PATH5332 Reformation Preaching

PATH5332 Reformation Preaching
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Division of Pastoral Ministries
Argile Smith, Ph.D.
J. D. Grey Professor of Preaching 504.282.4455 (ext. 3238)
October 13-23, 2005
Mission Statement
The mission of NOBTS is to equip leaders to fulfill the Great Commission and the Great
Commandments through the local church and its ministries.
Core Value Focus, and Curriculum Competencies Addressed
Core Values: Spiritual Vitality, Doctrinal Integrity, Characteristic Excellence,
Servant Leadership
Competencies: Biblical Exposition, Christian Theological Heritage, Worship Leadership
Course Description
Designed in conjunction with the Reformation Study Tour, this course is devoted to an
intensive study of the preaching of Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, and other leaders of the
Protestant Reformation.
Course Objectives
At the conclusion of the course, the students should be able to:
1. Appreciate the historical context in which the Reformers preached
2. Understand the key themes and issues associated with the preaching of the
3. Develop an awareness of the major rhetorical/homiletical contributions of
Reformation preachers
4. Incorporate some of the significant implications drawn from Reformation
preaching in contemporary expository preaching.
Course Methodology
Under the guidance of the professor, the students will accomplish the objectives of the
course through individual study of assigned texts, participation in discussions associated
with class lectures and other similar formats, involvement in each phase of the
Reformation Study Tour, and personal research into important issues related to
Reformation preaching.
Old, Hughes Oliphant. The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of
the Christian Church: The Age of the Reformation, vol. 4 (Grand Rapids: William
B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2002).
Course Requirements
1. Tour – Each student will participate in the Reformation Study Tour set for
October 14-23.
2. Assigned Reading – Each student will read the assigned textbook and present a
reading accountability report prior to the tour.
Due Date: October 13
3. Journal – On the tour, each student will keep a journal in which impressions and
observations about Reformation preaching are registered daily. A copy of the
journal will be submitted to the professor.
Due Date: November 7 (postmarked)
4. Reflection Paper – Each student will write a 1200-word reflection paper based on
the journal entries about preaching. The paper will be a description of the ways in
which the tour contributed to a more thorough appreciation of the Reformers and
their preaching ministries.
Due Date: November 7 (postmarked)
5. Sermon Review – Each student will examine ten expository sermons preached by
one of the leading Reformers. A 1200-word paper based on the examination will
include a description of the homiletical approach taken by the preacher, an
analysis of the unique features of the approach, and summary of some of the
critical implications for contemporary expository preaching. Turabian 6th edition
will be the style guide for the paper.
Due Date: November 28 (postmarked)
6. Research Paper – Each student will write a formal research paper on a topic
related to Reformation preaching. The topic for the paper will be determined in
consultation with the professor. The style guide for the 3000-word paper will be
Turabian 6th edition.
Due Date: November 28 (postmarked)
Course Evaluation
Requirement 1 – 20%
Requirement 2 – 10%
Requirement 3 – 10%
Requirement 4 – 10%
Requirement 5 – 20%
Requirement 6 – 30%
Course Schedule
Thursday, November 13 – Class session at NOBTS main campus
Friday, November 14 – Depart for Reformation Study Tour
Sunday, November 23 – Return to New Orleans
Selected Bibliography
The course bibliography will be distributed to the students on November 13.