From "Bulletin Boards"
How would you change the ways in which local leaders and citizens interact?
+ more transparency
+ specifics not platitudes
+ leaders need to care what citizens think
+ transparency & inclusion & listening
When you think of growth in our community, what should we continue doing?
+ welcoming all
+ talking and acting together
. . .stop doing?
+ yelling and faulting
+ stop making plans and visions if we don't implement
+ ignoring vision
... start doing?
+ trust building
+ embrace innovation
+ listening
+ keep our parks
From Dialogue Sessions
Community Hopes and Concerns
Index cards:
+ more housing for people who cannot afford housing
+ fix up communities
+ no industry in this city to give people a chance
+ more policemen
+nationally affects us locally – a better public education. Where is education system going?
+ why aren't parents stepping up to the plate?
+ the community has to be concerned for parental involvement
+ lack of a certain type of job – economic stratification: jobs at the top, jobs at the bottom, no jobs at
+ there are more programs helping, but they cannot solve the problem
+ family and children
+ a lot of money is going to waste
+ people in the community who don't get the issues on race and racism
+ inequity and inequality – in Columbia, Boone County; poverty issue – how do we get the attention of
the community?
+ reputable people that mean well can
+ living in a culture of complaint – are not living/duplicitas
+PPO = perpetually pissed off are fear mongering
+ people are giving up – apathy is
+ economic stratification
+quality education paramount
+parental concern
+everyone in the community supports children/everybody in the community
+sense of community,family, safety => village model
+naturally coming together
+we don't [know] our neighbors
+community under the radar – waiting
+we have a social crisis in COMO =>poverty; it's a social disaster => we must rally
+local merchants have an ability to provide jobs.
Table Top Notes:
+ per capita income graph; 15 years and incomes have not improved and everything else has gotten
more expensive
+more policemen/safety
+instead of trails, less property taxes
+angry with increase in taxes
+wanted Boone County Fair to continue to be funded
+more low-income housing
+need more jobs
+should address several issues: education is #1;family values and responsibilities; parental involvement
+connection with lack of jobs in the middle
+jobs are a factor with how people are involved in their community
+Food security is a concern for people in MO
+too much $$ being spent on student housing
+hope is – everyone in our community supports every student be their best and to follow what they
want to do
+contrast in people looking out for each other (today & long ago)
+where is community – how is it promoted?
+what is community today?
+how do we promote aspirations, hopes, dreams?
+lack of neighborliness – technology, time
+eating food together promotes community
+what allows community to "display" or show itself?
+there is a social disaster now – poverty
+ "perpetually – pissed – off" (PPO). US. Hope of wanting things to be different and disappointed that
we are not further along.
+big issue – too many people in the community who don't get it; it = Ferguson (1 year later)
+FB post indicated that they don't get it
+MOMSA president talks about this issue. Shocked.
+equity and inequality in COL, MO, US; especially poverty
+culture of complaint (ppo=perpetually pissed off); conspiracy theories, duplicitous fear-mongering
+some things should be different by now; concerned about apathy
+concerned about social issues
+drugs and mental health
+lack of village -what rallies the community?
+how do we hear the reasonable voices?
+bigger focus on climate change
+how to break the cycle? Closed-minded people breed closed-mindedness
+concerns: people don't get it or people just don't care. How do we – as a community – help others
"get it"? Is it possible with closed-minded people? Are we attracting the right kind of people?
What does community mean to you?
Index cards:
+ A place that is diverse – age, race, ethnicity, income, level of education
+A place where all people participate and are included in decision-making
+Garth Ave picnic (including emeritus) – people who live their street *they bought a parcel of land
(was going to be apts)
+Collection of peopleorganized/based on characteristic(s) or PURPOSE; -boundaries; some part of,
some not; -binds some, excludes others.
+Newcomers and neighbors – e.g. welcome baskets
+God: expand the circle of community. Historically – community was EASIER when Columbia
smaller. Kids are a factor in the existence, continuation and dissolution
+"We're all in this together"
+Not everyone is interested in being part of some particular communities . . .
+Question: Can we find the most inclusive community?!
