Curriculum Vitae - Social Sciences

Distinguished Professor of Sociology,
Faculty Athletic Representative, and
Co-Director, Center for Citizen Peacebuilding
Distinguished Professor of Sociology, University of California, Irvine
Department of Sociology
3151 Social Science Plaza
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-5100
Office Phone: (949) 824-9323
Fax: (949) 824-4717
Place of Birth: Saginaw, Michigan, U.S.A.
B.A., Sociology, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, 1966
M.A., Urban Studies, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, 1971
M.A., Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles, 1972
Ph.D., Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles , 1976
Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Occidental College, Pasadena, 1974-1975
Instructor, Department of Sociology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, 1975-1976
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Texas, Austin, 1976-1982
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Texas, Austin, 1982-1987
Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Arizona, Tucson, 1987 to 2001
Professor, Department of Sociology, University of California, Irvine, July 2001 to present
Assistant Chair, Department of Sociology, University of Texas, 1986-1987
Head, Department of Sociology, University of Arizona, 1990-1999
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Director, Center for Applied Sociology, University of Arizona, 2000-20001
Co-Director, Center for Citizen Peacebuilding, University of California, Irvine, 2009-present
President, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, 1992-1993
President, Pacific Sociological Association, 1997-1998
Vice President, American Sociological Association, 2010-2011
Vice President of Board, Primavera Foundation, Tucson, AZ, 1995-2001
Faculty Prize for Distinguished Teaching Assistant, University of California, Los Angeles, 19731974
Chancellor's Dissertation Fellowship, University of California, Los Angeles, 1974-1975
Department of Sociology Nominee for Liberal Arts Teaching Award, University of Texas,
Austin, 1981
Department of Sociology Nominee for Creative Teaching Award, University of Arizona, 1989
Honorary Member, Golden Key National Honor Society, Inducted 1991
Elected President of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, 1992-1993
Elected to Sociological Research Association, 1992
Alumni Significant Achievement Award, College of Arts and Sciences, Ohio University, 1992
Charles Horton Cooley Award, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, 1993
Morris K. Udall Fellow, Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, University of Arizona, 1994
University Center Visiting Scholar, University Center, Atlanta, Georgia, Spring 1994
Distinguished Scholarship Award, Pacific Sociological Association, 1994
Scholarly Achievement Award, North Central Sociological Association, 1994
Elected President of the Pacific Sociological Association, 1997-98
Visiting Professor, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, Summer 1999
Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, California, 1999-2000.
Entretien avec David Snow: “Le legs de l’Ecole de Chicago a la theorie de l’action collective.”
Politix: Reveue Des Sciences Sociales Du Politique 13: 151-162, 2000.
Concept of “fleeting relationship” (developed in Together Alone) profiled as a “noteworthy idea”
of 2005 in the New York Times Sunday Magazine "Fifth Annual Year in Ideas” special
Work on “framing” honored at a two-day conference, titled “El Analisis De Los Marcos en La
Sociologia De Los Movimientos Sociales”, at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana,
Unidad Iztapalapa, Mexico City, May 2006
Named Chancellor’s Professor, University of California, Irvine, effective June 1, 2006
Recipient of “Scholarly Achievement Award” from the Department of Sociology, Renmin
University, Beijing, China, July, 2008.
Lee Founders Award for career contributions to the study of social problems, Society for the
Study of Social Problems, 2008
Elected Vice President of the American Sociological Association, 2009
Vice President of the American Sociological Association, 2010-11
Named Distinguished Professor of Sociology, UCI, effective November 17, 2011
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UCI Alumni Lauds & Laurels Faculty Achievement Award, 2012
Advisory Board, COSMOS – Centre on Social Movement Studies, European University Institute,
Florence, Italy, 2012-present
John D. McCarthy Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Scholarship of Social Movements and
Collective Behavior, Center for the Study of Social Movements, Notre Dame University,
Collective Behavior, Protest, and Social Movements
Social Psychology (Symbolic Interaction, Dramaturgy)
Urban (Marginal Lifestyles and Subcultures, Homelessness, Interaction in Public Places)
Sociology of Culture (Frame Analysis, Ideology and Consciousness)
Qualitative Methodology (Ethnography, Field Work)
Introductory Sociology
Social Problems
Sociological Theory
Political Sociology
Racism and Prejudice
Collective Behavior
Social Psychology
Sociology of Violence
Graduate Seminars
Seminars on Social Psychology
Seminars on Teaching Sociology
Seminar on Qualitative Methods
Seminar on Genocide and Mass Killings
Seminars on Poverty and Homelessness
Seminar on Superfluous People
Seminars on Collective Action and Social Movements
Research Monographs and Texts
D. Snow. Shakubuku: A Study of the Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist Movement in America,
1960 to 1975. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc.
D. Snow and L. Anderson, Down on Their Luck: A Study of Homeless Street People.
Berkeley: University of California Press.
Received the Charles Horton Cooley Award, Society for the Study of Symbolic
Interaction, 1993; the Distinguished Scholarship Award, Pacific Sociological
Association, 1994; and the Scholarly Achievement Award, North Central Sociological
Association, 1994.
Chapter 3 reprinted in D. Newman (ed.), Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of
Everyday Life. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press, 1994.
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Chapter 5 reprinted in S. Ferguson (ed.), Mapping the Social Landscape: Readings in
Sociology. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Co, 1996.
Chapter 7 reprinted in P. Kollack and J. O’Brien (eds.), The Production of Reality:
Essays and Readings on Social Interaction, (First, second and third editions), Newbury
Park, CA: Pine Forge Press, 1996; in A. Branaman (ed.), Self and Society. Malden, MA
and Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers, 2001; and J. Holstein and J. Gubrium (eds.).
Inner Lives and Social Worlds: Readings in Social Psychology. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2002.
Excerpt from Chapter 8 reprinted in Tamara Roleff (ed.), The Homeless: Opposing
Viewpoints. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1996.
D. Snow and Leon Anderson. Desafortunados: Um Estudo Sobre O Povo da Rua.
Petropolis, Brazil: Editora Vozes (Portugese translation of Down on Their Luck).
J. Lofland, D. Snow, L. Anderson, and L. Lofland. Analyzing Social Settings: A Guide
to Qualitative Observation and Analysis. Fourth Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
J. Lofland, D. Snow, L. Anderson, and L. Lofland. 2010. Analiza układów społecznych.
Przewodnik metodologiczny po badaniach jakościowych. (Polish translation of
Analyzing Social Settings).
D. Snow and S. Soule. A Primer on Social Movements. New York, NY: W.W. Norton &
Edited Scholarly Books
D. Snow, S. Soule, H. Kriesi (eds.) The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements.
Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers. Reprinted in 2007.
C. Morrill, D. Snow, and C. White. Together Alone: Personal Relationships in Public
Places. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Edited Texts
D. Snow and R. Hodson (eds.). Readings in Sociology. Lexington, MA: Ginn Custom
D. McAdam and D. Snow (eds.). Social Movements: Readings on Their Emergence,
Mobilization, and Dynamics. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing.
D. McAdam and D. Snow (eds.). Social Movements: Readings on Their Emergence,
Mobilization, and Dynamics, Second Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.
Edited Encyclopedia
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D. Snow, D. della Porta, B. Klandermans, D. McAdam (Eds). The Wiley-Blackwell
Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements (3 Volumes). Oxford, UK:
In Progress
2015 D. Snow, G. Blasi, M. C. Santos Loschiavo, M. Marpsat. M. Tamaki. The Sidewalks of
Globalization. Homelessness in Los Angeles, Paris, Sao Paulo, and Tokyo. New York:
Edited Special Issues of Journals
D. Snow and M. G. Bradford. Edited Special Issue of American Behavioral Scientist
titled "Broadening Perspectives on Homelessness,” Vol. 37, No. 4.
