select students from their classes to
be recognized for a variety of positive behavior and academic recognitions.
Teachers: Warning, time out, loss of privileges, telephone calls home, behavior or
homework referrals sent home.
Administrators: Telephone calls home, letter sent home, in-house suspension,
suspension from school, and in severe cases, expulsion.
Hicks Canyon Elementary will provide a positive learning environment with a strong academic
focus for all students by setting high expectations based on State/District standards and
assessment results.
At Hicks Canyon Elementary School we have established high standards for behavior and academic
achievement. Teachers help students follow clear standards of behavior through a school-wide discipline
plan. This plan is designed to create a positive, safe and orderly learning environment by encouraging all
students to behave in such a manner that they will be a credit to themselves, their parents, and Hicks
Canyon Elementary School.
All students are expected to comply with the following behavioral guidelines:
I. General School Rules
Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
Respect peers, teachers and all other adults at Hicks Canyon Elementary School.
Use appropriate language at all times.
Follow directions the first time they are given.
Always respect and take care of school property.
Follow teacher directions as you walk around campus in a quiet, straight, line.
Be dressed in our school uniform.
II. Assembly Rules
Always enter and leave assemblies quietly following the directions of your teacher.
Be attentive, applaud at the appropriate times. NEVER boo or whistle.
Sit quietly and correctly on the floor or chair; keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Hicks Canyon Elementary School PBIS Teaching Matrix
Classroom &
Use an inside
Be Safe
Raise your
hand to speak
Play fairly
Listen to others
Speak politely
to & about
Wait quietly to
buy lunch
Be a good
directions of
Use materials
Be aware of
personal space
Be aware of
personal space
Cafeteria /
Lunch Area
Use good
manners &
voice levels
Report spills to
an adult
Hallways &
Use appropriate
Take care of
school property
Walk only in
Use equipment
Library &
Computer Lab
Enter and exit
Before & After
Respect the
privacy of
Leave your
area neat &
Be aware of
preparation times
Use the
quickly &
voice level
Keep hands,
feet, and
objects to
Remain in
designated areas
Wash your
Keep these
areas free from
all food and
Remember to
Use computers
Stay in
assigned area
until dismissed
Be polite to
others while
Clean up after
Handle books
with care
Eyes on the
appreciation by
clapping when
Keep hands,
feet, and objects
to yourself
Only use the
playground when
a teacher is
supervising you
Follow the
Come prepared
and organized
Line up quietly
after whistle
Finish your
Clean up after
Play according
to school rules
Wait to be
Be on time &
be ready
Return all
Clean up after
Wait quietly
Use quiet
Come to school
at 8:15am &
leave on time
Report to
dismissal location
promptly after
It is our goal to make our playground a safe place for students to exercise through games and activities.
We will work with students in a positive manner while instilling attitudes of respect, responsibility, and
appropriate decision-making skills, which will support the academic and social foundations of Hicks
Canyon Elementary School. We will review playground activity and teacher/review the rules for all
Please review the following playground rules with your child. We thank you for working with us
to support a safe playground area.
In any situation, do not engage in any activity that will endanger your safety or the safety of others.
THINK before you act, and ask an adult if you do not know what is allowed.
Before School – On the way to and from school, students are to use crosswalks . The grounds are open at
8:10am. There will be NO supervision until that time. After 8:10am students are to walk directly to the
playground and stay on the blacktop only. This is not a recess. Students are to line up at their designated
space. Children are not to enter the Kindergarten gate and walk around the Kindergarten area to
get on the yard. Children should not bring balls from home or pick up lost playground balls and play
with them before school.
After School – Students are to leave grounds immediately after school. Students are not allowed to play
on the playground equipment. Siblings should plan to meet in the front of school in their designated
grade level pick up location. Even if a parent is with their child, there is no playing on the playground
equipment after school.
With the exception of getting a drink, using the restroom, or moving from the eating area to the
playground, students should stay on the blacktop before school and on the blacktop or grass during
recess and lunch periods. Students should not be between or behind buildings, or in any unsupervised
area. When playgrounds get wet or muddy, students are required to stay on the blacktop play area.
General Rules
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Practice good sportsmanship and use
appropriate language.
Follow directions of supervising adults.
Absolutely NO FIGHTING or “play fighting” – you will be sent to the office, and your
parents called. There will be severe consequences (may include suspension) for such
When you hear the first bell, STOP playing and freeze. Hold all equipment. At the sound
of the whistle, walk to your class line. Students not in line may lose future recess
Recess/Lunch Break – Recommended snacks: fruit, vegetables, cheese and crackers.
Snacks must be eaten in the designated areas. Always clean up your paper and food
scraps. Absolutely NO GUM is permitted on school grounds.
There is no such thing as “Play Fighting”.
Always stay in designated areas.
You may not loiter or play in the restrooms or at the drinking fountains.