+*Sometimes community doesn't require knowing names or personal details; still learn and solve
something in common and connect to larger community
+Nov. 2013 employee; HMUW E.D.; previous academic/comunity interest
+Top 10 in terms of coming back
+No commonality of goals, needs, etc. - people tend to hold their own interests, etc.; -sectors are very
+converse: experienced welcoming, not experienced as much in other cities. Experience is not the same
for all.
+Common goal, open-minded even in trying to accomplish methods are different.
+Some disconnect with even young professionals. 40,000 foot understanding of where we're going;
collective understanding with respect for different methods/approaches
+e.g. "keep Austin weird . . ."
+How do we intersect the communities? (around the common good)
+*Respect for different methods; two edged sword of RICH diversity and lack of some people
respecting views of others.
+We do a great job of educating kids that are college-bound. We don't do a great job of educating
students who are going into the workforce directly out of high school. Builders often find that it is
cheaper to hire immigrants than CPS grads.
+I always take food to new neighbors. Out of 4 occasions, 2 times we have developed a relationship – 2
times it has not.
+Going back in the past, you didn't have to call before you visit. Now you are expected to call prior to
visiting. But older people seem to be appreciative of "drop-by" visitors.
+A community in Columbia could be stronger.
+Some level of connection . . . even if just living close to another person or family.
+Expand the circle.
+Neighborhood picnic.
+All kinds of comm.
+Collective around function.
+Boundaries or common interest.
+Past experiences of residents do not make for commonality of perspectives or commonality of goals.
+Open-mindedness is the key! It is sorely lacking.
+There is no common definition of what "community" means.
+Graphic with left-sided arc,and straight line dropping down titled "The Cliff", with caption "Columbia
is at the point . . .
+Graphic – square box with inside caption "semi-common goals are tentatively formed by informal
means", intersected by a diagonal line with caption "intruded upon by the vocal minority".
+There are no ill-intentioned participants here tonight. That is not true of the community as a whole.
+A bunch of small communities making one larger one! How do you bring these communities
+People with a common goal, but also people who are open-minded – whether it's towards certain
lifestyles or ways in which to accomplish a common goal.
+The amount of inequity that exists in Col., Boone County, MO, US! Almost 50% of our school
children are eligible for free or reduced lunch. These are not just minority students. A strategic plan
needs to be implemented. It's a good first step. We need to make sure that City Council does not
undermine strategic plan.
+In Columbia folks seem to be saying, "If it's not on my side of town, I don't care. In small towns,
churches sometimes promote community more than they can in larger towns.
+Service clubs may not provide as much "community" as some people need.
+A community needs to serve everyone in city. "Obviously poor are ignored to some degree."
+Can governmental structures solve problems?
+To include ALL, we need to establish structures that don't exclude any group.
+One of the problems is that if you knock on a door, you don't know if the person who answers will
have a gun and want to shoot you. People don't trust other people.
+But you have to extend trust. There is something in the community that has changed.
+Proliferation of guns has destroyed community.
+Community is [illegible] & groups that interact for themselves & for higher good
+What to look for is a variety of groups that I can get together with. I like to associate with smaller
groups (than my neighbors) around town.
+In my neighborhood, people stop and talk as they are driving down over streets. This indicates that
our neighborhood is a close=knit community.
+Community means place to live where are not threatened.
+There are too many guns, too many people want to resolve disputes with guns.
+Tribune should stop accepting ads from businesses that sell guns.
From earlier "Table Host" Training:
+Many different communities: example - dog walking, good behavior (clean-up), common interest,
common understanding.
+If you believe in humankind it happens. Like the dogs. Have to believe. As time goes on you interact
= connections.
+gerrymandering = divided => deprived of voice. Opposite of agreement. Marginalize. Need support
+Common interest?
+Other kinds of communities where we interconnect.
+"We're all in this together."
+Sharing if I have more than what I need.
+Something in common. "communities" vs just a place
+Follow through
+wanting, needing to know your neighborhood
+except not for the state. Gerrymandering.
+listening to each other
+graphic: three stick figures connected by bi-directional arrows
+how much is external forces?
+"common" = root word. You start by identifying your commonalities? Or something else?
+Columbia waxes and wanes. Now on downside.
+why bother?
+can we get to agreement?
+community =communal.
+all in this together even if different. Work toward common good – things we can agree about.