D. Snow. Edited Special Issue of Sociological Methods and Research titled “The ValueAdded Contributions of Ethnographic Research,” Vol. 25, No. 4.
D. Snow. Edited Special Issue of Social Psychology Quarterly titled “Qualitative
Contributions to Social Psychology,” Vol. 62, No. 2
Journal Articles and Chapters
D. Snow, A. Dutt, and T. Fuller, "Neighborhood Planning: A Historical and Critical
Analysis." The Greek Review of Social Research 14: 193-197.
D. Snow, "A Dramaturgical Analysis of Movement Accommodation: Building
Idiosyncrasy Credit as a Movement Mobilization Strategy." Symbolic Interaction: 2 (2):
D. Snow and P. Leahy, "The Making of a Black Slum-Ghetto: A Case Study of
Neighborhood Transition." Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 16 (4): 459-481.
Reprinted in E. M. Miggens (ed.), A Guide to Studying Neighborhoods and Resources
on Cleveland. Cleveland, OH: Cleveland Public Library, 1984.
D. Snow, L. Zurcher, and S. Ekland-Olson, "Social Networks and Social Movements: A
Microstructural Approach to Differential Recruitment." American Sociological Review
45 (5): 787-801.
Reprinted in R. Turner and L. Killian, Collective Behavior, 3rd Edition. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1987.
Reprinted in R. Curtis (ed.), Readings in Sociology. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendal/Hunt
Publishing Co., 1988.
Reprinted in B. Aguirre and R. Curtis (eds.), Collective Behavior and Social Movements:
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An Anthology. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1993.
Reprinted in D. McAdam and D. Snow (eds.), Social Movements: Readings on Their
Emergence, Mobilization, and Dynamics. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Co.,
Reprinted in Jeff Goodwin and James Jaspers (eds.) .Social Movements: Critical
Concepts in Sociology. Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge, 2007.
D. Snow and C. Phillips, "The Lofland-Stark Conversion Model: A Critical
Reassessment." Social Problems 27 (4): 430-447.
Reprinted in D. McAdam and D. Snow (eds.), Social Movements: Readings on Their
Emergence, Mobilization, and Dynamics. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Co.,
D. Snow, "The Disengagement Process: A Neglected Problem in Participant Observation
Research." Qualitative Sociology 3 (2): 100-122.
D. Snow, L. Zurcher, and R. Peters, "Victory Celebrations As Theater: A Dramaturgical
Approach to Crowd Behavior." Symbolic Interaction 4 (1): 21-42.
Reprinted in A. Paul Hare and Herbert H. Blumberg, Dramaturgical Anaysis of Social
Interaction. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1988.
Reprinted in H. Farberman, J. Johnson, and G. Fine (eds.), Introductory Readings in
Symbolic Interaction. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1992.
Reprinted in B. Aguirre and R. Curtis (eds.), Collective Behavior and Social Movements:
An Anthology. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1993.
L. Zurcher and D. Snow, "Collective Behavior: Social Movements." Pp. 447-482 in R.
Rosenberg and R. Turner (eds.), Social Psychology: Sociological Perspectives. New
York: Basic Books.
D. Snow, P. Leahy, and W. Schwab, "Social Interaction in a Heterogeneous Apartment:
An Investigation of the Effects of Environment Upon Behavior." Sociological Focus 14
(4): 309-319.
D. Snow and R. Machalek, "On the Presumed Fragility of Unconventional Beliefs."
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 21 (1): 15-26.
Reprinted in J. Alcock (ed.), Religion and Psychology. New York: Macmillian
Publishing, 1989.
D. Snow and C. Phillips, "The Changing Self-Orientations of College Students: From
Institution to Impulse." Social Science Quarterly 63 (3): 462-476.
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D. Snow, L. Zurcher, and G. Sjoberg, "Interviewing by Comment: An Adjunct to the
Direct Question." Qualitative Sociology 5 (4): 462-476.
Reprinted in D. Anderton, E. Arriaga, and D. Bogue (eds.), Readings in Population
Research Methodology. New York: United Nations Population Fund, 1993.
D. Snow and C. Clarke, "Technology, Social Problems, and Change." Pp. 47-67 in D.
Snow and R. Hodson (eds.), Readings in Sociology. Lexington, MA: Ginn Custom
D. Snow and R. Machalek, "The Convert as a Social Type." Pp. 229-289 in R. Collins
(ed.), Sociological Theory. San Francisco: Jossey-Boss.
D. Snow, L. Zurcher, and S. Ekland-Olson, "Further Thoughts on Social Networks and
Social Movements." Sociology 17 (1): 112-120.
D. Snow and R. Machalek, "Second Thoughts on the Presumed Fragility of
Unconventional Beliefs." Pp. 25-44 in E. Barker (ed.), Of Gods and Men: New Religious
Movements in the West. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press.
P. Leahy, D. Snow, and S. Worden, "The Anti-Abortion Movement and Symbolic
Crusades: Reappraisal of a Popular Theory." Alternative Lifestyles 6: 27-47.
D. Snow and R. Parker, "Mass Media and the Market." Pp. 153-172 in P. Adler and P.
Adler (eds.), The Social Dynamics of Financial Markets. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
D. Snow and R. Machalek, "The Sociology of Conversion." Annual Review of Sociology
10: 167-190.
Reprinted in Sociology of Religion: Critical Concepts, edited by M. B. Hamilton,
D. Snow and S. Marshall, "Cultural Imperialism, Social Movements, and the Islamic
Revival." Pp. 131-152 in L. Kriesberg (ed.), Research in Social Movements, Conflicts,
and Change, Vol. 7. Greenwich, CT: JAI.
R. Machalek and D. Snow, "Neglected Issues in the Study of Conversion." Pp. 123-129
in B. Kilbourne (ed.), Scientific Research and New Religions: Divergent Perspectives.
San Francisco: American Association for the Advancement of Science.
D. Snow, R. Benford, and L. Anderson, "Fieldwork Roles and Informational Yield: A
Comparison of Alternative Settings and Roles." Urban Life (now the Journal of
Contemporary Ethnography) 14 (4): 377-408.
S. Lyng and D. Snow, "Vocabularies of Motive and High Risk Behavior: The Case of
Skydiving." Pp. 157-179 in E. Lawler (ed.) Advances in Group Processes: Research
Annual, Vol. 3. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
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D. Snow, B, Rochford, S. Worden, and R. Benford, "Frame Alignment Processes,
Micromobilization, and Movement Participation." American Sociological Review 51 (4):
Reprinted in D. McAdam and D. Snow (eds.), Social Movements: Readings on Their
Emergence, Mobilization, and Dynamics. Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury Publishing Co.,
Reprinted in S. M. Buechler and F. K. Clyde, Jr. (eds.), Social Movements: Perspectives
and Issues. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1997.
Reprinted in A. Chihu Amparán, El “Análisis De Los Marcos” En La Sociología De Los
Movimientos Sociales. Mexico: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana and Miguel Angel
Porrúa, 2006.
Reprinted in Jeff Goodwin and James Jaspers (eds.) .Social Movements: Critical
Concepts in Sociology. Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge, 2007.
Reprinted in Vincenzo Ruggiero and Nicola Montagna (eds.) Social Movements: A
Reader. London, Routledge, 2008.
D. Snow, S. Baker, L. Anderson, and M. Martin, "The Myth of Pervasive Mental Illness
Among the Homeless." Social Problems 33 (5): 407-423.
