ACADEMIC ADVISING Advising Information Major Advising Information Advising Contacts ADVISING INFORMATION What is the Academic Advising Center? The Academic Advising Center (AAC) is dedicated to student success. The AAC provides students with academic advising, guidance, and support during their first two years at UTEP enabling them to make well informed decisions. Professioal Advisors and student peer advisors help UTEP students with course selection, program requirements and goal-setting. Please call or visit us at: AAC Building - 1st Floor 915-747-5290 M-F 8:00 am - 6:00 pm How do I know if I am required to get advised each semester? Not every major requires advising. Prior to each semester students should review the Major Advising Information in the Schedule of Classes (pp. 18-24) or log onto and click on your account. You can then check your “hold screen” for advising holds. Students will also receive an email a month prior to registration with a list of his/her holds. How do I know what courses to take? Students may obtain a degree plan at their major department or on the department’s website. Students should also meet with their department advisor or AAC advisor for additional clarification about courses. 18 How do I change my major? How do I complete TSI? A student planning to change majors should visit his/her (current) major department and obtain a change of major form. Then the student will take the form to the department of his/her desired new major. Students complete the Texas Success Initiative when they have passed the Reading, Writing, and Math sections of THEA, Accuplacer, or approved alternative; OR when they receive a “C” or better in a college-level writing, math, and reading-intensive course. Reading-intensive courses include HIST 1301 and 1302, POLS 2310 and 2311, SOCI 1301 and PSYC 1301. Education majors should consult an advisor in the College of Education regarding THEA requirements for acceptance into teacher certification program. What is TSI? The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) ensures that students entering a Texas public college or university are prepared for college-level math, writing, and reading-intensive courses. Entering students must take the Texas Higher Education Assessment (THEA), Accuplacer, or other approved alternative prior to enrolling in any college or university. In accordance with Texas law, all non-exempt full-time or part-time freshmen in certificate programs or degree programs that enter public institutions of higher education must complete TSI assessment prior to enrollment at the university. What does it mean to be TSI required? To satisfy the Texas Success Initiative requirements at UTEP, entering students are encouraged to take Accuplacer, which also serves as a placement test for Math, English, and reading-intensive courses. Non-exempt students who don’t pass one or more sections of the test will be advised by the Academic Advising Center into an appropriate developmental course according to UTEP’s Developmental Education Accountability Plan. Summer 2009 | SCHEDULE OF CLASSES If I passed one or more sections of the TSI at another institution, will my TSI status transfer to UTEP? Yes. The Admissions Office evaluates TSI status when they evaluate transfer coursework. Are there any exemptions for TSI? Yes, if you think that you qualify for any exemptions check with the Admissions Office at 747-5890. Did you know? The Kinesiology Department will be advising all day Friday, March 27th. For more information you may reach them at (915) 747-7245. ACADEMIC ADVISING Major Advising Information and Contact Code Major Contact Location Phone Required Advising College of Business Administration - Undergraduate Majors ACCT Accounting (60+ hours) Accounting Advisor (by appointment) BUSN 219 747-7764 no PBUS Pre-Business (0-59 hours) Pre-Business (60+ hours) Professional Development Center Undergraduate & Graduate Advising Office BUSN 103 BUSN 102 747-7753 747-5174 yes 0-30 no