Do not climb on cement walls, planters or fences.
Students leaving the playground to go to the office must have a note from their
teacher or playground supervisor.
Game rules should be followed at all times. The first child waiting in line is the judge
“eyeball” during a dispute; their decision is final.
Handball: Those waiting for their turns must stand along the line. Anyone who leaves
the line must go to the end.
Items from home: You must have your teacher’s approval before bringing items to
school. These items may not be used during recess or lunchtime. Items from home are
your responsibility.
Failure to comply with the above rules may result in:
1. Recess or lunch detention (picking up trash).
2. After school or in house suspension.
3. Formal suspension.
Students in grades 3 and 4 may ride bikes to school. Contact the office if you have any questions for
riding bikes for other grade levels. In order to prevent thefts, bike locks are required. Hicks Canyon is
not responsible for bikes left unlocked. All students are required to wear a helmet when riding their
bicycles to and from school.
We feel it is very important that you and your child review the rules for arriving and leaving the school
safely. Please note that the local police department does patrol our school area. Be sure that you pick up
your child promptly if they aren’t walking home, there is NO SUPERVISION on campus after 3:00. Please
cooperate fully with the Hicks Canyon Staff on parking lot patrol as they have your child’s safety as their
highest priority. If you are interested in joining our staff in “parking lot safety”, please call the school
Skateboards, roller blades and skates are PROHIBITED on school grounds AT ALL TIMES.
All students will cross the street in marked crosswalks only.
Students are to follow the directions of the staff on duty.
Only 3rd and 4th Grade students may ride bicycles to school without written parent
consent, and they must wear a helmet.
Students riding bicycles are to ride in the same direction as traffic, walk bicycles in the
crosswalks to cross streets, and walk their bicycles when on any part of the campus.
If parents are parked across the street from the school, their child must cross in the
If parents park in the parking lot, parents must escort their child in the parking lot and cross at
the designated/marked crosswalk ONLY.
Please arrange a meeting place with your child in case of rain. Students may not come into the
office every time it rains to call home.
Do not double park in front of the school or in the parking lot. Double parking is illegal.
Enter the parking lot in the second driveway entrance.
No parking in the drop off zones. If you plan to leave your car, park in the designated parking
places only. Do not park in a marked stall. Our parking lot is monitored by the Irvine Police
Department. Visitors parking in a staff space or parking illegally are subject to citation.
On rainy days, try to stagger your arrival time. Students need to wait under a protected area.
Please be patient and vigilant during arrival and dismissal times.
Do not drop off or pick up students in the red bus zone NO PARKING, LOADING OR
UNLOADING IN ANY RED ZONE. Loading and unloading in yellow zones only.
Please remember that Hicks Canyon Elementary is a closed campus. Some organizations have contracted
with the school district to use our facilities/fields. However, if you see any unusual occurrences and/or
behavior (loitering, skateboarding, bike riding, etc.) on campus after school or on the weekends, please
contact the Irvine Police Department (949) 724-7000 or Tustin Unified School District Security Day Time:
(714) 412-4833 and Night time: (714) 981-3962. We want to ensure that our campus remains vandal
Parking Lot Safety 2013-2014_
Welcome to Hicks Canyon Elementary School!
It is always our hopes that this will be a safe place for your children. To ensure that
safety, we have developed a system of traffic movement which, if followed, will help all the
children arrive and depart school smoothly. Take some time and review our school
system and please adhere to these rules throughout the year.
Thank you!
Parent/Student Agreement
Drop-Off/Pick-Up Rules
a) Obey all instructions on the reverse side of this bulletin.
b) Obey all instructions from crossing guards.
c) Do not drop off students in the parking lot ~ this is very dangerous.
d) Do not leave your vehicle unattended in drop-off/pick-up line.
e) Have your children ready to exit with backpacks, lunches, etc.
f) Children need to exit on the right side of the vehicle.
g) If your children need help carrying projects, etc., please park and walk them in.
h) Children may not exit the vehicle waiting in line on the road or in the parking lot –
only in the designated drop-off zone.
i) No dropping off or parking in the bus loading area.
Campus Rules
a) Use crosswalks when crossing to school at all times.
b) Wait for crossing guard to instruct when crossing.
c) Children may not arrive to school prior to 8:10 a.m.
d) Once on campus, students go to the blacktop and wait with their classes. This is not
a play time.
Arrival/Departure Times & Procedures
Grades 1-4
1st - 3rd Grade
8:30 – 2:40
4th Grade
8:30 – 2:53
ARRIVAL: Pupils must arrive at school no earlier than 8:10 a.m. Teachers will supervise children after
that time. Parents are encouraged to establish a “leaving-home” time with their children. No early arrival
because there is no supervision. Do not drop off students before 8:10.
DISMISSAL: Students should go straight home. If you will be picking up your student, please be on
time. We do not have the facilities to watch or take care of children after they are dismissed.