Reprinted in J. Heeren (ed.), Sociology: Window on Society. Los Angeles: Roxbury
Publishing Co., 1989.
D. Snow, "Organization, Ideology, and Mobilization: The Case of Nichiren Shoshu of
America." Pp. 153-172 in D.G. Bromley and P.E. Hammond (eds.), The Future of New
Religious Movements. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press.
D. Snow and L. Anderson, "Identity Work Among the Homeless: The Verbal
Construction and Avowal of Personal Identities." American Journal of Sociology 92 (6):
Reprinted in N. J. Herman and L. Reynolds (eds.), Symbolic Interaction: An Introduction
to Social Psychology. New York: General Hall, Inc., 1993.
Reprinted in S. Cahill (ed.), Inside Social Life: Readings in Sociological Psychology and
Microsociology. Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing Co., 1995.
D. Snow, "From the Book Shelf: Awaiting the Deluge." Journal of Contemporary
Ethnography 16 (1): 90-93.
S. Baker and D. Snow, "The Homeless in Texas: Estimates of Population Size and
Demographic Composition." Pp. 205-217 in J. Momeni (ed.), Homelessness in the
United States. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
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D. Snow and R. Benford, "Ideology, Frame Resonance, and Participant Mobilization."
International Social Movement Research 1: 197-217.
Reprinted in A. Chihu Amparán, El “Análisis De Los Marcos” En La Sociología De Los
Movimientos Sociales. Mexico: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana and Miguel Angel
Porrúa, 2006.
D. Snow, S. Baker, and Leon Anderson, "On the Precariousness of Measuring Insanity in
Insane Contexts." Social Problems 35 (2): 192-196.
D. Snow and R. Benford, "Schemi Interpretativi Dominanti E Cicli Di Protesta." Polis 3
(1): 5-40.
D. Snow, L. Anderson, and S. Baker, "Criminality and Homeless Men: An Empirical
Assessment." Social Problems 36 (5): 532-549.
D. Snow, C. Robinson, and P. McCall, "Cooling Out Men in Bars and Night Clubs:
Observations on the Interpersonal Strategies of Women in Public Places." Journal of
Contemporary Ethnography 19 (4): 423-449.
D. Snow and L. Anderson, "Researching the Homeless: The Characteristic Features and
Virtues of the Case Study." Pp. 148-173 in J. Feagin, A. Orum, G. Sjoberg (eds.), A
Case for the Case Study. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press.
D. Snow and R. Benford, "Master Frames and Cycles of Protest." Pp. 133-155 in A.
Morris and C. Mueller (eds.), Frontiers in Social Movement Theory. New Haven: Yale
University Press.
Reprinted in S. M. Buechler and F. K. Clyde, Jr. (eds.), Social Movements: Perspectives
and Issues. Mountain, View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1997.
Reprinted in A. Chihu Amparán, El “Análisis De Los Marcos” En La Sociología De Los
Movimientos Sociales. Mexico: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana and Miguel Angel
Porrúa, 2006.
R. Machalek and D. Snow. "Conversion." Pp. 53-74 in D. Bromley and J. Hadden (eds.),
Handbook of Cults and Sects in America, vol. 3, Part B. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
L. Anderson, D. Snow, and D. Cress, "Negotiating the Public Realm: Stigma
Management and Collective Action Among the Homeless." Pp. 121-143 in S. Cahill and
L. Lofland (eds.), The Community of "The Streets". Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Reprinted in P. Adler and P. Adler (eds.), Constructions of Deviance: Social Power,
Context, and Interaction, 2nd Edition. CA: Brooks/Cole, 2002
D. Snow, L. Anderson, and P. Koegel, "Distorting Tendencies in Research on the
Homeless." American Behavioral Scientist 37 (4): 461-475.
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D. Snow and P. Davis, "Turner's Contributions to the Study of Collective Behavior: An
Elaboration and Critical Assessment." Pp. 97-115 in G. Platt and C. Gordon (eds.), Self,
Collective Action, and Society: Essays Honoring the Contributions of Ralph H. Turner.
Greenwich, CN: JAI Press.
S. Hunt, R. Benford, and D. Snow, "Identity Fields: Framing Processes and the Social
Construction of Movement Identities." Pp. 185-208 in E. Larana, H. Johnson, and J.
Gusfield (eds.), New Social Movements: From Ideology to Identity. Philadelphia, PA:
Temple University Press.
Reprinted in A. Chihu Amparán, El “Análisis De Los Marcos” En La Sociología De Los
Movimientos Sociales. Mexico: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana and Miguel Angel
Porrúa, 2006.
L. Anderson and D. Snow, "L'industrie Du Plasma." Actes de la recherche en sciences
sociales 104 (Sept): 25-33.
D. Snow and P. Oliver, "Social Movements and Collective Behavior: Social
Psychological Dimensions and Considerations." Pp. 571-599 in K. Cook, G. Fine, and J.
House (eds.), Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology. Boston: Allyn and
D. Snow and P. Davis, "The Chicago Approach to Collective Behavior." Pp. 188-220 in
G. Fine (ed.), A Second Chicago School. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
L. Anderson and D. Snow, "The Tainted Relationship: The Commercial Blood Plasma
Industry and the Homeless in the United States." Pp. 181-202 in J. Holstein and G. Miller
(eds.), Perspectives on Social Problems, V. 7. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
D. Snow, L. Anderson, T. Quist, and D. Cress. "The Homeless as Bricoleurs: Material
Survival Strategies on the Streets." Pp. 86-96 in J. Baumohl (ed.), Homelessness in
America. Phoenix: ORYX Press.
D. Cress and D. Snow, "Resources, Benefactors, and the Viability of Homeless SMOs."
American Sociological Review 61: 1089-1109.
Reprinted in A. Costain and A. McFarland (eds.), Social Movements and American
Political Institutions. Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield, 1998.
Reprinted in D. McAdam and D. Snow (eds.), Social Movements: Readings on Their
Emergence, Mobilization, and Dynamics. Second Edition. New York: Oxford 2009.
W. Bunis, A. Yancik, and D. Snow, "The Cultural Patterning of Sympathy toward the
Homeless and Other Victims of Misfortune." Social Problems 43: 301-317.
D. Snow, D. Cress, L. Downey, and A. Jones, “Disrupting the Quotidian:
Reconceptualizing the Relationship between Breakdown and the Emergence of
Collective Action.” Mobilization: An International Journal 3: 1-22.
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Reprinted in D. McAdam and D. Snow (eds.), Social Movements: Readings on Their
Emergence, Mobilization, and Dynamics. Second Edition. New York: Oxford 2009.
H. Johnston and D. Snow, “Subcultures and Social Movements: The Emergence of the
Estonian Nationalist Opposition.” Sociological Perspectives 41: 473-497.
D. Snow and R. Benford, “Alternative Types of Cross-National Diffusion in the Social
Movement Arena.” Pp. 23-39 in D. della Porta, H. Kriesi, and D. Rucht (eds.), Social
Movements in a Globalizing World. London and New York: St. Martin’s and Macmillan.
D. Snow. “The Value of Sociology.” Sociological Perspectives 42: 1-22.
D. Snow. “Assessing the Ways in Which Qualitative/Ethnographic Research Contributes
to Social Psychology.” Social Psychology Quarterly 62: 97-100.
D. Snow and R. Benford. “Clarifying the Relationship between Ideology and Framing: A
Comment on Oliver and Johnston.” Mobilization: An International Journal 5: 55-60.
