Summary Income Statement Report Help

Summary Income Statement Report Help
Summary Income Statement Report Help
Report Key:
Click blue text and underlined numbers to drill down or link to a related report.
Positive numbers are black; negative numbers are red in parenthesis. Example:
Linked Detail Reports
Click on any blue account group name to see individual account amounts on the Detailed Income
Statement. Click any blue metric name to see individual group amounts for that metric.
Report Columns
Column Head
Business Rule
PTD Actual
Period to date actual amounts
(PTD GL Balance Debit –PTD GL Balance
Credit) * -1
PTD Budget
Period to date budget amounts
(PTD GL Budget Debit –PTD GL Budget
Credit) * -1
PTD Variance
Difference between Actual amounts and Budgeted
amounts for the reporting period
PTD Actual – PTD Budget
Ratio of Actual to Net Earned Revenue for the reporting
PTD Actual/Net Earned Revenue * 100
YTD Actual
Year to date actual Amounts
(YTD GL Balance Debit –YTD GL Balance
Credit) * -1
YTD Budget
Year to date budget amounts
(YTD GL Budget Debit –YTD GL Budget
Credit) * -1
YTD Variance
Difference between Actual amounts and Budgeted
amounts for year containing the reporting period
YTD Actual – YTD Budget
Ratio of Actual to Net Earned Revenue for year
containing the reporting period
YTD Actual/Net Earned Revenue * 100
Rows – Key Metrics
Key Metric Name
Business Rule
Total Labor
Direct Labor plus Indirect Labor. Cost of
all labor assigned to projects and to
direct labor + indirect labor
Total Overhead G&A (
Excluding Indirect Labor)
General & administrative overhead less
indirect labor
total overhead – indirect labor
Effective Multiplier
(Earned Revenue less all reimbursable
expenses) divided by total direct labor.
Net Earned Revenue / direct labor
Break Even Multiplier
(Total Budgeted OH plus Total Budgeted
Direct Labor) divided by Total Budgeted
Direct Labor. Also expressed as
overhead rate plus 1.00 for direct labor.
(total overhead + direct labor )/ direct
NER/Revenue %
Net Earned Revenue divided by Revenue
expressed as a percentage
(Revenue – Direct Expenses)/Total
Revenue * 100
Utilization Ratio
Ratio of direct labor to total labor
direct salaries / (Indirect salaries+ direct
Summary Income Statement Report Help
Key Metric Name
Business Rule
Labor Efficiency (Z Factor)
Net Earned Revenue divided by labor cost
(Revenue-Direct Expenses)/(total labor)
OG&A(Excluding IDL) % of
Ratio of (overhead other than labor) to
total overhead – indirect labor /
Operating Income % of NER
Ratio of operating income to NER
operating income (before allocations) /
Direct Labor Hours
Hours charged to a billable project where
Expense Type = Regular Time or OT
and Expense Category = Labor
Imported from Time Sheets during
Indirect Labor
Sum(Amounts) posted to Accounting
Group ‘06 Indirect Salaries’
Includes charges to GOH Technical,
PTO, Sick, Holiday and Other
Labor Multiplier
Labor Revenue divided by Labor Expense
total revenue labor / total Expenses
Revenue Per Hour
Direct Labor Revenue divided by Direct
Labor Hours
Account 4000 Revenue – Labor Actual /
Direct Labor Hours
Number of employees assigned to the
project as of the report period
Project assignment start date is before
or within the fiscal year and project
assignment end date is after the start of
the fiscal year or report period
Project Backlog
The amount of budgeted revenue not yet
Revenue Budget –Revenue Actual
Ner Per Employee
Net Earned Revenue divided Headcount
(Revenue –Direct Expenses) /