+something in common
+caring for each other
+care about community. Not sure feels community.
+deeply important.
+where we live and work.
+sense of belonging, importance to others around them – that they matter
+community: one read book process – Station 11. raises questions of community.
How do we create community?
Index cards:
+ stop using sales tax for city money; start using property tax for city money
+inequality is a big and hidden issue in Columbia that is a barrier to creating community
+how to engage entire community? Know each other's stories
+income inequality – resentment, blind eye. How to change?
+how to support families and children? That deal with stress and trauma?
+what do kids need to be successful in school?
+how to address needs of families and kids
+real difficulties – recognize them – social mobility is very poor for residents of Columbia
+more progressive communities are often more segregated
+what happens to other half of community, or other 1/3 etc.
+people willing to talk together
+looking for connections
+seeing humanity in other people
+avoid seeing people as the other
+avoid judging
+get to know as individuals, share, celebrate, etc.
+treat people in ways that keep them from being different
+address inequality intentionally – income
+racial segregation, how address?
+MU as a shining beacon a few blocks from Blind Boone Center
+reliance on each other, taking care of each other, and of people/institutions that serve us
+open-mindedness, NOT fixing the other say
+how about for retired – siloed is a problem. We have our own sectors. Retirees deal with own issues.
Lack of cross communications.
+economically held down. Toward steady upward mobility for children low 17%
+treat with dignity
+connections/humanity in other people- seeing "others" – other is less – come together – celebrate and
mourn with
+welcoming committee
+community events
+community communications
+volunteer opportunities
+Leadership represented by business, community stakeholders – all, not necessarily government
+high levels of communications
+diverse environments/culture, race, etc.
+highly interactive and inspired citizenry
+value for all, respect for each and for the greater community while respecting individuality
+by learning together and developing a common knowledge and understanding -of what our values and
beliefs and what our common points are that give us a point to start working together
+realizing our lens and being open to others
+do things together – we are one
+sharing stories, sharing dreams – sharing fears (its a continuum)
+seeking to understand
+be vulnerable
+communication – opportunities for everyone to have a voice and an audience, not just "leaders"
+common work/action. Doing things together.
+tax the people who can afford it, not sales tax, but property tax
+full employment
+smile a lot
+be friendly (crab less)
+more police
+fire city manager
+be more like Darwin
+Sales Tax! + Property +
+Jobs – training not PHD candidates
+raise minimum wage
+family values
+many communities {exposure with feedback} make 1 large community
+disagree civil – listening –INTERACTION – LISTENING!
+How can media build community? Exposure to other segments of society. Positive exposure.
+graphic of 4 wards in Columbia with dispersed dollar signs. Comments: income inequality in COMO.
Boone County is only better than 17% of other counties in USA in terms of mobility out of poverty.
+8760 hours in a year, 1218 hours in school. Schools have kids only 14% of time.
+3 industries: Healthcare, Education, Financial
+25 hours low SES; 1,700 hours high SES
+19 million words before 5 low SES
+38 million words before 5 high SES
+common accountability
+the problem with Common Ground for Action is the limited, self-defined participants. Those who
have the time & inclination to participate are in most cases those who shouldn't.
+drawings: continuum with markings (pressure points?) – Dev/Hist Pres/Crime/Jobs; silos marked
medical, business, retire, univ, students, with lines in between, words "cross communication"
underneath, and "media" over an arc that goes across the top; two circular poles connected by lines to a
square in the middle that says "vast middle".
+moving in different circles is painful. "Problems that dark skin brings – often not acknowledged in
family or community
+Columbia as a more constrained setting. Major players more "constrained", more "conservative".But
lots of potential. Lots of opportunity.
+Media as major player. Model and umbrella for cross-communication
+Media timeline => could be all media/ On specific issues that public can access. Media based app.
Package into stories about issue. Pre-indexed.
+Taxes and revenues XO not address issues of poor. Change way tax structure works in city.
+When we all work together to raise quality of life for all people.
+Use media to tell stories and discuss ways of change.
+How to reach beyond negative to reach folks in middle. Folks come together around "negative".
Stories are useful if there is something that engages people beyond the negative.
