Wolfe- Unit I Student Schedule TR

ENGLISH 101-: Introduction to College Writing
Fall 2009
Week Tuesday
Introductions & Introductory essays
 Read pp 30-35.
31 Read Fakhraie’s "Scarfing it Down" on pp 498-499;
Sept 4 Hamto’s “My turn: Being American” on pp 494-495; and
Nordlinger’s “Bassackwards” on 500-503.
 Write a short analysis of each of these 3 readings by
answering the questions on pp 37-38. You may respond
in list format.
 Read "Analyzing Arguments" pp 145-157
 Prepare for an open-book quiz. You will have 5 minutes
to answer a total of 2 questions drawn from the
"Discussion" exercises on pp 148 and 154. You may use
notes during the quiz.
Read "Argument: An Introduction," pp. 1-23.
Write 1-2 paragraphs explaining whether or not Gordon
Adams' petition on pp 19-22 should be granted. Provide
reasons for your decision.
 Read “The Core of an Argument,” pp 60-70.
Read and print out a copy of Instructions for Assignment 1
(on Blackboard).
Read “Moving your Audience” pp 109-122.
Read Chu, “You Wanna Take This Online” and
Seigenthaler, “A False Wikipedia ‘Biography’” pp 434-437.
Write a short analysis of the appeals to ethos, pathos, and
kairos in Chu and Seigenthaler (1-2 paragraphs for each
Read "Writing Assignment: A Rhetorical Analysis" pp 158164
Read and print out the sample student essays on
Blackboard. Come to class prepared to rank these essays
from best to worst. You should be able to provide reasons
for your rankings.
Bring in an advertisement to use for Assignment 1.
 Assignment 1 due: Bring THREE copies of your essay to
Read "Analyzing Visual Arguments" pp 165-180.
class, bring your ad, and upload a copy of your essay to the
Write a short analysis of how your ad uses the design
ASSIGNMENT 1 folder on Blackboard.
features discussed in this chapter to make an argument.
 Read “An Introduction to the Types of Claims” pg 200-209.
 Read the arguments on Lawrence Summers’ Speech on
pgs 506-511
 Prepare for an open-book quiz asking you to identify the
types of claims found in specific sections of Chavez,
McFadden, and the Nature Neuroscience editorial (pgs
506-511). You may use notes during the quiz.
Sept  Read pages 415-422 and complete task one on page 415  Revised Assignment 1 due. Bring one copy of your essay
for homework.
to class, a copy of your ad, and copies of the peer reviews
 Read Chapter 7, “Responding to objections” 124-140.
you received. Upload an electronic copy of your essay to
 Write a short response to prompts 1a-1c on pg 134.
the ASSIGNMENT 1_FINAL folder on BlackBoard.
 Print out a copy of the schedule for unit II