{2004 Financial Follow up} Prepared For: Dr. Ahmad Ismail American University of Beirut Fall 2004-2005 Prepared By: Abdul Aziz Al-Hariri Amer Sbeity Majd Jamaleddine Mohamad Khaywa Osmat Awar November 2, 2004 1 WWW.PG.COM 2 Financial Statements WWW.PG.COM 3 4 5 *http://www.pg.com/investors/annualreports.jhtml 6 Financial Ratios vs. vs. Industry Ratios & Analysis 7 Liquidity Ratios: Current Ratio= 17115/22145 = 0.77 times Quick Ratio= 17115-4400/22145 = 0.57 times Liquidity ratios CR QR P&G 0.77 times 0.57 times Industry 1.12 0.62 Comment Poor Low According to the data above data ratios, P&G current ratios compared to that of industry is far from satisfying its current liabilities due to the annual shortage in cash. Industry averages show that P&G is in a weak position and thus holds high risk. For an investor the picture would only be complete after looking at the debt management ratios that basically denote a better image of the company mix of debt and equity. For now, P&G level of cash is unsatisfactory as long as this ratio is below industry average; therefore, it would be better for P&G to raise more equity and back its weak position towards meeting its liabilities. Asset Management Ratios: Inventory turnover ratio = 51,407/4400 = 11.68 Times The Days Sales Outstanding = Receivables/ Annual Sales/365 = 4062/51407/365 = 4062/140.84 = 28.84 Days Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio = 51,407/17,115 = 3 Times Total Assets Turnover Ratio =51,407/23900 = 2.15 Times 8 Asset Management Ratios Inv. Turnover Days Sales Outstanding Total Assets Turnover P&G Industry Comment 11.68 28.84 5.18 11.01 Poor Poor 2.15 1.25 Good Approximately, ach item of P&G is turnover 11.68 times per year, annual sales divided by inventory equaled turnovers or items per year. P&G turnovers of 11.68 times is much higher then that of industry average of 5.18 times that shows that P&G holds inventory less then the industry as hole, it does not have excess in inventory so its so productive evaluated to the industry, this ranking for P&G represent a high rate of investments returns. According to receivables turnover ratio that is calculated by dividing receivables over average sales per day, represents the average length of time that the firm wait after making the sales to receive cash, as founded P&G call for payment within 28.84 days higher than that of the industry average that is 11.01 days which says that customers are not paying there bills on time this situation tells that P&G customers have financial troubles which could but P&G in a great problem in collecting its receivables, moreover if this ratio continue to rise in the future years that will be a strong evidence to P&G to make an action to solve this problem to collect its receivables. Total assets turnover ratio that measures the turnover ratio of all P&G firms assets here as we found that P&G ratio is higher than that of the industry average in other words the company is doing very good in its business, sales is high in P&G according to its total assets gives the company sufficient volume of business given by its total assets investments. 9 Debt Management Ratio: Debt Ratio= 39770/57048 = 69.7% TIE (Times Interest Ratio) = 9979/629 = 16 times EBITDA coverage ratio= EBITDA + Lease Payments / (Interest+ Principal Payments + Lease Payments) = (9979 + 11196) / (629+2425) = 7 times * *: Could not find lease payments or amortization expense and used additional paid-in-capital as principal payment. Profitability ratios Debt Ratio TIE EBITDA coverage ratio P&G Industry Comment 69.7% 16 7 0.99 1.30 21.24 Poor Poor Poor We can obviously see that P&G has relatively high dept when compared with its industry its accordingly facing a hard situation especially in the eyes of its creditors who usually prefer companies who have lower percentage of dept. that means that P&G is living by the money of its creditors, and accordingly any problem that would face it can cause creditors to remove their money and thus the company can go bankrupted. On the other hand, we can see that the TIE value is also so different in P&G than in the industry ratio. But that perhaps means that P&G is much safer in this concern. Because it is well known that TIE ratio measures the extent to which operating income can decline before the firm is unable to meet its annual interest cost. From EBITDA ratio, industry has a figure of 21.24 compared to P&G which has a figure of 7. Nevertheless, if the EBIT falls then the coverage will also fall and thus the income can decrease. P&G and the industry 10 have very different EBITDA ratios; nevertheless P&G is lower in a drastic way indicating that it has a definitely much lower level of debt. The higher the debt the more limited the companies’ investments are, the riskier it is for bankruptcy. NOTE: We can’t conclude which company I should invest in from only those ratios!! We have to compare all other companies’ ratios. Profitability Ratios: ROA = (6,481 / 51,607) x (51,607 / 57,048) = 11.36 ROE = 11.36% x (57,048 / 12, 2783.3) = 11.36% x 3.3 = 37.5% PM = 6,481 / 51,607 = 12.56% Profitability ratios ROA ROE Profit Margin P&G Industry Comment 11.36% 37.5% 12.56% 13.13 40.4 11.65% Poor Poor Good P&G has a low rate of return on assets when comparing it to the industry average. That is what it explains that the M/B ratio is also below the of that of an average company. In fact when achieving a high ROA the company’s market values will be higher than the book values. Since ROA measures the firm’s profitability or management effectiveness we can conclude that P&G must enhance its way resources are allocated in order to increase the company’s efficiency; a way of doing it may be through funding more research and developments projects. In addition, we notice that P&G’s profit margin is higher than the industry average which indicates that the company’s is realizing a high net income over sales ratio although the company total assets turnover ratio is below one. An increase in assets turnover ratio is needed to maintain an even higher profit margin. 11 Finally concerning the return on equity ratio, it is also below the average and that is due to the fact that P&G has a very poor total assets turnover ratio especially that the profit margin is higher than the average which means that the total assets turnover ratio is far below what it should be. Market Value Ratios: -P/E = 51.18 / 2.46 = 20.80 -Price / Cash Flow per Share = 51.18 / 3.68 = 13.9 Cash Flow = NI + Dep + Amortization – Non Cash Revenues = 9362M #Common Outstanding Shares = 2,543,838 thousands -M/B = Price per Share / BVPS = 51.18 / 6.79 = 7.53 -BVPS = Total Common Equity / #Common Outstanding Share = 17,128M / 2,543,838 thousands = 6.79 Market Value Ratios P/E P/CFPS M/B P&G Industry Comment 20.80 13.9 7.537 22.99 17.89 12.65 Low Low Low P&G‘s market value ratios tend to be less than the average industry ratios. This suggests that the company is regarded as being riskier than other companies in the same industry and as having poorer growth prospect. We may also conclude that the company’s past performance seems to be poor especially that the price / cash per share ratio and the market / book ratio are far below the respective industry ratios. 12 References • www.pg.com (For Financial Statements) • http://yahoo.investor.reuters.com/StockOverview.aspx (For Industry ratios) 13