+Interdependence and interaction create community
+Schools as places for skill building
+How to engage all of the community? Visioning, etc.
+ bring issues to light that may not have
+what about niche groups within communities?
+community broken into sectors => need more engagement between groups => does negativity engage
+media as a major player
+reliance on the services and skills of each other
+accountability to certain laws and rules
+exposure, reflection, integration, conversation => talk through experience => opportunity for
+people need sense of purpose and belonging
+commun. sometimes exclude people who do not fit characteristics but Columbia has created multiple
+introducing to cultures other than your own and how to expose => words of person – someone is
worth listening too => listening is key
+need to recognize inequality & how to overcome => more tolerance => understand other person => be
nice and model it
+how to disagree civilly => talk about how to do it
+understand assumptions/values of those we disagree with
+sense of purpose/sense of belonging
+exclude people who "___"
+multiple communities by intent. Need tolerance between/among communities
+disagree civilly how? Be a good model
+heterogenity – strength & problem
+talk about being civil – winning is so important in our society
+one community that everyone fits is not possible
+listening important
+social media =>triggers
+barriers to community: anonymous posts vs those signed
+different groups with own issues
+race – crime – deficient
+issues affect multiple groups
+media – cross communications+citizens only
+survey online
+people talking
+young people
+reliance on each other
+communication, diversity, interactive citizenry, value of greater good => enhanced by all stakeholders
+Community = an ideal
+learn and do things together
+share dreams and stories
+be vulnerable, trust
+open to others – listening, learning, develop common language
+realize commonalities - school board transgender policy – we all love our children – both sides of
+empathy for others
+intentionality – where we want to go
+Columbia = two cities. Town/"MU" Gown. Income. How can it be "a community"?
+Educate different sectors about what is going on.
+How is MU invested in COMO?
+Understanding the "challenges" of each sector. Penetrating barriers.
+Change leadership. Former mayor was for whole community
+Smile a lot? :)
+Government is the problem with community
+Educate children in values
+Share the tax burden – poor people pay more sales tax. Equitably distributed.
+Property owners pay more than students
+Spread costs of community services, like police and utilities, among all that use them. But some
things few people use.
+We need good jobs not service jobs w/low wages.
+At one time community members did community jobs and shared skills.
+City should share budget process with public.
+Lots of good people in neighborhoods.
+Level of volunteers is high in COMO => community
+Encourage service. COMO provides help w/energy efficiency.
+Need to help each other like we used to.
+Schools need to prepare all students for career/work not just college bound.
+raise minimum wage.
+create opportunity for active engagement with one another.
+being very intentional
+question: why?
+Interactive and informed
+Greater good
+Leadership – key- informed citizenry+ an ideal
+seek to understand and be vulnerable
+trangle graphic, written underneath WE ARE ONE "YOU CAN'T BREAK THIS"
+Listening and coming together
+Creating empathy
From earlier "Table Host" Training:
+Organically happens. Example – dog park.
+face to face group work – LWV
+Does it just happen? Can you create?
+Can a number be too big? Do numbers matter?
+Nature areas
+ Drawing of a house with caption, get out of the house.
+Drawing of a cat with caption cats rule!
+Struggling with question of "how". Isn't question can we? Do we? Does it come out of a shared need?
+What is happening downtown? Is that a community? Do we need to preserve?
+Groups. How did feeling of community come about? Different people are different.
+Can't assume Columbia is one community. How do pieces interact?
+Boundaries define and box people. Not good. Everyone with label is not same.
+Are there multiple communities?
+LWV Book group. Dog parks.
+Getting out and getting involved.
+Do we need to reach out? Do numbers matter? Can it be too big? How do pieces interact? Labels vs
+Feed those in need.
+Do we create? Can we create?
+Can create? Organically comes to be place => opportunity
+ 3 in a community?
+Are we using the word "community" wrong?
How can news media help?
+ 3 column graphic with 1.Community Leadership, 2. News Delivery and 3. Historical Presence –
blocks with issues like development, race, growth, crime; column under development with annotation
"agenda driven vocal minority"
+ help us understand connections between stories
+ follow-up reports: year in the news
+ making process more visible – have Hank write an editorial; look at where put survey link
+continue to convene
+ community as a whole does not realize how much Trib does.