1 UNIVERSITY 101-501 UNM Valencia Fall 2013

Class Time:
Office Hours:
Mary Clark, Ed.S.
Monday and Wednesdays 1:30-2:45 PM
(505) 925-8600 Leave message)
By appointment or before and after class
Location: Academic Office Building A
UNM Valencia
Fall 2013
(August 19-December 6)
Course Description: This course is designed to accelerate a successful transition to
university life. UNM-Valencia co-requisite: English 100.
Course Objectives and Expectations:
Students will:
Actively engage with a variety of challenging college
level readings
Work with colleagues in small groups on informal
critical thinking activities
Explore writing to learn strategies to strengthen both
reading and writing processes
Discover and explain patterns in the structures, codes,
expectations, and vocabularies of academia, especially as
they may relate to students’ academic and career goals
Develop strategies for recognizing and working with new
concepts and vocabulary, which will include seeking
internet and library resources to contextualize
Develop strategies for effective note-taking from texts,
lectures, and/or other media
Develop strategies for negotiating university-relevant
technologies (could include Blackboard Learn, PowerPoint, internet
resources, library resources)
• Become familiar with academic citation formats and their
purposes (MLA)
Required Texts
Cohen, Samuel. 50 Essays A Portable Anthology, Third Edition, New York: Bedford/St.
Martin’s, 2011. Print.
Graff, Gerald, and Cathy Birkenstein. They Say, I Say:The Moves that Matter in
Academic Writing. New York: W.W.Norton and Company, 2006. Print.
Required Materials
Ø 3-ring binder (1-1 ½ inches) with 6 dividers
Ø Loose-leaf paper, pens, pencils, highlighters
Ø Planner
Ø USB flash drive for saving your work
Ø Journal (separate notebook)
Course Policies: Attendance Policy
This is the largest percentage of your entire grade. Therefore, a student with more than 4
absences automatically will be dropped from class. In addition, arriving late or leaving
class early 2 tardies equal 1 absence. If you are going to miss class, please contact me. If
you are absent, keep in touch with me via phone or email, to be sure you are informed of
any missed assignments. I strongly suggest that you have several student contacts from
this class that you get in touch.
Late Paper Policy
Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Generally, late assignments will not be
accepted, unless there is a case of emergency. If your paper will be late due to this type of
emergency, please contact me as soon as possible for a possible extension.
Classroom Etiquette and Participation
• Arrive to class on time and well-prepared
• Use appropriate and non-offensive language during class and in written or email
• Demonstrate cooperation and respect for instructor and peers
• Actively participate during collaborative group work.
• No eating or drinking during class
• Avoid focusing on matters not part of course curriculum
• Behavior that threatens the safety of any class member, including the instructor,
will not be tolerated. The offending student may be dropped from the course.
Security called. Threats and stalking fall into this category.
• Bring all books to class including journal.
Academic Honesty
It is academically dishonest to present someone else’s work as your own. This also
includes submitting previously written work for more than one class. It is academically
dishonest to submit an assignment, which contains text or work taken from another
source (i.e. a web site, without any use of quotation marks. Academic dishonesty
includes, but is not limited to, dishonesty in quizzes, tests or assignments. Academic
dishonesty may result in you failing this course and may result in further disciplinary
action by the University.
Library Literacy Objectives
1. Students will implement basic MLA style for formal papers, using the guidance
of websites and style manuals, to include familiarity with page format, internal
citations, and the works cited page.
2. Students will use basic search techniques in Libros and other databases.
3. Students will check out a book from campus library and utilize database sources.
Electronic Devices
The use of cell phones, texting, or listening to IPods during class is prohibited. In case of
an emergency you can provide family members with the Academic Office phone number
(505) 925-8600 in case they need to reach you
Equal Access Services:
Student Services provides a number of services for students with documented special
needs. The Equal Access Office number is 925-8910. If you have a documented
disability, please provide me with a copy of your letter from Equal Access Services as
soon as possible to ensure that your accommodations are provided in a timely manner.
You can also refer to (page 54) of the UNM Valencia 2012-2014 catalog for further
Office Hours/Tutoring
I will be happy to meet with you and discuss your work during my office hours (or by
appointment.) you may contact me anytime by email at Blackboard Learn. I will try to
respond in 24 hours. I also encourage you to utilize tutoring available on campus through
the Learning Resource Center and through Learning Communities/Highway to Success.
Call for an appointment: (505) 925-8910.