BUSN 219 747-7764 yes College of Business Administration - Graduate Majors BAMA BAMA (BBA in Accounting/Macy) Accounting Advisor BMBA BMBA (combines BBA/MBA) Accounting Advisor BUSN 219 747-7764 yes IBUS International Business Ph.D. Program Director BUSN 101 747-5241 yes BSAD Master of Business Administration Graduate Coordinator BUSN 102 747-5174 yes Code Major Contact Location Phone Required Advising College of Education - Undergraduate Majors CATE Career & Technology Education Mr. James Valdez EDUC 310A 747-7639 yes TED Teacher Education Advising, Recruitment, and Career Cntr EDUC 412 747-5475 no ED87 Pre-Education (0-45 hours only) Academic Advising Center AAB 1st Floor 747-5290 yes College of Education - Graduate Majors CATE Career & Technology Education Mr. James Valdez EDUC 310A 747-7639 yes EDAD Educational Administration/MED Ed Leadership/Foundations Department EDUC 501 747-5300 yes EDLA Ed Leadership & Administration/PhD Ed Leadership/Foundations Department EDUC 501 747-5300 yes EDMA Education/MA Dr. Antonio Gonzalez EDUC 208 747-5475 no EDUC Education/MED Dr. Antonio Gonzalez EDUC 208 747-5475 no DIAG Educational Diagnostics Dr. Lawrence Ingalls Dr. Beverley Calvo EDUC 710 EDUC 713 747-7583 747-5266 yes yes GUID Guidance and Counseling Dr. Don Combs Dr. Steve Johnson Dr. Roberto Gonzalez Dr. Martin Guo Dr. Melinda Haley EDUC 708 EDUC 707 EDUC 709 EDUC 705 EDUC 703 747-7585 747-7584 747-7640 747-7609 747-7496 no no no no no INSP Instructional Specialist/MED Dr. Antonio Gonzalez EDUC 208 747-5475 no READ Reading Education Dr. Antonio Gonzalez EDUC 208 747-5475 no SPED Special Education Dr. Helen Hammond Dr. Robert Trussell EDUC 711 EDUC 713 747-7642 747-7520 yes yes Code Major Contact Location Phone Required Advising College of Engineering - Undergraduate Majors CE Civil Engineering Dr. Vivek Tandon ENGR A221 747-6924 yes CS Computer Science Computer Science Department COMP 234 747-5480 yes EE Electrical Engineering Electrical/Computer Engineering Dept ENGR A325 747-5470 yes IE Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering Department ENGR A130 747-6927 yes SCHEDULE OF CLASSES | Summer 2009 19 ACADEMIC ADVISING Code Major Contact Location Phone Required Advising ME Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Department ENGR A126 747-5450 yes MT Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Dr. Stafford Dr. Trueba ENGR M-201 ENGR M-201 747-6930 747-7961 yes yes LDMT Lower Div Metallurgical & Materials Dr. Stafford Dr. Trueba ENGR M-201 ENGR M-201 747-6930 747-7961 yes yes LDCE Lower Div Civil Engineering Dr. Vivek Tandon ENGR A221 747-6924 yes LDCS Lower Div Computer Science Computer Science Dept COMP 234 747-5480 yes LDEE Lower Div Electrical Engineering Electrical/Computer Engineering Dept ENGR A325 747-5470 yes LDIE Lower Div Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering Department ENGR A130 747-6927 yes LDME Lower Div Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Dept ENGR A126 747-5450 yes PREE Pre-Engineering Engineering Student Affairs/Plaza ENGR A230 747-5460 yes ENGR A217 747-6919 yes College of Engineering - Graduate Majors CE Civil Engineering/MS Dr. Carrasco CENG Civil Engineering/PhD Dr. Carrasco ENGR A217 747-6919 yes EECE Computer Engineering/MS Electrical/Computer Engineering Dept ENGR A325 747-5470 yes ELCE Electrical/Computer Engineering/PhD Electrical/Computer Engineering Dept ENGR A325 747-5470 yes MIT Information Technology/Master Computer Science Department COMP 234 747-5480 yes CS Computer Science/MS Computer Science Department COMP 234 747-5480 yes CSCI Computer Science/PhD Computer Science Department COMP 234 747-5480 yes EE Electrical Engineering Electrical/Computer Engineering Dept ENGR A325 747-5470 yes ENGR Engineering Dr. Ricardo L. Pineda ENGR A243 747-6971 yes ENEN Environmental Engineering/MS Dr. Cesar Carrasco ENGR A217 747-6919 yes IE Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering Department ENGR A130 747-6927 yes MFGE Manufacturing Engineering