All children should be picked up no later than 3:00 p.m.
If you are walking to pick up your child, or parking and then walking onto campus to pick up your child,
proceed to the “Husky House” (lunch tables). Teachers will dismiss students to the courtyard outside the
Husky House. Parents meet your children at the courtyard between the Husky House and the 2nd
grade wing. Students waiting for parents should stay in the courtyard, not at the Husky House.
up until
the minute.
last minute.
 Do not block
up until
the last
Do not
block classroom
 Do not peek into classroom windows.  Do not wait at the bottom of the stairs.
doors. Do not peek into classroom windows. Do not wait at the bottom of the stairs.
 Do not interrupt PE or take students before the teacher dismisses them.
If you drive and pick up your child, your child will be waiting in front of the small multi. Please discuss
with your child to be attentive and looking for your car. Pull all the way up. Teachers will be available to
assist in finding your child, if need be. Children will be waiting on the line in front of the small multi.
Drive-Through Signage: For efficient pick-up, use the color coded Drive-through signage provided for
you on the attached memo. Clearly & boldly print your child’s first name and last initial on the line.
Clearly & boldly print your child’s teacher’s name below the line (see the example below). Place the sign
on your dashboard so that teachers on duty can see it clearly.
Hicks Canyon Elementary
Pick-Up Pass
Student Name
Teacher Name
Siblings: If you have siblings, please have younger children wait on the line for older siblings. Use
signage for your oldest child so they can all be picked up at once. Students may NOT wait inside the gate.
Arrival/Departure Times & Procedures for TK and Kindergarten
Transitional Kinder. AM
8:15 – 11:38
Transitional Kinder. PM
11:47 - 3:10
TK AM ARRIVAL (8:15 a.m.): Pupils must arrive at school no earlier than 8:00 a.m. There is no teacher
supervision on the kindergarten yard. Parents must remain with their children. No early arrival because
there is no supervision.
TK AM DISMISSAL (11:38 a.m.): Parents must pick up their students from the classroom. If you drive,
you must park your car in a non-designated parking spot and walk onto campus to pick-up your child.
The front of school is a loading and unloading zone only. Cars parked in this zone may be ticketed.
TK PM ARRIVAL (11:47 a.m.): Parents walk your child to line up on the wall in front of the library.
There is no teacher supervision. Parents must remain with their children. No early arrival because there
is no supervision.
TK PM DISMISSAL (3:10 p.m.): Your child will be waiting in front of the small multi or near the flag
pole. If you drive, please discuss with your child to be attentive and looking for your car. Pull all the way
up. Teachers will be available to assist in finding your child, if need be.
Kindergarten Early Bird
8:15 – 11:38
Kindergarten Later Gator
10:05 – 1:28
Kinder Early Bird ARRIVAL (8:15 a.m.): Pupils must arrive at school no earlier than 8:10 a.m. There is
no teacher supervision on the kindergarten yard. Parents must remain with their children. No early
arrival because there is no supervision.
Kinder Early Bird DISMISSAL (11:38 a.m.): Parents must pick up their students from the classroom. If
you drive, you must park your car in a non-designated parking spot and walk onto campus to pick-up
your child. The front of school is a loading and unloading zone only. Cars parked in this zone may be
ticketed. For the safety of our students, gates will be locked and secured at 11:45. Please do not unlock
the gates after this time.
Kinder Late Bird ARRIVAL (10:05 a.m.): Students wait in front of the office until the kindergarten
gates are opened at 10:00. Parents must remain with their children because there is no supervision.
Please monitor your children and have them sit quietly.
Kinder Late Bird DISMISSAL (1:28 p.m.): Your child will be waiting in front of the small multi or near
the flag pole. Please discuss with your child to be attentive and looking for your car. Pull all the way up.
Teachers will be available to assist in finding your child, if need be. Children will be waiting on the line in
front of the small multi.
Arrival/Departure Map Important Information for Vehicle Traffic
Important Information regarding drop off:
 1st Driveway on Viewpark will be closed. Only use the SECOND DRIVEWAY.
 When you enter the loading, or drop-off, zone, please PULL ALL THE WAY FORWARD.
 Stay in the right lane. Stay in your car. Teachers are on duty to assist students, if need be.
Important Information regarding parking:
 Do not park in handicap stalls UNLESS YOU HAVE A PERMIT.
 Do not park in marked spaces: these are RESERVED FOR STAFF.
Thank you for helping us make Hicks Canyon Elementary safer and more efficient!
Information for Students Walking or Riding to School
Car traffic
Foot traffic
Students walking or riding a bike to school, please use the north cross walk and the east cross walk as
shown with the arrows above.
This will help reduce the traffic congestion be allowing cars to make a right turn onto Central Park
Avenue from View Park.
Thank you again for your help in keeping our students safe and on time to school!
Pick-Up Pass
Hicks Canyon Elementary