Grading Policy
The grades earned are from A through F based on the University grading system for
percentages, and this course counts toward your GPA. Having a passing average in this
course is based on the following:
In-class reading/writing assignments
Individual and group writing
Homework Assignments
Notebook and Peer Evaluations
Final reflection paper
Course Outline for UNIV 101-501
(Assignments are subject to change and will be announced in a timely manner)
Week 1
08/19 Syllabus review, course expectations, classmate interviews (refer to questionnaire.)
Due: Read “I Just Want to be Average” in 50 Essays for next class. (Available on PDF)
Bring in journal along with flash drive for next class.
08/21 View video interview with author, Mike Rose. Due: Writing sample from prompts
posted on Blackboard Learn for next class
Week 2
08/26 Introduction to Blackboard Learn and PowerPoint group presentations assigned for
They Say, I Say. Annotation: Read Beyond the Yellow Marker. Due: Discuss your point
of view of newspaper article related to Special Education/essay. Bring a hard copy of
your assignment to next class. Read Chapter assigned in They Say, I Say for next class.
08/28 Watch film: A Force More Powerful Due: One page response from writing prompt
on film. Read “A Call for Unity” in class along with excerpts from “Letter from
Birmingham Jail” by King. Compare/contrast letters and discuss impact of Civil Rights
Week 3
09/02 Library Session meet in Room 143 ( adjacent to library) Due: Complete library
assignment on framing quotation, paraphrasing, and MLA related to readings.
09/04 Read and take annotated notes on “Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell in 50
Essays for group discussion.
09/07 Last day to drop classes without a penalty!
Week 4
09/09 In class group discussion/assignment on historical context from “Shooting an
Elephant.” Design a timeline. Due: Research basic facts about author. Refer to
information/facts/links on Blackboard Learn.
09/11 First class presentations/peer review from They Say, I Say. Quick write end of
class. Due: Discuss Orwell’s use of literary tools and provide specific examples from
“Shooting an Elephant” in your writing
Week 5
09/16 Second class presentations/peer review from They Say, I Say. Pre reading
assignment from 50 Essays. In class discussion/assignment reflecting video and web link
about author.
09/18 Journal writing activity. Continued in class group activity based on readings. Due:
Read both the Declaration of Sentiments and Declaration of Independence and take
annotated notes, mark differences and similarities for group discussion
Week 6
09/23 Third class presentations/peer review on They Say, I Say (TSIS) Outline
differences of both readings (discuss ethos, (character of speaker) Due: Answer questions
from readings posted on Blackboard Learn for group discussion.
09/25 Read “Two Ways to Belong in America” by Bharati Mukherjee in 50 Essays.
Research one cultural aspect of Indian culture and be prepared to present to class, take
annotated notes.
Week 7
09/30 Watch film: “Outsourced” in class, using study guide to record your responses.
10/02 Continue discussion on essay/compare and contrast reading/film
Week 8
10/07 Mid term exam and conferences
10/09 Journal evaluation/progress reports
Fall Break 10/11-14
Week 9
10/14 Continue with fourth and fifth class presentations from They Say, I Say. Pre
reading assignment “A Plague of Tics” by David Sedaris in 50 Essays. Due: Assignment
posted on Blackboard Learn.
10/16 Respond to an interview with David Sedaris. Due: Introducer group panel
presentations on Obsessive Compulsive Disorders related to essay
Week 10
10/21-10-23 In class group discussion on essay and continue to work on group
assignment for panel discussion from “A Plague of Tics.”
Week 11
10-28-10/30 Panel presentations/peer review. Due: Poetry reading/synopsis on favorite
mystery author.
Before class read “Just Walk on By: Black Men in Public Spaces by Brent Staples
Take annotated notes on essay answer questions on Blackboard Learn
Week 12
Watch and discuss video/articles related to current social justice issues posted on
Blackboard Learn
Share/Pair written responses to prompts related to social justice and race (Trayvon Martin
case) posted on Blackboard Learn
Pre reading group activity, Watch excerpts from Nickel and Dimed and discuss
Due: Write response from prompts posted on Blackboard Learn
Week 13
11/11 Due: Choose a New Yorker magazine article and follow assignment posted on
Blackboard Learn
11/13 New Yorker articles in class presentations
Week 14
11/18 Share/pair current event articles related to web link on social justice. Quick write.
Due: What rhetorical devices did Brent Staples use in his essay and how were they
Week 15
11/25-11/27 Preparation for final exam and end of semester reflection paper. Journals are
due for last class
Week 16
12/02-12/04 Final exam will be an in-class final. Please be prompt!