Industrial Engineering Department ENGR A130 747-6927 yes MASE Materials Science & Engineering/PhD Dr. Murr ENGR M-201 747-6929 yes ME Mechanical Engineering Dr. Bronson ENGR A126 747-5450 yes MME Metallurgical/Materials Engr/MS Dr. Murr ENGR M-201 747-6929 yes Code Major Contact Location Phone Required Advising Burges Hall 216 747-5433 yes Location Phone Required Advising Center for Environmental Resource Management ESE Environmental Sci & Eng/PhD Code Major Cynthia Conroy Contact College of Health Science - Undergraduate Majors 20 CLIN Clinical Lab Science Clinical Laboratory Sciences Department HSCI 601 747-8214 yes HPRO Health Promotion CHS Student Support Center 1101 N Campbell 747-7280 yes KIN Kinesiology Prior to enrollment in KIN 1303: CHS Student Support Center After completion of KIN 1303: Kinesiology Department 1101 N Campbell HSCI 502 747-7280 747-7245 yes yes PCHS Pre-College of Health Sciences CHS Student Support Center 1101 N Campbell 747-7280 yes PCLS Pre-Clinical Lab Science CHS Student Support Center 1101 N Campbell 747-7280 yes Summer 2009 | SCHEDULE OF CLASSES ACADEMIC ADVISING Location Phone Required Advising Pre-Pharmacy Curriculum CumGPA <= 3.25: CHS Student Support Center CumGPA > 3.25: Pharmacy Program 1101 N Campbell STAN 301 747-7280 747-8519 yes yes P-OT Pre-Occupational Therapy Curriculum CHS Student Support Center 1101 N Campbell 747-7280 yes PSHL Pre-Speech/Language Pathology Curriculum CHS Student Support Center 1101 N Campbell 747-7280 yes SOWK Social Work (0-60 hours) Social Work (61+ hours) CHS Student Support Center Social Work Office 1101 N Campbell HSCI 319 747-7280 747-5095 yes yes Code Major PPHR Contact College of Health Science - Graduate Majors INHS Interdisciplinary Health Sci/PhD Dr. Ferreira-Pinto HSCI 101 747-7295 yes KIN Kinesiology Dr. King HSCI 515 747-7284 yes HP Health Promotion Dr. Weigel STAN 700 747-8308 yes MOT Occupational Therapy Dr. Funk HSCI 500 747-8207 yes MPT Physical Therapy Dr. Ryberg HSCI 505 747-8210 no PH Public Health Dr. Weigel STAN 700 747-8308 yes SPLP Speech/Language Pathology Dr. Mueller HSCI 415 747-8221 yes Code Major Location Phone Required Advising Contact College of Liberal Arts - Undergraduate Majors AFAM African American Studies Dr. Maceo Dailey LART 401 747-8650 no ANTH Anthropology (0-45 hours) Anthropology (46+ hours) Academic Advising Center Anthropology/Sociology Department AAB 1 Floor MAIN 108 747-5290 747-5740 yes yes ART Art Art Department Ms. Bauer FOX A350 FOXF 456B 747-5181 747-7840 no no CHIC Chicano Studies (0-60 hours) Chicano Studies (61+ hours) Academic Advising Center Dr. Bixler-Marquez AAB 1st Floor GRAH 104 747-5290 747-5462 yes no CMST Communication Studies (0-45 hours) Communication Studies (46+ hours) Academic Advising Center Ms. Wiedel Ms. Harrison AAB 1st Floor COTT 100 COTT 205 747-5290 747-5129 747-5129 yes yes yes CRIJ Criminal Justice (0-60 hours) Criminal Justice (61+ hours) Academic Advising Center Criminal Justice Office AAB 1st Floor LART 116 747-5290 747-7943 yes no CRWI Creative Writing (0-60 hours) Creative Writing (61+ hours) Academic Advising Center Mr. Chacon AAB 1st Floor HUDS 311 747-5290 747-6255 yes no DANC Dance Mr. Nadel (by appointment only) FOX D451 747-5146 yes ELME Electronic Media (0-45 hours) Electronic Media (46+ hours) Academic Advising Center Ms. Wiedel Ms. Harrison st AAB 1 Floor COTT 100 COTT 205 747-5290 747-5129 747-5129 yes yes yes ENAL English: American Lit. (0-30 hours) English: American Lit. (31+ hours) Academic Advising Center Mr. Mullins AAB 1st Floor HUDS 222 747-5290 747-6253 yes no ENGL English (0-30 hours) English (31+ hours) Academic Advising Center Mr. Mullins AAB 1st Floor HUDS 222 747-5290 747-6253 yes no FREN French (0-45 hours) French (46+ hours) Academic Advising Center Mrs. Nodjimbadem AAB 1st Floor LART 230 747-5290 747-5061 yes yes HIST History (0-45 hours) History (46+ hours) Academic Advising Center History Department AAB 1st Floor LART 320 747-5290 747-5508 yes yes LING Language & Linguistics (0-45 hours) Language & Linguistics (46+ hours) Academic Advising Center Languages and Linguistics Department AAB 1st Floor LART 137 747-5290 747-5767 yes yes st SCHEDULE OF CLASSES | Summer 2009 21 ACADEMIC ADVISING Major Contact Location BLAS Latin American Studies (0-45 hours) Latin American Studies (46+ hours) Academic Advising Center Dr. Abarca AAB 1st Floor 747-5290 CIABS 1514 Hawthorne 747-5003 yes yes MEDA Media Advertising (0-45 hours) Media Advertising (46-59 hrs) Media Advertising (60+ hours) Academic Advising Center Ms. Harrison Ms. Wiedel Ms. Mitchell AAB 1st Floor COTT 100 COTT 205 COTT 304 747-5290 747-5129 747-5129 747-6292 yes yes yes yes LTC. Matthew M. Canfield MILS 747-5621 yes MILS Military Science CMUS MUSG MUSK MUSO MUTH MUST MUSV Commercial Music Music - General - Teacher Certification Music - Keyboard Performance Music - Orchestra/Band Performance Music - Music Theater Music - Theory & Composition Music - Vocal Performance ORCC Phone Required Advising Code Music Department FOX M301 747-5967 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Organiz. & Corp. Comm (0-45 hours) Organiz. & Corp. Comm (46+ hours) Academic Advising Center Ms. Wiedel Ms. Harrison AAB 1st Floor COTT 100 COT 205 747-5290 747-5129 747-5129 yes yes yes PHIL Philosophy (0-60 hours) Philosophy (61+ hours) Academic Advising Center Dr. Juan Ferret AAB 1st Floor WORR 111 747-5290 747-5249 yes yes POSC Political Science (0-60 hours) Political Science (61+ hours) Academic Advising Center Dr. Webking Dr. Rocha AAB 1st Floor BEND 210 BEND 305 747-5290 747-7982 747-7977 yes yes yes PRME Print Media (0-45 hours) Print Media (46+ hours) Academic Advising Center Ms. Wiedel Ms. Harrison AAB 1st Floor COTT 100 COTT 205 747-5290 747-5129 747-5129 yes yes yes PSYC Psychology (0-60 hours) BA only Psychology (61+ hours) Academic Advising Center Celia Medrano AAB 1st Floor PSYC 112 747-5290 747-5551 yes no SOCI Sociology (0-45 hours) Sociology (46+ hours) Academic Advising Center Sociology Department AAB 1st Floor MAIN 108 747-5290 747-5740 yes yes SPAN Spanish (0-45 hours) Spanish (46+ hours) Academic Advising Center Ms. Tabuenca-Moyer AAB 1st Floor LART 224 747-5290 747-7033 yes yes ELMB Spanish Lang Electronic Media (0-45 hrs) Academic Advising Center Spanish Lang Electronic Media (46+hrs) Ms. Wiedel Ms. Harrison AAB 1st Floor COTT 100 COTT 205 747-5290 747-5129 747-5129 yes yes yes PRMB Spanish Lang Print Media (0-45 hours) Spanish Lang Print Media (46+ hours) Academic Advising Center Ms. Wiedel Ms. Harrison AAB 1st Floor COTT 100 COTT 205 747-5290 747-5129 747-5129 yes yes yes THTR Theatre Arts Theatre, Dance and Film Department FOX D371 747-5146 yes HUMN Humanities (Minor) Dr. Weber LART 233 747-6512 yes WMNS Women’s Studies (Minor) Dr. Risch LART 233 747-5200 yes Dr. Riccillo QUIN 211 747-6515 yes College of Liberal Arts - Graduate Majors COMM 22 Communication CRWR Creative Writing Rosa Alcala LART 212 747-7020 yes ENAL English & American Literature Dr. Dick HUDS 319 747-5199 yes ENWR Rhetoric & Writing Studies Dr. Foster JVOW 101 747-6623 yes ENRH English: Rhetoric & Composition/PhD Dr. Foster JVOW 101 747-6623 yes HIST History/MA Dr. Leyva LART 311 747-5508 no BLHI Border Land History/PhD Dr. Brunk LART 312 747-7049 no LAB Latin American & Border Studies Dr. Abarca CIABS 1514 Hawthorne 747-5003 yes LING Linguistics Dr. Amastae LART 227 yes Summer 2009 | SCHEDULE OF CLASSES 747-6803 ACADEMIC ADVISING Code Major Contact Location Phone Required Advising MUSE Music Education Dr. Ross FOX 239 747-7827 yes MUSP Music Performance Dr. Ross FOX 239 747-7827 yes PHIL Philosophy Dr. John Symons WORR 306 747-5804 yes POSC Political Science Dr. Boehmer BEND 307 747-7979 yes SOCI Sociology/MA Dr. Campbell MAIN 209 747-6525 yes SPAN Spanish Dr. Garabano LART 219 747-7035 yes MAT Teaching English Dr. Polette HUDS 216 747-5123 yes THTR Theatre Arts Theatre, Dance and Film Department FOX D371 747-5146 yes WMGS Women’s Studies (Certificate) Dr. Risch