Reprinted in Frames of Protest: Social Movements and the Framing Perspective, edited
by Hank Johnston and John A. Noakes, Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2005
Reprinted in forthcoming Cultura e Mobilização Política(Culture and Political
Mobilization), edited by Angela Alonso. Sao Paulo, Brazil: Editoria Vozes.
D. Cress and D. Snow. “The Outcomes of Homeless Mobilization: The Influence of
Organization, Disruption, Political Mediation, and Framing.” American Journal of
Sociology 105: 1063-1104.
R. Benford and D. Snow. “Framing Processes and Social Movements: An Overview and
Assessment.” Annual Review of Sociology 26: 611-639.
Reprinted in New Critical Writings in Political Sociology, edited by Alan Scott, Kate
Nash, and Anna Marie Smith. Hands, England: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2009.
D. Snow and D. McAdam. “Identity Work Processes in the Context of Social
Movements: Clarifying the Identity/Movement Nexus.” Pp. 41-67 in Self, Identity, and
Social Movements, edited by S. Stryker, T. Owens, and R. White. Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota Press.
D. Snow. “Extending and Broadening Blumer’s Conceptualization of Symbolic
Interactionism.” Symbolic Interaction 24: 367-377.
D. Snow and M. Mulcahy. “Space, Politics, and the Survival Strategies of the
Homeless.” American Behavioral Scientist 45: 149-169.
L. Anderson and D. Snow. “Inequality and the Self: Exploring Connections from An
Interactionist Perspective.” Symbolic Interaction 24: 395-406.
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D. Snow. “Analyse De Cadres Et Mouvements Sociaux.” Pp. 27-49 in Les Formes De
L’Action Collective: Mobilization Dans Des Arenes Publiques, Raisons Pratiques series,
No. 12, edited by Daniel Cefai and Danny Trom. Paris, France: Editions de l’Ecole des
Haute Etudes en Sciences Sociales.
L. Anderson and D. Snow. “L’exclusion sociale et le soi: une perspective
d’interactionnisme symbolique.” Sociologie Et Societies 33: 13-27.
D. Snow and D. Trom. “The Case Study and the Study of Social Movements.” Pp. 146172 in Methods in Social Movement Research, edited by S. Staggenborg and B.
Klandermans. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
D. Snow. “On the Presumed Crisis in Ethnographic Representation: Observations from a
Sociological & Interactionist Standpoint.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 31:
498-507 (Part of a “Review Symposium: Crisis in Representation”).
D. Rohlinger and D. Snow. “Social Psychological Perspectives on Crowds and Social
Movements.” Pp. 503-527 in Handbook of Social Psychology, edited by John
Delamater. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
D. Snow. “Observations and Comments on Gusfield’s Journey.” Symbolic Interaction
26: 141-149.
D. Snow and L. Anderson. “Street People.” Contexts 2: 12-17.
Reprinted in The Contexts Reader, edited by Jeff Goodwin and James M. Jasper,
New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2008.
D. Snow. “Social Movements.” Pp. 811-833 in Handbook of Symbolic Interactionism,
edited by Larry Reynolds and Nancy Herman. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press.
D. Snow, C. Morrill, and L. Anderson. “Elaborating Analytic Ethnography: Linking
Ethnography and Theoretical Development.” Ethnography, 4: 271-290.
D. Snow, S. Soule, H. Kriesi. “Mapping the Terrain.” Pp. 1-16 in The Blackwell
Companion to Social Movements, edited by D. Snow, S. Soule, and H. Kriesi. Oxford,
U.K.: Blackwell Publishing.
D. Snow. “Framing Process, Ideology, and Discursive Fields.” Pp. 380-412 in The
Blackwell Companion to Social Movements, edited by D. Snow, S. Soule, and H. Kriesi.
Oxford, U.K.: Blackwell Publishing.
D. Snow. “Social Movements as Challenges to Authority: Resistance to an Emerging
Conceptual Hegemony.” Pp. 3-25 in Authority in Contention: Research in Social
Movements, Conflict, and Change, edited by Daniel J. Meyers and Daniel M. Cress.
London/New York: Elsevier.
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D. Snow. “Thoughts on Alternative Pathways to Theoretical Development: Theory
Generation, Extensions, and Refinement.” Pp. 133-136 in Workshop on Scientific
Foundations of Qualitative Research, edited by Charles C. Ragin, Joane Nagel, and
Patricia White. Washington, D.C. National Science Foundation.
C. Morrill and D. Snow. “The Study of Personal Relationships in Public Places.” Pp. 122 in Together Alone: Personal Relationships in Public Places, edited by C. Morrill, D.
Snow, and C. White. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press
C. Morrill and D. Snow. “Taking Stock: Functions, Places, and Personal Relationships.”
Pp. 225-246 in Together Alone: Personal Relationships in Public Places, edited by C.
Morrill, D. Snow, and C. White. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press
D. Snow, S. Soule, and D. Cress. “Identifying the Precipitants of Homeless Protest
Across 17 U.S. Cities, 1980-1990.” Social Forces 83: 227-254.
D. Snow and C. Corrigall-Brown. “Falling on Deaf Ears: Confronting the Prospect of
Non-Resonant Frames.” Pp. 222-238 in Rhyming Hope and History: Activism and Social
Movement Scholarship, edited by David Croteau, Charlotte Ryan, and William Hoynes.
Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
D. Snow. “Are There Really Awkward Movements or Only Awkward Research
Relationships.” Mobilization: An International Journal 11: 495-599.
D. Snow and S. Byrd. “Ideology, Framing Processes, and Islamic Terrorist
Movements.” Mobilization: An International Journal 12:119-136
Reprinted in D. McAdam and D. Snow (eds.), Social Movements: Readings on Their
Emergence, Mobilization, and Dynamics. Second Edition. New York: Oxford 2009.
D. Snow, R. Vliegenhart, and C. Corrigall-Brown. “Framing the French ‘Riots’: A
Comparative Study of Frame Variation.” Social Forces, 86: 385-415.
D. Snow. “Elaborating the Discursive Contexts of Framing: Discursive Fields and
Spaces.” Studies in Symbolic Interaction, 30: 3-28. .
C. Corrigall-Brown, D. Snow, T. Quist, K. Smith. "Explaining the Puzzle of Homeless
Mobilization: An Examination of Differential Participation." Sociological Perspectives
52: 309-335.
M. Marr, G. DeVerteuil, and D. Snow. “Towards a Contextual Approach to the PlaceHomeless Survival Nexus: An Exploratory Case Study of Los Angeles County.” Cities
26: 307-317.
G. DeVerteuil, M. Marr, D. Snow. “Any Space Left? Homeless Resistance by PlaceType in Los Angeles County.” Urban Geography 30: 633-651.
D. Snow and R. Lessor. “Frame Hazards in the Health Arena: The Cases of Obesity,
Snow, David A.
Page 14
Work Related Illnesses, and Human Egg Donation.” Pp 284-299 in Social Movements
and the Transformation of U. S. Health Care, edited by J. Banaszak-Holl, M. Zald, and
S. Levitsky. New York: Oxford University Press.
J. Stobaugh and D. Snow. “Temporality and Frame Diffusion: The Case of the
Creationist/Intelligent Design & Evolutionary Movements from 1925-2005.” Pp. 34-55
In Dynamics of Diffusion in Social Movements, edited by Becky Givans, Kenneth
Roberts, and Sarah Soule. New York: Cambridge University Press.
D. Snow, J. Bany, M. Peria, and J. Stobaugh. “A Team Field Study of the Appeal of
Megachurches: Identifying, Framing, and Solving Personal Issues.” Ethnography 11:
R. Cross and D. Snow, “Radicalism with the Context of Social Movements: Process and
Types.” Journal of Strategic Security 4: 115-130.
