Assignment for Lab Topic 25 Ecology I: Terrestrial Ecology Biology

Assignment for Lab Topic 25
Ecology I: Terrestrial Ecology
Biology 213
Spring 2003
Goal: Gain an understanding of the trophic levels of a local riparian ecosystem and of
some of the abiotic environmental factors that influence this ecosystem.
1. To estimate the density, frequency, dominance, and species diversity of trees, shrubs,
herbaceous plants, macroinvertebrates, microinvertebrates, and microorganisms
found in a riparian ecosystem.
2. To describe the tropic levels of the riparian ecosystem and the relative importance of
particular species, using examples from the field data.
3. To describe the abiotic environmental conditions that influence the biotic components
of the riparian ecosystem.
Assignment: Write a typed lab report on Lab Topic 25 Ecology I: Terrestrial Ecology,
summarizing the collected field data. The back of this page gives guidelines for the
structure and content of the report. Pay attention to the italicized instructions. You may
copy the non-italicized wording for your report. You are to use the data collected by the
entire class, but you must write your own report. The due date for the report will be
announced by your lab instructor.
Write the discussion section of your report (one page, single spaced) for an audience who
has never been to the Oak Creek site and is interested in knowing more about this
particular riparian ecosystem. Write as if your report will be included on the web page
Oak Creek Management of the Basin that you reviewed for your pre-lab assignment.
Evaluation: The lab report will be evaluated on completeness (particularly on the
summaries of the field data) (3.5 pts), communication, which includes grammar and
organization (3.5 pts), and content of the discussion section (5 pts).
Lab Report Lab Topic 25 Ecology I: Terrestrial Ecology
Biology 213
Spring 2003
Goal: Gain an understanding of the trophic levels of a local riparian ecosystem and of
some of the abiotic environmental factors that influence this ecosystem.
1. To estimate the density, frequency, dominance, and species diversity of trees, shrubs,
herbaceous plants, macroinvertebrates, microinvertebrates, and microorganisms
found in a riparian ecosystem.
2. To describe the tropic levels of the riparian ecosystem and the relative importance of
particular species, using examples from the field data.
3. To describe the abiotic environmental conditions that influence the biotic components
of the riparian ecosystem.
The methods are described in Lab Topic 25 of the laboratory manual by Morgan, J.G. and
Carter, M.E.B. 2002 Investigating Biology, 4td edition, The Benjamin Cummings
Publishing Co.
The results are summarized in the attached tables (Table 25.8 - 25.15). [Attach the tables
that summarize your field data]
1. [Prepare an ecosystem profile. Using the results from your study of the riparian
forest, label the profile diagram included with this assignment (Figure 25.7). Label the
important species in each of the vertical layers of the forest, including trees, shrubs,
saplings, vines, and herbs.]
2. [Complete a compartmental model of our riparian ecosystem using the figure included
with this assignment (Figure 25.8). Label the trophic levels (primary producers, primary
consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers, and detritivores and
decomposers). Add arrows to represent energy flow from trophic level to trophic level.
For each trophic level, list examples from organisms observed from your field data.]
3. [Write a one page single spaced discussion of your results. Review general
instructions for the discussion section on first page of this assignment. Picture your
audience as someone living in New York City, who wishes to know what a riparian
ecosystem in Oregon is like. Include descriptions of vegetation types and vertical layers.
Describe the tropic levels and provide examples, using your model as an illustration.
Propose features of the physical environment that appear to influence or be influenced by
the biotic community.]
Evaluation of Lab Report on Lab Topic 25: Ecology I: Terrestrial Ecology
Biology 213
Spring 2003
Goal (use goal listed in assignment sheet)
Objectives (use objectives listed in assignment sheet)
Methods (refer reader to lab manual; see assignment sheet)
Results (include summary tables)
Ecosystem profile: include labeled vegetation
Ecosystem model: include trophic levels, interactions, and examples
Discussion of results: characterize vegetation types, description of
trophic levels, biotic vs. abiotic factors
Grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization
Sentence structure
Paragraph structure: sentences in logical order supporting one main
idea in each paragraph
Organization of paragraphs
Conciseness and clarity of writing
Organization of report
Headings and subheadings
Report typed
Single-spaced text
Pages Numbered