LART 233 747-5200 yes Code Major Contact Location Phone Required Advising School of Nursing - Undergraduate Majors NURS Nursing - Generic Mr. Lopez HSCI 229 747-8323 no NURS Nursing - Fast Track Mrs. Hennessy HSCI 413 747-7249 no PNRR NURR Pre-Nursing - RN RN to BSN Mr. Blanco Mr. Blanco HSCI 221 HSCI 221 747-8237 747-8237 yes yes PNUR Pre-Nursing Academic Advising Center AAB 1st Floor 747-5290 yes Dr. Monsivais HSCI 314 747-8209 yes School of Nursing - Graduate Majors NRCL Nurse Clinical Specialist NRPR Nurse Practitioner Ms. Sharp STAN 404 747-5315 yes NSM Nursing Systems Management Dr. Beeman HSCI 404 747-8319 yes NDEG Non-Degree Nursing/GR Ms. Williams HSCI 409 747-7204 yes EVBP Evidence Based Practice Certificate Dr. Monsivais HSCI 314 747-8209 yes HCLM HealthCare Leadership Mgmt Cert Dr. Beeman HSCI 404 747-8319 yes NEDU Nursing Education Grad Certificate Dr. Monsivais HSCI 314 747-8209 yes PMSN Post-Master’s Nursing Certificate Ms. Sharp STAN 404 747-5315 yes Code Major Contact Location Phone Required Advising College of Science - Undergraduate Majors APMA Applied Math Mathematical Science Department BELL 124 747-5761 yes BIOL Biology Biological Sciences Department BIOL 2.120 747-5844 yes CHEM Chemistry Dr. Becvar PSCI 409 747-7563 yes EASC Earth Science Dr. Marcus BELL 100 747-5536 yes ESCI Environmental Science Joel Gilbert Dr. Lieb GEOL 207B BIOL 202 747-5554 747-6986 yes yes PRES Pre-Science CircLES Office BELL 117 747-7749 yes GEOL Geological Sciences Dr. Goodell Dr. Langford GEOL 101 GEOL 101 747-5593 747-5968 yes yes GEOP Geophysics Dr. Goodell Dr. Langford GEOL 101 GEOL 101 747-5593 747-5968 yes yes LESC Life/Earth Science Dr. Marcus BELL 124 747-5536 yes SCHEDULE OF CLASSES | Summer 2009 23 ACADEMIC ADVISING Code Major Contact Location Phone Required Advising MATH Mathematical Science Mathematical Science Department BELL 124 747-5761 yes MICR Microbiology Biological Science Department BIOL 2.120 747-5844 yes NATS Natural Sciences Dr. Marcus BELL 100 747-5536 yes PHYS Physics Dr. Fitzgerald PSCI 215D 747-7530 yes College of Science - Graduate Majors BINF Bioinformatics Dr. Leung BELL 225 747-6836 yes BIOL BIOL Biology/Masters Biology/PhD Dr. J. Johnson Dr. Walsh BIOL B214 BIOL B216 747-6984 747-5421 yes yes BIPA Biological Sciences/PhD Dr. Walsh BIOL B216 747-5421 yes CHEM Chemistry Dr. Michael PSCI 121E 747-5240 yes CPS Computational Science Leticia Velazquez BELL 322 747-6768 yes ESCI Environmental Sciences Joel Gilbert Dr. Lieb GEOL 207B BIOL 202 747-5554 747-6986 yes yes GEOL Geological Sciences Geological Sciences Dept - Dr. Hurtado GEOL 319 747-5669 yes GEOP Geophysics Geological Sciences Dept - Dr. Hurtado GEOL 319 747-5669 yes INSC Interdisciplinary Study (MSIS) Dr. Lieb Joel Gilbert BIOL 202 GEOL 207B 747-5968 747-5554 yes yes MATH Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Department BELL 124 747-5761 yes PHYS Physics Dr. Ravelo PSCI 223E 747-5620 yes MATM Teaching Math Mathematical Sciences Department BELL 124 747-5761 yes STAT Statistics Mathematical Sciences Department BELL 124 747-5761 yes Code Major Contact Location Phone Required Advising Undergraduate Studies - Undergraduate Majors GENS General Studies Academic Advising Center AAB 1st Floor 747-5290 yes ABIT German Abitur Program Academic Advising Center AAB 1st Floor 747-5290 yes IASH Prog Interamericano Estudiantil Academic Advising Center st AAB 1 Floor 747-5290 yes STRT START Program Academic Advising Center st AAB 1 Floor 747-5290 yes UTAU UT Austin Coordinated Admission Academic Advising Center AAB 1st Floor 747-5290 yes Code Major Contact Location Phone Required Advising Julio Rogers AAB 128 747-5742 yes University College - Undergraduate Majors MDST Multidisciplinary Studies University College - Graduate Majors INSS Intel Natl Security Studies Dr. Larry Valero KELLY 409 747-7974 yes LEST Leadership Studies Steve Telless KELLY 213 747-7974 yes PBAD Public Administration Jana Renner KELLY 414 747-7974 yes 24 Summer 2009 | SCHEDULE OF CLASSES