R. Cross and D. Snow. “Social Movements.” 522-544 in The Wiley-Blackwell
Companion to Sociology, edited by George Ritzer. Oxford, UK: Wiley/Blackwell
D. Snow, “Une ethnographie du recrutement et de la conversion formelle au
Nichiren Shoshu dans les années 1970.” Genèses: Sciences Sociales et Histoire 3,
88: 135-155.
D. Snow. “Identity Dilemmas, Discursive Fields, Identity Work & Mobilization:
Clarifying the Identity/Movement Nexus.” Pp. 263-280 in The Future of Social
Movement Research: Dynamics, Mechanisms, and Processes, edited by J. Van
Stekelenburg, C. M. Roggeband and B. Klandermans. Minneapolis, MN: University of
Minnesota Press.
P. Owens, Y. Su, and D. Snow. “Social Scientific Inquiry into Genocide and Mass
Killing: From Unitary Outcome to Complex Processes.” Annual Review of Sociology,
Volume 39: 69-84.
D. Snow, A. Tan, and P. Owens. “Social Movements, Framing Processes, and Cultural
Revitalization and Fabrication” (John D, McCarthy Lifetime Achievement Award
Lecture), Mobilization: The International Quarterly Review of Social Movement
Research 18: 225-242.
D. Snow, P. Owens, and A. Tan. “Libraries, Social Movements, and Cultural Change:
Toward an Alternative Conceptualization of Culture.” Social Currents 1: 35-43.
D. Snow, R. Benford, H. McCammon, L. Hewitt, and S. Fitzgerald. 2014. “The
Emergence, Development, and Future of the Framing Perspective: 25+ Years Since
‘Frame Alignment.’” Mobilization: An International Quarterly 19: 489-512.
D. Snow and P. Owens. “Social Movements and Social Inequality. Forthcoming in
Snow, David A.
Page 15
Handbook of the Social Psychology of Inequality, edited by J. McLeod, E. Lawler, and
M. Schwalbe, Springer.
D. Snow and D. Moss. “Protest on the Fly: Toward a Theory of Spontaneity in the
Dynamics of Protest and Social Movements.” Forthcoming in the American
Sociological Review, December
A. Tan and D Snow. “Cultural Conflict and Social Movements.” Forthcoming in Oxford
Handbook of Social Movements. London: Oxford University Press.
Encyclopedia Articles
D. Snow, "Collective Behavior and Crowds." Pp. 123-125 in A. Kuper and J. Kuper
(eds.) The Social Science Encyclopedia. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
D. Snow and Ronnelle Paulsen, "Crowds and Riots." Pp. 395-402 in the Encyclopedia of
Sociology. 1st Edition. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.
D. Snow and S. Worden, "Symbolic Crusades." In The Encyclopedia of Language and
Linguistics, Pergamon and Aberdeen University Press.
D. Snow and R. Paulsen, "Crowds and Riots." Pp. 553-562 in Encyclopedia of
Sociology, Volume 1, 2nd Edition. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.
D. Snow. “Collective Identity and Expressive Forms.” Pp. 2212-2219 in International
Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, edited by Neil Smelser and Paul D.
Baltes. Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press.
D. Snow. “Interactionism: Symbolic.” Pp. 7695-7698 In International Encyclopedia of
the Social and Behavioral Sciences, edited by Neil Smelser and Paul D. Baltes. Oxford,
UK: Pergamon Press.
D. Snow and C. Morrill. “Field Relations.” Pp. 25-29 in Encyclopedia of Social
Measurement, Vol. 2, edited by Kimberly Kempf-Leonard. San Diego, CA: Academic
J. Leufgen and D. Snow. “Survival Strategies.” Pp. 548-555 in Encyclopedia of
Homelessness, Vol 2, edited by David Levinson. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
D. Snow, S. Oselin, and C. Corrigall-Brown. “Identity.” Pp. 390-393 in Encyclopedia of
Social Theory, Vol. I, edited by G. Ritzer. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
D. Snow. “Frame.” Pp. 1178-1780 in Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Vol. IV,
edited by George Ritzer. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.
D. Snow. “Framing and Social Movements.” Pp. 1780-1784 in Blackwell Encyclopedia
of Sociology, Vol. IV, edited by George Ritzer. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.
Snow, David A.
Page 16
D. Snow, J. Leufgen, and M. Cardinale. “Homelessness.” Pp. 2146-2151 in Blackwell
Encyclopedia of Sociology, Vol. V, edited by George Ritzer. Oxford, UK: Blackwell
M. Marr and D. Snow. “Homelessness”. Encyclopedia of Social Problems, Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
P. Owens. and D. Snow. “Genocide and Social Movements” in D. Snow, D. della Porta,
B. Klandermans, D. McAdam (Eds), Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements.
Oxford, UK: Wiley/Blackwell
D. Snow. “Framing and Social Movements” in D. Snow, D. della Porta, B.
Klandermans, D. McAdam (Eds), Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements.
Oxford, UK: Wiley/Blackwell
D. Snow. “Contagion Theory” in D. Snow, D. della Porta, B. Klandermans, D.
McAdam (Eds), Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. Oxford, UK:
D. Snow. “Convergence Theory” in D. Snow, D. della Porta, B. Klandermans, D.
McAdam (Eds), Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. Oxford, UK:
D. Snow. “Case Studies and Social Movements” in D. Snow, D. della Porta, B.
Klandermans, D. McAdam (Eds), Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements.
Oxford, UK: Wiley/Blackwell
2013 D. Snow. “Discursive Fields” in D. Snow, D. della Porta, B. Klandermans, D. McAdam
(Eds), Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. Oxford, UK: Wiley/Blackwell
2013 D. Snow. “Grievances, Individual and Mobilizing” in D. Snow, D. della Porta, B.
Klandermans, D. McAdam (Eds), Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements.
Oxford, UK: Wiley/Blackwell
P. Owens. and D. Snow. “Genocide and Social Movements” in D. Snow, D. della Porta,
B. Klandermans, D. McAdam (Eds), Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements.
Oxford, UK: Wiley/Blackwell
D. Snow and R. Lessor. “Consciousness, Conscience, and Social Movements” in D.
Snow, D. della Porta, B. Klandermans, D. McAdam (Eds), Encyclopedia of Social and
Political Movements. Oxford, UK: Wiley/Blackwell
D. Snow and C. Corrigall-Brown. “Collective Identity.” Forthcoming in J. D Wright
(Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition. Oxford,
Snow, David A.
Page 17
D. Snow and A. Tan. “Social Movements.” Forthcoming in J. D Wright (Ed.),
International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition. Oxford, UK:
Review Essays
D. Snow and J. Heirling. "The Beleaguered Self: Chimera or Substance?" Review of
books by Gergen and Giddens in Contemporary Sociology 21: 846-848.
D. Snow and C. Morrill. "Reflections on Anthropology's Crisis of Faith." Review of
books by Herbert, Kuklick, and Stocking in Contemporary Sociology 22: 8-11.
D. Snow and C. Morrill. "A Revolutionary Handbook or a Handbook for Revolution."
Review of N. Denzin's and Y. Lincoln's Handbook of Qualitative Research in Journal of
Contemporary Ethnography 24: 341-349.
D. Snow and C. Morrill. "Ironies, Puzzles, and Contradictions in Denzin and Lincoln's
Vision for Qualitative Research." Rejoinder to Denzin and Lincoln in Journal of
Contemporary Ethnography 24: 358-362.
