COMMUNICATION PREP for UC and CSU (All based on 2013-14: subject to change) 5.15.15wcp UCSB UCLA UC Berkeley UC Davis UCSD UC Irvine Communication Communication Studies Media Studies* Communication Communication Literary Journalism (4 classes) Interpersonal or Mass Comm (6 classes) Must have 4 classes done by end of Fall (4 or 5 classes) (6 classes) Comm 101 Comm 101 Comm 171 Anthropology 104 No Courses English 110 or 110H Comm 288 Comm 131 or 131H History 102 or 102H Psychology 100 Articulated English 111 or 111H Comm 289 Math 117/117H or Psych 150 Political Science 101 Sociology 101 Literature (1 required) Math 117/117H 3 out of 4 from: 1 from: Math 117 or 117H Literature (recommended) or Psych 150 1) Political Science 101 Anthropology 103 3.0 in above 4 classes Humanities from UCI GE 2) Psychology 100 Economics 101 + 102 Choose 1: Comm 131 or Humanities from UCI GE 3) Sociology Psychology 100 131H or 121/121H Foreign Lang 104 4) Economics 101 or 108 13% admit rate: (3.92 average GPA) Sociology 101 *Must apply for major once at UCSB for major prerequisites Philosophy 205 (5 classes + For Lang) cannot use AP CSU Channel Islands Cal State Long Beach CSU Fullerton Cal Poly SLO San Diego State Univ. (SDSU) Comm ( 4 classes) Communication Studies (3 options) Communications (5 concentrations) Communication Studies Foreign Language 103 grad. Requirement (10 Classes) Communication (3 classes; 9 units) Comm 101 Comm 121 or 121H All 5 emphases below require Comm(H) and 235 Major Courses Health Communication (3 classes; 9 units) Comm 121 or 121H Comm 131 or 131H 1) Argumentation and Persuasion Comm 121 or 121H 2.75 GPA needed in major prep and overall Comm 131 or 131H Comm 235 2) Intercultural Communication Comm 131 or 131H Comm 101 Comm 141 Comm 161 (for Interpersonal & Org only) 3) Interpersonal Communication Comm 141 Comm 235 4) Organizational Communication Comm 161 Comm 121, 121H or 131, 131H or 141 or 161 5) Communication Studies Comm 235 All above must be taken for a letter grade Support Courses Emphases 1) Environmental Comm Options: Earth 111+L or Earth 112 1) Communication Studies 2)Health Comm 2) Interpersonal & Organizational Comm 1) Advertising: Comm 171 Math 117/117H or Psych 150 Anthro 101 3) Comm, Culture & Public Affairs 2) Entertainment & Tourism: Comm 171, Journ 101 Foreign Lang 102 Journalism BA (5 classes) or Journalism: Advertising Emphasis Journalism: Public Relations Emphasis 3)Business and Nonprofit 3) Journalism: Comm 171, Journ 101, Journ 122A History 103 3.0 GPA needed in major prep and overall no articulated classes 4) Photocommunications: Comm 171, Journ 101 Psych 100 or 100H Comm 171 5) Public Relations: Comm 171, Journ 101 applicants/transfer/criteria.html Journalism 101 for more information PolSci 101 Econ 102 polSci 104 CSUN (Northridge) CSU Monterey Bay SFSU CSU San Marcos Journalism: Media Studies Emphasis Comm Studies Human Communication Communication Studies Communication Comm 171 and choose 12 units from: no lower division required 12 emphasis area English 111 or Eng 111GB or Eng 111H 2.5 in prep classes Acct 230, Art 140, Econ 101, 102, PolSci 101 Up to 9 units of lower division courses in Comm. may be counted toward the major letter graded only Comm 101 Math 117(H) or Psych 150 Comm 235-not approved as a formal substitution-recommended PolSci 104, Psych 100/100H, Soc 101/101H, TA 111 SDSU recognizes the BA in Comm Applied Arts and Health Communication emphasis as similar to the AA-T in Comm at SBCC for admission purposes. However, the BA in Comm Liberal Arts emphasis is not considered similar.