D. Snow and Y. Su. “Criminology, Racial Dehumanization and the Crime of Genocide in
Darfur.” Review of J. Hagan and W. Rymond-Richmond’s Darfur and the Crime of
Genocide (2009) in Contemporary Sociology 40: 10-12.
Book Reviews
A. D. Shupe, Jr. and D. G. Bromely, The New Vigilantes: Deprogrammers, AntiCultists, and the New Religions (Sage, 1980), in Sociology and Social Research.
W. A. Gamson, B. Fireman, and S. Rytina, Encounters with Unjust Authority (Dorsey
Press, 1982), in Social Forces.
L. D. Streiker, Mindbending: Brainwashing, Cults and Deprogramming in the 80s
(Doubleday, 1984), in Contemporary Sociology.
A. D. Shupe, Jr., D. G. Bromley, and D. L. Oliver, The Anti-Cult Movement in America:
A Bibliography and Historical Survey (Garland Publishing, 1984), in Contemporary
A. Paul Hare, Social Interaction as Drama: Applications from Conflict Resolution (Sage,
1985), in Social Forces.
R. Wallis and S. Bruce, Sociological Theory, Religion, and Collective Action (The
Queens University, Belfast, 1986), in Contemporary Sociology.
M. N. Zald and J. D. McCarthy, Social Movements in an Organizational Society
(Transaction Books, 1987), in Contemporary Sociology.
Snow, David A.
Page 18
J. R. Hall, Gone from the Promised Land: Jonestown in American Cultural History
(Transaction Books, 1988) in American Journal of Sociology.
P. H. Rossi, Down and Out in America. The Origins of Homelessness (University of
Chicago Press, 1989) in Science (with Leon Anderson).
T. R. Rochon, Culture Moves: Ideas, Activism, and Changing Values (Princeton
University Press, 1998) in Contemporary Sociology.
P. Atkinson, A. Coffey, S. Delamont, J. Lofland, and L. Lofland, editors,
Handbook of Ethnography (Sage Publications, 2001) in Symbolic Interaction.
T. Gowan, Hobo . Hustlers, and Backsliders: Homeless in San Francisco
(University of Minnesota Press, 2010) in Social Service Review
Research Reports
D. Snow and L. Anderson. "The Homeless Street People of Austin: A Team-Field Study
in the mid-1980s." Final Report for the Hogg Foundation of Mental Health, 72 pp.
D. Snow and J. Shockey. “Report on Tucson’s Homeless Population, 1997-1998.” 60
R. Arum, E. Borland, K. Christopher, R. Moshman, and D. Snow. “Assessment of
Welfare Reform in Tucson: Conditions and characteristics of Current and Recent
Welfare Recipients in Two Low-Income Neighborhoods.” April 2000, 25 pp.
“Foreword.” Bobby Burns, Shelter: One Man’s Journey from Homelessness to Hope.
Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.
Entretien avec David Snow: “Le legs de l’Ecole de Chicago a la theorie de l’action
collective.” Politix: Reveue Des Sciences Sociales Du Politique 13: 151-162.
"Further Research on the Nature and Causes of Conversion," Summer Research Award,
University Research Institute, University of Texas, Austin, 1981
"Studies of Micromobilization Processes," Special Research Grant, University Research Institute,
University of Texas, Austin, 1984
"Homelessness in a Sun-Belt City: A Team Field Study of Its Nature, Causes, and
Consequences," Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, University of Texas, Austin, 19841985
"Further Research on Homelessness: A Proposal to Extend and Supplement a Current Study,"
Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, University of Texas, Austin, 1985-1986
"Research on Homeless and Marginal Families," Policy Research Institute, University of Texas,
Austin, 1986
"Organizing the Homeless: A Field Study of Mobilization Campaigns in Three Cities," Social
Snow, David A.
Page 19
and Behavioral Sciences Research Institute, University of Arizona, 1989
"Collective Action Among the Homeless," Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Institute,
University of Arizona, Tucson, 1989
"Mobilization Among the Homeless: A Multilevel, National Study of Collective Action,"
National Science Foundation, August 1990 to January 1993
“Welfare Reform in Tucson, Arizona: An Impact Assessment Study,” UA/Community
Partnership Grant (with Bureau of Applied Anthropological Research), 1998-1999
“Welfare Reform in Tucson, Arizona: An Impact Assessment Study,” Spivack Community
Action Research Award, American Sociological Association, 1999.
Seed Grant for “Development of Center for the Study of Collective Action,” Center for
Democracy, University of California, Irvine, 2002-2003.
“A Comparative Study of Homelessness in Four Global Cities: Los Angels, Paris, Sao Paulo, and
Tokyo,” National Science Foundation, July 2002 to July 2005.
Conference Grant from the Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California, Irvine,
Seed Grant for “Study of recruitment to and expansion of megachurches,” Center for Democracy,
University of California, Irvine, 2008.
Seed Grant for “Re-examination of Spontaneity in Protest Events and Social Movements,”
Center for Democracy, University of California, Irvine, 2012.
Seed Grant for two projects – one on genocide and another on social movements and inequality,
Center for Democracy, University of California, Irvine, 2012.
“Identity and Framing Theory, Precursor Activities, and the Radicalization Process,” with the
University of Arkansas, National Institute of Justice, January 2013 to January 2015.
Paper, Southwestern Sociological Association Meetings, Houston, Texas, 1978.
Paper, Southwestern Sociological Association Meetings, Houston, Texas, 1978.
Invited Lecture, Texas Heritage Conference, Austin, Texas, 1978.
Paper, Southwestern Sociological Association Meetings, Ft. Worth, Texas, 1979.
Invited Lecture, Symposium on Religion, sponsored by the Texas Union Ideas and Interactions
Committee, University of Texas at Austin, 1979.
Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, New York, 1980.
Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, New York, 1980.
Paper, the Southwestern Sociological Association Meetings, Dallas, Texas, 1981.
Invited Paper, Annual Meeting of the British Sociological Association, Sociology of Religion
Study Group, Lincoln, England, 1981.
Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, Toronto, Canada, 1981.
Paper, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Toronto, Canada,
Paper, Tenth World Congress of Sociology, Mexico City, Mexico, 1982.
Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, San Francisco, 1982.
Paper, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, 1982.
Paper, Pacific Sociological Association Meetings, San Diego, 1982.
Paper, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Providence, Rhode
Island, 1982.
Invited Paper, Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science,
Snow, David A.
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Symposium on Scientific Research and New Religions, Logan, Utah, 1983.
Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, Detroit, 1983.
Invited Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, Detroit, 1983.
Invited Paper, New Ecumenical Research Association Conference on "Toward the Twenty-First
Century: Problems and Prospects for New Religions," Berkeley, California, 1983.
Invited Lecture, Center for Urban Studies, University of Akron, Ohio, 1983.
Invited lecture, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1984.
Paper, Annual Meeting of the Association for the Sociology of Religion, San Antonio, 1984.
Invited Lecture, Honors Program, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, 1984.
Paper, Southwestern Sociological Association Meetings, Houston, Texas, 1985.
Invited Paper, Conference on Research Methods in Collective Behavior and Social Movements,
Collective Behavior/Social Movements Section of the American Sociological
Association, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, 1985.
Invited Paper, Council on European Studies Research Planning Group on Participation on Social
Movements, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1985.
Paper, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Washington, D.C.,
Paper, Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Association, New Orleans, 1986.
Invited Paper, International Workshop on Participation in Social Movements, Free University,
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1986.
Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, New York, 1986.
Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, New York, 1986.
Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, Chicago, 1987.
Paper, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Chicago, 1987.
Invited Paper, Meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science,
Boston, 1988.
Invited Paper, Workshop on Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, Collective Behavior, and
Social Movement Section of the American Sociological Association, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, 1988.
Invited Lecture, Workshop on Sociology of Culture, Department of Sociology, University of
Chicago, 1989.
Paper, Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, 1989.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 1989.
Invited Lecture, Interdisciplinary Symposium on "Broadening Perspectives on Homelessness,"
American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Los Angeles, 1990.
Invited Didactic Seminar, American Sociological Association Meetings, Cincinnati, 1991.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, 1991.
Paper, SSSI Gregory Stone Symposium, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1992.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, Catholic University, Washington, D.C., 1992.
Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, Pittsburgh, 1992.
Invited Paper, Plenary Session, Midwest Sociological Society Meetings, Chicago, 1993.
Paper, Midwest Sociological Association Meetings, Chicago, 1993.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, University of Chicago, 1994.
Invited Lecture, University Center, Atlanta, Georgia, 1994.
Paper, Pacific Sociological Association Meetings, San Diego, 1994.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 1995.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, Texas A & M University, College Station, 1995.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, University of Texas, Austin, 1995.
Snow, David A.
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Invited Paper, Conference on Cross-National Influences and Social Movement Research, Mont
Pèlerin, Switzerland, 1995.
Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, Washington, D.C., 1995.
Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, Washington, D.C., 1995.
Paper, Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Washington, D.C., 1995.
Invited Lecture, Davies Forum, University of San Francisco, 1995
Invited Lecture, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT, 1996.
Paper, Pacific Sociological Association Meetings, Seattle, WA, 1996.
Invited Lecture, Green Valley Forum, Green Valley, AZ, 1996.
Paper, Pacific Sociological Association Meetings, San Diego, CA, 1997.
Invited Paper, Conference on Self, Identity, and Social Movements, Indianapolis, IN, 1997.
Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, Toronto, 1997.
Invited Lecture, Departments of Political Science and Sociology, University of California, Irvine,
Taft Memorial Lecture, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, 1997.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 1998.
Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, San Francisco, 1998.
Invited Lecture, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1998.
Invited Lecture, Conference on Public Space and Social-Spatial Exclusion: Urban Practices, Sao
Paulo, Brazil, 1998.
Jensen Lecture, Duke University, Durham, NC, 1999.
Invited Lectures, Ecole Des Hautes Estudes En Sciences Sociales, Paris, France, 1999.
Invited Lecture, Fondation Nationale de Sciences Politiques, Paris, France, 1999.
Invited Lecture, Conference on Civic Cultures and Urban Democracies,” Centre Culturel
International de Cerisy, Cerisy-La-Salle, France, 1999.
Invited Panelist, American Sociological Association Meetings, Chicago, 1999.
Invited Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, Chicago, 1999.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, New York University, 1999.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, Stanford University, 2000.
Invited Paper, Conference on Islam and Social Movements, New York University, 2000.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, Ohio State University, 2000.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley, 2000.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, University of California, Davis, 2000.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, University of California, Irvine, 2000.
Invited Panelist, American Sociological Association Meetings, Washington, D.C., 2000.
Invited Paper, Fifth International Conference on Social Science Methodology, University of
Cologne, Cologne, Germany, 2000.
Invited Panelist, 7th Annual Conference on Homelessness, Arizona Coalition to End
Homelessness, Phoenix, 2001.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, University of Delaware, 2001.
Distinguished Speaker, Department of Sociology, University of Texas, Austin, 2001.
Invited Panelist, Pacific Sociological Association Meetings, San Francisco, 2001.
Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, Anaheim, CA, 2001.
Invited Panelist, Annual Meeting of The Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism,
Anaheim, CA, 2001.
Invited Lecture, Democracy Studies, Departments of Political Science and Sociology, and
Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2002.
Keynote Speaker, Annual Alpha Kappa Delta Initiation Ceremony, University of Arkansas,
Snow, David A.
Page 22
Fayetteville, April 2002.
Invited Presenter, Hope and History: Conference in Honor of William A. Gamson, Boston
College, June 2002.
Invited Plenary Lecture, Collective Behavior & Social Movement Conference on “Authority in
Contention,” University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, August 2002.
Invited Lecture, Conference on Ethnography for a New Century, University of California,
Berkeley, September 2002.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles, October 2002.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, University of California, San Diego, June 2003.
Invited Panelist, Workshop on the Scientific Foundations of Qualitative Research, National
Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. July 2003.
Invited Panelist, International Conference on Breaking the Barriers of Exclusion: Homelessness
and Public Policies, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo Brazil, August 2003.
Keynote Speaker, 6th Annual Chicago Ethnography Conference, Northwestern University.
Evanston, IL, February 2004.
Social Science Dinner Club Speaker, University of California, Irvine, March 2004.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, April 2004.
Invited Panelist, Pacific Sociological Association Meetings, San Francisco, April 2004.
Keynote Speaker, The Undergraduate Social Science Conference, University of Arizona, April
Invited Panelist, Social Movements and National Health Service Colloquium, London, UK,
May 2004.
Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, San Francisco, 2004.
Paper, Annual Meeting of The Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism,
San Francisco, 2004.
Invited Panelist, American Sociological Association Meetings, Philadelphia, August 2005.
Peter M. Hall Lecture, Midwest Sociological Society Meetings, Omaha, April 2006
Invited Lecture, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, Mexico City,
May 2006
Invited Seminar Presentation, Department of Sociology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, May
Invited Workshop Panelist, CDC Meeting on Obesity, Washington, D.C., July 2006.
Invited Panelist, Annual Meeting of The Society for the Study of Symbolic Interactionism.
Montreal, August 2006
Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, Montreal, August 2006.
Keynote Lecture, International Conference on Culture and Social Development, Fu Jen Catholic
University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2007
Invited Lecture, Graduate Institute for Social Research and Cultural Studies, National Chiao
Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2007
Invited Lectures, 2007 Beijing Summer Institute on Collective Action & Social Movements,
Renmin University of China, July 23 – August 3.
Paper, American Sociological Association Meetings, New York, August 2007
Invited Participant, Workshop on Automated Text Identification and Classification in the Social
Sciences, Pennsylvania State University, August 2007
Invited Paper, Conference on Health and Social Movements, University of Michigan, October
Invited Lecture, Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2007
Invited Paper, Workshop on Contentious Knowledge and the Diffusion of Social Protest,
Snow, David A.
Page 23
Cornell University, November 2007
Invited Seminar Presentation, Department of Sociology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA,
January 2008
Invited Presentation. Conference on Urban Ethnography, Yale University, New Haven, CT,
April 2008.
Invited Lecture, College of Wooster, Wooster, OH, February 2009.
Paper, Pacific Sociological Association, San Diego, April 2009.
Invited Presentation, Vu University, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 2009.
Invited Lecture, University of Paris, Paris, France, October 2009.
Invited Lecture, European University, Florence, Italy, October 2009.
Herman Holtz Distinguished Lecture, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, October 2009.
Invited Panelist, Pacific Sociological Association Meetings, Oakland, April 2010.
Invited Lecture, Summer Hard Problems Program, CIA and FBI Workshop, Phoenix, AZ
July 2010
Invited Lecture, Gino Germani Institute, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 2011
Invited Paper, Conference on Social Movement Outcomes, Berlin, Germany, June 2011
Invited Plenary Address, American Sociological Association Meetings, Las Vegas, August 2011
Invited Panelist, Southern Sociological Association Meetings, New Orleans, March 2012
Invited Grant Presenter, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., February 2013
Invited Public Lecture, Tulane University, New Orleans, February 2013
Invited Colloquium Lecture, Tulane University, New Orleans, February 2013
Paper, American Sociology Association Meetings, New York, August 2013.
Paper, American Sociology Association Meetings, New York, August 2013
Invited Lecture, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, September 2013.
Invited Lecture, Department of Sociology, UCLA, November 2013
Invited College Lecture, Pomona College, Pomona, CA., February 2014
Invited Panelist, Ethnography Conference, Yale University, April 2014
Invited Lecture, Tellus Institute, Boston, MA, April 2014
Invited Participant and Panelist, Global University Summit, Moscow, Russia, April 2014
Invited Grant Presenter, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., June 2014
Paper, American Sociology Association Meetings, San Francisco, August 2013
Editorial Board and Southwest Regional Editor, Qualitative Sociology, June 1982 - June 1987.
Book Review Editor, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography (formerly Urban Life), January
1987 - December 1989
Associate Editor, American Sociological Review, January 1990 - December 1992
Advisory Editor, The Sociological Quarterly, January 1990 - December 1992
Editorial Board, Sociological Perspectives on Social Psychology (volume sponsored by the
Social Psychology Section of the ASA), 1995.
Review Editor, Symbolic Interaction, March 1982 - present
Associate Editor, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, January 1990 - present
Editorial Board, National Journal of Sociology, 1987 - present
Editorial Board, Social Psychology Quarterly, Fall 1993 - 2000
Edited special issues of American Behavioral Scientist, 1994; Sociological Methods and
Research, 1997; and Social Psychology Quarterly, 1998.
Editorial Advisory Board, Mobilization: An International Journal, 1996-present
Snow, David A.
Page 24
Editorial Advisory Board, Social Movement Studies, 2001- present.
Editorial Committee, Annual Review of Sociology, V. 30, 2004
Academic Review Committee Argumentos. Revista de crítica social, University of Buenos
Aires, Argentina, 2011-present
University of Texas
Undergraduate Studies Committee, Department of Sociology, 1977-82
Undergraduate Advisor, Department of Sociology, 1977-82
Executive Committee, Department of Sociology, 1977-78, 1980-81, 1982-84
Graduate Steering Committee, Department of Sociology, 1980-81, 1983-85
Recruiting Committee, Department of Sociology, 1981-82, 1984-86, 1986-87
Graduate Admissions Committee, Department of Sociology, 1982-85, 1986-87
Graduate Advisor, Department of Sociology, June 1982 - September 1985
Chair of Recruitment Committee, Department of Sociology, 1984
Assistant Chair, Department of Sociology, 1986-87
University of Arizona
Recruitment Committee, Department of Sociology, 1987-88, 1989-90, 2000-2001
Chair of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions Committee, Department of Sociology, 1987-89
Executive Committee, Department of Sociology, 1987-88, 1988-89
Curriculum Committee, Department of Sociology, 1988-89
Ad Hoc Committee on the Graduate Program, Department of Sociology, 1989-90
Head, Department of Sociology, July 1990-July 1999
Heads and Directors Steering Committee, College of Social & Behavioral Sciences, Spring 1992
Zero-Based Budget Committee, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Spring 1994
Rieker Lecture Series Committee, 1992-95
Member of SBS Committee to Assess Hurwitz Goals, 1995
Chair, Head Search Committee, Department of Political Science, 1996
Chair, Head Search Committee, Department of Linguistics, 1998
External Review Committee, Academic Program Review, Department of Linguistics, 2001
University of California, Irvine
Recruitment Committee, Department of Sociology, 2001-2002, 2002-2003, 2005-2006
Graduate Studies Committee, Department of Sociology, 2001-2002, 2002-2003
Ad Hoc By-Laws Committee, Department of Sociology, 2005-2006
International Studies Board, School of Social Sciences, 2002-2005
University Writing Board, 2002-2005
Ad Hoc Faculty Review Committee, 2002, 2010
Ad Hoc Review Committee for Dean of Humanities, 2002-2003
Chair, Linguistics Review Committee, 2003
Dean’s Executive Committee, 2003-2007
Search Committee for Assistant Dean of Planning and Resources, School of Social Sciences, 2004
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Campus Distinctions Committee, 2004, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013
Center for the Study of Democracy Community Leadership Council, 2004-2008
Center for the Study of Democracy Executive Committee, 2004-2013
Faculty Athletic Representative, 2004-present
Chair, Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics, 2004-present
Faculty Athletic Representative to the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation, 2005-2008
Coordinator, Political Sociology and Social Movements Cluster, 2005-14
Ad Hoc Review Committee for Dean of Social Sciences, 2007
Ad Hoc Merit Review Committee for Provost’s Academic Record, 2007
Chair, Executive Committee, Big West Conference, 2007-2008
Chair, Search Committee for Director of Athletics, 2007
Colloquium Committee, Department of Sociology, 2009-2010
Co-Director, Center for Citizen Peacebuilding, 2009-present
Human Relations Committee, Department of Sociology, 2010-2014
Chair, Recruitment Committee for Dean of Social Sciences, 2012-2013
National Board Member, Olive Tree Initiative, 2013-present
Professional and Community
American Sociological Association
Member, Publications and Workshop Committee, Collective Behavior/Social Movements Section,
Chair, Publications and Workshop Committee, Collective Behavior/Social Movements Section,
Member, Council of the Collective Behavior and Social Movements Section, 1987-1988
Member, Committee on Professional Ethics (COPE), 1990-1993
Member, Distinguished Scholarly Publication Award Committee, 1990-1993
Chair, Collective Behavior and Social Movements Section, 1992-1993
Member, Book Award Committee, Collective Behavior and Social Movement Section, 1994
Member, Book Award Committee, Culture Section, 1994
Member, ASA Council, 1995-1998, 2009-2011
Member, ASA Committee on Publications, 2001-2004
Member, Council of the Social Psychology Section, 2001-2004
Member, Membership Committee, Sociological Research Association, 2004
Chair, Community and Urban Sociology Section, 2008-2010
Vice President-Elect, 2009-2010
Member, ASA Council, 2009-2012
Vice President, 2010-2011
Member, Program Committee for 2011 Meetings
Chair, Nominations Committee, 2011
Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction
Member, Program Committee for the 1983 Annual Meeting
Member, Publications Committee, 1983-1985
Chair, Publications Committee, 1984-1985
Local Arrangements Committee, 1984
Vice President, 1988-1989
President, 1992-1993
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Chair, Charles H. Cooley Book Award Committee, 1994-1995
Pacific Sociological Association
Vice President, 1993-1994
President, 1997-1998
Member, Endowment Committee, 2007-2011
Society for the Study of Social Problems
Member, C. Wright Mills Award Committee, Society for the Study of Social Problems, 1994-1995
Chair, C. Wright Mills Award Committee, Society for the Study of Social Problems, 1995-1996
Member, Board of Directors, 1997-2000
Other Professional
Member, Minority Studies and Status Committee, Southwestern Sociological Association, 19811982.
Organized and chaired numerous sessions at regional and national sociological meetings.
Served as discussant for numerous sessions at regional and national sociological meetings.
Reviewer of proposals for the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Reviewer for numerous professional journals.
Board Member of Consortium on Social Movement Studies (Cosmos), Department of Political and
Social Sciences of the European University Institute, 2012
Member, State Advisory Committee on Homelessness, Texas Health and Human Services
Coordinating Council, 1985
Member, Board of Directors, Primavera Foundation, Tucson, Arizona, 1990-2001
Vice President, Primavera Foundation, Tucson, Arizona, 1995-2001
Member, Advisory Board, Families Forward, Irvine, CA, 2004-present
Member, Orange County Homeless Center Technical Advisory Committee, 2007